The Science in Science Fiction - Nicholls, Peter, 1939

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PETER NICHOLLS, general editor and author of chapters 1, 2, 5 and part of 7, is

a writer and editor with special interest in science fiction. His book
The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction won the prestigious Hugo awEird in 1979 for
the best non-fiction book in the science fiction field.

DAVID LANGFORD, author of chapters 4, 6, 10 and 12, trained as a physicist

at Oxford University. He has written several books dealing with science and
futurology, and one science fiction novel.

BRIAN STABLEFORD, author of chapters 3. part of 7, 8, 9 and 11, graduated

from the University of York with first-class honours in biology. He has done
research in biology and sociology, and is author of many works of science fiction.
Digitized by the Internet Archive
in 2009
General Editor Peter Nicholls
Contributors David Langford Brian Stableford

Alfred A. Knopf
New York 1983

Copyright (&1982 by Roxby Science Fiction Limited

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American

Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in
Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.
Distributed by Random House, Inc., New York.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Main entry under title:

The Science in science fiction.

BibUography: p.
Includes index.
1. Science Popular works. 2. Science fiction.
I. NichoUs, Peter, 1939- II. Langford,

David. III. Stableford, Brian M.

Q162.S4127 1983 500 82-14834
ISBN 0-394-53010-1
0-394-71364-8 (pbk.)

This book was created and produced by Roxby Science Fiction

Limited, Roxby and Lindsey Press, 98 Clapham Common
Northside, London SW4

Editor; Carolyn Eardley

Design: Elizabeth Palmer
Picture Research: Janet Croall and Peter Nicholls
Typesetting: York House Typographic
Reproduction by: F.E. Burman Limited, London

Manufactured in Spain

First American Edition


Introduction 7

CHAPTER 1 Journey into space

Starships: the problem of distance
Starships: propulsion methods
The ramscoop starship
The generation starship
Where are the space arks?
Space habitats
Sports in space
Mining the Moon and the asteroids
Colonizing other planets

CHAPTER 2 The secret is energy

Where has all the power gone?
Nuclear fission
Energy doubling and waste heat
Nuclear fusion
Renewable energy sources
Solar power from satellites
Far-future energy

CHAPTER 3 Aliens
Are we alone?
Alien inteUigences on Earth
First contact
Alien body chemistry
AUen appearances
Alien life-styles
Alien societies

CHAPTER 4 The limits of the possible

Imaginary science in science fiction
Faster than light and relativity
Instantaneous communication
The beginning of the universe
Gravity and antigravity
Stars, neutron stars and black holes
Entropy and the end of the universe

CHAPTER 5 Time travel and other universes

What is time?
Time travel in science fiction
Time as scientists see it
Time travel in physics
Alternative universes in science fiction
Alternative universes in physics

CHAPTER 6 Holocaust and catastrophe

Warfare in science fiction
Future weaponry
CBW: chemical and biological warfare
Nuclear holocaust
Natural disasters

Today, more than ever before, we surprising that numerous writers

are aware of the future. The images predicted the atom bomb many
of science fiction are being thrown years before the first such weapon
at us from all sides, whether we are was actually built.
enthusiasts or not. We can only It can even be argued that
guess at how accurate these images science fiction helps to create the
of the future will turn out to be. very futures it describes, by
They cannot be correct, because
all preparing people's minds for them.
they contradict one another. In one Take the example of space travel.
scenetrio humanity is reaching for The space race was set off by the
the shimmering silver ships;
steirs in launching of the first Russian
in another we live in a nightmare of Sputnik. Obviously, in terms of
computerized surveillance systems; improved surveillance techniques
in a third, mankind is reduced to a and possible advances in weaponry,
handful of demoralized, tribal the Russians had much to gain by
savages, scrabbling for a living entering space. But it is surely more
among the ruins of a once great than coincidence that Konstantin
civilization. We do not know which Tsiolkovsky, the first scientist to
of these and hundreds of other work out the theory of astronautics
edternatives will turn out to be and rocketry, the father of space
right, but we can ask, 'Could this flight, was also a science fiction
scenario happen?' In other words, writer. His visionary works were
are these images of the future enormously popular in Russia, and
grounded in reed science? his widely pubUcized dreams
Science fiction is seldom, how- encouraged the Russian people to
ever, intended as direct prediction. desire the reality. Similarly, the
More commonly, it asks the American response to Sputnik went
question, 'What if . Although
.?' beyond the practical orbital
few science fiction writers will admit satellites to the deeply romantic
to being in the prophecy business, a landing on the Moon. Why did
many of their predictions have come the hard-headed American govern-
true: from the water bed to the atom ment grant NASA
such a huge
bomb, from H.G. Wells's tanks to budget for a project with not much
Aldous Huxley's euphoria drugs, chance it seemed initially of a
from artificial satellites (first practical payoff? Surely the attempt
predicted in 1869) to the most to regain international prestige is
spectacular of aU mankind's first not the whole story; many of the
steps on the surface of the Moon. senators and congressmen who
There is no miracle involved voted money for the conquest of the
when science fiction writers make Moon must have shared, in a sense,
good predictions. The good ones a childhood dream; the reaching of
keep abreast of scientific and the Moon was the central, passion-
technological developments. Jules ate symbol of the science fiction
Verne, to take an early example, did they had grown up with.
not himself invent the submairine. There are many different kinds
But he knew of developments in of science in science fiction. The
submarine engineering of which his best known variety consists of
readership did not, and was able to imaginary future technologies that
extrapolate from these. The same are extrapolated (like Jules Verne's
appUes to nuclear power. Ever since submarine) from what we already
the discovery of radioactivity in the know. Some of these developments
last century, scientists have will almost certainly take place in
theorized about the energy locked the near future; cloning, for
up in the atom. It is not therefore example, and the creation of
machine intelligences. Others, such though it is not always good literature, aimed at immature and
as ramscoop starships, may still be science. We have as much to say credulous minds, and completely
rather a long way off. More than about the antimatter drive of Star isolated from the mainstream. Yet,

half of this book is about specula- Trek and the space battles of Star since then,America has produced
tive science of this kind. Wars as we do about the clones more good science fiction writers
Another important kind of imagined in Aldous Huxley's more than any other country.
science in science fiction is litereu-y classic, Brave New World. It was not until the 1950s that

'imaginary' science, which tends to Science fiction about as old as

is much science fiction, especially in
be much more speculative and often modern science; it dates back to the the USA, reached the comparative
much sillier than the first sort. industrial revolution. Its changing respectabiUty of book pubUcation.
Most forms of imaginary science nature throughout the nineteenth But the pulp magazines had already
used to be regarded merely as useful and twentieth centuries has been, improved miraculously, so far as
plot devices, exploitedby writers among other things, a reflection of scientific plausibihty went, by the

who did not seriously beUeve that the changing nature of science itself, beginning of the 1940s. This was
they could ever exist in reality. where the old, mechanistic because a new generation of writers
Three of the commonest examples certainties have been lost, to be who really knew and cared about
are time machines, hyperspace replaced by a much more complex, science had arrived on the scene.
traveUing, and the idea of alternate tenuous and uncertain pattern of Many of their names are
universes. Yet modern physics now nature's workings. But science remembered well,and some of them
gives some warrant for ideas as fiction, along with pubUc are still writing
Robert Heinlein
strange as these and even stranger. understanding generally, has often and Isaac Asimov were among
We can no longer afford to dismiss lagged behind. Long after the atom them. Their stories were still very
'imaginary' science quite as was known by physicists to be made often written in the crude, racy,
contemptuously or patronizingly as up of a complex, uncertainly hard-bitten dialect of the pulps, but

was recently the case. Chapters 4 shifting pattern of protons, neutrons their ideas were fresh and
and 5 of this book are largely and electrons, science fiction writers hypnotically interesting. Most of

devoted to the imaginary science in were stiU producing stories about our book is devoted to this
science fiction. incredible shrinking men who generation of writers, and to the
Then there is the controversial discover that atoms are sohd Uttle increasingly sophisticated writers
science: those areas of speculation worlds with tiny people including who have built on their foundations.

that are rejected by a majority of princesses

hving on their surface. But today's writers are not immune
the scientific community, but Things are on the whole more to ignorance and foohshness. We
pursued by an extremely well plausible now, at least in science have thus included a final chapter
pubUcized minority. We look at fiction in its written form. But on the 'wrong' science in science
some of these in Chapters 10 and science fiction in comics, in fiction the often repeated howlers
11, and ask such questions as: 'Are illustrations, in the cinema and on of then and now.
our television screens stiU commits Chapters 1, 2 and 5 and part of
there really flying saucers?', 'Does
telepathy exist?', 'Did Uri Geller a great mainy howlers. 7 are by Peter NichoUs; Chapters 3,
really bend forks?', 'Was there an There has always been some part of 7, 8, 9 and 11 are by Brian
Atlantis?'. science fiction thatwas plausible Stableford; Chapters 4, 6, 10 and 12
Not all science fiction is about and responsible. Wells, Huxley and are by David Langford. At the end
science. Much of it is thinly quite a few others had fine, trained, of the book we have included a

disguised fantasy, or frontier-style scientific minds. Perhaps too much bibliography with dates and title
adventure stories in a new, exotic emphasis has been placed in changes of all the books and stories
setting; some of the rest is based on histories of science fiction on what mentioned in the text, along with

sociological speculation rather than we might call the 'American' line of suggestions for further reading
hard science. But this book focuses development: the gaudy, pulp- about the scientific background.
on the area of science fiction that magazine adventure stories in the
actually contains science proper. tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughs
This does not mean that we have and his 'Barsoom' and 'Tarzan'
confined ourselves to 'intellectual' books. In Britain, during the 1920s When we use the word 'bilUon' in
science fiction. There is plenty of and 1930s, science fiction was not this book, we use it in the American
science at the more popular end of typecast to nearly the same extent sense, that is, 1000 million.

the science fiction spectrum, too. as in Amferica as a vulgar

Chapter 1


has landed on the Moon, and unmanned probes have
visited Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. But how
likely is it that mankind will ever reach the stars? This, for
many years, has been the dominant theme of science fiction.

per second, in 1 year. It takes our remote descendants will ever

Starships: light from the Sun about 8 minutes know if we were successful. There
to reach us, and 5'/2 hours to reach are two ways of carrying out the
the problem of the outermost planet of our Solar 'slow' strategy: one is to launch a
generation starship, in which the
distance System, Pluto. It takes 4.3 years to
crew completing the mission
reach Alpha Centauri.
Man has done well in his conquering So far, we have talked only consists of the many-times-great-
of the Solar System. In half a about the closest star. Our Galaxy grandchildren of the crew that set
century we have progressed from alone contains around 100 billion out; the other is to put the crew
flimsy biplanes to the landing of stars, and it is 100,000 light-years members into suspended animation.
men on the Moon. We are still a across. There eu-e only two strategies If they could 'sleep' for thousands
long way from landing men on the for overcoming the problem of of years, the slow strategy would be
other planets, but we have taken the distance. Our starship must either more feasible.

first steps. Space probes have go very fast, or support its crew for What about the other strategy?
landed on Mars and Venus, and a very long time. The 'slow' How do we make a starship go very
have photographed Mercury, Jupiter strategy is perhaps the easier, fast? It is possible, but there are
and Saturn at close range. though less attractive, since only practical problems.
But visiting the stars means
Right: the velocity
London 354 km Paris
travel on an almost unimaginable
necessary to reach
scale. Today Apollo craft take 3
even the nearest
days to reach the Moon, approxi- star within one
mately 375,000 km away. In 1973 it person's lifetime
took Pioneer 10 21 months, seems incredible
achieving a speed of 14 km per to us today. But
flight velocities
second, to reach Jupiter. It will
have already
leave the Solar System in 1987, and achieved an
if it were pointed at one of the increase of more
nearest stars. Alpha Centauri (which than 400,000%
it is not), it would take over 80,000
since 1905. The
diagram shows a
years to arrive and there may be
hypothetical race
little point in visiting Alpha from London to
Centauri. For a long time it was The space-

thought that the nearest star with craft Helios 3,
launched in 1976
any likelihood of possessing a
and now in orbit
planetary system for possible coloni- round the Sun, is
zation was Barnard's Star, which is the fastest man-
nearly half as far again as Alpha made object in
Centauri. But very recent work has existence today.

cast doubt even on this.

We have now aimed four probes
out of the Solar System Pioneer
10 and 11 and Voyager 1 and 2
but it may be a million years before
any of them passes close to a stsu-,
although they bear messages for
any alien race they may encounter.
We usually measure interstellar
distances in hght-years, the distance
travelled by light, at 300,000 km
Journey into space


Procyon A+B \\
Q +5 1668
Kruger 60 A+B/P) jr\ ^^
0^ (V)GR34A+B
O 3-6
. Ross 248
O 6-9 (9 2398 A+B
Sinus A+B O Eridani

O 9-12 P
Q 12-15 Wolf 359 O 61 Cyni A+B(9
Qross 128 SUN TCeti

Kapteyn's Star
6!UY Ceti A+B
a Centauri A+BCJ O Barnard's Star
Q Luyten L 789-6


Far left: because on', showing the

we Uve within disc shape. The
the Milky Way, globular star
though towards clusters are
its outer reaches, mostly outside the
we do not see it as central disc. The
a disc or spiral; position of our
but towards the Sun is shown.
centre of the Above: this three-
Galaxy we do see dimensional rep-
a broad band of resentation shows
stars in very large the relative
o numbers; a section positions in space
o is shown here. and magnitudes of
Left: our Galaxy the 23 star
shown schemati- systems closest to
cally from two the Sun. Most of
perspectives: from the stars are
'above', showing bigger than our
the spiral Sun. The many
structure, with double-star
two arms at the systems are un-
centre and four Ukely to have
arras in the outer planets.
regions; and 'edge
Journey into space

nausea; then for a while it is fun; willprobably not leave from Earth:
Starships: after periods of a week or more it they will be constructed in space. If
leads to muscular weakness and a they used a method of propulsion
propulsion leaching of calcium from the giving an acceleration exactly equal
methods astronaut's bones.) to the force of Earth's gravity, and
this acceleration were continuous,
It is generally agreed that a if

The ideal propulsion method would superior method of rocket propul- to the occupants of the ship it

give the starship a continuous sion, especially once the ship has would be indistinguishable from
acceleration equal to the force of the left Earth's 'gravity well' (for which true gravity. The back of the ship

Earth's gravity. This would quickly a powerful acceleration up to a would seem to be 'down', and there
build up velocity, as well as giving a velocity of about 11 km per second would be none of the physical incon-
comfortable ride for the passengers. is required), would be a long, slow veniences associated with free fall.
But is it possible? acceleration. Starships of the future Other forms of imitation gravity are
We know two ways, basically, of
propelling a starship. Either we
push it, as by using the pressure of
a laser beam, or it pushes itself. Our
present-day rockets push themselves
by ejecting mass at high speed.
Newton's Third Law of motion, that
every action has an equal and
opposite reaction, operates here. As
the mass, the propellant, is pushed
backwards, the rocket is accelerated
forwards. There are only two factors
that can be varied: the mass of the
propellant and the velocity of
ejection. The easiest way, of course,
is to use a lot of mass, but this is
the method with the greatest
practical problems, although our
present-day Moon-rockets use
exactly this technique. The trouble
is that the heavier the rocket, the

more propellant is needed to push it. Liquid

Liquid chemical propellant is itself oxygen
heavy. Thus, most of the propellant
of our modern Moon-rockets is in
effect 'wasted' by being used to
push the mass of the propellant Fuel
which will be used later. An analogy
would be to think of a Moon-rocket
as being like a car consisting of 99%
fuel tank and 1% room for the
driver. Most of the fuel would be Reactor core
used up in driving the fuel tank
along.The problem is made easier
by using multi-stage rockets. As the
propellant in each stage is used, the
heavy casing is dropped off. But
this is only a partial solution. Combustion
Human passengers can only chamber
withstand so much acceleration. A
very fit man can withstand the
pressure of an acceleration equal to f
around 15 times the force of Earth
gravity for only a few moments. Our
present Moon-rockets accelerate
powerfully for a few minutes, and
then coast the rest of the way at a
constant velocity, with the
occupants feeling the discomfort of
weightlessness, or free fall.
(Initially, free fall often leads to

Journey into space

quite possible. The simplest is to ship would travel half a light-year designed to fly past Barnard's Star
have a starship shaped hke a wheel, in just under a year of continuous and send back information, the trip
which spins. The centrifugal force acceleration. But how could this be there taking around 50 years. After
would seem Like gravity, and the achieved? Could any ship carry the accelerating to 13% of the speed of
edge of the wheel would appear to propellant for such continuous light in about 4 years, the spaceship
be 'down'. With this system, the acceleration? And what about would 'coast' the rest of the way.
closer to the centre of the wheel, the slowing down at the end of the trip? Project Daedalus relies heavily on
lower the 'gravity'; at the hub, there There is no perfect answer yet; but technologies not yet available to us,
could be a free-fall sports centre! Man's ingenuity has, at least on but the basic principle is generally
The velocity of a starship paper, carried him part of the way. regarded as sound. Small pellets of
undergoing a continuous accelera- A rocket which used a nuclear thermonuclear propellant (deuterium
tion of Ig (1 Eeirth gravity) would fission reactor as a drive would and helium-3) are projected into the
mount up surprisingly swiftly. The achieve a much higher velocity than reaction chamber and bombarded by
one using our present-day liquid or high-powered electron beams.
solid chemical propellant, since the Nuclear fusion (not fission) results,
power would be so much greater and the exploding plasma, unimagin-
than that given by ordinary ably hot and energetic, is swept out
Vaporizer combustion. But even the most of the ship. The electron beams are
^~~ 'source of ions) efficient of nuclear engines and powered by energy removed from
with shielding they would be rather the hot plasma by an induction coil
heavy is unlikely to give more as it leaves the ship.
than 10 times the efficiency of a In other words, the drive
chemical rocket. Such an engine consists of a series of very small
could plausibly accelerate a starship pulsed H-bomb explosions, at the
to 1125 km per second before rate (perhaps optimistically high) of
running out of propellant, but even 250 a second. The particular pro-
then it would take around 1000 pellant chosen results in reaction
years to reach the nearest star. products which are all charged
The British Interplanetary particles. The designers did not
Society has come up with a carefully want any neutrons resulting from
designed variant of the atomic drive. the explosion, because, as neutrons
Ion chamber Called Project Daedalus, it consists are not charged, they cannot
of an unmanned rocket in two stages be channelled by magnetic fields,
and heavy shielding would be
required. Unfortunately, heUum-S is
From left to right: tors. Charged
(i) The present-day particles are extremely rare. The designers
chemical rocket greatly accelerated believe we should need to extract it
burns a fuel in a by an electric from the atmosphere of the planet
chamber with an The existing
Jupiter, where it is much more
oxidant, usually model shown here
liquid oxygen. The concentrates common. This is not a project for
high-velocity mercury or the near future.
exhaust gases caesium ions with Some scientists beHeve that a
resulting from one electro-
much more workable system of
this combustion magnetic coil and
accelerates them propulsion would be the ion drive, or
provide the thrust,
(ii) In the simplest with a second coil. it is sometimes
electric drive, as
form of nuclear- A third apparatus known. Such drives, on a small
thermal rocket at the rear of the scale, have already been used for
(the first model engine replaces
orbital adjustments to satellites. An
was tested in the electrons
1969) liquid already stripped ion is a charged particle, such as an
hydrogen is from the ions, in electron or a proton. It carries an
pumped through order to neutralize electric charge, and can therefore be
the very hot core them as they are bent in its course, or accelerated, by
of a nuclqar reac- propelled from the
a magnetic field. Any atom can be
tor. The expand- ship. If this were
ing gases of the not done the ionized by stripping it of electrons
heated propellant spaceship itself (which carry a negative charge),
provide the thrust. would quickly leaving it positively charged. The
Nuclear engines develop a high
heavier the atom used in the ion-
are still too negative charge,
drive propellant, the greater the

massive to be used
economically in
and the mutual
repulsion of the thrust.Mercury is a conveniently
space travel, ions, aU carrying heavy but not very expensive
emitted by The ion-drive the same positive
element, readily ionized, and is the
f?) (\ rocket works on charge, would
likeliest propellant. Considerable
the same principle decrease the
as present-day efficiency of the power will be needed to create the
particle accelera- thrust. massive magnetic fields required to
Journey into space

accelerate these ions to very high the work is achieved by the immense engineering should be quite possible
speeds (the faster they go, the velocities of ejection. The accelera- in the twenty-first century.

greater the thrust). This power could tion would also be small well It can be seen that most

be obtained on a small scale by solar below Ig because of the tiny starship schemes try to evade the
batteries, but on a larger scale a masses involved (even using heavy difficult requirement of carrying a

nuclear fission plant would probably substances Like mercury). But lot of heavy propellant by using

be needed. Dr Leonard Jaffa of Jet because the rate of ejection is low, high velocities of ejection. But
Propulsion Laboratories in California the propellant can be conserved for a perhaps there is another way of
believes that the nuclear ion-drive long time, and the acceleration can meeting the problem. Is it necessary
combination represents a more be continued for years if necessary. to carry fuel at all? Dr Robert L.
workable propulsion system than Project Daedalus would achieve Forward of Hughes Research Labs
Project Daedalus, one that might be greater velocities than the conven- in California has proposed using the

completed by the year 2000. tional ion drive, but presents far pressure of light itself as a
Project Daedalus and the larger technical difficulties. Both, propulsion device. An array of laser
conventional ion drive have an however, are realistic schemes in beams would be built in space close
important factor in common. In both terms of present-day technology. If to the Sun, forming a circle of 250
cases the amount of mass per second technology advances at its present km in diameter. They need not be

ejected from the ship is quite small; rate of progress, then this sort of remarkably powerful; Dr Forward

Journey into space

suggests the figure of 35 megawatts. velocity, so that to get 10 times the spheres, a delicate, nautUus-Uke
The lasers would be beamed in speed 100 times the work is needed. spiral, or a tiny cockleshell carrying
unison at the starship, which would Another is that according to a great sUver sail many kilometres
carry a huge, thin, rigid sail of Einstein the mass of the ship itself wide. Engineering and aesthetics
metal. The pressure of the lasers on increases as it approaches the speed can finally marry, the consummation
the sail would accelerate the ship up of Ught (see pages 68-71),and thus a no longer prevented by such Earth-
to velocities where relativistic correspondingly greater amount of bound difficulties as gravity and
effects (see pages 68-71) would begin propellant would be needed. But friction. Steirships could be unutter-

to become perceptible. Slowing the there may even be a way round this ably beautiful. There have already
ship down at the other end would be (see the ramscoop starship been inspired designs by science
technically complex. Briefly, the discussion on the next page). fiction illustrators, and there is no
ship would swing round the target There is a simple, cheering, final reason why the great, iron-clad
star and be decelerated by the saiae point about starships. For most space-hulks of Star Wars and The
lasers on the way back. purposes, space is a vacuum. Black Hole should not give way,
The difficulties of building a Conventional streamlining is not both in films and in reality, to

working starship are great. One needed because there is no air starships of a fragile and airy
problem is that kinetic energy resistance. So a starship can be fUigree, Uke snowdrops, or feathers,
increases according to the square of hterally any shape a cluster of or thistledown.

An impression of
three starships,
each one using a
drive that may
become possible,
from an engineer-
ing point of view,
within 150 years.
Left: an ion-driven
space wheel. The
rear engine is
well separated
from the living
quarters around
the rim of the
slowly revolving
wheel. Upper
right: this star-
ship, thrust
forward by the
pressure of Ught
itself, has a huge
but very thin
circular sail,
several kilometres
in diameter. The
drive is provided
by a battery of
laser beams buUt
near our Sun, and
directed in a tight,
coherent beam
along the line of
flight. Right:
although this star-
ship, named
Project Daedalus,
willbe unmanned,
designed to
it is

carry a payload of
50 tons at the
forwEU-d end. The
spherical tanks in
a belt around the
waist carry the
propellant. Pulsed
explosions take
place in the engine
bay towards the

Journey into space

radius of Earth! ramscoop, these 'relativistic'

The ramscoop The rewards for this gigantic velocities would be reached quite
engineering project would be great. At this acceleration, the
starship quickly.
spaceship could reach the centre of
All the fuel and energy necessary
for voyages to even the farthest our Galaxy in 20 years (ship time),
One of the most popular kinds of stars would be provided from space and any point in the entire universe
starship in science fiction is the itself. within one lifetime! During the 20
Bussard ramscoop. The design for There would be another bonus, years taken to reach the Galaxy
this spacecraft was suggested by too. One of the discoveries made by centre, hundreds of thousands of
the American physicist Robert Einstein and described mathemati- years would have passed on Earth.
Bussard in 1960. The beauty of cally in his Special Theory of Relati- But for the crew, it would be a
Bussard's system is that it avoids vity (discussed in greater detail on genuine 20 years. No trickery is
the problem of carrying massive pages 68-71) is that, as an object involved: it is a physical law, not a
amounts of fuel by undertaking approaches the speed of light, its piece of self-hypnosis.
continuous refuelling while actually subjective time runs more slowly All of this sounds wonderful. It
in space. than time is running at its starting seems that not very long from now,
Space, even that between the point on, say. Earth. 'Ship time', for the Galaxy may be ours for the
stars, is not completelyempty. By the crew of a Bussard ramscoop taking! Recently, however, the
far the commonest element in space starship, would pass more slowly the concept of the Bussard ramscoop
is hydrogen, which is the basis of faster the ship went (though nobody has been sternly criticized by
most nuclear fusion reactions. If a would be aware of this, except intell- theoreticians of space flight. There
spacecraft could somehow collect ectually). The effect would only are many problems, none of which
enough hydrogen from space as it become important at about 10% of could be solved with our present
travelled, this could be used to fuel the speed of light, and would knowledge.
a fusion drive. But, by Earthly increase dramatically as the ship First, the superconducting

standards, interstellar space is close continued to accelerate. magnets required to set up an

to an absolute vacuum. There are At the constant acceleration of electromagnetic field of the required
only one or two atoms of hydrogen Ig (1 Earth gravity) provided by a vast size would be so big, and carry
per cubic centimetre in interstellar
space, a gas density only 10"^'' of
that at the Earth's surface. Tfijuly (Jispersed hy-drqgen in space
This not much, but consider

what would happen if, using a

t -=-nH Mi,. ..'
.JM . 2-fO 000 km -"r^
conventional ion drive, we acceler-
ated a spaceship to around 1% of
the speed of light. At this velocity
the spacecraft would be travelling
so enormously fast, through such a
huge volume of space every second,
that the almost vacuum through
"%- ^^..^
which it travelled would appear to t
be relatively dense with hydrogen, Direction
in the same way that a plane meets of motion

greater air resistance the faster it Superconducting

goes. At this velocity it is believed magnetic coils ]
that the spaceship would meet with
enough hydrogen to start collecting
it as fuel.
Even then, however, the gear
hydrogen would still be so tenuous Nuclear fusion engine
that the hydrogen scoop would need
to be gigantic. The invisible, funnel-
shaped scoop would consist of a
vast electromagnetic field projected
from great, superconducting coils. Exhaust
This would ionize the hydrogen
atoms (give them a positive electric
charge) and magnetically funnel
them back into the fusion engine.
Even a comparatively small starship Above: a diagram based on a sketch in flight. The
of tlie workings of in Adrian Berry's vanes at the rear
weighing 100,000 tons would need
a Bussard ram- The Iron Sun. are for efficiently
a collecting field with a radius Right: an artist's dissipating waste
scoop starship,
across the funnel of 34,100 obviously not impression of a heat.
km more than five times the drawn to scale, ramscoop starship

Journey into space

such vast currents, that they would use the deuterium reaction.) problems can be overcome, it seems
tear themselves apart. Fourthly, as the spaceship that the ramscoop is merely a
Secondly, the fusion motors increases velocity to relativistic science fictional dream. It will never
need deuterium, a rare isotope of speeds, the 'empty' space in front of propel starships, though it may, one
hydrogen (see pages 37-8). Only one it would more and more come to day, be used to slow them down.
hydrogen atom in 6700 is deuterium. resemble a solid wall. If the ship Science fiction is full of dashed
Even if some ordinary hydrogen met with more hydrogen than it was hopes. With the demise of the
atoms are also persuaded- to fuse (as able to use, its impact with the ramscoop concept, some of the most
they do in the Sun), it seems that, at hydrogen left over would create thrilling science fiction stories ever
best, only 1% of the interstellar gas radiation 100,000 times greater than written are reduced to the status of
could be used as fuel. The rest would the radiation we all get from mere fantasy. The most notable of
pile up in front of the spaceship. sunlight. The crew would be these is Poul Anderson's Tau Zero,
Much by the
of the energy provided instantly fried (again). in which a ramscoop ship achieves
'ramjet' would then be used in Other, more technical criticisms such huge velocities that shipboard
ploughing through material that the have also been made. The nuclear time is reduced to an almost
ramscoop itself had accumulated! physicist Tom Heppenheimer unimaginable crawl. In fact, its
Thirdly, the deuterium fusion believes that more energy would be passengers are able to witness the
process crates neutrons as one of required to compress the fuel death of the universe billions of
its products. Neutrons, being elec- sufficiently than would be gained years in the future for us, but only a
trically neutral, cannot be directed from the consequent fusion few years of travelling for them.
by magnetic fields. They whizz off in reactions, even if a ramscoop of half- The Bussard ramscoop repre-
all directions with very high energy, a-light-year diameter was used. In sents the ultimate in 'fast' strategies

and are impossible to absorb safely fact, Heppenheimer has suggested- for reaching the stars, along with
without massive shielding. Either rather cruelly that the ramscoop the antimatter/photon drive beloved
the crew would be fried by neutron would dissipate energy so of Star Trek fans. This latter
radiation, or the ship would be made successfully that it would make an fanciful device has so many
impossibly heavy because of the excellent brake for a spaceship with theoretical drawbacks (see pages
necessary shielding. (This is why the a conventional drive! 78-9) that we do not discuss it here.
Project Daedalus starship does not Unless these massive theoretical But what of the 'slow' strategies?
Journey into space

on page 147. It is enough to say 1000-year voyage to new worlds

The generation here that nobody has yet managed orbiting other stars would come to
to 'suspend' the of an animal in seem quite realistic in these
starship life

this way, so the prospects for circumstances.

cryonic travelling are not too good. One essential for a world is
The two slow strategies for reaching Artificial hibernation, in which comfortable gravity. Muscles
the stars are the suspended- bodily processes are slowed down weaken rapidly, and many tasks are
animation starship and the without being actually stopped, is a much more difficult to perform, in
'generation' starship. much more promising possibility. zero gravity. It is believed that long
Suspended animation is a But the most romantic form of periods spent in these conditions
favourite with science fiction writers 'slow' travelling takes place on a might cause irreversible deteriora-
and film-makers. The films 2001: a generation starship, sometimes tion, so that when starship colonists
Space Odyssey. Dark Star and Alien called a 'space ark'. The philosophy actually reached a new world, they
all contain scenes showing crew of this form of travel is 'What's the might not have the strength to walk
members in frozen sleep, literally hurry?' If life on the ship is pleasant upon its surface.
kept on ice, snoozing the years away enough, why should it not be Gravity might be provided by a
until they are needed. (In real life it thought of as an actual world, continuous Ig or 2g thrust from the

would be centuries rather than where whole generations of crew engine, in which case the rear of the
years.) members Live and die just as they starship would appear to be 'down'.
We discuss cryonics more fully would have done back on Earth? A But since the ship would probably

Journey into space

use a fission- or fusion-powered ion mammals,

unlike fully developed size of hoUow spacecraft. If the
drive, the likely thrust would be embryos even today can be frozen) starship had a diameter of around
much lower than this. The simplest that wiU be needed when another 16 km, centrifugal forces in the
answer is to build the ship in the world iseventually reached. spinning ship would reach a
shape of a wheel or a cyUnder, and The idea of generation starships strength Uable to tear it apart.
spin it. The centrifugal force would was popularized in science
first Similarly, a cyUnder more than 50
feel just hke gravity to the crew. famous story
fiction in 1941, in the km long might damage itself by
The inner surface of the rim would 'Universe' by Robert Heinlein. The building up a 'whipping' motion.
seem to be 'down', and there would idea is much older than that, The other technical problem
be a free-fall zero-gravity area at the however, and seems to have been would be the conservation of all
hub of the wheel or the axis of the invented by the great Russian materials necessary for Life. The
cylinder. pioneer of space flight, Konstantin Scots writer Duncan Lunan has
If the ship is to function as a Tsiolkovsky, who argued for space- pointed out that if only one-tenth of
'world' for many generations, then it going 'Noah's arks' in an essay a gram of air and other volatiles (a
must be big enough to support a published in 1928. Nearly all science tiny amount) seeped out of the ship
population of, say, 1000 in comfort, fiction writers imagine generation every 10 seconds, 3000 tons would
along with animals and hydroponic starships as very big indeed. The be lost over a 1000-year voyage. Air
farms to provide food, and the vast scientific theoreticians are incUned and water would need to be contin-
weu-ehouses of material (very Ukely to agree, although they foresee uously recycled, as would all organic
including frozen human embryos certain natural limitations on the materials.


Left: the vast, a generation star- appeared on a

spacefaring cities ship.Above: space cover in 1939
envisaged by arks appeared on while in the real
modern science pulp-magazine world Germany
fiction illustrators covers even before had occupied
would be far too they became Poland and the
massive for popular in the USSR was invad-
acceleration to stories themselves. ing Finland. The
near-light speeds. This 'modern' idea of escaping
This striking version of Noah's this deluge of
creation by Tim Ark, with its events must have
White is probably mihtary overtones. seemed attractive.

Journey into space

The scale of such an epic voyage rather primitive, village societies. rather than downwards. Life
beggars the imagination. It would Samuel Delany also imagines a improves, although slowly and with
be as if the ship were manned in the degeneration into a ballad- many setbacks, over the generations.
first instance by Anglo-Saxons, and composing tribal culture in The It seems not impossible that, with
the voyage were completed by Ballad of Beta-2. Brian Stableford, clever social engineering and
contemporary, twentieth-century, too, examines the likely social planning, the crew of such a ship
people. A thousand years is a long structure of a generation starship in would remain stable and fulfilled,
time long enough for the ship to his novel Promised Land (1974). It and perhaps very creative. Science
evolve and continuously develop its seemed to him that the purpose of fiction writers may have emphasized
own culture. This is the aspect of the flight would be remembered but the pessimistic viewpoint only
the generation starship that has become so obsessive a symbol that because it seemed to offer greater
most captured the imagination of it would take on dangerous religious opportunities for dramatic conflict.
science fiction writers. Would such a overtones; he calls this the The Utopian Life is too serene for
crew be mentally capable of 'promised land' syndrome. successful fiction.
colonizing a planet when they All sorts of writers have been At this point we can desert the
reached it, when their culture gripped by the symbolic force of the far future, and come back to the
insisted that the ship was the whole generation starship. The Swedish possibilities of the next 50 years.
world? This was the question asked Nobel-Prize-winning poet Harry The idea of a generation starship set
by Robert Heinlein in 'Universe', Martinson even wrote an epic poem, off some very interesting thoughts
and later by Brian Aldiss in Non- Aniara, on the theme which in turn in post-war scientists (who had been
Stop and Harry Harrison in Captive became an opera with music reared, very often, on just such
Universe. All three writers imagine composed by Blomdahl one of the fictions as Heiniein and Aldiss have
situations where the purpose of the better known modern operas. written). In the past decade there
voyage has long been forgotten, and In however, societies seem
Life, has been a very significant change
its communities have devolved into on the whole to evolve upwards of emphasis see opposite page.

per century. At this rate, allowing Suppose that these probes had no
Where are for a great many 1000-year stops for more advanced a propulsion system
new planets, the whole than the probes we ourselves could
the space arks? colonizing
Galaxy would be colonized in bVi build with existing rocket
miLhon years a mere bUnk of the technology. They would average
At the end of the 1970s, a change eye compared with the age of the 10,000 years to move from star to
took place in the published papers Galaxy. If ETI (extraterrestrial star. Even at this snail's pace, it

of scientists writing about the inteLLigence) exists, where is it? It would take only 300 million

possibilities of extraterrestriai Life. should be here, on Earth, already. years to explore the entire Galaxy,
It had previously been assumed (see Flying-saucer buffs would argue which is 10,000 million years old
pages 46-8) that the chances of life that the aliens are indeed here only 3% of the Galaxy's lifetime.
elsewhere in our Galaxy were very aLready (see pages 176-9), but not Where are they? Why have no
high an idea popularized by the one case of a flying-saucer visit has alien probes arrived?
astronomers Carl Sagan and Frank been validated. None of the many Many scientists now believe
Drake, and many others. celebrated scientists at the 'Where that the absence of such alien
Suddenly a lot of scientists were are They?' conference in Maryland colonizing expeditions points
not so sure, and the reason for their in 1979 saw any evidence whatever strongly towards the possibility that
doubts is directly connected with that we are now being visited, or we ourselves are the only intelligent
generation starships. As scientist have ever been visited, by aliens. life inour Galaxy, and that life itself
Robert Sheaffer puts it,an 'In The mathematician Frank may be more of a cosmic accident
environment where life is abundant, Tipler, of the University of than we have recently been inclined
nothing is more rare than an CaHfomia, believes that self- to think. The alternative, perhaps
unclaimed resource. . Are we to
. . replicating,uncrewed space probes rather more cheering idea is that
beUeve that, in a galaxy teeming are an even more likely way of advanced races might not think, as
with advanced civilizations, our own exploring the Galfixy than we do, in terms of colonization and
rich, lush, warm Earth would remain generation starships. These eu-e conquest. Perhaps these warUke
an unclaimed resource?' sometimes called Von Neumarm imperatives are the sign of an
Computer studies on coloniza- probes, named after the immature culture. The aliens may
tion procedures suggest that a cyberneticist John von Neumann, stillbe out there, comfortably hving
spacefarlng civiLization, situated in who first anedysed the concept of on their own planets, with stable
the centre of the Gaiaxy where the machines that can duplicate populations and a stable use of
stars are older, would (if they had themselves. They would be equipped energy resources.
the technology to build space arks with blueprints, enabling them to For immature mankind, how-
that travelled at only 1 % of the mine metals and construct copies of ever, the message is clear. It seems
speed of light) proceed outwards at themselves, whenever they reached a very Ukely that the Galaxy, not yet
an average rate of 0.91 light-years new planet, moon or asteroid. colonized by others, is open to us.

Journey into space

bottom of 'gravity wells', like materials had to be rocketed up

Space habitats Earth's own, which means that from deep down in Earth's gravity
travel away from their gravitational well.But why use raw materieds
Of the ideas about generation
all pull will always be very expensive in from Eeirth? Why not mine the
starships, the most celebrated terms of energy. Another strong Moon, or even change the orbit of
intellectual leap forward was that c reason for building space habitats is asteroids so that all their mineral

Gerard K. O'Neill, a high-energy that we could move some polluting wealth could be exploited from
physicist based at Princeton industry away from Earth's conveniently close at hand? The
University. If a generation starship atmosphere and safely out into the techniques with which these
can be thought of as a world, he vacuum of space. Some industries miracles would be produced are
reasoned, then why does it need a would be whoUy new. It will be described on pages 23-5.
destination? Why need we send it to possible to make new alloys, for Where would the space habitats
the stars? As O'Neill puts it, 'space example, in space. It is often be located? One obvious choice
itself can be the destination rather difficult to alloy two metals on would be to site them in high Earth
than just a corridor'. Earth, since the heavier of the two orbit, but another choice, very

His ideas, pubUcized in The tends to sink to the bottom. It popular with science fiction writers,
High Frontier, have generated an would be no problem at aU in zero would be to locate them at the five
amazing amount of discussion, even gravity. stable Lagrange points. These are
though they are not wholly new. There is no night-time in space. areas in space where the gravity
Again, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky The sun's radiation is available 24 from surrounding masses (in this
seems to have been the first to hours a day for use by solar case the Earth, Moon and Sun) is
make the suggestion, in his Energy is cheap. What
batteries. precisely balanced. An object set to
propagandizing novel Beyond the would not be cheap, however, would rest at a Lagrange point (now more
Planet Earth. Arthur C. Clarke's be the actual construction of the accurately called a Lagrange region,
Islands in the Sky, a children's space habitats, especially if the raw since the point itself performs a slow
novel about life in an orbital space
station, prefigures several of
Left: the positions
O'NeiU's ideas.
of the five gravi-
An such as
orbital space station, tationally stable
Skylab, is of course a kind of space Lagrange points
habitat in itself, but at present such relative to the
Earth (centre) and
stations are envisaged as space
the Moon. A space
laboratories, or staging points for city docked at one
launching and building spacecraft, of these points
rather than ends in themselves. would stay there.
Points L4 and L5
Behind O'Neill's reasoning,
describe slow,
fairly obviously, is a pleasantly
89-day orbits in
romantic notion that space itself the regions shown
would be a good, challenging place in diagram. Below:

in which to Uve. The very title of his this chart shows

details of four
book has a subhminal reference to proposed cities on
the old frontier of the American the cylindrical
West, the arena of high adventure in model. Note the
the past. RPM maintaining
simulation of
There are good social reasons,
Earth gravity, and
too, for colonizing space. O'Neill the dramatic in-
beheves, with many others, that our crease in popula-
world is in a poor state. What we tion size with

need is low-cost energy, new increased diameter.

resources, and living space for all.

Why not in space itself?, asks

O'NeUl. Science fiction writers had PROPOSED SPACE COLONIES
not really paid this particular idea
much attention previously, probably
because of what Isaac Asimov has
called 'planetary chauvinism' a
kind of lack of imagination.
O'Neill is not much attracted to
the idea of colonizing our other
planets, such as Mars and Venus.
They are not, at the moment,
capable of supporting hfe (but see
the discussion of terraforming on
pages 28-9), emd they exist at the
Journey into space

orbit in space) would stay there centralized authority, and back to a

Non-rotating docking modul
indefinitely. The points, known as system of anarchically linked
LI to L5 (see diagram, page 19) are villages! So popular has the idea
all related to the Moon. One lies been in science fiction that in only
ahead of the Moon in its orbit, one five years or so, wildly assorted
behind in its orbit, one on the near Lagrange civilizations have already
side of the Moon, one on the far become a cliche.
side, and one directly opposite the O'Neill's account of what the
Moon, at the same distance on the habitats would look like is
other side of Earth. comparatively sober, though surely
Many science fiction writers, romantic enough for most tastes.
John Varley, Robert Silverberg and The first. Island One, would have a
Mack Reynolds among them, have population of a mere 10,000, living
envisaged the Lagrange areas as on the inside surface of a sphere
crazy Utopias. Varley 's idea (put perhaps 500 metres in diameter.
forward in his novel Wizard and Each family of five people would
elsewhere) is that minority groups have an apartment and garden space
would set out to build their own of around 300 square metres (much
space habitats. Communists, funda- more than many of us have now).
mentalist Christians, radical The spinning sphere would produce
feminists, homosexuals, or any other the effect of Earth gravity around
groups, could each construct their its equator. As an occupant strolled
own worlds, free of the social north or south towards the poles,
pressures they deplore back on gravity would fall off, to one half
Earth. Each Lagrange region might Earth gravity at the 45 latitudes,
contain hundreds of self-contained and zero gravity at the poles.
habitats, some tropical, some arctic, Windows would let in sunlight, and
some conventionally built, others could be masked to provide an
like architectural fantasiasfrom an artificial night. Looking straight up,
Escher drawing. In a sense, it is the one would see one's distant
logical end of the whole small-is- neighbours apparently suspended
beautiful movement. Away with from the sky 500 metres above.

Right: this
painting by official
NASA artist Don
Davis, envisages
the interior of
Gerard O'Neills
projected Island 3
a cylinder 32 km
long with 1300
square km of
living space. The
artisthas assumed
a climate on the
North Californian
model, and has
even included a
replica of San
Golden Gate
bridge, but other
climates could
easily be designed.
The specifications
are similar to
those of Model 4
in the chart on
page 19.

Journey into space


Above: this torus construction to be ferried from

(doughnut l-shaped material. The Earth. Right: an
habitat was structure is nearly artist's impression
designed in 1979 2 km in diameter of the Stanford
by British engi- and has a mass of Torusinterior. The
neer Dr David over 10 million windows 'above'
Sheppard, using tons The correspond to the
as a basis the central axis, where inward-looking
Stanford Torus visiting ships windows in the
designed in 1975. would dock, is Sheppard Torus
The most impor- non-rotating, but above. The 'floor'
tant modification the wheel spins. A which in the upper
is the use of pre- difficulty is the picture is seen
stressed concrete, vast mass of air edge-on would feel
made from lunar necessary; we can downwards to the
rock, reinforced by find oxygen in senses because of
steel cables, for Moon rocks, but the wheel's spin.
the basic nitrogen may have

The curious perspectives of a them are planned to direct sunlight the real world, with the early 1980s
space habitat have been vividly to the best places at the best times being a time of massive budgetary
described in Bob Shaw's story of a by computer-operated mirrors. Four cuts for space and energy
childhood day in space, 'Small projected cyUndrical habitats are programmes, O'Neill's brand of
World'. This story is set in a described in the diagram on page 19. utopianism is not favoured at
slightly larger habitat, of cylindrical Naturally, O'Neill's ideas have present. This at least could change.
form, with three inhabited valleys been subjected to a great deal of The American government, the
running the length of the cylinder's criticism, especially from those who world's richest, has already made
inner surface, separated by farmland see them as a form of unrealistic one massive investment in a Utopian
and window strips. O'Neill's Island escapism. The economic viability of project the exploration of the
Two remains spherical, but would be O'Neill's ideas is, at best, distinctly Moon. always possible that
It is
around 1800 metres in diameter, and speculative, and a very opti-
lot of they do something similar again.
could support, in comfort, a mistic projections are incorporated The rewards (which could well
population of 140,000. Many other into them the fundamental one include cheap energy beamed down
designs including the Stanford Torus being that we on Earth would be from space in the form of micro-
see schematic drawing above psychologically prepared to make waves see pages 42-3) may yet
have been calculated A number of such a heavy investment. Back in prove attractive.
Journey into space
photons, but also particles: several ofwhom imagine that,
Sports in space electrons, protons and so on. This because the solar wind always blows
constant invisible wind of particles in much the same direction, solar
permeates space as it radiates yachts will be doomed to one-way
There be no shortage of
will outwards from the Sun. It is this travel.This is not true. It will even
recreational faciUties in a space wind that causes the tails of comets be possible, though difficult, to tack
habitat. Zero-gravity and low- to point away from the Sun. The across the solar wind, or at an angle
gravity environments have many wind fluctuates. Sunspots, for towards it. Though there would be
possibihties. One of the most example, cause magnetic 'storms'. no 'water pressure' against which to
popular may turn out to be man- Light spacecraft, aluminium shells turn the space yachts, there would
powered flight. Towards the axis of with great sails made of very thin be gravitational 'pressure' from the
rotation of any Lagrange habitat, metallic film, could use this solar Sun, the Moon and Earth to utilize.
the apparent gravity will fall off. wind just as ordinary yachts use Arthur C. Clarke was one of the
Earth's wind, which is made up of first science fiction writers to
Escape velocity, as one travelled
towards the zero-gravity region, moving molecules of oxygen and imagine solar saihng. as in his story
would become progressively lower. nitrogen. Even Ught itself - sunlight 'Sunjammer' (1964). Since that time,
Sportsmen and sportswomen, in this case exerts enough some writers have romantically, if
equipped with wings, could launch pressure to add to the push on the implausibly, imagined great sailing-
themselves into the central space of sails. The solar wind is very much ships travelUng even between the
more tenuous than an Earthly wind, stars, though the pressure of Ught
the habitat and reaUze one of
mankind's ancient dreams to fly but, to compensate for this, the would indeed be extremely smaU in
hke a bird. At the poles of a gossamer sails could be very much the vast empty spaces outside our
Lagrange sphere, no great strength bigger. There are no constraints of Solar System. Gene Wolfe, in his

would be required to do this. Pedal gravity to puU at these sails, and continuing saga The Book of the
flyers operating from the poles may their material could be only fractions New Sun, imagines such a form of
be available even for the elderly, of a millimetre thick hardly travel.

much like the 'pedalos' of today's thicker than that of a soap bubble. The British Interplanetary
seaside resorts. A sail may be 600 metres across, or Society began plans in 1981 to set
Outside the habitats, more much larger. up a sponsored solar-saiUng race
challenging sports will be possible. As in ordinary sailing, it may be from Earth to the Moon. Launch
One of the most interesting will be possible to change direction by would be from a satelUte, and the
Our Sun radiates not
solar sailing. tacking a point missed, strangely tiny remote-controlled 'yachts'

only Ught and heat in the form of enough, by some science writers. would, of course, be unmanned.

Left: most of the

theoretical work
on solar sailing
has been done at
the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory at the
California Insti-
tute of Techno-
logy. Artist Ken
Hodges here
envisages a J PL
prototype with a
sail 30 metres
square made from
Mylar .006 mm
thick, about one-
twenty-fourth the
thickness of a
human hair. This
unmanned craft
was one of several
designs to be
launched in 1982
and used for a
rendezvous with
Halleys Comet.
NASA cancelled
the project.

Journey into space

the Apollo Moon programme for all rockets. Why not throw the
Mining the to see: the rockets that left Earth materials into space, where they

Moon and the were vast; the rockets that returned

from the Moon were comparatively
could be scooped up by construction
crews? It might even be simpler to
asteroids tiny. The Moon, then, would be a do the chemical processing in space
much cheaper source of raw itself, and simply throw up lumps of

materials than Earth. rock as raw material. The idea is not

The building of O'Neill-type space Soil samples taken by the crew completely new. The endlessly
habitats would be ruinously of Apollo 14 show that the chemical inventive writer Robert Heinlein
expensive if the raw materials had make-ups of the Moon and Eeirth suggested something rather similar
to be ferried up from Earth. Earth, are quite similar. Substances that in his novel The Moon is a Harsh
being relatively massive (compared would be readily available from the Mistress, and Arthur C. Clarke
with, say, the Moon or the Moon include steel, aluminium, wrote an article on the subject in
asteroids), exists at the bottom of a magnesium, titanium, glass, 1950: 'Electromagnetic Launching
fairlydeep giavity well. To ceramics and cements. These, as it as a Major Contribution to Space
overcome Earth's gravity and happens, are just the substances Flight'.

launch materials into space uses a that might be most useful for the 'Electromagnetic' is the key
great deal of power. The Moon has construction of space habitats, word also in O'Neill's concept, which
only one-fifth of the surface gravity whether built from steel, aluminium he has named the 'mass driver'. This
of Earth; therefore the escape or even concrete. All mining and is an electromagnetic catapult, very

velocity is only one-fifth. The power other processes would be largely similar in its working to the
expended in overcoming gravity to carried out by automatic machinery. magnetic levitation devices that
reach this escape velocity is also Gerard O'Neill has suggested already propel some experimental
less. The end result is that objects that the most efficient method of trains in Japan, hovering above the
can be launched from the Moon launching these materials from the track. The mass driver is in essence

using 97% less power than objects Moon into space towards, say, the a conveyor belt. It consists of a
of thesame mass would require if space habitats being built at long, tubular track made up of
launched from Earth. The difference Lagrange point L2 on the far side of 'drive' coils, through which an
was graphically illustrated during the Moon would not in fact be electric current is passed. The
current powered by solar cells,

Left: the mass and creates strong magnetic

driver in sche- pulses inside the coils. Floating up
matic form. A the centre of the coiled track are
pulsed current in
magnetic buckets, made up of a
the drive coils
creates magnetic container surrounded by one or two
Bucket fields that push on coiled superconducting magnets.
contents the currents in the Like ordinary buckets, they can be
Bucket, superconducting filled with whatever you Uke. As the
coils attached to
open in buckets pass through the drive coils,
the bucket, giving
more acceleration they are continuously accelerated by
with every pulse. the magnetic pulses until they reach
Below: the 1977 lunar escape velocity of 2.4 km per
MIT test model. second. Then, as the bucket is
Bucket coUs Drive coil suddenly decelerated, its contents
flyout into space at just the right
velocityand in the right direction to
send them into the stable gravita-
Lagrange point,
tional area of a
where they are captured. The
buckets go back to the starting
point edong a return track that
gently curves through 180, to be
removed and reloaded. The relatively
expensive buckets are re-used for an
indefinite period, and the vacuum on
the Moon's surface means that there
are practically no problems of
friction to diminish efficiency and
cause wear and tear.

The mass driveris not a science

fiction device
not since 1977 when
a test model was built extremely
cheaply by enthusiasts at the
Massachusetts Institute of
Journey into space

Technology. It accelerated a one- you could jump off a small asteroid Most of them are in orbit around the
pound bucket to 100 mph in only 6 into space with your own muscular Sun between the orbits of Mars and
feet! This represents an acceleration power. According to Newton's Third Jupiter, and therefore a long way
of 35g. Because the track was Law, every action has an equal and from Earth, but quite a few have
traversed in only one-tenth of a opposite reaction. The mass driver eccentric orbits that bring them
second, which is less than the throws bits of asteroid backwards, relatively close to Earth. Amor, for

retention time of the human retina, and the asteroid moves forwards example, has a diameter of 16 km
the bucket seemed to disappear at very slowly at first, because the and passes as close as 16 million km
one end and re-materiaUze at the bucketfuls of ejected material would to Earth every 8 years. There are
other. The Moon model would be be tiny in mass compared with the probably quite a number of very
just over 1 km long, and generate an total mass of the asteroid. Slowly, small captured asteroids already in
acceleration of around 130g. however, the velocity would build up. residence at the five Lagrange
Once the concept of the mass Asteroids are chunks of rock, and balanced there
points, pulled in
driver had been developed, many often very rich in metals, especially by the combined gravity systems of
new possibilities opened up. Why iron and nickel, and containing Earth and Moon.
restrict the mass driver to propelling generous components of rare metals For many years one of the most
substances up from the Moon? It such as platinum. This information popular themes of science fiction has
would work equally well as a is gained partly from spectroscopic been the mining of the asteroids,
primitive but effective rocket device, analysis, and partly by the physical which were envisaged in a number of
providing it had something to throw. examination of meteorites, which are stories of the 1930s as constituting

It would therefore be ideal for only mini-asteroids that have together a kind of super-Klondyke to
shifting large, partiallyexpendable collided with Earth. Asteroids range which miners would rush to make
masses asteroids, for example. in size from grains of dust to 1000 their fortunes. Stories include

Imagine a mass driver attached to km across. There are an estimated Clifford D. Simak's 'The Asteroid of

an asteroid. It need not be a very 3100 asteroids more than '2 km Gold' and Malcolm Jameson's
big mass driver, because the escape across, and maybe 100,000 smaller 'Prospectors of Space'. More
velocity needed to launch something but respectably sized rocks with a recently Poul Anderson's episodic

from an asteroid is quite low; in fact diameter of 100 metres or more. novel Tales of the Flying Mountains

Journey into space

and a number of Larry Niven's short (Much of the iron and nickel is been suggested that the asteroid
stories about the 'belters' (inhabi- already in metallic form pre- could be used for growing food in
tants of the asteroid belt) have smelted, as it were.) A group of space for Earth's hungry millions.
developed the same theme, exploring enthusiasts in the UK, the Space (The escape velocity from such an
the possibiUties of a new human Settlers Society, is collecting asteroid would be low enough to
culture built up on the asteroids. money towards this capital invest- make it quite simple to deUver
What few of these stories ever ment (extremely slowly), by charging parcels of ore and food to Earth,
considered was the prospect of a membership fee of 5 and a con- though great care would have to be
actually steering asteroids back to tinuing subscription of 1 a month! taken to aim them accurately, and it
an Earth orbit, or to one of the American optimists using some is not yet clear how expensive it

Lagrange points. Yet the highly speculative economic supposi- would be to build the necessary
development of the mass driver tions reckon that a 3-km-thick metal-foam re-entry containers to
makes the transport of asteroids a asteroid could be towed Earthwards prevent the contents from burning
near-future, economic possibihty. for between $100 billion and $200 up as they entered the atmosphere.)
The metal content of these asteroids, bilUon. As much as two-thirds of its It is quite likely that the metal from

even the relatively small ones, contents would have been used as asteroids would be more useful for
makes them highly desirable, and propellant by the mass driver, but construction work in space than it
possibly worth the major capital the remaining one-third would still would be down here on Earth.
investment necessary to get it. yield profits from mining; it has also A study conducted by NASA
was less ambitious. NASA reported
that the towing of a 100-metre-thick
asteroid back to Earth might well be
possible using current technology.
Asteroids come in three main
varieties: rocky, metal-rich and
carbonaceous. The carbonaceous
asteroids contain some water and a
fair amount of hydrocarbons as well
as minerals. The minerals include
oxygen form of oxides, and
in the
also sulphur. Carbonaceous asteroids
may even yield a substance very Uke
oil. They would also be the best bet

for settlement, since they would be

the simplest to farm.
This raises yet another prospect.
If large asteroids can be hollowed
out and settled and farmed; if they
contain the necessities of Ufe such as
oxygen, water and minerals; why
bother to bring them back to Earth?
They would make very big, very
adequate transport devices. We have
come back fuU circle to the idea of
the generation star ship.
Communities Uving in asteroids
could slowly and peacefully make
their way to the stars, propelHng
themselves with mass drivers using
solar power at first, and changing to
nuclear fission or fusion as they
entered the dark interstellar spaces.
It is a romantic thought, though
when the sums are worked out of
how much energy such a trip might
require, it begins to look rather
difficult. However, though asteroids
are big, and therefore expensive to

the mass driver the asteroid to- propel, they also have no shortage of
Left: an artist's materials into
impression of a space. Lunar attached to the wards Earth. conveniently available reaction
mass driver in mountains are in asteroid. By Operations will mass. All the rubble from the
position on the the background. ejecting asteroid soon begin on the hollowed-out centre could be ejected.
Moon's surface, Above: the battery material at high second asteroid, at
Hollow asteroids may be the most
ready to launch of solar cells velocity, the mass left.

above powers driver is propelling popular spaceships of the far future.

Journey into space

its hydrogen fuel.) The dim red possible second best, but here there
Colonizing dwarfs, the commonest and most are even more uncertainties.) There
other planets long-lived of all stars, are not is however a problem with Sun-type
especially promising either. (One of stars. We now know that more than
them, Barnard's Star, the second half of them form part of a binary or
There has been a lot of ambitious closest star to the Sun, was thought multiple star system that is,
talk about sending spaceships to the for some years to give evidence of systems with two or more stars in
steirs, but which stars should we having a planetary system, but that orbit around one another. Theories
send them to? While there are evidence has recently looked about the formation of such systems
thought to be 100 billion stars extremely shaky.) A planet circling are rather conjectural, but it is

in our Galaxy there are only 60 or so a red dwarf would have to be very Ukely that the gas clouds from
within 16 Light-years of us. A chart close to it, to be warm enough to which Sun-type stars evolve tend to
of some of the closer stars appears support Life. But planets orbiting produce either multiple star
on page 9. very close to their parent star are systems, or planetary systems, but
Science fiction writers have believed to rotate very slowly (like not both. Although planets could, in
always assumed that when we reach Mercury, whose 'day' is 176 Earth- theory, form stable orbits around
the stars we shall be seeking Earth- days long), making one side very hot one of the two stars in a binary
type planets, capable of sustaining and the other cold for long periods. system (a very common scenario in
human life, in orbit around them. This may create difficulties for our science fiction Brian Aldiss's
They are probably right; these are colonists. We would prefer our Helliconia Spring is a distinguished
what we would need for colonizing. planet to have a temperature recent example), it seems that such
The question is, where would we between the freezing and boiling systems may not evolve planets in
expect to find them? We need to points of water a very narrow the first place. To be on the safe
know the most likely locations temperature range that may not side, we should send our spaceship
before we set out, in order to point readily be found in the vicinity of to a type G or K star that is not a
our spaceship in the most promising red dwarfs. member of a binary system. (The
direction ALL the theorists believe that astronomer S.H. Dole disagrees. He
can begin by thinking about Life-supporting planets are most believes that Alpha Centauri, a
the different types of stars. Is there Likely to exist in orbit around stjirs member of a multiple system, is the
any reason to believe that some rather like our own Sun. Spectral best bet. His second and third
kinds of stars are more Likely to classes G and K are the most choices, however, fall into our
have planets than others? popular choice. (WLiite dwarfs are a suggested category. They are
Stars are divided up by
astronomers according to their
magnitude and their spectral type. SUPER 3IANTS
The spectrum of a star, obtained by
analysing with a spectro-
its Light
scope, tells us its temperature. The Deneb
bluer a star is, the hotter; the redder
-4 Antares
it is, the cooler. Stars are currently
classified into spectral types O, B, Bletelgeuse

A, F, G, K and M, the hottest (O)

stars being blue and the coolest (M)
stars being red. The Sun is a yellow- Arcturui

ish-white type G.
H' JRi
Left: This

Stars are often plotted on a 'S Fits Vega RusseU diagram
plots the absolute
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, which
plots their absolute magnitudes
Utaii' :M.^
^- magnitude of stars
on the vertical
against their spectral class. Most axis, and their
stars on these diagrams tend to spectral class on
cluster in a band running from the horizontal
Blue White
dwarfs dwarfs axis.Each dot
upper left {big and hot) down to i.'
represents a star.
lower right (small and relatively Son
The so-caUed
cool). This is csdled 'the main main sequence' to
sequence'; red giants and super- which most stars
giants, and white dwarfs, all Lie DWARIS belong runs from
fii-Cj^LA the upper left to
outside it.
the lower right of
Both red giants and blue giants the diagram. Stars
u-ethought to be too big to possess with planets
Earth-type planets, and too short- capable of
supporting life are
Lived for oxygen-producing life R ed dwarfs most likely to be
forms to have evolved on any spectral class G or
planets that do exist. (The more O F G K M K along the main
Spectral class
massive a star is, the faster it bums sequence.

Journey into space

Left: NASA's
space telescope, to
be launched in the
mid-1980s, may be
powerful enough
to enable us to see
planets circling
nearby stars.

1. 2.4-inetre
primtiry mirror
2. Secondary
3. Ridged inside
cover to prevent
stray Ught
reaching the
4. Central baffle
against stray light
5. Fine guiding

sensors A'hich
observe a star and
hold telescope
pointing in correct
6. Solar panel for
power supply
7. Scientific
instrument module
8. Radio antenna
for communication
with Earth

Epsilon Eridani at 10.8 light-years We may more easily be able to intend that the space telescope
and Tau Ceti at 11.8 light-years.) detect planets indirectly', by should be used for planet detection,
The next step in our planet measuring the tiny perturbation or several astronomers think that it
search is to aim telescopes at the wobble of the parent star caused by may quite possibly do the job.
most likely candidate stars. Today's their gravity. (That was how Dr We are unlikely to set out for
telescopes are not of much use, but Peter van de Kamp thought he had the stars for another 50 years.
a new generation of more powerful discovered a planet circling Within the next 15 years, on the
telescopes being designed. There
is Barnard's Star.) These perturbations other hand, it will probably be
will be great difficulties in seeing a would be very small indeed, and possible to locate those stars within
planet directly through a telescope, extremely difficult to measure 40 light-years of us that contain
because of its dimness in accurately, but astrometric (star- planets. By the time we have
comparison with its parent star, to measuring) photometers being designed our starships, we shall
which it would appear very, very constructed now may be able to do probably know where to send them.
close. The problem becomes simpler, this. The actual colonization of the
though, if we measure infra-red Another promising development planets will be difficult. Robert
rather than visible Ught. Although a for finding planets is NASA's Heinlein was one of the pioneers of
planet the size of Jupiter would proposed Space Telescope, which is the enormously popular conquering-
appear 10,000 times dimmer than being built now, and is due to be other-worlds story, and the blood,
itsparent star by infra-red, it would launched by the Space Shuttle in sweat and tears that he envisages
be 2.5 biUion times dimmer by the mid-1980s. The great advantage are no doubt correct in essence, even
visible Ught! of siting a telescope in space is ifhe proves to have got the details
Interferometers may help us, by itsfreedom from all the visual wrong. We may find Earth-sized
spUtting the light of the star in two, distortions caused by Earth's planets, with Earth-type gravity
away from the telescope lens. This atmosphere. It is believed that the and temperature, but it is likely that
would allow the reflected light of the 2.4-metre lens of the telescope will certain essentials such as plentiful
planet, which travels a slightly make viewing 10 times better than oxygen for breathing will be
different distance, to be separated the best telescopes on Earth. It will missing. If we develop the tech-
out. Direct masking of the star's also see further towards the ultra- nology to reach the stars, however,
light may also be possible. These violet and infra-red ends of the then making the planets that we
technologies are already being spectrum than we can from Earth. find there habitable should also be
developed. Although the designers did not possible.
Journey into space

Ganymede also the theme of two amount of water vapour that we

Terraforming is

other novels, Poul Anderson's The know to exist in its atmosphere

Snows of Ganymede and Gregory would fall as rain, and finally

The chance of locating other planets Benford's Jupiter Project. shallow lakes would form on the flat
that are completely comfortable for Earth has not always been
itself Venusian deserts.
human life is low. There are many suitable for human Ufe. Three billion Mars is a much more difficult
necessary conditions. These include years ago our atmosphere consisted prospect for terraforming. The bio-
suitable gravity, temperature range, largely of carbon dioxide, methane logical alteration of theatmosphere
air pressure and atmospheric and ammonia. Algae hving in the would not be possible at first,
constituents (oxygen is necessary); oceans metabolized the carbon because Meirs has very little atmo-
the presence of land masses and dioxide, Uberating oxygen into the sphere to work with. This is partly
oceans; winds and tides of manage- atmosphere, which in turn broke due to its lower surface gravity
able proportions; an absence of down the methane and ammonia. All less than half of Earth's which is
harmful radiation; a period of this may have taken a billion years. less efficient than ours at
rotation (and therefore a day) Scientists believe that substantial preventing atmospheric molecules
neither too long nor too short; quantities of oxygen in any from dispersing into space.
geological stability and the absence planetary atmosphere would indicate We would begin work on Mars
of lethal micro-organisms. the presence of Ufe. by warming it up from its present
There are only two general The constituents
of atmosphere average temperature of 40C. This
strategies for colonizing worlds that have a great on surface
effect could be partly achieved by sprink-
are only partly Earthlike. We could temperature, because of the so-called ling it with dark dust (perhaps
alter ourselves to fit the planet (this 'greenhouse effect' (see pages 34 and mined from its moons) which by
is often called 'pantropy' see 114-15), by which some gases help absorbing heat better than the
pages 154-5), or we could alter the to retain more of the Sun's heat present rather reflective surface
planet to fit ourselves. This is called than does our own atmosphere. would increase the planetary
'terraforming'. Venus, a heU planet with a surface temperature. Giant, orbiting mirrors
Terraforming as a theme of temperature around 470C, is could reflect more sunhght on to the
science fiction is not new. In Last thought to be suffering from a frozen carbon dioxide 'ice-caps', to
and First Men (1930), Olaf Staple- runaway greenhouse effect; its close- melt them. (Terraforming Mars by a
don imagined the colonizing of ness to the Sun is not enough to similar method is one of the themes
Venus. He saw three problems: explain the high temperatures. The of Ian Watson's novel The Martian
Venus is too hot (correct); it has no dense, cloudy atmosphere is largely Inca.) Mass drivers could be used to
free oxygen in its atmosphere carbon dioxide, and when it rains it steer asteroids (some of them may
(correct); it is almost entirely probably rains sulphuric acid. The usefully be made of ice and would
covered with oceans (wrong). Staple- atmosphere extends as high as 60 provide a water source) into collision
don's solution was 'to split up some km from the surface, and the courses with Mars, creating craters
of the ocean of the planet into surface pressure is 90 times that on kilometres deep in which the atmo-
hydrogen and oxygen by a vast Earth. A man who landed on its sphere would be denser.
process of electrolysis. The oxygen surface would first be crushed, then At present the atmospheric
would mix with the atmosphere. eaten by acid and slowly burned to pressure on the Martian surface is
The hydrogen would be ejected a crisp. less than 1% of that on Earth, but
beyond the limits of the atmosphere The astronomer Carl Sagan has with the addition of carbon dioxide
at so grreat a speed that it would suggested terraforming Venus by and water vapour, it may rise to a
never return.' seeding its atmosphere with 1000 density sufficient for the biological
Stapledon's method, as it rocket-loads of blue-green algae, conversion of carbon dioxide to
happens, is irrelevant as well as which would release oxygen from oxygen to take place, as we have
probably unworkable; but the the carbon dioxide. Everything planned to do with Venus.
principle of altering theatmosphere depends on how fast these algae These elaborate plans are a long
is good one, and it is true that we
a would multiply in the upper atmo- way in the future, for they depend
need not voyage to other planetary sphere before sinking to be on cheap energy sources which we
systems to find terraforming oppor- destroyed by the heat below. Algae have not yet developed; but they are
tunities.Our own Solar System has are extremely hardy, and several perfectly possible in theory. The
several:Mars and Venus have a species live in boiling hot springs. tools of the terraformer will range
surface gravity not too far removed Laboratory experiments show that from nuclear bombs and mass
from our own. Our Moon, and algae in a carbon dioxide atmo- driversdown to micro-organisms
several of Jupiter's moons, are other sphere proHferate, and also release specially tailored for particuleir
possibilities. Ganymede, the largest oxygen, at a satisfying rate. An environments by genetic
of Jupiter's moons, has been a oxygen-rich atmosphere on Venus engineering. Particularly useful
popular 'frontier' colony in science might be created in hundreds rather would be the creation of plants, like
fiction sinceRobert Heinlein's than milUons of years if the initial those imagined by Arthur C. Clarke
Farmer in the Sky (1950), though we colonies of algae were many and in The Sands of Mars, that break
now know that another Jovian As the process continued,
large. down oxides in rock and soil and
moon, lo, has a greater surface Venus would become cooler as the release free oxygen.
gravity. The terraforming of greenhouse effect lessened; the small Not all the temperature-control
Journey into space

of planets will be achieved with

greenhouse effects. Dust clouds
could be created around Venus-type
planets to help reflect the Sun's
heat outward. Giant space mirrors
could direct extra sunUght towards
or away from planetary surfaces,
depending on how they were
positioned.The ultimate aim of
terraforming will be to set up a self
sustaining ecology. Terraformed
planets and moons will not only
need people; they will need animals,
fish, trees, grains and especially
bacteria: all the necessary
ingredients of a viable food chain.
We should not be too ready to
reject terraforming as a wild dream.
We need to remember how success-
fully we have unconsciously
terraformed our own planet already,
seldom for the better. We have
noticeably increased the amount of
carbon dioxide in our atmosphere in
only 100 years, thus possibly
altering Earth's cUmatic balance; in
many areas we have reduced the
water table, producing heavy
ground subsidence; we have
destroyed the ecosystems of many
inland waters; we have deforested
much of Earth; our deserts are
advancing the Sahara by 40 km a
This is a tragedy and also a
challenge. Like charity, perhaps
terraforming should begin at home.
If we can succeed in restoring a Ufe-
sustaining environment on our own
crowded planet, it may
be compara-
such environ-
tively simple to create
ments on other, emptier worlds.

Above: Artist
David Hardy
pictures volcanoes
on Venus; the
dense clouds
above allow only a
gloomy half-light
to reach the
surface. (A 1975
radar survey
suggests some
volcanoes stand in
a largely flat land-
scape.) A balloon
monitor floats in
the corrosive
atmosphere that
creates a real
challenge for
Right: ceUs of
blue-green algae
like these could
transform Venus.
Chapter 2
We are told that energy sources in the real world are running
out. Are science fiction's high-technology futures therefore an
impossible dream? Will the next 100 years see us as a handful
of demoralized peasants, or might we still reach the stars?

be solved with an ample supply of The idea has a certain primitive

Where has all energy, but it would help a great appeal. In a grey and bureaucratic

the power gone? deal. With energy we could make world the idea of self-reUance, of
the deserts flower, feed the starving existing through our own wits and
millions of the still-developing Third our own strength, has a romantic,
Power sources used to be easily World, seek out raw materials that individuahstic ring to it. Science
come by in science fiction. E.E. are at present inaccessible, and fiction writers have been satisfying
'Doc' Smith's novel The Skylark of bring a better Ufe to the more our appetite for stories of the
Space, first published1928 and
in remote areas of the globe. As to the collapse of civiUzation for almost
still selling well today, opens with threat of warfare full bellies and a century now, with novels from
an experiment in a copper bathtub happy children are a great incentive Richard Jefferies' After London in
on '"X", the unknown metal'. To to peace. 1885, through Walter Miller's A
the experimenter's surprise, the Without energy our already Canticle for Leibowitz in 1960, to
bathtub whizzes out of the window cumbersome social and political television series like the British
and straight off into the strato- institutions will grind to a halt; our Survivors in 1975-7, and many more
sphere at unbelievable velocity. An cars and aircraft will be discarded, books and films.
'infra-atomic' energy source has and bicycles will become a luxury Dreams are one thing. The
been discovered. item hotly competed for. There will realitywould be misery, carnage,
Pulp science fiction in those be a social revolution greater than depopulation, and back-breaking
days was full of miraculous energy any in the past, as all the machinery labour for the survivors much
sources, used for anything from set up to develop those twin bleaker than the empty, anonymous
propelling spaceships to obUterating obsessions of the modern world- lives in high-rise flats that many of
planets. It was not as crazy as it growth and progress simply us experience now.
sounds. Scientists in the real world, collapses. Science fiction's images of a
too,were bubbling with optimism.
It was not until the 1950s that a
small number of scientific Jeremiahs
began to make themselves heard
with gloomy predictions that the
energy resources of our planet may
not be limitless; it was not until the
1960s that the world really began to
Usten; and it was not until the 1970s
that we began to feel the pinch,

oil suddenly rocketed.

as the price of
Now we are thinking about
energy more carefuUy than ever
before. This is reflected in science
fiction, where today's writers
usually make very sure that a
plausible energy source is specified
before sending spaceships to the
stars, or turning Mars into a
paradisal garden. Without energy,
the technological miracles of science
remain escapist fantasy;
fiction will
with energy they might just become
Not all the world's problems can
The secret is energy

low-technology future may be largely by steam, lasted less than expensively.

romantic, but they are also reeJistic. 150 years. The technological phase, Mass and energy are the basic
The fossO running
fuels really are marked by electric power, rapid commodities of the physical
out. If the world's energy consump- transport systems and a communi- universe. Most of the energy comes
tion keeps doubling every decade, as cations explosion, has lasted less from stars; our Sun is one of them.
it has been (see pages 34-6), even the than a century and is already Locating energy is easy; exploiting
least accessible coal-fields will be wavering and losing momentum. it is the hard peirt. But we live in an

worked out, and even the oil locked The optimists predict a super- age when fiction must become fact
up in shale deposits will be technological phase to follow. The if progress is to continue. In one

extracted, remarkably soon. Long small-is-beautiful advocates, along respect, science fiction has already
before then, energy will have come with the pessimists, predict that the come true.
to seem a luxury rather than our very idea of progress will coUapse. Nuclear power, predicted in
birthright. At the moment, we are Another group simply wants to see science fiction since the beginning of
expending more and more power on us stabilize energy consumption at the century, is the only present-day
obtaining the fuel that will give us its present level, neither advancing technology that is directly
more and more power. We are all nor retreating. competitive with fossil fuels in
familiar with the effects of this If we wish to choose the first or terms of the cost of production. This
vicious circle. Easily reachable even the third of these scenarios, is why most Western governments,

reserves of petroleum and natural then alternative energy resources of whatever political persuasion, and
gas will, at the present rate of must be found. But many of the some Asian governments too, are
consumption, be used up by the power sources predicted in science going ahead with plans to build
year 2000; easily reachable coal fiction are of no use at aU here and nuclear reactors, despite the
reserves will be used up by the year now. For example, the mutual massive, well organized and in some
2300. annihilation of matter and anti- ways justified public outcry against
It is as difficult for us to matter (see pages 78-9) would give them.
imagine the past accurately as it is vast amounts of energy. But the
to imagine the future. It is hard to world's only antimatter is being
Below: the by consumption
realize just how recently it was that made (at CERN in Geneva and one diagram not to of gas and then oil
we came to take cheap energy for or two other places) in submicro- scale shows at the end of the
granted. The stages of the process scopic amounts, and the energy turning points in period. The
are shown in the diagram below. We being used to make it is vaster, by Man's use of technological era
energy. Consump- of high energy use
can divide the history of mankind several orders of magnitude, than
tion was minimal began around
into three phases: agricultural, the energy that could be extracted during the long 1900. with
industrial and technological. The from it. A more modest energy agricultural phase. consumption
first phase lasted more than 12,000 source is the solar wind that could In Phase Two. almost doubling
with the every decade
years; its energy resources were propel spaceships to other planets
Industrial since. How much
pretty well restricted to muscle- (see page 22), but first the space- Revolution, coal energy wiU we
power, water, wind, and wood fires. craft would have to be raised out of consumption rose need in the coming
The industrial phase, powered Earth's gravity well again, very steeply, followed Phase Four?
The secret is energy

Cromie, got there through some become a famiUar theme of science

Nuclear fission extraordinary leap of the fiction stories by the beginning of
imagination even before the the 1940s, before the bomb itself.

Long before the destruction of discovery of radioactivity by 'Nerves', by Lester Del Rey,
Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945, Antoine Henri Becquerel in 1896. published in 1942, was about an
atomic power was a concept known In 1895, Cromie wrote of the power accident in a nuclear power station.
to ordinary people. It was one of the locked in the atom in his novel The Del Rey's description of the pubUc
most successful and best publicized Crack of Doom, in which a mad anxieties aroused by the generation
predictions of science fiction writers. scientist utiUzes this principle to of nuclear power turned out to be
Ever since the discovery by Ruther- build a bomb, and holds the world far-sighted indeed, though some of
ford and Soddy in 1902 of the radio- to ransom. the present-day fear of nuclear
active disintegration of uranium, it Atom bombs developed a rapid power stations that he so accurately
has been known that power was popularity in science fiction after predicted is ill informed. We have
locked in the atom. Einstein Rutherford's work (see also pages been conditioned to think of atomic
provided the equation in 1905, when 109-11).George Griffith wrote of power in the form of massive
in a famous paper he showed the atomic missiles in The Lord of explosions, but a full-scale nuclear
relationship between mass and Labour (1911), and H.G. WeUs explosion is one of the least likely
energj': E=mc^' (the energy locked envisaged the effects of the atom scenarios facing nuclear power
up matter equals the mass
in bomb in The World Set Free (1914). stations in the real world.
multiplied by the square of the It is eerie to realize that the weapon A far more likely scenario is
speed of light). In other words, the which put an end to World War II that presented in the 1979 film The
disintegration of a tiny mass leads had in fact been imagined before China Syndrome, which had the
to a relatively vast emission of World War I. financial good fortune to be released
energy. It took science fiction writers a just after an accident at the Three
Science fiction writers were very while to consider that atomic energy Mile Island nucleeir power plant
quick to take the hint. In fact, one might be controlled and put to near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The
almost forgotten writer, Robert creative purposes. Yet this too had film is based on the idea that, if the

Left: Blue
radiation glows
brilliantly and
perilously from
the core of the
Bulk Shielding
Reactor, one of
four 'swimming
pool' reactors at
Oak Ridge
Laboratory in the
USA. Right; this
flow plan shows
where the cooling-
system pump
broke down in the
no. 2 reactor at
the Three Mile
Island nuclear
power plant in the
USA in 1979.
Although some
backup safety
procedures failed
to work, 'melt-
down' was averted
in the rapidly
heating core of the
reactor. The
accident gave the
campaign against
generation a great

The secret is energy
cooling system of a nuclear reactor longer be classified as science fiction amount annually.
broke down some way, an
in by most readers; they are seen as By contrast, a 1000-megawatt,
uncontrolled \hough not explosive present-day thrillers. A typical such fast-breeder nuclear plant produces
reaction, a 'meltdown', could take scenario involves the theft of a quarter of a cubic metre of radio-
place within the core. This would plutonium from a power station, or active waste products a year; but
create such high temperatures that from a train or truck, by a terrorist this waste is vastly more lethal than
fiercely incandescent materials could group and this could indeed happen. carbon dioxide.
melt their way right down into the Plutonium is formed in nuclear Although there is no hard
earth (and 'through to China', as one reactors; it can be used to make evidence (the Russian cases
colourful though inaccurate phrase atomic weapons, and is itself a mentioned above are only rumours)
had it hence the 'China Syndrome'). deadly poison. The exact toxicity of that one single member of the public
Dangerous radioactive materials plutonium is in dispute, but has ever been injured in any way by
would at the same time be released scientists beheve that even one-ten- radioactive pollution from a nuclear
into the atmosphere. miUionth of a gram may be a lethal power plant, some researchers
Although the accident at Three dose, enough to cause cancer. The believe that the increase of cancer
Mile Island did not, in fact, lead to perils of plutonium are regarded by victims may be due as much to
a meltdown, the public concern at many as the strongest argument increased radiation in the
the time was not unjustified. The against the construction of nuclear environment as to smoking.
cooling system did break down, the power stations. Workers in nuclear power plants
emergency procedures did not work The other major problem is the seem to be very safe in comparison
properly, and a small amount of disposal of radioactive waste with, say, workers in the coal
radioactive material was released products. Radioactivity cannot be industry, where the death rate is
into the atmosphere. It was only destroyed, and radioactive wastes more than 100 times as high. In
enough, however, according to the will retain some of their potency neither industry, however, is it
US Department of Health, even after 25,000 years. These easy to tell if a particular illness,
Education and Welfare to cause one wastes are not, however, produced which may only show itself years
additional death from cancer among in large quantities. The total later, has been directly caused by
the conditions of work. In general,
though, popular fears about nuclear
power seem to be based not so much
on what has happened as on what
could happen.
Steam line Without Earth's naturally

Control rods a. ^ occurring background radiation

(from cosmic rays and from such
radioactive substances as uranium
4*4 Pump
in the Earth's crust), higher forms

Reactor of organic Ufe would almost

certainly have failed to evolve. This

&=^ Cooling
includes us. Evolution uses as its
working material the natural varia-
tions brought about by mutation,
Shield which in turn is largely caused by
This is no reason for
the 2 miUion people who lived with- amount of radioactive waste complacency. We already have
in 50 miles of the accident site. produced by the year 2000 would plenty of radiation to cause
(There have been many other cover 1 square km to a depth of less mutations; we need not voluntarily
accidents, most of them allegedly than 5 metres. This is a tiny subject ourselves to more. Official
minor. However, according to CIA amount, when balanced against the figures show that the radiation
surveillance sources, there have massive pollution already resulting released into the atmosphere by the
been 14 major accidents in the from the burning of fossil fuels. For use of nuclear reactors is negligible
USSR. Sparse details have been every 1000 megawatts produced by compared with the
(so far at least)
released about two of them. If the a coal-fuelled electricity-generating substantialamounts already there.
CIA is not exaggerating for reasons plant, there is an annual release into But cynics might argue that
of its own, thousands of people died the atmosphere of approximately officialdom has a vested interest
at Khystym, in the Urals, in 1958. 150,000 tons of sulphur dioxide in nuclear power and might mis-
In 1961 there was a second, 'even (which is extremely corrosive), 9 represent the facts. Government
more terrifying' accident.) million tons of carbon dioxide controls on the emission of radiation
Nuclear power is quite recent; (which causes the 'greenhouse are extremely tight. We are unlikely
the first nuclear power plant in the effect') and many other pollutants. to give up our nuclear reactors in

world went into service in the USA This is the output of only one large, the near future. We can only hope
in 1957. But now it is so much with modern plant. The USA alone that these controls are efficiently
us that stories about it would no produces more than 300 times this and honestly applied.
The secret is energy

At the moment the energy creating waste heat; the inexorable

Energy doubling consumption of the world is law of what the physicists call

and waste heat approximately doubhng every 10

years. The total consumption of
'entropy' (see page 86) will not
allow it. Because of entropy, no
petroleum from its first exploitation energy generator can run at 100%
Nuclear power plants, and the in 1859 right through to 1959, for efficiency. There is always a heat
burning of fossil fuels, release heat example, was around the same as loss. Energy in high forms (low

into the biosphere that was not the consumption in only the entropy) can readily be degraded
there before. Worries about heat following decade, from 1959 to 1969. into energy in lower forms, but
pollution are compeu-atively recent, The world cannot go on these lower forms (such as the
and were at focused on water.
first doubUng its energy consumption chemical energy locked up in fossil
Many rivers and lakes used for every 10 years for very much longer, fuels) cannot be converted into

cooling, in all kinds of power plants, and could not do so even if our higher forms (such as electricity)
are heated up so much that the energy resources were virtually without heat loss. A familiar
delicate balance of life within their infinite. We would, surprisingly example of the waste heat produced
waters is destroyed. Now scientists soon, reach a stage where we were in such processes is given by the
are beginning to worry about the pumping more heat into our atmos- ordinary electric light bulb. It is

extra heat released directly into the phere than could ever be radiated quite inefficient in converting
atmosphere. This is not yet a major back into space. That would be true, which is a
electricity into light,
problem. The total waste heat at least, if the extra energy we used form of energy.
relatively 'high'
released by the year 2000 will be no were taken from sources such as Much of the power used goes into
more than one-thousandth of the and nuclear reactors
fossil fuels waste heat which is why light
heat already reaching us from the where the energy was previously bulbs are hot to the touch.
Sun. But in another 100 years there locked up. In the face of these energy-
may be a noticeable rise in world If we double our energy require-
temperature. ments every 10 years, then in only
The burning of fossil fuels, 100 years from now we shall be
however, may indirectly bring about using 1024 times as much energy as
a rise in world temperature much we are using now. (This would mean,
faster than this. The temperature of speaking approximately, that every
the atmosphere may
not be much square metre of Earth's land space
raised by waste heat (although large would be required to radiate as
industrial cities tend to be warmer much additional heat outwards as
than the surrounding countryside), already falls on it from the Sun.)
but it may be affected by pollutants By the year 2100 Earth would be a
in such a way as to trap a larger hot and uncomfortable place. The
proportion of the Sun's heat. This is melting ice-caps would long since
the so-called 'greenhouse effect' (see have submerged New York and
pages 114-15). Many scientists London.
believe that, as the amount of Nature demands a bedance. For
carbon dioxide released into the the temperature of Earth to remain
atmosphere from burning fuels goes the same as now, just as much heat
up, more of the Sun's heat will be must be radiated out into space as
retained. The carbon dioxide content we collect from all sources. Most of
of the atmosphere has increased by the heat we collect comes from
10% already in the twentieth sunshine; some comes from geo-
century, and wiU have increased by thermed sources such as volcanoes;
asmuch as 35% by the year 2000. and we create more ourselves with
Earth may get much hotter. every passing year. If we put more
Accurate predictions of the heat into the system, then, unless
future are notoriously difficult to we radiate more out again, the
make. It is true that the disaster temperature will go up. As the
scenarios of science fiction John science fiction writer Frederik Pohl
Brunner's novel The Sheep Look Up once wittily suggested, we could
is an outstandingly depressing paint Texas white. That would
exampleoften take the worst increase the radiation outwards, but
possible interpretation of existing it might not be a very popular move

statistics and trends. But these with the Texans. To make matters
statistics do exist, and we cannot worse, our most efficient outward
make them go away by ignoring radiators at present are the polar
them. The increasing generation and ice-caps. If the temperature goes up,
consumption of energy provide some they will not be here much longer to
of the most frightening statistics of do the job.
aU. We cannot use energy without
The secret is energy

doubling statistics, we must ask if

Food Domestic use '
Industry and agriculture' Transportation
our high-technology society, with its

high energy consumption, is already

IC 66 91 ^^h 63 doomed. Will it collapse under the
own greed, suffocated
strain of its
by its own
hot waste products?
32 24 14 Things are not quite as bleak as this
yet, and there are at least two
routes out of the energy-doubling
agricultural 2 impasse.
man The first is that common sense
and a vetriety of social pressures will
Primitive 4
force us to slow down our energy
man ^4 consumption not necessarily to
reverse but to slow down the rate

of increase. For one thing, world

Hunting man
population will not continue to grow
at the rate by which it was
increasing quite recently. Population
Primitive man -2 growth has already slowed down
substantially. (The most recent
United Nations figures show a
50 100 150 200 population of around 4.5 biUion now,
Daily per capita consumption (1000 kilocalories)
and predict a population of 6 billion
Top: the American
geographer Earl
Cook has worked
out the daily
consumption of
energy for six
stages of human
development. By
1970 in the USA.
technological man
was consuming
230,000 kilo-
calories per
day, much of it
in the form of
(hatched area).
Food includes what
is fed to domestic
animals. The
industrial society
is that of England
in 1875. OveraU
energy use is
increasing even
faster than this
shows, since the
figures are per
head, and now
there are many
more heads than
there were.
Left: a thermal
line-scan image of
a power station
releasing hot
effluent into
the River Trent in
England. Where
the water is hot it
appears white.
More heat is being
added to the
atmosphere by the
steam from the
cooling towers.
Are we making
Earth too hot?

The secret is energy

by the year 2000, levelling off at 1 in 1959. industries out into space.
billion in the following century see Nuclear power is not the only There is an increasing pubhc
also page 1Sooner or later, the
16.) answer, however. There are many demand for the exploitation of these
growth had to slow down. If the energy systems on Earth (and so-called 'invariant energy systems'.
population kept on increasing at the outside it) which are already (We analyse the most important of
old rate, there would not be enough powered by heat from the Sun. them on pages 39-41). But the
space for us all to stand in after a There is sunshine itself; there is the biggest 'free lunch' of all is nuclear
surprisingly few centuries had energy potential of hving plants fusion (see pages 37-8), which offers
passed. As world population (from which we can get alcohol); such huge rewards that govern-
stabilizes, so wUl energy there are wind, waves and currents. ments yearn to use it, despite the
consumption. There is also the naturally occurring waste-heat problems it would
The second possible way out of heat from geothermal energy- inevitably bring in its wake.
the impasse is to seek energy volcanoes and hot springs. The heat
Cities are hotter concrete and
sources that do not pollute the from all these sources already than rural areas, asphalt. This
atmosphere with ceu-bon dioxide, exists. If we use it, we are not partly because infrared satellite
which causes the "greenhouse effect', creating new heat to pump into our of the amount of picture, in which
waste heat created hot areas appear
and with waste heat. The fossil fuels atmosphere. To preserve our
in them, and darker, clearly
do both, but they are in any case biosphere, we may have to learn shows several
partly because of
running out. Nuclear power does not how to make economic use of these the heat absorbed cities, including
produce carbon dioxide, but it does systemsor move our heavy and re-radiated by London and Paris.

produce a great deal of waste heat,

and has a fearsome potential for
radioactive pollution. Furthermore,
nuclear-fission power stations are
not exempt from energy-doubling
problems. The rare isotope
uranium-235, which is used to fuel
nuclear reactors, will not last
indefinitely. Much of our readily
accessibleuranium wiU be used up
by the end of this century.
Urmium-235 can be replaced by the
artifical element plutonium-239,
which is manufactured in fast-
breeder reactors. (These get their
name from the fact that while
producing power they produce
plutonium fuel as well.) Our uranium
reserves can in this way be eked out
to last for at least 1000 years, and
probably much longer. But good
news usually comes at a cost.
('There ain't no such thing as a free
lunch', as the science fiction writer
Robert Heinlein has sagely observed
in several of his novels.) Fast-
breeder reactors necessarily operate
at amuch higher temperature than
ordinary nuclear reactors, and the
dangers of a 'meltdown' in the case
of an accident are correspondingly
greater. And their main product,
plutonium, is a deadly, toxic
material from which atom bombs
can easily be made, even by
comparatively backward nations.
(Hence the political fuss about the
great powers' giving nuclear-reactor
technology to such nations as Iraq
and Pakistan. Where the reactor is
buUt, the bomb can follow soon
after.) The first fast-breeder reactor
was built at Dounreay on the North
Scottish coast. It came into service

The secret is energy
the nuclei of hydrogen atoms
Nuclear fusion together, fusing them into helium
the nuclei take part in the first of
the two reactions and half in the
atoms, plus an emission of energy. second. Energy can also be gained
In science fiction, by far the most Hydrogen is by far the most by squeezing deuterium together
popular technique for producing common element in the universe; with tritium nuclei (see diagram).
energy is nuclear fusion. There are even on Earth it is extremely This last reaction gives the most
two reasons for this. One is common, being one of the two energy immediately, but since
extremely romantic, the other constitutents of water (the other is tritium is one product of the first
extremely practical. oxygen). However, ordinary two reactions, it is the deuterium-
The romantic reason is that the hydrogen is of no use for fusion deuterium fusion process that gives
process of nuclear fusion comes under Earthly conditions: it is too the most energy in the long run.
close to dupUcating what happens in stable. But hydrogen exists in two This would seem the best process to
the Sun. We Uved in caves not so other forms (isotopes), both of which use, then, especially as it utilizes a
long ago. There could be no more can be used in fusion processes. relatively abundant isotope. (The
romantic a symbol of our evolution Ordinary hydrogen is the energy locked up in the deuterium
than the harnessing of those same simplest of all elements. Its atom of 1 cubic metre of water is equal to
energies that Ught up our sky by consists of a nucleus containing one that produced by burning 300
day (the Sun) and by night (the proton, around which a single tons of coal.) The bad news is that
stars). electron orbits. Heavy hydrogen, both kinds of fusion are extremely
The practical reason is that known as deuterium, has a nucleus difficult to bring about, and the
nuclear fusion is (theoreticeJly) consisting of one proton and one better of the two, deuterium-
cheap. It releases more energy than neutron. It is relatively uncommon; deuterium, needs an even higher
nuclear fission and it uses cheaper for every 6700 atoms of ordinary operating temperature than the
materials. This is why fusion power hydrogen there is only 1 atom of other. Present-day research, there-
is not just a dream of science fiction deuterium; but given the vast size fore, concentrates on the deuterium-
writers; it is the subject of millions of our oceans, even 1 part in 6700 tritium reaction.
of dollars'-worth of research every represents a colossal total mass. The The temperature gives us the
year. (But if we are to have fusion cost of separating out the deuterium problem. It is very difficult to force
by the year 2000, which a number of from ordinary sea water would be the nuclei of two atoms to fuse
fusion scientists believe to be negligible in relation to the energy together because, containing
possible, the sum set aside for that would result from deuterium protons as they do, they are both
research wiU have to be measured in fusion reactions. positively charged. Everybody
knows how difficultit is to push the

All deuterium reaction one

The upper two positive poles of two magnets

O) (S) + o + 1.0 MEV

reactions take
place when
deuterium atoms
are fused at huge
together; they repel each other
to be
The atomic nuclei have
thrown together so vigorously
Deuterium Deuterium HeUum 3 Neutron
temperatures; half that the electric repulsion is
the atoms fuse in
All deuterium reaction
overcome. This, as it happens,
two the first process

9 ^
Deuterium Deuterium
@ *
+ 4.0 MEV
and half in the
second. The lower
equation shows
requires a great deal of force.
nuclei have to be given an extremely
high kinetic energy before they are
moving fast enough to fuse. In

fusion. The dark

everyday language, that means that
dots are protons,
the light ones are they must be very hot hotter, in
neutrons. The fact, than the Sun. (The Sun, being
+ O + 17.6 MEV figures show the very dense, can puU off the trick
Deuterium energy that is
Tritium Helium 4 Neutron more easily; the force of gravity
comes into play in helping to
squeeze the nuclei together.) We can
billions, not millions.) Aneven more useful isotope of already do it: the result is the
What is nuclear fusion? Like hydrogen is tritium, a kind of super- hydrogen bomb. But the real
nuclear fission, it relies on the fact heavy hydrogen. The tritium atom question is, how do we control the
that mass can be converted into has a nucleus consisting of one process? This is the problem on
energy. In fission, the nuclei of the proton and two neutrons. Unfortun- which so much research is being
unstable atoms of rare, heavy ately, tritium is very rare in nature; carried out today.
elements are broken down into the but comparatively simple to
it is To make fusion work by the
nuclei of Hghter elements, releasing make artificially. This is done by Tokamak method (see illustration),
energy in the process. Fusion is bombarding a rather more common we need to create, for a fraction of
rather more elegant; it takes place element, lithium, with neutrons. a second, a thin plasma of ionized
with much and more
lighter There are complications to the deuterium and tritium at a
abundant elements, and is a putting fusion process. Energy can be temperature of around 100 million
together rather than a tearing apart. gained by squeezing deuterium degrees centigrade. This cannot be
The process works by squeezing nuclei together (see diagram); half done in an ordinary container. What
The secret is energy

is being attempted is the creation of

Dculfrium supply" Tritium supply
a container that does not consist of
matter at all, but of a magnetic field Pellet factory
that will keep the protons within Mirror

This is sometimes known as a

Combustion chamber
'magnetic bottle'.
Despite the difficulties, fusion
has already been attained on a small
scale in laboratories, but only for a
fraction of a second. We need a
continuous process, where all the
excess energj' (beyond that required
to keep the plasma hot enough to
carry on fusing) could be used to
heat, say, a fast-flowing stream of
potassium. This heat would then be
used to generate electricity.
Research has not yet reached the /MJ
break -even stage at which the
amount of energy taken out of the
system is as great as the amount of
energy required to cause the fusion
in the first place.
Another promising line of
research is directed towards the

bombardment from all sides of tiny,

frozen pellets of deuterium and
tritium by a battery of laser beams
(see diagram), each one operating
within a billionth of a second of all
the others. The highly energetic
laser beams would force the pellet to Beam-splitter
Laser amplifier
implode (to explode inwards). This
Laser preamplifier
also creates the necessary conditions Laser oscillator
for fusion.
Above: how statically in a Below; most Princeton
It is easy to see why the idea this is

a laser-fusion zigzag to the fusion research is University. The

of fusion power is so attractive: very hot fusion
power plant might central carried out in
ituses a cheap fuel, found in sea operate. Liquid combustion tokamaks materials are
water, that should last us for the pellets of tritium chamber, where (Russian acronym confined in a
foreseeable future; it gives a higher and deuterium they are imploded for toroidal vacuum vessel by

energy yield than nuclear fission; about 1 mm in by converging magnetic chamber) magnetic fields
diameter are laser beams, and like this one, the generated by
there is environmental
less risk of massive coils.
guided electro- the heat removed. Large Torus at
pollution (though the high-energy
neutrons produced will create some
radioactivity); and, best of all, it is a
process which cannot by its very
nature get out of control. Any
explosion, even the beginning of
one, causes the process to stop auto-
matically. Fusion can only take
place under conditions of extreme
It may happen. It probably will,

though the technological problems

of creating and sustaining the
unimaginably high temperature are
formidable. Nuclear fusion is not
quite perfect, however, for use on
Earth (though it may turn out to be
the best method of powering a
starship see pages 10-13). We are
back to the old problem of putting
more heat into the biosphere with
no easy way of getting rid of it.
The secret is energy

than 0.002% of the total energy we temperature. Most of the rest is

Renewable receive on Earth. used to evaporate water which
energy sources The second is geothermal eventually falls again as rain, in the
energy, which is the heat conducted hydrologic cycle; it also ultimately
up from Earth's hot interior. Some provides the energy to drive the
How much 'free' energy does the of this is in the form of hot springs winds, the waves and ocean
whole world receive every day? If and volcanoes, and most of it, less currents. Finally, a tiny fraction is
we can convert this 'free' energy spectacularly, is quietly moving up used by plants for photosynthesis,
into usable forms (electricity, for through the soil. Geothermal energy and converted into chemical energy.
example) we are not drawing on the is a little less than 0.02% of the When the plants die and rot, this
bank, and we are not emitting waste total energy we receive on Earth. energy is released again, except for
heat that was not already circula- The third renewable energy those tiny amounts of vegetation
ting to begin with. There are source is radiation from the Sun. that become trapped in conditions
basically three sources of 'free' The total solar radiation intercepted where free rotting cannot take place.
energy renewable energy sources, by Earth is 1.73X10" watts: more These form coal, oil and pockets of
or 'invariant energy systems', as than 99.98% of the total energy we natural gas. They are our rapidly
they are sometimes called. receive on Earth. About 30% of the diminishing fossil fuels which took
The smallest of these is the solar energy we receive is re- many milhons of years to form
power locked up in the ocean tides. radiated straight back into space as and only a few hundred to use up.
This power comes from the short-wavelength radiation. About It does not take an arithmetical
combined kinetic and potential 47% is absorbed by the oceans, the genius to see that solar power is the
energy of the Earth-Moon-Sun land and the atmosphere, and most generous of the above sources.
system, and is ultimately derived converted straight into the heat that Tidal power and geothermal power
from gravity. Tidal energy is less maintains Earth at a fairly constant may be useful in some, highly
localized areas; but they cannot
conceivably provide us with all our
energy requirements, even today.
The turbines of a tidal power
plant are turned by the weight of
the water trapped at high tide
behind floodgates. It has been
estimated that if all the suitable
bays and estuaries in the USA were
dammed for the generation of tidal
power, the total output would be
around 100 gigawatts (100,000
megawatts). This sounds impressive,
until we learn that the electricity
consumption of the USA was
already three times that amount by
1970. Tidal power around the world
will at best be a useful back-up
system. It wiU also create enormous
damage to the ecological systems
(which include tourists) of many
pleasant bays and harbours
throughout the world, if put into
operation on a large scale.
Geothermal power is already
generated at various places around
the world. The plant at LardareUo,
in Italy, was built in 1904, and now

This giant turbine Bill Mouton and

would be moored Peter Lissaman.
underwater off the This imaginary
Florida coast, one prototype is
of a chain of 230 Coriolis One. The
such generators Gulf Stream flows
utilizing the most through the 168-
powerful ocean metre diameter
current in the duct at 2.5 metres
world to turn the per second. Its
blades, according output is around
to the designers 43 megawatts.

The secret is energy

generates 370 megawatts; it uses replace fossil fuels directly. After radiationis obviously less for every

naturally occurring steam. However, all, it is power that grows

solar square metre. Solar power, then, is
the areas where Earth's internal plants! Alcohol, a good fuel for auto- best exploited in cloudless desert or
heat rises to the surface at the mobiles, can readily be distilled semi-desert areas not too far north
necessary high temperatures are from a great variety of plants. (This or south. (The equator might seem
comparatively few, though we can technique for generating chemical to be an ideal site, until we
drill down towards the heat our- energy is often referred to as the remember how often equatorial
selves (see diagram). Dormant 'biomass system'.) It would take a conditions are cloudy. Also, at the
volcanoes are not a good risk, since great many plants to replace the moment, few nations situated on or
the plant would be wiped out in an amount of petroleum used today, near the equator have the economic
eruption. There are pollution but in some countries this might resources to build solar power
problems with geothermal power. just be possible. Unfortunately, generators on a large scale.
Water from underground sources every hectare of productive ground Nevertheless, the best sites are
often has a high mineral content, used for growing plants for fuel is a within 30 of the equator.)
leading to problems of corrosion. It hectare less for growing plants for
has been estimated that geothermal food. Geothermal
plants could generate 100 gigawatts It makes more sense to take
by the end of this century; but, solar power from unproductive land,
though useful, this would cater for such as deserts or the ice-caps.
only a fraction of our estimated Deserts are better; they receive a
needs by that time. great deal more direct sunlight. The
The most attractive renewable 'solar constant' is an important
energy source is solar power. It figure here. This is the amount of
exists in many forms, some of them radiation from the Sun that is
far from obvious. For example, the intercepted by the Earth. It works
Sun heats up the surface water of out at about 1.4 kilowatts per
oceans, and the difference in square metre, but much of this is

temperature between the surface absorbed by the atmosphere,

water and the water beneath can be especially in cloudy areas. Also, in
used to generate power. Such a southern and northern latitudes,
station, still in the experimental where the Sun's rays strike Earth at
stage, exists near Hawaii. Solar a more acute angle, the amount of
power drives the ocean currents,
too. It has been suggested that wc Right: The holds the water m,
could tap the mighty power of the diagram shows unless it escapes
Gulf Stream with gigantic, how hot water, of as steam through

underwater, rotating blades (see maybe 260C, natural vents.

trapped in the Below: steel pipes
picture on page 39). porous rock layer carry high-pres-
It is solar power that evaporates under great pres- sure steam at the
the water from the oceans that falls sure can be tapped geothermal power
again as rain, and creates rivers. by wells driven station at
through the rela- Wairakei in New
Thus all hydroelectric power, which Zealand. Corrosion
tively imperme-
is generated by descending river or able cap rock that is a problem.
lake water, is ultimately solar
power. Solar power also creates
winds. Wind-power, one of the most
ancient power sources on Earth, has
proved especially attractive to many
of the ecologically conscious
pressure groups: it has such a clean

feeUng to it. There is no pollution,

and not much is needed in the way
of heavy machinery. Unfortunately,
except in those rare areas of the
world that have consistent high
winds, it is remarkably inefficient.
In order to build enough windmills
to generate electric power on a
really useful scale we would have to
cover the landscape with them. The
ecologists might not be so keen,
then, on the visual pollution that
would result.
Solar power can even be used to
The secret is energy

In fact, the average amount of they are extraordinarily durable and money at the domestic level.
the Sun's energy actually reaching a reliable. The second method is to Given the obvious advantages,
square metre of Earth's surface is construct an array of pivoting, why has the world especially those
only 730 watts, during the hours of concave mirrors; these mirrors focus areas, like North Africa, Australia
daylight. The sums are quite simple. the sunUght they receive on to a and the USA, that possess their
To convert sunlight into power on a central heat collector, which gets own deserts not yet turned to
large scale, we would have to cover very hot. (Everybody knows that solarpower? (Cloudy countries such
quite a lot of desert. This is you can make fire with a small as the UK would have to import
especially true at the moment, when magnifying glass; it is easy to solar-generated electricity from their
we do not convert sunlight to imagine the temperatures attainable warmer neighbours.) Solar power
electricity at an efficiency of more when the sunlight from thousands should please even the devotees of
than around 14%. Technological of square metres is focused on a nuclear fusion, since it utilizes a
advances may drive that figure up single point.) vast nuclear-fusion energy generator
to 25%, but probably no further. Because sunhght turns off at the Sun at a comfortably safe
For a 1000-megawatt plant, a land night, large-scale schemes must distance of 150 miUion km away.
area of between 20 and 70 square have carefully designed energy stor- The reason for our not yet having
km would be needed, according to age systems to smooth out the daily turned to solar power on a large
the method of energy conversion variation. (Similar problems arise scale is one of finance. Estimates
used. (One optimistic estimate gives with wind, wave and tidal power.) differ, but at the moment it seems

12 square km as a future Most of the solar power that to build solar plants will be
possibility.) To supply the near- exploited today is used domesti- about half as expensive again as to
future needs of the USA, for cally, where it often does not need build nuclear power plants. There
example, 40,000 square km of desert to be converted to electricity: it is are many uncertainties. The fact
(probably in Nevada or Arizona) mostly used space and water
for that solar plants are likely to last
may need to be covered. This is not heating, and (using heat pumps) for much longer might bring the price
quite such a huge area as it sounds refrigeration. The US government is down, when future running costs are
at first; it is, roughly, 13.5% of the at present spending vast-sounding calculated into the sum, but govern-
area of Arizona. sums on solar power research ($470 ments have seldom been good at
The two most popular methods million in 1979), but in fact they taking the long view.
of converting sunlight to electric represent less than 3% of the overall However, this 50% cost margin
power are by solar cell, in which energy budget. Businessmen prefer is not very large. As fossil fuels and
the conversion (by way of semi- nuclear power (which has bigger uranium become scarcer and more
conductor chips) and
is direct, profits because the energy source is expensive, and as safety precautions
by steam turbine. The first method not freely available), and so, at the with nuclear plants also get more
is considerably more expensive, at moment, do politicians. But all this expensive, then solar power might
the moment, to install; but because may change. Solar technology is very well come, in the neeir future,
solar cells have no moving parts, already making a great deal of to be an economic bargain.

This experimental
solar power
station in the
French Pyrenees
does not generate
a great deal of
electricity, but it
points towards a
promising future.
The mirrors in this
array can be
tracked to foUow
the Sun; they
focus its Light on
to a giant
parabolic mirror,
which focuses an
intensely hot
beam on a single
point. However,
conversion of
sunlight into
electricity cannot
yet compete with
nuclear power or
fossil fuels in
terms of

The secret is energy

Solar power Left: The huge

collecting panel of
a solar satellite
from satellites would intercept
sunlight, convert
it into electricity,
Solar power plants on Earth take up and then beam the
a lot of room. A
simple exercise in Receiving antenna power to Earth in
lateral thinking has produced a (10 km. 13 km) the form of micro-
waves. Each
possible answer to the problem.
satellite would be
Why not put the solar collectors out in geosynchronous
in space, where they would not get orbit above the
in anybody's way? This would have equator, and thus
stationary with
its advantages. There would be no
respect to the
night-time shut-off. Also, the Sun's collecting
radiation at sea-level has already antennae on Earth
been partly dissipated by the below. One
atmosphere, but outside the would
weigh 50,000
atmosphere it would be collected at
tons, cost
full strength. around $27,000
Many systems have been million (15.000
proposed for satellite solar power. million) and
generate 5 giga-
All envisage large satellites in geo-
watts of power
synchronous orbit; that is to say, in about five times
orbit at precisely the right height as much as the
(36,000 km) to maintain the largest generators

satellite's position exactly above a on Earth. Only a

Control station
dream? The US
given point on Earth. Huge, light- government spent
weight panels of solar cells would be Waste-heat radiator over .$16 million
spread out Like giant wings on each investigating it.
side of the central living capsule;
Microwave antenna The result
(1-5 kmxl-5 km) muted optimism.
wings perhaps 5 km wide and 10 km
Below: Boeing
CooUng equipment
long. In free fall, metal is not Aerospace's con-
subject to gravitational stresses, and Sun ception of a solar
gigantic engineering projects that power satellite
would collapse under their own under construction.
A space shuttle is
weight on Earth become quite
docked at the
plausible in space. assembly bay,
The power (now in the form of right. A heavy lift

electricity) collected by the satellite cargo vehicle

approaches, left.
would then, according to the
currently most popular theory, be
converted into microwave radiation,
the same as the radiation in micro-
wave ovens, a kind of high-energy,
very-short-wave radio. The micro-
waves would be broadcast in a very
tight beam to collecting antennae on
Earth. (Over the 36,000 km, the
beam would not spread very widely,
but the collecting antennae would
still cover an area of 10 kmxl3 km
more than twice the size of
Manhattan.) Here the microwaves
would be converted back into
electricity at an efficiency of more
than 80%. There would be very little
absorption of energy by the atmo-
sphere. One such satellite power
station would have an output of
5000 megawatts about five times
the power of most existing large
generators on Earth.
This concept was first proposed
in 1968 by Dr Peter Glaser of

The secret is energy

Massachusetts. Since then the more general use, costs will go megawattsequal to 200 large
US government has funded a $16 down. More science-fiction-minded nucleeir power stations. The
miUion study of the project, which engineers are not too worried about enterprising part of the scheme
has been widely publicized. this problem. They suggest we get would be the use of glacier ice as
People who are afraid (naturally the raw materials from the Moon; the primary construction material
enough) of being fried or cancer- they would be easier to Uft into for dams and channels. In another
ridden if caught in such a beam space than they would be from scheme, just as ambitious and
have resoundingly criticized the Earth (see pages 23-5). rather more lunatic, it is proposed to
project as an example of techno- The possibihty of power from divert the Niger river through the
logical thinking run wUd. Itseems, solar satellites highlights the Saheira, under the Mediterranean,
however, that the beam would not continuing debate between science- over the Alps and into Germany,
be so concentrated when it reached fiction-minded, technological where useful hot water would result
Earth as to incinerate passers-by, or optimists and more cautious for the Germans. Schemes ranging
even, according to official sources, 'reahsts'. Both groups have a from the practical to the hare-
injure them in any way. (The voice in government, but it has to brained are endless.
collecting areas would, of course, be be said that in the early 1980s the The problems of generating
out of bounds, though propagandiz- optimists' chances of going ahead power are closely connected to the
ing art-work shows cows grazing with such schemes look slim indeed, problems of its distribution. Vast
peacefully in the middle of the at least for the next decade. amounts of electricity generated in
collecting-antennae area.) Also, a Economists see the solar sateUite the Austrahan desert or m the Gulf

The collecting
antennae for a
solar power
sateUite will take
up a lot of room
six times as
much space as a
power plant of the
same capacity. A
possible answer
for the UK, for
example, would be
to build an
artificial island in
the North Sea, on
which the
antennae would
stand in serried
ranks as in this
artist's con-
ception: an
expensive project
with an area of
100 km^ or more.

simple fail-safe system could be scheme as laughable. Military Stream will not do much to help
built to ensure that if, by some strategists will certainly advise the peasants in Cambodia or even office-
accident, the beam failed to lock on USA or any other nation that to put workers in London, unless more
to the antennae cluster, it would all their energy eggs in one very efficientmethods of international
instantly be harmlessly dissipated. vulnerable basket in space, where power distribution are worked out.
Further research needs to be done, they could be readily knocked out Energy can be beamed; it can also
however, on the effects of low- by enemy missiles, would be stark be stored and shipped in chemical
concentration microwaves on lunacy. The high-technology futures form. The possibihties are endless,
organic Ufe (which includes people), imagined by Utopian visionaries but are a long way from reaUzation
and it is understandable that the depend on a much greater degree of on any but an experimental scale.
project should receive a somewhat international peace and co-operation The building of global energy
nervous reception. Some scientists than the world can boast of now. networks will have as much to do
have proposed that lasers, which The construction of solar power with supranational corporations and
can be focused even more tightly, satellites is only one of many high- international banks as with
should replace microwave beams as technology power-generating engineers.
the means of transmitting the projects that have been suggested The energy schemes discussed
energy down to Earth. for the near future. For example, the so far have all been located on Earth

The technical problems are vast, annual summer melting of the or in its immediate vicinity. Many
of course. The capitil cost of raising Greenland ice-cap, at a height of science fiction writers would regard
heavy equipment into orbit would at 2000-3000 metres, could provide this near-future emphasis as rather
the moment be prohibitive, though hydroelectric schemes with an Should we look further
as the space shuttle comes into estimated output of 200,000 ahead and further out?
The secret is energy

thus further increasing its energy in the consumption of energy (much

Far-future exploitation around 100 billion lower than our own doubling of
would follow from all this, energy consumption every decade)
energy times. (It

of course, that a Phase III society would lead to an increase of 10'^

would be the easiest to detect, since (1000 billion) in only 3000 years.
When we look into the far future, its signals would be strongest.) This is a nice example of a sum
and away from Earth, the possibili- Our own Earth is on the way to familiar to those who have decent
ties for power generation expand by becoming a Phase I civilization, but bank accounts compound interest.
many orders of magnitude. Ever it still has a long way to go. Seen Although Dyson was too early
since the days of Flash Gordon and from this perspective, ill the to use Kardashev's terminology, he
before, science fiction writers have previous sections of this chapter was clearly talking about the
been toying with the idea of vast have been examining the strategies transition from a Phase I

energies capable of vaporizing whole for our reaching a Phase I status. Phase II. Earth
civilization to a
planets at a stroke, but they were At this point we need to intro- could not support a growth even a
usuEilly rather reticent about how duce the theories of Freeman Dyson, tiny fraction as large as this. The
these energies would be achieved, the Enghsh-born, American only way growth could be
and understandably so. In the past physicist who has become a guru for sustained would be to use all the
20 years, however, the scientists science fiction fans, because of the energy of the Sun, and the only way,
have been putting their minds to amazingly wide-ranging nature of said Dyson, to trap all the Sun's
the same question. his mathematically based radiation would be to build a sphere
One of the first scientists speculations on the nature of our around it.
to take the question seriously was universe and the life that may exist Such a giant sphere was
the Soviet astronomer Nikolai in it. Also, Dyson has been prepared originally proposed in 1937 in the
Kardashev, a prominent member of to publish his conjectures in sober science fiction novel Star Maker by
the group of Russian scientists scientific journals, where they have Olaf Stapledon: 'Every solar system
searching the heavens for traces of reached em audience which might [was! surrounded by a gauze of light
extraterrestrial life. In 1964 have dismissed them out of hand if traps, which focused the escaping
Kardashev speculated about the they had appeeired in, say, a science solar energy for intelligent use.'
kinds of advanced alien society that fiction magazine in the first However, these are now called
might exist elsewhere, and decided instance. 'Dyson spheres' by all science
that the most useful method of In 1959, in a short paper fiction readers. If such a sphere
classification would be to divide published in Science entitled 'Search were built in our own Solar System,
such theoretical societies up accord- for Artificial Stellar Sources of it would probably be built so that

ing to their energy consumption. Infra-Red Radiation', Dyson revolu-

A Phase I society exploits the tionized science fiction thinking
Below: in 1964, energy use. We
energy resources of its own planet, overnight. His reasoning, a little
the Russian astro- have not yet
including the incident sunlight. A simplified, went as follows. If nomer Nikolai achieved Phase
Phase II society exploits all the societieson other planets orbiting Kardashev One on Earth; our
energy of its own sun, thus other stars are at all like our proposed that solar and tidal
growing power is still
increasing its energy exploitation own, then they use more energy
technological untapped. The
around 100,000 billion times. A every year as their society evolves, societies passed culmination of
Phase III society exploits all the just as we have done. Even a through three Phase Two is a
energy resources of its own galaxy. modest growth rate of 1% annually possible phases of Dyson sphere.

Three types of future society: after Kardashev

The secret is energy

Chapter 3
The majority of scientists and nearly
all science fiction
writers take it for granted that life exists on many other
worlds within our Galaxy. We
are already trying to make
contact with intelligent aliens.

not very hard for signs of these to a message from the stars. This
Are we alone? other civilizations for some time. In iscaused by the very same back-
the jargon of scientists, the task is ground radiation that makes the
The American theoretical astrono- known as SETI the Search for 21-cm wavelength appropriate; but
mers Frank Drake and Carl Sagan Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. In any regular and repetitive series of
devised, in 1961, an equation to 1960 Frank Drake set up Project pulses would not be too difficult to
indicate the number of 'communica- Ozma at the National Radio Astro- pick out from the background noise.
tive civilizations' in the Galaxy: nomy Observatory in Greenbank, In 1971 the Ames Research
West Virginia. This project scanned Centre of NASA sponsored a study
N=R*.f^.n^.frfifo.L which produced plans for a listening
two nearby surdike stars, Epsilon
In the equation, A'^ is the number of Eridani and Tau Ceti (see star chart
communicative civilizations; R* is on page 9), for radio signals at a
the number of stars in the Galaxy; wavelength of 21 cm. Since 1960 a
f the
is fraction of stars which few hundred nearby stars have been
possess planetary systems; n^ is the similarly scanned, both by the
average number of Earthlike planets NRAO and by the Gorky Radio-
per system; /, is the fraction of physical Institute in the Soviet
Earthlike planets where hfe actually Union. So feir, no signal has been
develops; /, is the fraction of Ufe- picked up.
systems which- give rise to intelli- Project Ozma undertook a task
gent life-forms; f^ is the fraction of considerably more difficult than
and able
intelligent species willing searching for a needle in a haystack,
to communicate with other worlds; but its strategy in selecting that one
and L is the average lifetime of particular wavelength was basically
a communicative civilization sound. Only a very small portion of
expressed as a fraction of the life- the electromagnetic spectrum is
time of the Galaxy. suitable for interstellar communica-
Obviously, the figures which we tion.This portion consists of those
fiU in for each of the symbols are penetrative waves which are neither
guesses. Even R* is not known pre- absorbed by clouds of interstellar
cisely. Different people tend to come gas, nor bounced back off the
up with different 'solutions' to the Earth's atmosphere. Within this
equation: for instance, the astrono- narrow range, the wavelength of
mer George Abell thinks that the 21 cm is of particular importance to
likeliest figures give an answer for radio astronomers, because radiation
N somewhere between 100 million of thiswavelength is emitted by
and 10,000 miUion. If these figures hydrogen atoms in interstellar space
are anything like correct, there and is therefore useful in learning
might well be another communica- about the distribution of hydrogen
tive civilization within a within the galaxy. Radio astrono-
hundred light-years of the Sun. mers using this frequency as a
Abell suggests 300 light-years as matter of routine would be likely to
a possible figure. (Quite recently, pick up a message, and we beUeve
the scientific community has been that a communicative civilization
moving back to a more sceptical at- would pick that frequency on which
titude to the possibilities of to broadcast in order to maximize
dien life see 'Where are the space the likelihood that its message
arks?', page 18.) would get through.
We've been looking though There is a problem in 'tuning in'


device for the more efficient moni- the engraved plaque carried by the stellar communication is unlikely to
toring of nearby stars. The design Pioneer 10 spacecraft launched from take the form of a dialogue. If our
that resulted was Project Cyclops, Cape Kennedy in 1972. Pioneer 10 nearest talking neighbours are
which would consist of a vast array passed close to Jupiter in 1973 (this hundreds of light-years away there
of radio antennae, each one over 100 being the purpose of its mission) is Little point in our attempting to

metres in difmieter, to be tirranged and then went on into deep space. ask one another questions to which
over an area 5 km across. This This message wUl take much longer only our remote descendants would
device would be able to scan every to reach a destination, if it ever does receive the answers. The astronomer
star within 1000 Ught-years in a few so, than the M13 signal: Pioneer will Ronald Bracewell has suggested
decades. When it was designed its take 80,000 years to travel a mere 4 that we might have to take our
cost was estimated at 10 bUlion light-years (which is approximately place in a 'Galactic Club' in which
dollars. No plans have yet been the same distance as that between civilizations would pass on any
made to go ahead with the project. the Sun and its nearest neighbour- information received from elsewhere
As well as trying to receive ing star). The two Voyager space- by incorporating it into their own
messages we have made attempts craft which in 1981 sent back transmissions; thus, everyone would
to send them. In 1974 the radio-tele- pictures of Saturn (having earUer benefit from the unselfishness of
scope at Arecibo in Puerto Rico was transmitted information about all. Cynics might suggest that the
used to transmit a signal toward the Jupiter) carry a rather more sophis- Galactic Club should rather be
globular star cluster in Hercules ticated message in the form of a thought of as the Galactic Chain-
named M13. As the cluster is 24,000 long-playing record, which encodes Letter, which might easily fail by
light-years away, it wiU be some both sounds and pictures. Again, virtue of a low rate of participation.
time before the message is received the prospect of its being picked up The message which was dis-
if there is anyone there to receive within the next few hundred thou- patched in the direction of M13 in
This was in fact our second
it. sand years is remote. 1974 took the form of a long string
message to the stars; the first was As all these figures imply, inter- of bUps and spaces: a long binary

The giant array of

radio antennae
proposed for
Project Cyclops.
If television
stations of about
the same power as
ours on Earth
existed on a planet
50 light-years
away, Project
Cyclops could
receive the


number, repeated many times. This history might be comparable to the

is the logical form for interstellar invention of the wheel or (more
messages. The actual binary number modestly) the printing press. The
is of no importance in itself; what is technological value of any informa-
vital is the rearrangement of the tion received is generally regarded
blips in a two-dimensional array to as a minor issue in comparison with
form a diagram. If the total number the proof that we are not alone:
and spaces) in the
of 'bits' (blips knowledge which might transform
signal is the product of two prime our attitude to ourselves and to one
numbers there are only two possible another. Most writers argue that the
grids in which the blips can be change would be for the better: in
distributed, and it ought to be both The Listeners and Norman
obvious to a receiver which of the Spinrad's Song from the Stars the
two is the significant one. most important lesson to be learned
The designing of two-dimen- from communication with the stars
sional arrays which pack a lot of is a moral one about communicating

information into a limited space has with each other.

been a popular game. Science fiction
novels which describe the receiving
of such messages on Earth include Below: the great form, gives the
radio-telescope at atomic numbers
James Gunn's The Listeners,
Arecibo, Puerto of five of the
Fred Hoyle and John Elliot's A for
elements basic to
Rico, from which a
Andromeda and The Cassiopeia message was life, and pictures a
Affair by Chloe Zerwick and broadcast to the DNA helix, and a

Harrison Brown. In these novels it stars in 1974. human being

Right: the message standing above
isassumed that the receipt of a
itself, decoded the symbol for
message from the stars would be a as a picture. It Earth, shown as
momentous event, whose signifi- lists the numbers the third planet
cance in the course of human 1 to 10 in binary out from the Sun.


do not have problems with weight, human beings, and apparently take
Alien intelligences and thus can develop brains which great delight in playing games. Both

on Earth are large in proportion to their

bodies (a large brain, and hence a
of these traits are considered (by us)
to be very 'human'. Dolphins can be
heavy head, is a liability to any taught to respond complex ways
Attempts to communicate with alien land-living mammal which does not few
to various signals, including a
intelligences are not entirely stand upright). Most smaller ceta- verbal responses which make primi-
restricted to the use of radio- ceans are sociable and co-operative, tive dialogue between men and
telescopes. The possibility remains and many of them make a wide dolphins possible. It is actually
that there are other sentient beings range of sounds which might be rather surprising to find that we can
here on Earth. The fact that after part of a complicated system of get along so well with a species so
intensive study and argument this communication. The most intelligent unUke our own.
does still rank as a possibility appear to be various kinds of The dolphin lives in a 'sensory
demonstrates some of the difficul- dolphin and the somewhat larger world' very different from ours.
ties which might be involved in Orcas (sometimes called 'kiUer Dolphins can see and hear, and also
communicating with aliens who whales'). Various researchers have possess senses of touch and 'smell'
differ from us biologically as much been trying to communicate with (chemosensitivity), but the balance
as or more than our nearest rela- dolphins since the 1950s, when a between these senses, and the ways
tives on Earth. For example, there major project was mounted at the they exploit them, are quite differ-
may be intelligent beings who lack Communications Research Institute ent from the ways we use our sen-
the hands with which to make in Coral Gables, Florida, which was sory capacities. Sight is much less
technological gadgets like radio- for some time under the directorship useful under water, and dolphins
telescopes. of John Lilly, the most celebrated of
The main contenders for the early workers in this field. Though A psychologist at sign language.
title ofbeing Earth's other intelli- this estabUshment is no longer the Institute of Some apes have
Primate Studies developed quite
gent species belong to the mam- active, others have taken up the
in Norman, large 'vocabula-
malian order Cetacea: whales and work. Oklahoma, shows ries' after being
dolphins. Because these mammals Dolphins in captivity are affec- a chimpanzee the taught like this.

have returned to live in the sea they tionate, both to one another and to word for 'baby' in

"map out' their environments by exploitation by the military forces, with constructing sentences, though
means of echo-location. while in Ian Watson's The Jonah the evidence of this is disputed. One
The sounds which cetaceans Kit scientists find a way to open gorilla,Koko, is said to have a
transmit can be very complicated. a sophisticated channel of communi- vocabulary of 600 'words'; in a thin
The marine biologist Roger Payne cation between human beings and disguise she appears as Amy, the
spent a great deal of time in the cetaceans, with the result that 'heroine' of Michael Crichton's
1960s recording the 'songs' of the cetaceans are driven to mass interesting science fiction adventure
humpback whales, some of which suicide. It seems to be almost story Congo, in which she acts as an
last a full half-hour. Many of these, universally believed that whales interpreter between human beings
and sometimes the whole repertoire, and dolphins are much nicer and and wild gorillas.
might be repeated. The number of more sensitive than we are. Though other land animals do
bits of information contained within Experiments with chimpanzees not at present seem to qualify as
these songs is large of the order and, more recently, gorillas in alien intelligences, some science
of miUions and their information- America have indicated that our fiction writers have imagined that
may be equal to
carrying capacity nearest relatives might also be with a slight artificial boost
many complex human communica- capable of more distinguished perhaps administered by drugs or
tions. (Carl Sagan, for instance, mental feats than we had previously by genetic engineering they might
estimates that the number of bits of assumed. Chimps reared in human actually become so. There have been
information in a half-hour whale- families have been taught to 'speak' several stories about dogs with arti-
song is about equal to the number by using the sign language emp- ficially augmented intelligence, the

of bits of information in the loyed by deaf-and-dumb people, and most famous being Olaf Stapledon's
Odyssey.) As to what these songs have proved quite talkative. Some of Sinus. The general opinion of these
might say, however, we have no them, it seems, can make up new storiesis that such 'artificial aliens'

idea. words by combining signs, and one would hold rather low opinions of
Many people have drawn a or two of them have been credited us.
harsh moral from the fact that,
while on one hand we recognize that
dolphins and whales may be sentient
and intelligent, on the other hand
we hunt them down in order to
supply various industries (includ-
ing those producing dog meat and
cosmetics) with various parts of
their bodies. Sometimes they are
slaughtered simply because they
compete with fishermen for food. It
is frequently observed, also, that
the US Defense Department took a
strong interest in dolphin research:
if we could learn to talk with

dolphins, then we could perhaps use

them taking advantage
in warfare,
good nature in order to
of their
persuade them to deliver bombs and
spy-devices to appropriate locations.
Much of the science fiction about
communication with dolphins re-
volves around this tangled moral
issue. In Robert Merle's The Day of
the Dolphin a group of people try to
protect their dolphin friends from

Above right: gram of the song

experiments in of a humpback
conununication with whale, recorded
dolphins are no near Hawaii in
longer unusual, 1982, shows
but Sea World clearly the
Marine Parks in complexity of
the USA have gone the whale's
one step further vocalizations,
in working with which contain
killer whales. This many more 'bits'
one responds to of information
hand signals. per second than
Right: spectro- human speech.


human and alien greet one another anxious about it themselves.

First contact gladly and without suspicion be- In Thomas M. Disch's The
cause both are sufficiently advanced Genocides, aliens who are never
If there were in fact a Galactic Club, to have achieved communist social actually seen turn the Earth into a
and we were to join it, we should organization; but Western writers gigantic vegetable patch and
stLU be a long way from meeting have never found this argument gradually eliminate mankind along
alien beings face to face. If the convincing. with all the other minor pests.
nearest communicative civilization It is fashionable today for Stories such as this remind us that,
is hundreds of light-years away, the science fiction writers to welcome although it may be tempting to
difficulties ofholding a conversation the possibility of a meeting with imagine that high inteUigence leads
are surpassed by the difficulties of aliens with a rather earnest enthu- to scrupulous moral behaviour, the
arranging a rendezvous. Science siasm. Joe Haldeman's The Forever evidence which we ourselves provide
fiction writers, however, have found War, for instance, imagines a situa- suggests otherwise.
the prospect of an actual contact tion very similar to that envisaged If we are no more successful at

with aliens so interesting that they by Heinlein in Starship Troopers, getting along with aUens than we
have been prepared to overlook the but turns out finally that the war
it are at getting along with one
problems posed by distance (see was all a mistake and that there is another, then it might be better if
pages 8-9). much that the human race can and the Galactic Club were unable and
If we could travel through the must learn from the aliens it has unwilling to hold meetings.
vast wilderness of interstellar space been fighting. Many other writers
quickly enough to establish a social are hopeful that extraterrestrial In older science meeting shown
relationship between the human race ahens will, Uke dolphins, turn out fiction the first here is from a
contact between publicity still for
and one or more alien species, to be nicer beings than we are. They
man and alien was the film This
then the problem of communication recognize, though, that many people Island Earth
usually envisaged
would take on a new dimension. We will not be content with that gloomily. The (1954).
should have to figure out a way not assumption, and cannot help being a unfortunate
merely to exchange information, but
actually to get along with them.
Science fiction writers have usually
assumed that the relationship might
be troubled.
One of the cliches of science
fiction is the alien invasion story in
which as in H.G. Wells's War of
the Worlds monstrous beings
descend from the skies with the aim
of steaUng our world and destroying
or enslaving humanity. This version
of contact with aliens is not as
popular in fiction as it was, but
some writers stiU suppose that our
relationships with alien races would
need to be competitive, and that we
might have to take our place in a
Galaxy-wide struggle for existence
in which only the fittest would
survive. Thus, in Robert Heinlein's
Stars hip Troopers, human military
forces must fight an all-out war
against alien Bugs so different from
us in outlook that there is no
possibility of reaching a peaceful
One of the most famous science
about a meeting
fiction stories
between human and aUen, Murray
Leinster's 'First Contact' (1945),
predicts that the mutual suspicion
of thetwo parties will be great
enough to cause severe problems.
The Russian writer Ivan Yefremov
was moved by 'First Contact' to
write his own similar story, 'The
Heart of the Serpent', in which

hot and Mars too cold. We can now account: firstly, the fact that
Alien body only hope to find other Earthlike Jupiter does generate some internal
heat: and secondly, the effects of
chemistry worlds orbiting distant stars.
This does not necessarily mean, the pressure of Jupiter's dense
however, that there is no life at all atmosphere. If a little imagination is
Less than 100 years ago it was elsewhere in the Solar System. It is used in building these factors into

regarded as highly likely by some conceivable that there might be the situation it becomes possible to

astfonomers notably Percival other suspension media capable imagine environments deep within
Lowell that our nearest of supporting complex organic the Jovian atmosphere that might
neighbours in the universe would be reactions, and even bases for living not be too hostile to life.
found right next door, on the planet structures other than chains of Thus, there is some sort of
Mars. On the evidence available to carbon atoms. Optimistic astrono- warrant for the kinds of organism
him, Lowell believed that Mars was mers now look to Jupiter as the which some science fiction writers
a cool and arid world consisting most likely nearest abode of extra- have recently placed in the Jovian
mostly of red deserts, but neverthe- terrestrial life. atmosphere. In his story 'A Meeting
less perfectly capable of sustaining Data recovered from the Pioneer with Medusa', Arthur C. Clarke
Earthlike life. He believed strongly and Voyager probes of the 1970s imagines giant, jellyfish-Uke
in the 'canals' reported and mapped suggest to us that Jupiter is a 'medusas' repelling the attacks of
by various observers, and con- gigantic ball of gas and liquid with
sidered their existence to be good no soUd surface. Its atmosphere
evidence that Mars had intelligent accounts for the outermost 1000 km
inhabitants. Unfortunately, the of its 71,000-km radius. The upper
canals turned out to be a combina- atmosphere is very turbulent: the
tion of optical illusion and wishful famous Great Red Spot is an enor-
thinking, and since the landing of mous anticyclone 21,000 km long,
the Mariner probes in 1976 the hope and there are many smaller anti-
that Mars might harbour life has cyclones. The Jovian atmosphere
almost died away. is mostly hydrogen, with some

Early science fiction writers had methane (CHJ, ethene (CjHj),

great hopes of Venus as well as ethane CjHg), ammonia (NHj), water
Mars. They imagined it to be hot and phosphine (PH3). The
and cloudy, sometimes covered by temperature of the outer atmosphere
and swamp, and
tropical forest is about -110C. Clearly, under

sometimes by a vast ocean. The these conditions one could not

Venera probes of the mid-1960s expect to find Earthlike life, but the
destroyed these hopes, revealing significant pointis that two of the

that the surface of Venus is very common constituents of the atmo-

hot indeed, and quite unsuitable for sphere might, in their hquid form,
Earthly life. substitute for water as suspension
Earthlike life is dependent on media for organic compounds.
two main factors. The first is the Ammonia may be the more likely, in

presence of water in the liquid state, that it will dissolve much the same
because water acts as the suspen- range of organic compounds as
sion medium for all the important water will. Methane, however, may
chemical reactions which sustain also be a possibility if lipid
Uving systems. Life on Earth molecules (fats, etc.) could take over
originally developed in the sea, the the roles played by protein
first living systems evolving in the molecules in Earthly living systems.
'hot organic soup' of the primeval One problem in speculative bio-
ocean. Land-based organisms carry chemistry which remains if Jupiter
their watery heritage with them, is to be considered a possible abode

locked inside their cells. The second of life is that of temperature.

factor is the ability of carbon atoms Ammonia and methane are liquid at
to form long chains, so that a very much lower temperatures than water
large number of different com- at temperatures, in fact, where
pounds, with a vast range of the kinds of chemical reactions on
possible functions, can be formed which Earthly life is based would
from cai'bon atoms in combination happen very slowly, if at all. (This is

with a few others mostly why freezing inhibits organic decay.)

hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. It is unlikely that a life-system
Our exploration of space has could thrive at 110C even if
shown us that there is no other ammonia or methane were liquid at
planet in the Solar System where that temperature. Two other factors
liquid water is present. Venus is too have, however, to be taken into


more mobile 'mantas' by means of Left: a schematic 'A Meeting with

electrical defence systems. Gregory model of a simple Medusa', contains
Benford and Gordon Eklund, in // hydrocarbon several spectacu-
the Stars are Gods, imagine a rather molecule (poly- lar life-forms. The
propylene). giant, mile-wide,
less troubled situation, with giant,
carbon atoms are aerial-plankton-
silverygasbags floating serenely black and the eating medusas
through the hydrocarbon snow and hydrogen atoms are preyed upon
the ammonia cirrus clouds. white. The ability by the smaller,
of carbon atoms to carnivorous
While so much attention has
form long chains mantas, but can
been focused in the last few years with other atoms defend themselves
on the colder reaches of the Solar is basic to the with electricity
System, few science fiction writers chemistry of life (like eels). Several
have been tempted to construct as we know it. scientists believe
Below: the that Jupiter's
imaginary biochemistries appro-
atmosphere of the atmosphere could
priate to worlds much hotter than planet Jupiter, as support some kind
the Earth. The basic features of imagined by of Ufe.
such a biochemistry would still be Arthur C. Clarke
the same. First of all, a suspension in his short story

particularly versatile when they bonds flexible enough to be a basis

medium would be needed which is
bquid at much higher temperatures alternate with oxygen atoms to form for Ufe.

is one possible a class of compounds called sili- Some of the properties of life-
than water. Sulphur
cones. To fit these molecules into a systems a high degree of order
candidate. An extra problem arises,
pattern of energy-economics taxes and the capacity for growth are
though, in connection with long-
the imagination heavily, but the also shown by the crystal lattices
chain carbon molecules whose other
possibility of brains made out of formed by many chemical com-
main constituents are hydrogen and
naturally grown silicon chips is pounds. The simpUcity of such
oxygen. Such molecules would break
aesthetically attractive. Unfortun- lattices does not really permit us to
down at temperatures high enough
ately, because of their rather stony think sensibly of 'crystalline Ufe'
to liquefy sulphur, and would thus
or metallic quality, most silicon- but many science fiction writers
have to be replaced by something
based Ufe-forms in science fiction have been attracted by the analogy
more stable. There is a class of
tend to resemble boulders or tele- and by the prospect of living
carbon-chain molecules called fluoro-
vision aerials, and are thus more creatures sculptured out of gem-
carbons which might conceivably fit
than a little boring. And, as the stones. Crystalline life-forms are
the bill, but by now we are getting
American chemist Cyril Ponnamper- even more inert than sihcon ones,
very far away from the chemistry of
uma says, 'If evolution could have but sometimes they think beautiful
life on Earth.
used silicon, it would have made thoughts, as in Benford and
Biochemical plausibility has
never been a serious limitation to something out of silicon there's a Eklund's // the Stars are Gods.
lot of silicon around' a strong (This novel also toys with the
the imagination of science fiction
argument. Few scientists believe in biochemically unlikely notion that
writers. A favourite theme has long
the possibility of life based on starsmight be in some quasi-
been the notion of life based on
silicon, which is almost certainly too supernatural sense alive and
than on carbon. Silicon
silicon rather
stable a substance to form chemical sentient.)
atoms can form long chains, and are

Silicon life-forms
are generally
imagined to be
rather undramatic,
but the silicon
aliens of the film
The Monolith
Monsters (1957),
which landed from
a meteorite, are
destructive as
they chew rocks
and then lurch
towards a tiny
Arizona town


In much science fiction, 'life' is emerges may be found not in Ponnamperuma believes that all
little more than a word a planetEiry oceans but inside the ahen life must be organic and

mysterious property that can be heads of comets. These arguments carbon-based, but other scientists
attributed to more or less any are highly controversial, especially mainly physicists, who always seem
mention must be
object. Special when they are extended in Diseases especially ready to enter the wilder
made, though, of some exceptionally from Space to account for epidemics reedms of speculation consider
strange imaginary hfe-systems in terms of the bombardment of there is warrant for believing that
which are supported by ingenious Earth with bacteria and viruses even Hoyle's intelligent black cloud,
arguments on the part of their from the taUs of passing comets. a completely inorganic entity, could
creators. While the idea of viruses exist. The American physicist
In his novel The Black Cloud evolving in space may seem un- Gerald Feinberg has speculated that
the cosmologist Fred Hoyle likely,we know that some of the space itself could hold two life
imagines life and intelligence chemicals of life do exist elsewhere forms, 'plasmodes' and 'radiobes',
evolving within a cloud of inter- and not just in planets like the former evolving within suns,
stellar dust,which becomes an Jupiter. Since 1968 many of the the latter in interstellar space.
'organism' big enough to surround a molecules basic to chemical Plasmodes develop patterns of
sun in order to warm itself. Hoyle evolution, such as water, carbon organized motion from random colli-

thinks that this idea warrsmts very dioxide, ammonia and hydrogen sions of electrons and ions. They are
serious consideration, and in his cyanide, have been found spectro- alive in that they are structured,
much later non-fiction book Life- scopically in interstellar space. they metabolize (feeding on energy
cloud (written with N.C. Wick- Organic molecules, including amino in this case) and they repUcate (by
ramasinghe) he argues that life may acids, have also been found in converting random into non-random
first evolve in space, and that the meteorites by Cyril Ponnamperuma particle clusters magnetically).
hot organic soup from which it and others. These are the three basic elements
of life: structure, feeding and
The physicist Freeman Dyson,
inventor of theDyson sphere (see
page 44), also believes that life may
exist away from planetary surfaces.
He asks, 'Is the basis of conscious-
A great boost was ness matter or structure? If I could
given to the idea make a copy of my brain with the
of Mfe on Mars at same structure but using different
the beginning of materials, would the copy think it
this century by
was me?' He goes on to argue (in
the work of the
astronomer Review of Modem Physics) that if
Percival Lowell. the answer is structure, then
He produced Hoyle's black cloud could exist,
detailed of
'organizing itself and communica-
what he supposed
to be a great,
ting with itself by means of electro-
artificial system of magnetic forces'.
canals. It was a Another very bizarre life-system
sad blow for is that envisaged by Isaac Asimov
science fiction
in The Gods Themselves, which
readers when
these were shown
features gaseous hfe-forms existing
to be an optical in a parallel universe (see pages
illusion. 98-9) where the laws of physics are
different. This is one of the very few
attempts to describe a biochemistry
The spectrum of so different from our own that it
the comet Mrkos, requires a different underlying
which appeared in physics to make it plausible.
1957, shows bands
Unusual physical conditions are also
for carbon,
cyanogen and featured in Dragon 's Egg, a novel
carbon monoxide, by the physicist Robert L. Forward
which are among which describes the evolution of flat,
the 'building-
amoeba-Uke, intelligent hfe-forms
blocks' for organic
half a centimetre in diameter on the
Ufe. The
astronomer Fred surface of a neutron star whose
Hoyle holds the surface gravity is 67 billion times
controversial view that of Earth. These are the most
that life may first
ambitiously peculiar of all the
have evolved in
comets. examples of imaginary alien hfe.


ecological matrix. Despite this extremely difficult for human beings

Alien appearances frequent dereliction of duty, though, to function adequately where the
it is actually easier for science force of gravity was significantly

much more to fiction writers without specialized greater: our bonesand muscles
There is, of course,
knowledge to undertake exercises in would have to be much stronger.
the business of designing alien
beings than matters of biochem- speculative ecology than to do so in The most famous science fiction
speculative biochemistry. It is also novel in which gravity is the main
istry. Most aliens in science fiction
more rewarding in dramatic terms. factor affecting the local life-system
are assumed to be very similar to
ourselves in their basic biochemistry It does not take too much intellec- is Hal Clement's Mission of Gravity.
tual effort to appreciate that This is set on the planet Mesklin,
and are supposed to live on Earth-
like worlds. When we move beyond organisms must be adapted both to which rotates on its axis once every
environment and to 18 minutes, and is in consequence
the question of how organisms work their physical
their relationships with other shaped something like an aspirin
to the questions of what they look
organisms, and there is abundant tablet. Its gravity varies from three
like and how they interact with one
we are in the realm of room here for ingenious invention. times that of Earth at the equator
Life on Earth is governed by (where centrifugal forces counteract
speculative ecology.
several kinds of physical con- gravity) to 700 times that of Earth
Many science fiction writers pay
straint, and it has been simple at the poles. Clement's Mesklinites
little attention to ecological issues.
for example, enough for science fiction writers are quite small and tend to hug the
Edgar Rice Burroughs,
to alter one or more of these ground: they resemble giant
thought nothing back in 1912 of
constraints in order to consider centipedes with special forelimbs
populating his imaginary Mars, in
the effects on life-forms. The most modified for gripping.
Princess of Mars and its 10 sequels,
obvious constraint is that of Another possible consequence of
with giant predatory banths without
gravity, which places crucial is that it might make
low gravity
providing herds of herbivorous
animals as prey. Writers of science limitations on the mechanical design much easier and hence much

fiction thrillers and the makers of of bodies. One implication of this is more common as part of the behav-
that, where the force of gravity is ioural repertoire of organisms. The
science fiction films, dedicated to
less, organisms either might grow
however, depends not
ability to fly,
the presentation of horrifying
monsters of all shapes and sizes, larger or, alternatively, might be only on low weight but also on the
more delicately constructed. The presence of a suitably dense atmo-
rarely bother to ask how such
monsters fit into a sensible reverse is also true, and it would be sphere. As it seems plausible that


winged humanoids realistically

with an adequate wing musculature
(see page 194) and convincing
metabolism are featured in several
stories by Poul Anderson, most
notably War of the Wing-Men and
The People of the Wind. The latter
book has feathery aUens, but in
general winged aliens are batlike
rather than birdUke.
Another important physical
constraint in the shaping of
planetary Ufe-systems is the relative
proportions of land and sea. Science
fiction writers have always been
intrigued by the notion of watery
worlds where Ufe never had the
opportunity to leave the sea; the
fact that they can no longer make
Venus fit the bill has simply driven
them further afield. The more
endearing aUens designed for such
worlds tend to be sleek, furry
creatures in which the humanoid
form is plausibly modified to
become more seal-Like or more otter-
like. The most intelligent of the
Earthly invertebrates the octopus
family, the cephalopods have also
been popular models, and appear in
some of the most memorable water-
world stories. Jack Vance's story
The Gift of Gab' deals with the
problems faced by human beings
trying to estabUsh communication
EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS' with intelUgent cephalopods who
NEWEST NOVEL can produce no sounds, but use a
complex sign language with their

Yellow Mei^ tentacles.

Some of the most interesting
aUen ecological systems designed by
of Mars science fiction writers are those in
which organisms are adapted to
extreme cycUcal changes in chmate
Left: the zoologist Above: Edgar Rice the lower a world's gravity the less usually because the worlds
Dougal Dixon has Burroughs' atmosphere it would have, and vice envisaged are parts of double-star
studied the ways romances set on versa, problems arise in imagining systems. Hal Clement describes the
in which animals Mars are exciting
organisms which inhabit such a
situations where flight would
may evolve on but ecologically
Earth; many of his unsound. For become very easy. Most science world in Cycle of Fire; a rather more
examples would example, he failed fiction stories which feature dramatic cycle of chmatic changes
serve very well as to provide his extensive airborne ecologies are set over much longer periods is the
models for aUen aUen carnivores basis of Poul Anderson's Fire Time.
on so-called 'gas-giant worlds'. Like
life. Here Dixon's with herbivores to
carnivorous desert prey upon. This
Jupiter, where atmospheric density A complex series of biological
sharks, evolved magazine cover is great but gravity (because of the changes in response to cUmatic
from insectivorous from 1941, large size of the worlds and their cycles also takes place in Brian
stock, make an illustrating one of low overall density) is moderate. Aldiss's novel Helliconia Spring
interesting his very last Mars
EarthUke worlds populated by (1982). Earthly examples which
comparison with stories, makes up
the giant sand- in spectacular
winged humanoids are very common provide imaginative aid in such
worms of Frank nastiness for what in science fiction, but this owes works as these include the lung-
Herbert's novel it loses in plausi- more to our famiharity with images fishes which can go into suspended
Dune. The sharks The artist
of angels and the myth of Icarus, animation when rivers dry up, and
are usually was John Allen St
and to our envy of the birds, than to desert plants which bloom only
submerged in the John.
sand. ecological or physiological plausi- briefly at intervals of several years
bility. Serious attempts to present when the rain comes.


and without having anything sociable animals are, and the more
Alien life-styles obvious to gain from becoming more able they are to interfere with and
intelligent. It remains to be seen transform their own environment,
There is much more scope for the whether our intelUgence will the more intelligent they are likely
free play of the imagination when it guarantee us a longer evolutionary to become. The same principle must
comes to alien ecology the lifetime than worms, flies, snails or be applied to aUen beings: their
business of constructing food chains mushrooms, but after studying the intelligence must fit in with the
form no serious gambler would logic of their situation.
and equipping alien beings with the
means to secure their food supplies make us the favourites. The association of intelligence

and to reproduce. Science fiction It seems reasonable to argue with communication has led science
writers and illustrators have always that intelligence is only advanta- fiction writers to imagine a range of

enjoyed designing cunning and geous to certain kinds of organisms, pecuhar and ingenious communica-
alsirming predators to menace and therefore goes hand-in-hand (if tion systems (leaving aside 'occult'
Earthly space-traveUers; such the pun may be excused) with such means like telepathy). Systems of

traits as manipulative ability. If 'sign-language' are most popular

design is much enlivened by
incorporating the monstrous human beings did not walk upright, for instance, the Asadi in Michael
creatures into an exotic but freeing their foreUmbs to develop Bishop's novel Transfigurations
coherent ecological background. One hands instead of paws, they could communicate by means of rapid

of the first writers to do this with not have developed the kind of colour changes in the irises of their
appropriate ingenuity was Stanley intelligence they have. Similarly, eyes, and their 'books' are plastic

G. Weinbaum, and such stories as intelligent beings must be sociable, discs with central lenses which flash
'The Mad Moon', 'Parasite Planet' because intelligence also arises out out long colour sequences. Even
and 'Flight on Titan' (all 1935) are of the need to communicate. The when they do use sound-waves for
still unsurpassed in the sheer fact that most mammals and birds
deUght which they take in devising show a degree of intelligence not The octopus, a horror stories, are
seen in reptiles is connected with cephalopod, is the sometimes seen
weird life-systems, though they are
most highly now as clever and
fatally dated in other ways. the fact that they generally have But
developed of sensitive!
The most common variation more complicated social relation- invertebrates. could cold-blooded
used by science fiction writers ships, especieJly in connection with Octopoid aliens, creatures be
involves attributing intelligence the rearing of young. The more once a cliche of intelligent?

(and hence dominance) to non-human

creatures. To imagine that intelli-
gent humanoids might have evolved
from cats rather than apes is
relatively straightforward, but
certain difficulties stand in the
way of the ever popular lizard-men
who figure so frequently as science
fictional villains. Reptiles, having no
internal temperature control, are
rather limited in the amount of
brain activity they can indulge in;
the same problem might limit the
possibiUty of intelligence in
cephalopods. Science fiction writers
occasionally attribute intelligence to
viruses or plants, but these exotic
creations are clearly implausible
without a good deal of apologetic
argument to explain what they can
have developed to substitute for
brains, and how the complexity of
their actions is so great as to
require intelligent co-ordination.
Even conscientious science
fiction writers tend to assume that
intelligencewould be strongly
favoured by natural selection in all
possible circumstances. This is not
necessarily so: the vast majority
of Earthly organisms are highly
successful and perfectly well
adapted to their circumstances with-
out being conspicuously intelligent


communication, alien 'languages' are especiallywhen it comes to fitting planet if it had Earthly gravity
sometimes very different from them into food chains and describ- and therefore Earthly mass would
human ones communication by ing methods of reproduction have to be big, maybe twice the
means of musical chords, as in the reUes heavily on forms found within diameter of our own. Jack Vance's
film Close Encounters of the Third the Earthly life-systems. The great novel Big Planet is set on one of the
Kind (1977), is a famiUar variation. changes undergone by insects as more celebrated examples. However,
The design of aUen life-forms they pass through leirval and pupal if our own Solar System is as

forms to adulthood has been a representative of planetary

constant source of inspiration. evolution throughout the Galaxy as
AUens which undergo a whole series some scientists believe, such planets
of metamorphoses are featured in may be rare or non-existent. Alien
many stories, notably James BUsh's lifeon these planets would tend
A Case of Conscience, in which the towards the primitive (by our
inhabitants of the planet Lithia standards), as technology would be
recapitulate their evolutionary difficult to estabUsh without metals,
history as they develop from egg to though Bhsh's Lithians do very well
adult. with ceramic materials.
The planet Lithia is also notable The design of complicated alien
forbeing a well thought-out reproductive systems is perhaps
example of the popular science best exempUfied in the work of
fiction idea of the 'big planet'. Phihp Jose Farmer, who has shown
This is a planet without heavy a consistent interest in ahen sexual
metals. Being less dense than our relations. His story 'Mother'
own metal-heavy Earth, such a features a remarkable encounter

Left: the Chulpex perhaps such a Below: 'Mother', traps them in her
are intelligent, life-form may not the invention of womb-like interior
insect-derived be absurd. The writer Philip Jos6 where they first
aliens, invented by Chulpex have Farmer, is a stimulate her to
Avram Davidson inflexible minds, female alien who self-fertilization by
in his novel rather like real disguises herself their efforts to
Masters of the insects, whose as a rock. She escape, and then
Maze. On Earth actions appear to lures small are eaten. This is
some insects use result from animals to her by no more bizarre
tools, practise reflexes rather emitting than some life-

agriculture and than thought. attractive sexual cycles that

build dwellings, so odours, and then actually exist on


between a human being and an vampirism and the idea of demonic On Earth there seem to be very
immobile female alien which relies possession are frequently invoked. few mutually beneficial relationships
upon trapping other creatures to In Robert Heinlein's novel The between animals (most of the real
stimulate self-fertilization in much Puppet Masters, loathsome, slug- examples are of plant/animal
the same way that many Earthly like creaturesattach themselves to symbiosis), but science fiction

flowers depend on attracting people, feeding on their bodies and writers have been relatively

insects. The alien mother in taking control of their minds. generous in scattering such relation-
Farmers story then rears her active Though such stories are exciting ships around on other worlds.
young in her uterus-like interior. they are biologically suspect. Most Inevitably, science fiction writers

The human protagonist, after initial parasites are, in fact, rather choosy have been drawn to the prospect of
resistance, settles down to a about the hosts which they attack; symbiotic relationships between
comfortable lifetime - literally back parasites and their hosts tend to human beings and aliens, though
to the womb'. evolve together and are co-adapted. these are biologically suspect for
A life-cycle which is often Also, from an ecological point of exactly the same reasons that
borrowed by science fiction writers view, the most successful parasite is human/aUen parasitism is suspect.

is that of the ichneumon fly, which hkely to be the most 'prudent' the Particularly ingenious are a few

lays its eggs in live caterpillars so one which inflicts least harm or, stories which suggest that we are
that when the larvae hatch they where destruction of the host is already living unknowingly in
enjoy an abundant supply of fresh necessary, behaves Like a sensible parasitic or symbiotic relationships

meat. The idea of aliens which can conservationist in maintaining its with alien beings. In Eric Frank
use human beings in this fashion is resources. Arguably, the really well Russell's Sinister Barrier, people

a wonderfully horrific one, and adapted parasite is one that does discover that we are maintained like
cinematic special effects allow it to not harm its host at all, but actually cattle by invisible alien 'vampires'

be displayed gruesomely in the film provides some return for hospitality. which feed upon the energy of our
Alien (1979). Even at a more This kind of relationship, symbiosis, nasty emotions; while the heroes of
elementary level the notion of alien is a notion which has fascinated
Time and Again
Clifford Simak's

parasites which might infest human science fiction writers just as much and Bob Shaw's Palace of Eternity
beings is ready-made for melodrama, as the notion of monstrous alien make the much more comforting
and analogies with the myth of parasites. discovery that we Live in symbiotic

Left: an
ichneumon grub
emerges from the
dying body of its
host, a caterpillar
of the African
monarch butterfly.
The idea of a
living but
paralysed creature
used to supply
a continuing
banquet of fresh
meat for young
carnivorous aliens
has provided a
popular scenario
in science fiction
of the more horri-
fic kind since
1939, when
A.E. van Vogt
published his
storv Discord in
Scarlet'. This
story's plot of a
carnivore loose in
a spaceship is
notably similar to
that of the recent
film Alien.

Above: the deposited an attempts in science fiction to world. Nothing quite as rich has
complicated and embryo within his describe whole life-systems with all been credited to an aUen world, but
unpleasant life- lungs, from which
their complex profusion. Science such writers as Poul Anderson and
cycle of the it will later burst
creature in the memorable fiction has not produced and Hal Clement are always adventur-
in a
film Alien is here shower of blood. almost certainly cannot produce ous and conscientious in suggesting
shown at an early The idea is loosely anything as wonderfully diverse and complexity and diversity. It is not
stage. The hand- based on the life-
complex as Earth's life-system: the infrequent for writers trying to
like creaturehas cycle of the
task is impossibly great and would construct whole life-systems to get
inserted a tube ichneumon fly.
into its victim's yield little in the way of dramatic carried away. They may impute a
throat and rewards. There are, however, some mystical harmony to the whole
notable attempts to offer visions of complex of ecological relationships,
harmony with equally undetectable exotic life-systems which are, by as in Piers Anthony's Omnivore or
energy-beings that provide a secular imphcation, as complex as the one the several stories in which whole
substitute for souls. that produced us. A most impres- hfe-systems are imagined as single
It is understandable that sive biological phantasmagoria is organisms, including the world-span-
science fiction vn-iters have mainly presented in Brian Aldiss's Hot- ning network of plant life in Ursula
concentrated, for dramatic purposes, house, though this is actually a far- Le Guin's 'Vaster Than Empires
on one or two species of inteUigent future Earth, much changed by and More Slow' and the living
aliens at a time. There are few evolution, rather than an aUen planet in Stanislaw Lem's Solaris.

Alien societies

Alien sociology must grow out of

alien ecology. Biology acts as a
constraint upon the kinds of society
which are possible. A society of
flying fruit-eaters is likely to be
very different in its customs from a

society of land-bound meat-eaters.

In those many stories where science
fiction writershave been unwiUing
to pay attention to such matters,
aUens tend to be no more, effec- Commumc ofcirculation. In
tively, than human beings in funny among bees. A the two examples
honey-bee signals here, the axis and
costumes, and alien society a
the direction of a direction of circu-
travesty of our own. lation of the
pollen source it
In trying to construct believable has discovered by waggle dance
ahen societies, writers have drawn returning to the show the direction

on two main sources of inspiration: hive and perform- of the poUen-bear-

ing a carefully ing flowers in rela-
the reports of anthropologists about
oriented, figure-of- tion to the hive
the beliefs and customs of primitive eight-shaped and the position of
human societies, and the one out- dance. The arrows the Sun.
standing example of an alternative show the direction
mode of social organization provided
by nature - the hive-organization of
moon, sends messages to Earth
the social insects. Of these, the
second has been far more important. describing the hive-society of the
An insect hive is organized Selenites, stressing the remarkable

around a single reproductive efficiency of its division of labour

individual: the queen. A few males and the inappUcability of such

(drones) are maintained in order to concepts as 'freedom' or 'self to its
fertilize the queen's eggs, but the
members. This image recurs again
vast majority of the population are and again throughout the history of
sterile females whose function is to science fiction, which has created
numerous hive-societies whose
support and secure the reproductive
activity of the queen. Most of these members are almost human. One
sterilefemales are 'workers', but in of the most famous is described in
much larger than
some insects there are other speciali- L. Sprague de Camp's Rogue Queen. Science fiction
writers have not her mate, and the
zed kinds - notably the 'soldiers' One reason for the popularity of very often courtship shown
the theme is that Western writers here may prove
employed by several species of ant. exploited a
The popular terminology implies tend to see the communist world, difference of size fatal to the male

simplistically, as suppressing between the sexes partner. In angler

that the queen is the favoured fish also the sexes
of alien species,
individual and all the rest merely individualism. Hive-society stories
although there are are of different
in science fiction are often intended
her slaves; but sociobiological many Earthly sizes: the picture

analysis of the genetics of hive- to have a present-day political examples. The shows the larger
application. female black female with two
societies has shown that it is in the
widow spider attendant males.
interest of the genes carried by the The behaviour of ants and bees is

workers to invest in the production is very complex by insect standards,

of sisters rather than daughters, and and their processes of communica-

hence it might be more appropriate tion (which involve chemical

to see the queen as the slave of the 'messages' and 'dances' that signal
workers, forced by them to mass- the direction and distance of food
produce young on their behalf. sources) are relatively sophisticated.

The image of the ant-hive has This has led some commentators to
always been available to science credit hives with a kind of collective

fiction writers as a cardinal example

intelligence: a 'hive-mind'.

of a hyper-organized society in Fascinating as this notion is, there

which individual identity is entirely isprobably very little sense to it,
subservient to the interests of the and it is used in most science fiction

group; to most writers this has stories in a clearly illegitimate

seemed horrifying. In H.G. Wells's supernatural fashion.

The First Men in the Moon, the Interestingly, there seems to
have been a noticeable shift in
scientist Cavor, stranded on the


The highly
structure of the
beehive is here
shown by bees
(Apis mellifera)
working together
on a honeycomb.
All are workers,
except for the
slightly larger
queen (marked
with an arrow).
The hive structure
has been used by
many writers as a
model for ahen

recent opinion regarding the horrific difficult. One valiant effort is found is conveniently horrificit does not

nature of hivelike organization. inJohn Brunner's Total Eclipse, in make much sense an evolutionary
Though the hive-aliens in Robert which a party of humans attempts context: it would be more economi-
Heinlein's Starship Troopers (1959) to discover why a race of crabUke cal for the female to transfer her
were implacable enemies of man, the ahens has become extinct in spite of eggs to the body of the male. (Males
hive-aUens in Joe Haldeman's The its superior technology. are biologically less important than
Forever War (1974) not only turn Some of the most exotic images females a fact amply demonstra-
out to be quite nice but set an of alien society have arisen out of a ted by the female praying mantis,
important example which human- consideration of possible modes of who makes a meal of her mate while
kind may follow to its considerable reproduction. There have been a few copulating.) Biological role-differen-
benefit. This new sympathy, descriptions of alien social relation- tiation of the two sexes might be
however, is by no means unanimous. ships which are made more complex taken to much further extremes, but
The use of anthropological data by virtue of the fact that the ahens for some reason this is a chain of
to provide models for the design of have three sexes instead of two. reasoning not much exploited by
ahen societies has been much more This is the case with the gaseous science fiction writers. The
restricted. Two of the most interest- aliens of IsaacAsimov's The Gods Hungarian Frigyes

ing attempts to use such analogies Themselves and with the flippered, Karinthy, however, used the theme
are The Word for World is Forest water-dwelUng Spicans in Piers in Capillaria, in describing a bizarre

by Ursula Le Guin and Trans- Anthony's Cluster. The most extra- underwater civihzation where the
figurations by Michael Bishop two vagant story along these lines is females are humanoid but the males
authors much better informed about WilUam Tenn's farce 'Venus and the are tiny monstrous creatures kept
cultural anthropology than most. Seven Sexes'. as domestic animals.
Both works (inevitably) involve Variants of the ichneumon fly's It is perhaps curious that the
aliens which are almost human, and reproductive cycle have been aspect of ahen culture which has
represent conscientious attempts to incorporated into two impressive received most attention from science
create customs and rituals to fit stories of humanoid ahen societies fiction writers is aUen reUgion.
particular, rather strange, environ- where reproductive females are Especially in recent years, much
ments and ways of life. Attempts to eaten away from within by their ingenuity has been brought to bear
design social systems for non- developing offspring: PhiUp Jose on the task of integrating types of
humanoid aliens are much rarer Farmer's The Lovers and Gardner religious beUef with hypothetical
because the task is so much more Dozois's Strangers. Though the idea biology. In Robert Silverberg's


Alien religion
could take many
forms, some
almost unimagin-
able to us. We
cannot be sure, in
Gilbert Williams'
painting Dragon
Song', whether the
crystals that are
being worshipped
here are sentient
or merely


Downward to the Earth, for more importantly of the scientific itonly serves to remind us how
instance, the alien Nildoror have a method. We may ask of such different we ourselves might have
mythology of rebirth which turns fictions that they are coherent in been, in body and in mind, had the
out to corrrespond to actual terms of their biochemistry and in circumstances of our evolution been
processes of metamorphosis in their their awareness of ecological issues different.
own life-cycle. In George R.R. and the logic of natural selection. It might even be argued that
Martin's 'A Song for Lya', an alien Whether there are ahen life-systems the endeavours of science fiction
religious belief in the survival of the elsewhere in the universe we do not writers have already had one
personality after death also turns yet know, but what we do know positive result. The image of the
out to be true: when it is time to die about the nature of life and its aUen being as a monstrous invader
the aUens allow their brains to be possible origins suggests to us that of Earth has largely been laid to
absorbed into a living, jelly-like it is not at all unlikely. The attempt rest. We have already, to some
mass which preserves their minds. to imagine possible forms that extent at least, been desensitized to
One can detect behind these stories intelUgent Ufe might take, with the fear of the alien. If contact with
a rather wistful note of wishful attendant problems of communica- alien life were to be achieved in the
thinking. It is commonplace these tion and co-existence, is by no near future, we would be less prone
days for the aUen condition to seem means a futile exercise, even if to panic and more ready to talk.
a rather more attractive prospect
than the human condition in the
vyAlllii'/// Solar energy
eyes of many writers; the reason for
this is that it does not take much
imagination to make it so.
In recent science fiction, webs of
ecological relationship on alien
planets (and, by implication, on
Earth also) are often seen as
forming a mystical pattern. Under-
standing this pattern may be seen
as an act of worship. By far the
most influential science fiction novel
in this respect was Frank Herbert's
Dune, published in 1965, around the
time when it was becoming obvious
that we were making a mess of our
own ecology on Earth.
Dune is set on a desert planet. Primary Primary Secondary consumer
Its ingeniously designed ecosystem producer consumer (carnivore)

includes water-obsessed tribesmen, (herbivore)

giant sandworms, microscopic sand

plankton, immensely valuable
spices and the 'water of life', a
hallucinogenic drug used by the Plant waste
tribesmen to give a direct, mystical
access to an awareness of natural
Dune insists that
we must learn to understand the
harmony of ecological relationships,
and flow with them. (Books of this
kind are a science fictional analogue
to the ideologies of such groups as
the Friends of the Earth and the
Ecology Party.) Some of Dune's
details are scientifically problematic,
but its influence in encouraging Minerals

other writers to design plausible eco-

Destructive organisms
systems outweighs its minor flaws.
Although the design of aUen Above: any writer of the food chain waste, excrement those above. The
ecologies and ahen societies as who creates an on Earth are and carcasses) fine details of the

sketched out above may seem to be alien world must shown here. The releasing nutrients ecology will in
design for a
it final links in the for plants. Any turn specify the
little more than wild adventures
workable ecology, chain are important populated alien nature of the alien
of the imagination, there are in the bacteria, planet would societies which are
if the story is to
fact many ways in which those carry scientific fungi etc. that Uve necessarily have a part of it.
adventures can be made responsible conviction. The on decaying organic series of life-forms

interms of scientific reality and major components matter (plant broadly parallel to

Chapter 4
Some of the best loved ideas of science fiction appear to be
sternly prohibited, in real hfe, by nature's laws as we know
them. But might there be loopholes?

whole story becomes nonsense. Very

Imaginary science often the use of imaginary science is
a necessity if the writer is to create
in science fiction a situation where he can go ahead
with the truly scientific component
Most of the marvellous technologies of his speculations.

and miraculous new life-forms H.G. Wells's famous novel The

imagined in science fiction's Time Machine is an excellent
tomorrows are rooted in the example. The imaginary science here
knowledge that we have today. But is the idea of the time machine

many science fiction writers resent itself. So far as we know (see pages

being pinned down to a drily 88-95), a time machine of this sort is

responsible examination of actual a physical impossibiUty. But,

probabilities. The laws of nature without it, Wells would have been
give them claustrophobia, seeming unable to speculate on the future
as they do to render impossible evolution of the human species his

some of the most dramatic and real subject matter - except in a dry

interesting scenarios in science and abstract way. The imaginary

fiction. If we are not allowed to scientific device gave him the

travel faster than light, how shall vividness and immediacy that he
we ever colonize the Galaxy, or even had to have.

travel from one star to another in a There are thousands of similar

single lifetime? Ifwe are not examples. James BUsh's Cities in
allowed to have time machines, how Flight has faster-than-light travel
can we ever visit the past or the and antigravity two kinds of
future? imaginary science in its epic story
The fact that a story or novel of space hoboes looking for work all
has one major element of imagineu-y over the universe. The book is full of
science does not mean that the inventive and fascinating real

The limits of the possible

nature's laws start to look fuzzy level. It was quantum mechanics he is writing fantasy to jettison
round the edges extreme, and
Eire that Einstein attacked with his the old physics. Any new
very far removed from our present- dismissive remark: 'God does not can do no more than modify the old;
day capacity to achieve them. These play dice'. it cannot replace it. Modem physics,

circumstances are discussed in this Each of these three views of the however, is nothing if not flexible,
chapter and the next. This chapter physical world has produced its own and we need not fear that the
deals mainly with the imaginary 'laws', and all of these laws have inexorable laws of matter will drain
science that has a basis in been tested by experiment many all the excitement out of our future
cosmology the physical nature of times over. They work. Newtonian possibilities. Physicists themselves
our universe. Chapter 5 deals with physics works perfectly well on the are awestruck at some of the
two special cases: time travel and ordinary scale of things. Motor cars, situations they beheve to be possible
alternate universes. aeroplanes and even planets obey its situations that often go far
What are the laws of nature that laws so closely that it is very beyond anything that the average
govern our universe, and can we be difficult to detect any variation from science fiction writer could conceive.
certain that we now understemd the values predicted by Newtonian Some physicists even believe,
them? The three basic items that physics for their velocity and mass. cheirmingly and cheerily, that, if a
scientists measure to build up their Relativistic physics comes into thing is possible, then somewhere or
picture of the universe are mass, its own at the cosmic level, where other it must exist.
distance and time. These elements of great velocities and huge masses are The following chapters about
universal structure are dealt with involved. It works pretty well at the modern physics and imagineiry
quite straightforwardly (as subatomic level, too (think of the science form a continuous neirrative,
invariants) in the old, mechanistic atom bomb), though the random a brisk sightseeing tour of the more
physics that was built up by Sir uncertainties and statistical bizarre mental landscapes opened up
Isaac Newton and others in the predictions of the third kind of by scientists and philosophers, and
seventeenth century and afterwards. physics, quantum physics, are also colonized zestfully by a lunatic army
At the beginning of the needed in order to explain the of writers, always ready to do battle
twentieth century it became clear behaviour of matter and energy at with the unimaginable.
(largely due to Einstein's work) that these tiny levels of existence.
the 'laws' of Newtonian physics, Until recently quantum physics
though they were perfectly adequate has usually been restricted to the The four most floating boy in
for all ordinary measurements, broke subatomic level, but certedn theo- important kinds film Earth II. If
down in some extreme conditions. of imaginary it is only zero
retical aspects of the behaviour of
science in science gravity, why are
The rules of relativistic physics were 'black holes', for example, seem to
fiction, left objects resting
substituted. We discuss them in the call for quantum physics at the to right: on the table?
following pages. macroscopic level too. The idea of (i) Alternate (iii) Time Travel;

But relativistic physics is not quantum mechanics applied to the universes; the hero Dr Who emerges
the end of the story, and we have very big is feiirly recent and the
of 2001: Space A from his disguised
Odyssey has time machine in
already moved beyond Einstein. reconciUation of quantum physics travelled through the television
There is also quantum physics, with relativistic physics is one of the a dimensional gate series Dr Who.
which Einstein loathed, because it most exciting challenges faced by to see an (iv)Faster Than
alternate self, Light; the
was a theory that introduced an physicists today.
very old, in an starship
element of uncertainty, even of A science fiction writer is
aristocratic Enterprise in
gambling, into our map of the perfectly free to imagine a 'new' bedroom. Star Trek: The
universe, especially at the subatomic physics, but he is not free unless (ii) Antigravity; Motion Picture.

The limits of the possible

formulated by Einstein in 1905 - much smaller than c, tau is only just

Faster than light begins with the astonishing lessthan 1 and 'common-sense'
experimental fact that c- never physics works as usual. Even at a
and relativity changes, no matter what moving speed of a million kph, tau only
system you measure it from. A car drops to about 0.9999996; to
might travel at 100 kph, and to someone standing still, the ship's
We may not yet have made traffic
another car following at 60 kph the length would seem to have shrunk
regulations for space, but already
apparent (relative! speed of the first by this factor while its onboard
the universe seems to have an
car would seem to be only 40 kph. clocks would run this much more
unbreakable speed limit. The
But a ray of light appears to move slowly. The ship's mass would be
greatest problem of science fictional
same speed c divided by tau and would increase,
space travel is that, as far as we can at exactly the
measured from either car or by to about 1.0000004 of its 'stationary'
tell, nothing can move faster than
someone standing at the roadside. value. The peculiarities of relativity
Leaving out several pages of are still unnoticeable.
This causes no trouble in daily
since the speed of light is so calculations, the final result of c's By the time our ship has
boosted to 150,000 km per second -

great - about 300,000 km per invariability is that other natural

properties of matter that we half the speed of light tau has
second. Travel is more awkward in
consider to be constant must them- fallen to 0.866. Ship time is flowing
physicist George Gamow's scientific
selves vary as matter approaches at less than seven-eighths of the
fable Mr Tompkins in Wonderland.
the speed of light. Although it normal rate; the ship's mass has
where moves at a sedate 15
seemu contrary to the dictates of risen by more than 15%. Because
kph. Gamow's cyclist can pedal as
'common sense', the mathematics of the mass is greater, more work must
furiously as he likes without ever
the situation demands that a now be done to accelerate the ship;
quite reaching the natural speed
would have spaceship's mass and length, and as it travels faster still, the mass
limit; real-life spacecraft
as they even the timekeeping of its clocks, rises further. Much of the energy
the same problem
will alter as its speed (relative to used to push the ship is actually
approached the fatal velocity c (the
watchers on Earth) changes. being transformed into mass in
speed of light in vacuum). Einstein's
But why, just because c is accordance with Einstein's famous
Special Theory of Relativity has
unvarying, is it a natural speed equation E = mc' (energy equals
advantages as well as disadvan-
limit? This follows from the equation mass multiplied by the square of c,
tages: by travelling closer and closer
for the factor by which mass, length so 1 kg of mass equals a monstrous
to velocity c you can make any
a facto r 90 million billion joules of energy).
journey seem as short as you and time are altered
- called tau. equal to ^1-1;%-. When As the velocity v comes closer to c,
like though only to yourself!
the velocity of the spaceship, is tau approaches zero and the ship's
Special relativity first V.

(J e + v+v
Speed zero: average time for decay 2.2 microseconds

- e+v+v
Speed 0.9c: average time 5 microseconds

(J e+v+v
Speed 0.99c: average time 15.6 microseconds

- e+v+v
0.999c: average time 49 microseconds

e + v+v
Speed 0.9999c: average time 155 microseconds

The muon a When it travels nears r. This has by the impact of

Scale of time-lines: (m) is
on close to the speed been measured cosmic rays on air
1mm to one microsecond particle which,
molecules would
average, decays of light (r), the experimentally
stretching of time and is an not exist for long
after about 2.2
microseconds into caused by relati- important proof of enough to be

vity makes take relativity. Muons detected at ground

an electron (e), a it

longer and longer created at the top level if it were not

neutrino |v) and an
anti-neutrino (v). to decay as it of the atmosphere for this effect.

The Hmits of the possible

We can visualize unnaturally the other hand, equal to that

some of the effects compressed along would see the released in around
of relativistic the axis in which houses he was a million H-bomb
distortion if we they are moving. passing as explosions. This is
imagine the speed The effect would extremely tall and because, as they
of light to be a be the same thin (see right), approach the
modest 15kph. To whether they were but would perceive speed of light,
the stationary approaching him no change in his they have
observer the or receding from own dimensions. increased their
unmoving bicycle him, though the Indeed, from his mass at least
on the left would, Doppler effect point of view, tenfold, and the
of course, be would make the there is no change. energy to be
undistorted. But approaching Obviously the converted into this
the two moving cyclist appear moving cyclists mass increase can
bicycles, both of blue, and the are very fit, since only come from
them approaching receding cyclist the energy with their pedaUing.
the speed of Ught, appear red. A which they are They would be
would seem moving cyclist, on pedalling must be better off walking.

mass grows towards infinity running at only 0.01414 times the conversion of less than 1 gm of mass
meaning that to accelerate all the rate of Earth clocks, so inside the provided all the energy of the
way to the speed of Light, an infinite ship the journey appears to take Hiroshima bomb. The amount of
amount of energy (fuel) is needed. only 5 days and a few hours. (People energy that would be needed to
Plainly this is not a practical in the ship see the relativistic convert into the mass of 70 star-
proposition. Stories of ships acceler- shrinkage of length from the other ships is almost unimaginable.
ating to travel 237 hght-years in 48 viewpoint to them, their flight With longer flights at speeds
hours, as in E.E. Smith's Skylark of path and indeed the whole universe stiU closer to c, decades or centuries
Space, or half a Ught-year every seem to have shrunk by the factor might pass on Earth during what
minute, as in A.E. van Vogt's 'The 0.01414 along the direction of travel. seems a short interstellar hop to the
Storm', simply will not do. Light To them, acceleration does not so travellers. Ursula Le Guin, in
takes exactly 1 year to travel much increase their speed as reduce Rocannon's World, compares this
1 light-year, and without infinite the distance to be covered.) If the with legends of enchanted hiUs
energy we can never go quite that ship could turn and fly straight back where you spend one night with the
fast. to Earth at the same speed, it would Little Folk while years pass outside
But remember that the ship's return just over 2 years after Le Guin's 'gobUns' give her
clock runs more slowly. If we travel starting . but the ship's clock and unsuspecting heroine a ride on a
1 hght-year at 99.99% of c, then crew would have noticed the passing relativistic ship with much the same
from the viewpoint of someone of only 10 days or so. Remember, effect. Dozens of novels feature
watching the journey from Earth, though, that fantastic amounts of unnaturally youthful star travellers
the time taken will be a year plus energy are needed the ship's mass returning to a changed future world,
about 53 minutes. At this speed, would have increased about 71 examples being George Turner's
though, tau has shrunk to about times, soaking up energy at a Beloved Son and Robert Heinlein's
0.01414: the ship's clocks are ruinous rate of exchange. The Time for the Stars, where the hero
The limits of the possible

cheerfully marries his great-great- The second is to find a way of other. We must rely on what our
interpreting the 'unreal' figures: eyes us about space and time:
imaginary numbers are often used in there is no absolute master clock for
These incredible effects have
mathematical short cuts that lead to the universe, for example, since any
been checked by experiment. Muons
real answers. A possible answer here such clock would seem to run at
('heavy electrons') normally break
- is that the imaginary figures are real
different rates depending on how
down quickly into other particles
in another universe which is, so to quickly we moved relative to it. A
but at relativistic speeds their
fast spaceship travels Ught-year in
'clocks' are slowed and the speak, on the other side of the light 1

barrier. Everything in this universe just over a year, as measured from

breakdown is delayed. (If break-
would move faster than Ught, and it Earth - or in just over 5 days, as
down were not delayed, they would
would be impossible to slow a mass measured by someone aboard. Both
not get as far as the detection
the way down to velocity c measurements are equally 'correct',
chambers.) Beams of electrons have all
FTL universe you would and both comply with the law of
been accelerated close to c and since in the
have to put energy into a spaceship causality. Before it can arrive 1
sure enough, they become more and
light-year from Earth, the ship must
more massive while never actually to slow it down, energy which would
grow to infinity as the speed be seen to leave Earth: people on
reaching the velocity c.

way round the dropped to c. and off the ship differ about the
One theoretical
Although all this is just a bare time between these events but not
problem of ever increasing mass is
mathematical possibility, FTL about the order in which they
to cancel out our spaceship's
particles have been given the name happen.
mass - somehow. E.E. Smith does
'tachyons' as distinct from the But suppose the ship travels
this in his 'Lensman' books, where
slower-than-light 'tardyons' of our faster than Ught. Someone waiting
massless ships routinely travel at
universe (e.g. protons, electrons) and for it, 1 light-year out, would first
speeds far greater than c.
the massless 'luxons', which travel see the ship arrive on his doorstep;
Unfortunately, mass is not so easily
only at velocity c (photons, the image of the ship's launch would
jettisoned: it is a basic property of
gravitons). Writers have follow later, since light travels only
the particles making up soUd
unabashedly borrowed the name: at velocity c. From this fellow's
matter. No mass presumably means
Bob Shaw's The Palace of Eternity viewpoint, which is just as valid as
no matter, and thus no ship. Other
features such delights as a million- any other, the ship has arrived
particles, like photons, are said to
ton tachyonic sppceship travelling before it set out - and bang goes
have zero which is
'rest mass',
at 30,000 times the speed of light. causaUty.
misleading, since a photon cannot
There are several objections. An FTL ship could fUt about as
actually be brought to rest without
First, there is no experimental in Piers Anthony's eccentric novel
destroying it. All the massless
Macroscope (1969), overtaking Ught
particles can exist only while evidence for the existence of
tachyons. Secondly, that infinite, in itsjourney through space and
travelling exactly at the speed of
unclimbable 'light barrier' still seeing first a man's death, then his
light. In his story 'The Billiard Ball",
stands between us and hopes of old age, backwards through time
Isaac Asimov suggests that if some
tachyonic travel. Thirdly, there is a until his birth - again in defiance of
ordinary object's mass could be
mathematical symmetry which causaUty. Either there is something
reduced to zero, it would shoot off
suggests that from the viewpoint of wrong with Einstein's theory (which
with velocity c (punching neat holes
a tachyon universe, it is our universe has been thoroughly tested) or
in bystanders en route).
we where FTL travel possible - causaUty (which though never
What happens to tau if is

Ught (FTL)? meaning that there are no travel proven is a cornerstone of physics)
travel faster than
advantages, wherever you are. And
- or FTL journeys of any kind are
Ignoring the practical problem of
lastly, as will be discussed in the
how to reach FTL speeds without
next chapter, tachyons are likely to StiU, might there be exceptions
the speedometer first registering
to the rule of causaUty? What, after
that forbidden value c, let us look at behave as though they travel
backwards in time - breaking the caused the beginning of the
the mathematics. We can try

universe and of time itself? On the

making the velocity v bigger than c law of causality.
Causality (see also pages 90-1) is fringes of physics, in the quantum
in the tau equation. If, say, v is

then v^ twice c^ an empirical law, one which has theory of subatomic particles or the
about 1.4 times c is
unknowable space inside a black
and tau equals the square root of 1 never been proved but which lies at
hole, there are hints that causality
(v^-1). Any velocity above c
makes the roots of science. It says, simply,
tau a multiple of this imaginary that effects happen after causes. A may not be a universal rule.

number, so called because there is bullet cannot hit its target until

no number which gives 1

real after the trigger is pulled; a man
This astronaut has spaceport to meet
when multipUed by itself. The FTL cannot die without having been returned to Earth him is now 75. The
spaceship's altered mass, length and born. This sounds trite, but when it after a 5-year trip reunion is a
is coupled with Einstein's work the to the stars at strange one for
timeflow have become imaginary
near light-speed. both twins in
numbers. result is that not only tachyonic
Fifty years have effect, one is
There are two ways of looking at travel but all other FTL journeys seeing himself as
passed on Earth
this alarming result. The first is to are forbidden. and his identical he was, the other
a proof that Einstein's great discovery is twin brother who sees himself as he
take it as nonsensical
that any viewpoint as good as any has come to the will be.
FTL travel is mathematically silly. is

The limits of the possible

The limits of the possible

three-dimensional ball. If the paper distance to the point marked 'New

Hyperspace were an astronomical map, two stars York', and step out of the map into
a long way apart on the map could the real New York. Again, the
be brought close together when the difficulty is getting into the
If we cannot move faster than light
perhaps we can map is folded so that different parts map into hyperspace in the first
in this universe,
take a short cut. Might there be a of it touch. An insect on this map place.

need not crawl the full map distance This model features in Frederik
way to slip out of ordinary space,
from one star to the other: it could Pohl's story 'The Mapmakers', in
travel along secret back alleys of
space/time, and return to our own hop across at the point where which (logically enough) an error in
universe at some point far from crumpling has brought those stars positioning of 1 cm on the 'map' can
close in three-dimensional (though bring a ship back to normal space
where we started?
not in two-dimensional) space. In millions of light-years from its
Hyperspace is the science
name for the 'other space' Robert Heinlein's Starman Jones planned destination. There is no
spaceships take this kind of short reason why hyperspace travel should
used in such short cuts. The word
from one point in our be even this simple. In Bob Shaw's
was invented by John W. Campbell cut, leaping
space to another, 'far-off one which Night Walk the hyperspace universe
for his short story 'The Mightiest
has been brought close by the has a fiendishly complicated shape,
Machine' 11934), and unashamedly
crumpling of three-
(invisible to us) like a mathematician's nightmare
stolen by hundreds of writers since.
dimensional space through four- the odds are that inexperienced
Today, hyperspace is part of science
- dimensional hyperspace. How, then, travellers will end up at completely
fiction'sstandard furniture
do we escape from our own space to random points in our space, and will
solving all those awkward problems
take such short cuts? Apparently we never get home again.
of travel to the stars.
would have to move in a direction at Still more depressing is George
Although it sounds different
right angles to every possible R.R. Martin's story 'FTA', where
from travelling faster than light
direction in our space, which is people break into hyperspace and
while staying in this universe,
about as likely as is a two- find that it is not a short cut after
taking a hyperspatial short cut
dimensional figure on a cinema all. Why, apart from wishful
leads to exactly the same clash with
screen which suddenly steps out into thinking, should it be? In this story,
relativityand causality. The simple
to go via hyperspace takes longer.
fact of having got from A to B in the room.
A more common view of hyper- All these ideas are fiction but
less time than a ray of light could
space is as a 'universe next door' there are scientific theories that go
travel between those points is
enough But we
to violate causality. much smaller than our own, with much further than the idea of short
problem for now, every point in hyperspace cuts through another universe. In
shall ignore that
corresponding to one in this today's quantum physics, the
and look at what hyperspace might
universe. Mathematicians call this a building blocks of the universe are
actually be.
One view of hyperspace is as a 'one-to-one' mapping. So hyperspace no more than ripples in a universal
higher-dimensioned space in which behaves like a little map of our own something called the quantum field.
universe, a map which can be Protons, neutrons, electrons all
our three-dimensional universe is
folded and crumpled visited
as though we could step are fluctuations of 'empty space',
somehow in

the way that we can crumple a two- from London to the point marked and what we call 'matter' is a stable
'London' on the map, walk a short pattern of such ripples. If enough
dimensional piece of paper into a
energy is available, matter can be
created out of 'nothing': under the
right conditions a high-energ>'
gamma ray can become an electron
Hyperspace is
and a positron (antielectron).
usually considered
in science fiction
On the microscopic scale, then,
to be a kind of it seems that empty space may not
fourth dimension. be the nice smooth something, or
The question is, if
nothing, that science has always
supposed. What looks like vacuum is
Lansing has to
enter the fourth 'really' foaming and vibrating with
dinnension every energy fluctuations, so that a single
time he walks cubic cm of empty space can be said
through a wall in
to be packed with energy equivalent
the film 4D Man
(1959), how can we to a mass of around 10^' kg.
see him? To make (Remember that the conversion of
matters worse, only 1 kg releases more energy than
every time he
a 20-megaton hydrogen bomb!)
walks through
One result of this foamlike structure
people they die of
old age and he of space is the likely existence of

gets younger. This countless 'wormholes' connecting

is an effect different parts of space, like little
unknown to
tubes, centimetres long, that run
The limits of the possible



enters hyperspace

Spaceship appears
here in hyperspacs^^^

flies here

reappears in
normal space

outside space and back again at vity and causaUty have no objection
One popular view destination.
some distant point. John A. Wheeler, to these wormholes. The short cut is of hyperspace is However there is
the scientist mainly responsible for free to exist, provided that we do that every point in nothing to say
this view, describes the wormholes as not defy causality by travelling itcorresponds to that equivalent

running through 'superspace', which along it and since superspace one point in our points in hyper-
universe this is space would be
sounds very like what science fiction wormholes are of submicroscopic called one-to-one arranged in the
calls 'hyperspace'. The theory of width, it does not seem very likely mapping but same order, in
superspace goes further, though, that mighty spaceships will be that it is much which case they
since it appears that tiny 'quantum' zooming through them as in Star smaller. The would have to be
rocket flying from carefully surveyed
wormholes must connect every part Trek - the Motion Picture (1980).
England to by explorers. If
of space to every other part! (The Even an electron is about 100 billion Australia in our hyperspace is
word 'wormhole' is sometimes used, billiontimes too large to squeeze diagram enters really going to
in a rather different sense, to through. But perhaps we can send hyperspace. resemble an
circumnavigates abstract painting
describe a possible zone of transition messages through wormholes and at
the hyperspace by Jackson
at the centre of a rotating black hole least have an instantaneous Earth in next to Pollock, we might
see pages 94-6.) telephone line to anywhere in the no time, and be better off
Oddly enough, the rules of relati- universe: read on! emerges at its without it.
The limits of the possible

relativityand causality by sending future is unchangeable, like the past.

Instantaneous only information faster than Ught. Determinism is the rule of the day:
The difficulty is the same: any FTL must reach the target
the bullet
communication message will seem, to some

and the finger must pull the trigger,

observers, to arrive before it is it no longer makes sense to talk

sent and our view of the universe about whether one of these events is
Instantaneous communicators in
cannot tolerate this. the cause of the other. Instead, in a
science fiction are supposed to
Science fiction contains two deterministic universe, aU events are
evade reality by transmitting
instantaneous communicators that fixed likeatoms in a rigid crystal
nothing material, but just pure
information. One suggested FTL are infernally plausible - Ursula Le and can be looked at in any order.
Guin's 'ansible' and James Blish's Happily, the whole trend of
communicator is outrageously
'Dirac communicator'. The ansible modern quantum physics is against
simple. It consists of a perfectly
appears in several Le Guin books, determinism. Determinism says that
rigid rod, as many light-years long
and its inventor is the hero of her any decision we make is powerless
as required. Since the rod is rigid,
The Dispossessed. It is supposed to to change anything - it would have
its whole length will move when we
be based on a theory which happened anyway. In quantum
push the near end, and instanta-
supersedes Einstein's, but includes physics it can be said that the whole
neous messages can be sent to the
Einstein's as a special case (just as universe is the creation of decisions
stars in suitably coded pushes and
pulls. This, of course, is nonsense. Newton's laws of motion are a we make. The basic idea is that no
special case of Einstein's, perfectly event is 'real' unless it can be
There no such thing as a perfectly
usable where speeds are much less observed in one way or another
rigid rod, and the energy of each
than that of light). The problem of and if we observe it we change it,
push would travel along the rod, like
causahty is avoided by talk of according to how we decide to
a sound wave along a pipe, at much
'simultaneity' messages do not observe it. To observe something we
less than light-speed.
actually travel from one ansible to must Ught it up, bounce photons off
Another suggestion: take two of
another, they only seem to! it and the impacts of the photons
these Ught-years-long rods, hanging
James BUsh, in The Quincunx of themselves will change the move-
side by side in space. Near Earth
Time, takes a different line. His ment of the object. When it is large,
the rods touch; they are at a very
small angle to each other, so that Dirac transmitter named after the Uke a footbaU, the change is
real-life physicist Paul Dirac sends unnoticeable; when it is smaU, Uke
their farends are centimetres apart.
one rod is moved sideways it will messages that can be picked up by an electron, colUsion with a single
any Dirac receiver, past, present or photon can alter its course hugely.
slideover the other until, after a
future. This eliminates the paradox This leads to the physicist Heis-
short time, the Earth ends of the
of events happening before their enberg's Uncertainty Principle of
rods are a few centimetres apart
causes, since in Blish's world the 1927: we can measure the position of
while the far ends are touching. In
that short time, without any mass
or energy being sent faster than
light, something has travelled light-

years along the rods: the point at

which they touch has moved all the
way from Earth to the far end.
Could this be used to transmit
information? In fact the answer is

'no'. The more subtle radio- wave

version of this trick, which appears
as the 'ultra wave communicator' in
several stories by James Blish,
would not work either. The flaw is

that the entire length of the

sideways-moving rod must already
be moving before the rods' point of
contact can travel faster than Ught:
those at the far end would already
know that the 'signal' was coming
and would receive absolutely no
more information from it. Physicists
call this a 'non-meaningful super-
Ught signal'. We can aim a laser at
the Moon and swivel it so that a
bright spot moves across the Moon's
surface with FTL speed - but the
spot carries no information from one
part of the Moon to another.
It is impossible to avoid

The limits of the possible

an electron at a given moment by ment we make on the near one.

10 cm 5 cm hitting it with a photon and making Such an experiment was first
its new velocity uncertain, or we can performed in 1972 (see diagram), and
measure its velocity at the expense the results were confirmed in Paris
of certainty about its position. in 1981. If the results can be
In the end it seems that accepted, then there is a faster-than-
particles have no real, definite light connection between each pair
position or velocity until one or the of particles, perhaps even through
other is measured (we cannot quantum 'wormholes'. Relativity, of
measure both at the same time). course, predicts that no useful
Particles spread out through space information can be sent along such a
as fuzzy 'probability functions' route. Quantum physicists, however,
which predict where they are likely sometimes adopt a more cavalier
to be; when we take a measurement attitude towards questions of cause
this probabiUty wave collapses for a and effect. In his paper 'Are Super-
moment into something behaving luminal Connections Necessary?'
Uke a sohd particle. How does this American physicist
(1977), the
connect with FTL communication? Henry Stapp wrote: 'Quantum
It seems possible to design phenomena provide prima facie
experiments dealing with the evidence that information gets
combined probability function of around in ways that do not conform
two particles produced at the same to classical ideas. Thus the idea that
time but traveUing in opposite information is transferred super-
directions. By making measure- luminally (faster than light) is, a
ments on one particle we can deduce priori, not unreasonable.'
things about the other; there is a Experiments and theory of this
subtle possibUity that because of the kind imply fascinating possibilities.
way quantum physics works, we can They may even imply the possibility
instantaneously affect the far-away of alternate universes (see pages
peu-ticle by choosing which measure- 98-101).

Photomultiplier Central Photomultiplier

detector light source (S) detector
tube tube

Polarizer screen Tilted

(L) polarizer


Left: an artist's remains stUl; the sophisticated photons whose correlation would left hand side L.
impression of the other is moved version was waves are not fall off to a This is measured

screen of a Dirac sideways 10 cm. carried out by aligned to them. greater extent by correlating the
receiver, the They touch at Alain Aspect in A correlation than quantum number of cUcks
instantaneous point X. Point X Paris in 1981, between what theory predicts. in the two
communicator of moves 1 light-year confirming the happens on both Quantum theory detectors. The big
James Bhsh's The in 1 second. results.) Photons sides would be wins. The problem is not yet
Quincunx of Time. Right: The are emitted in expected when the experiment shows solved. How do the
Above: an physicists John pairs from source polarizers are that a decision photons on side L
imaginary FTL Clauser and S, in opposite parallel, but here about the angle of get the informa-
communicator, Stuart Freedman directions. They one is tilted the polarizer on tion about what is
made of two rods, did this experi- have to pass obhquely to the side R affects the happening to the
each 1 hght-year ment in 1972. (A through polarizers, other. Einsteinian polarization of the photons on side R?
long. The dark rod very much more which filter out theory said photons on the
The limits of the possible

something to say that it expands, protons and neutrons). After a

The beginning of since there is a steady change of hundredth of a second the
scalewhich carries its parts further temperature is about 100 billion C,
the universe away from one another. too little to break up protons and
Once we know the rate at which neutrons, which now become stable.

the universe expands, and the rate The universe is packed tight with
The beginning of our universe is one
at which that expansion is slowing lighter particles (electrons, positrons)
of the most fascinating problems of
down (since, though flying apart, the and, above all, radiation. Its density
science, with timescales measured in
such a galaxies are being attracted together is billions of times that of water: 1
billions of years. Strangely,
stupendous event has been by gravity), we can work back cubic cm of the plasma filling the
towards the beginning of the universe would weigh thousands of
neglected in science fiction. But
universe. It seems that this tons. Some believe the universe is
what is there to say about a time
happened between 10 and 20 billion infinite now and would have been
when, according to modern theory,
years ago. Near the very beginning infinite then; others estimate that
the universe was so full of hellish
as though the surface of our today's universe is finite, with a
energy that not even atoms could it is

imaginary 'balloon' were completely circumference of about 125 billion

survive? A ringside view of creation
and thickly covered in 'paint'. As light-years, in which case its
does appear in Poul Anderson's
the balloon expands this paint circumference a hundredth of a
novel Tau Zero, where (see pages
breaks into flakes. The separating second from the beginning would
190-1) he bends the facts a little to
flakes correspond to galaxies, or have been about 4 light-years. But,
make his story work. He introduces
rather to protogalaxies the hot as with an insect crawling on our
a spaceship which orbits outside the
gas clouds from which galaxies will imaginary balloon, no amount of
monobloc containing all the mass
condense. So, near the beginning travel can bring us to the edge. The
and energy of the universe-to-be
there is no unpainted part of the circumference is a measure of the
but today's physics says there will
balloon's surface no free space distance you must travel, in what
be no outside.
anywhere in the universe. The seems a straight line, to return
The favourite view of cosmolo-
primordial monobloc is the universe. through curved space to the same
gists, the Big Bang theory, says
that the universe is expanding from In his book The First Three spot.
Minutes (1977), the physicist Steven After about 14 seconds the
the impetus of some original
Weinberg traces the early moments temperature has fallen to only 3
explosion. Observations of distant
of creation as calculated by science. billion degrees or so, too low for
galaxiesshow that they are all
moving away from us (because the
In 1965 the physi-
light they give out is shifted
cists Arno Penzias 103-
towards the red end of the and Robert Wilson
spectrum, in the same way that the detected an
note of a train's whistle sounds unexpected 102- r.I-
lower when the train is moving radiation in
the radio-wave
away). But there is no reason to
band at a
suppose that the perfectly average wavelength (A)

part of space where we live is a of 7 cm, to ./

central slum from which everything which their
else is moving away. On the
apparatus was

contrary; there is good reason to

believe that each of those distant
tuned. Further
galaxies would see itself in the same showed that the y\
position, with all the others moving radiation could x/i
be graphed as 10-2
away from it. The universe is '1
shown here. The
expanding, space is getting
curve suggests a
bigger, and everything is getting background 10-
further from everything else. radiation of 3 100 10
To understand this, think of the above absolute
Wavelength (centimetres)
zero a ghostly
universe as the skin of a balloon
message from the
with all the galaxies painted on it. If original Big Bang.
the balloon is inflated a little more,
of the more electrons and positrons to be
the area of the skin increases, and At zero time the temperature
universe would be enormous, created spontaneously from energy:
so do all the distances between
perhaps infinite. For the first the electrons and positrons
galaxies.Of course the universe is
hundredth of a second of expansion annihilate each other and mostly
not being inflated by pumping
the picture made insanely complex vanish. After a little over 3 minutes
something into it: perhaps it can be is

by the presence of high-energy the temperature is so low (under a

thought of as the outer shockwave
mesons and perhaps even free billion degrees) that the relatively
of the original explosion, a surface
quarks (the subnuclear particles tiny number and protons
of neutrons
which gets bigger thanks to its own
which, according to many theories, created in that hundredth of a
outward momentum. Even if the
means make up 'fundamental' particles like second can join into nuclei without
universe is infinite it stUl

The limits of the possible

The further into

the universe we IQS
look, the further
back into the past
we see, since light lonized
from distant hydrogen
objects was "
and helium
emitted a long
time ago. The
redshift of light Cosmic
corresponds to the 103 . background
velocity with
which the object Atomic
emitting the light hydrogen
is receding from 10' . and helium
us. Thus the
oldest objects in Proto-
the universe, galaxies
which are moving
away from us with
the greatest speed, Primeval
have the largest galaxies
redshifts. By
peering far into
the universe, Quasars
astronomers can Extremely
reconstruct its 10- ~ galaxies
history. This chart
gives a timescale Distant
of events in our galaxies
universe since the 10-2
Big Bang. It
indicates when
some of the
universe's major
features were
formed. The cosmic Nearby
background galaxies
radiation detected
by Penzias and
Wilson in 1965
dates from less
than 1 million
years after the Big
Bang a mere
bHnk of the eye
on a cosmic

Stars in
our Galaxy


being blasted apart again by the galaxies, protostars and stars, energy ones as space expanded. The
high-energy radiation. But atoms are heavier elements are 'cooked up' in original radiation is still around us,
not formed for another 700,000 stars and hurled out via nova though very stretched indeed and
years, when the temperature has explosions. in the 1960s this 'fossil' radiation
fallen to the point atwhich electrons One famous piece of evidence for was detected, now corresponding to
are no longer stripped away from this theory comes from the radiation a temperature only 3 above
nuclei by the radiation which still originally filling space. The fall of absolute zero.
the universe. Later, after
fills temperature was caused by So will the universe now expand
gravity has condensed these atoms 'stretching' of short, high-energy for ever? We shall come back to
successively into protogalaxies. wavelengths into longer, lower- that.

The limits of the possible

an antiproton teams up with a baryons and antibaryons come

Antimatter positron, the result is an atom of together and vanish into high-energy
neutral antihydrogen; by building gamma rays (plus a certain number
bigger nuclei from antiprotons and of harmless neutrinos, which pass
When the universe was formed,
antineutrons, and providing them through whole planets without
antimatter was just as likely to be
with orbital positrons, we could effect). Hitting ordinary matter, our
created as matter. Ordinary matter
theoretically make a complete range 1 kg of antimatter explodes with the
has negatively charged electrons
of antimatter elements which would force of up to 43 million tons of
circling positively charged nuclei;
antimatter would have positively react with each other exactly as TNT as though several thousand
ordinary elements do. Two atoms of Hiroshima bombs were detonated at
charged antielectrons positrons
antihydrogen and one of antioxygen once. In Star Trek, the starship
and nuclei with a negative charge.
would become a molecule of anti- Enterprise is propelled by a
All nuclei are built from protons
water, and so on. But if we could controlled version of such
(positive electric charge) and
make up a litre of antiwater (some- explosions, but the television series
neutrons (no charge): antinuclei
thing which at present rates of never explained how the antimatter
would contain antiprotons (negative
charge) and antineutrons. Though CERN antiproton production - less was created or stored.
than one triUionth of a gram Earlier science fiction writers
they have no charge, antineutrons
produced so far - would take longer often made two mistakes about anti-
differ from neutrons in having
than the universe may have to run), matter. Some thought it had
opposite 'spin' and 'baryon number',
what on earth would we keep it in? negative mass, and would thus feel
two important quantities in the
As antimatter touches matter, gravity as a push rather than a
bookkeeping of particle physics: all
they annihilate each other. The total pull an example is E.E. Smith's
heavy particles, hke protons or
'negasphere' in Gray Lensman. If
neutrons, are called baryons. A firm combined mass is released in a
spectacular blast of energy. In a this were so, the antiproton's
rule is that the total baryon number
fission bomb a maximum of 0.1% of negative mass/energy would cancel
of a system cannot change, though
the plutonium mass can become the proton's when they met, and
this apparently fails inside black
energy; for a fusion bomb the nothing would remain; in reality,
holes. A neutron (baryon number
maximum figure is about 0.5%; the two extremely high-energy gamma
+ 1) can become a proton (baryon
figure for antimatter could approach photons are produced. (Why two? To
number +1) and an electron (baryon
100%. We could call it 200%, since balance momentum: an explosion
number since an electron is not a
the explosion releases the energy of cannot explode in one direction
baryon but a Ught particle, or
our 1 kg of antimatter plus that of only.)Today's theories of the
lepton). The total electric charge
the 1 kg of matter with which it universe say that there is no such
stays at zero and the total baryon
reacts. Electrons and positrons, thing as negative mass. The second
number at + 1 But a proton cannot

simply be annihilated.
A proton and an antiproton
(baryon number 1) can join
together in a 'suicide pact'. The two
heavy particles meet in a flare of
energy and vanish, their mass
converted to high-energy radiation
while their opposite charges and
baryon numbers cancel out. We can
make antiprotons in the laboratory
by turning this process round, using
a particle accelerator to smash
protons together at such enormous
energies that the energy of collision
is more than twice the mass/energy Above: when
of a proton. The resulting reaction is matter meets anti-
written: p+p-*p + p+p+p. Two matter the annihi-
lation is complete.
protons (p) become three plus an
1 kg of matter
antiproton (p); the total baryon combined with 1
number before is 1 + 1 = 2, and after kg of antimatter
the collision it is 1 + 1 + 1 1... would release the
energy of 43
still 2.
Antiprotons are routinely 1 -megaton

created like this at research H-bombs. This

establishments such as CERN in process is said to
propel the starship
Geneva, for use in further experi-
Enterprise in TV's
ments. (The world's first coUisions Star Trek. No won-
between high-energy beams of der Scotty. the
protons and antiprotons were engineer, always
observed at CERN early in 1981.) If looks worried.

The limits of the possible

and more subtle mistake is the idea shock makes the inner magnet hit ever contain matter, stars and
that antiwater would only annihilate the outer one. How could we make intelHgent Ufe. The physicist Steven
with ordinary water, and could this device using tools of normal Weinberg calculates that the
safely be kept in (say) an iron matter? WiUiamson's books rely on number of particles just after the
container. Not so: it is the manipulation by artificial gravity moment of creation, in the more-
subatomic particles that react so fields another unlikely idea. matter-than-antimatter scenario,
destructively, and their arrangement Though antimatter can be manu- would have exceeded the number of
makes no difference. factured, slowly, natural antimatter antiparticles by only one part in
So how can antimatter be has never been found. In theory we 1000 milhon. After the mutual
stored? Space seems the only place, should expect equal amounts of annihilation, the universe we know
both for storage and for large-scale matter and antimatter to be formed was built up from that tiny residue
production. On Earth, gravity wiU at the beginning of the universe of one 1000 miUionth.
sooner or later pull any lump of anti- perhaps some distant galaxies are An alternative theory, produced
matter into disastrous contact with made of antimatter that somehow by the physicist M. Goldhaber in
matter. One exception to this rule became sepeirated from matter long 1956, is that the universe divided
appears at CERN, where fast- ago? In that case we might one day into two parts immediately after its
moving antiprotons can be held in a find a wandering antimatter planet formation the universe of matter
'storage ring' around which they from another galaxy, as in Larry that we live in, and an alternate
constantly move, accelerated and Niven's story 'Flatlander'; but the universe of antimatter that cannot
kept away from the walls of the cosmic rays that reach Earth from be observed by us (see also pages
vacuum chamber by magnetic far-off parts are often made up of 98-9).
fields. This only works for charged protons or even nuclei, never of anti- Such questions of astrophysics
particles, however; it does not work protons or antinuclei. There may be as 'Where did the antimatter go?'
for antineutrons, for example. no natural antimatter anywhere. have led to surprisingly httle specu-
Jack WiUiamson's Seetee Ship In that case, what happened to lation in science fiction. The British
and Seetee Shock deal with anti- it? The most obvious answer is that, writer Ian Watson, however, is

matter, 'seetee' or 'CT' meaning as predicted by theory, aU the typically ready to step in where
'contraterrene', the old science matter and antimatter underwent angels fear to tread, and his novel
fictionalterm for antimatter. One mutual annihilation in the first The Jonah Kit (1975) ingeniously
suggested weapon is a bomb made seconds of creation; but why, then, proposes that the antimatter
from a hollow magnet, inside which do we still have matter? Although it disappeared inside mini black holes,
an antimatter magnet is suspended seems unlikely that more matter where distinctions between matter
in vacuum by weak magnetic than antimatter should be formed, and antimatter would become
repulsion. Drop the bomb and the perhaps only such a universe can meaningless.

Left: the giant

accumulator built
by CERN. Here
antimatter in the
form of anti-
protons is
concentrated, the
is compressed, and

the antimatter is
stacked' in a
vacuum tube (left).

The next step is to

aim beams of
protons and
antiprotons at one
another in a
synchrotron, and
to photograph the
tracks of colliding
particles, using a
new technique:
image intensifiers
with a gain of
2000. Far left: a
stereo view
showing the first
collisions between
antiproton and
proton beams in
1981 at CERN.
The limits of the possible

more steeply towards the bottom. as the acceleration of charged

Gravity and (The steepness of the slope corres- electrons in a circuit produces
ponds to the strength of the electromagnetic waves. A 'packet' of
antigravity gravitational field.) Some way up gravity radiation is called a

this slope, Earth rolls round the pit graviton, corresponding to the

was the like a roulette ball accompanied electromagnetic photon. The

In the beginning, gravity
least important of forces, and even by its own
smaller pit of gravity,
now the weakest force in
it is with the Moon rolling round that
nature. But the universe has been pit.

dominated by gravity for biUions of Every part of the rubber sheet

years and will be so until the very (space)is curved to some extent by

end. the masses on it: near the Sun the

The secret of gravity is that, curvature is strong enough to make
unlike the fantastically powerful a measurable difference to a
force that holds atomic nuclei 'straight line' passing close by a

together, can operate at long

it straight line or geodesic in this
range: unhke the moderately model being the shortest distance
powerful electromagnetic force, it along the surface of the sheet
always attracts and never repels. A between points, just as a great circle
concentration of electric charge big is the shortest distance along the

enough to exert useful force will fly surface of the Earth. Gravity and
apart, thanks to its own electric geometry are the same in Einstein's
repulsion; but mass naturally model, and the straight-line path of
collects together in great lumps light depends on the shape of space.

such as stars, producing large If a new mass were dropped on

gravitational forces. A gravity field, to this rubber-sheet model, or if an

though, not simply an invisible
is existing mass were accelerated
elastic which pulls objects together. sharply, tremors would expand out
Gravity is bound up with the shape across the sheet gravity waves. In
of space itself. the real universe we cannot create
According to Einstein's General mass (or destroy it completely,
Theory of Relativity, pubUshed in which would have the same effect),
1915, space is curved by the but the acceleration of mass does
presence of mass: a gravitational indeed produce gravity waves, just
field is a curving of space. We
Above: the actor
cannot step out of space to make
Peter Ustinov
sure it curves, but, as the ancients with a rubber-
deduced Earth's curvature from sheet model of
indirect measurements, we can do space, showing
this for space. On any flat map of warping caused by
gravity. Our Sun
Earth, the shortest distance
is represented by
between two points will generally be a billiard ball.
shown as a curve: only a globe From the BBC's
makes complete sense. And in Einstein's
space, where the shortest distance
Left: Professor J.
between two points is defined by the Weber with one of
path of light, scientists find that his 3-ton
starlight is distinctly curved in the aluminium,
strong gravitational field near our gravitational-wave
detectors. In
Sun. (Normally the Sun's light
theory, such
drowns that of stars near it in the waves would
sky -
the bending of starlight was create tiny,
first measured during the total measurable distor-
tions in the metal.
eclipse of 1919.)
Weber used a
One rough model of Einstein's second, identical
universe is a thin rubber sheet detector hundreds
whose two dimensions represent the of kilometres
three of space. Each bit of mass in away. If effects
occur at the same
the universe rests on this sheet and
time, evidence is
makes a dent in it: the larger the stronger. Positive
mass, the deeper the dent. The Sun results have not
huge pit of its own
rests in the been confirmed
shaped like a
a pit as definitely
trumpet-mouth, sloping more and
The limits of the possible

gravitons created by an accelerating create our own gravity fields? One Finally, there is antigravity: no
car or spaceship are feeble and, to fictional superviUain planned to do work, no effort, we simply fall up to
us, undetectable but the superhigh this between the Earth and the Sun the stars. In Count-Down, Charles
acceleration of large masses falling in such a way that sunlight would Eric Maine explained that all that
into black holes would produce be deflected, plunging the Earth into was needed was to bend the rubber
powerful gravity waves, as in Jerry darkness. This requires artificial sheet of the model 'the other way'.
Pournelle's 'He Fell Into a Dark space-curvature, which must be Which way, asked James Blish, is
Hole". Like earthquake shocks caused by artificial mass the the other way? Just as an artificial
travelling at lightspeed through existence and acceleration of mass is gravity field needs an artificial mass
empty space, these could distort or all that shapes space. And artificial indistinguishable from a real one,
even tear apart nearby matter. mass would need to have all the antigravity demands a
Earth is so far from powerful properties of real mass. negative mass and negative space-
sources of gravity waves that they Suppose that we could reduce curvature. Negative energy is
can only be detected by ultrasensi- the effects of gravity by making the apparently conceivable, though only
tive apparatus measuring atom- rubber sheet stiffer, so that the as a mathematical fiction on the
sized distortions in large masses of dents in it would be less deep and submicroscopic quantum level (and
metal. Also detected are traffic the gravity field produced by a only near a black hole) but
noises and scientists' heavy given mass would be smaller. negative mass has never been found.
breathing. A second, far-off detector Remember that the rubber sheet is Nor does today's physics even allow
isneeded: fast-moving gravity only a model: making it stiffer for the possibility. So much for anti-
waves will trigger both detectors corresponds in the real world to gravity.
almost simultaneously, while rebuilding the framework of
anything recorded by one alone space-time a daunting task. The
Below: antigravity device
must be spurious. Effects have unchangeable speed of light would Christopher Foss's in science fiction.
certainly been recorded by the apparently be increased locally, and rendition of New This 'gravitron-
detectors, but their source is causality would go down the drain. York and associa- polarity
ted bedrock flying generator',
uncertain, and not all scientists Effectively we would be making
through space, as unfortunately, is a
beUeve that they are unequivocally mass vanish without a trace imagined by piece of purely
due to gravity waves. another improbability. Asimov's James Blish in imaginary science.
Science fiction writers have used story 'The Billiard Ball' suggests Cities in Flight. It would take

our crude, rubber, general-relativistic that flattening out the curvature of This miraculous more than Blish's
feat is accomp- doubletalk about
model to justify favourite gimmicks space would make energy appear lished with the electron spin to
of artificial gravity and antigravity. from nowhere even more 'spindizzy', the counteract the
Could we bend space artificially and improbable. most celebrated force of gravity.
The limits of the possible

gravity - until the nuclear fuel than six times heavier than the Sun)
Stars, (hydrogen) runs low. may simply blow off their outer
When this happens, the core of layers and settle to a long period of
neutron stars the star will shrink, though its slow contraction, kept hot by
gravitational energy set free as they
and black holes surface can expand, so an ordinary
star can swell to a 'red giant'. As shrink. These are called 'white

responsible for the birth the core falls inwards, gravitational dwarfs': a typical one might have
Gravity is
makes stars energy is converted to heat: the the size of Earth and 50% more
of stars; its attraction
condense from clouds of floating temperature rises to the point where mass than the Sun.
gas. And when a star's fire goes out. new and more complex nuclear More exciting things happen
reactions can take place, for a while with bigger stars, as shrinkage
gravity crushes it into a white
strangest restoring the balance of radiation increases and core temperature
dwarf, a neutron star or,
pressure against gravity. Ordinary soars. Eventually the cascade of
of all. a black hole.
a struggle stars get energy by fusing hydrogen useful nuclear reactions will halt,
The life of a star is

into helium; a giant can re-use this with most of the core converted to
between gravity and nuclear
helium in the hotter reaction which iron (which cannot be fused to
reactions; eventually gravity will
heUum into carbon; heavier heavier elements without putting
always win. The 'temporary' balance fuses
and heavier elements are formed energy in using iron as nuclear
(which in our Sun seems set to last
in reactions at still higher fuel is like trying to burn ice).
for billions of years) comes about
temperatures. Sometimes the Finally, theenormous core
because as gravity forces nuclei in a
starting up of a new fusion reaction temperatures produced by
star together, it produces nuclear
balance too far against gravitational shrinking smash the
reactions between them which is can tip the

The tremendous gravity, so the star blows off mass back to helium, soaking
iron itself
why stars shine.
heat and outward pressure of in a nova explosion
which is how up incredible quantities of
radiation from the nuclear fusion in the heavier elements formed in stars energy again, as though ice has
a star's core are enough to balance find their way back into space. been thrown on the fire.
the immense inward pull of Many less massive stars (less The core no longer radiates at

Left: the stars

with the largest
diameter are red
giants, maybe 320
million km across;
the smallest are Moon
stars that have cm
contracted into
black holes. The
diagram shows
some relative sizes
to scale. The
astonishing thing
is that stellar
objects with these
relative sizes
would have
approximately the
same mass. The
shrinking in size is
related to the
greater density in
each case.
Right: this diagram
shows the actual
sizes of black
holes having the
same mass as
various members
of our Solar
System. (The
planets, of course,
could not become
black holes; there
is not nearly

enough gravity.)
The Sun is not
included; its black-
hole radius of 3 .Jupiter
km would not fit. 281.3 cm

The limits of the possible

anything like the intensity needed to An astronaut

balance gravity. It collapses with a falling into a black
hole (shown here
tremendous energy flash that blows
as a funnel-shaped
the star apart in a supernova curve in the
explosion. For a few days, while this structure of space)
happens, the star shines 1000 billion would be most
times brighter. What remains is the uncomfortably
stretched by tidal
core, crushed in that final collapse
forces. The
into something which is not matter gravity at his feet
as we know it. Electrons have been would be miUions
squashed against protons until the of times stronger
than at his head,
charges cancel and they become
and his feet would
neutrons; there are no separate fall faster. As he
atomic nuclei any more, just a entered the event
spherical mass of neutrons, like one horizon he would
giant nucleus. This is a neutron star. be a long, thin
wire, hundreds of
Millions of times denser than a
kilometres tall.
white dwarf, a neutron star can pack
the mass of the Sun into a radius of
several kilometres.
Because it is so compact and
heavy, a neutron star has a gigantic
gravitational field. The one in Larry
Niven's story 'Neutron Star' (1.3
solar masses, under 20 km diameter)
would exert a force of more than 200
biUion Earth gravities at its surface,
enough to crush anything there into
a thin film of degenerate matter;
Earth would be drawn in by
this gravityand reduced to a layer
about 1 cm thick on its surface.
Even for a nearby spaceship in free
fall, such gravity could cause lethal
tidal forces.
Tides on Eeirth are caused by
the variation of Moon gravity with beam points our way usually once leaving an empty black hole in
distance: the seas facing the Moon a second or thereabouts
a click of space.
are pulled a little more than Earth's radio noise can be heard on Earth. This is a prediction of general
core, while the seas on Earth's other These neutron-star transmitters are relativity. Strong gravitational fields
side are pulled a Uttle less, the effect called 'pulsars'. slow down time (see pages 94-5), and
being to hump up the waters on What use is a neutron star to even the fields of white dwarfs shift
either side. Niven's free-falling us? Scientists would certainly love their light measurably towards the
spaceship comes close to his neutron to conduct experiments in those red end of the spectrum (corres-
star, to somewhat over 1 1 km colossal gravity fields. Gregory ponding to lower frequencies of
from its centre. The ship feels a puU Benford's novel The Stars in Shroud radiation). For any given mass there
of well over 100 billion gravities, and features a fast-orbiting neutron star isa particular length called the
the fact that the pilot's head is used as a kind of interstellar 'Schwarzschild radius', and if that
further from the neutron star than motorway junction, with spaceships mass can be packed into a sphere
his feet means a difference of some exploiting its gravity to swing with this radius, the surface gravity
50 milUon gravities between the pull rapidly to new courses, and gaining is so great that the slowing of time

and his feet. He would

at his head or losing momentum as desired. The becomes infinite. As far as the rest
presumably be torn apart (though possibilities of such stars are of the universe is concerned, the
this tidal force is understated for the though especially when
limited, collapse of a star with sufficient
purposes of the story Niven compared with their even weirder mass takes place more and more
obviously wanted the pilot to cousins, black holes. slowly as the Schwarzschild radius
survive). When a star with a mass of isapproached and at this radius
Astronomers have detected what more than about three times the the coUapse seems to halt
seem to be neutron stars spinning Sun's reaches the point of collapse, altogether. At the same time the
ones whose magnetic fields tangle it does not stop collapsing when (like surface of the star, which has been
with surrounding gas plasma to a neutron star) it has reached the getting redder and dimmer through
generate a radio beam that sweeps maximum possible density for the milliseconds of the collapse, goes
round with the star's spin, as if it matter in this universe. Instead it black and vanishes at the
were a lighthouse. Each time the drops out of the universe altogether. Schwarzschild radius all light is

The limits of the possible

holes are not quite black - there is a menon depends not just on density
redshifted out of existence.
but on total mass, it seems possible
This is Einstein's version. An 'quantum leakage' of radiation
which increases towards infinity for that at the other end of the scale a
view was to think of an
low-density black hole could exist -
object so massive that the escape smaller and smaller holes. Large
holes of planetary or greater mass a huge one. In this case there would
velocity - the speed at which you
are reasonably stable; any hole not be a singularity at the centre.
would have to throw a stone from
weighing less than a billion tons Such black holes may exist at the
the surface to make sure it never
or so (imagine the weight of Everest centres of galaxies, absorbing stars
came down - was just greater than
squeezed to the size of an atomic without first disrupting them. They
the speed of light. This gives the
nucleus) would have radiated all its could contain stars, planets and life
right formula for the Schwarzschild
inside, while seeming to be a
radius (which is proportional to the mass away as energy since its
formation at the beginning of the conventional black hole from the
mass - double the mass and you
universe. Even more exasperating, outside, like the black galaxy in
double the radius) but is otherwise
holes decay faster as they shrink. Barry Malzberg's highly scientific
misleading. In a black hole the
By the time one has dropped to a novel Galaxies. It has even been
object itself vanishes. No matter can
manageable mass of a few thousand seriously suggested that our entire
withstand the frightful gravitational
remaining lifetime is only universe is a black hole.
forces, and everything collapses to a tons, its
The most fascinating possibility
mathematical point (a singularity) at about a second. The conversion of
of black holesis their use as short
the centre of the hole. All that mass to energy would make that
last second a multi-million mega-
cuts through space. Anyone entering
remains is the gravity field. But no
ton explosion. an ordinary high-density black hole
light can shinethrough this
Because the black-hole pheno- must fall inwards and be crushed to
emptiness, since any light reaching
the "event horizon' at the
Schwarzschild radius is infinitely
redshifted and can never get out
Matter thrown into a black hole
loses all its identity. The only
measurable properties of black holes
are mass, event-horizon radius,
rotation, electric charge and
popularity with science fiction
writers. A hole with the mass of our
Sun would measure about 6 km
across the diameter of the event
horizon; one star of the Cygnus X-1
binary is thought to be a black hole
of similar stellar mass. A black hole
with Earth's mass would be less
than 2 cm in diameter, and could
happily 'eat' the whole Earth to
double its size. Tiny, superdense
black holes no bigger than a proton
can also exist, but their formation
would need pressures greater than
the greatest available in our
universe (those in collapsing
stars) such mini-holes could have
been formed in the Big Bang, that
first hundredth-second of the
universe, but by nothing since.
These tiny 'quantum' black black holes, unlike are not unusual in the ship is at a
Above: Galaxy
holes were briefly fashionable in static ones, other galaxies, distance of about
M87 in the Virgo it
seems that part of several of which 5
1970s science fiction. Several stories cluster is famous
may be violently seem to be radii from it.
in which they feature can be found for the enormous it

ejected just before exploding. Around the

jet emitted from
inJerry Poumelle's anthology. reaching the event Right: Angus perimeter of the
it, which contains
Black Holes. A small, dense mass as much material horizon. If entire McKies painting black hole light
could be wobbled electrostatically to globular clusters of a spaceship from other stars
as a million suns.
of stars were approaching a has been trapped
generate gravity waves (Larry Some astronomers
falling into such black hole is into temporary
believe that a
Niven's 'The Hole Man'), or used as quite accurate orbit. The result
vast black hole a hole in M87, the
an unstoppable weapon to
invisible, ejected, high- scientifically. is an apparent
may lie at the
eat spaceships (Niven's 'The energy material One can deduce piling up of star
heart of M87. If
could explain the from the diameter images around the
Borderland of Sol'). Mathematical matter falls
jet. Violent events of the hole that event horizon.
studies have since shown that black into spinning

The limits of the possible

a point at the singularity. But the tion may be another universe, but falling into holes or tap the
mathematics of a spinning black there can be no return. Some rotational energy of a spinning black
hole (see also pages 94-6) offers the physicists calculate that anyone hole.Two holes could be combined,
chance of entering and following a traveUing along such a path would an event so destructive that we
twisted path which, in seeming radiate his entire mass away as discuss it under 'Holocaust and
defiance of relativity, lands you gravity waves en route which Catastrophe' (see pages 104-6).
somewhere far away outside the sounds unhealthy. It is also likely At the singularity within a hole,
hole. Thus Joe Haldeman's The that a real-life hole, into which more physics breaks down completely.
Forever War has battleships flying mass is constantly being pulled by The whole mass of the hole is
along such paths from hole to hole, gravity, would form another, concentrated in this point, which has
and such a hole features as the internal singularity which would zero size. Normally the singularity is
'stargate' in Joan Vinge's The Snow close off the short-cut route. covered up by 'cosmic censorship',
Queen. But, as always when there A more practical use for black by the event horizon which prevents
seems to be a way round relativity, holes is as high-technology power our seeing it. But with the death of
there are snags. sources or stores. The death of a a hole and the vanishing of the
The obvious one is that tiny hole would release huge power, event horizon, a massless singularity
wherever the short cut leads, the but such tiny holes can only now be might still remain a point where
relativistic halting of time as we formed by the slow decay of black the rules of space and time fail,
reach the event horizon will mean holes that have the mass of stars a where anything at all may (and
that our universe wiU age and die process which will take from 10^ to perhaps eventually must) emerge.
before we enter the interior of the 10^ years! More practically, we Science fiction can imagine nothing
hole, let alone leave it. The destina- could steal energy from matter stranger.

The limits of the possible

increased complexity more so, then billions of years in the

Entropy and information. Only when the contents future the dimming stars will go out

of the universe catch up with its for lack of fuel, becoming dead
the end of the ever slowing expansion will the law hulks; black dwarfs', neutron stars
apply to the universe as or black holes. Multiple coUisions
universe of entropy
now applies to all its between these remnants in the
a whole, as it

separate parts. centres of galaxies, where stars are

The gloomy statement that the
Entropy a potent theme of relatively close together will form
universe running down is not just

science fiction - the swollen, dying supermassive black holes whose

trendy science fictional pessimism.
Sun of H.G. Wells's The Time gravity will suck in more and more
It isan accurate translation of the
of the galactic debris. Eventually its
second law of thermodynamics - the Machine, the intergalactic signals
which in J.G. Ballard's story 'The further expansion cools the universe
law of increasing entropy.
Voices of Time' are counting down to the point where even large black
All transfers of energy in our
to the end of the universe. Though holes pick up less energy than the
universe are controlled by the laws
some details of this entropic running tiny amount they throw out - they
of thermodynamics. The first law
down are unclear, there seems no begin to shrink by radiation, as
states that mass/energy cannot be
escape from its effects. (The local previously described. The time taken
created or destroyed - in gambling
effects of entropy, both literal and for them to dwindle to the point
terms, 'you can't win'. The second
metaphorical, play an important role where they are again as bright as
law adds that the disorganization or
in the pessimistic 'New Wave' of stars (though much tinier) is so
entropy of the universe increases
immense that every rock in the
with every energy transfer some science fiction; they include rusting,
decay, growing old, the accumu- universe will have flowed into
energy is always degraded to
lation of rubbish in city streets and spherical shape under the influence
useless, low-level heat (see also
even the fading away of love affairs of 10'*''
years of its own gravity.
pages gambling terms, 'you
34-6). In
But in the end there will be no
can't break even, either'. There is a as the brightness of their initial
spark dies.) matter. The likehhood is that all
loophole in the second law allowing
The amount of mass in our matter number of
will collect into a
perfectly efficient energy transfers
universe is probably not enough for gigantic black holes whose quantum
at a temperature of absolute zero
gravity ever to overcome the radiation will convert their mass to
(-273.15C): this is neatly plugged
slowing expansion of space. If this is energy over still huger stretches of
by the third law, which rules out the
possibility of achieving this tempera- Infinite expansion
ture. The gambler's equivalent is of 'our' universe

'you can't even stay out of the game'.

Another view of entropy is as
'anti-information'. The higher the
entropy of a system, the lower is the
amount of information contained in
it or needed to describe it. This page

carries much well written and useful

/ Possible previous cycle
\ Possible
future cycle
information, and the full specifi- '

cation for reproducing the paper and

printing another, identical page Time
would be a sizeable document. But
ifthe page were burnt and reduced
to molecular dust, the information
content would be a mere hst of
simple chemicals to be mixed in the
right proportion. The loss of
information corresponds to the
increased entropy of the system.
Where did all the information in

the universe come from, if its

beginning was as disorganized as
the Big Bang? A suggested answer
to this awkward question concerns
the expansion of the universe, which
has outraced its contents and
produced unevenness matter
separating and condensing into
galaxies rather than becoming a
thinner and thinner gas by following Our' Time
Short cycles
the expansion of space. The collapse Big Bang
beginning involved a sizeable jolt of before life
negative entropy, resulting in can evolve

The limits of the possible

time, eventually leaving nothing but reaches the surprising conclusion, hotter still. The inexorable
feeble heat energy evenly distributed supported by mathematics, that 'the contraction of space would make the
over the entire universe. There is total energy required for indefinite galaxies colUde; eventually matter
nothing else. Entropy has reached survival is finite'. and stars would vaporize to
maximum, and almost the only bit The alternative is that the superhot plasma. As though a film
of information left in the universe is universe may reach its maximum of the Big Bang were being played
the density of its useless energy. expansion and shrink again towards in reverse, the universe would shrink
This glum state of affairs is called the conditions of the beginning. This through stages of incredible heat
the 'heat death' of the universe. could happen if its density is greater and density, to the point (about a
Science fiction sometimes than a certain critical value. Not hundredth of a second from the End)
refuses to let things stop there. enough mass seems to exist to make when baryons and space-time itself
Asimov's story 'The Last Question' up this value: but we suspect that break down and its fate becomes
deals with the problem of setting the 'massless' neutrino does after all unknowable. In the similar scenario
entropy into reverse: by the time of have a small mass. The countless envisaged at the end of James
the heat death humanity has built a neutrinos in 'empty space' could tip Blish's novel The Triumph of Time,
computer-god which duly creates the balance and start all space on new universes bounce up from the
another universe. Indeed we or our the road to gravitational collapse. death of the old, and the heroes of
machines could theoretically carry The heat death leaves the his story, touchingly but
on long after the death of stars, universe slowly falling in implausibly, become each one 'his
gathering and fighting over mass for temperature as photons are own monobloc'.
new stars, or hoarding energy in 'stretched' by its continuing Could a cosmic 'bounce' set a
black holes burning our own expansion. If the universe shrinks new universe expanding from the
Ughts after everything else is dark. there will be another kind of heat ruins of the old? The theory is
The physicist Freeman Dyson has death, since all the existing popular in science fiction, but we
Usted a great many highly radiation will be 'compressed' to may never know. Only through
speculative scientific possibiUties higher energies and the overall science fiction canwe imagine the
along these lines in his paper 'Time temperature will rise. The energy of dizzy viewpoint of the being in Olaf
Without End: Physics and Biology bilhons of years of radiating stars Stapledon's Star Maker who coldly
in an Open Universe' {Review of will have been added to the original creates universes as works of art
Modern Physics, July 1979). He Big Bang radiation, making things and studies them from outside.

Universe expanding for ever Universe expands and Universe expands and
u^j^g^se expanding
^ for ever
then contracts

c Fig.
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JS 3
" -a
.S c

01 b
> Ji
3 a)
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S >>
Chapter 5
Is our common-sense scepticism about time travel and other
universes supported by modern science?

believed that time was a priori, apart from the order of events by
What is time? something we experience directly which we measure it. Time in this

from the beginning. It touches our sense, however, is real enough for

senses as directly as does the the scientist. Scientific time is the

Time one of the strangest
perfume when we smell a rose. Time, interval between events. Scientists
properties of our universe. We all
are concerned to measure these
know about it; our grammar has for Kant, was something at least as
real as the rose. It exists, as a
intervals as accurately as possible in
past and future tenses; we speak of
separate thing, outside us. Other order to formulate laws describing
seconds, minutes and hours, of
philosophers believed that time is a the way nature works. Nowadays
yesterday and tomorrow. Yet few of
construct of the human mind, a they do this by using so-called
us could say exactly what time is.
useful abstraction which is not real atomic clocks, which are accurate to
The scientific idea of time used
in thesame way that a rose is real. a fraction of a millionth of a second.
to be quite straightforward: time
They believed that what we do The idea of subjective time is
was a fundamental property of the
experience directly is an order of less scientific, and harder to pin
universe, experienced by every part
events. Time is a human invention, down. It grew out of the debate
of the universe at the same rate.
necessary to make sense of this about time that followed Kant, and
(This solid view of time has been
order of events. was important to the philosopher
completely eroded by twentieth-
Einstein went further. Time, he Henri Bergson, who treats time as
century physics, especially the
said, has no independent existence
something entirely derived from
Theory of Relativity - see pages
68-71.) While scientists just before Left: in the film
Somewhere in
the modern period (after Newton but
Time (19801
before Einstein) were content to Christopher Reeve
regard time as an objective pheno- dresses up in
menon, however, the philosophers of Edwardian clothes
and travels into
the same period were considering
the past by sheer
the interaction of time with people. willpower to meet
We might almost say that there an actress (Jane
are two kinds of time: 'subjective' Seymour), with
time, discussed by the philosophers, whose portrait he
had fallen in love.
which time as it is perceived by
According to one
people,and 'scientific' time, a theory of time

fundamental property of the 'all time is

universe that continues whether eternally present'

people are there or not. The two

improbable but
sorts of time are not necessarily not impossible. It
contradictory (though sometimes does, however,
they are), and both have captured defy the principle
the imagination of science fiction of causality, for
he had
and fantasy writers. We begin by

consummated his
concentrating on the philosophers son would
love, his
and their debates on the nature of have been old
time, and looking at some of the enough to be his
ways which these debates have
Right: are we
re-emerged in science fiction. imprisoned by
Do newborn babies have a sense time only because
of the passage of time? The we believe in the

nineteenth-century philosopher imaginary bars of

time's bleak cage?
Immanuel Kant thought so. He
Time travel and other universes
property of the universe, but only a
creation in the minds of people who
look at the universe and try to make
sense of it. But alas, it seems almost
certain that time, or at least an
order of events, does objectively
exist. If it does not, what is it
that atomic clocks measure? The
maverick French philosopher
Jerome Deshusses has sceptically
responded to this question by
saying that 'everything used to
measure time really measures
Even if time itself is an
objective phenomenonand
the case
continues to be argued by philoso-
phersthe perception of it by
human beings is a very subjective
matter indeed. Most of us remember
nostalgicallyhow long summer
holidays seemed to be when we were
children. There are many science
fiction stories that imagine
peculiarly bizarre ways of perceiving
time. Two of the best are not really
scientific, because they violate the
principle of causality (see pages 70
and Brian Aldiss's story 'Man
in hisTime' deals with a man who
perceives time just over 3 minutes
ahead of everybody else. In Norman
Spinrad's 'The Weed of Time', a boy
eats a weed that makes him see his
whole lifetime as simultaneously
present. Thus, as a baby, he already
knows he wiU eat the weed before
subjective experience. The newborn wonderfully imaginative fantasies (according to our time-Umited point
baby would not experience time have been written on this theme. of view) he has ever eaten it! It
directly, according to Bergson; he The hero of The Time Stream by makes a crazy kind of sense, but it
would have to learn how to John Taine (mathematician Eric would not work. The strangest story
experience it. Interestingly, several Temple Bell), travels in time of all, curiously enough, is the one
experiments conducted more through 'an involuntary twist of the that offers the least violation of the
recently by psychologists have mind'. The hero of Jack Finney's laws of physics. In David Masson's
supported this view. gripping novel Time and Again classic story 'Traveller's Rest', a
Many people would object that moves into a nineteenth-century war is taking place on the northern
having to learn something does not apartment building in New York, frontiers of a land in which
make it any less real. But suppose, and carefully removes from his everybody's perception of time
as the novelist J.B. Priestley (who surroundings all evidence of the slows down as they travel south. A
wrote several plays about time) sup- twentieth century. By an effort of soldier on leave goes south, marries,
posed, that time exists only because will he rids himself of his twentieth- has children, and in middle age
we have been taught to experience century time-imprinting, and when receives a message that his leave is
it. Could we not unlearn this teach- he walks out into a wintry Central cancelled. He travels north, to arrive
ing? Some Australian aborigines Park he is in New York in 1882. at his bunker 22 minutes (local time)
died when they were cursed by Richard Matheson's novel Bid Time after he left. Something rather

having a bone pointed at them. Return, filmed as Somewhere in similar would happen, according to
They died because they believed it Time (1980), has a hero who does physicists, as a spaceship moved
would kill them. The belief had been almost exactly the same thing, but progressively closer to a black hole
taught to them, powerfully, and he is propelled back into the present (see pages 94-6).
imprinted on their minds. The when he finds a modern coin in the The oldest and most popular
Priestley school of thought lining of the nineteenth-century model of time sees it as a river: this
considers that time is like this: it frock-coat he had hired. is the idea of time that we find in
imprisons us only because we These stories would be plausible most early science fiction stories
believe we are trapped by it. Some if time were not a truly objective that deal with the subject.
Time travel and other universes
to witness a future personal he is we have an
conceived, then
Time travel in disaster, returns to the present and which not only
effect (the son)

acts on his knowledge, thus precedes the cause (his own

science fiction changing the future. But if the conception), but renders the cause

future is changed, how could he non-existent: we have an effect

have visited it? without a cause.

A kind of time travel already exists.
modern time traveller went
When we look into the night sky at, Wells The Time Machine
in If a

we are seems to have used the simplest of back and assassinated Hitler in
say, the Andromeda nebula,
all models of time, in which it is
1938, then returned to the present,
looking at a galaxy 2 million light-
seen as a river. The time traveller what would he find? The world
years away, and what we see is how
goes further and further down- could not possibly be the same, for
it was 2 million years ago: we
stream into the future, almost to the World War 11, if it happened at all.
gazing directly at the past.
end of the world, and then returns would have taken a different course.
However, physicists tell us that
(with almost no lapse of contempor- But if one simple action could create
personal, as opposed to visual, time
ary time) to his late-Victorian a whole new world, is not the
travel must remain imaginary,
present. None of his actions changes principle of conservation of energy
because it violates the principle of
the course of time, and it is as if the violated? Could we have so huge a
time-river has just one, permanent change at so small a cost?
In science fiction, the earliest
Science fiction writers try to
time-travel stories did not propose and unchanging course.
overcome this problem of paradox in
any proper explanation or scientific 'Time, like an ever-rolling
stream, bears all its sons away," a variety of different ways, usually
mechanism for getting from one
wrote the hymn-writer Isaac Watts by imagining that each meaningful
time to another. One of these was
in his famous version of the 90th
action the time traveller takes,
Mark Twain's novel A Connecticut
Psalm. But, as Richard Matheson whether in the future or in the past,
Yankee in King Arthur's Court
comments in Bid Time Return. creates a new, branching, probabi-
(1889), in which a man is displaced
Intellectually, this is unsatisfying, lity universe (see pages 97-101).
back to the Middle Ages after being
Violating the principle of
struck by lightning-but, in effect, because streams have banks. There-
fore we are forced to consider what
this is just a form of magic.
that stands still while time is
A common time-travel device it is

was the long sleep, often flowing. And where are we? On the

unexplained, from which the sleeper banks or in the water?" The idea is

wakes up in the future, like depressing in another way, too, for

Washington Irving's Rip Van if the course of the river is fixed,

Winkle. A more selective rationale is then all time already exists, the
given by stories of freezing people future is unalterable, even if we
for long periods, as in the nine- have not seen it yet, and all our so-
teenth-century novel 10.000 Years in called 'choices' are meaningless; we
a Block of Ice (1889) by Louis should not have 'free will". In
Boussenard. But these are not philosophy and theology this idea is

genuine time-travel stories, for the well known under the name of
traveller travels not through time, determinism", and it still plays a
role in some areas of physics. But
but only with time.
H.G. Wells's famous first novel. even though people often carelessly
The Time Machine (1895), was by no compare time to a river, few of
means the first time-travel story, them, whether scientists or not,
but it was the first that imagined a seriously believe that the future is

deliberate travelling through time fixed.

by apparently scientific means, as Suppose Wells's traveller had

opposed to fantastic means- gone back into the past, instead,
although the science is never and had accidentally murdered his
explained. However, it was an own father before his father had met
earlier novel, a comic fantasy, that his mother. Then there could, logic-

first exploited the paradox in time ally, have been no time traveller at
His action would have made causality may be bad science, but it
travel which the scientifically all.

himself a logical impossibility. What can be fun. Many time-travel stories

trained Wells ignored-its possible
would happen? Would he flicker out go in for very elaborate violations,
violation of the principle of
Anstey, of existence?But if he did not exist, such as the family Robert Heinlein
causality. This novel, by F.
created in his story " ' All You
is The Time Bargain (1891), better how could he have murdered his
the paradox. Zombies- which strategic time
known as Tourmalin's Time father? This is
The principle of causality, travel and a sex change allow a man
Cheques. The hero of the story is
which exists in both physics and to become his own father and
given a cheque book, whose cheques,
philosophy, states that causes must mother, thus creating a perfectly
written against a mysterious time
bank, give him periods of time in precede effects. If a man goes back closed loop.

in time to murder his father before

Very recently, modern physics
the future. But his future self, able

Time travel and other universes
seems to have found possible loop- when he finally explodes in the France and 425 BC in Greece. Brian
holes in the principle of causality distant past, it is the intensity of W. Aldiss in Frankenstein Unbound
that might conceivably allow time this release of energy that catalyses and, later, Gordon R. Dickson in
travel. One is in the theory of faster- the creation of the Sun and the Time Storm, both imagine worlds in
than-hght particles (tachyons), and planets. This is one of the ultimate which there are locahzed areas of
the other in a theoretical property of time paradoxes. More soberly, Ian time shppage. Time travel is
certain kinds of black hole (see Watson's story 'The Very Slow accomplished by moving from one
pages 94-6). Time Machine' tells of a future time place to another. (There is a great
The time dilation effect that traveller in a machine which, before deal of physics in Hoyle's book,
comes into noticeable operation it is projected even further into the including an argument that the
when an object such as a spaceship future, must (Uke a catapult) first be concept of the 'present' has no
approaches the speed of hght (see very slowly pulled back into the validity in science. Scientists may
pages 68-71) has naturally been past. To baffled present-day believe in an 'arrow of time' see
exploited many times by science observers he seems to be pages 92-3 but in one of Einstein's
fiction writers. But although an experiencing normal duration, but in last letters, in 1955. he wrote:
astronaut who has experienced this reverse. There is a remote sense in 'People like us, who believe in
effect will live further into the which physics supports the physics, know that the distinction
future than, say, his stay-at-home relationship between time and between past, present and future is
brother, he no more literally
is energy that these stories rather only a stubbornly persistent
travelling through time than Rip vaguely suggest. The initial energy illusion.')
Van Winkle was when he fell asleep. of the Big Bang that gave birth to Science fiction has even
He is travelling, more rapidly than our universe (see pages 76-7) is invented internaUzed time travel.
usual, with time. The order of thought to be directly connected to An ingenious version of this idea
events remains the same for both the nature of time in the universe. was introduced by Paddy Chayefsky
brothers (though telescoped closer We do not know exactly how much in his recent novel Altered States.
together for the travelling brother), energy this was, but we do know (The film of the book, with the same
and causahty is not violated. that the greater the initial energy. title, was released in 1981.) The

story argues that our evolutionary

Far left: the hero
past is encoded in our genetic
of Altered States
(1981),played by structure. The hero, using psycho-
William Hurt, tropic drugs and sensory depriva-
accidentally tion techniques, literally brings his
undertakes a kind own past into the present. He
of internalized
reverts to being a primitive
time travel when
he reverts to hominid, and then into a sort of
an earlier thick, primordial, organic soup! All
evolutionary stage this makes for exciting viewing in
after experiments
the cinema, but there is more
in altered states
of consciousness. mysticism than science in the idea.
Left: an alien It is one thing to argue quite
from the future, accurately that the nature of our
a caveman and a
consciousness reflects our genetic
contemporary man
being, but quite another thing to
co-exist in
Gordon Dickson's reverse the argument, and say that
novel Time Storm, by altering our consciousness we
for which this is can alter our genetic make-up and
a cover illustra-
physically revert to our evolutionary
tion. The theory
isthat violent past. It is rather Hke saying that by
turbulence in fiddling with the controls on our
time itself has television sets we can alter the
brought about nature of reality back at the trans-
areas of time
slippage on Earth.
Science fiction writers have
There are various intriguing the longer time itself will last before made a hvely contribution to
science fiction notions concerning the universe reaches its heat-death philosophical thinking about time,
time that can only call upon very or collapses back into a monobloc. and there are few technical or
distant support from science. A One curious and evocative philosophical books on the subject
notable example is A.E. van Vogt's science fiction notion about time that do not refer repeatedly to their
novel The Weapon Shops of Isher, travel has no firm scientific basis at stories. Although as much
in which a man thrown alternately, all. This is the idea that different imaginary as real science creeps into
as if on a seesaw, into increasingly historical eras could exist, on Earth, the genre, the time-travel story
distant pasts and futures, accumu- in different localities. In Fred remains one of the most colourful
lates so much energy (for surely Hoyle's October the First is Too and energetic areas of science
time travel requires energy) that. Late, it is 1966 in Britain. 1917 in fiction.
Time travel and other universes
to run the so-called Second Law
past, and forward endlessly into the it is

Time as future, is wrong. If the universe of Thermodynamics page 86).


This is the principle which says, to

began as a primal monobloc which
scientists see it
had no dimensions of space, then we put it simply, that as time runs
can say that time itself began with forwards hot things get cooler and
the explosion of that monobloc. energy tends to become evenly
There is much more to time, even in
Therefore time itself will end when distributed in the universe. This is
the rigorous view of scientists, than
the monobloc reappears, with the true of our Sun, and of a cup of
merely the interval between events.
contraction of the universe back into coffee, in exactly the same way. It is
The scientific concept of time is
primal matter at the end of its life, not reversible. Leave a cup of coffee
itself so rich with possibilities that
on a table and it will not get hotter.
it gives writers plenty of room to
as many cosmologists believe it will
But there is even here.
a loophole
manoeuvre, even without going into (see pages 86-7). The cosmologist
Paul Davies and others go further, The Second Law is not of the same
the realms of 'imaginary' science.
arguing that 'before' and 'after' our kind as most of the laws of nature.
When scientists refer to time as
It is a statistical principle that
a dimension, they basically mean own universe there may have been
an number of other works on the probabiUties of what
something rather obvious. As H.G. infinite
universes (see diagram on page 87), billions of atomic and subatomic
Wells's time traveller pointed out, says
particles will do. In effect, it
back in 1895, to describe any object some of which may be indistinguish-
that the cup of coffee will probably
it is necessary to say not only where able from ours. If it were possible
get cooler (there is a very high
it is (using the three dimensions
of for a time traveller to cross the
timeless gap between universes, he degree of probability), but not
space-length, breadth and height),
might enter a universe the same as certainly. Individual particles are
but also when it is. Any object has
ours, but at a different point in not subject to statistics. On a sub-
a duration of existence, and to
time. This gives a possible scientific microscopic level, it is quite possible
specify its position and qualities we
need to be exact about time. A man Positron-backward
inSydney in 1967 may be different in time

from the same man in London in

1982. This may seem an easy way of
thinking about time, but a little

more thought shows its difficulties.

Time is, in one vital respect,
different from the three dimensions
of space. We can move about in any
dimension of space backwards,
forwards, and so on. But we can
only move forwards in time, and at
the moment we can only do this at
the rate dictated by time itself
for slow-moving objects. (As we
approach the speed of light, how-
ever, we can increase the rate at interpreted as
basis for the old idea of time as a Above left: an
which we travel forwards through electron (e") showing a
time see pages 68-71.) great cycle, as the ancient Mayans positron (e''')
collides with a
Einstein showed us that the believed. The idea often emerges in photon (y) at travelling back

universe was actually made up of a science fiction, as in John Taine's point A, absorbs in time.

The Time Stream and in Michael it. changes Right: a tiger,

four-dimensional amalgam of space located between
direction, emits a
and time which he termed the Moorcock's The Hollow Lands, in
photon again at B time gaps in our
'space-time continuum'. It is hard which the hero and heroine travel to and again changes universe, prowls

enough to imagine the emptiness of the Paleozoic Age by going forwards direction. Above: through the room
in time rather than backwards. the same particle in which you are
space as having a structure in the reading this book.
Since it seems obvious to us track can be
first place, but Einstein went on to
show that space-time could stretch, that time runs forwards, and that
causes precede effects, it is a very that actual reversals of time do take
bend and distort almost like a sheet
curious thing that many of the laws place, and that individual particles
of rubber. Time itself, which in
and of physics as described by scientists
move backwards in time.
Einstein's theory is a variable
would be equally valid whichever The cosmologist Thomas Gold
not an absolute, is distorted in the
way time ran. In other words, the has seriously suggested that the
region of large masses.
direction of time, sometimes called present direction of time is a
In Einstein's theory, the very
the 'arrow of time', could be temporary phenomenon and a
existence of time depends on the
reversed without conflicting with consequence of the way our universe
presence of space, and it is
the laws of nature. The only scien- is currently expanding. He
impossible to think of time as a
seems to show
principle that prophesies that the universe will
thing in itself. As a consequence, tific

that time must run in the direction begin to contract again (a contro-
the whole idea of infinite time,
in which we all intuitively perceive
versial theory), and he believes that
stretching back endlessly into the
Time travel and other universes
time will also literally run in science fiction that opens up all smallest interval of space known to
backwards at the same time. In sorts of possibilities for the exist. We, of course, have the
such a bizarre scenario even human 'positioning' of alternate universes illusion of seeing time as continuous
thoughts would be reversed, and the (see pages 97-101). This is the (just as we see a film as continuous,
idea of effects taking place before 'chronon theory', the idea that time although in actuality it consists of
their causeswould seem normal. isnot continuous, but is made up of 24 'frozen' frames per second).
A world in which all time runs tiny particles, jammed together hke If the chronon theory is true,
backwards is hard to imagine, but beads on a string. The shortest then between each fundamental
our perception of what is strange is interval of time known to scientists interval of time there would be gaps
merely the result of our own every- is the time taken for a quantum (tuneless gaps to us, that we could
day experiences. Two science fiction event (such as an electron sUpping never perceive or measure) in which
novels imagine such worlds: Brian from an outer to an inner shell of an the basic units of time belonging to
Aldiss's An Age, and Philip K. atom) to take place. Theoretically, other universes could fit. There
Dick's Countei^Clock World. In such a time interval is not of might be an infinite series of real,
Aldiss's book the true, backward definite duration, but only has an soUd universes fitted into the
direction of time has been concealed approximate, fuzzy and unmeasur- probability gaps between the
by our own faulty perceptions, and able size. In a sense, time intervals quantum events of our own. In the
memory is actually clairvoyance. In as small as this do not exist in our very room in which you are reading,
both books life begins when a man physical universe. The smallest a tiger could be prowhng through
arises from the grave, and ends definite time interval is the the green shades of an alternate
when he sUdes feet-first into the 'chronon', calculated to be lO-^^ jungle. Time might not be such an
womb. seconds (one miUion, million, rruilion, obvious phenomenon, after all. We
There is one scientific idea it millionth of a second) the time it should do weO not to take it for
has not yet received much attention would take for Ught to cross the granted.

Time travel and other universes
'tardyons', particles that travel primeval chaos; or else, conceivably,
Time travel more slowly than light. They can they may have become isolated from
get closer and closer to the speed of our own universe of tardyonic
in physics light, but never reach it until
will particles, and created an alternate

infinite time has elapsed. Tachyons, universe of their own, forever

faster-than-light particles, which can separated from us by the impassable
There are two areas where modern
exist in theory, would need infinite barrier of the speed of light.
physics, despite the principle of
time to slow If tachyons continue to be
causality, might allow a kind of time energy and infinite
down to the speed of light. The created in our universe, they may be
travel. Neither, however, is Ukely to
question is, can tachyons exist in detectable in cosmic ray showers.
allow Man himself to undertake
researchers in 1973
our universe, and if so, how would Some AustraUan
time travel in the near future, if
they appear to us? Suppose we met thought they had found evidence
ever, and both rely on highly
a spaceship composed entirely of that advance, faster-than-Ught
conjectural mathematical theories,
tachyons. We would see it reach us warnings of cosmic ray showers
supported by no experimental
first, and then, subsequently, see it
were being received on their
launched; this is because the light photographic plates, but this
Both of these conjecturesone
image of its launching would take evidence is generally regarded as
concerning faster-than-light particles
longer to reach us than the faster- dubious. Thousands of cloud-
and the other concerning black holes
than-Ught spaceship itself. In fact, it chamber records of colUsions
would revolutionize physics if
would visually appear as travelling between fundamental particles have
proven. In science, just one incom-
away from back along its own also been scanned by searchers for
patible fact is enough to topple an
flight path. In other words, we see a tachyons. The idea is that, if we
entire, elaborate edifice of theory.
tachyonic object as receding back- found reactions with more mass and
The theory that would be toppled,
wards in time! This is not an optical energy coming out than went in, we
the principle of causality, that
an actual fact readily
illusion; it is might suspect that tachyonic inter-
causes precede effects, seems
predictable from the Theory of actions were donating energy to the
obvious in the light of common
Relativity. Returning to our system. No such evidence has been
sense, but it has never been proven.
relativistic assassin, suppose a found.
If time-travelling tachyons are
tachyonic bullet were fired. We There is no theoretical way in
discovered, or if black holes are ever
should see the hole in the victim which we can convert either
used for time travel, then bang goes
before we saw the trigger pulled. In ourselves or our spaceships into
causality, and the chief theoretical
armed with the information tachyons, so they will never help us
obstacle to time travel of all kinds fact,
literally to travel through time.
has been removed. The anarchists about the bullet hole we could send
a tachyonic message to the assassin However, if we could generate
among us, those of us who are not
Left: ordinary
'tardyonic' matter
can never speed
up enough to
reach the
speed of light.
Tachyonic matter
can never slow up
enough to reach
it. A
universe would be
a mathematical
mirror image of
our own, but it
is doubtful
whether tachyons
can exist in our
Right: embedding
diagrams of a
black-hole worm-
hole' evolving in
time (see page 96).

forbidding him to shoot, thus tachyons, beam them, and modulate

too alarmed at the thought of a
the beam to transmit information,
bullet hole through a body causing a creating a time paradox.
How would tachyons be we could send messages into the
gun to be fired, may be deUghted.
detected by scientists? Many past. This is the theme of Gregory
The world as a whole would no
tachyons may have been created at Benford's distinguished novel Time-
doubt be dismayed.
the moment of the Big Bang that scape, in which the inhabitants of a
We have already met tachyons
launched our universe, but they polluted and suffering future Earth
in the course of a discussion of
would in a matter of minutes have use tachyonic signals in a desperate
faster-than-light travel (see page 71).
all plunged backwards in time to the
attempt to warn us, in the present,
The universe of mass with which we
monobloc and been lost again in its about where we are going wrong. Of
aie familiar, however, is made up of

Time travel and other universes
all science fiction novels, from the black hole before he itsmass; in practice, this means
incidentally, this is theone that reached the singularity, he would spinning very rapidly, just as real-
gives the most vivid account of how find himself in another time. But Ufe black holes are said to do.
physicists think. This is not alas, such a re-emergence from a A spaceship entering a rotating
surprising, for Benford is himself a static black hole is mathematically black hole at an angle to the
professor of theoretical physics. forbidden. equatoried plane would not
Wehave discussed the forma- In real Ufe, however, black holes necessarily be crushed out of
tion of black holes, and some of would almost certainly not be static. existence; it could go through the
their theoretical properties (see They would be spinning, for they ring-shaped singularity. But where
pages 82-5). We mentioned the are formed from the contraction of and when would it emerge? It seems
curious nature of spinning black stars which all, so far as we know, that it would emerge in what,
holes, and suggested that they could rotate. Our Sun, for example, according to some theoreticians,
be used as short cuts through space. rotates once every 4 weeks: if it would be another universe of
It also seems that they could be contracted it would rotate faster, negative space; this is mathemati-
used for short cuts through time. just as a twirUng skater does when cally equivalent to an antigravity
Why? The explanation is too she pulls her arms inwards. universe. Other theoreticians
complex mathematically for the The mathematics of rotating suppose that this other universe
layman to understand easily, even black holes are very complex, and may turn out to be our own, but far
when it is spelled out for the length were not solved until 1963, when the removed in both space and time
of an entire book. (One of the best AustraUan mathematician Roy P. from the point of entry into the
books on the subject is The Cosmic Kerr found a complete solution to black hole in the first place.
Frontiers of General Relativity by the relevant field equations. It The spaceship would not even
WiUiam J. Kaufman.) We can, how- turned out that there are two need to go through the singularity.
ever, suggest the sort of reasoning important differences between Trips into and then out of the event
involved in the theory by going rotating and static black holes. The horizon are mathematically possible
back to Einstein's General Theory singularity at the centre of a in the case of rotatingblack holes,
of Relativity, pubhshed in 1915. rotating black hole would be not a unlike static ones. Each such trip
This was, in most respects, a theory point, but a ring. Furthermore, there would also end up in another
of gravity (see pages 80-1). One would be two event horizons, an universe, which is often interpreted
prediction of the theory is that outer and an inner, which would to be mathematically equivalent to
gravity causes time to slow down. only merge into one in the case of a the past or the future of our own.
The concentrated gravity of a black hole which is spinning so fast Thus a rotating black hole is, in
black hole is vast indeed. Time that its angular momentum equals theory, a time machine. Curiously,
slows down the closer one gets to most science fiction on the subject
the event horizon, and at the event exploits the idea of black holes as
horizon time stops altogether so far gateways to instantaneous space
as any observer (located at a safe travel rather than time travel,
distance) is concerned. If we stood though the mathematics suggests
outside a black hole and watched that you cannot have one without
someone fall in, we should see him the other. This may be because the
frozen at the event horizon for ever time-travel impUcations of black
after. holes have been less well publicized.
The perception of time by the Furthermore, there is not just
person faUing would be rather
in one alternate universe available to
different. He would remain the traveller through spinning black
conscious inside the event horizon, holes, but an infinite series of them.
and to him the passage of time (This is unlike the situation with a
would feel normal, though if he static black hole, where there is just
looked over his shoulder he would one jternate universe, on the far
see the light from a universe side of the singularity, and it cannot
infinitely far in the future, but be reached.) Which other universe
getting younger very rapidly during the spaceship would end up in
the one-ten-thousandth of a second would depend on its angle of
ittakes him to reach the singularity approach and its own rotation
in the middle. The explanation is relative to the rotation of the black
that the time distortion due to hole.Only one thing is certain. The
gravity has effectively become so spaceship could never return to its
strong that time and space have starting point, either in time or in
reversed their roles in the region space. Our black-hole time-travellers
between the event horizon and the would never be able to return home.
singularity. The falling person's trip It is questionable, therefore, how
through space has become a trip useful such a form of travel would
through time. If the faUing person turn out to be. Science fiction
could use a rocket to escape again writers have tended to ignore this

Time travel and other universes

Spaceship (A) enters the black hole in th^

equatorial plane, hits the singularity,
and is crushed out of existence ^Jj
The diagram double event
uncomfortable fact, and the evolution over in less than one-
shows the fate of horizon in the
scientific basis of such novels as ten-thousandth of a second for a spaceships equatorial plane
static black hole with the same wiU be crushed at
Joan D. Vinge's The Snow Queen. entering either a
mass as that of our Sun; but the static (spherical) the singularity.
which envisages black holes as Other spaceships
'bridge' is more stable for a rotating black hole or a
rapid-transit systems, is very may avoid the
rotating (lens-
suspect and almost certainly wrong. black hole. This bridge is another singularity
shaped) black hole.
In talking about gravity (see way of envisaging the gate through AU spaceships in altogether, or even

pages 80-1), we referred to the which black-hole travellers would the first case are pass through it,
destroyed. In the in both cases
rubber-sheet model of space-time, pass, and it is often, rather confus-
entering another
where indentations on the sheet ingly, called a 'wormhole'. A black- second case, it is

theorized that universe, perhaps

hole wormhole is a tunnel through
correspond to the presence of mass. only spaceships the past or future
These models of space-time are time and space, and is a little entering the of our own.

sometimes called 'embedding different from, and much bigger

than, the quantum wormholes agreement) can be properly
diagrams'. If we draw the universes
discussed earlier (see page 73). interpreted to give these results.
on opposite sides of a static black-
All these possibilities of black Many scientists think not. If a black
hole singularity in a series of
holes seem amazing, but it must be hole is a time-gate, then the once
embedding diagrams (starting
emphasized that there is a great rock-solid principle of causality is
earher in time and finishing later in
deal of controversy among theorists badly shaken, if not destroyed. This
time-see illustration on page 95),
about whether the geometry may be why some physicists are
we see that as the black hole
involved (about which there is much unhappy about the possibility.
evolves they link up. Such an

Time travel and other universes
of higher-dimensional space is of the present day, the Protestant
Alternative perfectly legitimate, even though movement having been badly set
universes in this space may have no existence back by the assassination of
outside the world of thought. The EUzabeth I in the sixteenth century.
science fiction best modern example is White Phihp K. Dick's The Man in the
Light, a surreaUst science fiction High Castle is set on the west coast
novel,by the mathematician Rudy of an America that lost the Second
It is convenient to divide the Rucker, that is largely set in World War; this area is governed
alternative universes of science universes based on the mathematics now by the Japanese. Similarly,
fiction into two groups: parallel of infinite series. Kevin Brownlow's film It Happened
universes and alternate universes. One reason that science fiction Here (1963) shows the results of a
An alternate universe (it usually writers invented alternate universes successful Nazi invasion of Britain.
takes the form of an alternate was that in this way they would Nearly all of Michael Moorcock's
Earth) is a universe as it might be
as a consequence of some hypotheti-
cal alteration of history. Parallel
universes are ones which somehow
exist alongside our own, but in some
other dimension. Often a whole
series are imagined, lying as close
together as the pages in a book, but
each page dimensionally dislocated
from every other page. CUfford D.
Simak's Ring Around the Sun
imagines a series of parallel Earths
available for us to colonize once we This painting by
have learned the trick of crossing Patrick Woodroffe
illustrates The
the dimensions. A series of novels
War Lord of the
by Keith Laumer, beginning with Air by Michael
Worlds of the Imperium, imagines Moorcock. The
an infinite series of parallel Earths, novel is set in an
alternate universe
each one very Uke its neighbour, but
in which the
with tiny historical changes that British Empire,
build up into major differences as supported by an
the traveller moves further and air force of great
further from his home world. A still
dirigibles, is stUl
the world's
more sophisticated version appears
strongest power in
in Roger Zelazny's series of 'Amber' 1973! The
romances, in which the shifts in bewildered hero is
reaUty from parallel world to about to be
rescued here from
parallel world can be manipulated
a ruined city in
by certain travellers. This can be the Himalayas.
hnked with the idea of participatory
reality (see pages 98-101). avoid trapping themselves in time work involves what he calls the
Science fiction that locates paradoxes when they wrote time- 'multiverse',an infinite series of
parallel universes in higher- travel stories. If a time traveller alternate and parallel universes,
dimensional locations can never enters the past and changes history many of them depending on minor
really be tested against scientific there are more than 400 such variations in history. In his
reahty. The existence of such stories and novels from that amusingly patriotic The War Lord
universes is easy to postulate, but moment two futures exist: the one of the Air, Moorcock describes an
how would we reach them? Most of the time traveller came from, and alternate 1973 in which the world
the means proposed for entering the one he has just created in remains at peace under a Pax
these dimensions are scientific potentiality. One of the classic treat- Britannica imposed by a mighty
doubletalk (as in David Duncan's ments, Bring the Jubilee by Ward British Empire. There has been no
Occam 's Razor, in which the other Moore, concerns an America where war since the Boer War; the British
world is reached through an oddity the South won the Civil War; a air force and its colonial offshoots
in the topological structure of soap time-travelUng historian changes the are justifiably proud of their huge,
films stretched on wire frames), or course of the Battle of Gettysburg, graceful, helium-filled airships.
outright mysticism (as in A. history branches, and the new world It was not until after science
Merritt's deeply romantic tale The that ensues is the one we all know. fiction writers had invented the
Ship of Ishtar, in which the power Alternate-world stories need not alternate universe that theoretical
of love transcends all dimensional contain time travel at all. A fine physicists came along and gave the
limitations). Nevertheless, mathe- example is Keith Roberts' Pavane, whole idea a possible scientific
matical speculation about the nature which is set in a CathoUc England rationale.

Time travel and other universes
supernovae. the so-called 'weak
space as is occupied by our own in If

Alternative Solar System. There is even an anti- nuclear force' (see page 199) had
neutrino planet literally 'within' been a weaker, or a little

universes in Earth. It was ingenious of Shaw to stronger, the process of nuclear

choose anti-neutrinos, for the fusion by which stars bum could

physics neutrino (and presumably the anti- not have taken place, and atoms
neutrino as well) hardly interacts heavier than hydrogen (including
most atoms necessary for hfe) could
with anything at all, so the
Three kinds of 'other' universes for
problems are minimized. Neverthe- never have been formed. There are
which science seems to give some
less, some problems remain; for
many other such accidents of the
warrant have been considered
example, the occupants of the other physics of our universe that have
already: the antimatter universe
universe are able to see the Ught fitted it to the narrow constraints
that may have formed immediately within which life can exist, but are
after the 'Big Bang' (see page 79); emitted from ours, but the light
transfer mechanism is never really they accidents?
the tachyonic universe that may
explained. The physicist Freeman Dyson
have formed immediately after the
Similar problems arise with observes, quite conservatively, that
'Big Bang' (see pages 71 and 94);
Isaac Asimov's novel The Gods 'the universe is an unexpectedly
and time-displaced universes
Themselves, which deals with an hospitable place for living creatures
existing in the interstices between The
energy interchange, mutually bene- to make their home in'.
our own fundamental time units (see
ficial, between two parallel physicist John Wheeler goes very
page 93).
'alternative universes. Asimov amusingly much further in the same direction.
The very phrase some
recognizes the problem himself: 'I He asks, 'May the universe in
universe', however, creates a philo-
won't bother with the mathematics, strange sense be "brought into
sophical problem. Is not our own
but the natural laws of the two being" by the participation of those
universe, by definition, all that there
universes are being mixed.' (Our who participate? "Participation" is
is? We
cannot hope to locate other
the incontrovertible new concept
universes by searching either in own natural laws are thought to
result directly from the physical given by quantum mechanics. It
space or in time, because these
conditions at the moment of the Big strikes down the "observer" of
dimensions are properties of our man who
Bang; the force of gravity, for classical theory, the
own universe, and anything existing
example, might be quite different in stands safely behind the thick glass
in space-time is by definition not
another universe see the discussion wall and watches what goes on
another universe but part of our
of physical constants below.) without taking part.' Ian Watson, a
own. Space-time does not exist
Mechanisms for mass/energy science fiction writer, points to the
outside our universe. In fact, there
could transfer between universes may turn obvious problem with this extreme
is no outside'. "Where', then,
out to exist, but science has not yet view: 'How can the initial value data
another universe be located?
come up with one, other than the of our universe, which later will
The answer that might be given
conditions inside a black hole where make life possible, conceivably be
with a shrug of the shoulders is
to some degree our universe's laws determined by something which
'somewhere else that is neither part
of nature are suspended. The inside only arises billions of years later-
of our space nor part of our time'.
of a black hole is already, in one namely life?' He gives an answer by
This theoreticaUy acceptable
sense, 'outside' our universe. suggesting that those biUions of
though not helpful; there is no
some more bizarre
of the years delusory, and that
may be
philosophical problem in theorizing It is in
suggested by quantum from the universe's point of view,
about other universes with their
physics that we can find a rationale time is 'simultaneously and
own space and their own time; there
when for alternate universes splitting off
permanently present to itself. It is
is, however, a major problem
with every historical decision, as very clear that questions of this
we consider such another universe
described in science fiction. kind go well beyond what we think
(antimatter, say, or tachyonic)
Part of the novelty of quantum of as physics, and enter the realm of
impinging on our own, because it is
physics lies in its inclusion of the philosophy, or even theology'.
then, by definition, not 'other'. If came
observer as part of the experiment. The status of the observer
another universe interacts with our
Before we examine what this means to be fundamental to quantum
own - even, for example, by our
worth physics, but the starting point of
visiting it, which would constitute a at the subatomic level, it is

considering what at mean this paradoxical science was the

transfer of energy - then, again, it
it could
the macroscopic level-at the level of dual nature of light, which can be
is not truly 'other'.
our universe itself. It can be argued, considered both as a wave
The theoretical interface
though looks unbelievably arrog- phenomenon (as shown by Thomas
between our uiuverse and another is it

ant, that the universe would not be

Young in 1803) and as a beam of
almost unimaginable because of its
separate particles, or quanta. These
enormous potentiality for philosoph- here if we (or some other intelligent
particles of light, whose existence
ical paradox. This has not prevented Ufe-form) were not here to observe it.
was shown by Einstein in 1905 as
If the physical constants of our
science fiction writers from
universe had differed by only a few necessary to explain the photo-
imagining it. In A Wreath of Stars
could not have come electric effect, are called photons.
by Bob Shaw, the space occupied by per cent, life

into being.The very atoms of which (Einstein won the Nobel Prize in
the solar system of an anti-neutrino
our bodies are made were cooked up 1921 for this work, rather than for
universe is somehow the 'same'

Time travel and other universes
his Theory of Relativity.) photons. Electrons, however, have see by they wouldactually be
Thomas Young's experiment mass; they are matter, unlike light, gamma rays in this case add
showing that light acts as if made which is energyor so everyone once energy to the system.) It all boils
up of waves is shown in the thought. But the result is the same! down to this: we cannot observe any
diagram. If a light source is set up There are interference patterns. subatomic event without altering it.
in front of a screen with two slits, Electrons also, therefore, have some The atom, by 1927, could no longer
with a second screen behind it, we qualities of waves, and some be imagined as a crisp, clear, tiny
get an interference pattern on the qualities of particles. We could call 'object'. It became fuzzy and
second screen, consisting of them 'wavicles'. cloudy, just as much an idea as an
alternate bands of dark and light. What followed from all of this actual thing. The sub-microscopic
(Interference patterns can take place was amathematical treatment of world is ghostly and indeterminate,
with all wave phenomena. We can probabihty. We cannot predict only sharpening into focus when it
see them by throwing two pebbles exactly where an individual photon is observed, and only a partial focus
into a pool and observing the inter- in the double-slit experiment will even then.
secting patterns of the ripples.) land, but we can predict what The physicist Erwin
The experiment is quite percentage of probability there is Schrbdinger, one of the scientific
straightforward if considered in that it will land in one area rather giants of the period, was one of
terms of waves. But we should than another. Quantum mechanics is those who developed a way of
think about it again, this time the technique that is used to predict thinking about the subatomic-'world
imagining Ught as a series of the mathematical probability of this that put together the idea of
separate photons. With the second and all other subatomic events probability waves and the idea of
slit closed, we get a single splash of occurring. It works on statistical the participant observer. He once
light on the rear screen; in exactly averages, for individual events illustrated some of the results in a

Top view
Time travel and other universes
however, see it as a literal truth, cat has been determined since the
famous parable about a cat-a kind
and they are supported by the beginning of time, and nothing the
of 'thought experiment'. makes any
Clauser-Freedman experiment and scientist-observer does
Suppose that a cat is placed in a was fated
its later, more accurate, repetitions
difference, since he, too,
sealed room, in which is standing a
(see page 75) which suggest that to do it.
flask of prussic acid. Suspended
According to one form of
above the flask by a string is a whether or not a photon lands in a
given area literally depends on how Nonobjectivist Interpretation of
hammer. The string will be
the observer chooses to measure it. quantum mechanics, which holds
automatically released if a geiger
The probability wave-function for that the universe has no reality
counter in the next room registers
the photon does not collapse into outside observation, the fate of the
any radioactivity. Next to the geiger
one or another actuality until cat is determined by the
counter is a mildly radioactive
somebody looks at it. Similarly, the expectations of the observer. If he is
substance which has precisely one
cat neither dead nor alive until a pessimist the cat will be dead; if
chance in two of emitting detectable is

somebody looks at he is an optimist the cat will be

radiation in one hour. (We know

Many quantum theorists go alive.

from quantum mechanics that the
further.According to the According to the Many-Worlds
chance of a quantum of radiation
Superdeterminist Interpretation of Interpretation of
being emitted can be described by a Hugh
quantum mechanics, the fate of the mechanics, as proposed by
probability wave function.) What is

the situation at the end of the hour,

just before a scientist comes to
According to common sense,
thereis a 50-50 chance that the

room will contain a dead cat.

According to Schrbdinger, the
contents of the room can be
described by an equation, which
represents a complex wave-packet,
mathematically equivalent to a half-
dead, half-live cat. The wave-
probability packet does not collapse 50% chance wave function will
collapse into universe one
until somebody comes to look. Then,
and only then, does one possibility
Wave function repr
become actual and the other vanish. observer looks into
The fate of the cat is not determined i
until an observer looks.
The conventional 'Copenhagen LOCKED ROOM: UNIVERSE ONE
Interpretation' of quantum
mechanics, however, sees all this as
useful mathematical formalism,
rather than a literal reality.
Many quantum physicists,
Hammer suspended
by string

The famous But what is in the

paradox of room before an
Schrodinger's observer looks?
cat; is no more
it Since the fate of
than a mathemati- the cat is linked to
cian's game, or the emission
does it refer to an of radiation
actual 'reality'? a 50% chance
The cat is locked quantum theory
suggests that, as Flask of
in a room for 1
prussic acid
hour with a flask with the radiation,
of prussic acid, the cat must be
above which a represented by
hammer is a wave equation.
suspended. If a Until someone
geiger counter comes to look, and
detects radiation the wave function
in that period, collapses into one
the hammer will or the other
fall. The picture probability, the
shows the two room must contain
common-sense a wave-form of a
possibihties half-dead, half- '^^^^

that may result. live cat!

Time travel and other universes
Everett, John Wheeler and Neill It is the Many-Worlds Theories such as these are
Graham, at the moment the Interpretation that gives a warrant among the most intellectually
scientist comes to look the world for the alternate universes of science staggering in science, though not all
splits into two branches, in one of fiction writers, though few of them quantum would agree that
which a cheerful scientist finds his ever refer to it. But the theory goes ideas which are useful on the sub-
cat alive, in the other of which a further-far beyond the wildest microscopic level tell us anything
morose scientist is faced with a dead dreams of most writers. New useful about reality on our level.
pet. This is not a joke: it is a serious universes do not only result from, Quantum theory is sufficiently
scientific conclusion.(One of the say, a British failure to defeat the outrageous to clash disturbingly
clearest accounts of the theory is Spanish Armada, as in John with relativistic physics, which, for
given by Bryce S. DeWitt in Brunner's Times Without Number. example, forbids the transfer of
Physics Today, September 1970, in It is all choices that lead to a new information at speeds faster than
a paper entitled 'Quantum universe spUtting off. At a light (see pages 74-5). This is in
Mechanics and Reality: Could the fundamental level, this includes direct conflict with one of the
Solution to the Dilemma of every quantum event. Every time theorems of quantum mechanics.
Indeterminism be a Universe in an electron either moves or fails to Bell's Theorem, which states that
Which All Possible Outcomes of an move to a new energy level, for any two particles that have once
Experiment Actually Occur?') example, a new universe is created. been in contact continue to influence
each other no matter how far apart
they move, until one of them
interacts or is observed ultimately
the same thing. This would mean, in
practice, that the entire universe is
multiply connected by faster-than-
light signals. (The interaction has
been described as 'cosmic glue.)
A Nobel Prize certainly awaits
who successfully
the first scientist
reconcilesquantum and relativity
physics. The British physicist
50% chance wave function will Stephen Hawking is generally
collapse into universe two
beheved to have got the closest, so
far, with his mathematical work on

ad, half-live cat before black holes.

A few of the more intellectually
daring science fiction writers have
dipped their toes in quantum
theory. The idea of observers
creating their own reality, and of
branching probabiUty universes, is

central to the complex action of Ian

Watson's The Jonah Kit, which even
devotes a page or two to
Schrodinger's unfortunate cat.
There is also, of course, the
'Schrodinger's Cat' trilogy by
Robert Anton Wilson. This is a
crazed fantasia set in intersecting
alternative universes whose
absurdities and strange events are
designed to knock the stuffing out
of a great many sacred cows,
poUtical and sexual, even including
the theory of relativity. Wilson
comes close to proposing quantum
physics as a new reHgion for what
we call, appropriately enough, the
'alternative culture'. He may have
been aware of a remark once made
by the Nobel Prize-winning
physicist Niels Bohr: 'Those who are
not shocked when they first come
across quantum theory cannot
possibly have understood it.'
Chapter 6
There is something in most of us that loves the thought
disasters and warfare. Only
huge destruction, the grandeur of
in science fiction can we take these dangerous
dreams to theu-
ultimate without actually destroying the world.

worth considering why the mighty for a rather unlikely persistence

Warfare in battles of Star Wars (and books like back at headquarters, where
E.E.Smith's 'Lensman' series) are hundreds of years are passing.
science fiction not convincing to the scientist. Are galaxy-spanning and planet-
The problems of battles stretch- smashing battles nonsense, then?
ing across light-years begin with the Not necessarily: but much new tech-
Science fiction writers find it
difficulties of starship travel (see nology is needed. High-speed travel
hard to outdo the horrors of
Chapter Any 'fast' starship through hyperspace - or something
twentieth-century warfare. Dooms- 1).
similar only be the
day weapons and planet-smashers possible in the near future would
beginning. There would also be the
have looked a little pale and be a frail thing, all surplus mass
trimmed away to increase the question of finding an opponent,
unconvincing since the development
efficiency of acceleration. This does since space is so huge that anyone
of nuclear weapons in real life.
not sound like the armoured, space- choosing not to fight would always
Warfare remains a popular subject,
going dreadnoughts of Star Wars; be able to hide. New energy sources
however, with science fictional we wanted to
main and such a stripped-down speedster would be necessary if
battles expanded in three -
would still be limited to (almost) the indulge in planet-smashing
directions. The fighting can extend seems
something which at present
immensely through space; it can speed of Ught, taking 10,000 years
Wars insanely wasteful, for to break
stretch over enormous lengths of to cross our Galaxy. Star
villain Darth Vader might be
Earth to rubble would need an
time; and it can make use of
getting a Uttle elderly by the time energy blast equivalent to the
fantastic weapons.
we caught up with him. simultaneous dropping of 10 million
The film Star Wars (1977),
In The Forever War, however, billion 1 -megaton hydrogen
drawing on countless science
Joe Haldeman describes such a bombs, each releasing the explosive
fictional sources for its imagery,
situation. His soldiers flit about energy of a million tons of TNT.
deals with war raging through a
space between battles, each journey More plausibly, and millions of
galaxy. Vast distances are covered
taking many years but (thanks to times more economically, the whole
without effort; gigantic battle-
Death the effects of relativity - see pages surface of Earth could be blasted
wagons Uke the planet-sized
68-71) seeming very quick to the with nuclear weapons and sterilized,
Star have firepower to shatter whole
who fight a war endlessly as in Poul Anderson's novel After
worlds. We are not meant to take travellers,
stretched through time. This asks Doomsday. It would be pleasant to
tliis as scientific gospel - but it is
MrmwoiiLD'sttiBi^j:: iMUiWmiMMmM
dominated the
cover illustration
of the 1930s pulp
magazines. The
firsttwo are by
Frank R. Paul and
the third is by
H.W. Wesso -
two famous
science fiction
artists of the
period. The flying
buzz saw is a
bizarrely short-
sighted extra-
polation, but the
death rays of the
other two pictures
anticipate the
lasers of today.

Holocaust and catastrophe

Futuristic warfare
is one of the oldest

themes in science
fiction. Here 1920s
London is laid
waste by bombs
dropped from
airships, the work
of a romantic rebel
against wicked
capitaUsm. The
illustration by
Fred T. Jane
(founder of a
famous series of
books about war-
ships and aero-
planes) dates from
1893, long before
aerial warfare
became a reality.
The book is
Hartmann the
Anarchist by E.
Douglas Fawcett.

think that if we had such power at to communicate with alien minds. gravity. A 'bucket' of cargo is
our command, we would also have Some interesting scenarios for accelerated by a series of
the maturity to give up war and warfare concern the early days of electromagnetic rings and hurled at
spend our time converting barren future space colonization. If huge high speed into space. Heinlein's
planets into liveable ones. solar-energy collectors are placed in revolutionaries throw rocks in this
But science fiction also provides orbit to beam power to Earth (see way, angling them to fall on Earthly
new enemies to fight. Robert pages 42-3), if complete spacegoing targets. The final impact speed is
Heinlein's Starship Troopers, which colonies aire Lagrange points
built at around 40,000 km per hour, gained
suggests that war is a good thing L4 and L5 (see pages 19-21), if the during the long fall into Earth's
because it makes a man of you, Moon is colonized and gravity; the energy released when a
contains typically nasty aliens, mined . then there are endless 1-ton rock strikes would be
called Bugs. The Bugs are insanely possibilities for blackmail and equivalent to the explosion of about
evil and can be slaughtered without warfare. Those microwave power 15 tons of TNT.
any pangs of conscience. Even more beams from the solar-energy Science fiction used to regard
faceless and evil are killer machines, collectors could be focused and a planet as a heavily armed and
like the 'Berserkers' from Fred aimed at cities rather than at the impregnable base. But the high
Saberhagen's series of that name: receivers. Robert Heinlein's The ground has always been the
spacegoing robots programmed to Moon is a Harsh Mistress deals advantageous place in war, and
destroy all hfe. Would another, alien with a Moon colony's war of space colonies or spacecraft would
race create such machines, or fight independence, featuring such be, in effect, on top of a gravity hill
us directly? Some scientists have technology as an electromagnetic thousands of miles high. A missile
argued that any warhke race would cannon to boost raw materials from from below has to struggle up
destroy itself before developing the the Moon into space and back against gravity; a lump of rock
abihty to leave its own home planet, towards Earth. This device (now dropped from above will simply fall,
which is not an encouraging called the 'mass driver' see pages and (if massive enough not to bum
prospect for mankind. Others, 23-5) has already been designed for up in the atmosphere) strike with
including many science fiction space-colony building, since it is appaUing force. We may see some
writers,have imagined terrible wars cheaper to boost materials from the interesting strategies in the first
caused not by iU-will but by failure Moon than from the Earth's greater war of near space.

Holocaust and catastrophe
gap giving a
states, each size of
The laser arms race is producing
Future weaponry particular frequency to the photon more and more destructive beams.
radiation emitted. If radiation with Many means of pumping in energy
this particular frequency now falls have been tried; light flashes,
Science fiction has never lacked neutron flux
stimulates electrical discharges,
impressive and deadly weaponry, on an energized atom, it

it into emitting its own photon

- in from a nuclear reactor, high-energy
with a range from hand-held
the same way that a gong vibrates gas flows in the carbon dioxide gas-
gadgets which sterilize
'blasters' to
when its note is struck on the piano. dynamic laser and violent chemical
whole solar systems by making their
Each new photon can stimulate reactions in the hydrogen/fluorine
suns explode as novae. More and
laser. The last two are the most
more of these nightmares are now more energized atoms, on and on in

A surge of light powerful. Carbon dioxide lasers with

becoming scientifically possible. a chain reaction.
builds up and is
in the laser, outputs in the megawatt range now
The death ray, the energy gun
reflected back and forth between lead the field in laser weaponry.
and the blaster were all hackneyed
precisely spaced mirrors to give a These emit invisible infra-red
science fictional props by the 1950s. -
parallel beam, which forms a radiation though the beam is
Though intelligently used in such fired through the air.
standing wave of light, like the visible when
books as Arthur C. Clarke's Earth- energy breaks
standing sound waves in an organ since its tremendous
light, energy weapons seemed about
pipe. Ifone mirror is partly trans- down the air molecules in a row of
to be laughed away like the tradi-
sparks like tiny lightning bolts.
tional 'blunt instrument' of detective parent, an intense output beam can
Such lasers work better in
fiction. But in 1960 the first laser escape.

was demonstrated, and death rays

became 'respectable', though
scientists refused at that time to
believe that lasers could ever put
out death-dealing power.
The acronym 'Laser' stands for
'Light Amplification by Stimulated
Emission of Radiation': the key
word is 'stimulated'. All lasers
operate by 'pumping' energy into
some material so that large numbers
of its electrons are precariously
balanced at a high energy level,
eager to drop back to the normal or
ground state. As each electron drops
back, it gives up its excess energy
by throwing out a packet of
radiation a photon.
Each - ruby, for
laser material
example - has its own characteristic
energy gap between the upper
('balanced') and the ground energy
Above: the USAF
has mounted a
laser weapon on
a conventional
Boeing airliner for
Left: the great
power of a
2000-joule laser
beam, itself
invisible, ionizes
the air during its
pulse, leaving a
trail of sparks.
The further that
lasers are beamed
(in air), the weaker
they are when
they reach their
target - a grave
Umitation to their
use as weapons on

Holocaust and catastrophe

vacuum than in air, which soaks up disabling long-range nuclear described electron-beam weapon,
the power and scatters the beam. missiles, which leave the atmo- there has been much scientific
Yet tests have shown that a large sphere at the peaks of their flight interest in such particle beams. Less
laser can destroy a small anti-tank paths. But enormous shoals of laser subtle in their physics than lasers,
missile at a range of km. In other
1 satellites would be needed to these devices accelerate electrons or
top secret experiments, lasers have destroy a full attack wave of protons to huge speeds, electro-
been fired at planes or in orbit. The missiles. Moreover, a swarm of killer magnetically, and discharge them as
first trials against planes seemed satelUtes would provide targets for a beam. This is less effective in air
unpromising; but a British study in similar ones sent up by the enemy. than a laser; even in orbit there are
1981 predicted that ground-based The orbital fighting might be a problems, such as beam spread
anti-aircraft lasers would be in stalemate of satelUtes battling (since the charged particles repel
routine use by 1995. Even a hand- against each other. It seems un- each other) and bending of the beam
held laser weapon has been hkely that satellite-based lasers in Earth's magnetic field. And
patented, though it looks too willbe used against targets on particle-beam satellites would be
cumbersome for practical use. the ground: the beam would be larger than laser
better targets
In space there is no and the
air, scattered as it came down through satellites.There are still such
laser-armed killer satellite seems a the atmosphere. possibilities as ground-based
real possibility. This could have Ever since George O. Smith's particle beams which use power
great nuisance value in war, sniping heroes in his Venus Equilateral from nuclear explosions to punch
at reconnaissance satellites or even (1947) fought with a realistically through the atmosphere but for

A BBC 'Horizon'
programme in
1981 considered
the likelihood of
mounted on
satellites, and
concluded that it

would be an
expensive and
way to
wage war. In this

fC9l BBC
mock-up the
beam is seen
as blue, for clarity,
but such beams
would actually be
invisible in the
vacuum of space.

Holocaust and catastrophe
pages The possibilities of colliding
now the big money on the lasers.
is chunks of antimatter (see
78-9) may not exist in nature: and black holes seem to follow from
In theory, lasers need not be
to manufacture even tiny amounts is sober physics. In theory, although
restricted to low-energy radiation
incredibly expensive. If the stuff no energy can normally be extracted
such as infra-red or visible light.
could be found floating in space, from a single large black hole, two
These involve energ>' shifts of
then there would be no need to identical holes could be combined in
electrons in atoms. But it might be
convert it to a starship's driving such a way that up to 29% of their
possible to tap the much larger
energy: it would be much simpler to combined mass would be thrown out
energy shifts within the atomic
send this antimatter asteroid or as radiation, elementary particles
nucleus itself, to produce a gamma-
meteoroid falling towards the enemy and antiparticles. The remaining
ray laser, or graser. Gamma-ray
mass would form a single larger
photons are millions of times more down on Earth or wherever he may
be. (It can be 'pushed' by squirting black hole. This sounds undramatic
energetic than the infra-red photons
gas at it: the annihilation reaction
- but if the colliding holes were
produced by today's biggest lasers.
pumped between gas molecules and anti- each about 6 km across (the
But though an X-ray laser
matter will act like a rocket motor diameter of a black hole with the
by a nuclear explosion has been
to drive the antimatter through same mass as our Sun), the
tested - X-rays have more energy
space.) If our 10-ton starship were explosion as they met would equal
than visible light - our technology 10^'
made of antimatter it could strike the detonation of more than
lacks the controlled power to pump
the Earth and react with 10 tons megatons of TNT. This is many
a graser. It would be a true death
of ordinary matter - - in an times more energy than the Sun
ray, horrifyingly powerful. A few

explosion of more than 400,000 itself will emit over the millions of
billion megawatts of graser power
megatons, without having to years of its lifetime, from birth
might blow up a sun - make it go
move fast at all. to death. Solar systems would be
nova - at many light-years' range.
The relativistic bomb and the erased by such an ultimate
Oddly enough, this is proposed as a
antimatter meteor fall into the explosion, and planets sterilized
peaceful project, to mine rare
small-arms category when compared at a range of many hght-years. The
elements from the cores of suns, or
with the ultimate weapon - the black hole collision could not be
to increase local hydrogen density
called a tactical weapon!
foruse as fuel by ramscoop energy flash produced by black
holes that have been manipulated to Weapons need not use brute
starships (see page 14): but there are
collide. Science fictional black-hole force. Gregory Benford devises an
also unfriendly possibilities.
interesting psychological weapon in
Moving away from present-day weapons tend to be minor (Larry
The Stars in Shroud, in which the
science, we can imagine that other
Niven's story 'The Borderland of
Quarn use direct sensory input
peaceful devices could be converted Sol' features a tiny black hole which alien
to 'eat' spacecraft), to release - rather implausibly
to weapons. A starship moving at is manipulated
or unbelievable, as in Colin primeval human fears of being
relativistic speeds - close to that of
- a horrifying weapon The Chaos Weapon. This weapon is crowded. An entire human
light is itself
tremendous kinetic fed by an ammo belt of suns and population is destroyed by mass
thanks to its

energy. Ten tons would be a very focused by 10 black holes - but psychosis as its members all
Kapp's hero nevertheless survives a desperately avoid one another and
modest 'rest' mass for a starship,
crawl into holes in the ground.
but at 99.99% of lightspeed its mass direct hit!

would be more than 70 times

greater: should it hit something,
such as a planet, the extra mass
would be converted to energy in a
22-million-megaton explosion.
Continents could be smashed and
portions of Earth's atmosphere Two physicists at
stripped away. Defensive measures Princeton
against this weapon are almost University
produced this
impossible, since it would follow so
computer simula-
hard on the heels of light itself: the tion (left) of the
alert from an early warning station gravity waves
as far out as Pluto would take resulting from the
collision of two
nearly 5 hours to reach Earth, and
black holes.
the doomsday machine would arrive
Almost one-third
about a fifth of a second later.
of their mass
What power could drive a ship would be
to such speeds? Many writers, converted into a
raging blast of
including the scriptwriters of T'V's
radiation, and one-
Star Trek, have toyed with the idea thousandth
of antimatter power sources. These directly converted
would almost totally convert a into a fierce

combination of matter and anti- torrent of gravity

matter to energy. However, large

Holocaust and catastrophe

CBW: chemical ously unreliable weapons? In Time

of the Fourth Horseman, Chelsea
No Blade of
plausibiUty to the film
Grass (from John Christopher's
and biological Quinn Yarbro suggests a conspiracy
of doctors who spread plague to end
book The Death of Grass), where
grass and all cereal crops are killed
wariare the world's overpopulation. For off by a virus. This, again, would be
whatever reasons, in real life a a weapon as deadly to the aggressor
plagues and poisons are
Artificial number of nations are known to be as to the victim. But suppose the
the most economical of present-day conducting research into biological target country had just one major
weapons. They are also the most warfare officially so that they can crop for example, turnips. The
difficult to control once released. be ready to defend themselves attacker need only design a turnip-
The principles of biological war- against it. Winston Churchill is destroying virus, set it loose, and

fare are simple. Micro-organisms are alleged to have considered using the watch his enemy starve.
carefully bred, or modified by anthrax bacillus as a weapon in Going still further, biowar could
genetic engineering, to create deadly World War II. be turned against inanimate
new strains of disease. Old diseases Genetically tailored diseases substances. An episode of the
can be deliberately resurrected offer other nasty possibilities. A BBC's TV series Doomwatch (later
smallpox, for example, is now virus might be designed to attack a book Mutant 59: The Plastic
extinct outside the laboratory, and only people of a certain racial Eater by Kit Pedler and Gerry
there will soon be practically no one anaemia
heritage, just as sickle cell Davis) suggested a micro-organism
immune These
to this disease. is mainly confined to blacks and adapted to feed on plastics
biological weapons are two-edged, as the racist handguns of Robert instant biodegradability. We might
since they can all too swiftly spread Heinlein's Sixth Column would kill go further and design one which
back to the user nation carried by only the slant-eyed villains. would infect people harmlessly,
birds, insects or people perhaps Biowar need not be waged only making them 'carriers': the micro-
too fast for vaccination measures to against people. The effectiveness of organism itself would be tailored to
be effective. Why use such danger- Dutch Elm disease gives extra eat chemical explosives. As

Left: Farmers in Above: A rebel

Desio, Italy, Afghan soldier in
examine sheep 1981 displays
which died in 1980 chemical-warfare
after grazing on protection
land chemically equipment
polluted by Dioxin captured from
four years earlier. Russian soldiers.
This substance is The presence of
very close in the equipment
chemical structure suggests that
to the nerve gases stories of the
currently stock- Russians' use of
piled in the USA. toxic chemicals
against the
Afghans may be

Holocaust and catastrophe
nerve gases between 1982 and 1986.
The favoured device of the 1980s is
the 'binary' nerve gas - two
chemicals relatively harmless in
themselves that become lethal in

quantities as small as a microgram

when mixed - 50 times more deadly
than cyanide. NATO wargames have
for some time made the assumption
that chemical weapons will be used
in a future war.
Nerve gases can be absorbed
into the body through the skin or
mouth, and once inside they attack
the central nervous system. A lethal
dose kills in minutes: sweating,
vomiting and fiUing of the lungs
with mucus are followed rapidly by
respiratory failure and paralysis. A
smaller dose can lead to prolonged
agony and permanent damage.
Less is known about Soviet
Russian capabiHties for waging
chemical warfare, though there have
been many reports of the use of
chemical weapons by the Soviets -in
Afghanistan, Laos and Kampuchea.
The Soviets are thought to prefer
the so-called 'yellow rain', allegedly
made from mycotoxins (poisons
derived from fungi). These poisons,
which have been researched by the
military in America and Russia for

30 years, cause immediate fatal

bleeding from all bodily orifices.
The fact that such weapons
already exist in large quantities may
explain why they seldom appear in
science fiction. They belong to the
realm of present-day science fact.

Many science fiction writers along

with some military theorists

prefer the possibilities of psyche-
assembly-line workers breathed on delic drugs which could disorient the
chemicals used by them, the explosive triggers of victims without permanently disabl-
the Americans nuclear weapons would quietly rot ing them. Brian Aldiss's Barefoot in
during the away. the Head takes place after the 'Acid
Vietnam war had Head 'War', which has left people on
Chemical warfare is less easy to
a dramatic effect. LSD (The addition
wage, since chemicals do not breed permanent trips.
A massive strip of
was a
jungle has been and spread like micro-organisms. of LSD to the water supply
destroyed to Defoliants withered great areas of feature of alleged hippy conspiracies
create a buffer
Vietnam Jungle, but the plants in the late 1960s. Fortunately or
zone. Enemy unfortunately - according to point
soldiers would be simply grew again. 250 tons of
they today's VX gas, the principal nerve of view - LSD is highly degradable
exposed if

tried to cross it. gas stockpiled in the USA, released in water, and would rapidly lose its

over a large city, could cause as effectiveness.) Robert Silverberg's

many deaths as a 5-megaton 'How It Was When The Past Went

H-bomb: only a tiny amount is Away' features memory -erasing
needed to kill a man, but to spray a drugs water supply. But
in the

city would mean enormous wastage. memory drugs do not yet exist, and
In today's world chemical war- the military estabhshment would
fare is already a big (and profitable) surely never allow Aldiss's LSD
business. It is estimated that the aerosols: people might start

USA will spend 8 billion dollars on enjoying war.

Holocaust and catastrophe

which used Lithium deuteride, a simply melt and flow away!

Nuclear holocaust material under investigation in the U-235 is an unstable radioactive
secret weapons research field, isotope. Though the nuclei of U-235
The nuclear and mushroom
fireball though not usable until the fusion atoms have an average hfetime of
cloud are the dominant images of bombs of the 1950s. hundreds of miUions of years, some
near-future warfare both in science In theory, nuclear weapons are will always be undergoing spon-
fiction and in real life. After decades simple devices; in practice they are taneous fission in any lump of
as a prediction (see pages 32-3) and very difficult to build. A fission uranium metal, breaking up into
then a possibility, the nuclear bomb as was dropped on Hiro- Lighter and more stable elements,
holocaust is a tired cliche of science shima and Nagasaki depends on and also throwing out radiation and
fiction, but one that persists. putting together a 'supercritical free neutrons. Some of these
Atomic bombs were the subject mass' of uranium-235 or pluto- neutrons hit other U-235 nuclei and
of several famous predictions in nium-239: that achieved, the cause them in turn to undergo
science fiction. In 1914 H.G. Wells's explosion follows at once. The first fission. A shower of neutrons builds
The World Set Free dealt not only problem is that U-235 is rare (more
with the bomb but with radioactive than 99% of natural uranium is a The sinister fire-
ball above Bikini
contamination enthusiasts usually different isotope, U-238), while
AtoU after the
forgive Wells for such details as Pu-239 almost non-existent in
first H-bomb tests
having the bombs thrown by hand nature and must be made artificially in 1956 has
from open-cockpit aeroplanes. And in nuclear reactors. A second become the visual
in 1944 Cleve Cartmill's short story problem is that unless a critical symbol of nuclear
holocaust for
'Deadline' provoked the wrath of the mass is put together with incredible people all over the
FBI by featuring an atomic weapon speed, the U-235 (or Pu-239) will world.

Holocaust and catastrophe
and temperatures - in fact we need Below, the ABM (anti-ballistic
up, but will escape quickly from a
missile) interceptors rise to defend
small lump of U-235. With a larger a fission bomb to touch off the
military installations, each inter-
lump, the neutrons are more likely fusion bomb. So, although fusion is

relatively 'clean', not producing ceptor a tiny nuclear missile all

to cause fissions before escaping;
futile against the potential might of
long-lived radioactive fallout, there
the overall level of fissions rises as
is contamination from the 'dirty'
the 'second strike' of more ICBMs,
the lump is made larger still, and so
fission bomb used as the trigger.
plus SRAMs (short range attack
does the heating produced by by bombers, and
missiles) carried
fission. When 'critical mass" is
There are various ways of making
H-bombs bigger and better - up to SLBMs (submarine-launched
reached the U-235 behaves like a adds up to
ballistic missiles). It
nuclear reactor, producing neutrons
100 megatons in some Soviet
tests - and they all make the a picture of MAD,
the reason
exactly as fast as they can escape:
explosion dirtier than ever. nobody wants to fight a nuclear
with the addition of a little more
One lesson of nuclear research war; Mutual Assured Destruction.
uranium it beomes slightly super- This holocaust has passed out of
power and temperature was that it is impossible to keep
the realm of science fiction. We have
rising rapidly until at last the the laws of nature secret. Details of
fictional documentary films like The
the fission and fusion bombs leaked
metal melts and flows away. For an
out, leading to the duplication War Game (1965), showing the
explosion it is necessary to assemble
of American research in other shattering effect of a quite small
a highly supercritical mass, We have figures for
countries and the nuclear stalemate nuclear attack.
smashing smaller pieces of U-235 a 'total'
predicted in Robert Heinlein's short the likely death toll in
together with precisely timed
story 'Solution Unsatisfactory', World War III fought with several
conventional explosives. Then at
written in 1941. thousand strategic nuclear weapons
last there is a runaway chain
If the stalemate breaks, what on either side: about 50% of the
reaction; tremendous energy is
then? The jargon of World War III population of the USA and USSR
generated before the mass can fly
is well known, with ICBMs (inter-
could die in the attacks, rising
apart; when it does, a nuclear blast
continental ballistic missiles) rising towards 90% as injuries, radiation
takes place.
from their silos in East and West, sickness, disease and fallout took
Fusion bombs H-bombs
work by forcing together light boosting into space high over the
The new weapons of nuclear war
atomic nuclei like those of North Pole before plunging back to
release their MIRVs (multiple are supposed to reduce the chance of
deuterium (heavy hydrogen).
independently retargetable vehicles) this holocaust either by being less
Heavier elements are formed and bomb,
- a sheaf of smaller missiles which destructive, like the neutron
vast energy is released. This can make a
spread and scatter to their targets. or by being more difficult to
only happen at colossal pressures

The charred
corpse of a victim
of the atom bomb
dropped on
Nagasaki by the
Americans in
August 1945. Had
the body been
closer to the blast
centre, it would
simply have been

Holocaust and catastrophe

An artist's
conception of an
MX missile-carry-
ing transport
device. The
missiles would be
moved randomly
about a huge
network of under-
ground tunnels in
the American
West. Not
knowing where the
missOes were at a
given moment, an
enemy would not
(in theory) be able
to destroy them.
The vast budget
necessary to
construct the
system means
that the original
plan may never be
put into practice.

preventive attack against. If one trigger is made smaller and the (1976) a renegade US general takes
superpower could eliminate enough physical explosion reduced, leaving over a missile base and blackmails
of another's nuclear weapons in a the flash of neutrons and other hard the government with his threat of
sneak attack, there might be a radiation as the chief killing agent. starting a nuclear war. The classic
temptation to do so in the hope of Though less destructive than film is Dr Strangelove (1963), in
'winning' the resulting war. One strategic H-bombs, it is still a which a lunatic US general went
weapon designed to prevent this moderately 'dirty' bomb. Some further and actually launched a
was the MX missile system in its military theorists have tried to class nuclear attack. Such 'accidental'
original planned version; ICBMs it as a minor tactical weapon whose routes to World War III became
move along gigantic underground use need not lead to further nuclear more convincing after many recent
railways and can burst out any- war, but others disagree. Neutron false aleu-ms on the American
where from their hidden tunnels. bombs are in the kUoton 1000 defence computers were reported.
Until then, the enemy is not tons of TNT explosive range; We can only hope that if a large
supposed to know where to aim. blasts equivalent to as httle as 100 meteor or comet ever falls
More cheaply, short-range cruise tons of TNT have been tested, but destructively (see page 112), the
missiles can be stockpiled in they grow less cost-effective below people in charge will allow for the
enormous numbers, too many to be the multi-kiloton range. Such chance of its not being a nuclear
ehminated by a first strike. They deUghts as the nuclear bazooka attack.
can be launched from planes, ships shells of Kingsley Amis's The Anti- Dr Strangelove also features the
or submarines, or even kept moving Death League or the hand-held ultimate nuclear weapon. Such
in closed trucks, ready to fire from atomic pistols in such books as A.E. pastimes as planet-smashing are
anywhere on the road. The cruise van Vogt's Slan are still definitely impossible with today's weapons:
missile's secret is its microcomputer science fiction. very large bombs blow themselves
'brain', which follows the pro- What could provoke the use of apart before all the nuclear material
grammed land-map at such low the world's nuclear arsenals? NATO can explode, and in the higher mega-
altitude that many defences cannot theorists often imagine a USSR tonne ranges the explosive efficiency
be brought to bear. Eventually it invasion of Europe as leading to a becomes ever lower. But a sufficient
explodes within metres of the last-ditch use of short-range tactical number of particularly dirty
chosen target. Though less brainy weapons (as the German joke goes, explosions might add up to the
than the bomb in the 1974 film a tactical nuclear weapon
one is Doomsday Bomb of Dr Strangelove,
Dark Star (which invented religion which lands on Germany). Others which uses fallout as its chief killing
for itself and exploded on the words fear that superpowers will be drawn agent and spreads contamination
'Let there be light'), these missiles into an escalating war beginning in round the world. The high wind-
are in the great science fictional the Middle East or another streams that carried dust from
tradition of almost intelligent contentious zone. Science fiction, Krakatoa's eruption, which coloured
machines. with its liking for melodrama, tends sunsets all over the Earth, would
As for the neutron bomb, it is to imagine vast events as being set carry fallout just as effectively.
essentially a small H-bomb. By in motion by individuals. Thus in If somebody hated life enough, it

careful engineering the fission-bomb the film Twilight's Last Gleaming might be possible.

Holocaust and catastrophe
Christopher's novel A Wrinkle in machine. Thousands of tons of
Natural disasters the Skin described massive earth- material from space fall towards
quakes all over the world, but this is Earth each year, virtually all of
it burning up before reaching the
Impressive though the firepower of an unlikely situation. Large quakes
and volcanoes confine themselves to ground. But occasionally something
our nuclear weapons may seem,
zones where the plates of the arrives which is big enough to lose
natural disasters put them to
Earth's crust grind against each only its outer surface on the way
shame. H-bombs release several
other, like the 'Ring of Fire' round through our atmosphere.
megatons: the Siberian meteorite
that struck near Tunguska in 1908 most of the Pacific. Wewould have Some very large objects do
to visit other, stranger worlds to come alarmingly close. The asteroid
may have had an impact energy of
find such problems as are described Eros has come within 22 million km
30 megatons - its devastation
Kapps story 'The Railways of Earth, a very small distance on
remains clearly visible today - while in Colin
up on Cannis': Cannis-4 is a thin- the cosmic scale. Another, Icarus,
the 1883 volcanic eruption at
crusted imaginary world where to came within 6.5 million km in 1968;
Krakatoa was measurable in
stick a spade into the ground is to a third,Hermes, was expected to
hundreds of megatons and the
risk an instant volcano. come within a few hundred
largest earthquakes in thousands.
The danger of falling meteors, thousand km (closer than the Moon)
Fortunately, both volcanoes and
asteroids or comets is less easily but failed to turn up. Presumably it
earthquakes spend most of their
dismissed. Our Solar System was diverted by, say, the influence
energy harmlessly. Krakatoa blasted - had been
contains uncounted billions of rocks, of Jupiter but what if it
into the air some 6 cubic km of
diverted a little the other way, to hit
earth and rock, harmless except to from dust-motes to planetoids: the
orbit of each is continuously the Earth?
those it fell on; major earthquakes
influenced by the combined gravity- Ignoring atmospheric friction
cause small movements of very
and the orbital speed of Earth and
large masses of rock and spend their pulls of everything else in the
system (particularly the Sun and the asteroid, we can calculate a
energy that way, setting the whole
Jupiter), and their paths change as
rough impact energy based on a
Earth ringing on a note far below
final velocity of about 40,000 kph
the range of hearing. John though in some silent pinball

Holocaust and catastrophe

Opposite: the fear

that Earth would
be destroyed in a
great holocaust is
much older
than science
fiction, and is
often connected
with religion. The
apocalypse pre-
ceding Judgement
Day is here
depicted by the
artist John
Left: the
wrought by the
Tunguska meteor-
ite in Siberia in
1908 remains
visible. Many
thousands of dead
trees lie there still,

their trunks
pointing away
from the point of

(the speed reached by a body falling impact in the sea instantly boils body a planet with low reflectivity
to Earth from infinity or a few vast quantities of water: thick or a black hole could indeed
million km, the same for practical clouds and torrential rains appear, approach the Solar System without
purposes). Icarus, smallest of those and also, less convincingly, a new our knowledge. Only bright objects
mentioned, is about 1 km across and Ice Age, as sunhght is blocked from can be seen in telescopes.
would hit with a 75,000 megaton the Earth. (Another theory is that In another traditional disaster
explosion dwarfing the total all the water vapour in the the Sun goes nova, flaring up in a
megatonnage of the world's nuclear atmosphere will make the Earth millionfold increase of brightness
stockpiles. Hermes, about 2 km in warmer by increasing the 'green- and heat to burn all Earthly Ufe and
diameter, weighs in at a 220,000 house effect' see page 114.) perhaps vaporize the planet.
megaton explosion, and Eros at We need worry less about some However, ours is a young Sun which
75 million megatons. calamities. The film The Day The we hope will go on burning for
The atmosphere is small Earth Caught Fire (1961) has Earth thousands of millions of years.
protection against such monsters: falUng into the Sun, knocked from Certainly it is too small to blow
they will flash through it in seconds, its orbit by nuclear tests. In real apart completely as a supernova, a
producing a hot, explosive shock- life, only a collision with a really much more impressive event: the
wave which scorches and blasts for large asteroid hke Ceres (12,000 remnants of a supernova observed
perhaps hundreds of km about the billion megatons impact energy) as a great Ught in the sky in AD
point of impact. A grain of hope is could shift our orbit significantly, 1054 are still visible as the Crab
that although in films like Meteor and the collision itself would Nebula.
(1979) the impact area tends to be a sterilize the Earth. Another fihn, Though safe from this, we may
city, generally New York for a When Worlds Collide (1951), not be safe from other supernovae
land-strike theodds favour a features a wandering star whose far away whose effects are hard to
wilderness where, as with earth- gravity produces giant tides and predict. In Ian Watson's story 'The
quakes, much of the tremendous earthquakes disastrous, as usual, Roentgen Refugees' the supernova
energy would be soaked up in the to New York, which vanishes under is Sirius, 9 Ught-years away;
Earth itself. a tidal wave. But a passing star is massive radiation kills everything
But 71% of Earth's surface is fantastically unlikely, and some- not protected by deep shelters,
ocean: there is a 71% chance that thing we would see coming for leaving a sterile Earth. The Twilight
any falling body will hit the sea, centuries before its arrival. Matters of Briareus by Richard Cowper
erasing coastlines with tidal waves. are different in Fritz Leiber's The features an equally convincing
A well worked-out treatment is Wanderer, where a spacefaring supernova 150 light-years distant,
Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven planet comes flitting through hyper- whose blast of high-energy radiation
and Jerry Pournelle, in which the space to wreak gravitational shocks our weather system into a
Hammer is a comet a mass of ice- destruction on Earth. This is hardly new Ice Age an all too famihar
welded rocks. The energy of a major a natural disaster, but some dark scenario.
Holocaust and catastrophe
the other way towards a drowned
ice increase the albedo of the Earth
A new Ice Age or (the proportion of sunUght it reflects
back into space); thus the cUmate
world: it is uncertain.) The dust-veil
raised by volcanic eruptions may
a drowned world cools further; and thus there is yet also increase the albedo - British
climatologist Hubert Lamb has
more snow and ice, on and on in a
vicious circle. Glaciers grow south- found that many of the coldest,
We think of Ice Ages as slow, summers have occurred in
ward from the Arctic because their wettest
creeping things - not the dramatic Or we may
'volcanic dust years'.
ice fails to melt as quickly as when
stuff of which science fiction is
raise the albedo too far ourselves
made. But some scientists believe the world was warmer - and again
the albedo increases. There are some by building too many roads and
that surprisingly quick climatic
cities which tend to reflect more
ingenious theories to account for
changes are possible, especially if sunlight than ordinary countryside;
human tampering should disturb the why an Ice Age should ever stop.
One is that the Arctic Ocean acts as by discharging smog and dust
balance of the world's climate. particles which add to our cloud
a safety valve: when it finally
It is some 10,000 years since the
freezes it can no longer supply
cover (clouds being the largest
end of the Pleistocene era which single factor in raising albedo); even
began about 2,500,000 years earlier moisture to the north wind by
evaporation, and so less snow falls. passively by letting the deserts
and included the four great Ice grow, increasing their huge areas
Ages. If the ice returns, we doubt The initial tipping of the
of sun-reflecting sand. Once the
that it will be quite as swift as
balance could take place in many
ways. There could be an 'Act of process has gone far enough to
in Arthur C. Clarke's short story
God' from space, such as the shock reduce Earth's average annual
'The Forgotten Enemy', where the temperature by a few degrees
man on Earth wakes up one of supernova radiation or an ocean-
centigrade, then - according to
morning to find the glaciers vaporizing meteor strike as dis-
the estimates -
the glaciers grow.
knocking at his door. More convinc- cussed on pages 112-13. (Such
Ice at least provides a beautiful
ing is the grim realism of John
events might also tip the balance
Left: fears that
Christopher's The World in Winter, the 'greenhouse
in which a bitter winter simply fails effect' will create a
to lift: the balance has somehow 'drowned world' eire
been tipped and the ice is returning. now more fashion-
able than fetu-sof
Some such rapid 'climatic flip' new Ice Age. But
might explain the famous Siberian as this diagram
frozen mammoths, which were so shows, the snow
well preserved (some even having cover over the
fresh grass in their stomachs) that Northern Hemi-
buried sphere has
it seems they may have been
increased in recent
in a snowfall which never gave way years. The more
to a thaw. snow, the greater
Once anIce Age has begun, it the albedo, with
continue growing by a process consequent heat
of positive feedback. More snow and

Right: the
drowned world
scenario has
always been
popular in science
fiction.The 1933
film Deluge shown
here was based on
a best-selling
novel of the same
by S. Fowler
Wright. Great
earthquakes are
followed by tidal
waves and a subsi-
dence of many of
Earth's land-
masses. The
scenario is just as
popular today,
though now the
flooding is seen as
due to the melting
of the ice-caps
because the
'greenhouse effect'
has warmed the

Holocaust and catastrophe
and romantic landscape. Coleridge's This is the situation of J.G. So far it seems that all the
fantastic poem The Rime of the Ballard's bizarre novel The Drowned factors working toweu-ds a man-
Ancient Mariner, written in 1798, is World, where the Earth has
all made Ice Age are being balanced
lyrical about the Antarctic, which at become and most of our
tropical by the greenhouse effect and the
the time was the stuff of science civihzation is under water. Ballard trend towards a man-made 'drowned
fiction. The strange film Quintet suggested instabilities in the Sun world'. Long may the balance
(1979) is set in an impressively as the cause, but grimmer and more continue.
icebound city; the chill grinding of convincing explanations can be Science fiction writers,
glaciers fills the background of found closer to home. ingeniously destructive people
Anna Kavan's Ice- Age novel Ice Our civihzation burns great that they are, have devoted much
many other works of science
(1967); quantities of coal and oil (see pages thought to means of tilting the
fiction use the ice landscape to great 34-6),adding to the carbon dioxide balance and drowning the Earth.
effect. The Ice-Age novel with the in the air, and thus to the 'green- The implacable undersea aUens in
strongest and most interesting house effect'. In a greenhouse, infra- John Wyndham's The Kraken
scientific basis is probably The red (heat) radiation from the Sun Wakes spend much effort in
Sixth Winter (1979) by Douglas warms the contents, and when warm directing atomically heated water
Orgill and John Gribbin. they emit infra-red of theif own at frozen northern seas from below
Unfortunately, the probabilities but different, longer wavelengths a rather wasteful-sounding
are in the other direction, where the of infra-red which cannot escape process. More economically, the
feedback process works in reverse. through the greenhouse glass. villains of Gerald Kersh's The Great
The result is a drowned world. The Carbon dioxide, hke glass, is a Wash plan to reshape the ocean
ice retreats, thealbedo drops, the good absorber of infra-red, and by floor with gigantic nuclear weapons
temperature goes up, more ice pumping it into the atmosphere we and thus divert the Gulf Stream's
melts. A rise of only a few degrees are seaUng ourselves under thicker warm currents to the polar ice
in Earth's average annual tempera- layers of 'greenhouse glass'. Plants with no particular motive beyond
ture means that the glaciers of consume this gas even as we make a general luxuriation in villainy, it
Greenland and Antarctica will melt. it (and breathe it but we are
out), would seem. And in Karel Capek's
At the height of an Ice Age the seas constantly cutting down forests 1936 classic War with the Newts,
would be hundreds of metres lower and thus cutting down on the total the water-dweUing Newt creatures
than today, with the water locked amount of carbon dioxide used up try the approach direct: rather than
up on land as ice; if Antarctica and leaving more free carbon dioxide raise the level of the sea, they equip
Greenland were melted back to rock in the atmosphere. When we burn themselves with high explosives
and soil, the seas would be about 60 the wood, or anything else (includ- and patiently set about lowering
metres higher. Most of the world's ing nuclear fuel), the waste heat the land.
major cities, which are on or near meikes our greenhouse temperature Meanwhile, though, the balance
coasts, would be submerged. seems to continue.

Left: in Robert
Altman's 1979
film Quintet the
world is in the
grip of a new Ice
Age, and human
relationships are
frozen too
except for Paul
Newman's, of
course. His girl-
friend, played by
Brigitte Fossey, is
pregnant, to the
amazement of the
city people they
meet later. She
dies, however, as
will everybody else

eventually. Would
we survive a new
Ice Age in real

Holocaust and catastrophe
can go - a total of 1000 biUion Earth faster than they breed. The

Plague, pollution, other solution is worse: a disaster

people (today's world population is
which cuts down the population to
about 4.5 billion) are crammed into
overpopulation cities of 10 million people apiece
- manageable size.
Excess population can bring its
100.000 cities. To quote Blish and
and famine Knight, 'And so they lived happily
own disaster. Caged and
overcrowded animals tend to have
ever after - but it wasn't easy.' The
Are these four linked threats science an enormously increased death rate
Already the world suffers gloomy reality seems to be that
without enormous changes in our
through stress, suffering sudden
epidemics, though usually mild ones; 'population crash' to much lower
bulges at society {A Torrent of Faces relies
it stews in pollution, it
numbers as they spend their time
heavily on total co-operation from
the seams with people, and even aggressively competing for space
everyone), civilization is likely to fall
today whole countries are starving. rather than breeding. (John
Environmentalists and science apart before such figures can be
Brunner's Stand on Zanzibar
fiction writers follow the trends features some harrowing looks at
The two traditional science
answers to overpopulation such stresses in an overcrowded
Overpopulation is the most
world.) Brian Aldiss's Greybeard
are not cheering. The first is to send
fundamental of these evils, since it
can be taken as a parable of such
millions of people into space as
leads to the using up of resources behaviour; in it, our aggres-
colonists. In reality, this would be
and the spoiling of the environment. sion - nuclear testing - leads to
like the story of the marching
Large, crowded populations make a dramatic population crash as man-
Chinese whose numbers increase too
the perfect 'culture dish' in which kind becomes sterile. Undramatic
fast for them ever to finish walking
new plagues can grow and spread. measures hke birth control are less
past a given spot. No plausible
Science fiction has many gloomy popular in science fiction, a not
- or blackly comic - versions of technology can move people off
overpopulation. J.G. Ballard's story
Billennium' allows each person four
square metres of living space, which WORLD POPULATION INCREASE IN THE
later drops to three. In The
Merchants by Frederik Pohl and
Cyril Kornbluth, individual steps

public staircases are rented as

sleeping spaces. Robert Silverberg's
The World Inside features thousand-
storey tower blocks each housing
close on a million people. And in
Torrent of Faces by James BUsh
and Norman L. Knight, world
population is pushed about as far as

Above: the most

notable feature of
this population
chart is the ever
decreasing period
in which
population has
doubled. The rate
of increase is now
but growth
spectacular; 4.5
billion in 1982. a
projected 6 billion
in 2000. possibly
stabilizing at 1

billionwithin 125
years, according
to recent UN
Right: pollution is
now a world-wide
problem. The
picture shows
dead fish in the
heavily polluted
Seine, with Paris
in the background.

Holocaust and catastrophe
untypical treatment being Patrick cars to pump lead into the atmo- Diseases from Space attempts to
Wyatt's Irish Rose: here the white sphere legal in the UK though not blame many real-life epidemics on
races steriUze themselves by the use the USA and inexorably damage viruses which float between worlds.
of an 'improved' Pill, leaving every- the intelligence of children does not The consensus among other
one else to inherit the Earth. In deserve to have a future. scientists is that a diseasefrom
many of science fiction's futures, As forests die off or are cut space extremely unlikely, since
the bearing of children has become a down, erosion makes the waste there is almost no chance that some-
criminal activity (see pages 165-7). spaces into deserts and speeds the thing from 'out there' would be
The faniine resulting from death of more vegetation, perhaps evolutionarily adapted to prey on
overpopulation plays its part in the untilwe reach the situation of Bob us a hkeUhood recognized in
grimness of Harry Harrison's Make Shaw's Shadow of Heaven, where Harry Harrison's Plague from
Room! Make Room! (filmed as herbicides have killed all wild Space, in which an apparently
Soylent Green) water is rationed; greenery, dust-bowls stretch across natural plague proves to have been
the hero lives on margarine-smeared continents and humanity eats a tailored to us by sinister aliens.
biscuits; meat has vanished from universal diet of seafood and Plagues from Earth are the chief
the menu. Indeed a meat diet is synthetics. In that world plants are worry. Our development of anti-
absurdly expensive to produce, preserved in special environmental biotics against dangerous bacteria is
relative to grains and crops but museums Uke the spacegoing green- itself dangerous: their use removes
that is not likely to stop us houses of the film Silent Running: from the biosphere those bacteria
encouraging further famine by it is possible that no one
in real life, which antibiotics kill (originally the
gobbling more and more meat. would bother. vast majority) and favours the few
Death by pollution became a We have seen three of the four which can survive our medicines.
popular theme of science fiction in horsemen of the modernized Apoca- Micro-organisms reproduce in hours,
the 1970s, most grippingly in John lypse: Famine with the traditional rather than months or years. They
Brunner's The Sheep Look Up, a scales to measure out insufficient mutate with equal speed, and the
survey of human folly as depressing food. Overpopulation with a ruler to continued use of any antibiotic drug
as any non-fiction tract. It gives a allot insufficient space, and guarantees huge populations of
detailed catalogue of American Pollution armed with an exhaust microbes immune to it. Every so
pollution of earth, air and water, pipe. There is stiU Plague, which often such 'new' diseases get out of
and holds out no hope: at the end of thanks to modern medicine seems hand, as with the frequent new
the book, all America is burning. less threatening but is it? strains of influenza. One day we
Besides fouling the air and contami- Some science fiction writers, and may expect something more deadly,
nating our food as waste chemicals some scientists, have imagined Uke the world-kilhng plague of
build up in mammals, and
fish plagues from space: Michael George R. Stewart's Earth Abides.
plants, pollution can also have Crichton's The Andromeda Strain Such plague germs can be regarded
larger-scale effects like the climatic (book and film) is a notable example as a planetary antibiotic, to cure
disasters mentioned in the last written by a doctor of medicine, Earth of its infection of people,
section. Perhaps a race which allows while Fred Hoyle's 'non-fictional' leaving just a few who are immune.

brings with it an
pressure for living
space in the cities.
Japan, inventive
as always, has
come up with one
bizarre solution
the 'capsule hotel'.
Each reinforced
fibre 'room' is a
tiny cell with
radio, mini-tele-
vision, fire
sprinkler system
and telephone, all
in a few cubic

Holocaust and catastrophe
the danger of 'hot' contaminated in The Long Loud Silence by Wilson
Reconstruction areas: traditionally, in science
Tucker. Primitive tribesmen or
the radiation will cause feudal warriors prowl the ruined
scenarios strangely mutated people and
cities or stare at the half-buried

animals, as in John Wyndham's The Statue of Liberty (the trademark of

post-holocaust science fiction, used
crumbles at the Chry'satids or Roger Zelazny's This
When civilization
on many magazine covers and later
Immortal. (In practice, evolution
impact of plague, nuclear war, in the film Planet of the Apes.
involves minor mutations over
energy shortage or natural disaster 1968). Perhaps they will die out, or
- is that the end? Almost certainly many, many generations: major
mutations are overwhelmingly likely at least abandon civilization like the
there will be attempts to pick up the young folk of George R. Stewart's
start afresh. to cripple or kill.) Plague might
pieces and Earth Abides - but it is much more
whole branch of seem a end to civilization; few
There is a
likely that in real life people would
writers gave much thought to the
science fiction dealing with life after hang on to the last shreds of the old
heaps of rotting bodies until
the holocaust, the life-style depend- world, as they do in The Stand.
Stephen King's The Stand.
ing closely on the nature of the holo- One possibility is that, after
Afterwards, people may revert
caust. Nuclear war leads to cancer, nuclear war, humanity will turn
to savagery even cannibalism, as
radiation sickness from fallout, and

Right: this
haunting image by
artist Bob Layzell
encapsulates the
typical mood of
science fiction set
in a post-holocaust
period. There is a
certain beauty in
the unused nuclear
missiles and the
radar scanners,
but their outlines
are already
blurred with
greenery as
Nature reasserts

Holocaust and catastrophe
away in disgust from the evils of single-handed reconstruction of high say something fundamental about
technology. Examples from science technology, armed with a rifle, the human nature.
fiction are Edmund Cooper's The Boy Scout manual and the Encyclo- The aimof reconstruction is
Cloud Walker, where the Luddite paedia Britannica. Many American doubtless a safe and happy civiliza-
Church does unpleasant things to 'survivaUsts' in real life aleady seem tion, a wiser society which has
anyone who re-invents machines, to look forward to a time when, with learnt from all our mistakes and will
and Norman Spinrad's Songs from their hoarded stockpiles of survival not repeat them. But 'the only thing
the Stars, in which the good people equipment, they can start running we learn from history is that we
are hippies and the bad ones 'Black the post-holocaust world. learn nothing from history'. The
Scientists'. But in both books, The final word on hatred rebuilding comes full circle in
science comes creeping back the of technology came from Kurt Walter M. Miller's fine novel A
moral of The Cloud Walker being Vonnegut Player Piano,
in his Canticle for Leibowitz, in which
that the enhghtened man with tech- in which revolutionaries happily monks preserve knowledge through
nology can firebomb those without. smash the evil machines, but are the new Dark Ages after World War
Perhaps with this in mind, the hero later found in the ruins, putting the III, eventually rebuilding civiliza-
of Heinlein's Famham's Freehold machines together again with equal tion to the point where, again, it
equips his fallout shelter for a enthusiasm which seems to culminates in nuclear war.

Two noble-looking
savages on a raft
gaze placidly at
the Statue of
Liberty, now a
relic of a
age. Judging from
the size of the
trees at its base,
civihzation faded
some time back.
Such images,
never better
rendered than
here, on the cover
of a 1941
Science Fiction
magazine, became
the trademark of

When civilization
crumbles, tribal
cruelties follow
rapidly, according
to science fiction.
These riders,
seemingly a blend
of Hell's Angels
and Vikings, are
out to get food
and women from a
small band of
survivors in the
filmNo Blade of
Grass (1970).
World-wide famine
was the
catastrophe in this
future scenario,
and reconstruction
seems a long way

Chapter 7
each of us And will
Will computers develop real intelligence?
data network/
one day be plugged into a worldwide
may well be
A revolution is taking place, and the result
a cybernetic society.

have multiple effects in such in theway we hve are so numerous,

Mechanical brains fields as television, telephonies,
and the potential patterns of change
printing and photocopying. so complicated, that it is

difficult indeed to come up with a

This rapid expansion of
In 1946, American scientists realistic picture of what life in 50
computer technology in a mere 35
completed the construction of the years' time might be hke.
functional electronic years represents an advance in
worlds first
This is one area of technological
technique that is quite astonishing.
computer, ENIAC. It weighed 30 change where science has leapt
had 18,000 vacuum tubes, The probable effects of the new
technology are so wide-ranging that ahead of the imaginative reach of
and kept breaking down. When science fiction writers, who are only
people quite confidently speak of a
working, it could make 5000 now beginning to accommodate
To mass- Post-Industrial Revolution. Micro-
calculations per second. themselves to the new horizons of
machines would have processors promise dramatic
produce such possibiUty. 'Mechanical brains' have
astronomically expensive, and changes in places of work, in the
been featured widely in science fiction for
home, in education and in medicine.
nobody even tried.
some considerable time. The earliest
Their use will have an effect on all
Today, we can buy a desk ones date back to the nineteenth
areas of our Uves, not in the distant
computer that plugs into a century, which is not entirely
future but within the next few
television set for about the same surprising when one recalls that
decades. The possibiUties for change
price as dinner for two at a good
restaurant. Instead of vacuum
tubes, it has thousands of micro-

miniaturized transistors engraved

on a few chips of silicon. The heart
of suchdesk computers is a single
microprocessor of a kind devised by
M.E. Hoff in 1969, which works in
harness with two 'memory chips'
one to move data into the micro-
processor and one to move data out.
These three chips effectively
constitute a whole general-purpose
computer. Each of Hoff's first chips
measured about 4 mmx3 mm,
carried 2250 transistors and could
handle 100,000 calculations per
second. On recent chips 3 milUon
transistors have been fitted on to
6.25 square cm.
Since the Intel Corporation of
Santa Clara, Cahfornia, began
manufacturing microcomputers in
1971 they have been adapted for use
- amongother things
calculators, watches, video games,
industrial robots, weapon-guidance
systems, blood-chemistry analysers,
taxi-meters, postal scales, washing
machines, microwave ovens and
cash-registers. They are beginning

Intelligent machines

using X-ray etching techniques it is

possible to cut channels 0.1 microns
wide: not quite down to atomic size,
but only about 1000 times bigger. A
small particle of radioactivity, at
this scale, might flip a tiny
transistor from the 'off to the 'on'
configuration. Although error-
correcting circuits can be built, a
point of diminishing returns will be
reached if we carry miniaturization
too far.
X-rays are used in the tech-
nology of extreme miniaturization
for a starthng reason. At this scale
the photo-etching techniques used to
engrave chips cannot use visible
Ught. With wavelengths around half
a micron, visible lightis too
'clumsy' a tool! X-rays, with their
much smaller wavelengths, become
Not all future computers may be
made from silicon chips. Some
present-day computing structures,
for example, have been 'grown' from
branching nodules of ferrous
sulphate.Many computer theorists
have conjectured that the 'biochip'
made of protein molecules
sandwiched between glass and metal
might be the basic unit of
tomorrow's computers. Some
companies (see page 143) are already
carrying out developmental work on
these 'organic' computers.
Left: the move perhaps 100,000 an entire world, which is then Most science fiction stories
from the therm- transistors, each abandoned by its creators because it about the use of computers in future
ionic valve to the one doing a job
microchip took that used to be
is still not big enough. Even as late society imagine a centraUzation of
less than 25 years done by one valve. as 1966, D.F. Jones called his computer-power analogous to the
to accomplish, The factor of ultimate computer Colossus, in the centralization of political power in
and the result is miniaturization is novel of that name. modem states. Stories such as Ira
one of the most around 20 million
spectacular of all to one, and still
Meanwhile, in the real world, Levin's This PerfectDay and Isaac
technological growing. computer scientists are trying to Asimov's 'The Life and Times of
revolutions. The Above: this develop a new generation of micro- MULTIVAC foresee the develop-
tiny dark square enlargement of a microchips which will be shrunk by ment of a vast, singlecomputer
in the central chip made by
another order of magnitude. which will effectively run the world.
circuit is a Rockwell, real size
silicon chip inset, shows the
Computers with an information- But what we are at present seeing is
containing microcircuits. carrying capacity akin to that of the something rather different from this
human brain can already be collection of all our computational
Charles Babbage attempted to build packaged in a similar volume. eggs into one basket. In 1975 30
an 'analytical engine' in the 1830s. Although the pattern of connections years after ENIAC there were
He failed only because the machine- within mechanical brains are less about 200,000 digital computers in
tool industry was inadequate to the complex than those within biological the world. By 1985 there are likely
task of shaping parts to his precise ones, the mechanical brains do work to be 20,000,000. In the developed
specifications. After ENIAC, it was very much faster. countries computers may soon out-
easy enough for writers to imagine Is there a lower hmit, beyond number people. It may, however,
better and more capable calculating which we cannot make the micro- become possible to link large
machines, but they tended to take it microchip any smaller? Yes: some numbers of these computers with
for granted that better must mean experimental circuits are now various networks, so that they can
bigger. Clifford Simak's 'Limiting engraved with such tiny Unes that work together an easier task to
Factor', published in 1949, imagines quantum fluctuations are possibly accompUsh with machines than with
a computer, so huge that it covers interfering with their reliabiUty. By human beings.

Intelligent machines
1980 there were reported to be
the Luddites lodged their famous

Automation and objection to the process before the

60,000 sophisticated robots in
Japan, as opposed to 3000 in the
battle of Waterloo. The computer
industrial robots revolution has accelerated this USA and a mere 105 in Britain. By
the end of 1981 Japan had 77,000
process dramatically by widening
industrial robots - around 70% of
the capabiUties of machines to take
As the capability of calculating the rapidly growing world
in a whole new range of tasks.
machines advances, people are not population of such machines. Such
Industrial robots are specialized
wholly reassured by their reduction robots are very different from the
manageable machines which go through a series
in size to an apparently robots of science fiction. These tend
computers of programmed motions in order to
scale. The fear that humanoid, although there is
to be
first our jobs, then carry out a particular task. They are
might "take over' an interesting pair of stories by
political institu- extremely useful in performing
our economic and Anthony Boucher, 'Q.U.R.' and
routine, repetitive tasks, because
tions, is increasing rather than Robinc', written in the 1940s to
highly ironic novel they keep going indefinitely and
never get bored or careless. Much of champion 'usuform robots' their
commenting on this anxiety is The of form fits their function - against
the work on production-lines is
Great Computer by Olof humanoid ones. However, factory
this type, because the whole essence
Johannesson (the pseudonym of automation has usually been
of a production-line is that it
Nobel Prize-winning astronomer regarded as a rather mundane issue
down a complicated task into a
Hannes Alfven). He imagines a by science fiction writers, although
series of simple ones. Robots are
distant future when intelligent Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut
widely used for paint-spraying and
machines look back over their interestingly examines the possible
other kinds of coating processes, for
evolutionary history, from the time social consequences of general
now welding (especially spot- welding), for
that they first outstripped their automation.
pressing and die-casting, and in
extinct creators. In recent years there has been a
inj ection-moulding.
Automatic machinery began significant advance in robot evolu-
It is Japanese industry that has
taking over jobs previously done by tiondue to the incorporation of
days of the invested most heavily in the auto-
men in the early microprocessors. Before 1970,
mation of its factories. By the end
Industrial Revolution. In England,

Left: factory auto-

mation has not
progressed as far
in the UKss in
the USA or Japan.
But the British
Steel finishing mill
atNewport in
Wales has a
factory floor
almost empty of
people.The auto-
mated processes
are monitored in
the control room
in the foreground.

Intelligent machines

Left: this NASA

robot, which will
be used to repair
satellites in orbit.
isbeing tested at
the Marshall
Space Flight
Center in
Alabama. At this
point of the test
the robot is being
controlled from
the console at
right,but in space
it be capable
of limited autono-
mous movement
controlledby a
computer pro-
gram. Robot
machines are
capable now of an
astonishing versa-
tility, but they can
only manipulate
parts of a
standard design.

progress in robotics was mainly a movements on the production-line. replicating fighting machines, even
matter of devising more efficient Remote-controlled robots have after the people who built the
jointsand steering mechanisms to been popular in science fiction for a machines have been wiped out. The
make the 'mechanical hands' more long time, and recent developments classic story of this type is Philip K.
dexterous. The actual behaviour of in robot sensors will soon allow Dick's 'Second Variety', which tells
the machines was quite straight- science fiction's dreams to become the sad tale of the last human
forward, consisting of a series of reality. Microsurgery, for example, survivors in such a war.
precisely repeated motions. Robots becomes a real possibility with Are such machines possible? In
were used for such tasks as machines that are in part an exten- theory, yes. They were first
assembling components into a more sion of the surgeon's hands, in part described mathematically in 1948 by
complex structure, but only if aU a close-up visual system enlarging one of the earliest and greatest of
the parts were delivered to precise microscopic parts to visible size. cybernetic theorists, John von
points in order to be picked up. True robots, with a degree of Neumann. He showed that any self-
Now, a machine can be equipped autonomy, will probably be used in repUcating machine needed four
with visual sensors which allow it to dangerous tasks such as underwater components: A is an automatic
search for and recognize appropriate repair, working in deep mines or in factory; B is a duplicator which
parts, guiding itself to them and those contaminated with gas, and in takes an instruction and copies it; C
altering its pick-up manoeuvre to factories using corrosive or is a controller hooked up to A and
suit the circumstances. Such poisonous materials. The develop- B. When C is given an instruction it
machines can complete half-finished ment of such remote-control systems first passes it to B for duplication,
assemblies, or dismantle them, if has been accelerated by the space then to A for action, and finally
they have been assembled programme, where a number of supplies the copied instructions to
incorrectly, and rectify the error. robot systems are already in use. the parts that A produces.
These robots are so flexible in their The ultimate level of automation Component D is a written
behaviour that they are performing is that satirized by John Sladek in instruction containing the complete
tasks which, if performed by a his novel The Reproductive System. specifications that allow A to
human being, would require This is the self-reproducing machine. manufacture the entire system: A
intelligence (this is one definition of In Sladek 's story these machines plus B plus C. These four
'artificial intelligence'). Automata of come close to taking over the world. components, both necessary and
this kind are still
mainly experi- The idea is not peculiar to Sladek: sufficient to do the job, are reflected
mental, but the impact that they one of its earliest appearances was in living cells, which reproduce
will have on industry is obvious: in the machine society of Samuel using four interlocking systems
they represent a new generation of Butler's Erewhon (1872). In a parallel to those theorized by Von
industrial robots which are no popular fictional version of the idea Neumann, although he could not
longer restricted to stereotyped warfare is carried out by self- have known this at the time he
Intelligent machines
format is required.
easier to deal with than conven-
formulated his theory. The word-processing and
tional fiUng-systems (so much easier
Von Neumann's ideas have been storage aspects of the micro-
that people are becoming justifiably
used as a basis for a proposed computer revolution may yet
concerned with the confidentiality of
factory on the Moon which would transform society more radically
various kinds of records, which is
produce other factories. Similarly than the industrial aspects.
now much easier to breach). The
the proposed self-replicating space Computers are excellent for storing,
18) are referred to
page work put into preparing and editing
probes (see
manipulating and transmitting data.
Neumann probes. Nothing in documentary material can also, now,
as Von The resulting data networks that
be made very much easier by the
the real world yet approaches the are even now being built up,
use of 'word processors'. Instead of
dramatic simplicity of Von especially in the industrially
typing on to a page, a typist can
Neumann's scheme. But Fujitsu developed nations, have implications
type into a computer-memory which
Fanuc Ltd in Japan has built a for us all. Such networks may
can display its contents on a screen.
factory, entirely staffed with robots, completely change our lifestyles,
The system allows the production of
which manufactures robots at the both at work and at leisure, within a
as many identical copies of the final
rate of 100 a month. Only the
carried out by human text as are required, in whatever
assembly is

is interesting to note
beings. It
although the use of industrial robots
is feared as a likely
cause of
unemployment, Japan, which has
more automation than any other
country, has only 2% unemploy-
ment, the lowest of any industrial
nation in the world.
It is not only in factories that
the computer revolution is making
itself felt. Microprocessors
hold out
prospect of a dramatic transfor-
mation in office work. We are all
well aware of the fact that many
companies have computerized their
financial records. Computers prepare
our bank statements, send us bills
and write us letters offering
services. know, too, how
We all

conduct a dialogue
difficult it is to
with these computers if some kind
of error occurs - or even if we
simply want them to stop pestering
us. There is a horribly

science fiction story by Gordon R.

Dickson, 'Computers Don't Argue',
in which a man's dispute with a
book club involves him in
computerized litigation, which
eventually - owing to a slight hitch
- leads to his being executed.
Computer-held records are much

Above: brisk Right: the

action at the economics of auto-
annual Micro- mation at a
mouse competition glance. People are
inEurope. Robot costing more while
hobbyists build computer equip-
mechanical 'mice' ment is costing
which have to less. Computer
traverse a maze. 'memory' is falling
The winner is the in price even

one that reaches faster than the

the centre fastest. built-in, pre-

This good fun has programmed

a serious side: circuits that
advances in robot perform logical
design can result operations.
from games like

Data networks point (if at all), then the probable

transformation of office work

becomes profound. It is now
When we can communicate with one reasonable to imagine the aboUtion
another via electronic maciiinery as of offices as places
where people
sophisticated as that made possible actually assemble. Officework can
by new technology, there may be nc be done in a home suitably equipped
need to gather people together into with computer terminals and
a central location. If one adds to the display-screens.
benefits of word processing such However, recent studies
new developments as the conducted by experts in the
establishment of an electronic psychology of work suggest that
maiUng system, whereby a message people value the friendships and
is transmitted from one display- social contacts of office Ufe, and
screen to another, becoming an may be reluctant to retreat to a kind
actual document only at the dehvery of work -cocoon at home. It is by no

Intelligent machines

will soon be possible to tag items parties. The same 'QUBE' system
information that can be transmitted
with radio pulse-emitters, so that can profile consumers' tastes to an
by cable, have been spectacular.
unprecedented degree of precision,
the effects of this technology they can always be located by
When and development of this possibility
triangulation, using satellite
are added to the effects of computer mass market to
detectors. If we can locate missing may deliver a docile
technology, we see the beginnings of
parcels in this way by, say, 1990, the exploitation of commercial
a global data network. Some of the interests more cynically and
and some far- then by 1995 it seems very likely
results will be trivial The
effectively than ever before.
that people, too, will be electroni-
reaching. Electronic transfer of data-network society could all too
cally tagged, so that they can never
funds, instant shopping at the push
disappear either, no matter how easily consist of a vast, apathetic
of a button, access to major public plugged passively into the
reference libraries via the television
much they want to. When a
technology exists, sooner or later it system.
screen: these facets of the future are Such possibiUties have been the
likely to be used.
already available, in a somewhat
Soon, the data-network society concern of science fiction writers,
rudimentary form, to subscribers to who began to envisage them long
willhave its more mundane
the British Prestel videotext before the necessary technology
problems at the domestic level. The
system, for example, which at the existed. Among the scenarios
moment the largest such system 'QUBE' cable-television experiment
presented are John Brunner's The
in Colombus, Ohio, has shown how
in the world. More sophisticated
viewer-interactive television systems Shockwave Rider, which gives a
systems will be developed soon. The probing account of the possible
can be used for the instant polling
use of printers hooked up to misuse of computer networks by a
computerized television receivers of viewers' opinions on important
well intentioned but repressive
issues of the day. The viewers are
will bring about the advent of the elite; J.G.
invited to press button A, B or C,
electronic newspaper. The contents Intensive Care Unit',
Ballard's 'The
will be selected by ourselves and
and the computer delivers the result
in which marriage and family life
of the poll on everybody's screen in
printed in the privacy of the home. by television;
are conducted entirely
Miniaturization will bring the a fraction of a second. If the people
who broadcast the news also and Algis Budrys's Michaelmas.
portable communicator/computer
conduct instant polls, then they will which tells of a newscaster who
worn on the wrist, so that the through his enormously powerful
be in a good position to slant the
wearer can remain plugged into the private computer has access to, and
global data network even while
results by the way the question is

way, a supposedly final control over, all the data banks

presented. In this
skiing or driving a car. These
democratic procedure may subvert of the world.
futuristic miracles are quite likely to
the democratic process, for the
happen soon, since the economics of
- unlike results of such polls might not This is literally giving orders
the information industry
almost all other industries
- reflect informed or considered a data network, a to robot traffic
computer display police.
opinion. It turned out that some of
suggest that its products are of traffic in Information is
the time. the voters in the 'QUBE' fed in by 5000
becoming cheaper all Tokyo, used for
Many of these advances seem experiment were only five years old! monitoring flow, ultrasonic

trivial until their implications are

None the less, the results of such automatically detectors which
sense whether
polls could be used to put pressure varying traffic
considered. If, from the point of and traffic is moving.
view of productivity, it no longer on governments and political

matters where you live (since office

work can be carried out at home,
and factories supervised and even
fields ploughed by remote control),
then the traditional function of
cities and towns has gone. Until
now the pressures have been all the
other way. The world's major cities,
especiaUy in the Third World, have
been growing enormously. In 10
years' time, however, this trend may
have been reversed.
The global data network has its
nightmare aspects, too. We may
increasingly be tempted to see our- I
selves asanonymous units in a
great system with whose workings
we are helpless to interfere. The I
global data network could intrude
on everybody's privacy: there may
be no secrets. With electronic
sophistication come the tools for

mass surveillance. For example, it

Intelligent machines
PARRY is a
Artificial computer program PARRY WEAK MODE
designed by the
intelligence American How long have you been in the hospital?
computer expert About a week.
Kenneth Colby to Are you depressed?
We do not know how far artificial mimic the No.
intelligence might develop. Some responses of a Were you taking drugs?
well qualified optimists, like the paranoid patient. No.
The program What is your problem?
British mathematician Good,
operates in two People make me nervous.
believe that there is a 50% chance modes, strong and How do they do that?
that intelligent machines will be weak, shown by They stare at me.
able to cope with all mental the two sample Why?
activities as well as human dialogues here Maybe they don't like the way I look or something.
between PARRY Do you look unusual in some way?
do by the year 2000. A fierce debate and a psycho- Why are you interested in my looks?
rages around the issue of the degree therapist. The Because you said people stare at you.
to which artificial intelligence
would program can Well, sometimes.
have to be similar to 'real' obviously not give How do you get along with people?
an adequate I don't communicate very much with the others.
inteUigence, and whether our minds
answer to every Why not?
possess properties that could not question put to it, They don't realize what's going on most of the time.
ever be emulated by a machine. The but since we often
argument is confused by religious expect irrelevant
issues involving the concept of the
answers from PARRY STRONG MODE
people who are
human 'soul'. Most people would mentally ill, Why are you in the hospital?
like to feel that there is something PARRY'S sudden Ishouldn't be here.
special about uswhich sets us apart changes of subject Who brought you here?
some are quite The police.
which we
essentied quality
convincing in What trouble did you have with the police?
possess that machines never can.
context. PARRY Cops don't do their job.
Self-awareness and creative has many times What do they do instead?
imagination are two abilities which passed the Turing Cops arrest the wrong people.
many people feel entitled to reserve test for artificial They arrest the right ones sometimes.
intelligence: The law should get those Italian crooks.
for humanity. Their arguments in Are you Italian?
he has fooled
favour of this point of view have questioners into My background is British but I was born in this
become cHches: they tell us that believing he is a country.
computers can only do what they real person. Far Do you know any Italian crooks?
more sophisticated Itry to avoid the underworld.
are programmed to do, that they
programs than Are you afraid of the underworld?
cannot innovate and cannot jump to
PARRY have been The mafia are the worst gangsters.
the kind of correct conclusions written since 1967, Are you connected with the mafia?
which we ourselves sometimes reach when he was You know, they know me.
without a step-by-step process of designed, and How do they know you?
some programs They spy on me.
deduction. Machines, according to
now actually do Why do they?
this view, may become extremely They want to get false evidence to frame me.
understand simple
complex, but will always remain English, rather What do they have against you?
inherently inflexible, merely than just pretend- They are out to get me.
following instructions. All this ing,though few What for?
have PARRY'S I have incriminating evidence against the mafia.
arguably true of contemporary
machines, but whether it is true of
all possible machines is open to sophical reflections on the non- intelligent, is Alan Turing. He
doubt. human condition. published a classic paper on
Science fiction writers often It is certainly difficult to think 'Computing Machinery and
have no hesitation in 'personalizing' of a machine as being self-aware, ago as 1950.
Intelligence' as long
computers and attributing to them but then, it is not easy to describe He suggested that the appropriate
all human minds.
the properties of our own self-awareness, and to test of whether a machine is
There are numerous well known account for the fact that we have it. intelligent or not is to require a man
examples, ranging from the A machine-mind, no matter how to engage it in a dialogue via an
computer-intelligence Mike in complicated, might not spontan- electronic display-screen. After a
Robert Heinlein's The Moon is a eously develop self-awareness, but certain time, the man is invited to
Harsh Mistress to HAL in Arthur until we are sure how we ourselves say whether the replies to his typed
C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick's come to have self-awareness we can questions and comments come from
fihn 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). hardly claim to know what might another person or from a computer
David Gerrold's When Harlie was happen to machines. program. When he begins to
One is one of a number of fictional One
of the leading theorists in mistake the program for the person,
biographies of artificial intelligences, the area of artificial intelligence, and then he presumably has as much
detailing the growth of their powers a leading exponent of the view that justification for calling the program
and the development of their philo- machines can become genuinely an intelligent being as he has for
Intelligent machines
and error. Though game-playing Theologians might argue that an
deciding that other people are human intelli-
strategy is only one small aspect of essential aspect of
intelligent beings.
intelligence, many people under- gence which machines cannot
Computers programmed to But neither may
possess is free will.
maintain a dialogue are usually estimated what computers might
achieve in this area. In 1968 David we have wills that are entirely free,
more convincing when asking
Levy, a moderately good chess for we are also constrained by the
questions than when answering pre-programming - our
player, bet that no computer limits of our
them, and some of the most useful The important
program devised within the next genetic heritage.
programs are electronic interro-
thing that, free will or not, human
gators. MYCIN, developed by E.H. decade would be capable of beating is
programmed and
him. In 1978 he won his bet - but beings are to learn
Shortliffeand others in 1973, is the
make choices, and to a degree
most famous of the diagnostic only just. He did not win all of the to

series of deciding games, and it is machines can be made to do the

programs. It asks people a series of
highly likely that he would have lost same.
questions about their symptoms in
had he made the bet five years later. The list of human capacities
order to discover which of a large
The point about game-playing argued to be essential to a true
number of infectious diseases they
programs is that they can get better machine intelligence is long. It
are suffering from. No one, of
with practice. In a simple game, like includes the ability to reason by
course, suggests that such programs
noughts-and-crosses (tic-tac-toe), the analogy (more sophisticated
can replace human consultants, but
computer can be instructed initially programs for analogical thinking in
they can reach the right diagnosis in
to make a random move. If it then computers - digital as well as
a large majority of cases, and can the
are being developed all
records the sequence of moves and analog
thus assist specialists by preparing
the outcome of the game it can time); the need for sense organs
preliminary hypotheses for them to
(artificial organs for seeing and
work on. The programs can even avoid repeating sequences of moves
which are losers. Once it has played hearing exist already, and
conament on the degree of certainty
through a sufficient number of computers can even be programmed
in their own diagnoses and point out
games it will have weeded out the to 'smell', that is, to sense chemicals
any anomalies in the patient's need for a sense of
testimony. losing strategies and - without ever in the air); the

having been told what the winning humour (a difficult problem, but
In experiments, programs have
strategy is - will never be beaten. maybe not insuperable); the need for
been substituted for psychiatrists
Obviously, as games become more emotions (these too may be pro-
in therapeutic sessions

a famous
complicated the number of possible grammable: Dr Arthur Samuel, an
program called ELIZA was designed IBM computer scientist, claims to
sequences becomes very great,
for this. Such programs are
which is why chess-playing have motivated a game-playing
particularly clever in mimicking the
machines are never likely to be computer with the 'will to win');
strategies used by 'non-directive
infallible. The number of possible and, most important of all, perhaps,
therapists' in encouraging their
moves in chess is so astronomically
the ability to perceive patterns.
patients to talk about and work
great, in fact, that even the most Human beings establish
through their own problems. A among amazingly
powerful computers existing would relationships
significant experiment in the light
complex bundles of data, especially
of Turing's test of intelligence is the
need millions of years to work out
the possibilities stemming from a visual data, with great efficiency.
programme PARRY, designed by all

single move by its opponent early in How can we expect computers to

Kenneth Colby. Although a close
the game. (A human being could not process the jumble of patterns
relative of ELIZA, PARRY mimics
do this, even if he lived on until the formed by light, shadow, colour and
the patient rather than the
death of the universe itself.) The movement that we cope with all the
psychiatrist, and meets questions
chess-playing program, therefore, time? Yet even a bird - a relatively
with a dogged evasiveness that
includes short cuts, similar to those 'stupid' animal - can distinguish
embodies the classic symptoms of
used by human players, the most between a parent and a predator
paranoia. Six psychiatrists asked to
important being 'in a novel situation almost as soon as it breaks out of
make up their minds, on the basis of In order to understand
the responses, whether PARRY was try methods like those that have its shell.
- human speech, too, computers must
a real paranoid or a program
worked best in similar situations'
an example would be 'always guard be able to interpret the varying
produced a split verdict.
your king'. Such programmed rules patterns of sound waves, which vary
There is a species of program
thumb are called 'heuristics'. greatly between speakers. Ideally, a
which duplicates one of the most of
Although none of this helps to computer that understood a New
basic aspects of human intelligence:
resolve the question of whether Yorker would also understand a
the ability to learn. These are often
computers can ever emulate all the Jamaican. What we can do effort-
programs that learn the strategies
qualities of human intelligence, it lessly and usually unerringly in
of particular games by a process of
does seem to give the he to the sorting out visual, aural and
trial and error. The most familiar
dogma about machines being unable conceptual patterns sets the most
ones are chess-playing programs,
to innovate. That a computer can do
profound problems in computer
which are now marketed very
only what it is to do is
programmed programming. It is in this area that
widely. They do have a certain
true enough, but a computer which most of today's work in artificial
amount of strategic pre-
programmed to learn is no mere intelligence is being carried out.
programming, and therefore do not is
'Brute-force' computing techniques
have to learn opening moves by trial reflection of its program.

Intelligent machines

One of the on an electronic

specialized pad is analysed
applications of for spatial
pattern- characteristics
recognition and writing time,
programs for and the cheque
computers: the signature is then
woman's signature verified.

Spacetime Donuts argues that even

a machine intelligence can do

everything else that human beings

can, it need not and perhaps cannot
be self-aware. His conviction is
apparently based on what he sees as
the impUcations of Godel's theorem.
This is a mathematical construction
which proves that within any
arithmetical system there are
certain propositions that cannot be
proved or disproved by logical
deduction from its axioms, which is
often interpreted as meaning that no
system can ever exhaustively
describe itself. The relevance of this
willnot be the answer; the likeliest commented, 'Man need not be argument is somewhat tenuous; it
way of teaching computers to degraded to a machine by being apphes only to closed systems, and
perceive patterns or significant denied to be a ghost in a machine.' it does not seem to bear directly on
relationships is through 'multi- That is, to deny a mysterious 'soul' the property of self-awareness. It
dimensional matrix' techniques and is not to say that we are no more does, however, bring out an
new developments in set theory and than machines. Conversely, if the interesting point. Turing, replying
Boolean algebra (the algebra turns out to be a natiu-ally
'soul' to objections made by mathemati-
developed by the Enghsh mathe- evolving property of intelligent cians because of the imphcations of
matician George Boole in his minds, then might not machines Godel's theorem, says that all that
seminal works The Mathematical have souls too, as many science isreally imphed is that a machine
Analysis of Logic, 1848, and An fiction writers have eu-gued? which is genuinely intelligent would
Investigation of the Laws of It is possible that investigations have to have the capacity to make
Thought, 1854). of artificial intelligence may actually occasional mistakes, and the
The most powerful argument in provide us with what we have capacity to be unable to make up its
favour of the belief that artificial lacked for a long time: a proper mind about certain matters. Dr
intelligencemay one day be able to understanding of the way our own Richard Gregory of Bristol
simulate human intelligence is minds work. The mind-body problem University puts it this way: 'If a
surely that human inteUigence has the question of how mental machine is going to show originality
evolved over the course of millions phenomena are related to the and come up with novel solutions,
of years by gradual natural physical system of the brain is then it is eJmost certain to be
selection. What nature can one of the classic problems of unrehable. This is because it has got
accomplish blindly, surely we may philosophy and psychology. It may to have the facUity for getting
bring about with the aid of such be that it has remained so outside its normal loops of
abilities as nature has given us: if mysterious for so long because we operation. I do not think it can ever
there is nothing occult about our have had no convenient models have an adequate set of rules to look
intelligence,if 'mind' has evolved as which would allow us to get an for a novel solution, and if you ask a
a perfectly natural function of the imaginative grasp on the relation- computer to do this, I think you are
brain (a view not everyone accepts), ship between mind and body. Now buying an increased probabihty of
then there seems to be no reason we have such a model: if we see the error.' Professor Donald Michie of
why we should not make intelligent brain as a very advanced kind of Edinburgh University has gone
machines. computer, then we may conceive of further: he has postulated that
Some theorists believe that the the mind as its 'software' as the advanced computers may have to be
problem cuts both ways. If machine working of its ever evolving given some kind of reUgion, and
intelligences can ever be made as program. mechanisms for lying. The notion
potent as human intelligence, then The main stumbUng-block that inteUigence impUes faUibiUty
might we not have demonstrated in within this analogy is again the fact may, at first, be rather surprising
a back-to-front way that the brain of human self-awareness. Is this to but there is also a sense in which it
itself is no more than a machine? be seen merely as a property of the is rather comforting. It seems that
This the so-called 'reductionist'
is way sophisticated programs run thinking machines may not become
view of consciousness, about which themselves and amend themselves? the infallible gods predicted in
the philosopher Gilbert Ryle Rudy Rucker's science fiction novel Fredric Brown's story 'Answer'.
Intelligent machines
Apart from the excessive
Robots logicalitywhich sometimes proves
their downfall, Asimov 's robots are
different from men in their moral
Most science fiction writers have
behaviour. Whereas men received
been prepared to assume that arti-
their ten commandments on tablets
ficial intelligences could be made
of stoneand continued to ignore
very sophisticated, and housed, if
them, Asimov's robots have their
necessary, in humanoid bodies more
capable than our own. They have, three commandments programmed
into them,and cannot disobey.
however, held the view that there
would be some essential difference These commandments are the
between machine-minds and human famous three laws of robotics:
A robot may not injure a human
ones. A favourite trick of fictional 1.

being through inaction, allow a

heroes confronted with dangerous
human being to come to harm.
machines is to give the machines
2. A robot must obey the orders
nervous breakdowns by presenting
given it by human beings except
them with paradoxes. This idea was
used as long ago as 1951 by Gordon where such orders would conflict
with the First Law.
R. Dickson in 'The Monkey
Wrench'. It even cropped up once in 3. A robot must protect its own
existence as long as such protection
a Star Trek episode. The covert
assumption here is that machines does not conflict with the First or
are basically too logical, while
human beings can not only tolerate,
but in some mysterious way exploit
irrationality. This assumption is, of

course, related to the objection to

the notion of machine intelUgence
derived from Gbdel's theorem (see
page 129).
The pedantic logicaUty of
machines in science fiction often has
the curious effect of making them
seem quaintly pathetic. Machines
which get stuck in a logical rut,
always taking everything too
literally and failing to understand
matters of aesthetics, can be very
funny all the more so because
they cannot understand humour
Partly for this reason, machines,
especially robots, are often sympa-
thetically portrayed in science
fiction. Though melodramatic
science fiction has produced a good
many and power-
insane, lustful
hungry dominant
robots, the trend
in the best loved stories has always
been to portray robots as nicer than
people.Eando Binder's robot hero
Adam Link was unjustly persecuted
by humans in the first robot weepie
in 1939. Shortly afterwards Isaac
Asimov began his long series of
stories about robots programmed
for altruism. In more recent times
we have been presented with such
lovable characters as the quaintly
noble robots of Star Wars, Doctor
Who's robot dog K9, and the sadly
long-suffering, paranoid android
Marvin in The Hitch-Hiker's Guide
to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.

Intelligent machines
This anthology of Second Law.
different ways in The difficulty of programming
which robots have
robots in this manner is hilariously
been envisaged
shows, clockwise demonstrated by a series of
from upper left: experiments described in Michael
(i) the first robot Frayn's novel The Tin Men. Asimov
cover illustration, himself, in the course of writing
from a dime novel,
robot stories over nearly 40 years,
The Steam Man of
the Prairies (1868); realized that the laws begged
a rather
(ii) certain vital questions. In one of the
handsome robot most recent stories in the series,
fighting machine,
'That Thou Art Mindful of Him",
modern style,
two robots left on a shelf for a long
complete with
redundant time devote themselves to philo-
wristwatch; sophical inquiry. They finally come
(iii) the archetype to the conclusion that robots
of the female
conform more closely to the best
robot from the
film Metropolis definition of the word 'man' than
(1926); people do.
(iv| a remarkably This argument relates to a
modern-looking similar discussion which extends
robot, named
through recent works by Philip K.
Alpha, from the
London Radio Dick, in such novels as Do Androids
Exhibition in Dream of Electric Sheep? and We
1932. Can Build You, and in essays
including 'The Android and the
Human' and 'Man, Android and
Machine'. Dick (who often used the
word 'android' to mean a humanoid
machine rather than a biological
construct see page 153) eventually
reached the position of arguing that
human behaviour should be defined
as caring and altruistic while
'androidal' behaviour is essentially
u^icaring. By this definition many
people qualify as androids and there
is no conceptual barrier preventing

machines from being human. Thus

by con-
science fiction writers,
ducting thought-experiments in
'machine existentialism' have been
forced to re-examine the question of
what it isabout us that makes us so
special. In this way they have
revealed the real importance of
questions about what machine
intelligences can or cannot do, which
is that questions about what

machines and men can do are

inextricably entangled with what
machines and men ought to do.
The possibility that souUess
machines might take over the world
and run it with ruthless efficiency is
horrifying. We may be right to
worry about the granting of
decision-making powers to
intelligent machines. But it is as
well to remind ourselves that the
prospect is not necessarily worse
than our human potential for
enhancing our own capacity for
ruthlessness and efficiency.
Intelligent machines

1948 as Cybernetics. 'Cybernetics' is neural or economic much as

Cybernetics a word derived from the Greek,
geometry stands to a real object in
literally translated as 'steersman- our terrestrial space.' That is,
and information ship'. Wiener defined it as 'the cybernetics is an abstracting,
generalizing science. The four areas
science of control and
technology communication, in the animal and of science where cybernetics was
first usefully applied were statistical
the machine'. It is essentially the
mechanics, information theory,
The growing importance of study of the behaviour of both
electrical engineering and
machines, and the necessity for us mechanical and biological systems,
neurophysiology. These all have a
to supervise them, has resulted in in terms of the way in which
behaviour is organized. close bearing on the designing of
the growth of a whole new scientific
artificial intelligence, so it is not
discipline: the theory of information- One worker in this field, W.
Ross Ashby, has remarked that surprising that to the layman cyber-
control named by the great
'cybernetics stands to the real netics has this prime meaning.
American mathematician Norbert
machine - electronic, mechanical. However, its principles are also
Wiener in his book pubUshed in

Binary code: numbers to 16

Intelligent machines

applied to management theory,

economics, war-game strategies and
governments. The cyberneticist
Stafford Beer is especially
interested in producing systems-
models which apply not only to
human brains but to governmental
bureaucracies; he beUeves such
models are a potent tool for
analysing where the regulatory
systems of government go wrong,
especially in coping with change:
'We cannot get our regulatory
systems to work even a fraction fast
The word 'cybernetics' has
usually been badly used in science
being mainJy applied to
I brains or robots only. Thus
the 'Cybermen' in the television
seriesDoctor Who are robots. This
isa legitimate but too narrow use of
the word.
AH processes of behavioural
organization are mediated by the
communication of information in
encoded form. Thus, the brain's
instructions to the limbs are
# t
communicated by means of
electrical pulses in the nerves; its
instructions to the endocrine glands
are communicated by means of

Cybernetics is the the immune

study of the way system which
systems are depends on the
organized any shapes of
systems at all, molecules: and the
from beehives to nervous system
trade unions, from which is
the brain to the electrochemical.
human cell. The picture shows
Systems are a hormone crystal,
regulated by the epinephrine
transmission of adrenalin,
information, and magnified 100
this can take times. This is one
many forms. of the chemical
Opposite page, top messengers of the
right: sound waves body. 2. Part of
create ripples in the information
a bowl of mercury. network of the
Most human nervous system,
information is here the spinal
transmitted in the cord of an ox.
form of modulated 3. Telecommunica-
sound waves, or tion networks
electromagnetic often transmit
waves which are information as
converted back pulsed light down
into sound waves. optical fibres
This page, top to hke this. 4. Part
bottom: 1. Within of a model of a
the body, DNA molecule. All
information is the information
transmitted needed to
through several replicate life is
systems: the coded in spiral
endocrine system molecules such as
which is chemical; this.

Intelligent machines

speech. talk to us
Computers that handle information. This is, of
chemical messengers (hormones)
thanks to the
are already familiar, course, related to the second major
secreted from the pituitary gland.
widespread marketing of such problem of how microprocessors are
Similarly, an egg-cell's instructions
educational machines as Texas to be made sufficiently sensitive to
for the buildingand running of a
Instruments' 'Speak and Spell'. the signals which the brain
new egg-making machine (a hen is
Much more intimate processes of transmits during operation.
only an egg's way of making more
DNA mole- communication, however, are at Ordinary electroencephalographs,
eggs!) are encoded in the
least theoretically possible. using electrodes which pick up
cules strung together on its chromo-
There are already devices, rhythmic patterns in the brain's
somes. When human beings use
controlled by microprocessors, activity from the surface of the
computers, instructions are coded as
which convert information from skull, are far too crude to tell us
long binary numbers which
artificial eyes into a form in which it much about the way that informa-
determine which members of a vast
can be transmitted to the brain. The tion is handled inside the brain, and,
array of switches are on and which
business of giving artificial sight to until we know this, there is little
off. The binary numbers are them-
bUnd people involves analysis of the hope of arranging the mechanical
selves generated by means of a
way the retina receives information augmentation of brain-processes.
higher code a symboUc computer
shape of photons, organizes There are, however, new and more
language such as BASIC, ALGOL, in the
and then transmits it in coded sensitive devices known as
FORTRAN or COBOL, which will it,
(superconducting quantum inter-
include many familiar words as well form along the optic nerve.
Although this process is compli- ference devices) which can monitor
as mathematical symbols and
cated, it can be dupUcated, with neural activity in the brain much
decimal numbers.
apparent flashes of light more and which offer new
There is a sense in which every-
'phosphenes' - created in the brain hope of understanding how brain
thing is reducible to a matter of
correlated with
information and its communication. itselfby electronic stimulation; and activity is

the systems of artificial sight at consciousness and with the general

Even physical objects can be seen in
present in use are only the activity of the body.
terms of information, which in this
beginning (see pages 142-3). Although the development of
case would be the series of specific
Cyberneticists are investigating brain-machine interfaces looks at
instructions necessary to shape the
many other ways of developing present to be a long way in the
completed physical structure from
communicative interfaces between future, science fiction writers have
its component raw materials. The
biological and mechanical systems. been quite ready to exploit the
simplest example is the blueprints
The hope is that the information- notion of taking out a human brain
which instruct builders how to turn
processing capacities of computers in order to implant it into a
stocks of raw materials into houses.
might be added into biological machine, either as a controlling
Just as everything that happens
systems so that the new whole intelligence or simply as a
in the universe can be analysed into
would function as a single component in a giant biomechanical
chains of cause-and-effect, so chains
integrated system. Such systems computer. The Cybernetic Brains, a
of cause-and-effect may themselves
are a form of what are called thrilleron this theme by Raymond
be analysed into the conrmiunication
'cyborgs' the term is a contraction F. Jones, appeared as long ago as
of information. We are used to
('Would the disembodied
of 'cybernetic organism' (see pages 1950
certain ways of receiving and trans-
142-3). Amalgamations of biological minds - doomed to eternal slavery
mitting information, and this some- overthrow the corrupt system?' is
times blinds us to the possibility of and mechanical systems have
eJready become important in the blurb on the cover) and a more
communicating in other ways. From same
medicine, and medical applications sophisticated version of the
the standpoint of cybernetics there
of cyborgization will be discussed in idea appeared in Wolfbane (1959) by
are many different possible ways in
the next chapter, but the most CM. Kornbluth and Frederik Pohl.
which interfaces might be set up
remarkable possibilities in this area Among the many later variants of
between men and machines so that
involve the prospect of 'hooking up' the theme, two of the most inter-
the two might interact and,
sophisticated computers to the esting versions are Gray Matters by
effectively, blend into a single
human brain in order that the William Hjortsberg and Catchworld
machine's capabilities might become by Chris Boyce. The most popular
Human communication with
directly available to the person. recent variation on the theme is
computers consists at present of a
There are several very difficult featured in a series of stories by
person typing instructions on to a
technical problems standing in the Anne McCaffrey collected in The
keyboard and reading results from a
way of developing a direct brain- Ship Who Sang, in which highly
display-screen or from a paper print-
machine interface. The main one advanced spaceships become new
out. It is not too difficult to imagine
may be the apparently simple bodies for individuals who, for one
streamlining this system so that we
matter of the very different speeds reason or another, have lost the
could speak to a computer as we
at which brains and electronic
bodies that nature intended them to
speak to another person, and receive
computers work. The transmission have. Most stories of this type
our replies in kind. Considerable
of information within brains is
imagine that brains might be
progress has been made in the
extremely complex, but it is also implanted in humanoid mechanical
difficult task of teaching computers
extremely slow by comparison with bodies, but why be a boring robot
to decipher the rather slurred
when you can be a starship?
sounds that make up everyday the rate at which microprocessors

Intelligent machines

then the structure could be

Matter reconstituted from its raw materials is
The idea of a matter dupUcator
employed in several stories in
transmission at a distant point. The logic further which transmitters malfunction a
suggests that if suitable raw plot used more than once in Star
materials were ready to hand at one Trek. In the horror film The Fly
The notion that everything is in or more receiving points, the matter (1958), a scientist experimenting
principle reducible to encoded infor- transmitter could also function as a with such a machine ends up with
mation has provided a possible logic matter dupUcator. the greatly enlarged head of a house
for one of science fiction's oldest Matter transmitters are fly, which was trapped with him in
cliches: the matter transmitter. For extremely convenient as literary the transmitter, in place of his own.
a long time, matter transmitters devices. They can sidestep the Matter dupUcation is used in a more
were simply magical devices which problems associated with taking sophisticated fashion in Algis
attempted to dress up an old idea people back and forth between Budrys's novel Rogue Moon, in
with scientific jargon. However, the orbiting spaceships and planetary which a lethal aUen 'maze' is
logic of cybernetics suggests that if surfaces. They are used in this way gradually negotiated by successive
the specifications for building in the television series Star Trek. A duphcates of the same person.
particular physical structures particularly implausible form of The problem with this kind of
(including fully functional, matter transmission, usually called story that, while their
is premise is
intelligent, organic structures) can 'teleportation', is accomplished by sound enough in principle, some
be transmitted on some kind of the power of mind alone (see page awkward technical problems are
carrier wave like a radio message 175). deliberately overlooked. The stories
gloss over the sheer quantity of
information which would have to be
transmitted and received, without
making errors in coding and
decoding. The string of information
required to instruct a computer to
carry out a fairly simple
mathematical calculation is quite
likely to run to a million binary
digits; the number of digits required
to specify the construction of a
complex biochemical structure out
of its constituent elements would be
positively mind-bogghng. Even at
the speed at which computers work,
it would probably take centuries
DirectionaJ radio signal
beaming Barker^code to Moon rather than seconds to be trans-
mitted. Then again, one would still
have to find the energy necessary to
effect the reconstruction at the
receiving end.
Cybernetic theory may provide
some kind of 'warrant of plausi-
bility' for the idea of matter
transmission. But the project is no
less impossible for that, and such
imaginary machines remain as
magical as ever. It is, perhaps, no
bad thing to end the chapter on
contemporary technological
revolution on such a cautionary
note. The possibilities opened up by
the advent of microcomputers and
the rapid parallel progress of
cybernetics may be very
considerable, but even the cleverest
machines cannot work miracles.

In Algis Budrys's of sports hero Al

novel Rogue Moon, Barker remain in
matter trans- telepathic contact
mission works like for a few minutes,
this. The A and before B's certain
B duplicates death on the Moon.

Chapter 8
The theory of evolution traces Man's ancestry
back through some astonishing changes of form to the first
living cell. What changes in shape and nature might our
distant descendants undergo?

mental subjects in order to show

produces an extremely intelligent
Better brains child a specimen of Homo vast gains in intelUgence without
superior born before his time. By overstretching the imagination. Very
the time he is eight years old this few writers have had the arrogance
Science fiction writers began to
wonder-child has not only mastered to write about the thought processes
write about possible evolutionary
human of already mature and intelligent
descendants of men in the 1890s. A the entire heritage of
what 'The Man wisdom, but has dismissed it with people who have become super-
striking account of
contempt as trivial and cluttered humanly intelligent; the most
of the Year Million' might look like
with inanities. impressive attempt is Thomas M.
was offered in 1893 in a short essay
Science fiction writers have Disch's Camp Concentration.
of that title by H.G. WeUs. He
'Flowers for Algernon' is a story
argued that those organs always had trouble, inevitably, in
portraying characters possessed of about the enhancement of intelU-
responsible for Man's mastery of
gence by surgical means. Far more
nature - the hand and the brain - great intelligence. Most, like
Beresford, have used child- plausible is the increase of
would develop further, while those
characters so that superhuman intelligence by chemical means, as in
that were the relics of his animal
intellect can be represented easily Camp Concentration, a science
ancestry would wither. He drew a
enough as abnormal precocity. Some fiction idea that has been lent some
word-picture of beings with huge
stories of inteUigence-enhancement, conviction by pharmaceutical
heads and staring eyes but Uttle in
Daniel Keyes's excellent research taking place in the real
the way of noses, ears or limbs like
'Flowers for Algernon' (which was world. However, results so far have
except, of course, for the hands. Big-
expanded into a novel, and filmed as been rather inconclusive. Over a
brained dwarfs hke these have
Charly in 1968) have used animals dozen drugs are known that result in
continued to be a feature of stories
and mental defectives as experi- temporary increases in learning
about future men, though such
stories pay scant attention to
matters of mechanical plausibility.
Logically, one would expect bigger
brains to require stronger bodies, for
how else could the head be Left; this
supported? (Wells got round this
flatworm is being
problem by suggesting that his injected with RNA
people of the year million would from a trained
have long since given up walking, donor worm in the
laboratories of
and would spend their time
James V.
immersed in vats of nutrient fluid
McConnell at the
doing but think.)
little University of
There is no denying, of course, Michigan in the
that the most remarkable early 1960s. It

developments in human evolution was here that the

discovery was
have been the heightening of made that some
intelligence and technical capability. basic forms of
It isnot surprising, therefore, that memory can be
speculative writers should assume transmitted
chemically. The
that Homo superior the species
flatworm receiving
destined to replace our own should the injection
do so on account of being even inherits the
smarter and even handier. John reflexes of the
flatworm from
Beresford's The Hampdenshire
which the RNA
Wonder (1911) is the first of many
was taken.
stories in which a freak of nature
Men and supermen
ability, improvements in memory an interesting discussion of the
and even, it is claimed, in creativity. function of brain chemicals.
Some of these drugs have side There is more to superhumanity,
effects, and with none is the result however, than mere intellectual
(as yet) sufficiently strong or capacity. In the realm of new
permanent to be really spectacular. physical abilities, few writers have
Many of these drugs exist naturally dared to suggest that future
in the body. evolution might do for us what a
One is ribonucleic acid (RNA), tripfrom the planet Krypton
which is closely related to the DNA conveniently did for the comic-book
inwhose double-heUx molecules the Superman make our bodies invul-
body's genetic make-up is coded. nerable, give us the power to fly,
Drugs that boost RNA production and make us strong enough to move
in the body increase learning mountains (not to mention such
efficiency, and RNA itself can be minor matters as X-ray vision) but
taken as an intelligence-boosting most imagine some modest improve-
drug. It seems to have been RNA ments. It is fairly widely assumed
that caused the remarkable effect that themen of the far future will be
that the American psychologists much more long-Uved than we are,
Barbara Humphries and Reeva and probably immune from the
Jacobsen discovered with flatworms ravages of disease. Some writers
in 1961. Flatworms were taught to have dared to suggest that longevity
contract their bodies in response to might be available almost
a light a conditioned reflex. They immediately as part of a natural
Today were then ground up and fed to path of development: in George
other flatworms. The cannibal Bernard Shaw's Back to Methuselah
flatworms showed themselves people decide that they want to live
more responsive to a Ught
initially to be 300, and they have the
than other worms of the same type, strength of will to make the decision
though the effect soon wore off. It stick. Shaw made a valiant attempt
50,000 seemed that in this case memory to prove that he meant what he
was transmitted chemically. A wrote, but unfortunately lost his
spectacular, if unlikely, science grip at 94.
fiction version of the same idea In fact, there is relatively little
takes place in Gene Wolfe's The attention paid in stories of future
Claw of the which a
Conciliator, in evolution to physical development in
cannibalisticceremony results in the the ordinary sense. Greater power to
partakers sharing the memories that control and manipulate the material
were once possessed by their recent world is almost always seen either in
meal; an animal hormone is used as terms of the development of much
a catalyst. more sophisticated machines (and
Some hormones do affect hence credited to brain-power rather
memory, and perhaps intelligence as than muscle-power) or in terms of
well. One is vasopressin, which is the development of new powers of
produced by the pituitary gland. A mind-over-matter. The
natural brain chemical, acetylcholine Hampdenshire Wonder, in 1911,
(it helps in the transmission of could compel other people to do
nervous impulses from cell to cell of what he wanted by means of
the brain) is also reported to have a hypnotic control, and after the
memory- and intelligence-boosting 1930s, when J.B. Rhine and others
drug that is yearned
effect. It is the popularized the notion of 'psi
for by the unfortunate amnesiacs powers', the idea that the next step
stranded on a frontier planet in in human evolution would involve
George Alec Effinger's The Wolves the acquisition of telepathic and
of Memory a novel that includes telekinetic abilities became very
Left above: a Left: when the
The plausibility of claims made
vast head and a skulls of Man's about the possibility of people
tiny body, tlie hominid ancestors acquiring psi powers will be
stereotype of the are shown in discussed in Chapter 10; for the time
super-intelligent chronological
being it is sufficient to ask whether
man of the future, order, we see the
from 'Alas, AH evolution of there is a basis for any predictions
Thinking!' (1935) brain size in 3 whatsoever about the future course
by Harry Bates. million years. of human evolution.
Men and supermen
powerfully upon our remote longer true that the babies most
How mutations ancestors was basically that so likely to survive long enough to
have children of their own are the
many of them died before having
work children. Individuals who had ones with marginally advantageous
abilities that marginally increased biological variations. The ones most

powers of survival were better likely to survive are those born in

It isvery difficult even to guess at their
able to increase their numbers: that the richest nations within the scope
what we might evolve into, when we and the
marginal difference could be very of the best medical care
think of the time-scale that could be
important in terms of the overall most abundant food suppUes.
involved. The American physicist
proportion of individuals dying or In asking questions about the
Freeman Dyson put it pungently in
surviving. But human beings, for future evolution of Man, therefore,
an interview: 'As a rule of thumb, it
the most part, no longer Uve in that there are three basic issues which we
takes a million years to evolve a
kind of world. must consider. First, we must ask, is
new species, ten million for a new
It is not that people do not die itbiochemically possible that a
genus, one hundred million for a
and before they reproduce - many do certain change might be introduced
class, a bilUon for a phylum
but the factors which determine how by mutation? Secondly, would that
that's about as far as your
Ukely a particular human baby is to change be advantageous to the
imagination can go. In five billion
live or die are now social rather than individual? Thirdly, would the
years or less, we've evolved from
advantage actually be reflected in
some sort of primordial sUme into biological factors. So-called 'lethal
mutations' - the ones that result the reproductive success of those
human beings what would
directly in babies' dying or being individuals in the context of a
happen in another ten billion years?'
The Darwinian theory of born severely handicapped are still human society?
However, it is no If we consider these questions
evolution is pecuhar. It allows us to being selected out.
understand pretty well all the
evolutionary changes that have
New species

happened in the past, while not Positive mutations (less than 0.1%)
telling us anything at all about what
might happen in the future. The
reason for this is that it relies upon
the notion of mutations small,

spontaneous changes that are

continually occurring - to explain
Negative mutations \ Negative mutations
the source of variation. These
(greater than 99.9% (greater than 99.9%)
mutations are then sorted out by

Hereditary diseases Deformities

natural selection: the ones that
inhibitan organism's chances of
Left: evolution
producing offspring are rejected, cannot occur
while the ones that add to its without variations
chances are preserved. Once you within species.
know what mutations have occurred, Natural selection
could not take
you can see plainly enough why they
place and species
were either favoured or rejected, but would remain
there is no way of knowing in DNA unchanging. Yet
-3,^v-Or-. (deoxyribonucleic
advance what kind of variations ,
mutations seem
previously unseen mutations might
rare. Mutation
introduce. Some imaginable changes works by
are presumably impossible because rearranging the
they have no possible biochemical atoms in DNA,
the substance in
basis, but we do not know where the
which our genetic
limit of biochemical possibility
nature is coded. It
actually Ues.

takes energy to

This puts writers who speculate
about the evolutionary future in an
imagine new
They might
abilities that

give the individuals possessing them

r I
alter molecules;
hence mutagenic
factors must
contain energy,
whether it is

chemical energy or

a big advantage over others, but radioactivity.

they have no way at all of knowing
mutations play
whether mutations producing such almost no role in
abilities could ever arise. Moreover, evolution; animals
when talking specifically about the Excessive Radioactivity Chemical with such
temperature substances mutations seldom
future evolution ofMan, there is a
live long enough
further problem. The reason that
to reproduce.
natural selection operated so
Men and supermen
carefully, it is not obvious that any wiped out overnight, things would biology.
of the characteristics commonly be different. Survivors of a This does not mean that human
attributed to Homo superior would catastrophe, thrust back to evolution has come to a standstill.
actually be favoured by the process barbarism, would certainly find What it does mean is that human
of evolution. There is no evidence at themselves subjected to rigorous evolution need not be considered in
all, for example, that intelligent natural selection. This is one of the the context of the Darwinian theory
people contribute more children to reasons that so many science fiction of natural selection at all. We
each succeeding generation than the stories describe the 'next step' in should, perhaps, consider our future
less inteUigent; andeven seems
this human evolution as occurring in a not in terms of changes that will
less likely to be truetoday than at post-holocaust scenario. (The other happen to us as a result of some
any time in the past. Nor, today, are reason is that residual radiation external process operating upon us,
the most long-lived people the ones from a nuclear holocaust would but in terms of the ways that we
who leave most children. The notion generate a great many mutations.) can and will choose to change
of new powers of the mind would However, even among the survivors ourselves. George Bernard Shaw was
probably get no further than the of a catastrophe it is not clear that probably wrong to suggest that we
first of the three questions asked people with either intelligence or can change what we are simply by
above, for such powers would potential longevity would have a wishing, but there is still a sense in
represent a very remarkable greater number of descendants. In which he was right: it really is for us
mutation. And even if such a the business of assuring human to decide what we shall become.
mutation is biochemically possible, survival knowledge that counts,
it is Even the catastrophe that might
why should telepaths have more rather than intelligence, and change everything is something that
children than ordinary people? knowledge can exist independently. willonly happen if we actually make
If human civilization were to be It is a product of culture, not of it happen.

Men and supermen
valves and helped to beat regularly 'foreign invaders' to be broken down
New organs by electronic pacemakers. In Utah in and destroyed. Because the donor
1977 a cow was kept alive and kidney in this first case was made of
for old reportedly happy for 184 days with genetically identical tissue, however,

an all-polyurethane heart; however, it was not rejected.

pumping was accomplished by Transplant surgery has since

What concerns us most about
compressed air brought into the progressed in a spectacular manner.
controlling our personal futures is
body through air hoses. Kidney transplants are now fairly
the business of staying healthy.
really a Kidney machines may do their common, and so are corneal trans-
Improving ourselves is
job almost as well as real kidneys, plants which can restore the sight
secondary consideration while we
but they suffer from two big of some blind people. Christiaan
have such a difficult time in simply
disadvantages: they are very large Barnard carried out the first heart
preserving ourselves against the
and very expensive. Even the new, transplant in 1967, and though he
ravages of disease and decay.
'wearable' kidney weighs 6 kg. This eventually stopped his series of
The medical triumphs of the
has meant that a great deal of operations because of the failure
past century have in the main been
thought has been given to the rate, more recent transplants in
in battlesfought against particular
matter of substituting defective Britain seem to have been much
agents of disease - mostly bacteria
kidneys with healthy ones. The first more successful in adding to the life
and viruses. Increasingly, however,
successful kidney transplant was expectancy of the patients
the focus has shifted from repeUing
invaders to opposing the general
processes of wear and tear which
afflict our bodies. Many new
developments in medicine are not
treatments to combat particular
pathogens but innovations in the
replacement of worn-out organs and
the support of those which are
feeling the strain.
It is not too difficult to devise
artificial substitutes for parts of the
body whose function is purely
supportive. Even Long John Silver's
wooden leg was good enough to
keep him on his feet, so to speak,
and it has proved relatively easy to
develop more sophisticated artificial
limbs and to patch up injured bones
and tendons with metal or plastic.
Whole artificial joints - hips and
shoulders can now be implanted.
An estimated 2 million such
implants are made annually in the
Compensation for wear and tear
on the softer organs of the body,
which perform complex biochemical
functions, is more difficult. The
when the twin The Jarvik-5 heart is driven by
most significant breakthrough so far carried out in 1954,
artificial heart has compressed air,
has been the rather cumbersome brother of a man whose kidneys had pumped from a
been developed at
kidney machine, which can take over failed volunteered to give one of his the University bedside console.
the job of removing waste materials own. Kidneys, luckily, come in pairs, of Utah by Dr The first implant
although one is actually adequate to Robert Jarvik at into a human
from the blood. Tens of thousands of
the Division of being took place
people have been able to hand over keep the body functioning well
Artificial Organs. in July 1981 in
this particular task to machines enough. The two-chamber Houston. Texas.
after becoming unable to do the job By using the patient's twin
brother as donor the doctors concerned. These operations have
for themselves.There are already
carrying out the 1954 transplant made use of considerable advances
working models of the next
avoided the big problem which in techniques for testing compatibi-
development, the Ughtweight,
hangs over all such operations. lity ofdonor and recipient tissue-
portable artificial kidney.
There is an unfortunate sense in types, and techniques for
The other soft organ whose
which transplant patients are their suppressing the recipient's
functioning can be greatly assisted
own worst enemies, in that the immunological defences. The second
by artificial accessories and spare
immune-systems of their bodies set of techniques, of course, opens
parts is, of course, the heart, which
up new problems, because it makes
can now be fitted with artificial react against transplanted organs as

Men and supermen
transplant patients very vxilnerable severely limited. Many science grueson>e story 'Caught in the
to infections that the immune- fiction writers have wondered Organ Draft' Robert Silverberg
system would normally deal with whether we are not on the verge of a imagines a time when the old will
competently. situation which will bring back the conscript the young not as cannon-
These advances open up all body-snatching methods of Burke fodder but as organ donors. Niven
kinds of possibilities for the future, and Hare. also suggests in such stories as 'The
some of them worrying. Already the In many of Larry Niven's near- Jigsaw Man' and The Patchwork
demand for transplantable organs future stories he imagines a steady Girl that future criminals might be
far exceeds the supply. Leaving demand for black-market organs used as source material for organs,
aside altruistic twin brothers and suppUed by 'organleggers', and in thus solving the problems of
nature's bounty in the matter of one story in The Long ARM of Gil overcrowded prisons and recidivism.
oversupplying kidneys, a supply of Hamilton a book much concerned Such scenarios may, of course,
suitable organs for transplants with organlegging and related be redundant if technology can
necessitates a supply of dead people crimes he imagines a political progress quickly enough to make
people who have died young with crisis precipitated by a demand that artificial organs as good as or
bodies in generally good condition. dead people preserved in cryonic even better than natural ones.
As most people die because the chambers against the possibihty of This, however, opens up a different
condition of their bodies has future resurrection should be broken set of potential futures, and some of
deteriorated rapidly, this supply is up for spare parts. In his ironically these also have worrying aspects.

Left: the cyborg

pictured here is
not a being of the
future; he is a
composite of
today's surgical
possibilities. He
could be a real-life
bionic man.
Plastic, titanium
and bioelectrics
are the main

KEY 21 big toe

1 skull plate prosthesis
2 acrylic eye 22 compression
3 plastic ear bone plate
4 upper dentures 23 femur
5 chin implant replacement
6 jawplate 24 femoral
7 electronic component
larynx replacement
8 filter to 25 plastic
prevent blood replacement
clotting in the connecting
lungs wrist-bone to
9 pacemaker in thumb
heart 26 plastic finger
10 heart valve 27 joint and
11 heart patch for finger-tip
hole in heart stabilizers
12 artificial arm 28 tendon
13 arterial graft prosthesis
made of Dacron 29 finger-joint
14 ileostomy prosthesis
appliance 30 replacement
15 testicular wrist-bone
implant 31 metal bone
16 hip-joint plating
replacement 32 plastic forearm
17 upper femoral bone
replacement 33 elbow
(thigh bone) replacement
18 knee-joint 34 arterial graft
replacement 35 shoulder-joint
19 Sparks replacement
Mandril 36 valve to
allows growth control water
of artery after on the brain
temporary 37 hearing aid
implant 38 plastic nose
20 artificial leg bridge

Men and supermen

Reducing a kidney machine to the
kidney and making a
size of a real
whole artificial heart (independent of
an external pump) are problems we
cannot really expect to overcome in
the immediate future (though they
can hardly be considered beyond the
range of human ingenuity). We have
already reached the stage, though,
when artificial Umbs can do not only
many of the things that real hmbs
can, but also some that real limbs
cannot. Science fiction writers can
look forward fairly plausibly to a
day when artificial limbs and

perhaps even artificial eyes or ears

could be more useful than real
ones. TheTV series The Six Million
Dollar Man and other spinoff items
from Martin Caidin's novel Cyborg
(1972) have popularized this notion
very widely.
The term 'cyborg' is a contrac-
tion of 'cybernetic organism', and
refers to what might be called the
'hybridization' of man and machine.
It is already conventional to talk
about people who have pacemakers
regulating their hearts and people
with prosthetic hmbs as 'medical
cyborgs', although the degree to
which man and machine are united
in these examples is relatively small.
There are people, however, whose
bodies have been fitted with
permanent Teflon sockets, called
'Scribner shunts', so that they may
literally plug themselves into their
kidney machines.
There is a platitude which refers
to machines as 'the extensions of
man', and it is possible to imagine
that in the future this might become
more literally true in a number of
ways. No one has yet had a healthy
arm removed so that a more capable
prosthetic one can be fitted; but if
there should come a day when
artificial fingers are more dexterous
than real ones, that might become a
condition of employment for certain

jobs. In Bernard Wolfe's acidic

satire Limbo, the hero returns to his
native America after a long absence
to discover that 'disarmament' has
become a national passion, and that
many people are following the
dictum 'if thy right hand offend

thee, cut it off. Unfortunately, the

prosthetic Umbs which people wear
instead are not only more able in
Men and supermen
everyday matters they also make to computers, more or less directly. with nuclear bombs. As a
much better weapons. The American biologist and description of a possible future this
Perhaps this is not to be taken inventor James Macalear is working can probably be safely ignored, but
too seriously, but as our technology in this area, through the company as a challenge to our notions of the
increases in complexity, the business EMV Associates Inc., of which he is propriety of using technology to
of working with and controlling our president. The main difficulty in improve on nature its message is
electronic machinery may become so constructing interfaces between worth taking seriously.
complex as to demand a more electric and organic systems is the
intimate relationship. The notion of wiring: most wires are far too thick.
transmitting signals direct from the A human hair about 60 microns
is Opposite top: the Roehampton, UK,
brain to various kinds of electronic wide, but Macalear is planning cyborg hero of has a prosthetic
Algis Budrys's arm. The muscles
systems via artificial nerves of metal circuits, where brain cells are fused
novel Who? has flex electrically
wire is becoming increasingly with metal electrodes, only one- been fearfuUy after picking up
famiUar in science fiction (see also hundredth of a micron across. injured in an signals from the
pages 132-4). Samuel Delany has Another of Macalear's projects, accident and muscles in the
written stories in which men plug
rebuilt by the stump; the arm
more grandiose stiU, is to build a
Russians. Or is contains a
themselves into the automated 'biocomputer' a mixture of organic this a Russian mini-computer.
factories which they oversee and and inorganic components whose substitute? His Below: this blind
direct. On a more extreme and basic units are protein molecules. metaUic nature patient at the
sUghtly surreal level, writers have One of the most horrific of all
mirrors the University of Utah
iciness of Cold- College of
imagined human brains being trans- science fictional visions of the future
War tensions. Medicine has been
planted into mechanical bodies isDavid R. Bunch's Moderan, a This is the film given artificial
which, far from being mere book of short stories tracking the version (1974). vision by the
substitutes for human bodies, have history of a future society in which Opposite bottom: implantation of
quite different functions. The cyborg men gradually dispose of their
the construction permanent
of bionic Umbs electrodes in the
spaceships in Anne McCaffrey's The 'fleshstrips'by exchanging them in real life is brain. Through
Ship Who Sang provide the most piece by piece for more powerful and rapidly nearing stimulation of
dramatic example. Advances in longer-lasting mechanical replace- the sophistication the array he has
microcomputer technology over the of those in identified Unes
ments. In the end, they become
fiction. This scanned by a TV
last few years have added machines, each one facing eternity
little girl in camera (see also
considerable plausibility to the alone in his mechanical stronghold, the Queen Mary page 1341. This
notion of hooking up human brains plotting to destroy his neighbours Hospital, was in 1977.

Men and supermen
controlled by a relatively small some kind of internal clock, has
Ageing and group of genes, the so-called 'major produced evidence that the pituitary
histocompatibility complex', or gland at the base of the brain may
immortality MHC, which is located in Man in the produce a hormone which blocks the
sixth chromosome.) If cells could be activity of some of the body's other

The purpose of organ transplants 'rejuvenated' in some way, and hormones, thus causing gradual
to persuaded to reproduce themselves system-failure. If this is true, then
and artificial organs is, of course,
replace parts of the body which indefinitely, this might help to solve the key to longevity may simply be
have been damaged or which have the problem. Vincent Cristofalco, a matter of neutralizing the
become worn out before their time. following Hayflick's research, has pituitary 'suicide hormone'.

A good deal of research, however, is managed to increase the life-span of The prospect of defeating the
now being dedicated to the question human cells in tissue-culture by ageing process depends partly on
of why our bodies should wear out supplying them with hydrocortisone, how many factors are involved, and

at all, and why they should not and other scientists have managed partly on what kind of process it is.

repair themselves more efficiently. with the aid of Vitamin E to If there really were one single cause

Why is it that unlike planarian increase the standard 50 divisions of ageing, then there would be a real
worms and starfishes we cannot by 100%. W.D. Denckla, another possibility of finding an immortality
regenerate severed parts? (Though biologist who associates ageing with serum: an elixir of life, like the

recent work involving the placing of Left: higher

injured limbs in a very small-voltage animals have lost
has shown that some
electric field the ability to
regenerate organs
regeneration of bone cells and even
shown by the
nerve cells is possible.) Why is it salamander. The
that our bodies grow gradually more bottom picture
decrepit until they grind to a halt? shows a
If we could find answers to these
salamander leg
growing back 11
problems, we might be close to the
weeks after
most dramatic medical break- amputation. It is
through of all. now believed that
There are several theories of this ability is

ageing. One theory, proposed in hnked to low-

voltage electrical
1974 by biologists Ron Hart and fields in the body
Richard Setlow, suggests that, in (bioelectric fields).
the ceaseless process of copying by If the normal
which DNA molecules reproduce electric currents in
a salamander are
themselves, errors gradually
blocked after
accumulate, so that the great cell-
amputation by
machine which is the body becomes amiloride. the
slowly and irrevocably incompetent. stump does not
Another theory suggests that some
Conversely, frog
kinds of waste which are not limbs do not
expeUed on a routine basis build up normally
within the body until they reach a regenerate. The
critical point.A third theory lop picture shows
a frog limb 6
suggests that some types of cell are
weeks after
no longer replaced once the body amputation, with
reaches maturity, so that as they normal healing but
die off the relevant organs gradually no regeneration.
lose their functional capacity. All
The middle
picture shows a
the theories have some sort of second frog limb
evidence to back them up, and
it is
6 weeks after
possible that growing old might be a amputation. This
combination of all three processes. limb has been
given a
One remarkable finding, credited supplemental
to the American doctor Leonard electric current
Hayflick in 1961, is that body cells of 0.2 micro-
can only reproduce themselves a amperes for 4
weeks. A blastema
limited number of times about 50.
has formed and
This implies that the human body regeneration is
has some kind of built-in 'clock' taking place.
which sets a limit to its powers of Electric currents
self-repair. (Recent work by Roy have been used to
promote bone
Walford in America and others has
healing in humans.
suggested that this clock may be
Men and supermen
geriatric spice inFrank Herbert's essentially random. If the reanimated in order to extend their
Dune; or the 'anti-agathic' drug it accumulation of such errors really is lives and the reanimated dead
works against ageing toxins in an important factor in ageing, then form a race apart, intellectually and
James Blish's They Shall Have it represents a kind of entropy emotionally alienated from those
Stars. If, as seems more probable, eroding the organizational integrity who have not yet died.
ageing results from a combination of of the body, and it might be Nevertheless, the prospect of a
factors, protecting the body from its impossible to overcome. breakthrough which would allow us
effects would be a much more Many writers have considered to extend the human life-span
troublesome business. It is one thing the possibility that longevity might significantly is one that warrants
to persuade cells to keep on not be obtained without cost. In Bob serious consideration. It may be a
multiplying, or to find some way of Shaw's novel One Million near-future possibiUty, and there is
cleaning accumulated wastes out of Tomorrows the price which males no other innovation which would
the body; but it ismuch more have to pay for immortality is make such a dramatic impact on the
difficult to imagine a way of sexual impotence a fact which has pattern of human life.
compensating for the accumulation some interesting moral conse- Traditionally, science fiction
of copying-errors in DNA- quences. In Robert Silverberg's writers have taken rather a sour
repUcation. The problem with 'Born with the Dead', people have view of the prospect of immortaUty.
copying-errors is that they are first to die and then to be Many writers have suggested that
immortals would get intolerably
bored, and that their extra time on
Earth would weigh heavily on their
hands. No one doubts, though, that
the opportunity to preserve youth
and fitness beyond the present
allotment of 30 or 40 years would be
very rewarding; and even if it were
indeed to prove that Uving to be
1000 years old eventually becomes
tedious, few people would turn down
an extra couple of hundred.
The social problems stemming
from the postponement of death
would, of course, be awkward. In a
world of very long-lived people an
expanding population would be a
terrible liabihty, and most science
fiction stories featuring worlds
populated by immortals imagine
that they would have to give up
having children altogether. Damon
Knight's 'World Without Children'
is one of several stories which try to

weigh up the gains and losses of

this, in terms of the quality of
human life.

Other kinds of problems afflict

imaginary future societies where
only some people can become
immortal. There are numerous
stories which imagine a caste of
immortals coming to rule the world.

Left: to what inyounger people

extent can normal have slowed down.
ageing processes Her skin has lost
be reversed in elasticity, she
human beings? has lost most of
This very old her body fat, her
woman is from a bones are brittle,
Bushman tribe in her lungs are less
Namibia. She is functional. We all
healthy for her have this same
age, but the destiny built into
processes of us, but it may
self-repair soon be possible
that take place to change it.

Men and supermen
openly or secretly. James Gunn's
book The Immortals contains a 100

series of stories set in a future world

where an immunity to death
naturally possessed by certain
individuals can be temporarily
transferred to others via blood
transfusions. Here, inevitably, the
logic of supply-and-demand sweeps
aside ethical and legal
considerations. Wewould all be in
which as in 80
favour of a world in

Mark Clifton and Frank Riley's The

Forever Machine only nice people 60
can be made immortal, but we know
very well that the people who would 40
be most likely to corner the market 100
are the rich and powerful, who
would then be able to go on getting 80
richer and more powerful for ever. &
bp 60











Men and supermen
to trial for delaying the freezing of a frozen. After no one has yet
Cryonics corpse, and when the financial

managed to resuscitate a deep-frozen

estates of the frozen constitute such mammal, though animal embryos
a vast reservoir of capital that their at an early stage have been kept
The notion that resurrection of the executors become politically successfully in liquid nitrogen for 10
dead might one day become a powerful. The merest hint of the years, then transplanted into the
technological possibility has led legal difficulties which cryonic uterus of an adult animal, developed
many people to consider seriously technology may one day create was normally within the womb and been
the idea of having themselves deep- given in 1981 when the Cryonics born. The experiment is now being
frozen (in liquid nitrogen at Society of California was ordered to tried with human embryos. The only
-196C) after death in order to pay 1 damages to
million dollars in cases of successful resuscitation of
await the happy day in readiness. the relatives of people whose frozen developed mammals have involved
This idea was first popularized by corpses had accidentally thawed out animals kept at barely sub-zero
R.C.W. Ettinger in The Prospect of and begun to decay. (Current temperatures for relatively short
Immortality (1964). The Cryonics freezing charges in CaUfomia are periods of time. For the present,
Society of CEdifornia began freezing approximately $60,000 per body. It we might just as well have the
newly dead bodies in 1967, and isestimated that around 40 subjects deceased cremated as put in cold
there are now several such societies have so far paid for the procedure.) storage; nothing much can be done
operating. Asno living people
yet, In fact, the attention paid to for them either way, once they
have volunteered to be frozen, cryonics may have deflected are gone.
though Ettinger argued that the attention from more productive
mEiin beneficiaries of cryonic areas of research in suspended
Below: a human procedures will
technology might be people emimation. Many
animals can reduce
bring him back to
body is guided
suffering from incurable illnesses their metabolic rate in order to into a two-patient Ufe in the future.
who want to go into suspended hibernate, and it might be that PK60 insulated Meanwhile he
animation until a cure becomes artificial hibernation offers better cryogenic storage rests in hquid
available. prospects to those undergoing long capsule by officers nitrogen at
of Trans Time Inc. -196C. But does
Clifford Simak's novel Why Call space-journeys or even to those in California. The the freezing
Them Back from Heaven? imagines wishing to wait for cures to become patient's hope was process damage
a timewhen men might be brought available for diseases than being that resuscitation the body?

Men and supermen
kinds of cancer, is an example. If we have been produced by genetically
Genetic can isolate from a higher animal a engineered bacteria.
length of DNA which includes the This is a very modest achieve-
engineering gene for producing interferon, and ment compared with interfering
then introduce that length of DNA strategically with the genes of

into a bacterial plasmid, then the higher animals, but it is a start.

So far, we have been concerned with
or restoring bacterium, in reproducing itself, will Even at this level many people find
ways of preserving
manufacture thousands of copies of the idea of genetic engineering
the physiological status quo. But,
the gene for us. This will produce frightening. For a brief time in the
ever since J.D. Watson and Francis
interferon along with all the proteins early 1970s there was a campaign
Crick discovered the basic
of heredity in the which it needs for its own purposes. for a moratorium on all such
which make up Techniques of this kind - known as experiments. Advisory groups have
molecules of
'plasmid engineering' are in use laid down fairly strict guideUnes on
our chromosomes, it has been
today not merely in experimental laboratory practice, in some cases
reasonable to suppose that one day
we might actually be able to laboratories but in commercial backed up by legislation. (Arthur
improve on nature's designs and operations. Some microbiologists Herzog's doomsday thriller IQ 83. in

add to the capabilities of the body, have taken out patents on particular which an engineered gene that
were, at source. strains of bacteria. Insulin, growth lowers intelligence escapes and
as it

Despite rapid recent progress hormone and brain opiates are causes a kind of moron epidemic, is

we still know relatively little about among the other substances that an implausible but typical scare
the process by which an egg-cell
Right: the diagram
transforms itself into a highly DNA
shows how plasmid Foreign
complex organism. We know how DNA is used
lengths of DNA carry a code for in genetic

building proteins, and we know the engineering. The

required foreign
mechanics of the protein-building
DNA, which has
process; thus we understand how the necessary
genes function as a kind of chemical genes 'snipped
factory. What we do not know, as out'by restriction
yet, is how genes encode more
enzymes, is
'stitched in' to
complicated kinds of information;
the plasmid using
we do not know how the structure other enzymes
of an organism is determined by its ligases. The
genes, nor do we know how cells plasmid is then
re-introduced to
differentiate into many different
its host microbe,
kinds to become parts of organs which will divide
fulfilling very different functions. and re-divide.
The probability is, however, that we These new cells
will inherit the
shall discover these things in the
ability tomake,
not-too-distant future. Once we
for example, inter-
understand more fully how feron. Below: a
organisms eu-e built, then the web of DNA Ues
possibiUty of building them outside a cell
whose waUs have
ourselves becomes real.
been chemically
At present, we cannot disrupted to
synthesize DNA - but we can play release it. Many
about with what already exists. It is plasmids are
relatively easy to import lengths of visible as loops.

DNA into bacteria because not all

bacterial genes are carried on the
main chromosome some actually
exist in small 'gene-rings' called
'plasmids'. There is an enzyme
which causes these plasmid rings to
break, and spare DNA is sometimes
then incorporated before the ring
seals itself up again.
This can be very useful. There
are certain proteins which we are
interested in producing in much
vaster quantities than are normally
produced by living organisms.
Interferon, an enzyme which is
capable of breaking down some
Men and supermen
story. It does, however, describe in would be just as true of new strains some experiments. Other
coli in
great deteiil the kinds of precaution as of old ones. The bacterium experiments centre on the yeast
genetic engineering laboratories commonly used in plasmid Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which
must take.) Most of the fears which engineering is Escherichia coli, colonizes neither man nor animals.
people entertain, however, are which lives quite happUy in the gut The fact that neither of these micro-
probably more nightmare than of most humans without doing much organisms infects man wUl make
reedity. damage; even in large numbers it them even safer for genetic
The most common anxiety is only causes diarrhoea. The experiments than E. coli.
that in experimenting with bacterial laboratory strains of the bacterium This is not to say, however, that
DNA scientists might accidentally are 'attenuated' which is to say we should not bother to think
produce new species of disease- that they are selected for their lack seriously about possible extensions
causing agents against which we of hardihood, and probably could not of research in genetic engineering,
would have no immunological get by, as were, in the wild. The
it and in particular about the ethics of
defences. In fact, people danger of these bacteria becoming some lines of enquiry. When we
overestimate the difficulties the agents of a new, horrible and begin to think about 'human
involved in producing disease- unstoppable plague is dramatically engineering' we are in new and
carrying organisms or enhancing overstated by crude popular fiction. rather treacherous intellectual
their destructive powers. Bacteria However, another bacterium, B. territory.
are generally vulnerable to a wide subtilis, which does not Uve in There are only two kinds of
range of antibiotic drugs, and this human beings, is now replacing E. human biological engineering that
seem to be possible projects for the
Left: this electron an American near future, and both are modest.
microphotograph company
shows a single specializing
The first is so modest that few
plasmid from an in the commercial people would think of it as
Escherichia coli application of bio- engineering at aU it consists of
cell. [E. coli is a technology, a taking action to determine the sex of
bacterium found scientist spools
children. The second is cloning.
abundantly in the strands of DNA
human gut.) A on to a glass rod. Sex-selection of children is based
plasmid is a tiny He wUl treat on the knowledge we have concern-
loop of DNA. the DNA with ing the differences between
separate from the enzymes that will X-chromosome sperms, which
chromosomal snip away all but
produce girls, and Y-chromosome
DNA. Doctored a chosen gene,
plasmids can be then insert it into sperms, which produce boys. The
used to make the DNAof E. coli former are stronger and hardier, but
chemical plasmids, thus the latter are faster in a short sprint
'factories' out of endowing the E. and prefer conditions to be a little
E. coli cells. coli with new
Below: at Cetus, properties.
more alkaline than they usually are.
This knowledge can allow couples
producing children in the customary
fashion to weight the conditions
fairly heavily in favour of one sex or
the other; but more certain piarming
can be achieved if artificial
insemination is employed, so that
the sperms can be sorted out
Though this all sounds fairly
innocuous, the consequences of the
widespread use of techniques of sex-
selection (even if it were only 80%
reliable) could be considerable. In
many cultures people desire sons
and consider daughters to be
something of a liability, and the
ratio of the sexes might be
dramatically altered if people
every~where had the means to
choose. Some sociologists regard
this as an ideal way of damping
down the population explosion, but
most people contemplating the
possibility have not been enamoured
of the prospect of a world where
there are four men for every woman.
Men and supermen
grow a whole new animal. It has duals from the body-cells of human
Clones proved possible to do this with some adults. In David Rorvik's book In
primitive animals, including frogs, His Image: the Cloning of a Man
but not yet with a mammal. Once (1978) the claim is made that this
A clone is a group of individuals
of the asexually produced we can persuade body-cells of has already been accomplished, but
made up
offspring of a single parent. In mammals to operate in this way, he refused to substantiate this claim
though, we can presumably do so in a court case about the credibility
ordinary sexual reproduction a male
each with human beings. In 1981 of his book, even when guaranteed
cell and a female cell,
newspaper headlines announced with cast-iron confidentiahty by the
containing half the usual number of
chromosomes, fuse together to form some excitement that mice had been judge. Rorvik lost the case in 1981,

an embryo. In asexual reproduction cloned. However, ordinary body-cells and the judge declared his book 'a
were not used. The cloned mice were fraud and a hoax'.
a cell containing the full
actually identical twins, artificially It is not clear why anyone,
complement of chromosomes divides
and so on, and a produced by persuading a tiny except neurotic narcissists, should
into two, then four
on the way embryo to spht into its constituent want to clone themselves in
new individual is
each of which grew into a preference to having children in the
without any sex cells having been cells,

involved. Clones are fairly common separate individual. This type of more conventional way. The
kingdom; nature has cloning, of course, does not result in fascination of the idea seems to be
in the plant
given plants asexual reproductive copies of a single adult parent. based in some elementary mistaken
options that might only appeal to a In Aldous Huxley's Brave New assumptions about what groups of
World (1932) clones are also clone-children could do that ordinary
human minority. In the higher
animals sexual reproduction is the produced by persuading fertilized children cannot. Many clone stories,
egg-ceUs to divide many times, thus likeRichard Cowper's Clone and
only reproductive option. However,
pairs of identical twins are clones of producing whole sets of identical Kate Wilhelm's Where Late the
each other. Although they have two siblings; but this is only practical Sweet Birds Sang, suggest that the
parents in the ordinary sense, because the embryos are then raised members of a clone might enjoy a
wombs. Some 'fertility supernatural rapport, embracing a
technically speaking they have a in artificial

single 'parent', the fertilized egg drugs' have the same effect, but the common cause automatically and
human womb can comfortably perhaps even communicating
that accidentally split (asexuaUy)
into two separate each one cells, accommodate only one or two telepathically. The extensive
developing into an embryo. embryos. Triplets usually survive, evidence we have of identical twins
As each of the cells in an but if more than three children are lends no real support to these
carried the probability of their conjectures.
animal's body contains a fuU set of
chromosomes there seems no reason surviving is low. In real life the process of human

in principle why it should not be The kind of cloning which cloning would raise controversial
possible to persuade a body-cell to fascinates people, however, is the ethical questions, not the least being

function as if it were an egg-cell and kind involving growing new indivi- the use of the foster-mothers in

Identical twins
are naturally
occurring clones of
one another. They
are asexuaUy
produced offspring
of a single parent'
in a technical
sense their
'parent' is the
single, tiny
embryo that has
split into two at a
very early stage of
cell division in the
womb. has been
suggested that
telepathy occurs
between identical
twins, but there is
no solid evidence
to support this
view. Three
hundred pairs of
identical twins
were invited to
take part in
the David Frost
programme on
in January

Men and supermen
Most reasons
suggested for
cloning human
beings are
interesting but
trivial. The
cloning of sporting
would lead to
some closely
fought contests,
as in this bout
between two
clones of
Muhammed Ali!

whose wombs the clones would be theme in science fiction is that of Bad biology is rife in science
implanted. The children would not, reproducing famous men. Thus, in fiction stories about cloning. The
genetically, be their own and might Joshua, Son of None by Nancy simpUstic notion that heredity is all
be taken from them at birth. The Freedman, John F. Kennedy is and that environment counts for
emotional consequences could be cloned, while in Ira Levin's The nothing Ues unconsciously behind
severe. The alternative, which would Boys from Brazil the evil Dr most stories about clone 'armies'
be developing embryos in vitro (in Mengele secretly supervises a and 'famiUes'. Ursula Le Guin made
'test-tubes', as in Brave New World) worldwide project involving 50 a common error in her story 'Nine
isnot yet technically possible, and Hitler clones. The idea that one Lives' when she includes both males
might have interesting psychological could produce 'another Kennedy' or and females in a family of cloned
consequences later on if it were 'another Hitler' simply by starting siblings. A clone must necessarily be
made possible. (However, mouse with the same genes and echoing the same sex as its single 'parent'.
embryos were developed in test- one or two key events in their Ufe- It would not be possible to have
tubes up to the heart-beating stage histories is, however, simple-minded. both sexes in a clone family without
of growth in 1971, it was reported.) As The Boys from Brazil points out. genetic engineering on the embryos.
The fact that a clone has only Hitlers are the products of (Because cloning does not interfere
one 'parent', genetically, and only circumstance, not genetic predesti- with the genetic material the
one parent actually in cases of test- nation. Identical twins establish genes it is not true genetic
tube development, would have their own identities and find their engineering.)
fascinating consequences in terms of own destinies although they share Pulp science fiction often
Freudian psychology. A male clone, environmental circumstances much imagines cloned adults being grown
for example, would feel himself to more similar than would be possible in a matter of months only. In fact,
have no mother, but only a 'father' for a clone-parent and his offspring, a clone would teike just as long to
(and a father who is genetically more or even for 'sibhng' members of a reach adulthood as any other person
but otherwise identical
like his older clone.The environments of clones would. Thus, a film like the
brother). Gene Wolfe in his novel would vary from the moment that television movie The Darker Side of
The Fifth Head of Cerberus each embryo was implanted into the Terror (1978) is quite absurd. In real
imagines this situation. There are womb of a foster-mother. Body life would not
'fathers' of clones
five 'generations' of clones in the chemistry varies from person to need to worry about their wives
story, each one hating his 'father' person, and therefore from womb to committing adultery with their
(which is a way of hating his 'self') womb. Even at birth, then, the cloned selves only months after
so much that he murders him. members of a clone would in this birth. The clones would still be
The other common cloning sense be no longer identical. babies.

Men and supermen
In a broad sense, human Genes - which require an electron
Biological engineering is already something microscope to be seen are not.

that we practise surgically. Many The celebrated British biologist

engineering: tribal societies practise kinds of J.B.S. Haldane, who first wrote
about the possibilities of human
other methods mutilation which are generally
gathered under the misleading engineering in 1924, suggested (not
heading of 'female circumcision'. altogether seriously) that poUtical
There are other kinds of human
Much greater in scope, and more parties might one day fight an
engineering which, though they do
benevolent in intention, are the election over a proposal to equip the
not seem to be imminent possibi-
modest reconstructions carried out by next generation of the nation's
lities, are nevertheless
plastic surgeons in Europe and children with prehensile tails.
enough in kind to suggest that they
America. It might well be that the Despite the great progress made in
may be practicable. James Blishs
technical difficulties involved in the last 60 years in understanding
novel Titan's Daughter is about a
emulating the sinister protagonist of how the mechanisms of heredity
race of human giants produced by
H.G. Wells's The Island of Dr work, we are really not much closer
artificially induced polyploidy: the
Moreau, who remodelled animals to having the power to make such
doubling of all or a part of the
into human form, aie less than the decisions. One day, though, it really
chromosome complement of the
technical difficulties involved in will be possible, one way or another,
individual's cells. Polyploidy
such an apparently simple task as to give our children tails, if we want
occasionally occurs spontaneously in
repairing a single aberrant gene on a to,and it is as well to think in
plants, and usually produces healthy
human chromosome. Whole bodies advance about the morality of
individuals which are often giants,
are a convenient size to work upon. making such decisions.
so the premise seems an entirely
reasonable one. Again, though, it is

not immediately clear why anyone

Right: Polyploidy
would actually wish to produce creates giants.
human giants. The ranunculus on
Another seemingly minor the right is diploid

modification (minor, at least, in

has twice the

usual number of
physiological terms) is featured in
chromosomes. The
Ursula Le Guin's The Left Hand of giant on the left is
Darkness, which is about a society tetraploid. with
of hermaphrodites. Human herma- four times the
usual number.
phrodites occur naturally on
Below: This bee is
occasion (though they are usually two-sexed: the
non-functional both as males and as male
light side is
females); the genetic differences and the dark side
female. Could
between men and women are not as
great as laymen might assume. The
rare in nature be
Y-chromosome possessed only by created?
males appears to be largely inert,
and the differences between the
sexes seem to be a matter of certain
genes being switched on or off
rather than a matter of their
actually possessing different genes.
Naturally, this 'minor' modifica-
tion has very dramatic social conse-
quences in Le Guin's novel, and
people worried about the injustices
of our world's distribution of power
between the sexes might find the
idea of a biologically equal society
attractive. Theodore Sturgeon's
novel Venus Plus X
makes Utopian
claims for such a society, although
here the endis secured by surgical

means rather than by genetic

engineering. This should serve to
remind us that interference with
developing embryos or even mature
individuals might (in the short term
at least) give us far greater control
over the form and abilities of people
than would tampering with genes.
Men and supermen
'androids', while the word 'robot' is a new biochemical coding-system to
Androids usually reserved for manlike substitute for DNA, the information
machines, but the terms are necessary to produce an artificial
It is the more dramatic possibilities sometimes used more ambiguously. man would presumably be as
in human engineering, rather than The making of these artificial compUcated and as extensive as the
the more plausible ones, that have 'humans' usually also involves information needed to produce real
attracted the lion's share of techniques for rapid maturation and ones. The additional information
attention from science fiction brain-programming, so that they can required to produce functioning
writers. One most popular
of the be put straight into operation as adults without extensive environ-
notions has been the development of functioning adults (there would be mental training would add very
a race of wholly artificial humanoids no point in having androids if they greatly to the complexity of the
by means of some technological were as difficult to cultivate as real task. If a society had the means to
substitute for the natural people!) do this, it could do many other
chromosome complex. It is This kind of imaginary things as well, so stories in which
conventional to refer to such technology is very nearly androids are produced in a near-
artificial but organic men as impossible. Even if we could invent future society otherwise much hke
ours are bordering on the absurd.
Phihp K. Dick's novel Do Androids
Dream of Electric Sheep? is an
example. A fine novel in most
respects, its story of an android
bounty hunter founders, scientifi-
cally at least, on its implausibiUty.
What most science fiction
stories about androids tend to show
is that there is really no point in

creating them. They are notionally

useful because they allow their users
to dodge the moral strictures
against slavery; the basic premise is
that we could cheerfully use
artificial men in ways in which we
could not decently use real ones.
Most stories, however including
CUfford Simak's Time and Again
and Robert Silverberg's Tower of
Glass are dedicated to the
condemnation of this dodge. They
argue passionately that artificial
men would be just as entitled to
moral consideration as real ones.
Philip K. Dick's novel mentioned
above is unusual in suggesting that
androids might be less than human
they might be deficient in
empathy and sUghtly sadistic. But,
though this alters the moral
problem, it does not remove it.
Indeed, the merit of these stories is
not that they deal with a plausible
technology but that they raise a
fundamental issue in moral
philosophy: justhow do we decide
where moral consideration for others
begins and ends?

Philip K. Dick's androids, both

novel Do Androids animal and
Dream of Electric human, have
Sheep ?, filmed as metal components
Blade Runner, is as well as flesh.
here illustrated Would simulacra
by Peter Good- of human beings
fellow. Dick's have human
rather sinister feelings?

Men and supermen
mostly aware of the crucial problem but the general theme of the book
Pantropy: of weight (see the comments on is sensible. The ironic final section

new men for giant wasps, flying men and

dragons, pages 194-5). Even the
looks forward to a time when the
only 'original' men are those Uving
new worlds largest flying birds condors have in artificial habitats
spaceships, because time has
bodies very much smaller than the
The other main role given to smallest human beings. In any case, changed the surface of the Earth so
elaborate technologies of human the degree of modification required much that even man's homeworld
engineering in science fiction is that would be much greater; it seems must be 're-seeded' with adapted
of adapting mankind to new much easier to make the human men who are decidedly alien in

environments. The most spectacular body grow a layer of blubber than a appearance.
modifications of this kind involve functional set of feathers. Some Actually, this notion has been

adapting men for life on alien worlds stories of the very fir future, like relatively little developed in science

where physical conditions are very Olaf Stapledon's Last and First Men fiction, writers generally preferring

different from those on Earth. There and Robert Silverberg's Nightwings, the over-optimistic assumption that
are also, however, stories about imagine that there might one day be there will be an abundance of Earth-
modifying men for other Earthly technologies of human engineering duplicates strung out all over the

environments particularly for Ufe adequate to overcome these universe. Where more hostile

in the sea. problems, but the flying humans environments are featured, terra-
Adapting people for life in the featured in them seem much more forming (see pages 28-9) or
sea might not be as difficult as it alien than the water-dwelling tritons mechanical means of coping are
sounds. At the most superficial level in A Torrent of Faces. generally preferred to strategies of
Flying man
could exist more biological adaptation. However, in
it would be a matter of extra
insulation against the cold, plausibly on Ught-gravity planets, his novel Man Plus, Frederik Pohl

some metabohc provision allowing and the real extravagance of human seriously considers the notion of

people to hold their breath for a engineering as it is envisaged in adapting a man, by surgery and the
long time. It would also be desirable science fiction is displayed in stories use of artificial organs, to Ufe in the
to have some mechanism for of moulding men for life on other extremely hostile environment of
avoiding caisson sickness ('the worlds. In a series of stories Mars. The story makes out quite a
bends') so that changes of pressure collected in the book The Seedling good case for such a modification
following deep dives would not be so Stars James Blish introduced the being rather more practical than one
troublesome. Most science fiction concept of 'pantropy', meaning might assume, provided that the
stories about men adapted for life in 'grow everywhere' or 'change priority is placed on 'cyborgization'

the sea assume that it would involve everything', to describe the spread (see pages 142-3).

the creation of gills, but seals and of the human race throughout the Alterations include a backpack
dolphins do very weU without. Even Galaxy, invading countless different computer connected directly with
if giUs were necessary if, for environments by means of strategic the hero's nervous system; gossamer

instance, the adapted men had to adaptation. The stories argue that black 'wings' (not used for flying)
stay perpetually below the surface this might be the only way we could with solar-power receptors; thick,
the amount of modification conquer other worlds because the insulating skin; multi-faceted eyes

required might not be so great. possibiUty of finding another world that can see in the ultra-violet and
Experiments with 'water-breathing' so like Earth that we could simply infra-red ranges; and artificial heart
mice have suggested that lungs step on to it and take up residence and lungs. This emphasizes yet
might be fairly easily modified to might be very small indeed. This is again that human engineering may
extract oxygen from water instead a plausible argument when we already be possible, even without
of from air. consider the number of the means to play about with genes.

Stories Uke A Torrent of Faces environmental conditions that would If the only reason we have for

by James Blish and Norman L. have to be reproduced almost investing heavily in human
Knight assume that aquatic men exactly if we were to be comfortable: engineering is that it would siUow us
would be used primarily in support gravity, temperature, atmospheric to live on other worlds, then we can

of underwater colonies. There is, pressure and composition, partial safely leave worrying about such

however, a very striking novel. Inter pressure of oxygen, and so on. There projects to the distant future. It is
Ice Age 4 by Kobo Ab6, in which are very many imaginable conditions not too difficult, though, to think of
Japanese scientists, anticipating the inwhich some forms of life familiar other reasons why people might
sinking of their islands after the to uswould be perfectly possible, want to augment our human
melting of the polar ice-caps, decide but which would still be extremely capabiUties. There is a short novel

that their cultural future lies in a hostile to human Ufe. by Jack Vance, The Dragon
new generation of water-breathing Some of the adaptations Masters, in which human beings
Japanese children. suggested by Blish in The Seedling Uving on a distant world fight
The natural counterpart to Stars are clearly beyond the Umits periodic wars against reptiUan

adaptation for hfe under the sea is of possibility notably the idea in aUens, each side equipping its

adaptation for flight, but this is the story 'Surface Tension' of armies with monstrous Uving
much less frequently featured in producing human beings as small as instruments of war derived by
science fiction because writers are protozoans to colonize alien puddles genetic engineering from the

Men and supermen

In Frederik Pohl's backpack

offspring of prisoners captured in the prospect of manufacturing them
Man Plus, a man computer; his
previous encounters. This rather (especially when we might modify is modified into a multi-faceted eyes
bizarre story reminds us forcibly them to be weapons themselves cyborg to fit him see in the infra-
if we need any reminding that it is instead of simply carrying weapons) for life on the red; his vast lungs
surface of Mars. are artificial. Note
very often the miUtary apphcations is one that might prove horribly
The 'wings' do not the thick, insulat-
that encourage particular lines of attractive in real Ufe, as well as in ing skin and
fly they carry
technological enquiry. Perfect science fiction, where the idea is solar cells to lack of external
soldiers are so difficult to train that already popular. power his built-in sex organs.

Chapter 9
A hundred years ago the future looked Utopian; but now it fills

us with anxiety. What has gone wrong?

seen as tjTannical conquerors. The bodies moving Uke clockwork to a

Machines and the most striking fictional images of rhythm imposed upon them by the
this kind appear in Fritz Lang's giant machines that they tend. The
leisure society classic film Metropolis, first shown hero has a vision in which a gigantic
in 1926. Here we see dispirited machine is tremsformed into the
When comparing the lives of workers in uniform, moving in step pagan god Moloch, into whose fiery
through cavernous corridors to mouth workers are being deUvered
ordinary people in the industrialized
nations today with those led by reach their places of work, their as human sacrifices.

their ancestors 100 years ago, we

are inclined to feel that the
optimists were right. Nowadays,
though, the optimists are on the
defensive; many people beUeve that
any further technological advance
might be dangerous and that the
technology we already have is
dtunaging the human spirit.
As long ago as 1924 Bertrand
Russell argued that the advance-
ment of science was a bad thing. He
believed that new discoveries gave
those in power greater resources
with which to maintain their
positions, to control the lives of
ordinary people and to fight ever
more destructive wars.
World War I had already
demonstrated that technological
advance transformed the whole
business of war (and vice versa), and
the growth of the mass media of
communication was beginning to
generate anxiety about the control
of ideas.
By the 1930s, with the coming
of the Depression, people were
finding it very difficult to believe in
the nineteenth-century vision of a
highly mechanized Utopia where
everyone would enjoy a high
standard of living and a rich and
varied Ufestyle. In previous decades
there had been talk of the 'leisure
society'; but leisure sounds much
less attractive if it is called
'unemployment'. People in the 1930s
were beginning to take seriously the
notion that machines, far from
liberating mankind, might rather be
Dreams and nightmares of the future
This particular nightmare image machines themselves take over: pessimistic about the society of the
of the future has dated very badly. everyone has seen advertisements future, 'The Machine Stops', E.M.
Its depiction of machines as featuring fully automated Forster suggested that the prospect
monsters of steel with red-hot fires production-lines of the kind now of a society where no one has to
at their heart reflects the technology widely used in the production of cars work at all is just as intolerable, in
characteristic of the nineteenth (seepages 122-3). itsown way, as the prospect of a
century: the world of steam engines. During the last 20 years or so it world of men enslaved. Forster asks
The advent of electrical technology has been the simpler manual tasks what people will do if they can serve
has meant that work, even in such which have been largely taken over no useful purpose, and comes to the
industries as steel production and by machines, but, with the rapid conclusion that their lives will be
mining, has generally become advance of microelectronics, empty and dispirited. Further, he
cleaner, safer and less physically increasingly subtle and sophisticated argues that if a society entirely
exhausting. Nevertheless, it is still tasks are being automated. The dependent on machines is faced with
true that on factory assembly Unes Moloch-machines of Metropolis, a large-scale breakdown it will be
machines tend to impose their own serviced by wretched and exhausted helpless in the face of catastrophe.
dogged regularity upon workers slaves, no longer seem appropriate There are many science fiction
while 'time-and-motion studies' as a symbol of modern technology, storieswhich try to imagine a fuUy
attempt to exploit the full but there may remain a sense in automated society, and all of them
mechanical efficiency of which the which, as machines take over our have difficulty in coping with this
human body is capable. Many jobs work, we might still consider question of what people will do with
require people to operate in a ourselves human sacrifices. unlimited leisure time. Scientific
mechanical way, and it is these jobs In an early (1909) science fiction reseeirch and the arts are offered as
which are steadily being lost as story which was exceedingly useful ways of spending time which

Left: the
archetypal vision
of workers
subjugated to the
rhythms of a
society remains
that of Fritz
Lang's classic
fihn Metropolis
(1926). This is
coming to be
replaced by a more
nightmare, that of
a world where
pointless tasks
48 hours
are obsessively
repeated with the
bribe of pleasure
fed directly
to the brain. The
psychologist James
Olds opened up
this vista in
1958 with his work
on rats. Above
right: this rat
jolts the pleasure
centres of its
brain through an
electrode implant
every time it
presses the bar.
Right: the graph
of one experiment.
Each sweep of the
curve represents
500 pressings of
the bar. This rat
responded almost
continuously with
2000 presses per
hour for 24 hours,
not even pausing
to eat or drink,
and then slept
for most of the
next day.
Dreams and nightmares of the future

might legitimately provide people envisaged by many such writers as and although considerable un-
with a sense of purpose, but in the these is still beyond our techno- employment has been caused as
past these have always been logical horizons, but the notion is by machines have taken over certain
minority pursuits, attracting no means ridiculous. The idea of jobs, what is more impressive is the

relatively few recruits. Many writers electrically aided pleasure-seeking way in which we have discovered so
find it easier to imagine a became very plausible when the many new kinds of work. The
degenerate world of idle sensation- psychologist James Olds discovered dramatic fall in the number of
a region in the brains of rats which people engaged in basic agricultural
seekers whose pursuit of pleasure
willeventually lead them to a life of he named the 'pleasure centre'. Rats and industrial production has been
perpetual, drug-assisted dreaming. which were given the means to accompanied by an equally dramatic
stimulate themselves in this region expansion of the service sector of
James Gunn's novel The Joy
Makers imagines a machine- would continue to do so relentlessly, the economy (see diagram on page

supported future society adopting a making only the briefest stops for 125).So much of the work that
cult of hedonism, and developing food and sleep. Another people now do is 'unproductive' in
technologies so sophisticated that psychologist, Robert Heath, has the crude sense of the term that the

tilmost everyone will retreat into designed similar self-stimulators for prospect of machines taking over
mechanical cocoons which will feed human beings, and, though the the whole productive process no
longer seems to threaten such an all-
them with synthetic experience results have been less spectacular,

pleasant dreams from which they experimental subjects reported encompassing transformation of the
pleasurable sensations and sexual social world. The problem of
never wake. The same possibility is
excitement. Larry Niven, in several inventing enough new tasks to allow
raised in Mack Reynolds' After
Utopia, in which computers can pipe science fiction stories, imagines that us all legitimately to keep our sense
addiction to the use of such of purpose may not be easy to solve,
synthetic experiences into people's
heads, allowing them to be and do stimulators may be common in the but we have already shown consider-
anything they can imagine: they not-too-distant future; he refers to able ingenuity in tackling it.

the practice as 'wireheading'. It need not be left to the devil to

become solipsistic gods, governing
worlds of their own imagination. The fact that machines to find work for idle hands; we ought
facilitate pleasure-seeking in its to be clever enough to find it for
Gunn and Reynolds, like Forster
before them, consider this kind of purest sense are becoming more ourselves.

retreat from the real world to be the easily imaginable should not lead us
Jane Fonda in lusty are her
ultimate moral failure; both writers to accept too readily the likelihood
Barbarella (1967) appetites that she
favour bringing people back to of a future society of lotus-eaters.
has been placed burns the machine
reality by shock tactics if Although there has been a marked in the lethal out before it can
necessary by threat or by force. amount of
increase in the leisure Pleasure Organ by kill her. See rat

time enjoyed by ordinary people, Milo O'Sliea. So diagram page 157.

The kind of synthetic experience

Dreams and nightmares of the future
way, to do the best for their interfering with the embryos
Technological subjects. In the most famous and giving some more oxygen than
tyranny influential of these 'dystopian' others and deliberately injuring
novels, Aldous Huxley's Brave New some with poisons the intelligence
World (1932), this is certainly true. and physique of each individual
The idea of 'progress' has always In Brave New World socied order produced in the 'hatchery' is
implied more than the advancement and harmony are assured by determined. Cloning is employed to
of science and technology. It has designing the people to fit the reduce individuality within each
also included the notion of moral system. The production of ideal batch.
and towards a
political progress human beings begins with the After birth, the shaping of the
time when people will enjoy greater development of embryos in individuals continues. Each caste is
freedom and everyone can be mechanical wombs, and from the
assured of fair and just treatment very beginning the process is A part of the Now, events in the
by the law and the government. carefully controlled. The society has 'baby hatchery' real world are
Although there has always been several castes, each carrying out a illustrated in beginning to make
a 1958 edition of Huxley's fantasy
argument about the best way to range of tasks appropriate to its Aldous Huxley's look like a real
achieve them, these ideals are particular range of abOity. By Brave New World. possibility.
acknowledged in some form by
everyone. But faith in progress is
these days often undermined by a
fear of technology. This is not
simply a fear that technology may
destroy us through a nuclear
holocaust, or through pollution;
thereis also the feeUng that

technology will provide abundant

opportunities for others to restrict
our freedom by controlling and
manipulating us in subtle and
insidious ways.
Some of the most striking
futuristic novels of this century are
those that imagine societies in which
the common people have been
robbed of their individuahty and are
controlled, regulated and protected
by a small, governmental ehte to the
point where they seem mere robots
rather than human beings. Perhaps
the most frightening aspect of these
imaginary societies is that the rulers
who are manipulating their subjects
always clmm to be doing so
benevolently, and sometimes they
even mean it.
In George Orwell's Nineteen
Eighty-Four, the supposed
benevolence of Big Brother is a
hollow sham, and the rule of the
Inner Party is secured by constant
surveillance, with the assistance of
psychological techniques capable of
breaking down any individual
resistance. An interesting contrast is
seen, however, in the classic We
(1924) by the Russian Yevgeny
Zamiatin. In this novel it is not at
allclear that the invisible dictator
(the WeU-Doer) is secretly
malevolent: in removing one by one
the sources of unhappiness
hunger, love and the imagination
he and those who act in his name
might really be trying, in their own
Dreams and nightmares of the future

brainwashed into being content with

its lot, valuing its own character-
isticsand attainments above all
others. This is achieved by the
incessant repetition of key
slogans a process which continues
to make its insidious impression
upon the mind even while the
children are asleep. The likes and
dislikes of children are also
determined by conditioning - the
lower castes, for instance, are
conditioned to hate natural things so
that they will never want to go out
of doors.
Once they are adult, the citizens
of Huxley's future society are
protected from anxiety by a battery
of drugswhich everyone must carry.
The euphoric drug 'soma' guarantees
happiness for all. The sexual
morality of the society enforces
promiscuity, protecting the citizens
from the damaging consequences of
intense personal relationships. In
such a society there is no possibility
of revolution and little scope for
individual deviance. The hero of the
story, a 'savage' reared on a
reservation where a few primitives
are aUowed to cling to ancient and
brutal ways, finds that he cannot
change the new world and cannot
live in it either.
In the 50 years since Brave New
World was published we have made
conspicuous progress (if progress is

the right word) in almost all the

technologies of control that Huxley
imagines. Though animal embryos
cannot yet be brought to term in
artificial wombs, technological
assistance in animal husbandry,
including artificial insemination and
the transplantation of embryos into
'surrogate mothers', is now
commonplace. The transplantation
of human embryos from cold storage
into either natural or surrogate
mothers will soon be accomplished.
Fertihzation of egg-cells can now
take place outside the human body,
and several 'test-tube babies' have
been born as a result of techniques
developed in Britain by Drs Robert
Edwards and Patrick Steptoe, with
as many as 100 more expected by
the end of 1982. An Italian
embryologist, Daniele Petrucci,
Top: I'rulebbui Ian i,.ili/r.i. The at the Itoyal Free embryo implanted
claims to have kept a human embryo Hospital in in a surrogate
Craft removes an egg will be
alive inan artificial womb for 59 and used London. mother after it
egg from the fertilized
days, and some Soviet scientists ovary of a woman in an experiment in Above: Frostie. the had been frozen
cryogenic calf, was for 3 months.
have claimed that they have beaten volunteer; she is the frozen storage
in hospital to be of human embryos born from an
this record.
Dreams and nightmares of the future

a dramatic negative effect on the strength of their previous social

Conditioning and shoplifting. The apparent ties.The fact that people
brainwashing explanation is
know what they want
that people already especially the young can be seized
to buy, by a sense of their own lack of
cannot readily be induced to change purpose and deeply disappointed by
The techniques of conditioning that their minds, but that those tempted their position within society creates
Huxley describes have not all fared to steal may be amenable to a a constant supply of potential
equally well. The 'sleep-teaching' suggestion which reinforces the recruits for organizations which use
that he envisaged hypnopaedia voice of conscience. Only in psychological methods of per-
proved less successful in moments of genuine indecision, it suasion. This is something which
experiments than was originally seems, are subliminal commands has always gone on in connection
thought likely, but the power of powerful enough to tip the balance. with poUtical groups and, more
constant repetition of slogans More advanced techniques of especially, reUgious cults; but it is
cannot be doubted. The use of conditioning, involving the breaking only in recent times that the
'subliminal advertising', by which down and rebuilding of the whole psychology of the process has been
messages can be flashed on to personaHty (generally termed 'brain- sufficiently well understood to allow
television or cinema screens so washing') were first determinedly careful, strategic use of the
briefly that they pass unnoticed by attempted by Asian communists techniques, and also to allow
our consciousness but are attempting to 're-educate' American outsiders to reahze what is actually
subconsciously heeded, is also less soldiers captured during the Korean happening. The psychological
effective than was once feared, war. Despite the imphcation of such pressures exerted by the
though both Britain and the USA fictions as The Manchurian communists in the Korean war
have legislation to control its use. Candidate by Richard Condon, in exploited the 'three Ds' debiUta-
Recent experiments with auditory which an American soldier is tion,dread and dependency in
subUminal persuasion, involving the programmed to become an assassin, order to break down their prisoners;
inclusion of messages in the piped the success rate of these attempts
music played in supermarkets, have was very low. Most of the 'converts' Below: the horrors and he told them
reawakened the controversy. It were quickly rehabilitated once they of brainwashing. to die. These were
seems that messages commanding returned home. Some soldiers, Members of an some of the 925
American cult bodies after their
shoppers to buy particular products however, proved vulnerable to this
were conditioned mass suicide in
are largely ineffective, but messages kind of persuasion, their readiness to obey their Guyana in 1978.
commanding them not to steal have to be converted being dependent on leader Jim Jones,
Dreams and nightmares of the future

Left: there are

religious groups, such as the so-
positive aspects to
called Moonies, usually make less
use of the first two and concentrate conditioning. This
on the third because their recruits woman's phobia of
are volunteers. Recently, a number spiders has been
treated by
of commercial organizations selling a
form of psychotherapy to increase introducing her, in
confidence and even sexual charisma small, painless
have been using similar techniques. stages, to what
Although John B. Watson, the she fears most.
Clearly the
founder of the Behaviourist school treatment
of psychology (which claims that all succeeded.
our behaviour consists of Below: the
conditioned patterns of stimulus and subterranean fear
that runs through
response), enjoyed some success
much science
when he began selling his expertise we
fiction is that
to the advertising industry, it seems become
shall all
that most people are less members of a
manipulable than was at first drugged, docile,
apathetic society,
thought. Individuals who are
conditioned to
psychologically secure can resist obey our
subliminal control and behavioural totalitarian rulers,
re-programming without much as in the film

difficulty. It is worth noting,

THX 1138
though, that all the experiments
referred to above involved adults
whose personalities were already
established. If these techniques were
used from birth on children then
those children would very probably
be equipped with the personalities
that the manipulators wanted to
build into them.

Dreams and nightmares of the future

Psychotropic It is difficult for

most of us to
appreciate the
drugs extent of
psychotropic drug
use in mental
The aspect of Brave New World hospitals, since
which today seems most accurately photographs are
seldom released.
prophetic is its emphasis on the use
This 1981 picture
of mood-controlling drugs to shows conditions
insulate people from unease. Since in the extremely
1932, drug technology has advanced overcrowded
National Mental
very dramatically.
Hospital on
Huxley would already have been Mindanao in the
familiar with various hypnosedative Philippines.
(sleep-inducing) drugs which work by There are few
depressing the functioning of the comforts: patients
are controlled
brain. Barbituric acid was
by electric shock
discovered in 1864 and the first therapy and heavy
barbiturate tablets were introduced medication.
before the Great War: barbital Conditions are
much better
(Veronal) in 1903 and
elsewhere but,
phenobarbitone (Luminal) in 1912. even in the West,
These replaced a range of rather watchdog
dangerous substances, including committees have
expressed concern
paraldehyde, chloral hydrate and
about the use of
opium derivatives like laudanum, continuous heavy
and have since been replaced medication, though
themselves by even safer drugs: the properly used such
benzodiazepines (including Amytal drugs can save the
sanity of patients.
and Seconal).
The next psychotropic (mind- in 1951 a number of its derivatives Since 1958, when imipramine was
changing) drugs to be used on a quickly came into use in psychiatric introduced, the use of anti-
wide scale were the amphetamines medicine in the treatment of severe depressants has increased steadily.
stimulant drugs used as 'pep psychological disorders. These Whether the spread of
pills'. These were widely used during compounds are generally known as psychotropic drugs implies that one
World War by the American
II the 'major tranquillizers'. The day we shall all look to medical
army, which issued them to soldiers compounds we now know as the science to protect us from anxiety,
in action in order to combat fatigue. 'minor tranquillizers' were isolated sadness and fear remains debatable,
Because of their effect on the meta- in the 1930s, but their pacifying but the potential is clearly there,
boUsm they were also used for a time effectwas not discovered until much and though they have not yet been
as aids to losing weight. They also later.The first ones to be widely widely used on human subjects,
became highly fashionable among used, including meprobamate many other drugs affecting
young people during the 1960s for (EquanU or MUtown), were behaviour are now known. Several
the artificial excitement they developed in the early 1950s, but compounds, including atropine
produced. Their usefulness in all these have now been displaced by a methyl nitrate, can apparently
fields, however, was compromised by new generation whose most widely induce aggressive behaviour in
a 'let-down' effect once the drugs used members are chlordiazepoxide normally placid rats, while other
wore off and by the fact that (Librium) and diazepam (Valium). compounds, including carbachol, can
consistent users became physically Taking these drugs has become part just as easily switch it off again.
dependent upon them and faced of the daily routine of hundreds of Another kind of behaviour-
extremely uncomfortable withdrawal thousands of people in the Western changing drug that has been made
symptoms-. The commonest drugs of world. notorious by rumour is L-dopa, a
this category in use in the 1960s Another class drug developed
of drug originally developed to treat
were amphetamine itself for the treatment of mental patients Parkinson's disease. It appeared on
(Benzedrine) and methylamphet- and gradually extended for use by testing to have strong aphrodisiac
amine (Methedrine), but these have thousands of members of the general side-effects.Experiments on animals
been largely replaced by a shghtly public is the class of 'anti- carried out by an Itahan group
safer new generation of stimulant depressant' drugs. Amphetamines including G.L. Gessa has led them
drugs, including methyl phenidate had previously been used to treat to attribute even more powerful
(Ritahn). patients suffering from melanchoha, aphrodisiac quahties to a drug
The rapid development of atar- but were unsatisfactory because of known as PCPA, which apparently
actic drugs, or 'tranquillizers', took the let-down effect. Imipramine made rabbits so eager to mate that
place after World War II. Following (Tofranil) and its derivatives they would even attempt coitus with
the development of chlorpromazine appeeired to solve this problem. cats.
Dreams and nightmares of the future
Dreams and nightmares of the future

Crime and rehabilitate them, are potentially

useful also for the more general
large department stores, where the
possibility of being under
punishment oppression of the populace by poUce observation apparently deters many
forcesand governments. would-be shoplifters, and it is
In George Orwell's Nineteen becoming increasingly common for
There isone context in which nearly Eighty-Four crime is controlled by bank-robbers to be filmed in the act.
all of us are in favour of behavioural surveillance: every citizen at all Listening devices ('bugs') can be
control. For society to exist at all, times being watched or, at
is implanted almost anywhere. Walls
anti-social impulses must be con- least, is possiblybeing watched. nowadays really can have ears, if
trolled,and individuals who give Privacy no longer exists, and it is a anyone wants to provide them with
way tothem must somehow be crime to attempt to seek it. such equipment, and, judging from
constrained. The well organized Television screens, instead of being the greatly increased sales of
society of Huxley's Brave New windows on the world outside, are surveillance devices, it seems that
World has no deviants, so the the means by which outsiders can more and more people do. The
question of crime and punishment peer into everyone's daily hfe. Every spread of computer-held records
never arises; but an inescapable sentence that is uttered must first over the last 20 years has made it
consequence of the existence of be carefully considered, for possible to store a huge amount of
freedom is that people are free to unguarded words betray thought- information about people, to collate
devise and carry out undesirable crimes: the most serious crimes of it, and to retrieve at a moment's
actions which must then be aU. notice.The use of computers by the
counteracted. The problem is that Here too the real world has poUce makes it easier to apprehend
any social or technological made considerable 'progress' since criminals, but it also makes it easier
apparatus designed for the detection Orwell's day. Security systems for peoplewith privileged access to
and apprehension of criminals, and making elaborate use of television information to learn about
any institutions used to contain or cameras are now commonplace in individuals who have never

The surveillance military satellite

society:Above: cameras. But we
hidden cameras can make an
show heiress informed guess
Patti Hearst from pictures like
carrying out a this,taken with a
bank robbery in commercially
1974, 10 weeks availablecamera
after being from over 150 km
kidnapped by a above Florida.
terrorist group. Individual planes,
Left: few people marked with an
know what resolu- arrow, can just be
tion possible
is seen on the airport
with top-secret runway.
Dreams and nightmares of the future

committed any crimes. In these involving deceptive programming. A subtle idea for crime
This is already beginning to happen. prevention used by several writers,
respects Orwell's nightmare is
Such anxieties have helped to including Damon Knight in his novel
coming closer.
focus the attention of science fiction Hell's Pavement, involves equipping
Some science fiction writers,
writers on new ways of dealing with every citizen with a technological
however, cheer themselves with the
law-breakers once they are caught, conscience which will more than
thought that these and other
but these innovations are rarely compensate for any failure on the
techniques of detection may soon
regarded favourably. The notion of part of his natural equipment. One
become so sophisticated that crime
conditioning or brainwashing interesting vtu-iant on this theme,
really will not pay. Mack Reynolds'
criminals away from anti-social found in The Ring by Piers Anthony
Police Patrol: 2000 AD. for instance,
behaviour is fiercely condemned in and Robert E. Margroff, involves
envisages a world where the police
Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork fitting criminals with a machine
are so effective that it takes almost
Orange, despite the fact that the (here contained in a collar) which is
superhuman ingenuity to carry off
author deplores the increasing sensitive to anti-social impulses on
even such trivial crimes as petty
violence of youth culture. (The film the part of its wearer, and which
theft (they are aided in this
made from the novel by Stanley reacts by punishing him with an
particular endeavour by the virtual
Kubrick in 1971 tends to blur this electric shock. This sounds fanciful,
disappearance of cash and its
condemnation.) On the whole, new but is in practice not so far-fetched.
replacement by computerized credit-
The self-stimulators rigged up by
transfer). ways of dealing with criminals
imagined by science fiction writers Robert Heath to allow people to
Other writers are not so optimis-
tend to the Draconian rather than stimulate 'pleasure-centres' in their
Looking at trends within
the tolerant: in various stories by brains (see page 158) were
contemporary society they see
Larry Niven criminals repay society sometimes equipped with a second
increases in all kinds of crime,
by making contributions from their button whose effect was to
especially those involving violence
own bodies to an ever growing stimulate the hippocampus, making
and the motiveless destruction of
demand for organ transplants; and them feel very sick. There would be
property. They foresee that violence
in Cordwainer Smith's gruesome no problem, it seems, in equipping a
and vandalism will get completely
story 'A Planet Named Shayol' device, like Piers Anthony's 'collar',
out of hand as law-enforcement
criminals receive medical treatments with appropriate punitive actions;
agencies fail to cope. It has also
to cause them to grow extra organs the real difficulty would lie in
been observed that the widespread
which can be periodically harvested making it sensitive to a person's
use of computers may give rise to a
anti-social intentions. However, this
whole new spectrum of crimes for the same purpose.
Dreams and nightmares of the future

would not necessitate attributing to would have to be regulated in the include Robert Silverberg's Master
the device any occult telepathic relatively near future, with people of Life and Death, which looks at
power. Aggressive impulses are restricted by law to a certain the moral problems faced by the
associated with quite definite number of children. Often, this man required to dispense child-
physiological changes which might theme becomes entangled with the licences; D.G. Compton's The
be monitored, and it is conceivable notion of eugenic planning, so that it Quality of Mercy, about the political
that current investigations (using becomes a criminal offence for some use of plague to reduce population;
electroencephalograms) into 'unsuitable' people to have children and PhiHp K. Dick's story 'The Pre-
electrical changes in the brain might at all. It is widely believed that such Persons', which envisages the
give such eirtificial sensors much measures may have to be widening of the concept of abortion
more precise capabiUties. MoreJ introduced, and there has already to include infanticide.
considerations rather than scientific been some speculative investigation, There are other contemporary
snags are what would really stand in even outside the realms of science crises that may alter the nature of
the way of developing such devices. fiction, of ways in which they might tomorrow's crimes. Legislative
In this context recent experi- be carried out. In 1971 the journal control of pollution is now
ments involving the electrical Bio-Science carried an article by Carl commonplace, and the legal
control of aggression are relevant. Jay Bajema weighing up the pros restrictions increase in complexity
The psychologist Jos6 Delgado has and cons of various 'licensing every year. Legislation in respect of
run some spectacular systems' for controlling childbirth. fuel-economy may well follow soon.
demonstrations involving the The viability of such programmes Many science fiction writers feel
activation by radio of electrodes depends on contraceptive that in these respects the real world
implanted in the brains of animals. technology, but this seems to be is moving rather too slowly, and
In one famous instance he induced a advancing rapidly enough to that catastrophe may not be
buU to charge him, and then stopped facilitate any such scheme that averted. Particularly effective in
it by means of a hand-held radio might be devised. making this claim are a number of
transmitter which sent a signal into This kind of control would seem post-catastrophe stories in which
its brain persuading it to walk to very many people to infringe one technological endeavour is itself
placidly away. of the most basic kinds of freedom, regarded as evU. A notable recent
Science fiction writers generally but it does not take much example is Norman Spinrad's Songs
have not paid a great deal of imagination to see that there might from the Stars, in which the
attention to the crimes of today. arise conditions which would inhabitants of a future America,
What has fascinated them more has necessitate some kind of coercive having been forced to revert to a
simpler way of Ufe, discriminate
between white and black science in
Left: the future much the same way that our
treatment of ancestors discriminated between
criminals? Alex, white and black magic. White
the rapist in A science, in Spinrad's novel, is
Clockwork Orange
ecologically responsible 'alternative
(1971) has been
conditioned to technology' which uses solar power
feelnausea where or wind- and water-power (see pages
once he would 39-41); black science involves the use
have felt sexual
of atomic power-plants. Most writers
arousal. Right:
in a series of of this kind of story, however, are
controversial very keen to point out that
experiments, the discriminating against technology
psychologist Jose should not involve discriminating
Delgado inserted
against knowledge, and that making
electrodes into
the brains of science as such a criminal activity is

various animals. a measure which could never be

When stimulated, justified. The freedom to know is
these altered their
held by most science fiction writers
responses, chang- to be far more sacred than the
ing aggression in- freedom to breed.
to docility or, as in The advancement of technology
this case, mother opens up whole new realms of
love into fear.
possibihty about the nature and
been the notion that whole new population control. There are many definition of crime. It is not merely
areas of human activity may one science fiction stories which try to a matter of new inventions offering
day be defined as criminal. make a virtue out of this imagined new opportunities to pohce forces or
A frequent theme in science necessity, but it is arguable that the to criminals, but a question of
fiction of the 1960s and 1970s has more powerful stories are those constantly making new decisions
been that, as a consequence of the which see it as a potential tragedy. about what is to count as anti-social
population explosion, childbirth Stories dealing with the theme behaviour and how best to control it.
Chapter 10
Science fiction features a conventional range of mysterious
mental powers, all with their roots in fable if not in fact. Each
ability has its own 'scientific' label: magic sounds so much
more convincing when we call it 'paraphysics'.

resulting picture shows a luminous and mental state: experiments

The fringes of halo around the hand. This is the showed that the full range of
Kirlian aura. Enthusiasts were quick possible 'auras' could be produced
mental science to suggest that this aura is a from any one object by altering the
mysterious life force, that it varies gap between it and the electrode, the
new ideas turn up on the according to state of health, sanity, strength and frequency of the field,
As fast as
sobriety, psionic ability, and so on. the moistness of the object itself,
fringes of science, they are grabbed
by science fiction writers to add Science fiction writers soon and so on; if all these things were
Some of these borrowed the idea. In Piers kept constant, no differences could
spice to their stories.
Anthony's 'Cluster' books, the be detected between the auras of
exciting notions win acceptance;
Kirlian aura is a measure of strength ordinary people, psychic 'mediums'
others are highly controversial, with
their supporters relying more on of personality in fact it is itself and lunatics.

the personality, and can be Psychic medicine is another

faith than on careful experiments.
transferred from body to body. A.E. controversial area. Several science
The 'Kirlian aura' is a famous
van Vogt's The Anarchistic Colossus fiction novels,such as Roger
example of dubious science in the
features 'Kirlian machines' which Zelazny's To Die in Italbar. feature
region of parapsychology a word
detect emotions from the aura and psionic healers who can cure disease
meaning 'beyond psychology',
concerning powers and properties of can shoot people with lasers should even without the patient's
they plan violence. Sadly, the knowledge. It seems possible to
the mind that are unrecognized by
fiction Kirlian aura is already discredited as stimulate the body's defences
orthodox science. (Science
a trivial thing, of no more signifi- against some diseases by making
usually prefers the terms
'paraphysics' and 'psionics'.) To cance than static electricity, that hypnotic suggestions to the patient,

take a Kirlian photograph of, say, a depends mainly on the moisture in and fervent belief in a cure can have
human hand, we place that hand in the object 'photographed'. The the same effect. A very few people,
human aura is supposed to change for instance, benefit from the water
a powerful, high-frequency electric
dramatically according to physical of Lourdes. Warts a virus
field and make an exposure: the

Photographs like
this unless one
believes they are
fakes make it
difficult to stay
sceptical about
firewalking. There
have been many
accounts, too. But
how can self-
hypnosis prevent
charring of the
feet? This
particular ritual
the year is 19.59
is held annually at
the Hindu shrine
in Kataragama,
south Sri Lanka.
The woman seems
to be in an
ecstatic trance

Powers of the mind

infection are said to have been human tissue, such healers are as psionic, since unknown forces are
hypnotically cured, or even caused, obviously tricksters who work by not involved. The hypnotist in
in specified parts of the body. But sleight of hand. Film records of their Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Facts in the
suggestion certainly cannot remove operations tend to confirm this. Yet Case of M. Valdemar' is, however,
an appendix: the supposed 'psychic some of their patients do improve: gifted, in that he hypnotizes the
healers' of the Philippines and South people who expect to feel better unfortunate Valdemar into staying
America claim to perform such probably will, if only temporarily. intact and conscious for seven
major surgery with their bare hands There are many other contro- months after his death! Almost as
aided by psionic force; they sink versial 'powers', which we often hear startling is the feat of autohypnosis
their fingers into patients' about, but which science fiction whereby the hero of F.M. Busby's
and puU out gobbets of meat. Since writers would not class as psionic. Cage a Man goes into a deathlike
doctors who later examine these The word 'psionics' was explained in trance and convinces himself that he
patients report no missing organs, Astounding Science-Fiction by John is dead thus escaping from an

and since the bits 'removed' always W. Campbell as 'psychic electronics': automated, mind-reading prison cell
prove to be animal rather than something special which the mind by being flushed with other 'dead'
could do, involving unknown mental matter through the waste-disposal
forces, and as rehable and repea table system. Hypnotic abilities involve
as the operation of a transistor strength of mind and perhaps
radio. As well as powering the full special training, as in yoga, or the
range of psionic talents (to be various systems of mind/body
discussed in the next section), this control described in Frank Herbert's
force could be generated and Dune. But they do not involve 'true'
harnessed by machines. Campbell psionics.
described one such gadget, the In the same category are such
Hieronymous machine, which was established abilities as the control of
supposed to work just as well if you normally involuntary muscles:
threw away the components and trained people can dramatically alter
substituted the circuit diagram. the rate of their heartbeats merely
Understandably, this machine failed by thinking, or shift their body
to work unless operated by a True temperature within certain limits, or
Believer, and was rather unreUable enter trances wherein they breathe
even then. remarkably little air. Not all these
Hypnotism and self-hypnotism abilities seem very useful. Why, for
are examples of talents not regarded example, do certain mystics train
themselves to control the
A Yogi mystic in position while involuntary muscles of their
Sri Lanka suspended by intestines and suck up water
demonstrates his ropes pinned
through the wrong end of the
indifference to through his skin.
digestive tract? But with such a
pain and his Is this a psionic
bodily control by power, or just a range of more or less established
adopting the lotus rather foolish talents, it is not difficult to beUeve
bravery? in the body training of Vonda N.
Left above: the so-
Mclntyre's Dreamsnake, in which
called 'Kirlian
aura' flickers dully men control their fertility at will and
around the therefore have a built-in
silhouette of a contraceptive. Perhaps the mystics
should leave their intestines alone
fingers while she
and start working on a reliable
is relaxing. The

aura here is blue. fertility-control training system.

Left below: the A phenomenon which looks as
same fingers now though might be due to auto-
glow brightly at
hypnosis and body training is that
the tips the aura
isred as the of walking on fire. UnUke the Indian
woman enters the rope trick, this has taken place
'heaUng state'. before apparently reliable witnesses.
What is the But what system of training can
explanation? Does
the aura show an prevent flesh from shrivelUng and
occult truth about charring as bare feet walk on visibly
her mental glowing coals or stones? If the
powers? Scientists observers are not hypnotized,
say the change is
deluded or just plain untruthful,
probably because
her fingers have there is some unknown factor at
begun to sweat work here perhaps even a psionic
with strain. power.
Powers of the mind
talent of the second kind. Talents hypnosis: his projected thoughts
Psionics which operate 'for information only' could be so much stronger than his
are slightly more reputable in the victim's as to swamp them
'Psi' powers reached the height of eyes of scientists since they cause completely.
their science fictional popularity in fewer awkward clashes with the law Other labelled talents are
the magazine Astounding Science- of conservation of energy. supposed to extract information
Fiction, later called Analog, under Telepathy, then, is the flow of from sources other than minds.
the editorship of John W. Campbell. information from mind to mind. Clairvoyance is at its simplest the

He presented such talents as a John Brunner's novel Telepathist ability to see things in far-off places

means of short-circuiting all the covers several variations of or behind closed doors. When eaves-
hard work which we must otherwise telepathy there are projective dropping, such invisible eyes work
do to understand and control the telepathists who can transmit their best in conjunction with invisible
universe around us. Naturally this thoughts into the minds of others, ears; clairaudience. These talents
appealed to intellectually lazy receptive telepathists who simply were taken further in E.E. Smith's
readers who were happy to ignore read minds, and a handful of special 'Lensman' books, in which
the fact that giving something a people with both talents. Naturally, clairvoyance and clairaudience are
label does not make it real. these telepathists are marvellous combined into a 'sense of perception'
One most convincing
of the psychiatrists who can really see and whose lucky users can see in the
novels of psionics is James Blish's change their patients' fears but dark, look through solid objects,
Jack of Eagles, whose hero is forced there axe dangers too, since someone study the internal organs of friends
to do much more work with his who lets insane thoughts into his and have other spinoffs guaranteed
mental powers than simply wishing mind is himself risking insanity. A to make them the life and soul of

that such-and-such a thing would less versatile talent occasionally any party. If such eavesdropping is
happen. Instead he must handle the found in science fiction is extended further, to future events,
telempathy (sometimes just called that talent called precognition
reality behind the wish. To lift a is

table by mental force, for example, 'empathy'): the abUity to sense foreknowledge of the future.
he needs to visualize all the emotions rather than detailed (Inevitably, precognition will distort

subatomic particles that make up thoughts. In James White's its own predictions by changing the
that table, and to understand and Hospital Station the alien empath future the same paradoxical
manipulate the equations of inertia Dr Prilicla is so sensitive to problem that makes time travel so
and gravity which keep the table on emotions, and so eager to avoid unlikely.) Studying the past in a

the floor. Understandably, this provoking unpleasant emotions, as similar way, aided by some antique

demands enormous effort and also to be tactful to the point of object whose history is explored by
gives him a terrible headache. untruthfulness. the mind, is called 'psychometry'. A
The usual list of labelled psionic Related to these, but more good example of this is the

powers falls into two sections: those sinister, is the super-hypnosis vision of Shakespearean England in
dealing with abstract information sometimes called 'telecontrol'. Colin Wilson's The Philosopher's
and those which actually reach out Plainly, a projective telepathist or Stone.
to affect tables or other physical empath would be able to throw Most of these talents are
objects. Ifwe could win at poker by people into a hypnotic trance with claimed by psychic mediums, who
reading an opponent's mind or his especial ease their hypnotic generally explain that the secret is

unseen cards this would be a talent suggestions must surely be more to project one's 'astral body'

of the first kind extra-sensory effective when beamed into the mind through walls, into the past or the
perception (ESP). If we could win at rather than into the ears. A powerful future,and so on. (To 'see', the
dice by controlling the fall of the enough projective telepathist might astralbody or clairvoyant sense
cubes this would be telekinesis, a not even need the gentle art of must absorb light and therefore

Right: dowsing, or
water-divining, is
said to be one of
the psionic
powers. The
German army in
World War I took
dowsing seriously:
these officers were
seeking a water
supply near the
Eastern front with
the help of a
civilian dowser.

Powers of the mind

The nastier
possibilities of
telekinesis have
never been more
than in the film
Scanners (1981).
The scene here,
where an
unfortunate man
loses his head
during a psionic
duel, is one of
many in the film
where molecules in
people's bodies are
moved telekineti-
cally with
devastating effect.

must be detectable by instruments, user Ufts himself with his power instantaneously from place to place.
which might make an interesting yet another example of that While telekinesis is the psionic
research project.) Science fiction favourite trick of lifting oneself by equivalent of the impossible,
writers prefer to avoid the one's own bootlaces, as featured in reactionless 'Dean Drive' (see page
disreputability of spiritualism, Rudolph Erich Raspe's Travels of 192), teleportation is Like a quick
insisting that psionic powers are Baron Munchausen in 1785. trip through hyperspace and just
at least in their fiction not A less obvious consequence of as unlikely. Sometimes apportation
mystical but prosaic and testable telekinesisis a kind of super- is taken to mean the creation of
abilities which, with a little practice, ventriloquism. If you can move solid objects from nothing, which is

will be no stranger than the mental objects with the speed of thought, more unlikely still.

power we already use to control you can surely vibrate them fast A 'psionic' power widely
large masses of water and chemicals: enough to produce sound. Next accepted in reality is dowsing, the
our own bodies. Some writers have comes the talent called 'fire-sending', talent which finds water or other
gone further to include the astral as seen in Stephen King's novel substances underground. Many
body or soul in the scope of Firestarter. Psionic arsonists are scientists argue that dowsers
scientific law: Bob Shaw's The usually called 'pyrotics'; they use function best in areas where they
Palace of Eternity and Eric Frank telekinesis to increase the vibration- already know the geography and the
Russell's Sentinels from Space deal rates of molecules in their target. Likely coUecting-piaces for water (and

with souls as they might have been The temperature of a soUd, liquid or water can be found almost emywhere
designed by scientists rather than gas depends on the average speed of if you dig deep enough). Others

by theologians not as spirits, but its molecules (or, more accurately, on suggest that dowsing is a sensitivity
as stable patterns of energy. the square root of the average of the to electrical or magnetic fields, no
The basic talent of the kind squares of the velocities of all its more 'psionic' than the talents of
which moves parts of the physical molecules). By speeding them up, migrating birds which navigate by
world is telekinesis, sometimes the target's temperature is increased Earth's magnetism. Yet other
called 'psychokinesis' (and untU at last it bursts into flame. scientists point out that laboratory
abbreviated to TK or PK). In fiction, This happens to people's heads in tests of dowsing have produced
the range of telekinetic ability is some celebrated and revolting scenes spectacular failures.
huge. The hero of Larry Niven's The in the film Scanners (1981). With this possible exception, no
Long ARM of Gil Hamilton can, Again, science fiction offers reUable psionic talents seem to be
with difficulty, Uft a glass of whisky these mysterious powers as functioning in our world today. We
with his mind; the heroine of 'rational' explanations of the hardly need the new mutations
Stephen King's Carrie can wreck inexpUcable. So poltergeists are suggested in Philip K. Dick's story
buildings: the telekineticists in Jack obviously wild telekinetic outbursts, 'A World of Talent' - 'psi-immunes'
Vance's 'Telek' are able to hurl while claims of spontaneous who have minds impervious to
planets from their orbits by a twitch combustion in people can be put telepathy, or futures which cannot
of thought. Where, in each case, down to the doings of unfriendly be predicted, or a mental inertia
does the energy come from? We pyrotics. These are hardly which stops them being moved
shall look at such problems later (see explanations, however. about by telekinesis. At present we
pages 174-5). The power of levitation Finally come the talents of are all seemingly in the position of
follows naturally from telekinesis if apportation and teleportation the immunes. It is easy to be immune to
enough force can be generated; the moving of objects, or ourselves, a non-existent disease.
Powers of the mind
repeated for everyone whose mind feature the supposed telepaths in
Telepathy and was to be 'read'. The unscrupulous, two sealed rooms. Random images
telepathic ahens of Hal Clement's would be generated and displayed
the information story 'Impediment' are foiled by the by a computer in one room, studied
talents fact that they can read the thoughts by the person in that room,
of only the one man they have telepathically picked up by the
studied. person in the second room, and
The thoughts in our heads are Obviously, telepathy has not keyed by him into a computer
powerful things. A passing thought been achieved on any large scale, or terminal for unbiased machine-
can suddenly fill us with happiness we might already be Uving in the comparison with the original
or rage for no reason that anyone world of Alfred Bester's novel The sequence displayed. A high score of
elsecan sense. Every face we see Demolished Man, with crime wiped correct transmissions would mean
has thoughts behind it, like a out thanks to mind-reading police that telepathy works: without the
monologue in a locked room. Surely and psychiatrists. In fact, telepathy person in the first room this
there must be some way to overhear sounds Uke an obstacle to mental becomes a test for clairvoyance, the
them? evolution: mind-to-mind other person using psionic talent to
In physical terms there are communication could have made it read numbers or letters directly
many obstacles to the broadcasting unnecessary to develop speech or from the unseen computer display.
and receiving of thoughts. The abstract thought. Instead, as hinted No well run experiment along these
human brain not a transmitter: it
is in Theodore Sturgeon's short story Lines has given good results. Can it
produces electrical fields as a by- 'To Marry Medusa', evolution would be, as in Robert Silverberg's Dying
product of the subtle electrochemical tend to produce one 'group mind' for Inside, that a real telepath would
processes of thought, but these the telepathically linked human race, hide himself from investigation for
fields are very weak. Purpose-built with individuals being as mindless fear of having his talent Uterally
machines (electroencephalographs, or and interchangeable as ants or bees. dissected out? Some ESP
EEGs) can pick up brain rhythms Another problem, raised in John enthusiasts explain that the talents
through electrodes attached to the Brunner's story 'Protect Me from are sabotaged by the sceptical
skin; but brains cannot even pick up My Friends', is the likelihood that a thoughts of scientists who design
the much more powerful fields of telepath whose mind reads all the such tests but tests run by
radio transmission. And, though world's jumble of thoughts would go 'believers' also tend to give negative

EEGs can be calibrated finely mad under the strain. Young results, except in cases where error
enough to tell what colour one is telepaths might never grow up to or fraud is possible.
looking at from brain rhythms alone, breed, the power having become an Many experiments on psionic
the settings change from person to anti-survival mutation. talents have been more complex but
person we all seem to have our The case against telepathy has even less convincing than this
own internal codes for 'blue' or 'red'. been strengthened by the failure of positive yes-or-no testing. Some
Unravelling the coding of thoughts experiments to prove that it exists. researchers, such as Rhineand Soal,
would be a Ufetime's work, to be A convincing experiment would have used the dubious apparatus of

Left: deep down at

Human brain
the base of the
fore-brain lies the
pea-sized pineal
body. It is often
Pineal body identified with a
mysterious third
eye' that confers
telepathic powers,
though it is not
connected with the
visual nerves.
..V Right: Mr Pratt
(leftl and Mr
Pearce (right) were
the subjects of
the botanist
J.B. Rhine's
most famous
experiment in
telepathy at Duke
University in
1935. Pratt
Pearce received.
The lack of
against cheating
weakened the
'iS. good results.

Powers of the mind
playing cards printed with special not rehably repeatable meaning usually the pea-sized pineal body
symbols to be 'read' by telepathy or either that psionic talents wear out within the brain, whose function is
clairvoyance. Ignoring the trickery rather easily or that the original not fuUy understood. In Charles L.
possible in shuffling and other card score was a fluke. Harness's 'The Rose', the pineal
manipulation, these experiments It is still possible that body reaches maturity and psionic
have been unsatisfactory because occasional flashes of unnatural usefulness by physically growing
the method was statistical. A series perception come to some human through other parts of the brain: the
of correct card identifications better minds, but too few to be measured victim gains ESP but loses the
than expected from sheer random by the long grind of controlled abiUty to read and write. T. Lobsang
guesswork was hailed as proof of experiments. An example might be Rampa's The Third Eye describes the
ESP. If the score was lower than the sudden certainty of a roulette awakening of the pineal eye by a
expected from random chance, this player who knows the number which process of drilling through the skuU
too was good ('negative prediction'). iscoming up, and afterwards sees it and poking sticks into the hole.
When the score fell in the random- win. Gamblers have these flashes of Though told as fact, this is indeed
chance range, as all too often it did, 'certainty' quite frequently, but the science fiction: the author, who
it was generally ignored. ones they remember are the purported to be a 'Tibetan lama',
Statistically, indeed, you must get (infrequent) winners. Whether it is a turned out to be an EngUsh plumber
unlikely results once in a while, just statistical fluke or a psionic flash, called Hoskins. Of course the
as,by tossing coins for long enough, such an unpredictable phenomenon original 'third eye' is a symbol of
you are sure to get an unUkely six isnot experimentally testable and spiritual erdightenment, having
'heads' in a row (though the odds therefore not science. nothing to do with psionics or the
are 63 to 1 against achieving this in The 'inner sight' of ESP has physical brain. Too many people
any particular six throws). The been linked with the 'third eye' of read mystic writings as though they
trouble with statistical ESP Eastern mysticism. Science fiction were not rehgious parables but
experiments is that 'good' scores are has often featured a Uteral third eye wiring diagrams.

Packs made up of
these five cards,
each with a
separate symbol,
were used in
Rhine's celebrated
experiments in
telepathy. Critics
who examined the
cards said some of
the symbols were
visible from the
back! It may have
been siUy to use
cards at all.

Powers of the mind
conditions were tightened up. These suggested above, it seems not. If a
Telekinesis and gloomy results came not from man can levitate himself in defiance
sceptics but from the mathematician of gravity, what supports his
the brute-force John Taylor, who at first believed in weight? Or can we measure the
talents telekinetic metal-bending but by the space-distortions his mind must be
late 1970s was doubtful that it producing to cancel out Earth's
existed at all. It is interesting that, gravity? No, for although cases of
In the 1970s telekinesis became the just as 'apports' supposedly levitation were famous in times past,

most popular of supposed psionic teleported into rooms by psychics nobody seems able to do it before
powers - thanks to the trickster Uri are always small enough to hide witnesses in this sceptical age. If a
Geller's 'psychic' bending of much under the clothing, so the keys and psychic causes a small object
good cutlery. His televised spoons publicly bent by Geller were weighing, say, 100 gm to
performances produced an epidemic always small enough to conceal or 'materialize' from thin air, surely the

of 'super-children' who also claimed substitute by sleight of hand. energy involved (more than that of a
to bend metal by mental force. Was Most fictional scientists are 2-megaton explosion for a 100-gm
a testable psionic power available at fanatically against psionics. In Isaac mass) must produce detectable side
last? Asimov's short story 'Belief, a man effects, whether it is stolen from

The short answer seems to be who can reliably levitate himself has elsewhere or somehow created on the
'no'. Geller's abilities tended to enormous difficulty in convincing spot.

vanish mysteriously when anything scientists of his power. But, like A science fictional answer to

Uke a controlled experiment was Taylor, many real scientists relish these awkward questions is that

suggested, and allpubhcly

his new and ask only that
challenges, there is another, 'parallel' universe
staged performances have been telekinesis should work under which supplies energy for psychic
duplicated just as convincingly by conditions chosen to prevent error doings, as in Robert Heinlein's
professional magicians. His most and trickery. They also ask how 'Waldo'. The combined energy of
uncanny ability was his sense of psionic effects connect with the both universes stays constant,
timing, whereby he performed his known laws of physics. If, as was satisfying the laws of physics; but

best tricks while the cameramen suggested, spoon-bending results since psionic talents can shuttle

were changing their films. The from electromagnetic radiation energy to and fro between the
'superkids' were good at bending produced by the brain, can this universes, it seems that energy is
spoons while unsupervised, but their radiation be detected? From being psionicaUy created or
talents dwindled as experimental experiment and for the reasons destroyed in this universe. Two

Left: Uri GeUer,

trickster or master
of telekinesis? Did
he bend these
objects by mental
power or sleight of
hand? The stage
magician .James
Randi has
duplicated all
Geller's stunts
using traditional
Right: strange
events at a
spiritualist temple
in 1938. This early
infra-red picture
shows medium
CoUn Evans,
levitating. 'I

myself saw Evans

rise about ten feet
and come down
again all in a
matter of
seconds', the
testified. Sceptics
willargue that
such feats are
easier to fake in
the near-darkness
Evans used.

Powers of the mind
problems follow from this clever mathematics, Godel's famous proof dice usually ignoring the problem
idea. First, why should the human shows that there exist theorems that most dice have a natural bias
brain be capable of tapping the which are true but cannot be proved which shows up in long sequences.
energy of another universe when it by the logical tools of mathematics. (Even drilhng out the pips in each
cannot directly convert even the Physics reduces the universe to die face can shift the centre of
energy of a lump of coal? (One of mathematics: psionic powers might gravity sUghtly.) This may account
the few concessions to common be an elusive fact of the universe for some above-random scores;
sense in A.E. van Vogt's The World which cannot be either proved or others are required by sheer
of Null-A is that the only psionically disproved by logic or experiment. statistics. If 1000 people were
gifted character is a mutant with an Ian Watson's Miracle Visitors tested, 100 or so might score well by
energy-controUing 'extra brain'.) suggests that UFOs (see pages chance; when retested, 10 of the
Secondly, if psionics has an 176-9) could be in a similar position 100, and then 1 of the 10, might still
objective, testable basis like this, its a 'higher truth' which we can score sUghtly above the random
truth should have been established never verify. expectation. So must the person
long ago. If this is so, past statistical who scored significantly in three
This is not to say that psionic work on telekinesis is useless. Here successive tests be a telekinetic
phenomena are unreal. In people tried to influence the fall of expert? Not at aU. It is as though
the 1000 people were each asked to
toss a coin, the object being to score
'heads'. About 500 people would
succeed in the first trial, 250 of
these in the second, 125 of those in
the third, and so on. The odds are
that someone will 'prove' psionic
abihty by tossing 'heads' 9 or 10
times in a row.
If our minds cannot exert the
tiny force needed to affect the fall of
dice, it sounds unhkely that large
masses could be flashed through
space at the speed of hght (if not
faster). This is teleportation, the
commuter's dream: in Alfred
Bester's Tiger! Tiger! all transport
is obsolete while people travel
instantlyby mind alone. The ability
to teleportanywhere imaginable
could have awful consequences. For
example, "several stories, including
Daniel Galouye's 'The Last Leap',
feature teleporters struggUng with
varying success not to imagine the
word 'Sun'.
There are more serious
problems. The difference in
gravitational potential energy
between sea level and the top of
Everest is enough to accelerate
someone to 1500 kph: what happens
when you teleport from one to the
other? It would be dangerous to
teleport too far north or south
Earth's spin makes the equator
move nearly 1700 kph faster than
the poles. And what about
mountains, or people or even air
molecules occupying the space
where you materialize? There could
be a nasty explosion. Even if they
are mere wish-fulfilment, psionic
abiUties would be as tricky as fairy-
tale wishes the sort that leave the
unfortunate wisher with a sausage
stuck to his nose.
Chapter 11
Are there strange truths about our world that scientists have
conspired to ignore? Millions of people believe so.

balloons, then being tested experi- offers 'evidence' that flying saucers
Flying saucers mentally for meteorological uses. have been visiting the Earth
The UFO chased by USAF throughout history going all the
pilot Thomas Mantell in January way back to 18,617,841 BC (a
People have always caught glimpses 1948 was almost certainly a skyhook remarkable feat, considering the
of objectswhich they could not balloon. Mantell became the first dearth of historical records!). In the
identify, including objects in the UFO casualty when he took his second part, Adamski tells of his
sky. This not very surprising.
is unpressurized plane too high, encounter with a man from Venus,
What is surprising, however, is that blacked out, and crashed; the event who told him that all the planets of
in the last 35 years or so it has was dramatic enough to lend itself the Solar System are inhabited by
become astonishingly fashionable to to all kinds of fanciful men, who had always kept in touch
claim that some of these objects are misinterpretations. with Earth but who had recently
actually spaceships from other The USAF took an active become anxious because of our
worlds. interest in UFO sightings, largely tinkering with the secrets of the
The modern boom in UFO because there seemed to be a chance atom.
(Unidentified Flying Object) that the Russians might be testing Shortly after this, in 1954,

sightings began in 1947, following a new types of eiircraft. They financed George King announced that he had
report by an American businessman, three investigative projects, become the spokesman for the

Kenneth Arnold. He was flying his culminating in Project Blue Book. Interplanetary Parliament, receiving
private plane in the Cascade The final report by Edward U. instructions telepathically while in a

mountains and saw what he later Condon and his team offered an state of trance, and relaying his

claimed were nine objects, the size account of cases investigated in message via the Aetherius Society
of airliners, flying at more than which 97% of several thousand and his book You Are Responsible!.
1500 kph. Eight of the objects were reports were shown to be mistakes King tells us that Jesus Christ is
disc-shaped (the ninth was a or hoaxes. That 3% of cases should aUve and well on Venus, and that
crescent), and he described their remain unexplained is not altogether the Second Coming is due soon. He
motion to reporters as 'Uke saucers surprising: there were bound to be also tells us that the other

being skipped over water'. Thus some cases where the data were inhabitants of the Solar System are
'flying saucers' were born. Within inadequate to reach a conclusion. very worried about our playing with
weeks hundreds more had been But it is these 3% which continue to the atom. Similar views are
reported from all over the USA. give heart to believers convinced independently propagated by Meade
Social psychologists have linked that within the smokescreen of Layne, in The Coming of the
the flood of UFO sightings to the deception there must be at least a Guardians, and others.
political cUmate of the Cold War little fire. This easy incorporation of UFOs
the corolltuy of a general unease The air force gradually lost into the mythology of what are
inspired by the notion that World UFOs, accepting that the
interest in effectively millenarian reUgious cults

War III might not be so far away, phenomenon was a psychological one lends considerable weight to the

and that America was in great and hence (to them) uninteresting. argument that the whole UFO
danger of being betrayed from Committed believers, of course, phenomenon demands interpretation
within by communist sympathizers. misinterpreted this as an outward in terms of social psychology. The

In this interpretation, UFOs show concealing some kind of cover- psychoanalyst C.G. Jung wrote a
become, like the McCarthy witch- up. The myth that the awful truth book about flying saucers in which
hunts, a symptom of national about flying saucers is known, but he tried to explain UFOs as
paranoia. If that was ever the case, that it is protected by a security subjective products of the
however, the symptom proved far bletnket, remains popular. unconscious. The French
hardier than the disease. In 1953 Desmond Leslie and psychologist Bertrand M6heust has
Some of the early sightings George Adamski published the best- worked along similar lines; his ideas

which actually involved real objects selhng book Flying Saucers Have are elaborately extended in the

were undoubtedly of skyhook Landed. In the first part, Leslie science fiction novel Miracle Visitors

Mysteries of the past and present

The artist Tim

White here evokes
to perfection the
image of the flying
saucer as it exists
in modern
mythology. It is
sad that no UFO
photograph has
ever been taken
that duplicates the
clarity of White's
vision. Some
modern ufologists
take the view that
flying saucers are
created as
'realities' by the
power of the
glowingly in the
skies above our

Left: the 'mother

ship', a vast flying
saucer, appears
above Devil's
Tower mountain in
Wyoming in Spiel-
berg's film Close
Encounters of the
Third Kind. This
isone of the most
potent, mythic
images in the
modern cinema.
Mysteries of the past and present

by Ian Watson. However, both these as people lured into fairy mounds 'recalled'under hypnosis. The most
explanations are as difficult to did in the folk tales. Watson's view famous of these is the 'interrupted
swallow as the alien spaceships of was heretical several years ago, but journey' of Barney and Betty Hill
the more Literal interpretation. many members of UFO societies now which supposedly took place in 1961.
Watson believes that many share it. Betty Hill reproduced a 'star map'
people have access to an altered Contemporary UFO investi- (see diagram) which she remembered
state of consciousness, which he gators range from obvious outright (under hypnosis) having seen on the
calls'UFO-consciousness'. He draws cranks to serious sceptics who feel aUen spaceship where she and her
on arguments from quantum physics that, once all the mistakes and husband were taken. This was sub-
about the relationship between the hoaxes have been eliminated, there sequently interpreted by an amateur
observing consciousness and the still remains something worthy of astronomer as showing routes
phenomena observed, especially The most
scientific investigation. between a number of nearby Sol-
those arguments produced by famous of these 'converted sceptics' type stars. It was alleged that
scientists who say that we Live in a is J. Allen Hynek, whose book The the map showed that the aliens'
'participatory universe' (see pages UFO Experience (1972) included the homeworlds were orbiting the stars
98-101). Watson suggests that UFOs UFO reports which
classification of Zeta 1 ReticuU and Zeta 2 Reticuli.
ire 'real', but also that they are divides them up into six categories: For a long time this seemed quite
'summoned into existence' by nocturnal lights; daylight discs; plausible, but it was discovered in
human consciousness. He points out radfir cases; and three others 1981 that Zeta 2 Reticuli is actually
that early UFO sightings always normally referred to as 'close a binary star which could not
conform to the 'belief structure' of encounters' of the first, second and possibly have life-supporting
the period; in the Middle Ages, for third kinds. By 1976 Hynek had planets. At one time it appeared
example, we have descriptions of collected 800 reports of close reasonable to assume that special
'flying sailing ships'. Structurally, encounters of the third kind, credence should be given to
however, modern 'eye-witness' involving supposed meetings with memories extracted under hypnosis;
accounts of UFOs are similar to extraterrestrials. but it has now been shown by
fairy stories. This is dramatized Most accounts of supposed forensic scientists that hypnotized
clearly in the film Close Encounters meetings with aliens are so puerile subjects will lie, fantasize and mis-
of the Third Kind (1977), in which as to be quite beyond behef, but remember just as readily as when
people enticed into the 'mother ship' there is a specially interesting they are conscious.
emerge no older after 30 years, just category consisting of encounters There are still sightings

Most flying
saucers turn out
to be cases of
mistaken identity.
balloons are often
seen as 'UFOs'.
This photograph,
completely bona
fide and very
convincing, does
not show flying
saucers. These are
lenticular cloud
formations photo-
graphed in Brazil
in 1969.

Mysteries of the past and present

which cannot conclusively be those who do not as members of a regularly see UFOs, people might
accounted for; but the debate is not 'lunatic fringe', but even the most think that we
are mad, but they will
reaUy a rational argument over superficial investigation shows that not (immediately) think that we are
what, anything, this evidence
if it is the Hynek-style sceptics who boring. BeUef in UFOs allows people
amounts to. The reasons people have are the fringe, while the real heart of to assert that there are more things
for holding fantastic beUefs about the UFO phenomenon lies with the in Heaven and Earth than are
UFOs actually have nothing to do uncritical beUevers. dreamt of in the philosophies of
with evidence; UFO enthusiasts deal It is very easy to misjudge the those who claim to be clever; and it
with evidence only to give their size,distance and motion of objects isalways comforting to reflect that
behefs whatever gloss of in the sky (especially at night), and people cleverer than we are may not
respectabUity can be obtained by therefore to fail to identify thkigs be so clever after all. For people who
their pastiche of scientific method. that we see we see
or think are experts in the art of believing
For the most part, they do not care there. We must remember that there impossible things, more elaborate
whether the stories they quote are is also a positive incentive to UFO-fantasies offer even more
true or not, as is shown by the way misinterpret them: it is much more dramatic payoffs particularly the
that known hoaxes are still repeated, exciting to have seen something comforting thought that there might
in book after book. Those UFO strange and inexpUcable than to be people out there who really care
enthusiasts who do try to observe have seen something ordinary and about us and who might be able
reasonable standards of evidence in straightforward. It not only excites to stop us blowing ourselves up with
their enquiries will try to reject us, but makes us exciting. If we nasty atom bombs.

^ Tau Ceti
Tau 1,^
Eridani 82
Ijiani \ 54 Piscium

Kappa ^^
ornacis \ Alpha
8 95
GUese 86.1
Zeta 1 Reticuli
Zeta 2 Reticuli
Gliese 86

Gliese 59

Left: This 'star 'identified' the

map' was points on the
produced under map (above). Ms
hypnosis by Betty Fish believed the
Hill of New double-barrelled
Hampshire, USA, object in the
in 1964, three foreground was
years after she the Zeta Reticuli
dreamed she was system. However,
abducted in a take away the
UFO a dream lines connecting
she later believed the stars and the
was an actual case becomes
memory. The case weak. There are
became famous, only 15 stars on
especially when an the Fish map, 28
amateur on the Hill map,
researcher, and the positions
Marjorie Fish, are different.

Mysteries of the past and present

People by Brinsley le Poer Trench legends, in terms of a sequence of

Ancient (an eclectic collector of unorthodox cosmic events whereby Jupiter

astronauts? beliefswho now sits in the British emitted a comet which almost
House of Lords as Lord Clancarty). collided with Earth before settling
Here we are told that the gods of down to become Venus. These books
Desmond Leslie's contention in Egypt and Greece were aliens, that were so savagely ridiculed by
Flying Saucers Have Landed that the Garden of Eden was an experi- scientists who gave the
alien astronauts have been visiting mental set-up on Mars ruined by the impression of Inquisitors conducting
Earth throughout human history melting of one of the Martian ice- a witch-hunt that Velikovsky
was not new in 1953. The notion caps, and that Noeih's Ark was a attracted a good deal of sympathy.
that some of the supernatural beings spaceship. His ideas were sufficiently
described in ancient mythologies One of the modern masterpieces attractive, and his pastiche of
were actually extraterrestrials goes of pseudoscholarship contained in
is scientificmethod sufficiently
back to the nineteenth century. It the first two books published by compelling, for him to recruit many
has been so commonplace through- Immanuel Velikovsky: Worlds in followers, though Carl Sagan in an
out the history of magazine science and Ages in Chaos
Collision (1950) essay included in Broca's Brain has
fiction that Brian Aldiss coined the (1952).These attempt to explain all written a careful step-by-step
term 'shaggy god stories' to the Old Testament miracles, and refutation of every one of his
describe them. The most familiar (at many references in other ancient arguments.
least tomagazine editors, who
Right: the
reject most of them) are those which
mysterious lines
offer science fictional 'explanations' in the desert at
myths such as the
for biblical Nazca are seen
suggestion that Adam and Eve were by Von Damken in
Chariots of the
the survivors of a cosmic
Gods? as runways
catastrophe who came to Earth in a for alien craft,
spaceship. One of the earliest and this photo-
thoroughgoing attempts to graph is used in
Testament as a
reinterpret the Old evidence. Alas, the
lines are less than
dim reflection of a science fictional
1 metre wide. Far
adventure can be found in George right: as the aerial
Babcock's Yezad, pubUshed in 1922. view shows, these
A more recent example is Julian Jay lines actually form

Savarin's 'Lemmus' trilogy, the outline of a

totemic humming-
published 1972-7.
bird, about 90
The most elaborate 'non-fictional' metres long.
account in the same vein is The Sky

Right: the parting

of the Red Sea is
one of the best
loved stories in
the Bible, and
formed a
memorable climax
to Cecil B. De
Mille's epic.
The Ten
(1956). According
to Immanuel
Velikovsky, who
specialized in
giving 'scientific'
explanations for
nuracles. part of
Jupiter became a
comet which, while
passing close to
Earth, parted the
Red Sea by
creating giant
tides, then settled
down to become
the planet Venus.

Mysteries of the past and present

It may well have been become common currency among Unknown History (1963) by Robert
VeUkovsky who inspired Erich von writers and readers of pseudo- Charroux. Soon after pubUcation of
Daniken, the best-seUing exponent science by the time Von Daniken Von Daniken 's first book Peter
of the theory that ail ancient began pubUshing. Books already on Kolosimo (in Not of This World,
mythologies can be explained in sale that offered similar ideas 1970) and Andrew Tomas (in We Are
terms of garbled eye-witness included The Morning of the not the First, 1971) exploited similar
accounts of the doings of Magicians (1960) by Louis Pauwels theories. In fact, the same anecdotal
extraterrestrial visitors to Earth. and Jacques Bergier and One material tends to recur over and
However, these ideas had already Hundred Thousand Years of Man's over again in such books, as writers
use each other as 'scholarly sources'.
There have been many such books
Von Daniken, in Chariots of the
Gods? (1968) and subsequent works,
Usts puzzling ancient artefacts (and
some modern ones which he also
claims to be ancient) and then offers
interpretations of their functions in
the context of his theory. Thus, the
pyramids of Egypt become cryonic
vaults, the markings on the plain of
Nazca in Peru become a series of
runways for spaceships, and an
elaborate Mayan design becomes a
picture of a man in a rocket-ship.
This theory is particularly useful in
that it can explain absolutely
everything that ever happened, and
almost everything that did not.
Aladdin's lamp, for instance,
becomes a radio set in Von
Daniken 's book. A great many
things which can be explained
perfectly easily without recourse to
such bizarre notions can, in this
view, be reinterpreted so as to
become great mysteries.

Left: one of the

most recent spin-
offs of the theories
of Von Daniken
and his colleagues
isthe film Raiders
of the Lost Ark
(1981). The theory
is that the Ark of
the Covenant was
a kind of electrical
condenser, used
by Moses to
communicate with
alien visitors. In
the film the Ark's
strange electric
powers prove fatal,
in this scene, to
the group of Nazis
that steals it,
while our captive
hero looks on.

Mysteries of the past and present

Von Daniken's use of 'evidence', talks learnedly, though often surely a despairing creed.
especially in his later books, inaccurately, of the genetic code, of Logic plays a minor role in Von
becomes so obviously irresponsible electricity and magnetism and alien Daniken's work, and some of his
that it is impossible to take him technologies. Barely concealed suppositions are mutually contra-
seriously, but, yet again, it seems beneath this twentieth-century dictory; he is also highly selective in
that his basic theme is attractive surface, however, seethes a witches' the 'evidence' he presents. The 'run-
enough to command belief brew of gods and demons, strange ways' at Nazca would surely be
regardless. Archaeologists, after all, visitors, potent curses and secret more appropriate for old-fashioned
have to spend lifetimes cultivating manipulators that would not have aircraft than for alien spaceships
relatively small areas of expertise, seemed out of place during the (which elsewhere in Chariots of the
and still find much that is puzzling. superstitious, dechning years of the Gods? are described as descending
With the aid of a Von-Danikenesque Roman Empire. vertically), and he does not mention

world-view, however, even the Behind almost everything that that many of the Unes at Nazca are
ignorant can get a firm grasp on Von Daniken has written is the idea simply the outhnes of totemic birds
everything that matters and need that our ancestors were too stupid and animals. The famous Mayan
never be at a loss to account for any and ignorant to work out anything coffin lid, seen by Von Daniken as
enigma which they may encounter. for themselves; that we could not depicting a man in a spaceship, is

In the last century and a half have reached our present status not even particularly convincing in
the stock of human knowledge has without outside help. Why are his slightly censored version of the
grown so quickly and so massively readers so ready to accept a thesis drawing, where parts of the original
that it is no longer possible for any so contemptuous of humanity? It is design have been blacked out: he
one person to have command of
more than a tiny slice of it. There
are no more 'renaissance men'.
People feel unsettled by the fact
that so much is known, and so little
of it by them. It is comforting to be
able to feel that the people who
think they know it all are merely
pronouncing a load of meaningless
mumbo-jumbo. There is a great
demand for highly simplified
versions of the Truth (whether it be
that all truth is in the Bible, or
written in the stars, or wherever it
may be) that give people the illusion
of understanding.
By taking his points one by one, Right: the lid of a
Mayan sarcopha-
quite easy to show how Von
it is
gus, or coffin,
Daniken twists the evidence. Two found in the
books that have done this are Some Temple of Inscrip-
Trust in Chariots (1972), edited by tions in Palenque,
Mexico, was used
Barry Thiering and Edgar Castle,
by Von Daniken
and The Space Gods Revealed (1976) as evidence of
by Ronald Story. A BBC pro- alien contact. He
gramme, T/ie Case of the Ancient sees the lid as
Astronauts, televised in several representing a
man piloting a
countries in 1977, patiently
rocket. Parts of
demoUshed many of Von Daniken's the picture, in the
'proofs'.There remedn, however, version Von
many more believers than sceptics, Daniken printed,
have been blacked
if one can judge by the sales figures
out, with the
of Von Daniken's books and the
overall effect of
success of the films based on his reducing the
work. In our supposedly secular and traditionally
rational world it may be that Mayan decoration
and increasing the
strange portents and enigmas
resemblance he
become a psychological necessity to wishes us to see.
maintain some kind of spiritual For example, by
balance, and if they do not exist, blacking out the
hair, he is able to
then they must be invented. These
give the effect
mysteries can be rendered super- which he describes
ficially acceptable by being given a as 'something like
veneer of 'science'. Von Daniken antennae on top'.

Mysteries of the past and present

fails tonote such wholly traditional Ark (1981) is based partly on one of suggested by Robert Charroux
Mayan elements as the feathered Von Daniken's suggestions: that the before him.
quetzal bird perched on the nose of Ark of the Covenant constructed by Most science fiction writers
the 'rocket', the monstrous, toothed Bezaleel for Moses, as described in regard the adoption of their notions
guardian of the underworld the Old Testament (Exodus 37), was by such people as Von Daniken as a
crouching at its tail, the Mayan kilt actually an electric condenser, used travesty which is deleterious to the
on the 'astronaut', and the fact that as a kind of radio for communication reputation of their art. The only
the astronaut's head is protruding between Moses and the ahen space- 'shaggy god stories' which get into
outside the rocket and his 'helmet' ship. The spaceship does not play a print these days are jokes and
looks rather Uke hair. Elsewhere in role in the fUm, but the electric parodies. It worth noting, though,
Von Daniken's work we learn that properties of the Ark remain that one idea which does continue to
the giant heads sculptured out of spectacular and a large group of fascinate science fiction writers, and
basalt by the Olmecs 'wUl never be Nazis is satisfyingly annihilated by which recurs with amazing
on show in a museum no bridge it. The only bibhcal weirrant for all frequency, is that of the extra-
in the country could stand their this is the death of the unfortunate terrestrial origin of Man. Why this
weight'. Such heads are represented Uzzah (2 Samuel 6:7), whom God should be so is not altogether clear,
in several museums, and Mexico's smote for touching the Ark. It is a but the idea that Earth was 'seeded'
bridges remain, for the most part, tortuous path that leads from godly from space obviously has a wide-
uncoUapsed, though the larger heads wrath to electrical condensers, but spread aesthetic appeal. Even
do in fact weigh many tons. Von Daniken was not the first to cosmic catastrophe scenarios not so
The fihn Raiders of the Lost travel along it. The idea was very different in spirit from
Velikovsky's often become
entangled with this thesis. For
instance, many stories suggest that
the asteroid belt between Mars and
Left: the same
Jupiter constitutes the remains of a
coffin lid, as
drawn from the planet blown up by nuclear war. The
incised stone by most impressive recent attempt to
Agustin Villagra. develop this theme can be found in
Without the
James Hogan's Inherit the Stars
blacking out it is

easier to pick out and its sequels.

the traditional One unorthodox thinker who
Mayan elements. has actually had a noticeable
The drawing in
influence on science fiction is
fact represents a
ruler, Pacal,
Charles Fort, who published several
suspended 'damned data'
collections of
between the information on strange incidents
worlds of the and occurrences assembled from
living and the
newspaper reports in the first half
dead. Above, a
quetzal bird, of this century. Fort attacked the
symbolizing the 'priesthood' of science for rejecting
dawn, the rising of these anomalous data in order to
the Sun God, is conserve orthodox belief, and
perched on top of
pointed out the fantastic theories
a cross. Part of
the cross is made suggested by various interpretations
of stylized corn of his material. He himself believed
plants, represent- none of these theories and proposed
ing fertility. Below
them primarily as whimsies,
Pacal's seat
crouches the generally manifesting an ironic
grinning, skull- scepticism which many people find
like Earth appealing. The Fortean Society,
monster. The which still propagates his views,
tomb was built in
unfortunately takes it all too
the year 683 and
discovered in seriously. Several science fiction
1952. If it reaUy writers have developed Fortean
shows a rocket, hypotheses in fictional form, in
why is the astro- particular Eric Frank Russell. His
naut's head
Sinister Barrier elaborates the
poking out, and
why does it have a Fortean notion that human beings
bird on its nose? are the property of aliens; his
(It is difficult
Dreadful Sanctuary develops the
to see that it is
thesis that Earth is a dumping-
a bird in Von
Daniken's ground for lunatics from other
censored version.) worlds.
Mysteries of the past and present

though the fact that Aristotle felt They included Paul Schliemann,
Vanished obliged to say so presumably grandson of the remarkable
indicates that there were people Heinrich who discovered and
civilizations? excavated Troy with the aid of the
prepared to take it literally. Nobody
really cared very much one way or Iliad. In 1912 Paul Schliemann

Historians and archaeologists are of the other, however, until America published How I Discovered
the opinion that civilization the was discovered. After that some Atlantis, the Source of All

congregation of men in towns and sixteenth-century European writers Civilization, claiming that his search

the development of a complex began to argue that Plato must have had begun with some documents
division of labour began some been referring to America, and that and an 'owl-headed vase' left to him
10,000 years ago, along the banks of the Timaeus and Critias should be by his august ancestor. The whole
the river Nile in Egypt and around treated seriously as historical affair was a hoax a dishonest

the confluence of the Tigris and the records. Some maps of the period, attempt to follow in his
Euphrates in Mesopotamia. These including one made by Britain's grandfather's footsteps.
are the earhest civilizations whose prestigious magician and More vanished civilizations

remains have been discovered. One intellectual, John Dee, labelled began to surface in this period.

of the most popular flights of America 'Atlantis'. Francis Bacon, Several geologists trying to account
speculative fancy, however, develops who began an account of an ideal for similar formations in Africa and
the hypothesis that these were not state called New Atlantis, clearly India put forward the thesis that the
the first civilizations, and that all held this view, and believed that the two were once linked by a land-
traces of earlier ones have American landmass had been very bridge (we now know that they were
unfortunately been wiped out. In much larger before some of it sank. once joined before being separated
pursuit of this notion, much has In the nineteenth century, around the time of the great
been made of the mention in two of geologists finally established that dinosaurs and the early mammals
Plato's dialogues of the lost empire the world was much older than by continental drift). This
of Atlantis. people had commonly believed, and hypothesis was popularized by the
The relevant dialogues are the that very many millions of years
Timaeus and the Critias, written had elapsed before the beginnings of
somewhere around 355 BC. They history. This created a new space for We do not need a
landbridge called
were sequels to The Republic, a the imagination to play in, and play
Lemuria to explain
dialogue in which Plato produced a it did. In 1882 Ignatius Donnelly similar animals and
blueprint for the ideal society, and the man who tried to prove crypto- geological forma-
graphically that Shakespeare's plays tions in Africa
were intended to expand upon this
were written by Francis Bacon and India. The
idea. They were apparently intended
drifting of the
as parts of a kind of trilogy, but the published Atlantis: the Antediluvian continents explains
third dialogue was not begun, and World. This declared that Atlantis the mystery.
the Critias breaks off sharply, was a real place, dim memories of Upper left: 1. The
which were responsible for myths of Permian, 250
unfinished, as if Plato had become
million years ago.
impatient with it. Instead of the Garden of Eden, the Elysian
There was one
continuing, he went on to write The Fields, Asgard, and others, and supercontinent
Laws, a much more considerable whose kings and heroes were the called Pangaea.

work of poUticEd philosophy. gods and demigods of all ancient Upper right: 2. The
Cretaceous, 100
In order to offer a more lively religions. Myths of the deluge were
million years ago.
picture of the ideal state sketched memories of the flood which sank North America and
out in The Republic, Plato 'revealed' Atlantis, and survivors of this Europe had begun
in the Timaeus that such a state had catastrophe had founded all the to split apart, and
the rift between
once existed in Athens some 9000 world's subsequent civilizations:
South America and
years before, and that he had this on Egypt, Burner and Akkad, the
Africa followed
the authority of the great Athenian Mayas and the Aztecs, and so on. soon afterwards.
statesman Solon, who had himself Donnelly's book is perhaps the first Lower left: 3. The
heard the story while travelling in great work of pseudoscholarship, Eocene, 50 million
years ago. The
Egypt in 590 BC. This ideal Athens accumulating vast stocks of
Atlantic Ocean
of the past had fought a long war supposed evidence in similarities had opened up.
against the empire of Atlantis, between the myths, artefacts and India was an
which was based on an island social institutions of cultures island moving
'beyond the Pillars of Hercules' a scattered all over the globe. He north.
right: 4. The
war concluded when a great cata- followed it up the next year with Pleistocene, 40.000
strophe overcame the world and Ragnarok. the Age of Fire and years ago. The
caused Atlantis to sink. The Critias Gravel, in which he anticipated continents were
gives an elaborate description of the Velikovsky in declaring that Earth almost in their
geography of the island, but this is once collided with a comet, thus
positions. During
broken off before completion. ending the last Ice Age. this period there
Most assumed that
later writers Many people were to jump on were four major
this story was an elaborate fable, the bandwagon started by Donnelly. Ice Ages.

Mysteries of the past and present

Today the island

of Thera in the
Santorini group in
the Mediterranean
Sea north of Crete
is a peaceful

tourist resort;
but this ocean-
filledcrater marks
the place of a
volcanic eruption
so violent that
it may have
the Minoan
Civilization in
Crete with a giant
tidal wave during
the second
millennium BC.
This could have
been the beginning
of the Atlantis
legend, and also
the legend of the
great flood. But
the date of the
eruption is 7500
years too late
for the dates of
Plato's Atlantis.

Mysteries of the past and present

German geologist Neumayr and was popular desire to beUeve that such
picked up by his countryman Ernst civiUzations actually existed. Sitm
Haeckel, an evolutionist who used All of these mythical TnfuLe AtlantiMs , i I]

the theory to account for the civilizationswere dragged into the jVari olan tlhfor^be eX I

distribution of certain mammal developing lore of occultism by the i I .^^'piiorun

rruTtte ttr \

groups across the subcontinents

ThtffnU ieja-wuo (
theosophist Helena Blavatsky, who


particularly the primitive primates offered a highly coloured account of

called lemurs. For this reason, the the evolution of Man via the seven
hypothetical landbridge came to be 'Root Races' (two of which have yet
dubbed 'Lemuria', and soon became to emerge). It was the Second Root
the location for imaginary vanished Race, according to her, which lived
civiUzations. in Hyperborea. The Third a race
Another name frequently con- of hermaphrodite, apeUke giants who
fused with Lemuria and sometimes were four-armed, three-eyed and laid
applied to the same area is Mu, eggs Uved in Lemuria. Atlantis
which derives from a 'translation' was the home of the Fourth Root
made in 1864 of a Mayan codex by Race. The scheme is developed even
the Abbe Brasseur, who used for more elaborately by Helena
this purpose a Mayan 'alphabet' Blavatsky 's disciple W. Scott-ELUot
drawn up by the conquistador Diego in The Story of Atlantis and The
de Landa. In fact, Mayan writing Lost Lemuria. The supposed
was pictographic, not phonetic, and authority for the whole farrago was
hence had no alphabet. What De the lost Book of Dzyan which
Landa actually compiled was a Helena Blavatsky was privileged to
Umited set of symbols whose read while in a trance in order that
pronounced names sounded some- she could reproduce it in her own
thing Uke the pronunciation given book The Secret Doctrine.
by the Spanish to the letters of their The sunken world of Atlantis
own alphabet. With the aid of a offered such an appeaUng image that
great deal of imagination and it cropped up constantly in

improvisation, Brasseur decided that imaginative fiction from Donnelly's

the codex told the story of a time until the 1930s, and it still
volcanic catastrophe. This had appears now. Captain Nemo
annihilated a countrywhose name discovered its ruins in Jules Verne's
was indicated by two recurrent Twenty Thousand Leagues under
symbols which looked something the Sea, and there are numerous
Uke De Landa's 'letters' M
and U. quaiint, if hopelessly implausible,
The mythology of Mu has been stories in which the Atlanteans Uve
elaborately developed by James on, protected by the pressure of the
Churchward, who based his accounts ocean by a crystal dome or a
on stone tablets which he claimed to mysterious force-field. (A recent
have seen during his journeys in the example is to be found in the
Far East. Ancient mythology unappeaUng film Warlords of
provides a rich source for Atlantis. 1978). The Atlantis
speculation about vanished civiliza- pubUshing industry continues
tions. Another, often mentioned, is strongly to this day; in recent years
Hyperborea, named after the Hyper- there has been a fad for locating the
boreans of Greek mythology who sunken ruins of Atlantis in the
were held to inhabit a warm and shallow waters off the Bahamas.
pleasant land in the far north. All of Although Atlantis continues to hold
these settings have been much a privileged position in occult
exploited by authors of heroic mythology, and in fiction deriving
fantasy seeking prehistoric venues from that mythology, the main
where the imagination could be function served by all these imagin-
given free rein without being ary vanished lands in contemporary
restricted to sagas of cavemen. fiction is in providing conventional
Notable among these authors was settings for romantic 'sword and
Robert E. Howard, the creator, back sorcery' adventure fiction. there was a considerable civiliza-
in the 1930s, of the still popular The twentieth century has, tion based on the island of Crete,
barbarian hero Conan the Cimmer- however, written a scientific foot- usually called the Minoan civiUza-
ian, superman of the 'Hyborian' age. note to the story. In the second tion. This came to a rather abrupt
Such stories, though fictions, did millennium BC about 800 years end, and it has been suggested that
much to increase interest in before the journey to Egypt when its sudden demise was connected
vanished civilizations, and the Solon supposedly heard of Atlantis with the eruption of a volcano in the
Mysteries of the past and present

Above left: North

is at the bottom
of this map of
Atlantis as it

appeared in
Mundus Sub-
terraneus by
in 1678. But depth
readings show no
sunken continent.
Above: the shaded
parts of this map
show where, in
relation to the
world we know,
Lemuria was
located, according
to the theoso-
phists who were
most attached to
the theory. The
distribution of
lemurs, which
Lemuria is
supposed to
explain, can now
be explained by
the theory of drift-
ing continents (see
page 185).
Left: volcanic
Atlantis just
before sinking, as
seen in the film
Atlantis: the Lost
Continent (1961).

Aegean Sea, whose relic is the well have brought disaster to many translation that alter the figure of
Santorini group of islands, including neighbouring islands. 9000 years to something more
Thera and Therasia. If this eruption There is, however, no need to appropriate. But for those who
was on the same kind of scale as the think that Plato really had any kind believe that there is a germ of truth
eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, then of story handed down from Solon's within every clever fantasy, this is
indeed a one-time island may have day. There is therefore no need to the straw that they must grasp in
disappeared, and a tidal wave might begin wondering about errors in order to save Atlantis.
Mysteries of the past and present

girls. hostile. The only sound she made

Children of It is probable that all the cases was a croaking in her throat.
the wild? of supposed 'wolf-children' were
who had been
Nevertheless, she was able to 'catch
actually children fairly up' the ground she had lost. The
recently abandoned, and whose lack other girl, Anna, had not had the
A myth of rather a different kind, of human behavioural traits can be advantage of a mother to share her
though it is no less persistent than accounted for in terms of autism or captivity, and died at the age of 10,
myths of visitors from beyond and sheer neglect. There has never been four years after her discovery; but
vanished civilizations, is that of any convincing evidence of the she had made some progress
children reared by wild beasts involvement of the more celebrated perhaps remarkable progress in
(usually wolves). We find it in the feral children with animals the being rehabilitated.
story of Romulus and Remus, and aestheticpower of the myth is It is, clearly, possible for
accounts of animal-fostering of apparently enough to make people children to survive in relative
humein children are common in turn very readily to this isolation if they can get enough to

Greek legend. Anecdotes and 'explanation'. eat, and to retain the capacity for
literary versions of the theme recur We do know, however, a good rehabilitation until at least the age
through the centuries even to the deal about the effects of continued of seven. It is obvious that neither
present day. The most famous neglect involving the isolation of Tarzan nor Mowgli could have
modern literary versions are the children from normal human developed their human character-
'Mowgli' stories of Rudyard Kipling intercourse. It is sadly not unknown, istics without human contact. Much
and the 'Tarzan' stories of Edgar even in contemporary America and less than this is being claimed on
Rice Burroughs. Europe, for parents to hide children behalf of Kamala or the wild boy of
Tarzan has become one of the away (usually because they are Aveyron. The main problem faced
best known modern myth-figures. illegitimate) and, apart from feeding by fersJ children would appear to be
He is a creature of two worlds who them, to pay no other attention to to persuade their animal hosts not
combines the best of both: the them. The sociologist Kingsley only to refrain from killing them but
innate nobility of the EngUsh Davis has reported on two cases to feed them. Even granting their
aristocrat and the toughness of a which he investigated personally. occasioned (if highly eccentric)
jungle beast. Because of his great One concerned Isabelle, who was willingness, the ability of animals to
intelligence, he not only became king locked away with her deaf-mute supply human infants with adequate
of his ape-tribe but lesirned to read mother in a dark room until she was food must be seriously in question,
from picture-books left behind by his six and a half years old. When she especially if it includes suckUng. To
dead parents. was brought out her behaviour argue that a she-wolf who has lost
Rumours of children reared by towards other people was fearful and her own young might opt for a
animals continue to attract
attention, and never lose their
fascination. In 1966 the Paris t
newspaper Le Monde published a
long article by Lucien Malson on 50
alleged cases, including the famous
'wUd boy of Aveyron' found in 1798.
This wild boy was the first 'feral
child to be studied by a scientist. A

Dr Itard took the boy into his home,

gave him a name (Victor), and tried
to educate him. Francois Truffaut
has made a film of this story,
L'Enfant Sauvage (1970), playing
the part of Dr Itard himself.
One most recent reports
of the
was publicized by the psychologist
Arnold Gesell, using dieu-ies kept by
a Reverend Mr Singh, who claimed
to have dug two orphan girls out of
a wolves' den in India in 1930. The
younger girl,Amala, soon died; but
the elder, Kamala, learned at least
some of the art of being humsm. In
1951 the sociologist W.F. Ogburn
and a colleague tried to check up on
Gesell 's account, but they found
that Singh had recently died and
could locate no independent evidence
of his story about the finding of the
Mysteries of the past and present

bizarre substitute is to stretch

credibility; tosuggest that she
would then perform supervulpine
feats of nurture is perhaps more
Once again, it is perhaps worth
emphasizing that the manner in
which myths such as this one seduce
behef has nothing much to do with
evidence and everything to do with
aesthetic fascination. The
tremendous success of the 'Tarzan'
stories should remind us that people
especially children find the idea
of such a character immensely
appeahng. We all have reckless,
destructive and anti-social impulses
which constantly press against the
restraints imposed by conscious,
rational and conscientious thought.
Fantasies like the 'Tarzan' and
'Mowgli' stories set us free, in a
way, to indulge and enjoy the
wildness within us. Stories of 'real'
wolf-children may simply provide
the materials for buUding bulwarks
which shore up the integrity of
fantasies we should like to maintain
for private reasons. Science fiction
and fantasy fiction help us to form
and populate our imaginary worlds,
and it is not really so surprising that
their content occasionally diffuses
into our more fanciful
interpretations of reahty.

Left: the 'wild

boy of Aveyron',
found in 1798,
was the subject
of Truffaut's
film L'Enfant
Sauvage ('The
Wild Child') in
1970, played by
Cwgol. The boy's
initiation into
human society is % /
rendered. Above:
long before
Tarzan became a
film hero, his
appeeirance was
familiar from
John Allen St
John. This is from
Tarzan and the
Jewels of Opar
(1918). Right:
One of the early
tales of feral
children is that
of Romulus and
Remus, who were
reared by a she-
wolf. The statue
is in Rome.
Chapter 12
Readers expect the 'real' science in science fiction to be
reasonably accurate. Sometimes it is not.

Wrong science in to insulate against gravity. Wells's

book became an example of wrong
that they would cease to exist in a
tiny fraction of a second.

science fiction science. Belief in another popular

Other writers have suffered this scientific phenomenon, the
The science in science fiction, as we more recently: it is a special danger 'starbow', came to grief in the late
have seen, can be real, extrapolated, for anyone who uses the very latest 1970s after it had featured in many
imaginary or controversial. Some- scientific theories. Larry Niven's stories, most notably Frederik
times, of course, it is just plain story 'The Hole Man' (1974) makes Pohl's 'The Gold at the Starbow's
wrong. ingenious use of an extremely small End'. The idea of the starbow was
Science fiction writers get their black hole as a murder weapon; the that relativistic effects would crowd
science wrong for many reasons. following year Stephen Hawking, together the stars seen from a
Some writers seem have learnt
to who had predicted the possibility of spaceship travelling close to
their physics entirely by reading such holes in the first place, showed Ughtspeed, and also shift the
older science fiction. For example,
writers happily followed one another
in describing spacecraft which
travelled from star to star in mere
hours, though Einstein's Special
Theory of Relativity was widely
accepted before the establishment of
the first science fiction magazine
{Amazing Stories) in 1926. Special
relativity, of course, insists that we
cannot exceed the speed of light,
and therefore cannot reach even the
nearest stars without a journey time
of years.Many writers did not
bother to take account of this,
through a mixture of laziness and
Similarly, absurdities Uke aliens
who lusted after Earthwomen (about
as logical as a man lusting after
female though not male lobsters)
and human/aUen crossbreeding
(genetically impossible) were once a
firm part of the science fiction
Science which seems reasonable
at the time of writing can be
overtaken by events. The gravity-
proof material 'Cavorite' of H.G.
Wells's The First Men in the Moon
was just plausible in 1901. In 1915
Einstein pubhshed the General
Theory of Relativity, and by 1919 it
had been almost conclusively
proved. One of the theory's
consequences is that there is no way
Where science fiction gets it wrong
frequency of their light by different is an unstable set-up: inevitably the over the mystical period of seven
amounts, depending on how far they ringworld would eventually drift years. Though blood cells are
were off the hne of the ship's into its sun. (Niven later wrote a renewed in mere days, nerves are
movement. The result: a beautiful sequel introducing endless numbers usually not renewed at all.
rainbow of coloured stars in a broad, of unconvincing jet engines to keep The most interesting kind of
circular band ahead. Unfortunately the world in place.) wrong science is where the author
this does not work. The original Authors who work out their knows exactly what he or she is
calculations failed to allow for the physics in great detail are also, alas, doing, but deliberately bends the
enormously wide band of radiation prone to make the occasional rules just far enough to make the
put out by stars: as the distortions mistake. Lucifer's Hammer by Larry story work. A
minor example is the
of relativity shift the visible part of Niven and Jerry Pournelle includes high incidence of meteor strikes on
the starUght towards blue or red, calculations of the effect of a comet fictional spacecraft. In the old days
the invisible infra-red or ultra-violet impact. A 640,000-megatonne it was generally assumed that
rays eire and
shifted into visibility impact energy is mentioned, which meteors were constantly whizzing
the star continues to look more or is enough energy to boil a Uttle over through space and pattering on the
less white. Several dozen more 1000 cubic km of water. On the hulls of ships; the more exuberant
stories were dragged into the same page it is estimated that the writers would have spaceships
category of wrong science. strike will 'vaporize about sixty banging and crashing their way
Even when science does not million cubic kilometres of water'. through the dense meteor clouds of
change, the most conscientious Perhaps someone shpped with the the asteroid belt or even the rings of
author cannot always think of electronic calculator? Saturn. In fact, even in the asteroid
everything. Larry Niven provides a SUps of the mind may cause belt, the obstacles are on average
couple more examples. His 'Neutron authors to quote 'scientific' material well over 1 miUion km apart. The
Star' deals with the problems of a which is not science at all but extreme unlikeliness of a meteor
man surviving gravity and folklore or superstition. The Blind colUsion became well known, and
acceleration as his ship orbits Spot by Austin Hall and Homer Eon writers who wanted such an accident
dangerously close to a superheavy FUnt (a dreadful book which a few for their plots would first include a
neutron star. Fans who made people insist is a classic of science short, apologetic lecture on its near-
detailed calculations after the story fiction) refers respectfully to
dogs' impossibility.
was pubUshed found that the abihty to judge character, feminine
manoeuvre would actually give the intuition, animal magnetism, psychic
ship a lethal spin Two of the we can see that
a not at all vibrations, and even the effect of commonest cliches the spaceship is
obvious result. Niven's Ringworld intelligence on the colour of the eyes in science floating from the
features an artificial world which is all irrelevant to the plot. John fiction. Opposite: trajectory of the
a ring 150 miUion km in radius with Wyndham fell into a similar trap: magazine cover fireworks. Neither
Sun at the centre (gravity being showing an alien scenario is
the his short story 'How Do I Do?'
lusting after plausible; both
simulated by spinning the ring). rehes on the 'fact" that all the cells an Earthwoman. remain intensely
Unfortunately it turns out that this in a human body wiU be replaced Below: antigravity; popular.

mirr- <.

When' science fiction gets it wrong

A better example of rule-bending schnitzels.) The 'cannon' in The The special effects red! There is no
is Poul Anderson's Tau Zero, which Space Machine is situated on Mars in theWalt scientific warrant
Disney film The for the appearance
in the manner of the best confidence and fires spacecraft into orbit not
Black Hole (1979) of the hole, visible
tricks leads you on with much but by
in a single killing blast were much here ahead of the
impeccably worked-out science. A steady acceleration. Steam pressure praised. But the spaceship Cygnus.
ship travelling ever closer to drives the space-capsule up a mile- studio faced a Judging from
long tube, accelerating the way problem in making evidence like this,
lightspeed is caught in the grip of it all
a black hole look there are few
Einstein's time dilation, until escape velocity is reached.
exciting; the physicists in the
experiencing time at such a different Some calculations from schoolday answer make it film industry.
rate that its crew sees the stars go physics show that to reach Mars
out and the universe die. At last the escape velocity (about 5 km per
universe collapses back to a single second) over the length of this tube conservation of momentum, which
fiery mass, the monobloc: the ship needs a steady acceleration of some holds true all the way from atomic
orbits this and survives the Big 800 Earth gravities crushingly nuclei to whole galaxies, scientists
Bang as the monobloc explodes into lethal. To reduce it and
to a safe merely laughed at it and rightly
another universe. The only small comfortable Ig, the tube would have so. But the fantasy remains
problem is that in such a final to be 800 times longer. Such a attractive.
collapse, ail of space falls in on ridiculously long tube would Arthur C. Clarke, a devotee of
itself. The monobloc fills the whole probably be less convincing in the 'real'science and technology, wrote
of the shrunken universe and there story: better, perhaps, to keep the the book Rendezvous with Rama, in
is no 'outside' where the ship can tube a reasonable length and fiddle which an enormous alien spacecraft
orbit. Most people who notice this the physics. passes through our Solar System,
point ire prepared to forgive Finally, there are authors who staying just long enough for human
Anderson for the sheer audacity of are prepared to stick out their beings to take a quick tour of its

the idea. tongues at today's physics and interior. At the end book this
of the
Much more commonly, rule- calmly describe the impossible. One craft unexpectedly turns on its
bending means the quiet shifting of popular impossibihty was the 'Dean 'space drive' and starts to accelerate
a decimal point. Christopher Priest's Drive', which in the early 1960s was without jets, with no heed for the
novel The Space Machine includes being pushed as fact in the pages of law of conservation of momentum.
an attempt to go one better than Analog SF. This was a 'reactionless 'There goes Newton's Third Law,'
Jules Verne's impossible cannon in drive', an unhkely device of wheels somebody says, as it retreats into
From the Earth to the Moon. (This and levers which was supposed to the distance. For the moment,
blasted a spacecraft to escape move by pushing against itself the however neat a conclusion to
velocity in a fraction of a second, mechanized equivalent of the man Rendezvous with Rama it may have
and would have converted the lifting himself by his bootlaces. been, we shall have to call this
passengers to something resembling Since this violates the law of 'wrong science'.
Where science fiction gets it wrong
via a volcanic eruption, floating out Edgar Rice Burroughs' At the
The hollow Earth of Mount StromboU on a tide of Earth 's Core with its sequels,

lava! featuring the dinosaur-infested

Once writers could invent strange More ambitious writers underworld of Pellucidar.
civilizations in far-off lands, as borrowed the lunatic geology of In practice, life becomes
Jonathan Swift did in Gulliver's John Cleves Symmes. One such impossible only a few kilometres
Travels. Today there are no novel, Symzonia: a Voyage of beneath Earth's surface if only for

unknown lands and the fashion is to Discovery (1820), by 'Captain Adam reasons of temperature. Heat-
set stories on other worlds. But Seaborn', may have been written by producing radioactive materials in
some writers invented new lands Symmes himself. Symmes beheved the crust cause sharp temperature
hidden inside a hollow Earth. One that Earth was not only hollow but rises to kiUing levels over the first
early example is Icosameron (1788), contained four more planets nested few kilometres; the 2900 km of the
written in French by Giacomo inside each other. Another popular next layer, the mantle, is hotter still.
Casanova, better known as a great source was William Reed's Phantom Within the mantle is Earth's core,
lover than as a science fiction writer, of the Poles, which featured huge which (despite being visited by
but industrious in both spheres: the polar openings as in Symmes's Tarzan in one book by Burroughs) is
novel is almost 2000 pages long. theory, it being possible to sail over mostly molten iron at temperatures
The classic underground story is the edge on to another sea with new varying from about 3000C, where
Jules Verne's A Journey to the continents, all on the inner surface the core meets the mantle, to about
Centre of the Earth. Here the of the hollow Earth. The fact that 4000C, at the centre. In the inner
explorers actually penetrate no there would be no gravity on such core, a central sphere ofabout 1300
deeper than a few hundred of the an inner surface did not seem to km in radius, the molten iron seems
6400 km of Earth's radius. However, worry him. to have been compressed back into
beneath the depth where air The actual plausibility of solidity by the extreme pressure
temperature and ground water affect theories was no obstacle to writers there over 3 million atmospheres.
the temperature inside the Earth who only wanted an exotic place for We can probe the core by
(100 metres, perhaps), it becomes their stories. Famous examples are monitoring seismic Shockwaves from
rapidly hotter through the 40 km of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton's The earthquakes or nuclear tests, which
Earth's crust. Thermometer Coming Race, whose underground pass through it and are speeded,
readings over 200 C have been society is powered by the wonderful distorted or reflected. Such
recorded in mines only 5 km deep. Ufe-force 'vril' which became such a experiments show no evidence of
Verne's heroes could never survive Victorian catchword as to give its any hollow space.
though in the book they escape name to the beef-extract Bovril; and Nevertheless, hollow-Earth
theories have retained their
popularity in comparatively recent
times. The magazine Amazing
Stories published from 1945 to 1947
a series of stories by Richard S.
Shaver, purporting to have a factual
basis. The stories make much of the
existence of an underground world,
and their publication as 'factual'
brought the circulation of the
magazine to remarkably high figures
for several years.
Even science fiction writers have
not spared serious thought for the
theories of Cyrus Reed Teed, who
from 1870 to his death in 1908
preached fervently that the Earth is
hollow and that we are all living on
the inside.

The map is from extremities. In the

William Reed's interior are vast
Phantom of the continents, oceans,
Poles (1906). His mountains and
caption reads, in This new
part: 'The Earth is world is

hollow. The poles probably peopled

so long sought are by races yet
but phantoms. unknown.' The
There are open- British peer Lord
ings at the Clancarty still
northern and stoutly supports
southern Reed's beliefs.
Where science fiction gets it wrong
were the size ofan elephant it could ironic comment in The Flight of
Very big and very leap a kilometre' is nonsense: a flea Dragons, where dragons ire shown
small the size of an elephant would need
also to be built like an elephant, or
to be light, gas-filled creatures which
float Uke great reptilian bUmps.
its legs would break under it. Reduction to small size, as in
Older science fiction films are These u-e simple physical the films Fantastic Voyage (1966)
notorious for their use of menacing arguments against giant insects: and The Incredible Shrinking Man
g^ant insects ants, spiders, there are some more subtle (1957), brings new problems. A
scorpions, even a praying mantis. In biological ones as well, as was mouse-sized man would have the
real life these creatures could never pointed out by the scientist J.B.S. advantages of a mouse: he would be
live in such enlarged states; nor Haldane. Insects do not distribute able to survive long falls, since a
would "The Incredible Shrinking oxygen about their bodies by way of hundredfold reduction in height
Man' have survived being shrunk. blood circulation, as we do. Instead, produces a millionfold decrease in
The tradition of enlarged there are fine, hollow tubes along mass but only a ten-thousandfold
creatures begins with H.G. Wells's which the oxygen diffuses and decrease in surface area, and hence
novel The Food of the Gods, where a keep the
this diffusion is too slow to in the eiir resistance, as the man
miracle fertilizer produces gigantic metabolic burning when the
fires falls. The slows his fall 100 times
plants, rats, wasps, hens and even oxygen molecules have to travel more effectively than if he were full-
people. We can easily make some more than, say, half a centimetre. sized. But he would suffer from the
calculations from the figures Wells (For this reason, few insects Eire mouse's metabolic problems. With a
gives. His wasps have bodies 45 cm much more than 1 cm thick.) In surface area many times greater in
long roughly a thirtyfold increase. giant insects the molecules would proportion to his mass, he loses heat
This would make the wasp's wings need to diffuse many centimetres that much faster, and would need to
30 times longer and 30 times into the enlarged muscles; a giant eat furiously simply to keep warm.
broader: they would have 900 times ant, in addition to all its other A mouse needs to eat about a
the area and (presumably) Ufting problems, would quickly suffocate. quu-ter of its own weight of food
power. But the wasp's body would Haldane also calculated that a each day to survive, and the
be 30 times larger in each of its flying man would need a chest proportion rises for smaller warm-
three dimensions, and would thus sticking out for about 120 cm blooded animals.
weigh as much as 27,000 ordinary simply to house the wing muscles, How does he shrink? This is a
wasps. The g^ant wasp could while his legs became mere stilts to vital question. Ifhe were squeezed
therefore never fly; indeed it would save weight. For reptiles of the huge down by high pressures the process
not even be able to crawl. size found in Anne McCaffrey's would kill him besides which he
Again, the giant people of Food 'Dragon' books, flight is plainly would sink into the ground as all his
of the Gods are 1 2 or more metres impossible more wing-muscles unaltered weight rested on his
tall about seven times normal would be needed to lift the dragon miniaturized feet. Atoms themselves
height, but with normal proportions. than could possibly be fitted into its cannot be reduced in size without
The cross-sectional areas of the body. Peter Dickinson offers an changing them to something else
bones and muscles, and hence their
strength, would increase 7^ {or 49)
times; the total weight of one of
these giants would be increased by a
factor of 7^ (or 343). He would feel
Uke a man with six more men on his
back. For him to stand would be
almost impossible: his spine would
collapse; his overstrained ankles
would quickly give way and, with
his head 12 metres from the ground,
a fall would usually be fatal. In fact
the humanthighbone, the thickest
in thebody, breaks under about 10
times the human weight. Only
massive, tree-trunk legs, like an
elephant's, could hope to support
these feeble giants.
The giant ants of the film Them!
(1954) are very much more absurd.
An ant 1000 times its natural size
would be fully 1000 times heavier
than the weight its enlarged legs
could comfortably support: its own
weight would kill it at once.
Likewise, the theory that 'if a flea
Where scienca fiction gets it wrong
(degenerate matter) in which the
chemical reactions of hfe will not
work. It seems that the only way to
shrink our man is to reduce the
number of atoms in his body,
removing a proportion of them to
leave a smaller, functioning man.
Unfortunately, as Isaac Asimov
observes, a mouse-sized man would
be left with a mouse-sized brain
and it is not possible that such a

tiny fraction of the original brain

would stiU have intelHgence.
This also disposes of the idea
that microscopic people could evolve
naturally, as in Fitz-James O'Brien's
'The Diamond Lens', whose hero
falls in love with a girl on a
microscopic sUde, or could be
genetically created, as in James
Blish's classic 'Surface Tension'.
Brains so small would have too few
atoms, too Uttle complexity, to hold
Nevertheless there are stories
about people small even on the
atomic scale. In Ray Cummings' The
Girl in the Golden Atom, the old
model of atoms as tiny solar
systems is extended to include
inhabited planets electrons. How
electron-dwelling people could see
(when photons of light and other
radiation are larger than their
'planet') or breathe (the oxygen atom
being a solar system in its own right
on that scale) is wisely not

Left: the hero's

pet cat gives him
a bad time in The
Shrinking Man
(1956). Above: the
helpful 'hero' of
King Kong (1933).
Right: the cheap
Japanese monster
movie Godzilla Vs.
Mothra (1964)
produced this one
moment of surreal-
istic beauty a
giant egg out of
which will hatch a
giant caterpillar or
a 120-metre
dinosaur, it hardly
matters which.
scientists say that
all three scenarios
are impossible.
Where science fiction gets it wrong
acceleration of molten metal seems tyres against the road; in space
Elementary errors impossible. there is 'nothing to push against' in
The most famous of blunders in that way, and if we turn our ship
in physics vacuum is in Judith Merril's The round it will continue along the
Tomorrow People, where Moon same course with the same speed
travellers use a helicopter. No air, of travelling backwards. To make a

The most outrageous errors in course, means nothing for helicopter U-turn we must turn the ship, then
fictional science come not from the blades to push against. This leads to slow it to a halt with jets, and then
juggling of relativity and cosmology, the famous question put by the New accelerate up to the same speed in

but from forgetfulness of facts that York Times: 'Out there in vacuum, the opposite direction. Fictional
we all learnt at school - for example what would a spacecraft be able to craft, as in Star Wars, often turn
the fact that there is no air in space. push against?' Spacecraft push like ordinary aircraft, and in
This disposes of stories such as against their own exhaust, squirting space this is wrong.
Poe's 'The Unparalleled Adventure hot gas into vacuum and being Endless mistakes about gravity
of One Hans Pfaall' which involve thrust the other way as if by the can be found. A.E. van Vogt's story
balloon trips out into space. Air is gun. Many writers
recoil of a 'A Can mentions the
of Paint'

also necessary to conduct sound, appreciated this result of Newton's sending ships to Venus
difficulty of

unfortunately for films where Third Law ('Action and reaction are because they keep 'falling into the
meteors whizz past the spaceship equal and opposite'), but failed to Sun'. ActuaUy it is difficult to fall
while other ships burst on to the take note of his First Law, which into theSun or on to any planet by
screen with a mighty roar of jets. explains that a spaceship will mistake. Only the most precise
(To be fair, the drama of films like continue moving with the same adjustment of speed and direction
Star Wars would be so damaged by speed and direction unless acted on will prevent craft from either falling
a scientifically correct soundtrack by some force. We can make U-turns into orbit or swinging round on a
that rule-bending seems justified.) in cars, thanks to the friction of comet-Uke path back into space.
Writers learnt quickly, and people in
space would speak either by radio or
by touching spacesuit helmets
together glass and metal conduct
sound better than air. This point
was often missed, as in Charles Eric
Maine's High Vacuum, in which
spacesuited characters cannot hear
their own footsteps because 'there
was no sound in the vacuum'. The
noise would be conducted through
the spacesuit, through the air inside
it and even up the wearer's legs.
Another often ignored
consequence of airlessness is that
there is no scattering of light. In air
a laser beam is visible because its
Ught is scattered by air molecules; in
space laser beams cannot be seen,
however visible they may be in Star
Trek and elsewhere. Fritz Leiber's
novel The Wanderer features laser
beams that are not only visible in
space but go on being visible after
the laser has stopped firing (the idea
is that the beams travel on, visibly,

into space). Arthur C. Clarke

mocked this tradition in his novel
Earthlight, in which after a battle
fought with invisible energies, an
'impossible' secret weapon fires a
solid bar of light which proves to
be a magnetically accelerated jet of
white-hot molten metal. In fact,
metals lose their magnetic properties
at the 'Curie temperature', well
below melting point. This happens
for iron at 770C, its melting point
being 1535 C. The magnetic
Where science fiction gets it wrong
Even the physics of a simple own a mistake made by Wells in spacemen and their wives or
spaceship-chase in orbit is The First Men in the Moon, where colleagues back on Earth without
unobvious: in orbit, if you cram on the space travellers are drawn any time delay, no matter how far
the acceleration you tend to work towards the centre of gravity of away they are. The films Silent
against Earth's gravitational field their spherical ship. This is a double Running (1971) and Capricorn One
and end up travelling not faster but error, since the gravitic pull of a (1978) both have this feature.
slower (in a higher orbit). Perhaps hollow sphere is zero in the space An interesting piece of
the silliest of all orbital mistakes is inside true even for a sphere of deUberately bad science occurs in
in Brian Aldiss's Hothouse, in which planetary size, as in Ross The Andromeda Strain (1971). The
the Moon no longer moves relative Rocklynne's story 'At the Center of heroine has an epileptic fit set off by
to Earth, and giant spiders spin Gravity', in which men are trapped the flashing at fast, regular
webs between them. The only expla- by a force towards the centre which intervals of a warning Ught. Flash-
nation would be that the Moon has could not exist. ing Ughts can induce fits in
moved geosynchronous orbit
to a Errors about free fall have been susceptible subjects, which is why
(like communications satellites), but less common in recent years, but the director could not show the light
this would bring it so close to Earth they still happen. In the film First flashing at the most hkely,
that tidal forces would promptly pull Men into Space (1959), a pilot radios dangerous frequency; there might
it to bits. excitedly 'G-pressure gone," am have been fits in the audience.
Jules Verne made an elementary weightless' while the screen clearly Television still gives plenty of
error about gravity in From the shows his rocket still blasting. The amusement to bad-science fans. In
Earth to the Moon, assuming that film-makers apparently thought free recent years the worst offender by
men in a free-falling spacecraft fall takes place automatically as far was the series Space 1999
would experience first Earth's soon as the atmosphere is left (1975-7), in which peu-secs are used
gravity and later the Moon's, with a behind. as a unit of velocity instead of a
period of weightlessness at the A by fans of bad
film cherished unit of distance; stars are confused
'point of balance' between the two. science Riders to the Stars (1954),
is with asteroids; sound travels in
Free fall, however, occurs as soon as which argues that meteors have a vacuum; there is dayUght between
the engines are turned off; the men special property that stops them the stars; and an explosion sends
and craft are falling through space burning up in Earth's atmosphere; our Moon (undamaged) careering
together, with exactly the same spaceships are sent up to catch through space at faster than the
forces acting on both: the men meteors in huge nets, so that they speed of Ught.
would only feel the direction of can be used for their valuable anti- Today, writers generally take
Earth as 'down' if they were heat alloy. The writer Curt Siodmak more care than film-makers and
somehow being pulled harder in that had apparently never seen a falUng science fiction illustrators. But it

direction than the ship. The ship star. can be fun to observe science

itself would not be massive enough A common error is the depiction fiction with a critical eye and a few
to exert any noticeable gravity of its of radio conversations between textbooks.

Far left: the hero

of Jules Verne's
From the Earth to
the Moon travels
in Victorian-style
comfort in his
space capsule shot
from a giant gun.
Note that neither
dog nor master is
floating. Verne
wrongly believed
that free fall only
took place where
the Earth's
gravity precisely
counteracted that
of the Moon.
Left: the space
battles in Star
Wars are great
fun, but
Fast turns and
other such
cannot be
performed by
spacecraft, and
laser beams would
be invisible in

Where science fiction gets it wrong

the refractive index is the same on inan Earthly landscape, a black blot
Invisibility both sides of the boundary, there is would of course be seen by contrast
no distortion or reflection of light alone.

In military circles, 'invisibility and that boundary is invisible. Mechanical invisibility-devices

technology' is often discussed: the So Wells's invisibility is feature in such stories as 'My

aim to make spy-planes and bombers convincing at first reading. It is Object All Sublime -' by Poul
harder to detect, rather than truly unlikely, though, that a man's blood Anderson, 'All for Love' by Algis
invisible. Real invisibility is could be decolorized without killing Budrys, and others. Usually these
something quite different, and is him; it is even more unlikely that work by diverting light round the
almost certainly impossible. the retina of each eye should remain person inside. Budrys's device, for
The classic story is H.G. Wells's visible after the process. If the example, uses thousands of fibre-
The Invisible Man, in which the retinas were invisible, light would optic Ught guides. A beam of light
unpleasant hero tackles the problem pass through them without effect hitting one of these light guides is
of human invisibility head-on. With and the invisible man would be bent round until it emerges at the
drugs he bleaches his blood and blind. The real impossibility is the corresponding spot on the far side of
makes himself a perfect albino, lowering of a body's refractive index the device. This would happen even
without otherwise changing it. if the angle of the beam were such
white through .and through; then,
turning a mysterious radiation upon Refractive index is linked with that it should emerge somewhere
himself, he lowers the refractive physical density, so that to be other than at this opposite point.
index of his body tissues untU they invisible in air we should need to be The overall effect would be to make
reach that of the surrounding air. At as light as air. This is not a practical things on the other side of the
once he vanishes from sight, just as proposition. 'invisibility machine' seem distorted,

white powdered glass becomes Jack London's short story 'The as though through a lens, and also
transparent and almost vanishes Shadow and the Flash' offers sillier upside-down. People would surely
when placed in water. The refractive versions of invisibility. One notice something odd about the
index of glass and that of water are character works towards becoming place where the 'invisible' man was
not very different, and glass is perfectly transparent, but without standing.
indeed almost invisible in water. the aid of a lowered refractive To be truly invisible we need to
Refractive index is a measure of the index: he would be about as invisible be other than human. The Vitons of
speed of light in a transparent as a plastic bag full of water. His Eric Fremk Russell's Sinister Barrier
material; when a light ray reaches rival, reasoning that we see a body are beings of pure energy who
the boundary between two materials by the Light reflected from it, absorb and radiate only in the infra-
and changes speed because of the develops a perfectly black paint red band; human eyes cannot detect
difference in refractive index, the which absorbs all light. This might them. Such unlikely creatures are
ray also changes direction and may work in space, where black holes are much more believable than the idea
be partly or totally reflected. When invisible against the black sky but of a truly invisible man.

Right: H.G. WeUs

must have winced
at this film. The
Invisible Man's
Revenge (1944),
which was one of
the four sequels to
The Invisible Man
(1933), the film of
his famous book.
(A later, terrible
sequel starred
Abbott and
Costello!) As the
retinas of the
invisible man's
eyes are also
invisible here,
must assume
speaking as
scientists that
he was blind.

Where science fiction gets it wrong
such as other The
Force fields and object's
gadget is the
even less. Magnetic
able to deflect a beam
fields might be
of charged
force shields 'pressor beam', which pushes things particles, but fields of the needed
away and is even less plausible. intensity can be produced only over
A force field in science fiction is Such a negative gravity field implies tiny areas of space between the
generally a defensive barrier of that we could also have negative poles of gigantic magnets: pointless
energy which always protects mass and negative energy; by as a practical defence.
against some weapons and often creating equal and balancing A typical piece of science fiction
against all. To the scientist, force amounts of positive and negative double-talk found in one of the
fields are abstractions. Like gravity, energy from nothing at all, we could Star Trek books: 'A modification of
they are stresses in space caused by have endless free power in defiance standard shielding may deflect the
the existence of matter and energy. of the second law of thermo- The
laser's destructive potential.
Can there be any connection between dynamics, the law of increasing laser energy waves are susceptible
the real and fictional force fields? entropy (see pages 86-7). to magnetic fields, which can deform
Certainly it is a long way from This leaves the electromagnetic and diffuse the beam's power.' This
the drama of the film Forbidden force, which can achieve a very few is nonsense. Light particles
Planet (1956)
where sparks and of the feats of fictional force fields. (photons) and therefore lasers
flashes result as an invisible For example, both Charles L. are unaffected by magnetic fields.
monster assaults an invisible force Harness in The Paradox Men and Only material substances
screen to the subtle field theories Frank Herbert in Dune give them- centimetres of steel or kilometres of
of today's physics. selves an excuse for swordplay by air wUl stop a laser beam. For
In science there are just four introducing a 'body shield' which lasers working in or near the visible-
sorts of force field. The most stops fast-moving projectiles, but hght region, the best defence of all
powerful is the strong nuclear force, allows relatively slow-moving objects is a very old-fashioned device
which holds atomic nuclei together through. In a typical passage indeed: a mirror.
but is such a short-range force that from Dune, 'Paul snapped up the There is still, however, a certain
it has no effect outside the nucleus. rapier, feinted fast and whipped nostalgia for the 'traditional' force
Next, nearly 140 times weaker, is it back for a slow thrust timed to screens of pulp science fiction. E.E.
the electromagnetic force: as well as enter a shield's mindless defences.' Smith's 'Skylark' books set the
being the force involved in magnets A sufficiently powerful pattern with a screen of invisible
and electrical machines, oscillating magnetic field energy which under attack glows
electromagnetism holds together the requiring enormous electromagnets red, orange, yellow, and up the
atoms The weak
in all chemicals. would indeed melt metal objects spectrum until its radiation goes
nuclear force more than 100
is as in em induction furnace, and through violet into black and the
bUhon times weaker again, and is would even vaporize them. But slow- screen breaks down all enjoyable
important in some esoteric nuclear moving swords would be more nonsense. Some writers invent new
reactions. Weakest of all is gravity, affected than bullets. Likewise, a forces of nature to add to the basic
some 10^^ times less potent than the massive electric charge could real-hfe force fields; Robert Heinlein,
strong nuclear force. Gravity may at theoretically produce an electrostatic for example, added the 'un-
firstseem the strongest of forces, field which would repel bullets discovered' electrogravitic and
but remember that, when we lift up provided the bullets had been magnetogravitic forces to the
an object, chemical (electromagnetic) thoughtfully given an electric charge existing electromagnetic force in The
changes in a few muscles axe of the same sign before being fired. Day After Tomorrow. In fact
overcoming the gravitational puU of However, the size of the necessary electricity and magnetism are both
the entire Earth. charge would be such that the aspects of the movement of electric
There seems to be no way of person 'protected' by it would charge, while gravity, being the
manipulating nuclear forces on a instantly be killed as it discharged result of mass, is very different.
large scale, and Einstein's General to Earth in a colossal lightning bolt. Unified field theories, which try to
Theory of Relativity rules out the There seems no hope of anything as connect and explain the four forces
hope of an artificial gravity field. convenient as the device which gives mathematically, have so far had
This well tested theory (see pages Poul Anderson's Shield its title an small success with gravity. To speak
80-1) states that gravity is a obUging field which not only stops of an electrogravitic or magneto-
measure of the bending of space buUets but uses their kinetic energy gravitic spectrum is meaningless.
caused by matter and energy. To to recharge its batteries. Could there be new forces
turn on an artificial gravity field we In short, electromagnetic fields waiting to be discovered? Could
would have to create mass/energy. do not behave like the useful force there be energies which would make
But this would be breaking the Against
fields of science fiction. science fiction'sdreams come true?
fundamental law of conservation of soUd weapons they have little effect; It seems doubtful. Although there
mass and energy (the first law of few swordsmen would thrust so are areas of confusion and
thermodynamics), to which no slowly as to give somebody's uncertainty, the physical world has
exception has ever been found. Thus personal induction field time to melt now been so well mapped that to
there is little hope of building the the weapon before it struck. Against discover a new field of force is about
'tractor beams' often used by energy weapons, their chief science as hkely as finding a new colour in
science fictional spacecraft to reel in fictional function, the usefulness is the spectrum.
Where science fiction gets it wrong
lonely and eccentric genius in his communications satellite in an
Famous bad own back yard, or perhaps by a article in 194,5, but unfortunately
small, private-enterprise team led by did not patent it.
predictions the eccentric genius who alone had Perhaps the most spectacular
cracked the problem of space flight. failure dealt with the matter of the

not really a The enormous funding eventually first Moon landing something
Science fiction is

literature of serious prediction. With required, the co-ordination of a treated in so many different ways by

hundreds of writers firing off their whole nation's science and so many different writers that it

technology to build a spacecraft: all seemed impossible anything

imaginations in different directions,
some of them must hit the target: this was not predicted. unpredicted to happen. Certainly the
most miss. Only when a prediction Again, was agreed that
it landing had few surprises, though
authoritative or nearly putting a man (very rarely a woman) writers blushed at the corny line,

unanimous does its failure or into space was the main objective, 'That's one small step for a man,

success mean very much. and in fiction the first spaceship one giant leap for mankind'. The
Older predictions were often would invariably be manned. As we small detail that science fiction had

based on obsolete technology. know, not only were many pieces of overlooked was that the whole event
Erasmus Darwin (grandfather of hardware placed in orbit in the 3' 2 was shown live on worldwide
years between Sputnik 1 and Yuri television.
Charles) was talking about 'flying
chariots' in a futuristic poem Gagarin's pioneering spaceflight in Computers provided another
published but expected that
in 1792, 1961, but the hardware has proved example. Obsessed by the idea of
they would be powered by steam. far more important. Weather intelligent robots, most science
mapping spy fiction writers failed to see the
Jules Verne's Five Weeks in a satelUtes, satellites,
communications satellites: possibilities of computing machines.
Balloon features a conversation on satellites,

the destruction of the world by science fiction missed them. Arthur Robots who walked and talked like
C. Clarke did suggest the (or nearly like) men were
advanced technology; but the
suggested cause is the blowing up of
'some colossal boiler heated to three
thousand atmospheres'. ('And I bet
the Yankees will have had a hand in
it,'somebody adds.)
More seriously, H.G. Wells
insisted both in books and when
speaking in public that the coming
war would be a final one he coined
the phrase 'the war to end war' but
later regretted it and that a
marvellous Utopian world would rise
from the ruins. When World War I
was over, this prediction feiiled to
come about.
Popular catchwords in science
fiction over the years have been
'mesmerism' and 'magnetism' (both a
long time ago), 'radium', 'rays' from
undiscovered (i.e. non-existent) parts
of the electromagnetic spectrum,
'atomic energy', 'psionics' and 'black
holes'.Each in turn has been seen as
a universal solution, operating
everything from cigar-cutters to
interstellar craft. Each in turn has
proved to obey depressingly
restrictive rules with the
exceptions of psionics, which has not
been proved at all, and black holes,
which have been predicted
mathematically but never found.
The areas where science fiction
writers have reached unspoken,
unanimous agreement, and have
been completely wrong, are often the
areas of negative prediction. For
example, the typical first spaceship
of fiction would be constructed by a
Where science fiction gets it wrong

commonplace in novels which at robot has not come off.

the same time would refer to the Another popular prediction
whirring and clicking of electrical concerns World War III and the
calculators on the ship's bridge, destruction of civilization
while the astrogating officer pored something which is such a science
over his star charts and made fictional cUche that writers now
calculations on a slide rule. No prefer to let it happen offstage and
wonder the artist Kelly Freas start the story years or decades
painted a space-pirate swarming later.The general feeling through
through the airlock, with gun in the 1950s was that the weapons too
hand and a slide rule between his dreadful to use must inevitably be
teeth. Even when computers were used in a final war. Now, nearly 40
installed on fictional spaceships, years after the first nuclear
writers seemed confused about what explosion, the 'balance of terror' still
they actually did: Robert Heinlein's holds a failure of prediction which
Starman Jones has numerous scenes gladdens most writers. But the
in which people use books of companion prediction, that World
logarithmic tables to process data War III means the end of
before feeding them into the civiUzation (or even of all life see,
computer. (Why not use the machine for example, Nevil Shute's On the
to make those calculations too?) Beach), is less certain. Writers
Now microcomputers are imagined the superpowers slugging
turning society upside down, and itout in a universally destructive
still science fiction's preferred bet of war, but were not quite cynical
the walking, talking, inteUigent enough to consider the emerging
possibility that the superpowers
might tacitly spare one another's
homelands and conduct a nuclear
war confined to Europe.
The most durable of predictions
is that of the endless Space Age

the belief that once we have
emerged from the cradle of our
planet, the future and the universe
are ours. Story after story has
preached the benefits of investment
in space: solar power, raw materials
in the asteroids, weightless
conditions for the casting of perfect
ball bearings, colonies in space and
the chance to reach further to other
solar systems. Now, though space-
technology spinoffs have changed
the world and satellites are big
business, seems that the larger

dream might itself have

of space
been a bad prediction. Economics is
closing it down. The Space Age may
already be over.

Far left: like shows the

most nineteenth- unpredicted aspect
century writers, - the TV
Jules Verne camera that
expected powered covered the whole
flight to be event, reflected
achieved with in the helmet
flapping wings. visor.
The picture is Left: this space-
of The Master pirate on a 1959
of the World. magazine cover
Above left: as has a slide-rule,
predicted, Man a calculating
lands on the instrument now
Moon, but this as dead as the
famous 1969 dodo, gripped
photograph between his teeth.
. 201
CHAPTER 2 Forward, Robert L.: Dragon's Egg, 1980
Bibliography Gunn, James: The Listeners, 1972
Fiction: Haldeman. Joe: The Forever War, 1974
Hrunner. John: The .'^heep Look Up, Heinlein. Robert: The Puppet Masters,
All science fiction stories and novels 1972 1951; Starship Troopers. 1959
cited in this book are listed below, under Cromie. Robert: The Crack of Doom, Herbert. Frank: Dune, 1965
relevant chapter headings, along with a 1895 Hoyle, Fred: The Black Cloud, 1957
brief list of non-fiction books for further Del Rey. Lester: 'Nerves', 1942, Hoyle. Fred, and John Elliot: A for
background reading, not all of which are expanded into a novel 1956 Andromeda, 1962
mentioned in the text. Many of the non- Griffith. George: The Lord of Labour, Karinthy. Frigyes: Capilldria, 1922
fiction books contain material that is 1911 (trans. 1966)
relevant to more than one chapter, Jefferies. Richard: After London, 1885 Le Guin, Ursula, 'Vaster than Empires
although they appear only once in the Miller. Walter: A Canticle for Leibowitz, and More Slow', 1971; The Word for
list. 1960 World is Forest, 1976
Niven. Larry: Ringworld, 1970; A Hole Leinster, Murray: First Contact', 1945
in Space, 1974 Lem, Stanislaw: Solaris, 1961 (trans.
Shaw. Bob: Orbitsville, 1975 1970)
Smith, E.E.: The Skylark of Space, Martin. George R.R.: 'A Song for Lya',
1928, first book publication 1946 1974
Stapledon, Olaf: Star Maker, 1937 Merle, Robert: The Dav of the Dolphin,
Aldiss. Brian: Non-Stop (variant title
Wells, H.G.: The World Set Free, 1914 1967 (trans. 1969)
Starship). 1958: Helliconia Spring. 1982
Russell, Eric Frank: Sinister Barrier,
Anderson. Poul: The Snows of Gany-
Non-fiction: 1943
mede. 1958; Tales of the Flying
Anon: Energy and Power: A Scientific Shaw, Bob: Palace of Eternity, 1969
Mountains. 1970; Tau Zero, 1970
American Book, 1971 Silverberg, Robert: Downward to the
Benford. Gregory: Jupiter Project.
Anon: The Way Things Work Book of Earth, 1970
Nature, 1973 Germany (trans. 1981) Simak. Clifford: Time and Again (variant
Clarke. Arthur C: The Sands of Mars.
Cook, P.L., and Surrey, A. J.: Energy title First he Died), 1951
1951: Islands in the Sky. 1952; 'Sun-
Policy: Strategies for Uncertainty, 1977 Spinrad. Norman: Songs from the Stars,
jammer'. 1964
Dumont, R.: Utopia or Else ,1974 1980
Delanv. Samuel: The Ballad of Beta-2,
1965' Dyson, Freeman J.: 'Search for Artificial Stapledon, Olaf: Sirius, 1944
Stellar Sources of Infra-red Radiation', Tenn, William: 'Venus and the Seven
Harrison. Harry: Captive Universe, 1969
in Science, vol.131, 1959 Sexes'. 1949
Heinlein, Robert: 'Universe', 1941;
Ehrlich, A. and P.: Population, Vance, Jack: 'The Gift of Gab'. 1955;
Farmer in the Sky. 1950; The Moon is
Resources. Environment. 1970 Big Planet, 1957
a Harsh Mistress. 1966
El-Hinnawi, Essam, and Asit K. Biswas van Vogt, A.E.: 'Discord in Scarlet',
Jameson, Malcolm: 'Prospectors of
(eds.): Renewable Sources of Energy 1939, incorporated in the novel Voyage
Space', 1940
and the Environment. 1981 of the Space Beagle, 1950
Martinson, Harry: Aniara, 1956 (trans.
Heilbroner, R.: An Inquiry into the Watson. Ian: The Jonah Kit, 1975
Human Prospect, 1975 Weinbaum, Stanley G.: 'The Mad Moon'.
Reynolds, Mack: Lagrange Five. 1979
1935; 'Parasite Planet', 1935; 'Flight
Shaw. Bob: 'Small World', 1978
on Titan', 1935
Silverberg, Robert: 'Our Lady of the
Sauropods', 1980 CHAPTER 3 WeUs, H.G.: War of the Worlds. 1898;
Simak, Clifford D.: 'The Asteroid of
The First Men in the Moon, 1901
Fiction: Yefremov, Ivan: 'The Heart of the
Gold', 1932
Hothouse (variant title
Aldiss, Brian: Serpent' (trans. 1962)
Stableford, Brian: Promised Land. 1974
The Long Afternoon of Earth), 1962; Zerwick, Chloe, and Harrison Brown:
Stapledon, Olaf: Last and First Men,
Helliconia Spring, 1982 The Cassiopeia Affair, 1968
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin: Bevond the Anderson, Poul: War of the Wing-Men
Planet Earth. 1920 (trans. 1960) (variant title The Man who Counts], Non-fiction:
Varley, John: Wizard. 1980 1958: The People of the Wind, 1973; Asimov, Isaac: Extraterrestrial
Watson. Ian: The Martian Inca. 1977 Fire Time. 1974 Civilizations, 1979
Wolfe. Gene: 'The Book of the New Anthony, Piers: Omnivore. 1968; , Barlowe,Wayne Douglas, and Ian
Sun', tetralogy, beginning with Shadow Cluster, 1977 Summers: Barlowe's Guide to Extra-
of the Torturer. 1980 Asimov, Isaac: The Gods Themselves, terrestrials, 1979 (about fictional
1972 material)
Non-fiction: Benford, Gregory, and Gordon Eklund: Boyce. Chris: Extraterrestrial Encounter,
Berry, Adrian: The Next Ten Thousand If the Stars are Gods, 1977 1979
Years. 1974; The Iron Sun: Crossing Bishop, Michael: Transfigurations, 1979 Byhnski. Gene: Life in Darwin's
the Universe through Black Holes. 1977 Bbsh, James: A Case of Conscience. Universe, 1981
Calder, Nigel: Spaceships of the Mind. 1958 Dixon. Dougal: After Man: a Zoology of
1978 Brunner, John: Total Eclipse. 1974 the Future, 1981
Clarke, Arthur C: 'Electromagnetic Burroughs, Edgar Rice: Princess of Dyson, Freeman J.: 'Time Without End:
Launching as a Major Contribution to Mars. 1912 Physics and Biology in an Open
Space Flight', 1950; Profiles of the Clarke, Arthur C: 'A Meeting with Universe', in Reviews of Modern
Future. 1962; Voices From the Skv, Medusa', 1971 Physics, vol.51, July 1979
1966 Clement, Hal: Mission of Gravity, 1954; Hoyle, Fred: Diseases from Space, 1979
Lunan, Duncan: Man and the Stars: Cycle of Fire. 1957 Hoyle, Fred, and Wickramasinghe, N.C.:
Contact and Communication with Other Crichton, Michael: Congo, 1981 Lifccloud, 1978
Intelligence. 1974 Davidson, Avram: Masters of the Maze, Lilly,John: Man and Dolphin, 1961
Man, John (ed.): The Encyclopedia of 1965 Ridpath. Ian: Messages from the Stars,
Space Travel and Astronomy, 1979 De Camp, L. Sprague: Rogue Queen, 1978
O'Neill, Gerard K.: The High Frontier, 1951 Sagan. Carl (ed.): Communication with
1977 Disch, Thomas M.: The Genocides, 1965 Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETII,
Ridpath, Ian: Worlds Beyond, 1975 Dozois, Gardner: Strangers, 1978 1973
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin: 'The Future of Farmer, Philip Jos6: 'Mother', 1953; Sagan, Carl: The Cosmic Connection: an
Earth and Mankind', 1928 The Lovers, 1961 Extraterrestrial Perspective, 1973

Shlovskii, I.S., and Carl Sagan: Intelli- Minutes, 1977 Zukav, Gary: The Dancing Wu Li
gent Life in the Universe, 1966 Wheeler, J. A.: Geometrodynamics, 1962 Masters, 1979


Fiction: Fiction: Fiction:

Anderson, Poul: Tau Zero, 1970 Aldiss, Brian: 'Man in his Time', 1965; Aldiss, Brian: Greybeard, 1964; Barefoot
Anthony, Piers: Macroscope, 1969 An Age (variant title Cryptozoid), in the Head, 1969
Asimov, Isaac: 'The Last Question', 1967; Frankenstein Unbound, 1973 Amis, Kingsley: The Anti-Death League,
1956; 'The BilUard Ball', 1967 Anstey, F.: The Time Bargain (variant 1966
BaUard, J.G.: 'The Voices of Time', 1960 title Tourmalin's Time Cheques], 1891 Anderson, Poul: After Doomsday, 1962
Benford, Gregory: The Stars in Shroud, Asimov, Isaac: The Gods Themselves, Anthony, Piers: Macroscope, 1969
1978 1972 BaUard, J.G.: 'BiUennium', 1961; The
Bhsh, James: The Triumph of Time Benford, Gregory: Timescape, 1980 Drowned World. 1962
(variant title A Clash of Cymbals), Boussenard, Louis: 10,000 Years in a Benford, Gregory: The Stars in Shroud,
1958, also included in Cities in Flight Block of Ice, 1889 (trans. 1898) 1978
(four novels inone volume), 1970; Brunner, John: Times Without Number, Blish, James, and Norman L. Knight: A
The Quincunx of Time, 1973 1962 Torrent of Faces. 1967
CampbeU, John W.: 'The Mightiest Chayefsky, Paddy: Altered States, 1978 Brunner, John: Stand on Zanzibar, 1968;
Machine', 1934 Dick, Philip K.: The Man in the High The Sheep Look Up, 1972
Gamow, George: Mr Tompkins in Castle, 1962; Counter-Clock World, 1967 Capek, Karel; War with the Newts, 1936
Wonderland, 1939 Dickson, Gordon, R.: Time Storm, 1977 (trans. 1937)
Haldeman, Joe: The Forever War, 1974 Duncan, David: Occam's Razor, 1957 Cartmill, Cleve: 'Deadline', 1944
Heinlein, Robert: Starman Jones, 1953; Finney. Jack: Time and Again. 1970 Christopher, John: The Death of Grass,
Time for the Stars, 1956 Heinlein, Robert: '"- All You 1956; The World in Winter (variant
Le Guin, Ursula: Rocannon's World, Zombies -'", 1959 title The Long Winter), 1962; A Wrinkle
1966; The Dispossessed, 1974 Hoyle, Fred: October the First is Too in the Skin (variant title The Ragged
Maine, Charles Eric: Count-Down Late. 1966 Edge). 1965
(variant title Fire Past the Future), Irving, Washington: Rip Van Winkle. Clarke, Arthur C: 'The Forgotten
1959 1850 Enemy', 1949; Earthlight, 1955
Malzberg, Barry: Galaxies, 1975 Laumer, Keith: Worlds of the Imperium. Cooper, Edmund: The Cloud Walker, 1973
Martin, George R.R.: 'FTA', 1974 1962; The Other Side of Time. 1965; Cowper, Richard: The Twilight of
Niven, Larry: 'Neutron Star', 1966; Assignment in Nowhere. 1968 Briareus, 1974
'Flatlander', 1967; 'The Hole Man', Masson, David: 'Traveller's Rest', 1965 Crichton, Michael: The Andromeda
1974; 'The Borderland of Sol', 1975 Matheson, Richard: Bid Time Return Strain. 1969
Pohl, Frederik: 'The Mapmakers', 1955 (variant title Somewhere in Time), 1975 Fawcett, E. Douglas: Hartmann the
Pournelle, Jerry: 'He Fell Into a Dark Merritt, A.: The Ship of Ishtar, 1926 Anarchist, 1893
Hole', 1973, to be found in Black Holes. Moorcock, Michael: The War Lord of the Haldeman, Joe: The Forever War, 1974
1978, ed. Pournelle Air, 1971; The Hollow Lands, 1974 Harrison, Harry: Plague from Space
Shaw, Bob: Night Walk. 1967; The Moore, Ward: Bring the Jubilee, 1953 (variant title The Jupiter Legacy). 1965;
Palace of Eternity. 1969 Priestley, J.B.; Three Time Plays, 1947 Make Room! Make Room.'. 1966
Smith, E.E.: Skylark of Space. 1928, Roberts, Keith: Pavane, 1968 Heinlein, Robert: Sixth Column (variant
book pubHcation 1946; Gray
first Rucker, Rudy: White Light, 1980 title The Day After Tomorrow). 1941,
Lensman. 1939, first book publication Shaw, Bob: A Wreath of Stars, 1976 first book pubhcation 1949; 'Solution
1951 Simak, Clifford D.: Ring Around the Unsatisfactory', 1941; Starship
Stapledon, Olaf: Star Maker. 1937 Sun, 1953 Troopers. 1959; Farnham's Freehold.
Turner, George: Beloved Son, 1978 Spinrad, Norman: 'The Weed of Time', 1964; The Moon is a Harsh Mistress,
van Vogt, A.E.: 'The Storm', 1943 1970 1966
Vinge, Joan D.: The Snow Queen, 1980 Taine, John: The Time Stream, 1931 Hoyle, Fred, and John Elliot: A for
Watson, Ian: The Jonah Kit. 1975 Twain, Mark: A Connecticut Yankee
in Andromeda. 1962
WeUs, H.G.: The Time Machine. 1895 King Arthur's Court (variant title Kapp, Cohn: 'The Railways up on
Williamson, Jack; Seetee Ship. 1942, A Yankee at the Court of King Arthur), Cannis', 1959; The Chaos Weapon. 1977
first book pubHcation 1951; Seetee 1889 1967
Kavan, Anna: Ice,
Shock, 1950 (both originally published van Vogt, A.E.: The Weapon Shops of Kersh, Gerald: The Great Wash (variant
as by WiU Stewart) Isher, 1951 title The Secret Masters), 1953
Vinge, Joan D.: The Snow Queen, 1980 King, Stephen: The Stand, 1978
Watson, Ian: The Jonah Kit, 1975; 'The Leiber, Fritz: The Wanderer, 1964
Calder, Nigel: Einstein's Universe, 1979
Very Slow Time Machine', 1978 Miller, Walter M.: A Canticle for
Wells, H.G.: The Time Machine, 1895 Leibowitz, 1960
Coleman, James A.: Relativity for the
Wilson, Robert Anton: the Niven, Larry: 'The Borderland of Sol',
Layman. 1954
'Schrodinger's Cat' trilogy: The
Davies, Paul: The Runaway Universe. 1975
Universe Next Door, 1979; The Trick Niven, Larry, and Jerry Pournelle:
Duncan, Ronald, and Miranda Weston- Top Hat, 1981; and The Homing Lucifer's Hammer, 1977
Pigeons, 1981 Orgill, Douglas, and John Gribbin: The
Sraith (eds.): The Encyclopedia of
Ignorance: Volume 1: Physical Zelazny, Roger: the 'Amber' series, five Sixth Winter. 1979
Sciences. 1977
novels beginning with Nine Princes of Pedler, Kit, and Gerry Davis; Mutant
Einstein, Albert: The Theory of Rela- Amber, 1970, and ending with The 59: The Plastic Eater. 1972
tivity. 1920 (his own popularization Courts of Chaos, 1978 Pohl, Frederik, and Cyril Kornbluth: The
of the subject) Space Merchants, 1953
Gribbin, John: White Holes: Cosmic Non-fiction: Saberhagen, Fred: the 'Berserker' series,
Gushers in the Universe, 1977 Davies, Paul: Other Worlds, 1980 beginning with Berserker, 1967
Kaufman, WilUam J.: The Cosmic Deshusses, Jerome: The Eighth Night Shaw, Bob; Shadow of Heaven, 1969
Frontiers of General Relativity, 1977 of Creation. 1978 (trans. 1982) Silverberg, Robert: 'How it was when
Taylor, Edwin F., and John Archibald Gribbin, John; Timewarps, 1979 the Past went Away', 1969; The World
Wheeler: Spacetime Physics, 1971 Nicholls, Peter (ed.): The Encyclopedia Inside, 1971
Weinberg, Steven: The First Three of Science Fiction, 1979 Smith, E.E.; the 'Lensman' series, six
novels, magazine publication 1934-48. Frayn. Michael; The Tin Men, 1965 Memory. 1981
book publication beginning with Gerrold. David: When Harlie Was One, Freedman. Nancy: .Aj.s/iuu. .Son of None.
Triplanetary, 1948 1972 1973
Smith, George O.: Venus Equilateral. lleinlein, Robert: The Moon is a Harsh Gunn. James: The Immortals. 1962
1947 Mistress. 1966 Herbert. Frank: Dune. 1965
Spinrad, Norman: Songs from the Stars, Hjortsberg. William; Gray Matters, 1971 Herzog. Arthur; IQ 8:i. 1978
1980 Johannesson. Olof; The Great Computer Huxlev. Aldous: Brave New World.
(variant title The End of Mann. 1966 1932'
Stewart, George R.: Earth Abides, 1949
Tucker, Wilson; The Long Loud Silence, (trans. 1968) Keyes. Daniel; 'Flowers for Algernon'.
1952 Jones. D.F.; Colossus, 1966 1959. expanded into a novel 1966
van Vogt, A.E.: Stan. 1946 Jones, Raymond F.; The Cybernetic Knight. Damon: 'World Without
Vonnegut. Kurt: Player Piano (variant Brains. 1950 Children'. 1951
title Utopia 14). 1952 Kornblulh, CM., and Frederik Pohl; Le Guin. Ursula: The Left Hand of
Watson, Ian: The Roentgen Refugees', Wolfbane. 1959 Darkness. 1969; 'Nine Lives'. 1969
1978 Levin. Ira: This Perfect Day, 1970 Levin. Ira: The Boys from Brazil, 1976
WeUs, H.G.: The World Set Free. 1914 McCaffrey. Anne; The Ship Who Sang. McCaffrey. Anne: The Ship Who Sang,
Wright, S, Fowler: Deluge. 1928 1969 1969
Wyatt, Patrick: Irish Rose. 1975 Rucker. Rudy; Spacetime Donuts. 1981 Niven. Larry; 'The Jigsaw Man', 1967;
Wyndham, John: The Kraken Wakes Simak. Clifford D.: 'Limiting Factor'. The Long ARM
of Gil Hamilton, 1976;
(variant title Out of the Deeps). 1953; 1949 The Patchwork Giri, 1980
The Chrysalids (variant title Re-Birth). Sladek. John: The Reproductive System Pohl. Frederik: Man Plus, 1976
1955 (variant title Mechasm). 1968 Shaw. Bob; One Million Tomorrows,
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn; Time of the Vonnegut. Kurt: Player Piano (variant 1970
Fourth Horseman. 1976 title Utopia 14). 1952 Shaw. George Bernard; Back to
Zelazny, Roger; This Immortal. 1966 Methuselah, 1921
Non-fiction; Silverberg. Robert: Nightwings, 1969;
Non-fiction: Boden. Margaret: Artificial Intelligence Tower of Glass, 1970; 'Caught in the
Ambio, vol.xi, nos.2-3, 1982; special and Natural Man. 1977 Organ Draft'. 1973; 'Born with the
number entitled Nuclear War: the Dick. PhiUp K.; 'The Android and the Dead'. 1974
Aftermath Human'. 1973; 'Man. Android and Simak. Chfford D.; Time and Again
Barnaby, C.F., and Thomas, G.P. leds.l; Machine', in Science Fiction at Large (variant title First He Died), 1951;
The Nuclear Arms Race: Control or (variant title Explorations of the Why Call Them Back from Heaven,
Catastrophe^. 1982 Marvellous), ed. Peter NichoUs. 1976 1967
Glasstone, S., and Dolan, P.J. (eds.l; The Dyson, Freeman: Disturbing the Stapledon. Olaf; Last and First Men,
Effects of Nuclear Weapons, 1979 Universe, 1979 (includes essay on Von 1930
Gribbin. John: The Climatic Threat Neumann) Sturgeon, Theodore; Venus Plus X.
(variant title What's Wrong with our Forester, Tom (ed.l; The Micro- 1960
Ctimaten. 1978 electronics Revolution, 1980 Vance, Jack: The Dragon Masters, 1963
Kahn, Herman; On Escalation. 1965 Hofstadter. Douglas R.: Godel Escher, Wells. H.G.; The Island of Dr Moreau,
Langford, David; War in 2080: The Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid. 1979 1896
Future of Military Technology. 1979 McCorduck. Pamela: Machines Who Wilhelm. Kate: Where Late the .Sweet
Taylor, Gordon Rattray: The Doomsday Think. 1979 Birds Sang, 1976
Book. 1970 Martin. James: The Wired Society. 1978 Wolfe. Bernard; Limbo (variant title
Reichardt. Jasia; Robots: Fact. Fiction Limbo 90), 1952
and Prediction, 1978 Wolfe. Gene; The Fifth Head of
Weizenbaum. Joseph; Computer Power Cerberus, 1972; The Claw of the
and Human Reason. 1976 Conciliator, 1981
Wiener. Norbert; Cybernetics. 1948
Adams, Douglas: The Hitch-Hiker's Ettinger. J.C.W.; The Prospect of
Guide to the Galaxy. 1979 Immortality, 1964
Asimov, Isaac; 'That Thou Art Mindful CHAPTER 8
Fishlock. David; Man Modified, 1969
of Him', 1974; 'The Life and Times of
Haldane. J.B.S.: Daedalus: or. Science
MULTIVAC, 1975; The Complete Fiction;
and the Future, 1924
Robot. 1982, which contains all his Abe. Kobo: Inter Ice Age 4. 1959 (trans.
Packard. Vance; The People Shapers,
robot stories published 1940-77 1970)
Ballard, J.G.; 'The Intensive Care Unit', Bates. Harry: 'Alas. All Thinking!'. 1935
Rorvik. David; In His Image: the
1977 Beresford. John: The Hampdenshire
Cloning of a Man, 1978
Binder, Eando: Adam Link Robot. Wonder. 1911
Rosenfeld. Albert; The Second Genesis:
1975. made up of stories published Blish. James; They Shall Have Stars
the Coming Control of Life, 1975;
1939-42 (variant title Year 2018.'). 1956; The
Prolongevity 1976 ,

Boucher, Anthony: 'Q.U.R.'. 1943; Seedling Stars, 1957; Titan's Daughter,

Sagan. Carl: The Dragons of Eden, 1977
Robinc'. 1943 1961
Taylor. Gordon Rattray: The Biological
Boyce. Chris; Catchworld. 1975 Blish. James, and Norman L. Knight; A
Time Bomb. 1968
Brown, Fredric; 'Answer', 1954 Torrent of Faces, 1967
Wells, H.G.: The Man of the Year
Brunner, John; The Shockwave Rider. Budrys. Algis; Who?, 1958
Million'. 1893
1975 Bunch, David R.; Moderan, 1971
Budrys, Algis: Rogue Moon. 1960; Caidin. Martin; Cyborg. 1972
Michaelmas. 1977 Clifton, Mark, and Frank Riley; The
Butler, Samuel: Erewhon, 1872 Forever Machine (variant title They'd CHAPTER 9
Dick. PhiUp K.: Second Variety'. 1953; Rather be Right). 1957
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Cowper, Richard: Clone. 1972 Fiction:
1968; We Can Build You. 1972 Delany, Samuel R.: Nova. 1968 Anthony. Piers, and Robert E. Margroff:
Dickson. Gordon R.; The Monkey Dick. Phihp K.; Do Androids Dream of The Ring. 1968
Wrench', 1951; 'Computers Don't Electric Sheep?. 1968 Burgess, Anthony: A Clock ivork Orange,
Argue'. 1965 Disch. Thomas M.; Camp Concentration. 1962
Ellis. Edward S.; The Steam Man of the 1968 Compton, D.G.; The Quality of Mercy,
Prairies, 1868 Effinger, George Alec; The Wolves of 1965

Condon, Richard: The Manchurian Smith, E.E.: the 'Lensman' books (see Fort, Charles: The Book of the Damned,
Candidate. 1959 under Chapter 6) 1919; New Lands, 1923
Dick, PhiUp K.: The Pre-Persons', 1974; Sturgeon, Theodore: 'To Marry Medusa', Hynek, J. Allen: The UFO Experience,
A Scanner Darkly, 1977 1958 1972
Forster, E.M.: 'The Machine Stops', 1909 Vance, Jack: 'Telek', 1952 Jung, Flying Saucers: a Modern
Gunn, James: The Joy Makers, 1961 van Vogt, A.E.: The World of Null-A, Myth of Things Seen in the Skies, 1958
Huxley, Aldous: Brave New World, 1932 1948; The Anarchistic Colossus, 1977 (trans. 1959)
Knight, Damon: Hell's Pavement (variant Watson, Ian: Miracle Visitors, 1978 King, George: You Are Responsible!,
title Analogue Men), 1955 White, James: Hospital Station, 1962 1961
Orwell, George: Nineteen Eighty-Four, Wilson, Colin: The Philosopher's Stone, Knight, Damon: Charles Fort: Prophet of
1949 1969 the Unexplained, 1970
Reynolds, Mack: After Utopia, 1977; Zelazny, Roger: To Die in Italbar, 1973 Kolosimo, Peter: Not of this World, 1970
Police Patrol: 2000 AD, 1977 Layne, Meade: The Coming of the
Silverberg, Robert: Master of Life and Non-fiction: Guardians, 1964 (5th ed.)
Death, 1957 Evans, Christopher: Cults of Unreason, Leshe, Desmond, and George Adamski:
Smith, Cordwainer: 'A Planet Named 1974 Flying Saucers Have Landed, 1953
Shayol', 1961 Fort, Charles: Lo!, 1931; Wild Talents, Pauwels, Louis, and Jacques Bergier:
Spinrad, Norman: 'No Direction Home', 1932 The Morning of the Magicians, 1960
1971; Songs from the Stars, 1980 Gardner, Martin: Fads and Fallacies in (trans. 1964)
Zamiatin, Yevgeny: We, 1924 the Name of Science, 1957 Plato, Timaeus and Critias, both
Gooch, Stan: The Paranormal, 1978 c. 350 BC
Non-fiction: Rampa, T. Lobsang: The Third Eye, Ramage, Edwin S. (ed.): Atlantis: Fact
Delgado, Jose: Physical Control of the 1956 or Fiction?, 1978
Mind: Towards a Psychocivilized 'Randi' (James Randi): The Magic of Uri, Sagan, Carl: Broca's Brain, 1979
Society, 1971 1976 Schliemann, Paul: How I Discovered
Marks, John: The Search for the Sladek, John: The New Apocrypha, 1973 Atlantis, the Source of all Civilisation,
'Manchurian Candidate': the CIA and Taylor, John: Science and the Super- 1912
Mind Control, 1979 natural. 1980 Scott-EUiot, W.: The Story of Atlantis,
Martin, James: Security, Accuracy and Thouless, Robert H.: From Anecdote to 1896; The Lost Lemuria', 1925
Privacy in Computer Systems, 1973 Experiment in Psychical Research, 1972 Story, Ronald: The Space-Gods Revealed,
Russell, Bertrand: Icarus: or. The Future 1976
of Science, 1924 Tomas, Andrew: We are Not the First:
Scheflin, Alan W., and Edward M, CHAPTER 11 Riddles of Ancient Science, 1971
Opton, Jr. (eds.): The Mind Trench, Brinsley Le Poer: The Sky
Manipulators, 1978 Fiction: People, 1960
Schrag, Peter: Mind Control, 1978 Babcock, George: Yezad, 1922 Velikovsky, Immanuel: Worlds in
Sieghart, Paul: Privacy and Computers, Burroughs, Edgar Rice: the Tarzan' Collision, 1950; Ages in Chaos, 1952
1976 books, beginning with Tarzan of the von Daniken, Erich: Chariots of the
Valenstein, Elhott: Brain Control: a Apes, 1914, which had 23 sequels Gods?, 1968, the first of a series of
Critical Examination of Brain Hogan, James: Inherit the Stars, 1977 books
Stimulation and Psycho-Surgery 1973 , Howard, Robert E.: the 'Conan' stories,
1932-6, beginning in book form with
The Coming of Conan, 1953
Kipling, Rudyard: the 'Mowgh' stories,
in The Jungle Book, 1894, and The Hothouse (variant title
Fiction: Aldiss, Brian:
Second Jungle Book. 1895 The Long Afternoon of Earth), 1962
Anthony, Piers: the 'Cluster' trilogy:
Russell, Eric Frank: Sinister Barrier. Anderson, Poul: 'My Object All
Cluster, 1977; Chaining the Lady, 1978;
1943; Dreadful Sanctuary. 1951 Sublime -', 1961; Shield, 1963; Tau
Kirlian Quest, 1978
Savarin, Julian Jay: the 'Lemmus' Zero, 1970
Asimov, Isaac: 'BeUef 1953

trilogy: Lemmus One: Waiters on the

Bester, Alfred: The Demolished Man, BUsh, James: 'Surface Tension', 1952
Dance. 1972; Lemmus Two: Beyond the Budrys, Algis: 'AH for Love', 1962
1953; Tiger! Tiger! (variant title The
Outer Mirr. 1976; Lemmus Three: Bulwer-Lytton, Sir Edward: The Coming
Stars My Destination), 1956
Archives of Haven, 1977 Race, 1871
BHsh, James: Jack of Eagles (variant
Verne, Jules: Twenty Thousand Leagues Burroughs, Edgar Rice: At the Earth's
title ESP-er), 1952
under the Sea, 1870 (trans. 18731
Brunner, John: 'Protect Me from My Core, 1922; Pellucidar, 1923, and five
Watson, Ian: Miracle Visitors, 1978 sequels including Tarzan at the Earth's
Friends', 1962; Telepathist (variant title
The Whole Man), 1964 Core, 1930
Busby, F.M.: Cage a Man, 1974 Non-fiction: Casanova, Giacomo: Icosameron, 1788
Clement, Hal: 'Impediment', 1942 Bacon, Francis: New Atlantis, 1627 Clarke, Arthur C: Earthlight, 1955;
Dick, PhiUp K.: 'A World of Talent', Blavatsky, Helena: The Secret Doctrine, Rendezvous with Rama, 1973
1954 1888 Cummings, Ray: The Girl in the Golden
Galouye, Daniel: 'The Last Leap', 1960 Brunner, John: 'Science Fiction and the Atom, 1921
Harness, Charles L.: 'The Rose', 1953 Larger Lunacy', in Science Fiction at Darwin, Erasmus: The Botanic Garden:
Heinlein, Robert: Waldo and Magic, Inc., Large (variant title Explorations of the Part I: The Economy of Vegetation,
1950 ('Waldo' first pubUshed 1942) Marvellous), ed. Peter Nicholls, 1976 1792
Herbert, Frank: Dune, 1965 Castle, Edgar, and Barry Thiering (eds.): Hall, Austin, and Homer Eon FUnt: The
King, Stephen: Carrie, 1974; Firestarter, Some Trust in Chariots!. 1973 Blind Spot, 1951
1980 Charroux, Robert: One Hundred Harness, Charles L.: The Paradox Men
Mclntyre, Vonda N.: Dreamsnake, 1978 Thousand Years of Man's Unknown (variant title Flight into Yesterday),
Niven, Larry: The Long ARMof Gil History. 1963 (trans. 1971) 1953
Hamilton. 1976 Churchward, James: The Lost Continent Heinlein, Robert: Sixth Column (variant
Poe, Edgar Allan: 'The Facts in the Case ofMu. 1926 title The Day After Tomorrow), 1941,
of M. Valdemar", 1845 De Camp, L. Sprague: Lost Continents, first book publication 1949; Starman
Russell, Eric Frank: Sentinels from 1954 Jones, 1953
Space. 1953 Donnelly, Ignatius: Atlantis: the Ante- Herbert, Frank: Dune, 1965
Shaw, Bob: The Palace of Eternity. 1969 diluvian World, 1882; Ragnarok, the Leiber, Fritz: The Wanderer, 1964
Silverberg, Robert: Dying Inside, 1972 Age of Fire and Gravel, 1883 London, Jack: 'The Shadow and the
Flash', 1903 Pee, Edgar Allan: 'The Unparalleled beginning with The .'ikylark of Space,
McCaffrey, Anne: Dragonflight, 1968, Adventure of One Hans Pfaall', 1835 1928, first book publication 1946
and five sequels Pohl. Frederik: The Gold at the Swift, Jonathan: (lullii^er's Travels. 1726
Maine. Charles Eric: High Vacuum, 1956 Starbow's End'. 1972 van Vogt. A.E.: A Can of Paint'. 1944
Matheson, Richard: The Shrinking Man, PriLst. Christopher: The Space Machine, Verne. Jules: Five Weeks in a Balloon,
1956 1976 1863 (trans. 1870); A .Journey to the
Merril, Judith: The Tomorrow People, Rocklynne. Ross: 'At the Center of Centre of the Earth. 1864 (trans. 1872);
1960 Gravity', 1936 From the Earth to the Moon. 1865
Niven. Larry: 'Neutron Star'. 1968; Russell, Eric Frank: Sinister Barrier. 1943 (trans. 1873); A/asfer o/ r/ie World.

Kingworld. 1970; 'The Hole Man'. 1974; Seaborn. Captain Adam: Symzonia: A 1904 (trans. 1914)
The Ringworld Engineers. 1979 Voyage of Discovery, 1820 WeUs. H.G.: The Invisible Man, 1897;
Niven, Larry, and Jerry Pournelle: Shaver, Richard S.: / Remember Lemuria The First Men in the Moon. 1901;
Lucifer's Hammer, 1977 & The Return of Sathanas, 1948 The Food of the Gods and How it Came
O'Brien, Fitz-James: 'The Diamond Shute, Nevil: On the Beach. 1957 to Earth. 1904
Lens'. 1858 Smith, E.E.: the 'Skylark' books. Wyndham. John: 'How Do 1 Do?'. 1953

Ridpath, Harper & Row, p.l79; The p.119 below; NASA Ames Research
Acknowledgements Microelectronics Revolution ed. Tom Center, pp.46/47; NASA Marshall Space-
Forester, Basil Blackwell, pp.124. 125; flight Center, p. 123; The National
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American pp.35, 38, 40, 42, 82 left, 146; Natural Science Photos, p. 152 below;
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mander. pp.20/21; The High Frontier by nology, p. 23; Lawrence Livermore p. 59; Joseph Young Collection, pp.171,
Gerard K. O'Neill. William Morrow, Laboratory, Professors Smarr and 186/7 below; Young Artists: Richard
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Messages from the Stars by Ian Goldwyn Mayer/British Film Institute, Davis, p.57.

and time 70, 71. 74, 88. 89, 90-1, 92-3, see also ion drive stars' birth 82-6

Index 94-7
see also determinism
electromagnetic catapults
see mass drivers
waves 80-1. SO. 106
see also antigravity; black holes; free
a (Alphal Centauri 8, 9, 26 electromagnetic force fields 199 fall: levitation; relativity; tides
Page numbers in italics denote illustrations cephalopods 57, 58 electrons 6g. 70, 74-6, 78, 83, 99 greenhouse effect 28-9. 33. 34. 36, 113.
CERN, Geneva 78, 78 79, 79 at Big Bang 76-7 114 116
ageing 137. 144-6, J-M. 145. 146 cetaceans 49-50 electron dwellers 185 Gregory. Richard 129
Alien 16, 60 T (Tau) Ceti 9. 26-7, 46 weapons 106
aliens, intelligent 44, 45, 46-65, 190. 190 CharlY 136 ELIZA 128 Hart. Ron and Setlow, R. 144
mythology 180-3, laO. 181 children, feral 188-9, 188. 189 Elkes, Joel 164 Hawking, Stephen 101, 190
see also UFOs China Syndrome. The 32-3 energy and fuel 30-45, 30-1. 116. 167 HayfUck, Leonard 144
Altered States 90. 91 chronons, and chronon theory 93 Big Bang 91 heat see energy (heat); temperature
androids 131, 153, 153 civilizations, vanished 184-7 black holes 86. 106 heat death (of umverse) 86-7, 91
Andromeda Strain. The 117, 197 clairvoyance and clairaudience 93, 170-1 entropy 86-7 see also entropy
animals 29, ,56, 57 Clauser, John and Freedman, Stuart 75, force fields and shields 199 Heath, Robert 168
giant 194, 195 75, 100 gravity 10. 19. 80-1. 82 Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle 74-5,
intelligence 49-50, 57, 58, 136. 137 climate 29, 57, 114, 117 guns 104 99
see also feral children; insects see also greenhouse effect; ice Ages heat 34-6.34-5. 39-41.40. 82 Helios 3 spacecraft 8
antigravity 66, 66, 80-1, 81. 95, 191 Clockwork Orange. A 166, 166 mass 32 helium 37, 37. 77 82
antimatter 31, 78-9, 78, 79. 98, 106 clones 150-1, 150 151. 159 mass drivers 103 heUum-3 11
Apollo spacecraft 8, 23 Close Encounters of the Third Kind 58-9, microwaves 21. 42-3 Hermes (asteroid) 112-13
apportation 171, 174 777 178 quantum physics 72 Hertzsprung- Russell diagram 26, 26
Arnold, Kenneth 176 coal see fossil fuels renewable 39-41 heuristics 128
Aspect, Alain 75 Colby, Kenneth 127. 128 spacecraft 10. 31. 68-9 hibernation, artificial 16, 147
asteroids 112-13 colonies, extraterrestrial 8, 16-17. 18. 103. warfare 102. 106 Hieronymous machine 169
exploited 19, 23, 24-25, 25 45, 201 116. 201 see also nuclear power; solar energy Hill, Betty 178, 7 79
see also meteors Dyson spheres 44-5. 45 Enfant Sauvage. L' 188. 188 Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy 130
Atlantis 184-7, 185. 186-7 see also space habitats; terraforming entropy 34. 86-7. 91. 92. 199 hive-organization 62-3, 62. 63
Atlantis: the Lost Continent 186-7 comets 55.55. 111. 112. 191 (Epsilon) Eridani 9. 26-7. 46 Hoff, M.E. 120
atmosphere 21. 28. 56-7 communication 65. 103 Eros (asteroid) 112 holocausts and catastrophes 102-17, 112,
Jupiter 52, 53 space 46-8. 48. 73, 74-6, 74, 75. 94 evolution and natural selection 33. 136-7. 113
see also greenhouse effect; vacuum terrestrial 49-50, 49. 50. 67, 58-9, 62, 62 137. 138. 156. 186 reconstruction 118-19, 118, 119, 139.
atoms and atomic particles 67, 70, 167, see also conditioning; cybernetics; social aliens 58-9. 66 167. 201
194-5, relationships; speech mutations 138-9. 138. 139 humanoids 57. 58. 62. 63
antimatter 78-9 computers 120-5, 124. 132-3, 134, 135, 142, explosions 45. 82. 84 see also robots
at Big Bang 76-7, 77 165-6, 200-1 antimatter 78-9. 78. 79 hydrocarbons 26. 53
probability 74-5 artificial intelligence and prog amming warfare 102-3. 106. 109-11 hydroelectric power 40-1. 43
see also electrons: nuclear...; 127-9, 127. 129 see also Big Bang; black holes; novae hydrogen 70. 14. 37. 37, 52. 54. 77. 77, 82
tachyons; tardyons biochips 121 extra-sensorv perception (ESP) 137. 150. bombs 37, 109, 110
automation 122-4. 122. 123. 124 data networks 125-6, 126 150 170, 172-3, 176 see also deuterium; tritium
leisure society' 156-8, 15&7 dialogue 127-8, 127 hydrogen cyanide 55
see also computers microchips 120. 121. 121 FTL (faster than light! Hyperborea 186
pattern recognition 128-9 129 tachyons 70, 91, 94.94 hyperspace 72-3, 72, 73, 102
Babbage, Charles 120-1 conditioning, behavioural lPl-2, 161. 162. see also time travel (FTL) hypnopaedia 161
bacteria 29, 56, 117, 138 165 faith healing 168-9, 169 hypnotism 137, 168-9, 768, 170, 178
genetic engineering 148-9, 149 see also drugs famine 117, 119
Barbarella 158 continents and continental drift 184-6, Fantastic Voyage 194 Icarus (asteroid) 112-13
Barnard's Star 8, 9, 26 184-5 187 feeding and food, 17, 25. 29. 65. 117. 119 Ice Ages 113, 114-15, 7J5, 784-5
baryons 78, 87 Craft. Ian 160 see also parasitism; predators and ice-caps 34, 40, 43, 114
Becquerel, Antoine Henri 32 crime and punishment 165-7. 165. 166 prey; reproduction ichneumon fly 59, 60, 61. 63
Beer, Stafford 133 Cristofalco, Vincent 144 Feinberg. Gerald 55 immortality 145-6
behavioural control see conditioning cryonics 90, 141, 147, 147. 160, 160 fire-sending 171 Incredible Shrinking Man, The 194. 794
Bell's Theorem 101 crystalline life 54 firewalking 168, 169 infinity and the universe 76
Bergson, Henri 88-9 cybernetics 132-4, 132-3 First Men into Space 197 information industries 126-6, 725
Big Bang 76-7, 76. 77. 84, 86, 86. 91, 94, 98 matter transmission 136. 135 Fish. Marjorie 179 infra-red
biochemistry 136-7 cyborgs 134, 141. 142-3, 142. 164. 755 flatworms 136, 137 photography 36, 1 75
alien 52-5, 65 Cygnus X-1. 84 flight 56-7. 194.200 radiation 27, 45. 115
biological engineering 152, 159-60 man 22. 154. 194 insects 59. 59. 60. 61
see also genetic engineering DNA 136. 138. 148. 148 floods. 113 114. 114 116. 184. 185 giant 194
biological warfare see CBW Dark Star 16, 111 Fly, The 135 hives 62-3. 62 63
birth control see population growth Darker Side of Terror. The 151 flying saucers see UFOs intelligence 46-8, 49-60, 68-9, 58, 59, 132,
Black Hole. The 13, 192 data networks 125-6. 126 Forbidden Planet 199 195
blacli holes 73, 81, 82, 83-5, 84. 85. 98. Davis, Kingsley 188 force fields and force shields 199 artificial 123, 127-9, 727
106.200 Day the Earth Caught Fire. The 113 Forward. Robert L. 12-13. 55 Isee also computers)
antimatter 78. 79 Dean Drive 192 fossil fuels 25, 30-1. 30-1, 33. 34-6, 39, evolution 136-7, 138-9
collisions, explosions 45. 84, 85, 86, Deluge 114 40, 41, 116 interferon 148
106, 106 Denckla, W.D. 144 4D Man 72 invisibility 196. 198. 798
end of umverse 86-7 deserts 40-1, 56. 57, 66 fourth dimension see hyperspace lo 28
event horizon, 84. 84. 85. 95 determinism and free will 74, 90, 98-101 free fall 10. 42. 83. 796. 197 ion drive 11-12. 7i. 72. 17
mini (quantum) 84 see also causality free will see determinism Itard. Dr 188
murder weapon 190 deuterium 11, 16, 37-8, 37 38. 110, 128 freezing see cryonics
spinm.-ig 84-5. 84. 95 Dirac communicator 74, 74 fuels see energy; fossil fuels Jaffa. Leonard 12
time travel. 91. 94-7. 95 disease 33, 117, 118, 128, 147, 148, 149, Jarvik. Robert J40
Blade Runner 153 167 galaxies 76. 77. 77 86-7 Jones, Jim 767
Bohr. Niels 101 see also mental illness; medicine; Galaxy 8. 8. 9. 9. 46 Jupiter 46, 47
Boole. George and Boolean algebra 129 viruses; warfare (CBW) gamma ray lasers 45, 106 Ufe 62-3, 53, 57
Bracewell. Ronald 47 Dr Strangehue 111 Ganymede 28 moons, 10,28
brains 49. 129, 172, 173 Dr Who 67. 130 Geller. Uri 174. 174
after death 65 Dole. S.H. 26-7 generation starships 8. 16-21, 16-17. 25 Kant, Inunanuel 88
alien 54 dolphins 49-50 genetic engineering 28, 148-9, 14S. 149. Kardashev, Nikolai 44, 44
crime 166-7 Doomwatch 107 162, 195 Kerr, Roy P, 95
drugs 164, 164 (see also drugs entry) dowsers 171 geology 184-7, 184-5 Kirhan aura 168, 169
future evolution 136-7, 137 Drake, Frank 46 geothermal energy 34. 36. 39-40. 40
hooked to computers 143 drugs 91, 108, 160. 163-4. 163. 164 giants 162. 752. 186, 194-5, J95 Lagrange points 24
mechanical 120-1 antibiotic 117. 149 Glaser. Peter 42-5 space habitats 19-20, 79, 22, 103
microscopic people 195 Dyson. Freeman 44-5, 65, 87, 98, 138 Godel's theorem 129 Lamb, Hubert U4
see also computers; cybernetics; Dyson spheres 44-5. 45 Godzilla Vs Mothra 195 Landsberg-Park model 86
cyborgs; intelligence; senses Gold. Thomas 92-3 language 58-9
brainwashing 159-60, 161-2 161. 166 Earth 28. 29. 39 Goldhaber. M. 79 see also speech
Bussard, Robert 14-15, 14 hoUow 193. 193 Good. l.J. 127 lasers 38, 38 43, 196, 797
see also climate, etc. grasers 106 propulsion 10, 12-13, 73
CBW 107-8, 107. 110 Earth I! 66 gravitons 70. 80-1 weapons 702, 104-6, 104, 70S, 199
Capricorn One 197 earthquakes 112. 113. 114 193 gravity 16-17, 22, 28, 80-1, 113, 196-7 learning abihty 128-9
carbon 52, 5J. 54. 55. 82 ecology 56-7, 58, 62, 65. 65 antimatter 78 leisure society 156-8
carbon dioxide 28. 29. 55. 104 Edwards, Robert 160 artificial, simulated 10-11, 79 45, 81, Lemuria 184-6, 7S4-5, IS?
see also greenhouse effect Einstein, Albert: photons 75. 98-9 191, 199 levitation 172, 174, 775
catastrophes see holocausts quantum physics 67 energy 10, 19. 80-1, 82 light 80, 98-9. 99
causality see also relativity escape from 19. 22. 23. 84. 192 distances (light-years) 8
gravity 81
artificial electricity 33, 38-42 passim, 41 force field 199 pressure 22
hyperspace 72, 73 tissue regeneration 144, 144 SF 56. 56-7. 190. 191 spectrum 26-7. 26 (redshift). 76, 77, 83-4

Rhine. J H 137. 172-3. 173 TlIX 1 138: 162
Urbow 1 90' PARRY 127. M Uchyons 70. 91. 94.94
participatory reality 97. 178
Riders to the Stars 197
unUghl redirwrli-d 21. 28. 29 tardvons 70. 94. 94
Payne. Roger 50 robots ;26. 130 1. 130-1. 133. 134. 153. 200-1
Mr aho FTl.: in(rrd; invisibilily;
industrial 122-4. 122. 12.'l Tarzan 188. 189. 189
Peniias. A and Wilson. R. 76. 77
Unera; photons telecommunications, television 125-6. 125.
warfare 103, 122
Lillv. John 49 petroleum see fossil fuels 126
see also androids: humanoids
longevity 137. MS. 14S photons 70. 74-5. 75 98-9. 100
rockets 10, 10 telecontrol 170
Lowrll. Prrcival 52. 5S gamma photons 78 telekinesis (TKI 137. 170. 171. 171. 174-5.
physics 66-101 passim Hmil Races' 186
luxons 70 774
SF 196. 197 199 Kyle. Gilbert 129
telepathy and telempathy 137. 150.
(globular clustrl 47-8 see also gravity, etc.
M13 52 St John, John Allen 57, 189 1.50. 170. 172-3. 176
Pioneer spacecraft 8. 47.
M82 iRalaxyl ii Samuel, Arthur 128 tcleportation 135. 171. 174. 175
(galaiyl (M plaguelsl 117. 118. 167 27
M87 satellites 42-3, 106. 10.5. 125-6, 200 telescopes, space 27.
see also diseases: viruses
Macalear, James 143 Scanners 171, 171 radio 46-8. 47. 48
magnetism 37-8. 37. 38. 199. 200 Planet of the Apes 118 temperature .'IS, 36
planets 9. 56. 59. 82 Schmidt. Stanley 45
Manner spacecraft 52
28-9 Schrodinger, Erwin. and his cat 99-100, of stars 82-3
192 colonizing, terraforming 19. 26-7. 26.
Mars 19. 28. 45. 62. SS. ST. lOO-l. 101 suitable for life 52. 63-4. 198
electron 195
Martin. John 112 Schwarzschild radius 83-4 Ten Commandments, The 180
70 warfare 103
mass 32. 67. 68-9.
self-awareness 127. 129 terraforming 28-9
plants 28, '29. .16, 39. 40, 57, 58
artificial 81 see also climate; energy (heat):
plasmid engineering 148. 148. 149 senses 49-50. 196
end of universe 86-7 computers 128 fire-sending: greenhouse effect, solar
pleasure-seeking 1.56-7. 158. 158
gravity 80-1. 82-5.82 energy: thermodynamics, laws of
see also drugs .see also psionics: sight
negative 78. 81 terraforming 28-9. 102-3
poisons 33. 36, 164 SETI 46
lero rest mass' 70 Them! 194
see also warfare (CBW) Sheppard. David 21
mass drivers 23-4. 23. 24. 26. 25, 28. 103 thermodvnamics. laws of 86-7. 92. 199
ShortUffe, EH, 1'28
matter 72. 84. 86-7. 136 Plutonium 33, 36, 109
sight 49-50 third eve' 171, 172
and antimatter 31. 78-9. 78 poUution 33, 34, 36, 40, 94, 116. 116. 117.
bUndness 128. 134. 142. 143 This Island Earth 51
degenerate 83. 194-6 167 waves 1 13. 114
computers 128 tidal
Mayas 181. 182. JS2, 183 polyploidy 152. 152
electron dwellers 195 tides 83, 8.1 196
Meheust. Bertrand 176-8 Ponnamperuma. Cyril 54, 55 energy from 39, .'19. 4
see also invisibility
memory population growth and birth control 35-6,
i:i6. 137
sign-language 49. 50. 58-9 time 66, 67. 86. 88-93 passim. 88. 89. 92-3
drugs 163-4. 163 116-17, 116. 117 166, 169
mental illness:
.see also speech
chronons 93
menUl sciences see psionics positrons 76. 78
Silent Runninn 117, 197 a delusion? 98
Mercury 26 power see energy gravity 83-4. 86. 94-5
silicon 54, 54
precognition 170
mesmerism 200 singularities (black hole) 84-5, 96 ship time 14
predators and prey 52-3, S3. 56, 56, 57. 58
Meltor 113 Six Million Dollar Man. The 142 time travel 66. 67. 67. 88-96. 90. 91, 102
probability theories 75, 90, 99, 175
meteors and meteorites 24 sleep alternate universes 92. 97
Project Cyclops 46-7. 46-7
disasters 111. 112-13. 113. 114 artificial hibernation 16. 147 FTL 66. 67-8. 67. 68-70, 71. 101. 190
Project Daedalus 11. 12. l.l 15
SF misUkcs 191. 196. 197 drugs 163 tokamak fusion 37-8, 37 38
Slelropolis 130-1. 156. 1S6-7. 157 Project Ozma 46
hypnopaedia 161 transplant surgery 140-1. NO. 142. 142. 166
proteins 52. 148
Michie. Donald 129 long 90 tritium 37-8. .37 38
117 protogalaxies 77. 77
micro-organisms 28. 29.
see also suspended animation Turing. Alan 127-8. 127. 129
(CBW) protons 37. 37. 76-7. 78. 83
see also bacteria: viruses: warfare sociology 58. 125. 725. 126 Tuilighfs Last Gleaming 111
microwaves 21. 42 protostars 77 161
alien 62-5. 62. 6,?, 64 twins, identical 150. 1.50.
psionics Ipsi powers) 137. 168-9. 170-5. 200
Milky Way. The 8-9 see also religion 2001: a Space Odyssey 16. 66. 126
miniature life-forms 194-5. 194 psychic healing 168-9. 169
solar energy 36, 39, 40-1, */, 44, 103, 201
mining in space 19. 23-6. 103. 106. 201 mediums 168. 170, 175 UFOs 18. 175. 176-9. 777. 778
from satellites 42-3, 42. 43
mirrors in space 28. 29. 41. -ii psychology 127, 161-2, 161. 162
wllite science 167 universe
Monolith Monsters. The .54 UFOs 176-8. I7Z 179
Sun creation 76-7. 79. 91
.see also greenhouse effect: infra-red:
Moon 19-20. 23. 83. 197 psychometry 170 expanding and entropy 86-7. 86. 87
Somewhere in Time 88
exploited 19. 21. 23-4. 24. 25. 28. 43. pulsars 83
solIs 127, 129. 170-1 hyperspace 72-3. 72. 73
103. 124 universes, alternate 66. 66. 87, 92. 93. 93.
67, 70. 72-3. 93
Sovlent Green 1 17
rockets 10 quantum physics 97, 98-101, loai
alternate universes 98-101. lOO-l
space arks see generation starships
SF misukes 197. 200. 201 universes, paraUel 55, 66. 97. 98. 174-5
black holes 67, 70, 72-3
space habitats 19-25
Mu 186 Space 1999 197 uranium 32. 36, 41, 109
causality/determinism 74, 75
muons 68. 70
space shuttle 27. 43. 43
mutations 138-9. 138, 139 FTL 75,' 75
vacuum 104-6. 105, 196
72-3, 75 space-time 87. 88. 92-3. 98, 192
MYCIN 128 wormholes
spacecraft 31, 68-9. 70. 106. 196-7 van de Kemp. Peter 27
mythology quarks, at Big Bang 76
"" black holes 85. 94-5. 96 Velikovsky. Immanuel 180-1
aliens 180-3. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184 quasars
free faU 42, 83, 196, 197 Venera spacecraft .S2

feral children 188-9. 188. 189 QUBE 126

Venus 29 52
SF errors 192, 196-7, ;96, 197 200 19, 28.
vanished civilizations 184-7 Quintet US viruses 28. 55. 58. 138. 168-9
specific craft 8, 23, 47. 62
see also starships: UFOs see also disease
NASA 22. 25. 467. 123 RNA 136-7, 136
volcanoes 34. 36. 40. 112. 114. ;8.5.
spectrum see light (spectrum) 2.9.

Space Telescope 27, 27 radiation, radioactivity 32. 39. 40

186-7. 186-7
speech. 'speech'
Nazca 180. 181. 181. 182 Big Bang 76-7, 77
animals 49-50. 49. SO von Daniken. Erich 180-3
neutrinos 68. 87. 98
contamination, sickness 33. 109. 110, 118 47. 52
computers 127-8. 134 Voyager spacecraft 8.
neutron stars 82. 2. 83. 86 mutations 33, 118
see also lasers: microwaves; solar wind: language 58-9
neutrons 11. 15. 37. 37. 76-7. 83 Walford. Roy 144
warfare in space 196
'New-Wave' science fiction 86. 164 War Game, The 1 10
radio telescopes 46-8, 47. 48 spiders 162. 194, 197
Newtonian physics 10. 67 warfare 102-11, 156. 200. 201
Raiders of the Lost Ark 181 spiritualism 171. 175
nitrogen 21. 52
ramscoop starship 14-15, 14. 15 sports in space 11. 22 CBW 107-8. 107 108. 110
No Blade of Grass 119
SQUIDS 134 see also weapons
novae 45. 77, 82. 113 red dwarfs 26
Stanford Torus 21. 2J Warlords of Atlantis 186
nuclear bombs, missiles 28. 36. 104. red giants 26, 82, 82
Star Trek (TV series) 78. 78. 135 water 29. 52
109-11. no. 111. 115. 118 redshift see bght (spectrum)
Star Trek the Motion Picture 67. 73 dowsing 171
regeneration of tissue 144, 144
nuclear force, strong 199 energy 36-43 passim. 39. 40. 167
Star Wars 13. 102. 130, 196. 197
nuclear force, weak 98. 199 extraterrestrial 25. 28. 52. 55
Einstein's General Theory land gravity) starbow 190-1
nuclear power 11-12 JJ. 13. 14. 15.26 see also oceans: tides
80, 83-4, 96, 190, 199 stars 8. 8-9. 26-7. 26. 46. 77, 77 82-6
31-8 passim. 41 (fission 32-3. 32 .'. water-breathing man 154
Einstein s Special Theory land speed of Betty Hill 178, 179
fusion 37-8. 37 38) Watson. Ian 98
light: space, lime) 13, 14, 68, 70. 88, entropy 86-7
accidents 32-3. 33. 36 Watson. John B. 162
94, 190-1 see also light
energy doubling, waste heat 34-6. 34 weapons 33. 10211. 102. 196
FTL 68-9, 68, 69. 71. 74. 190 starships 8, 8-9, 10-13. 17
ramscoop 14-15. 14. 15 cyborgs 142-3
observers (role in physics) 98-101 space-time 92. 192
see also spacecraft force fields and shields 199
religion 63-5, 64, 111. J 72
oceans: life 28. 57. 154 Weber. J. 80
/or computers 129 Steptoe. Patrick 160
see also water weightlessness see free fall
psychological persuasion 161-2. 161 sulphur 25. 63-4
octopus family 57, 58 Venus 28 whales 49-60
sulphuric acid on
Ogburn, F. ;8W UFOs 176
Sun 26. 83. 113 Wheeler. John A. 73. 98
see fossil fuels see also determinism: mythology: souls
black hole HZ 84 When Worlds Collide 113
Olds. James I.Vi-7 158 reproduction and sex 58. 69-60. 59. 60, 190.
light re-directed 28. 29 white dwarfs 26. 82. 82. 83
organic compounds 52. 54. 65 190. 195
solar sailing 22. 22 Who/ 142
artificial insemination, embryo transplant
oxygen 10. 26 winds 36. 39. 40. 41. 167
149. 160. /0 solar wind 22. 31
life 2/. 28. 52. 54. 154. 194. 196 solar wind 22. 31
sex selection 149 sec also solar energy
supermen 136-55 passim wormholes 72-3. 75
Pangaea 184-5 three sexes 63
supernovae 82-3. 113. 114 black holes 95, 96
pantropy 28. 154-5. /55 see also clones: genetic engineering:
hive-organization: parasitism: superspace: wormholes in 72-3
paraphysics 168 X-rays 106. 121
polyploidy: population growth Survivors 30
parapsychology 168
reptiles 58. 196 suspended animation 16. 67. 147
see also psionics Young. Thomas 99. .99
resurrection 147. 147 symbiosis 60-1
parasitism 60- 1 . 60. 61

Starships, aliens, cyborgs, space cities, suspended animation, telekinesis trappings of
science fiction. Ar they all fantasy? Or do such things have a grounding in "real" science,
pointing the way to what will happen in the future?
The answer, of course, is yes. Long before atomic weapons, tanks, submarines, artificial
satellites, and space travel, novelists like H. G. Wells and Jules Verne had put them in books.
And for nearly a hundred years other writers of science fiction have been stretching their
imaginations and ours to encompass ever more bizarre possibilities, from alternate
universes to invaders from outer space, some plausible, some downright weird. Just how real
those possibilities may be is the subject of The Science in Science Fiction.
Here are the hard facts behind ideas from the novels of Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov,
Frederick Pohl, Arthur C. Clarke, and dozens of others -about time travel and the exploration
of deep space, about psionics and biological engineering. How the universe began and how the
worid will end... the likelihood of extra-terrestrial life (and the forms it might take)... the
mechanics of artificial intelligence... exotic power sources... UFOs and ancient astronauts all
these, and more, are dealt with. One chapter even notes the places where science fiction
writers have got their science all wrong (and includes a list of famous bad predictions)!
This is, in short, an entertaining and wonderfully illustrated tour along -and occasionally
beyond -the frontiers of contemporary science. It will delight all readers of science fiction, and
may well make fans out of those skeptics who have hitherto preferred their science straight.
Cover painting by Chris Foss Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, New York Cover design by Gerard huerta

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