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Heaven Knows

By: Lorin G. Puckett

In the dark of the night, where flowers are mangled and trees whisper the words of
sorrow, where death floats around to take in air that is so thin it practically cuts the Earths
circulation off, there laid a woman bleeding, moaning in agony, dying in each wind gated
moment. She cried for God to save her from every ounce of pain. She yelped like a new born pup,
Help me please God! Oh God save me! Save her! In that split moment, she took one last
breath and said, Take me but not her, save Ophelia.
Suddenly, the trees began to shiver, and a thin layer of golden light shown
through the dead bark onto the infant child. With dead leaves vastly flowing in the wind, out
came a loud crack of thunder. BOOM! Then in the quietest minute, the child began to sound. The
trees intertwined into a circle and a fire sparked. It raced closer to the child and ate the
deceased mother. The cord attaching from the mother to the child burned, but the child did not
wine. Out of the blistering heat came a single tear from the infants eye, and suddenly the fire
dissolved. The child soon started to clap, and the trees broke and fell to the ground. This child
was indeed a powerful one.

Hey honey, Joan called to Rebecka. She was wearing a Metallica shirt and cut up
Dreams skinny jeans. Her hair was cut short in a black bob. She was tall and close to 511. She
was a fair skinned, petite, tomboy.
What, Rebecka yelled annoyed. She turned the corner of the kitchen with long, blonde
hair that flowed to her hips. She wore a purple sundress with red roses on it.
I have a surprise for you my dear. Its a trip to Ireland to visit my great aunt, Joan told
Rebecka with excitement.
What is a trip to Ireland gonna do for me? How do you expect me to go when I have a
stomach thats been protruding for close to nine months now? asked Rebecka.
Joan said, But my great aunt would like to meet you, and she even wants to bless our
kid. I know its out of nowhere, but it'll so be worth it
No, the blessing would have to be done on me since she is still in here silly. Besides,
you honestly think Id enjoy a trip there when Im due in two weeks love? You dont even
really know her, do you? Youre crazy right now. You do know that right? Rebecka said
flirtatiously but with a serious look.
Joan was still trying to sound convincing and said, Yes, that is exactly right. Boy youre
a smart cookie babe. But honestly, I would really appreciate you doing this for me. You know I
dont have my parents anymore, and I dont have any brothers or sisters, so this aunt is all I
really have left. I want her to meet you and bless not you or her, but us.
As Rebecka considered her girlfriends eyes, she quickly realized that this edge is the
reason she fell in love in the first place. Then, with no more hesitation, Rebecka said, Ok, Ill do
it for you, but mostly for the baby. You're right, she needs to meet her family."
Joan jumped with joy and grabbed Rebecka in her arms, Thank you babe, you made my
entire week. You truly are the best gale for me ha-ha. Joan through her lips at Rebecka and they
had a sweet endearing moment. As they hugged tightly they felt a kick in Rebeckas stomach.
Rebecka said, Looks as though the little one might agree with your wacky plan Joanie.

After a twenty-four-hour flight and a sixteen-hour ride from Idaho to Ireland, the couple
reached their destination. They came across two rows of trees lined parallel from one and other,
which had a dark and gloomy vibe. Three doves sat on the first tree calling to the cold air. The
air was thin enough to slice a throat with one breath, if a person were even lucky enough to get
one. Rebecka wondered why these three beautiful birds were doing in a terrible and gloomy
Joan, Im not too sure about this anymore, Rebecka said jittery as the cold air blew.
Babe, weve traveled too far to go back now. I really want to do this for Ophelias
future, Joan whipped fast at her girlfriend.
Rebecka couldnt believe she had come this far and didnt want to continue. She knew
her girlfriend wanted this, yet she didnt think it was possible for Joan not to feel spooked from
the looks of the place. Rebecka said with comfort, Ok, for you, but mostly for her."
Thats all I ask from you is to trust me, but come on now, its dark, Joan said pushing
Rebecka down the gravel road. Joan was excited to begin the journey because she knew what
was in store for her little Ophelia.
It took the couple ten minutes to walk down this long, poorly maintained road, and they
soon came to the appearance of a small house. At first glance this house looked like one from a
horror film. It was covered in moss from the roots plastered across the ground to the moss
growing upon the chimney. Plus, the house was in the middle of nowhere Ireland. All that
surrounded the couple were acres of forest.
Joan knocked on the red door, and it opened slowly with a ghostly creek as it moved into
the house. Rebecka jumped in fear, Ok thats a sign to leave. Come on, lets just go please.
I swear, sometimes you wimp out too fast. She has to be in here somewhere because the
chimney is smoking, Joan said.
Then out from what seemed to be nowhere a voice called out with question. Excuse me
young ladies, why are you here? I dont have anything to do with people now days, so get the
hell off my land please, a little wrinkled, bitter, old woman said. She was wearing a long green
dress with cloth, tattered and looked like rags. Her sleeves came all the way down to her wrists
and branched out as lace covering her hands from sight. Her hair was an off colored black and
faded from the years it was put through. It flowed to the ground and collected dirt at the ends.
Her face showed many years on it, which had been caused by spell casting and remedy mixing. It
glistened with sweat and age.
Joan knew exactly who this was, and she couldnt have been happier. She said in a bold
voice, Maam, are you Penniweather Grifel? If you are then I'm your great niece, Joan Voyet.
The old women jumped with joy. In doing so, fireworks shot from her clapping hands
creating yellow sparkles. She said, Oops, sorry about that. When I get excited sometimes the
magic has its own mind. Who is this beautiful young girl? Ohand I am Penniweather, but you
all can call me Penni.
This is my dear...friend, Rebecka, Joan said with hesitation.
Penni spoke with joy, "You must be the one who wanted a blessing and a natural birth. I
have been expecting you for many days now so please come in!
Ok then, nice to meet you as well, Rebecka said questioning the actions of
Penniweather at that moment. She didnt like when people were pushy, and she hated it even
more when it happened to be a stranger. When she took her first steps into the house, she began
feeling uneased right away. It was dark and cold. Rebecka started to wonder if this old hag
believed in lights or not. All Rebecka wanted was to get this over with. She didnt like Penni or
the house, and she felt Joan became estranged too. Why would she say she is a dear friend when
in fact she happens to be her partner? And this baby happens to be hers? She was not tempted to
let it kill her, so the fear soon got suppressed, but Rebecka knew something wasnt right about
this place.
Joan said with tiredness on her face, Penni, I believe that our soon-to-be-mother would
like some sleep, so lets figure this out in the morning please.

Now that the misunderstanding was over it was after six in the evening, and exhaustion
was the theme of the scene in this household. With a creek of footsteps on the old, beat, wooden
floors, Rebecka woke up. Since there was only one room with a bed in the house, she had to
sleep on the couch while Joan took the floor right beside her. When Rebecka woke up, she
looked to her left and Joan was nowhere to be found. She pulled her phone out from under one of
the pillows she was using to rest her head on, and turned her phone on. Since she was without a
service and outlet her phone was at 20 percent. Even though she didnt have enough battery to do
anything on her phone, she did check the time, which was six fifty-eight PM. She couldnt
believe she slept for more than ten hours. With the thought still playing in her mind, she heard a
soft anger of two voices in the kitchen that was right across from the living room.
She heard Joan say that the baby is hers and Penni is only there to help bring the unborn
to the human world. Rebecka was shocked to hear that. How could Joanie talk or even speak like
that? Why the human world? Why is she arguing? Why did she use the word unborn when its
her baby too? She listened closely to the rest of the conversation in hopes of connecting sense.
The baby is mine and your job is give it to me, so back off! The only part you hold in
this entire situation is being the mid-wife. You wont be able to run off with her. Do you really
think you can get past me you stupid fool? You make me laugh old witch, Joan projected
towards Penni in an upstanding voice.
The prophecy says I am to bring her to the mortal world, but didnt say I couldnt take
her under my wing to be my own. The unborn child will be mine, and there is nothing you can do
to stop it. You are the fool truly, Penni yelled at her with a devilish smile.
With calm footsteps, Rebecka stepped into the kitchen. Joan and Penni were still yelling
back and forth about rightful claims to Ophelia. Rebecka filled with agitation as her skin turned
pink with anger. She was very upset and wanted so badly to hit both women in the head with a
How can you guys say this stuff? No one is claiming her because she is mine. How can I
be this dumb to fall for such ignorance in one person? Ophelia isnt some disposable trash bag to
use when needed. She is a person and I love her, so she is mine, Rebecka pleaded with tears
rolling down her face. She was heart-broken once she faced the truth.
Joan said with worry, No, you dont understand sweetheart. Within the next second, the
floors started to break where Joan stood. The wood caved in, and a fire started in the stance Joan
held. With a cry of pain, Joan fell into the ring of fire while screaming for Rebecka to run. The
wood made a crunch sound and turned back to normal within a second of diminishing Joan.
You needed to go to hell with the rest of the filth you called family. I hate good magic
with a passion. Rebecka, unfortunately, youll never live to see all the greatness I plan to
accomplish with the baby. Just know that our first priority will be killing anyone thinking they
are good. Destinies are not fixed to be changed. Its such a shame, she would have been a good
asset, Penni said in a thick demonic voice.
Rebecka poured tears, which turned into a waterfall remembering what Joanie said. She
couldnt believe this witch was evil. Rebecka quickly wiped her tears and started for the door. As
she opened the door, the face of hell was in front of her. Where do you think you will be going
my friend? Do you think you could get away from me? You must be as stupid as your filthy
girlfriend was, Penni said with a laugh that followed right behind.
Rebecka balled her left fist and aimed it for Pennis face. The emotions that were balled
within her fist were strong enough to take down a wild bull fighting for territory. Penni fell onto
the ground by the small porch. Rebecka ran past her and headed down the gravel road she came
up to meet this old crazy woman in the first place. As she ran, her feet started to weigh heavier,
and she started to feel heat poor into her flesh. It burned intensely as she started to get light-
headed. She finally looked down and noticed the gravel was now a thick mud. Penni had done
something to make the gravel turn bad. Rebecka fell to the ground and a new pain started to
occur. A clear liquid poured from her and her green dress was now soaked. The pain was too
much to handle, and she didnt know what to do.
Its time sweetheart, its time! Penni yelled in cheer running towards Rebecka.
No, this cant be happening! She isnt due! She isnt due, Rebecka yelled as tears rolled
to her ears.
Shut up and have my baby you worthless vessel, Penni yelled at her.
Just as Penni told her to quiet herself, a huge branch fell from one of the dying trees
above her. The wound on Pennis head was fatal enough that a thick, bloody pulp poured from
her head. She was sure not to be getting back up ever again. As Pennis brain matter spilled out,
all of the torment stopped, but Rebecka still had pain to handle.
Rebecka yelled for God to save her as her tears drowned the gravel. She watched as the
trees began to shiver with sorrow. Rebecka turned her head to the right and noticed the flowers
that were once a bright pink and yellow were now a mangled, black mess. They were so tattered
that it looked as though claws of a monster made them a victim. The earth smelled of rotted flesh
while the air got thicker and thicker within a matter of seconds. She took one last breath as the
air began to suffocate in each moment. She prayed for God to save her child. Save my child.
Save my Ophelia, she cried out in the dark. Then a golden light shown through the trees onto
the mother, and the unborn became alive in the moons glow.
As the baby made a loud whimper, Rebecka slowly left her behind in a world of what
seemed to be total darkness. Suddenly, a large amount of lightning hit the ground and caused a
fire to begin. The trees acted in fear and intertwined in a circle, but the fire was too fast. It
covered the shell that was Rebecka and burned the cord attaching the mother to the child.
Ophelia cried and the fire seized instantly. The trees untangled, and the air unhinges its jaws.
That made Ophelia happy enough to clap and joy was on her face.
The hooting of the three doves soon came insight of Ophelia. As the doves touched the
ground, they morphed into one human. She had a light glow behind her as if someone parked a
car and the headlights were still on. She had long blond hair that swayed at the hips. Her eyes
reflected the heavens and her voice was as soft as an angel.
She looked into the infants eyes and smiled, Come with me my darling. I have plans
for you. Its time to be with your mother forever my little girl. Ophelia smiled and laughed as
she saw the golden light shine behind the woman. Ophelia knew exactly who this stranger was,
her mother.
Ophelia, you must know that good always prevails in the end, and Im a fighter. No one
shall ever harm you ever again. Just remember God always saves an angel. You, my dear, are the
most loved angel of his. And now, I must take you to meet the highest power himself, she said
as she walked into the light holding Ophelia tightly in her arms. The brightness suddenly left the
sky, and the forest blossomed with life once again. Birds flew through the sky, and flowers
covered the ground as the leaves of trees turned green. Now, Heaven had the brightest angel of

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