Physical Education: Class-12 Max Time: 3.00 Hrs. M.M. 70

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Physical Education

Max Time : 3.00 hrs. M.M. 70

Question paper consist of 26 Questions

All questions are compulsory.
1 mark questions must be answered in 10-20 words
3 mark questions must be answered in 30-50 words.
5 mark questions must be answered in 75-100 words.
Q.1 Define Anorexia Narvosa ? 1
Q.2 What do you understand by self steem ? 1
Q.3 Enlist the equipments required for camping ? 1
Q.4 Define strength ? 1
Q.5 Enlist the demerits of league tournaments ? 1
Q.6 Why does the weight lifters diets include lots of proteins ? 1
Q.7 Enlist the merits of intramural tournaments ? 1
Q.8 Define sports training ? 1
Q.9 Define motivation and give the name its types ? 1
Q.10 Define correct posture ? 1
Q.11 Define doping ? 1
Q.12 Define speed and explain about the factors which improves the
speed ? 3
Q.13 Explain the effect of exercise on respiratory system ? 3
Q.14 Define the linear and angular movements ? 3
Q.15 Explain the three factors which determines strength ? 3
Q.16 Explain the disadvantages of knock-knees ? 3
Q.17 What are the main energy giving components of diets ? 3
Q.18 Describe any five objective of adventure spots ? 3
Q.19 Explain any three techniques of motivation ? 3
Q.20 Discus the role of diet on the performance of sports person ? 5
Q.21 What is league competition ? Draw fixture of league
tournament for five teams ? 5
Q.22 Explain any five postural deformities ? 5
Q.23 Explain AAPHER youth fitness test in detail ? 5
Q.24 Explain coordinative abilities ? 5
Q.25 Discuss eating disorders its types and symptoms ? 5
Q.26 Draw a circuit training plan for developing strength among
the school children ? 5

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