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0 Methodology

3.1 Requirements Specifications

3.1.1 Functional Requirements

Login access for VIP/regular guests

The owner/manager is in charge of
maintaining restaurants items and accounts (adding new food choices,
deleting and updating).
The owner/manager will be the one who will
verify payments for the billing process.
The owner/manager will be the one who will
accept reservations and view reservation details
Staffs can only accept reservation order
from the guests, manage and reservation requirements and view
reservation table/form
A system that allows multiple entry of
venue/table reservation from different customers
A system that displays availability of
venues/table that the customers desired to reserve
A system that generates online billing for the
customers and allows them to view status of the event venue that they
A system that allows them to pay bank
3.1.2 Hardware Requirements

Table 3.1


Processor Dual Core or higher Intel Core i3 Intel Core i3 or i7

RAM 4 GB 2 GB 8 GB
Hard Disk 1 GB 512 MB 1 GB

PC with Internet Any kind of internet Any kind of internet Sky Broadband
connection connection connection

Printer Any type of printer Any type of printer Epson Printer

Monitor Any type of monitor Any type of monitor 14" HD TN GL

(FLAT) Display

Mouse Any type of mouse Any type of mouse Logitech mouse

3.1.3 Software Requirements

Table 3.2


Operating System Windows 10 Windows 8 Windows 10

Browser Google Chrome Any type of browser Google Chrome

Scripting Hypertext Preprocessor Hypertext Hypertext Preprocessor

Language Preprocessor
(PHP), JavaScript (PHP), JavaScript
(PHP), JavaScript

Code Editor Notepad ++, Sublime Notepad ++, Sublime Notepad ++, Sublime

3.2 Research Methods

The method of research is used in this study is descriptive. By this, the proponents will be
able to identify the needs of the cafe and to give solution to the cafes' problem.

Descriptive Method involves collections of quantitative information that can be tabulated along a
continuum in numerical form that allows the developers based their development of the said

3.3 Data Gathering and Procedures

3.3.1 Data Gathering Instruments Used

Interview Sheets
Interviewers provided a set of questions for the target interviewees
engaged in the proposed system, the Online Reservation and Billing System.
Interviewees were the Owner and Employees.

3.3.2 Procedures Used in the Study

The proponents conducted a formal interview with the owner of the
Rigels Caf. In a formal interview, it is easier to gather more accurate
information to facilitate the development and design of the system that the owner
The adviser gave the authority and signed the proposal/interview letters
for the researchers to gather the data needed. Because of the interview, Rigels
Caf were able to express their thoughts about developing and upgrading their
system about collecting or handling events manually.
And by that, the researchers came up with a proposal that will benefit the
caf. The researchers also include online billing for easier payment and for the
customers can do their clearance hassle free, anytime and anywhere.
3.4 Software Design

3.4.1 Conceptual Diagram

Figure 3.1 Conceptual Diagram

Figure 3.1 Conceptual Diagram

3.4.2 Software Development Life Cycle

Figure 3.2 Prototype Model

The prototype model is adaptable and expandable. We chose this type of model
because it best fits the possible alteration that are to be made as the end-users of the
developers makes necessary adjustments. A new prototype is developed until we arrive at
the perfect prototype wherein this method of research focuses on the quality of the

1.) Requirements Gathering, Planning and, Analysis - this is where the

required information is gathered from the client. We conducted an interview with the
client for the data gathering which is defined in detail. The data are the information
needed to fulfil the system and to make it a more efficient and accurate one. After we
gathered the systems requirements from the client, we performed an analysis of the

2.) Quick Design / Designing - this is used to determine the workflow of the
project as well as how the process runs. In their process or method, using of flowchart
and diagrams is really a help to know what comes next after a certain step. This will
make our project work organized by following the flowchart determined using the
different tools. After gathering requirements for the Rigels Cafe Reservation and Billing
System, a quick design is implemented. This is to give a brief idea of the system to the

3.) Building prototype - After we have implemented a quick design, it is now

time to build the prototype. The system requirements from the user and the quick
prototype design will be the foundation of the prototype. The programming and the
designing of the system will happen here.

4.) User evaluation and prototype - we will analyze and collect information in
order to make decisions through users evaluation. Through this, we can know the
impurities of the program or system and remove them. We will gather the feedback of the
users to make our system be more efficient and user-friendly. After the system is
evaluated, it will go to the next process wherein it will refine the prototype based on the
users evaluation.

5.) Refining Prototype - After we have gathered the evaluation of the users, we
will be able to tackle of the points we need to improve and refine. By refining, we will be
able to make our system efficient and effective. If the client is still not satisfied or the
system is not yet well refined, it will go again to the quick designing process, building a
prototype, user evaluation, and refining a prototype. If the client is still not satisfied with
the product, it will loop again to the processes mentioned. And if the client is satisfied or
the system met the clients needs already, the system will be considered as a product.

6.) Engineer Product - The system is deeply evaluated and will go through
numerous tests to prevent failures. It will also have a routine maintenance. And after we
have met the clients requirements, the client accepts the system prototype

3.5 Technical Design

3.5.1 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 3.3 Context Diagram of the Current System of the Rigels CafeCaf
Figure 3.4 Context Diagram of the Proposed System of the Rigels Cafe

Figure 3.5 Level 0 Diagram the Current System for the Rigels Cafe
Figure 3.6 Level 0 Diagram the Proposed System for the Rigels Cafe

3.6 Development and Testing

3.6.1 Project Schedule

1. We listed all our possible clients, we tracked down every system that they have
and needed.

2. We evaluate each client depending on the location, requirements needed in the

system, the transaction, and also the popularity of the business.

3. We choose the Rigels Caf as our client.

4. We schedule a meeting with the cafs owner depending on her availability.

5. Rigels Caf does not have a reservation and billing system. Transactions and
procedures of reserving the caf were done manually.

6. We discussed on what design, and functionality will be used for their system to
be needed and then we interview the owner for the second time for approval purposes.

7. Finally, weve started to work on the database design and the website design.

8. We presented the website design to the owner to make sure that the webpage
will be able to compromise with the details that they require.

9. And lastly, we have to fix all bugs before implementing the system. And also,
we tested each program to verify that the system is ready to go.

Table 3.4 Gantt chart for Project Schedule

The length of each bar is proportional to the duration of the time planned for the
corresponding activity of the proponents. The project started in the month of October and
will end in December.

3.6.2 Operations and Testing Procedures Operation Procedure

The procedure to operate the system:

1. Go to website
2. Login (If you are already a member/ one of the VIP Guests) Testing Procedures

For Owner/Admin:

1. Enter username and password and click the login button.

2. To view all the pending reservations and the reserved venues list, click the
Reservation List Tab.

3. To accept requests for venue reservation, click the accept button at the right side of
the list.

4. To add a reservation package, venues and foods, go to packages tab and click add new
item. After completing the desired descriptions or information, click the add button.

5. To update an existing item, click the textbox of the data you want to change and click
the update button. You will be asked to confirm your changes. If the prompt appears,
just click OK.

6. To remove an item, click the delete button and when the prompt message appear, just
click the continue button.

7. To change the password, click the user tab.

For Customers:

1. If already a member, click the login tab and enter username and password.

2. For browsing of available venues and foods, click the Menu or Reservation Tab.

3. For reservation, click the reservation tab and fill up the form. After completing all the
required fields, click the submit button.
4. To change the password, click the user tab. Evaluation Criteria

These criteria will be used to assess the system to determine whether it has been failed or
passed the clients requirements. The qualities of the system must possess:


Numerical Scale Equivalent

5 Excellent

4 Very Good

3 Good

2 Fair

1 Need Improvement

Table 3.5 Evaluation Criteria Table

Criteria for evaluating the ability of the system:

Connectivity to make and to maintain a connection between the user and the system itself.
Convenience It is the quality of the system being suitable the resorts reservation to easily
connect and inform the manager and the customers for purposes or needs.

Efficiency and Effectiveness Lesser work all you need is a gadget that can detect internet
connection and book. A system must be working in live conditions and must be operating and
functioning well.

Security A system must be ensured and protected from unintended or unauthorized access,
change or destruction.

Performance -Ability of a system to work and operate well based on the functional ability stated
on the very beginning of the studies. And it is a user-friendly system.

User-friendly .The system is easily to be understood by the users and can be easily checked the
latest updates/rooms availability and so on.

3.7 Statistical Design

Size of the Population

The Rigels Cafe has estimated costumers of 2050 a day during peak season and
10 staffs/employees.

Respondents Profile

The application was evaluated by the CEO/Manger of the Resort, Staff, and some
customers. This was to determine if the developers met the desired system for Rigels
Cage. We conducted system demonstration by the power point presentation, testing,
survey, evaluation. They had 5 survey questions (for all major users) and 10 questions for
the evaluation of the system. The form has a content system capabilities (Connectivity,
Convenience, Efficient and Effectiveness, Innovative, Security, Performance, and User-
friendly) designed only for Online Reservation System.
Gender Number Percentage

Male 3 20%

Female 12 80%

Total 15 100%

Table 3.6 Respondents Gender

3.7.2 Statistical Method

Based on the criteria, the users simply computed for the average and total of the
scores on how the user evaluated the system to see whether the developed system had
met the needs of the users. The formula that the designers used was the statistical formula
used to compute for the mean/average which is:



x = Mean/ Average

f = number of testers who rated the system based on the evaluation criteria

n = total number of testers

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