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Tutorial sheet no.

1. Check the following signals are periodic or non-periodic.

(a) xa (t ) 3cos(5t )

(b) x(n) 3cos(5n )

n n
(c) x(n) cos( ) cos( )
8 8

2. Sketch the following signals

(a) x(n) cos(0 n)U ( n)

(b) x(n) sin(0 n)U (n)

(c) Unit impulse function

(d) Unit step and exponential function

n , 2 n 2
3. If x(n) then obtain
0, elsewhere

(a) y ( n) ( x(n 1) x( n) x( n 1))

(b) y ( n) x (2n) (c) y (n) x (2n 2 )

Tutorial sheet no.2

1 3 , 3 n 1

1. If x(n) 1, 0 n 3
0, elsewhere

then determine its value and sketch the signal x(n) , x(n 4) , x( n 4) , and x( n 4) .

2. Show that ( n) U ( n) U ( n 1) .

3. Prove that U (n) (k ) ( n k ) .
k k 0

4. Show that energy of a real valued energy signal is equal to the sum of the energies of its
even and odd components.

5. y ( n) T x(n) x(n )

Determine whether the system is time variant or time invariant.

6. (a) y ( n) x (n) nx(n 1)

(b) y ( n) x (n) cos( n)

Examine whether the system is:-

(a) Static or dynamic

(b) Linear or non-linear
(c) Stable or unstable
(d) Time variant or invariant
(e) Causal or non causal.

Tutorial sheet no.3

n 1
1. y ( n) x (k )

Examine whether the system is:-

(a) Static or dynamic

(b) Linear or non-linear
(c) Stable or unstable
(d) Time variant or invariant
(e) Causal or non causal.

2. Prove or disprove that if T1 and

T2 are stable then T is stable, where
x(n T1 T2 y(n
) ) T= T1 .T2

3. Compute the convolution of the following sequences

x(n) a nU (n) , and h(n) b nU (n) when a b and a b .

Tutorial sheet no.4

1. Express the overall impulse response in terms of h 1(n), h2(n), h3(n) and h4(n).

2. Determine direct form-II realization for each of the following LTI systems:-

(a) 2y(n) +y(n-1) -4y(n-3) = x(n) + 3x(n-5).

(b) y(n) = x(n)- x(n-1) + 2x(n-2) + y(n-1).

3. Determine the range of values of parameter a for which the LTI system with impulse

h (n) = a n, for n>=0; n is even

0 elsewhere

4. Determine the response of relaxed system characterized by the impulse response h (n) =
(1/2)n U(n) to the input signals:-

a) x (n)= 2n U(n).
b) x (n)= U(-n).

Tutorial sheet no.5

1. Determine the z-transform and sketch the ROC of the following signals:-

a) x1(n)= (1/3)n , for n>=0

(1/2)-n, for n<0.

b) x2(n)=(1/3)n- (2)n, for n>=0

0, for n<0.

2. If X(z) is the z-transform of x(n) then express the z-transform of

Y(n)= in terms of X(z).

3. Determine the signal x(n) whose z transform is given as

X(z)=log(1+a/z) , ROC: z > a

Tutorial sheet no.6

1. Determine x(n) if:-

X(z) =log(1-(1/2z)); z >1/2.

2. Draw the pole-zero pattern for the signal:

x(n)=(rn sin0n) U(n), 0<r<1.

4. Determine the signal x (n) with z-transform X(z) =ez + e-z , z 0 .

5. Determine the causal signal x (n) if its z-transform X (z)is given by pole-zero pattern in
the Figure shown below. The constant G=1/4.

z- plane

- - 1/2
1/2 1/4
Tutorial sheet no.7

1. Show that following systems are equivalent :-

a) Y1(n)=0.2y(n-1) + x(n) 0.3x(n-1) + 0.02x(n-2)

b) Y2(n)=x(n) - 0.1 x(n-1)

2. Consider the sequence x(n)=a n U(n), -1<a<1. Determine at least two sequences that are
not equal to x(n) but have the same autocorrelation.

3. Compute the response of the system

y(n)=0.7y(n-1)-0.12y(n-2) + x(n-1) +x(n-2) to the input sequence x(n)=n U(n).

Also discuss the stability of the system.

Tutorial sheet no.8

1. X(z)= 1/(1-(2z)-1) , z <0.5

Determine x(n) using contour integration.

2. Determine the impulse response and step response of the following causal systems. Also
plot the pole-zero patterns and determine which of the systems are stable:-

(a) y(n)= y(n-1) 0.5y(n-2) +x(n) +x(n-1)

(b) y(n)=0.6Y(n-1) 0.08y(n-2) +x(n)

3. Determine the output response of the system:-

y(n)= 0.5y(n-1) + 4x(n) +3x(n-1) for the input x(n)= e j0n U (n).

Tutorial sheet no.9

1. If x1(n)={2,1,2,1} and x2(n)={1,2,3,4} then determine x3(n), where x3(n) is the circular
convolution of x1(n) and x2(n).
2. x(n)=[3,0,-2,0,2,1,0,-2,-1,0] and h(n)=[2,2,1]
Determine output response y(n) of the FIR filter using overlap add and overlap save
3. Determine the DFT of the sequence
,0 n 2
x ( n) 4
0, elsewhere

4. Compute circular convolution of the following sequences by DFT method:

x(n)={0,1,2,3} and
h(n)={2,1,1,2} .
Tutorial sheet no.10

1. Derive the DFT of the sample data sequence x(n)= {1 1 2 2 3 3} and compute the
corresponding amplitude and phase spectrum.

2. Compute 4-point DFT of the sequence

x(n) cos( )

3. Compute N-point DFT of x(n)=an U(n), 0<a<1.

4. Compute 8-point circular convolution for following sequences:

x2(n)= sin( ) , 0 n 7
5. X(K)= {1 2 3 4}, Determine x(n).

Tutorial sheet no.11

1. A sequence x(n)={1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1} is given. Determine the X(k) using radix-2 DIT FFT

2. Repeat question 1 using radix-2 DIF FFT algorithm.

3. Compute IDFT of the sequence:

X(k)=(2, 0.5-j1.207, 0, 0.5-j0.207, 0, 0.5+j0.207, 0, 0.5+j1.21)

5. Determine the N-point DFT of the Blackman and Hamming window.

6. If X(k) is the DFT of the sequence x(n), determine the N-point DFTs of the sequences.
2 kn
xc (n) x(n) cos( ), 0 n N 1 and
2 kn
xs (n) x(n)sin( ), 0 n N 1 in terms of X(k).

Tutorial sheet no.12

1. Determine the coefficients of a 25-tap filter based on window method using rectangular,
Hamming, Hanning, and Blackman window:
Hd (ej )= 1 for 4

0 for < < 3

1 for 3 2

0 for 2<

2. The desired frequency response of a LPF

Hd (ej )= e-j3 3 4 3 4

0 3 4 < w

Determine H (ej ) for N=7 using a rectangular and hamming window.

3. Transform an analog filter with transfer function shown below to a digital filter using
backward difference method of derivatives.

H(s)= +3)(s+5)

4. Design a band pass filter which approximates the ideal filter with cut-off frequencies at 0.2
rad/sec and 0.3 rad/sec. The filter order is M=7. Use the Hamming window function.
5. A digital filter with 3dB bandwidth of 0.25 is to be designed from the analog filter whose
system response is
H (s)
s c
Use bilinear transformation and obtain H(z).

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