Rolla Inca

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Aleigha Roll

The Inca
The Incas were a tribe that lasted around 100 years. They began in 1438 AD and ended in

1532. They first appeared in the Andes region. The Empire was a long stretch across the Western

side of South America. The Inca government was called Tawantinsuyu. It was ruled by a single

leader and was a monarchy. The Incas religious beliefs are tied to nature. They believe Incas

rulers descended from the Sun God. They also believed in human sacrifices. The Inca language

was called Quecha. The Incan architecture is from Tiwanaku. It is also the most significant pre-

Columbian architecture in South America. They also have a calendar called the Sun Stone. Most

Incas were farmers. The Incas also had a social structure. It was divided into 4 parts. The 4 parts

go from richest to poorest. They were Sapa Inca, royalty, nobility, and the Ayllu. The Sapa Inca

are the ones believed to come from the Sun God.

Aleigha Roll

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