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Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs
Nama :

No Peserta : -.t-:

What is the text about?
A. A waming that the place is unsafe.
B. An instruction to avoid the avalanche.
C. The information that the area is quite safe.
D. A command that the avalanche should be careful.
The following text is for questions 2 and 3.
Dear Susi,

Congratulations on your success in "The National English Storytelling Competition for

Junior High School Student 2013."
You have beaten other finalists from all over Indonesia. You are best of the best. I knew
you r.vould win. You are so talented. Your English is excellent. You can act, sing and
dance, too. I'm so proud of you.
I'm sure you'll be more successflll in the fr-rture.

Hug & kisses,


2. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform other finalists of the competition resuh
B. To show that Ria is very proud ofherself.
C. To praise Susi on her success in wiming the stor).telling competition.
D. To encourage Susi to join the National English Stoq4elling Competition.

3. Which sentence in the text express a compliment?

A. You are so talenred.
B. I k norv you would win.
C. You have beaten other finalists.
D. You'll be more successful in the future.

P-7C-t0i112011 "'llik ('iptl ]\rJ.r l,Usiil P rjliril l,c'Dd id ikan -R,.\ l.l IB,\\(j,K l:\1t)lK Di l)
Diunduh dari
| ililtilIil illlilltiltilillil ilil tfl ilil

Bahasa Inggris SMP/NITs

TIic following text is for questions 4 to 7,
llanjarmasin, October 1 0"' 20 I3

Derr Naialr.

Hello Najah. How are you? I hope you are okay. I'Iorv was your holiday? Did you enjoy
it? I enjoyed mine very much.

I would like to tell you about my unforgettable experience. Last school holiday, my
lamily and I went to Mount Bromo. Have you been there? It was so beautiful.

We went by car. We reached Cemoro Lawang in the evening and rested in an inn. We
decided to see the sunrise the next moming. Seeing the sunrise from the peak of a
mountain is a new experience for me.

Early in the morning, we rode on horses up to the mountain but some other people
preferred jeep to horse. The weather was very cold and the fog was thick. We crossed a
vast black desserl: The dessert is about ten kilometres wide and we walked toward the
peak at 5.00. arn. and saw the sunrise. It was fantastic.

That's all tbr now. Write to me soon. Okay?


4. What is the text about?

A. A trip to Mount Bromo.
B. . Spending a school holiday.
C. The beauty of Mount Bromo.
D. The sunrise over Mount Bromo.

5. How did they reach the peak of the mountain?

A. By car.
B. On foot.
C. By jeep.
D. On horse.
6. The writer wanted to see sunrise in Bromo because ....
A. Mount Bromo is close to their house
B. she u,anted to ride a horse
C. it rvas a new thing lor her
D. could see a vast dessert
7. "lt rvas so beautiful" (paragraph 2).
What does ''it" here refer to?
A. The peak.
B. The desserl.
C. The sunrise.
D. Mount Bromo.

P-ZC-2011r20l1 tllak (lipt{paLh PIsar l,cnilaian penclidika|JlALITIIA\C-KllNlDlKIl t.I)

Diunduh dari
r iltilIil til ililil Iil ililililfl ilIilil fiil
Bahasa Inggris SMPAVITs
The following textis for questions 8 and 9.
To: All English Club Members

We'd like to invite you to the coordination meeting to prepare for the Students' English
Profioiency Competition which will be held next month. The meeting will be held
tomoro\4,, October 71h,2013 after school. Don't miss it.

ish Club Chaiunan

8. Who is Majid?
A. The participant.
B. One olrhe sludents.
C. English club member.
D. English club chairman.
9. What is the purpose of the text?
To choose the best competition.
To be the winner in the competition.
To invite majid's friends to join the comperition.
To invite the club members to attend the meeting.

The fo is for estions 10 and 11.

NatraBurstTM is a powerful lbod source consisting of a wide variety of premium
ingredients, which work together to provide a variety of health benefits. Each serving
contains the equivalent of more than 6 vegetables and fruits, with an ORAC value of
4.000+. Additionally, NatraBurstTM help support lean muscle mass with its
concentration of high quality protein.
Increase energy
Reduce appetite
Promote Fat Loss
. AntiAging
o Promote Healthy Skin


10. What's the benefit of consuming NatraBurst,?
A. Increase appetite
B. Decrease energy
C. Promote lirt loss
D. Prrrrrrol..healtlrr hrril
11. The purpose ofthe text is ....
A. ro wzmt the reader thc cla:tgcr of the product
B. to describe the composition olthe product
C. to persuade people to consrure the product
D. to tell the reader how to use the product

I'-,/('l(rl l,l0 t I 'll]k (iipir grJl l)rLslr l).rril ,i3n lc'|iii,likirn-ll \l.illt,\\(,..L1.1,1)ll\jJt t)
Diunduh dari
lllrilrillillilIililffi ffi ilIiltilfiil
Bahasa Inggris SMP/1MTs
The following text is for questions 12 and 13.
Essenfial Blog Course



12. The result ofjoining this course is ....

A. we can apply the same cotlrse
B. students capable ofniaking a blog
C. Daffa will get much profit
D. the course will grou, bigger
The underlined word is synonymous with ....
A. useless
B. impo(ant'
C. unnecessary
D. beneficial

The following text is lbr questions L4 to 16.



Since yotr are not library members yet, you need to complete the documents below:
l. Registration fonn (available at the Iibrary).
2. 2 colour photographs (2x3 cm in size).
3. A recommendation letter from the principal .

You'll be attended by the library ol]icer from September 2 to September 16,

2013 during working hour. The card will be in your hand a week after the
closing date of registration. Being a member is obligatory in our school. Make
sure that you submit all the documents.

Mr. Raja.
I-{ead of Li

14. A nerv student can rcgister as a library member on ....

A. Septernber 2 to September 16,2013
B. any day during the working hour
C. the day they enrol in thr: school
D. the lleck afier the closing date

P-ZC-201 r/10r4 ':'llak Ciptag|ria Plrsal Pcnilaian l,cndidijiar-tsAlt'IBANC-KLj\lDIKLl t. t)

Diunduh dari
l lltilil lil ilililil Ifi ililil ililt til ltil
Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs
15. It is said that one of the stridents, obligations is to ....
A. contact the library oflicer
B. fulfil and submit their name
C. have a library card immediately
D. get permission from the principal

16. "The card will be in vour hand..."

What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Mr. Raja's.
B. The studenrs'.
C. Library olficers'.
D. The principal's.
The following text is for questions 17 to 19,
Banjarmasin Tour

First day :
Arrive at Syamsudin Noor Airport, proceed to Borneo Hotel
Free time to look around
Second day: -

1. 06.00: arrive at Lok Baintan, where you can taste traditional Banjarese
2. 08.00: sight seeing along Barito river
3. 15.10: stop at Pulau Kaget to see Bekantan (long-nosed monkeys)
Third day :
01.00: travel to Cempaka village traclitional diamond digging
2. 18.00: back to the hotel and dinner time.
Fourth day :
1. 07.00: go to Loksado which is locared 250 km away liom
2. 12.00: have lunch in small cottage
3 13.00: journey by bamboo rafting to explore Meratus Mountain and Amandit river
4. 18.00: go back to the hotel, the end of the tour.

17 . What does the texl tell us about?

A. Tour to Baniamasin.
B. Banjarmasin 4-day tour schedule.
C. Banjarmasin culit.rary.
D. Banjarmiisin tourist resort.
18. What will they do on the last day of the tour,/
A. Riding boat along the river.
B. Going out of Banjarmasin to Loksado.
C. Flaving a culinary tour to Banjarese village.
D. Hunting fbr traditional diamond diggers in Cempaka village.
19. "Jor-rrne], by bamboo rafting to explore Meratus Mountain
The underlined word is synonymous with .. ..
A. trip
B. trap
C. experience
D. exploretion

l)-l( -:()tj l0t,l iiI|

Iirl: |:rilu Prrslr I)urrilaicn pc Llidikau_8..\l_l,l jlA-\(;-KIl\.ll)lKB
I (.
\ t-. D
Diunduh dari
IIililtil til fl il til lllilt tfr ilil til flil

Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs

The following text is for questions 20 to 23.

l. Find a safe, isolated area for your motorcycle riding practice. Make sure to have
an experienced rider nearby to supervise you.
2. Starl slowly, practicing the basics olaccelerating and braking in first gear.
3. Manoeuvre your bike using a method klown as counter steering. While moving at
speed roughly above l0 mph. push the handgrip on the side you rvish to turn
tor.r,ards. If you to turn right, Iean slightly to the right while pushing the right
hardgrip arvay from your body.
4. Practice shifting between gears. Once you have the confidence at lower speeds
you may wish to practice shifting into the higher gears. Achieving this lluidity
will take practice and muscle memory.
5. Work your way gradually towards streets and highways. Recall all of the laws and
proper practice for safe riding you learned in order to receive your driving license.

20. What is the best title for the text?

A. A safe place for riding motorcycle.
B. The best way to be an experienced rider.
C. The basic way of counter steering method.
D. Learning to ride a motorcycle for a beginner.
21. What should you do to receive your driving license?
A. Develop your muscle memory.
B. Move at a speed above 10 mph.
C. Recall the law and practice safe riding.
D. Practice shifting gears and muscle memory.
22. ". . .
an experienced rider nearby to supervise you."(step 1)
The underlined word has the closest meaning r.vith ....
A. to follow
B. to instruct
C. to be super
D. to keep an eye

23. ". .. yg! leamed in order to . .." (steps 5)

lhc underlined word refers to ....
A. experienced rider
B. the supervisor
C. the readers
I). the writer

!llill( Cjpla Fada Pusal Pcnilaia l'cndidik.n-8.\l,t'i BAr '\(i-KlNlDlKB UD

p-ZC-20llr20 tl
Diunduh dari
ltililtiliil ililillillliltiltfl ilil til flil

Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs

The lbllowine text is for cucstions 24 to 26.
T'otlay we are going to have school bazaar with art and music perfbrmances by
studcnts anci popular guest stars. We have prepared a lot for this celebration. 'fhere is a
hugc tent and a big stage in the schoolyard. Around the yar.d, there are a lot of slalis fbr
stuclents' exhibitions, works ad projecrs. There's also photo exhibition of all activities
rve did in this school year. Apart fiom that, there are food stalls, book & stationery
sales. etc. Some sludents even dress in anime cosplay costumes. They all look great.

'1'hc bazaar will o{ficially start at nine o'clock. It is opened with a speech from the
school principal who will hit a gong at the end ofhis speech to mark the opening ofthe
plogram. There will be a few more spoeches before it goes off with the entertainment

l-1. What time does the school bazaar begin?

A. At 9.00 a.m
B. At 8.45
C. At 9.15 a.m
D. At 7.45 a.rn.
25. t he purpose ol the text is . . . .
A. to invite students to come to at the school bazaar
Il. to describe a bazaar in the writer's school
C. to encourage reader to visit the r.vriter,s school
I). ro amounce an activity to ceiebrale the end of the school year

26. Wl.rtrt pellormances are there in the bazaar?

A. Art and music.
B. Photo exhibitions.
C. Anime cosplay costumes.
D. Students' works and projects.

Read th,e ttixt and answer 30.

Yesterday, my family and I went to the zoo, to ,"e the ilephart" lnd othe
animais. we went by car and left home at 7 a.m. It took about on" urd hulf hours to get
to the zoo.
Wiren we got to the zoo, we went directly to the pet shop to buy some animal
lbod we spent fifteen thousand rupiahs on the food. After getting the food, we flrst
..isited the nocturnal house where birds and reptiles-which only come out at night were
clisplayed. It was really interesting. After that we went for a ride on an elephant.
It u,as a
ihrill! My dad nearly fell offwhen he let go ofthe rope.
At 12.15 p.m.. my mom and my sisters prepared the lunch. We ate our lunch
irncler a-big trec nea'the elephant area. After lunch, we wcnt to the bird park. we
sor.rc of the birds inside the park. when we returned home we were tir;d but
because rve had so much fun.

27. Thc rext above tells us about ....

A. animals in the zoo
B. riding an elephant
C. 1'eeding the bird
D. a trip to the zoo

J)-lll-2()ll l0 t I !llak Lipra pada pusar pcnilaian pcndidikan_BALI.t BANC_Ktrj!,1DlKBL.t)

Diunduh dari
ilfiilt] til lillil til ilililtfl ililt til ilil
Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs
28. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. The family r,vent to the zoo.
B. They bought food in the zoo.
C. The trip to the zoo took one hour.
D. They left their house late aftemoon.
29. Where did the w,riter go right after ariving at the zoo?
. A. Pet shop.
B. Bird park.
C. Elephant area.
D. Noctumal house.
30. What were the family doing under the tree? They were ....
A. feeding the bird
B, eating their lunch
C. watching animal
D. riding an elephant
Read the following text and answer questions 31 to 34.
A long timd ago. there was an orchard which was owned by a rich couple 4nd filled with
the most delicious tamarind trees. One day, a fairy decided to test the couple's
generosity. She came to the orchard, dressed as a poor, old rvoman and begged for the
couple to give her a few fruits since she was very hungry. The selfish couple let their
dogs loose on l.rer. The old woman r,".as bitten by the dogs and badly injured. She touched
the giant tamarind tree and cursed, "Your greed shall be punished". As the woman
walked away, the sky darkened and a ferocious storm broke out. The downpour
continued until late at night.
The next morning, the sky was clear and blue. The couple came to tend their orchard and
they were bewildered to find their entire orchard gone. Instead, there was water
everywhere. When they looked down into the water, they could still see their precious
trees at the bottom of the lake. People call the lake "Sampaloc Lake" which means
Tamarind I-ake in Ensli

3i. What is the text mostly about?

A. The most delicious tamarind fruit.
B. A rich couple and an old woman.
C. A very poor, hungry old woman.
D. The legend of Sampaloc Lake.

32. Why did the fairy decide to change herself into a poor old woman? She ....

A. wanted to taste the delicious tamarind trees

B. wanted to test the rich couple's generositv
C. necded help liom the orchard owner
D. knew that the ricl.r couple was greedy
What is the main idea ofthe second paragraph?
A. The orchard rvas buried at thc bottom of the lake.
B- The orchard had gone before heavy rain lbll dorvn.
C. The rich couple was glad to see the sk-v rvas clear and blue.
D. The disappcarance ofthc orchard made the couple confused.

P-Za-2013/2014 cHak Cipta pada Pusat Pcrlilaian Pcrididrkan-BAI.ITBANC-KINIDIKtsUD

Diunduh dari
I tililil til illlillil ililil til illfl til ilil
Bahasa Inggris SMPiIVITs
31. \\/hat can we learn form the story above? We must . . ..
A. share with others and shouldn't be stingy.
B. be extra careful with strangers.
C. work hard to be successful.
D. be patient in our life.
The Following text is for questions 35 to 39,
Held annually as a community celebration, Dieng festival presents various art and
cultural performances. Dieng's finest product exhibition, and to top it all is the unique
dreadlock kids' ritual ceremonies (or Ruvtatan anak gembel/gimbal).
The Festival features Dieng's own distinct traditional art forms such as the Rodad
Dance. Lengger Dance. Rampak Yakso, Warokan, Barongsai. Cakil Dance, and Wayang
Kulit or Javanese leather puppet show.
As the rlain feature of the festival. the ceremonies of shaving off the kids'
dreadiock hair are truly exceptional. While gtobally dreadlock hair is commonly known
liom Jamaica, in the highlands of Dieng, dreadlock is a mystical feature which only
occurs in children. According to local belief, these kids are somehow chosen by their
ancestors to hold these gifts, and that the dreadlock must not be trimmed until the
children ask lor it. The precious moments when these dreadlocks are shaven are
celebrated in a series ofritual ceremonies known as the ruwatdn anak gimbal.
The ceremonies a(e started with the procession of the dreadlock kids around the
villagc. Thcy are paraded on Javanese traditional horse drawn carriage or Dokar guarded
b,v l,Ianggala Yudha or royal troops and followed by various traditional art processions.
Then they are taken to the Arjuna Temple in the Dieng Temple complex where the ritual
of the dreadlock hair cutting will take place. Subsequently, the hair will be taken to the
lake anC as svmbol of retumins the hair to the ancestors.

35. The suitable title for the text above rs ....

A. Dieng cultural festival
B. Dieng traditional dances
C. Dieng temple complex
D. Dreadlock hairstyle
36. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. The ritual ofcutting the children's dreadlock is exceptional.
B. Javanese traditional horse drawn carriages is called dokar.
C. Dieng people have their orvn troops ofarmy.
D. The ritual is a long and complicated process.
37. Where is the ritual originated?
A. .Tava
B. Dieng
C. J:maica
D. Villages

38. thc children's hair taken to the lake?

WJr-v is
A. To be guarded by the royal troops
B. To be exhibited to the community
C. As a symbol that they are the chosen one
D. ,\s a symbol ofreturniug it to the anoestors

' HaL ('iN".1 |rrla I' Sar I'rL)ilirran l'cndrdiliarr-ll,-\1.1 1L].'\\(i-Kl]\'lt)lKllLil)

Diunduh dari
ilililil til lillillil ilillIil ilil| til llil
Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs
39. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To entertain readers
B. To describe a certain hairstyle
C. To describe cultural activities
D. To retell about special children

For uestions 40 to choose the correct word to co the text.

After the class was over, I (40) ... the school quickly. My watch showed 2:30 p.m.
as I got on my bicycle. I pedalled hard and was soon speeding home. My thought went
back to the math(41) ... that I had just had in class. I could remember (42) ... how I read
the formula asain and asain last I was elad that I had studied hard for that test.

40. A. left
B. went
C. came
D. visited

41. A. problem
B. lesson
C. story
D. quiz
42. A. clearly
B. slowly
C. loudly
D, softly
For estions 43 to 45. co the with the words ed.
My Bedroom
My bedroom is (43) .... It's about four meters long and three meters wide. There is a bed
across the door. A desk and a chair stand near the window. On the comer, stand three door
wooden cupboards to (44) ... all of my stuff and my clothes. On the centre of the ceiling, a
twenty-watt spiral lamp gives enough light for the entire of the room and functions as a
reading lamp as well. I really thanked to my father who designed the room because I have
and I stav (45) ... in it.

43. A. fabulous
B. spacious
C. hazardous
D. tremendous
44. A. keep
B. reach
C. move
D. share

45. A. comfortably
B. awkwardly
C. clumsily
D. quietly

P-ZC-201 _r/2011 '"1{ak Cipt.r'pada Pusat Pcnilaian Pcndiclikan-llAl-l lts,\N(i,KD\IDIK Bt ID

Diunduh dari
ilililnil ililtilt ililtil ilil ililt til ilil
Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs
46. Arrange the following words into a correct sentence.
A. 9- 1-5 -2*6-3-'/ -4-8
B. 9- l -5 -2-6-3-4,8-7
c. 3-i-8-7-6-9-4-5-2
D. 3-4-8-7-6-9-1*5-2
47. Arrange the following words into a correct sentence.
Overseas - should - are going - people - who - have - a passport
A. 4-5-3-1-2-6-7
B. 4*6-7-1,-2-3-5
c. 4-5-6-7-2-3-1
D. 4-5-2-6-7*3-1
48. Arrange the following words into a correct sentence.
When - ! - studving English - last night - was - you - came
A. 1-2*3-4-6-5-7
B. 2-5*3-t-6-7*4
c. 3-4*5-6-7-2_1
D. 4-t*2-5-3-6-1
49. Arrange the following sentences into a meaningful passage.

How to make vanilla milk shake.

1 . After that, cut it into chunks

2. Puree again, make sure all ingredients mixed thoroughly

3. Your delicious vanilla milk shake is ready
4. First, peel the bananas
5. Puree until ingredients mixed thoroughly
6. Add ice cream and vanilla extract according to your taste
7. Then place the bananas and some milk in the blender

A. 4-1-7-5-6_2-3
B. 7_1_4-6_5_2_3
c. 1-7-4-5_6_3-2

-ZC-2013 t20 11 sHak

CiptNpada Pusar Pel1itaian peudidikan-BALITBANG-K,EMDIKBLtD
Diunduh dari
ilItililI til Iililt il ililfl til ilililil illl
Bahasa Inggris SMPMTs
50. Arrange the following sentences into a correct passage.
1. Hold the shutter halfuay. It is very important to set the camera's focus, shutter speed
and various other calculations.
2. Hold.up your camera and put the object in centre of the LCD.
3. A square should appear around the object indicating the focus.
4. Press shutter all the way down.
5. ljse the zoom control for the best result.

A. 2-5-l-3-4

-ZC-2013 t2014 sHak Cipta;ada

P Pusat Penilaian pcndidikan-BAIITBANC-KEN,IDlKB UI)

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