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NAME: ___________________________ DATE:___________


Fill in the blanks with a suitable word from the table below.
virus healthy hold furthermore stagnant
spreads knowledge thoroughly body down
breeding running scourge cycle prevent
dusk weapon caused transferred death

Dengue fever is a disease which is _____________ by a virus called Dengue Virus. A

healthy individual gets dengue fever when an Aedes mosquito carrying the Dengue

___________ bites him. Dengue fever attacks both children and adults. Dengue fever is

dangerous and can cause ______________.

Aedes mosquito usually can be seen early in the morning and at ____________. It only

breeds in clear ________________ waters and not dirty or _______________ drain waters. When

an Aedes mosquito bites a sick person who is _______________ with Dengue fever. The Aedes

mosquito carries the Dengue virus in its ______________. Later, when it bites a ______________

person, the Dengue virus from its body is _______________ to the healthy persons body and he

gets sick with Dengue fever. As the _____________ repeats, the Dengue fever slowly

_________________ to others.

In order to_______________ Dengue fever, we must destroy its _______________ places.

Clean every flower pots, bath tubs, ant traps and other things and places which can hold clean

stagnant water. Throw away every bottle or broken glasses, old tyres and coconut husks.

_________________, make sure every place which can ___________water is cleaned


In conclusion, equipping oneself with the ___________________about Dengue fever and

the Aedes mosquito is a powerful _________________ which can help to put a stop to the Dengue


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