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Baltazar, Dexter Patrick

An Inconvenient Truth
[1] I agree with the fact that commerce plays a significantly impacting role in the progression of
global warming and the interconnected forms of ruins it brings to the atmosphere. Discussed in
our class in NASC 10 (Forests as a source of life), imbalances caused by the exploitation of
resources can be stabilized by the environment itself through its natural cycles. This can be
sustainable as we all need to use raw materials but what actually happens is the exaggeration of
resource usage (of corporations for mass productions and the like) without acts to regenerate or
replace that in turn, hinders nature from healing its own.
[2] The point that I disagree with was when he pointed out that species losses due to coral
bleaching are also caused by global warming. I thought that it lacked information to support the
claim and that I remembered a lesson from Zoology 1 wherein it was explained that bleaching is
caused by predation mainly by sea stars. Basing on research, this issue on bleaching can be
related to the increase in surface temperatures in the sea but there were no firm discussions about
[3] Is there a way to stop the progression of climate change without the method backfiring into
another problem?
The Island President
[1] Besides President Mohamed Nasheeds conviction and passion towards the reversal of global
warming in Maldives for survival, the more appealing viewpoint that I agree with is that climate
change has the same magnitude of effects in bodies of water (such as oceans) as it is in land. A
small increase in sea level can cause diverse loss of habitats of humans, seawater creatures, also
wetland flooding, erosion and contamination of soil. This is extremely important in a sense that
equal actions should be done to prevent the said upsurge in water level.
[2] The only thing that I did not appreciate in this film was Nasheeds wifes pessimism about the
plans. Although global warming is an upsetting matter and in a seemingly impossible state to
control, personal support raises a mood to still go through it. What Nasheed had to experience
(the frustrations of dealing with other countries to lower their emission) should never be
[3] Up to what extent can the people sacrifice just to stop global warming?
Before the Flood
[1] One keypoint that I agree on in this climate change documentary is the irony of China being
the biggest contributor to pollution whereas also being a large investor on sustainable energy.
China produces 25% of the global carbon emission and is practically thinning the Earths
atmosphere because of its mass productions and processes. On the other hand, China has also
been advocating for change and already accounted 36% of the reserves in renewables.
[2] I noticed that the film was too negative to disseminate information about defeating climate
change. Instead of DiCaprio asking Obama what is he optimistic about, he asked the opposite.
This happened also with Sunita Narain wherein he stated appalling things about American habits
and renewables. For me, it would be more effective if the documentary delved with the stories of
green energy and its sufficiency towards change.
[3] Is climate change surmountable?

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