Sad Guys, I Don't Have Much Money To Register It

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A Gift For San

In school there are 3 students names San, Jii, and Fee. They are in a friendship. Next day
is sans birthday.
Fee : What a gift should we give for san?
Jii : hmm, how if we give her a flower? Hahahaa
Fee : no no no. Im not sure
Jii : so?
Fee : Hmm, I dont know. Maybe we can give something she likes.
Jii : But, What?
(Suddenly san comes)
San : Guys! You know Bruno Mars?
Fee : Of course. He is your idol right?
San : Yes and next week is a meet and greet with Bruno Mars in this city, malang. but I feel
sad guys, I dont have much money to register it.
Fee : So? What is the special from Bruno Mars? He is just a old man, and ugly man. and he is
very black..
San : What do you mean? He is cool. His voice is very sexy. And I love his song.
Jii : Hah? Cool? Sexy? Didnt you dream, baby? Haha
San : Youre my best friend or not? You must support me! Im annoyed with you !!
Fee : So, you are angry with me and jii?
San : Think by yourself!! (and then she goes)
Jii : Haha she is angry
Fee : Good job (y)!!
Jii : Fee, we can give her a ticket for meet and great Bruno?
Fee : okeyy! I agree with you.
Next day
Fee : Come on jii! We must buy the ticket now before run out.
Jii : Okaaay!
At Sans Home
Fee : Surprise! Happy birthday dear
San : Oh god, thank you baby. Im forget if today is my birthday :D
Jii : Huuu happy birthday San, this is for you
San : What it is?
Fee : Open it San
San : Ticket concert of Bruno ???? Thank you so much my best friend :*
Jii&Fee : Youre welcome
Fee : Okay, we must go home now San. Sorry,
San : No problem, byeee
Jii & Fee go home but Jii forgets if her book misses in Sans room and they must go back.
San : Yeye lalala, Bruno wait me baby mwaaaaah :*
Fee : haaaa? What are you doing?
Jii : hahahaha what a shamed!!
San : Hah? Im sorry i just more happy. I dont know that you still in here. Ohh... How
shamed I am!
Fee :Never mind. Relax san!
Then, next week San can meet and great with Bruno, her idol. And that is a special gift
from her best friend in her birthday. And after went home, san meet and tell about concert of
cakka to her friends. They are jii and fee.
San : Hey guys... Im very happy because i can meet with cakka and i get the photos with
Jii :Oh... Its great!!! How lucky you are!
Fee : We didnt wrong to give that present for you... And We wish that you can always
remember this moment.
San :Ya, of course, i wont forget it. And i always remember it.
Jii :Ya, we will become a true friends forever.
Fee :Of course.

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