CITA 440 - Network Management and Security: Case Study 1

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CITA 440 Network Management and Security

Case Study 1


Technology has brought us great advances and conveniences, remarkable progress and countless benefits.
But, as everything has its bright sides, it has its costs, ultimately, the greatest one being the lack of privacy.
Governmental organizations and other companies have been spying on citizens for various reasons, to
examine our consumer habits, or with the excuse of national security.

If we disregard the bad acting, and even worse hacking skills (Type Execute root access to your terminal,
and voila! You are granted access to the targeted system), Algorithm: The Hacker Movie shows us a case of
a massive governmental spying software, and the dangers people who get too close to it face. Yet, it has
introduced several interesting terms, stated in the Case Study Discussion topics below.

For this Case Study, discuss the following topics with at least 10 references included. Minimum word count
is 600. All documents will be checked against Ephorus, the maximum plagiarism limit is 15%. Late
submission results in penalties of 10% of total Case Study 1 score per day late.

NOTE: Please save your paper with your NAME_SURNAME properly replaced


Lu$er mentioned collecting computers for his botnet. What is a botnet? Find an example of a
cyber-attack conducted using botnets, and describe it briefly.

A term called Port Knocking has been mentioned in the movie. What kind of defensive
mechanism is this and how does it work?

Is Shepherd possible and realistic? Have there been cases of similar software in the real world?

What is your standpoint on governments and companies spying on you?

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