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the Kraken Priestess

Ilyas powerful physique is dwarfed only by her

indomitable faith. As the prophet of the Great Kraken, she uses a
huge, golden idol to rip her foes spirits from their bodies and
shatter their perception of reality. All who challenge the Truth
Bearer of Nagakabouros soon discover Ilya never battles alone -
the god of the Serpent Isles fights by her side.
All who encounter Ilya are struck by her presence. An intense
woman, the priestess is fully committed to the experience of
living. She takes what she wants, destroys what she hates, and
revels in everything she loves.
However, to truly know Ilya you must understand the religion she
has devoted her life to. Nagakabouros, the deity of her faith, is
usually depicted as an enormous serpent head with tentacles
spiraling around it in endless motion, with no beginning and no
end. Also called The Mother Serpent, The Great Kraken, or even
The Bearded Lady, Nagakabouros is the Serpent Isles god of life,
ocean storms, and motion. (The literal translation of its name is
the unending monster that drives the sea and sky.) Central to
the religions theology are three tenets: every spirit was born to
serve the universe; desire was built into every living being by the
universe; the universe only moves toward its destiny when living
creatures chase their desires.
Lesser priestesses are tasked with maintaining temples, calling
holy serpents, and teaching people the ways of Nagakabouros. As
the religions Truth Bearer, Ilyas role is to serve the god directly
by unblocking the flow of the universe. To this end, she has two
sacred responsibilities.
The first duty of a Truth Bearer is to be the spearhead in the war
against undeath. Having fallen outside of the normal flow of the
universe, the undead are considered an abomination against
Nagakabouros. While it is the responsibility of every priestess of
the Kraken to protect the indigenous population from the
Harrowing, a Truth Bearer directly engages its most powerful
spirits and drives the Black Mist back.
Second, Ilya is tasked with seeking out individuals of great
potential and challenging them with the Test of Nagakabouros.
This task is the burden Ilyas title reflects. With her massive, holy
relic, The Eye of God, the Truth Bearer strips the subjects spirit
from their body then forces them to stand against her to prove
their worth. She does this knowing those who fail will be
completely annihilated, for the great Kraken has no tolerance for
cowardice, doubt, or restraint. But destruction is never the goal.
Survivors of the ordeal are forever changed and often find the will
to pursue their true destiny.
Though Ilya is the most powerful and respected Truth Bearer in a
hundred generations, it is where she has broken the traditions of
her faith that speaks the most about her. Having completed her
training as a Truth Bearer, and at the height of her power, Ilya left
the golden temples of Buhru for the squalor of nearby Bilgewater.
The pirate city is the only place foreigners are permitted on the
Serpent Isles, viewed as a fetid gutter by Ilyass people. Previous
Truth Bearers ignored the city and viewed the arriving foreigners
as little better than untouchables. Ilya broke with tradition when
she chose to protect residents of Bilgewater from the Harrowing,
or even more controversially when she decided that some of its
residents had souls worthy of the great test. Despite this, only a
handful of temples have been opened in the city, and very few
paylangi (islander slang for residents of mainlander descent) have
ever been permitted inside. Regardless, it is Ilya who has brought
the widespread awareness of the Mother Serpent to Bilgewater,
and it is her indomitable spirit that has brought her religion into
favor there.
Rumors persist that Bilgewaters most bloodthirsty and infamous
pirate had his heart broken by the towering priestess. To anyone
who has ever met her, this is no surprise. Ilyas rough manner
belies subtle intelligence, strength, and a magnetic confidence.
Many seek Ilyas favor and welcome her to Bilgewater... yet
everyone fears being tested by the Krakens Prophet.
Truth Bearer, this is why we must retreat to Buhru.
We cannot save the paylangi, the Hierophant said. The heavy-set
woman grinned, obviously pleased by the prospect of leaving
Youve mentioned that before, Illaoi said, walking around the
stone table in the center of the room. She rolled her shoulders,
loosening the muscles to fight off a yawn.
Beside the Hierophant, an elderly serpent caller stood. He wore a
vestment made from ropes. Each indigo-dyed cord had been
woven to curl; their varying thicknesses and faded kraken ink
gave him the illusion of being draped in rough-hewn tentacles. His
face was completely covered by a black tattoo depicting the
endless teeth of a leviathans maw. Monks and serpent callers
were always trying to look scary. It was an annoying habit of most
The greatest beasts wont approach Bilgewater, the serpent
caller said with a wheeze. They stay out in the deep water, away
from the stench of the Slaughter Docks. At best, a few half-
starved younglings will heed our summons.
Only the greatest children of Nagakabouros were strong enough
to consume the mists and defend the city from the Harrowing.
The rest of the Serpent Isles didnt have this problem.
It was yet another reminder of the ignorance of Bilgewaters
population. The mainlanders and their descendants didnt give
time for fresh water to flow through and clean their docks.
Instead, the paylangi settled permanent anchorages around every
shore in the bay. It was so foolish. Many of the priesthood
asserted it was proof the paylangi actually wanted to be
consumed by the Black Mists.
Crap, Ilya said. If she was going to stay, she would have to find
a way to defend the city without serpents. She picked at the food
from one of the offering bowls around her, before selecting a
mango. She needed a plan, and these two fools were useless.
A loud crack interrupted her musing. A heavy, wooden door had
slammed open downstairs.
Gangplanks voice howled, the words were unintelligible, echoing
around the stone walls.
We pulled him from the water, as you commanded, the
Hierophant smiled, adjusting the jade collar of her office. Perhaps
it would have been better to let his energy return to
You do not judge souls.
Of course Truth Bearer, it is for Nagakabouros to judge, he said,
implying that Ilyas opinion was biased.
Ilya walked between the two clerics, dwarfing the pair of them.
Even for an islander, the Truth Bearer was tall. It had always been
so. She was taller even than the largest Northman. As a girl, she
had been self-conscious about it, always feeling like she was
stumbling into people, but she had learned. When I move, they
should know enough to get out of my way.
She lifted the Eye of God from its stand. The golden idol was
larger than a wine barrel and many times the weight. Her fingers
tingled against its cold metal. It had been placed next to the giant
roaring fire, which illuminated the room, but the Eye of God
stayed forever cool and damp to the touch. Illaoi deftly
shouldered its massive weight. In a dozen years, the Truth Bearer
had never been more than two strides from it.
Hierophant, I remember my duties, Ilya said as she headed
down the stairs. We will not be retreating to Buhru. I will stop the
Harrowing here.
The high priestess had done little but complain since arriving from
Buhru, but there was some truth in her words.
When Gangplanks ship had exploded, Ilyas heart had jumped. It
had been many years since they had laid together, many years
since she had ended the relationship... but some feelings still
lingered. She had loved him once stupid, old bastard.
Surrounded by tall walls of interlocking stones, the courtyard to
the temple was shaped like the fanged mouth of a leviathan. The
entrance looked over the blue waters of the bay far below. Ilya
stomped down the stairway toward the front gate. She assumed
she would have to smack Gangplank in the mouth; he was prone
to arrogance and rum. But still, it would be nice to see him.
She was unprepared for the snarling creature in her temples
entrance. She knew he had been injured, but not like this. He was
limping badly and bent over from shattered ribs. He cradled what
was left of his arm.
He swung a pistol around the room with his other arm, in a half-
mad attempt to force the monks and priestesses to back away
from him; oblivious to the fact that these were the very people
who had pulled his drowned body from the bay only a few hours
ago. Worse, his pistol was clearly empty and completely useless.
Where is Ilya? he bellowed.
Im here, Gangplank, she answered. You look like crap.
He fell to his knees.
It was Miss Fortune. Had to be. Working with those two alley
whores. They sank it.
I do not care about your warship, she said.
You were always telling me to move on, to head back out to sea.
I needed a boat.
You need only a canoe for the sea.
This is my town! he screamed.
The monks and priestesses surrounding Gangplank tensed at this
outburst. That Gangplank was foolish enough to make such a
claim while standing in a structure thousands of years older than
his city, was dangerous in itself. But a paylangi shouting at the
thrice-blessed Truth Bearer in her own temple? Any other man
wouldve been dumped into the sea with broken knees.
Its my town! he roared again. Spittle flew from his mouth in
So what are you gonna do about it? Ilya said.
I, I need Okao and the other chiefs support. Theyll listen to
you... if you ask them. If you ask them, theyll help me. He
lowered his head in front of her.
What are you going to do about it? Ilya said, raising her voice
this time.
What can I do? he said hopelessly. She took my ship, she took
my men, she took my arm. Anything I had left I used to get
Leave us, Ilya told the other priests as she walked toward the
gate. She looked down on Gangplank. It had been ten years since
shed last seen him; drink and worry had taken his dashing looks.
There is nothing for me but this town, and without your help
his voice trailed off when he met her gaze. Ilya kept her eyes as
hard and unforgiving as the Kraken. She gave Gangplank nothing.
The priestess of Nagakabouros could show no pity or sympathy,
even if it tore at her chest. In despair, the old captains eyes
darted away from hers.
I could do that, Ilyai said, and with a word, the tribes and
Okaos gang would join you. But why should I?
Help me, damn it! You owe me, he snapped like a child.
I owe you? Ilya rolled the words in her mouth.
I keep up the rituals. I offer the sacrifices, Gangplank snarled.
But clearly you did not learn the lesson. Rituals? Sacrifices? You
speak of things for weak men and their weak gods. My god
demands action, Ilya said.
I suffered for this town! Bled for it. It is mine by right!
Ilya knew what she had to do. She knew it before Gangplank had
spoken. She had known years before his ship had sunk.
Gangplank had strayed. For too long, he had festered in the
hatred and self-pity his father had beaten into him. Ilya had
ignored her duty. She had ignored it because she had loved him,
once, and because she had led him down this path when she left
him. He had been content as a killer, a corsair, a true pirate, and
never interested in his fathers title of Reaver King.
He had only set anchor in his bloody quest to become the lord of
Bilgewater after they had parted ways.
Ilya felt a dampness in her eyes. His time had passed. He had
been unable to move forward. To advance. To evolve. And now?
Now he would not survive the Test of Nagakabouros. But he
needed to be tested. He was here to be tested.
Ilya looked at the old pirate before her. Could I send him away?
Trust that he still has some sliver of strength or ambition that
might see him through? If I send him away, he might live, at
That was not the way of Nagakabouros. That was not the role of a
Truth Bearer. This was not the place for doubts or second-
guessing. If she trusted her god, she must trust her instincts. If
she felt he had to be tested, then it was her gods will. And what
fool would choose a man over a god?
Gripping the Eye of Gods handle tightly, Ilya lowered the heavy
gold icon from her shoulder. A familiar lightness replaced it, yet
somehow she could still feel its weight there.
Please, Gangplank begged. Show me some kindness, at least.
I will show you the truth, Ilya said, steeling her will.
She stomp-kicked Gangplank, her heel smashing into his nose
with a crunch. He flew backward like a drunkard, blood pouring
down his lip. He rolled over and looked up at her with furious
BEHOLD! Ilya intoned.
She reached out with her mind and called forth the energy of the
Mother Serpent as she swung the giant idol forward. A glowing
mist vomited from the icons mouth and swirls of blue-green
energy formed around the Mother Serpents face, solidifying into
ghostly tentacles. Touched by gold, these tendrils were as
beautiful as the sunrise over water, and as horrifying as the
darkest undersea abomination. More tentacles grew from the
icon, replicating around the room as if born from some
unknowable mathematics. Exponentially they grew larger, and
somehow each ones growth seemed to hold all the promise and
horror of the world.
No! Gangplank screamed. But the whirlwind ignored his cries as
the storm of tentacles took him.
Face Nagakabouros! she yelled. Prove yourself! The tentacles
grasped at Gangplank, then dived into his chest. He shuddered as
ghostly images of his past lives shook around him.
He screamed as his soul was ripped from his body. His
doppelganger stood unmoving before Ilya. The spirit of Gangplank
smoldered an almost blinding blue, its body crackling and
flickering through his previous lives.
The mass of tentacles attacked the wounded captain. Gangplank
rolled and stumbled to his feet, dodging what he could. But for
each one that missed, more and more appeared. Reality twisted
and churned around him. The swarm of tentacles crashed against
him, pushing him down, pulling him further and further from his
soultoward oblivion.
Ilya wanted to look away. More than anything, she wanted to turn
her eyes. It is my duty to witness his passing. He was a great
man, but he has failed. The universe demands
Gangplank rose. Slowly, inexorably, and unrelentingly he forced
his broken body to stand. He ripped himself from the mass of
tentacles and advanced step by painstaking step, roaring through
the agony. Bloody and exhausted, he finally stood in front of Ilya.
His eyes bulged with hate and pain, but full of purpose. With his
final ounce of strength, he walked into the glowing visage of his
I will be king.
The wind fell still. The tentacles ruptured in bursts of light.
Nagakabouros was satisfied.
You are in motion, Ilya smiled.
Gangplank stood inches from his former loveglaring at her. His
back arched and his chest swelled with the sweet air of resolve
he was the proud captain once more.
Gangplank turned and walked away from her, no less injured or
limping, but his stride now held its familiar boldness.
Next time I ask for help, just say no, Gangplank growled.
Do something about that arm, Ilya said.
Was nice to see you, he said as he walked out of the temple and
down the long steps toward the water below.
Stupid old bastard, she grinned.
As the monks and hierophant returned to the antechamber, Ilya
remembered there were a thousand things she needed to do. A
thousand little burdens she needed to carry. The Truth Bearer
would have to meet with Sarah Fortune. Ilya suspected
Nagakabouros would soon need to test the bounty hunter.
Tell Okao and the chiefs to support Gangplank, Ilya said to the
hierophant. Help him retake the city.
The city is in chaos, many want his head. He wont survive the
night, the hierophant grumbled, looking at the injured captain
struggling down the steps.
He is still the right man for the job, Ilya said as she hefted the
Eye of God onto her shoulder.
We can never be certain if were doing the right thing, or how
things will happen, or when we will die. But the universe gives us
our desires, and our instincts. So we must trust them.
She began walking up the steps from the courtyard to the inner
temple, the Truth Bearers idol on her shoulder. It was a heavy
burdenbut Ilya didnt mind it.

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