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Heidi-Maria Lehtonen,* Vesa Vlimki,* and

Timo I. Laakso*
Canceling and Selecting
*Helsinki University of Technology (TKK)
Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics
Partials from Musical Tones
P.O. Box 3000, FI-02015 TKK, Espoo, Finland

National Board of Patents and Registration of

Using Fractional-Delay
Patents and Innovations Line
P.O. Box 1140, FI-00101, Helsinki, Finland
{heidi-maria.lehtonen, vesa.valimaki, timo.laakso}@

This article discusses canceling and extracting har- method, the signal is analyzed using the windowed
monics from a musical signal using digital filters. Fast Fourier transform (FFT), and the frequency and
This is an old technique that has been proposed in amplitude tracks are obtained by connecting data in
different forms by Moorer in the 1970s for pitch the neighboring analysis frames. This approach has
detection of speech signals (Moorer 1974) and for its roots in the phase vocoder technique and its
analyzing music data for additive synthesis (Moorer efficient transform-domain implementation. For
1977). The basic idea is to use a multiple-notch periodic or pseudo-periodic musical tones it is
filter to extract individual harmonic components as unnecessary to resort to an overly generic analysis
signals. The filter structure can be obtained as the method, because the frequencies of the harmonic
inverse transfer function of a comb filter (i.e., a components are known after the estimation of the
delay line in a feedback loop). fundamental frequency. Advantages of the proposed
In this article, we expand on a recently proposed filter-based analysis method (compared with the
idea that the delay line in the inverse comb filter more general FFT-based techniques) are simplicity,
(ICF) can be replaced with a high-order fractional- which follows mainly from the small number of
delay filter to obtain very accurate cancellation of parameters, and the possibility of designing filter
neighboring harmonics to select a single harmonic coefficients in closed form. Additionally, the result-
or to extract the residual signal by canceling all ing decomposition is obtained directly as a set of
harmonics (Vlimki, Ilmoniemi, and Huotilainen time-domain signals, and no separate synthesis
2004; Vlimki, Lehtonen, and Laakso 2007). The stage is required.
proposed signal analysis method is useful for many Other signal processing methods proposed for
practical cases. Many musical instruments, includ- analyzing the harmonic structure of musical signals
ing all woodwind, brass, and bowed string instru- include wavelets (Evangelista 1993) and high-
ments, produce a sound signal that is inherently resolution tracking methods (Badeau, David, and
harmonic, that is, the spectral components are Richard 2006). These methods provide excellent
integral multiples of a fundamental frequency. This frequency accuracy at the expense of a complicated
follows from the sound-production mechanism of algorithm and a high computational cost. The
these self-excited systems, which involves mode method proposed in this article can also provide
locking in the time domain (Fletcher and Rossing amplitude and frequency accuracy that is sufficient
1991). It forces the sustained tones of such instru- for musical signal analysis, but at the same time,
ments to be periodic. There is often a noise compo- the analysis method remains easy to apply.
nent in these musical tones, however, making them In this article, we first discuss the theory behind
pseudo-periodic in practice. canceling and selecting partials using fractional
Another method for this kind of signal decompo- delay filters. Then, we present three test cases to
sition is sinusoidal modeling (McAulay and Quat- demonstrate the power of this approach in musical
ieri 1986; Serra 1989; Serra and Smith 1990). In this signal analysis. Sound samples corresponding to
these examples are provided on the forthcoming
Computer Music Journal, 32:2, pp. 4356, Summer 2008 Computer Music Journal DVD (to be released with
2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. the Winter 2008 issue).

Lehtonen et al. 43
Figure 1. (a) Conventional (c) and (d) that allow the Figure 2. Magnitude ICF. The thick vertical
ICF and (b) a fractional- use of a fractional-delay response of the conven- lines indicate the har-
delay filter based ICF filter Hfd(z) of arbitrary tional (dashed line) and monic frequencies to be
(after Vlimki, Ilmoni- order for signals with both the fractional-delay canceled (f0 = 4,186 Hz,
emi, and Huotilainen (c) low and (d) high all-pass filter (solid line) fs = 44,100 Hz).
2004). Two other ICF fundamental frequencies.
structures are presented in




delay line (Laakso et al. 1996; Pei and Tseng 1998;

Vlimki and Laakso 2001). Alternatively, an FIR
(Dutta Roy, Jain, and Kumar 1994) or an infinite
(d) impulse response (IIR) notch filter (Pei and Tseng
1997; Tseng and Pei 2001) can be designed to ap-
proximate the overall ICF characteristics.
Figure 1b shows the block diagram of a fractional-
delay ICF, where the delay is replaced with a
fractional-delay filter, as proposed previously (Vli-
Fractional-Delay Inverse Comb Filters mki, Ilmoniemi, and Huotilainen 2004; Vlimki,
Lehtonen, and Laakso 2007). The transfer function
The inverse comb filter (ICF) is a finite impulse of this system can be written as H(z) = (1 Hfd(z)) / 2,
response (FIR) filter in which input signal is delayed where Hfd(z) is the transfer function of the fractional-
by L samples and is then subtracted from the origi- delay filter used for delay approximation. A magni-
nal input signal (see Figure 1a). Following the tude response of this structure with an 11th-order
convention of Steiglitz (1996), the term inverse all-pass fractional-delay filter that approximates the
comb filter is used for the feedforward system with delay of 10.5351 sampling intervals is displayed in
a delay line. The comb filter, in contrast, has a Figure 2 (solid line).
delay line inside a feedback loop. The transfer func- The filter structures in Figures 1c and 1d offer
tion of the inverse comb filter is HICF(z) = (1 z L) / 2, freedom in the selection of the fractional-delay
where the scaling factor 1/2 sets the gain to unity in filter order (Vlimki, Ilmoniemi, and Huotilainen
the passband (i.e., between the notches). The magni- 2004). We have found experimentally that the
tude response of this filter features periodic notches order of Hfd(z) can be kept constant (e.g., N = 80), so
at the multiples of fs / L, where fs is the sampling rate when the fundamental period (T0 = fs / f0) is longer
(Hz) and L is the delay line length in samples or in than N samples, L1 extra samples of delay are
multiples of the sampling interval. required in the lower signal path in Figure 1c.
When the delay line length is restricted to be an However, when the fundamental period is shorter
integral multiple of the sample interval, the accu- than N samples, L2 extra samples are required in the
racy of the notch frequencies can be poor. An upper signal path to synchronize signals for subtrac-
example is shown in Figure 2 in which the funda- tion (see Figure 1d). Thus, we propose to use the
mental frequency is 4,186 Hz and the corresponding transfer function
period length is 10.5351 samples. The sample rate
used is 44.1 kHz. Practical ICF implementations 1
Hlow (z) = 1 z L1Hfd (z) (1)
employ a fractional-delay filter that replaces the 2

44 Computer Music Journal

when the fundamental period T0 is larger than (or N
D k
hL ( n) = for n = 0,1,2,...,N (6)
about the same as) the filter order N, and the trans- k=0 n k
fer function kn

provides a maximally flat FIR fractional-delay filter

1 L2
Hhigh(z) = z Hfd (z) (2) design. Recently, Vlimki and Haghparast (2007)
2 presented a design method in which the filter coef-
when the fundamental period T0 is smaller than the ficients are obtained by truncating the impulse
filter order N. The delay-line lengths L1 and L2 are response (Equation 6) symmetrically from both
set to L1 = T0 N d (when T0 N) and L2 = N + d ends. The explicit design formula for the truncated
T0 (when T0 < N). Here, 1 < d < 1 is the fractional- Lagrange design method can be written as
delay parameter used in designing the filter. M
D k
h TL ( n ) = for n = 0,1,2,...,N (7)
k=0 n + K1 k
k n+ K1

FIR Fractional-Delay Filter Design

where M is the prototype filter order (M > N), and K1
Let us first consider the inverse comb filter design represents the number of coefficients that are dis-
using FIR fractional-delay filters. For simplicity, we carded from either end of the impulse response
assume that the length of the delay element L1 = L2 (Equation 6). The advantage of the truncated
= 0, namely, no additional delay is present in either Lagrange fractional-delay filter is the wider approxi-
branch. This corresponds to the situation depicted in mation bandwidth. This comes at the expense of
Figure 1b, and the transfer function can be written as increased ripple in the filters frequency response.
Figure 3 compares the standard and the truncated
H ( z) = 1 Hfd ( z ) (3) Lagrange FIR filters. The filter order N is chosen to
2 be 160 for both filters and the order of the prototype
where the Nth-order transfer function Hfd(z) can be filter order M for the truncated Lagrange filter is set
expressed as to 7N = 1120. The fractional delay parameter d is
0.5. Figure 3a illustrates the magnitude responses of
Hfd (z) = h ( n) z n
n= 0
(4) the two filters; note that the pass-band of the trun-
cated Lagrange filter is wider than that of the stan-
Several methods for computing the FIR filter dard filter. On the other hand, the ripple on the
coefficients h(n) exist (Laakso et al. 1996). Two pass-band is larger. The same phenomenon occurs
commonly used methods are the windowed-sinc in the phase delay (i.e., the negative phase function
interpolation and the Lagrange interpolation. The divided by angular frequency) characteristics, which
impulse response, and thus the corresponding FIR are visible in Figure 3b: The standard Lagrange filter
filter coefficients, for the windowed-sinc interpola- provides a steadier response, but the approximation
tion can be expressed as bandwidth is narrower compared to the truncated
Lagrange filter. Figure 3c illustrates a comparison
w ( n - D) sinc ( n - D) for 0 n N between two ICFs based on the standard and the
hsinc ( n ) = (5)
0 otherwise truncated Lagrange FIR filters. For clarity, the
lengths of the additional delay-lines were chosen to
where D is the desired delay in samples. The win- be L1 = L2 = 0. The dots and plus signs indicate the
dow function w(n) (e.g., a Hamming window) is attenuation at the harmonic frequencies when an
used for reducing the Gibbs phenomenon. ICF with the standard and the truncated Lagrange
The Lagrange design formula, which can be ex- FIR filters are used, respectively. Note that with the
pressed in closed form according to Laakso et al. truncated Lagrange filter it is possible to obtain a
(1996) as 140 dB attenuation up to 20 kHz, whereas the per-

Lehtonen et al. 45
Figure 3. (a) Magnitude The standard Lagrange FIR Lagrange FIR filter is indi-
response, (b) phase delay filter is indicated with a cated with a solid line in
in samples, and (c) attenu- dashed line in (a) and (b) (a) and (b) and with plus
ation of harmonics of ICFs and with a dot at each signs in (c). The parameter
using standard and trun- attenuated harmonic in values are N = 160, M =
cated Lagrange FIR filters. (c). The truncated 1120, and d = 0.5.

formance of the standard Lagrange filter collapses in that seminal paper, under general assumptions
above 16 kHz. (stable all-pass functions) the overall numerator
polynomial of this structure is either symmetric or
antisymmetric (a mirror-image or anti-mirror-image
All-Pass Fractional-Delay Filter Design polynomial, respectively). These polynomials are
known to have their zeroes exactly on the unit circle.
For all-pass fractional-delay filter design, we can ex- Hence, our filter is known to have accurate zeroes
press the transfer function (Equation 1) in the form also in the fractional-delay ICF case. Note that the
all-pass filters are exactly all-pass (unity magnitude
1 1 z N D(z 1)
H(z) = 1 Hfd(z) = 1 at all frequencies) even if the phase (or phase delay
2 2 D(z) or group delay) is only approximately as desired. In
1 D(z) z N D(z 1) particular, as shown by Vlimki, Lehtonen, and
= (8)
2 D(z)

Laakso (2007), the phase approximation errors of the
all-pass filter tend to accumulate with increasing
where D(z) = 1 + a(1)z 1 + a(2)z 2 + . . . + a(N)z N and frequency, and the zeroes of the corresponding ICF
the numerator polynomial can be written as B(z) = further from the ideal places at higher frequencies.
D(z) z ND(z 1) = b(0) + b(1)z 1 + . . . + b(N)z N, and For good accuracy, a method is needed that allows
b(k) = a(k) a(Nk), k = 0, 1, . . . , N. for the design of high-order fractional-delay filters.
It is easy to verify that B(z) is an antisymmetric Three closed-form design methods are known for
polynomial, that is, bk = bN k. In fact, the ICF is a fractional-delay all-pass filters: the Thiran all-pass
special case of the parallel connection of two all- filter design (Thiran 1971; Fettweis 1972; Laakso
pass filters discussed by Saramki (1985). As shown et al. 1996), the truncated Thiran all-pass filter

46 Computer Music Journal

Figure 4. (a) Magnitude filters. The standard cated Thiran all-pass filter
response, (b) phase delay Thiran all-pass filter is is indicated with a solid
in samples, and (c) attenu- indicated with a dashed line in (a) and (b) and with
ation of harmonics of ICFs line in (a) and (b) and with plus signs in (c). The pa-
using standard and trun- a dot at each attenuated rameter values are N = 80,
cated Thiran all-pass harmonic in (c). The trun- M = 720, and d = 0.5.

(Vlimki 2000), and the Pei-Wang method (Pei and At low frequencies, this filter has a phase delay of
Wang 2004). Such methods are needed to increase N + d samples.
the all-pass filter order to be large enough for good The truncated Thiran design is obtained by modi-
wideband approximation in audio applications. fying Equation 9:
Both the standard and the truncated Thiran meth-
ods allow the filter order to be increased up to N = M M d + n
a ( k ) = (1)k for k = 1,2,3,...,N (10)
1,029 (when d = 0.5) using 64-bit double floating- k n= 0 d + k + n
point computing. An alternative method would be
the non-parametric all-pass filter design method where M is the prototype filter order (M > N) (Vli-
proposed by Abel and Smith (2006). This method mki 2000). By using a value for M that is much
provides numerical stability even with large filter larger than N in Equation 10, it is possible to extend
orders, and it is possible to match an arbitrary group the bandwidth of good approximation. This comes
delay as a function of frequency. at the expense of losing quality at low frequencies:
In this work, we concentrate on the standard and The approximation error is larger than in the origi-
the truncated Thiran filter design methods. The nal all-pass filter. This design technique allows a
Thiran design formula for the coefficients of the useful tradeoff between approximation accuracy
polynomial D(z) in Equation 8 can be expressed as and bandwidth, as discussed in Vlimki (2000);
Vlimki, Ilmoniemi, and Huotilainen (2004); and
N N d + n
a ( k ) = (1)k for k = 1,2,3,...,N (9) Vlimki, Lehtonen, and Laakso (2007).
k n= 0 d + k + n
Figure 4 compares the standard and truncated
where N is the filter order, and d is the fractional Thiran all-pass filters. The design parameters are
delay parameter (0.5 < d 0.5) (Laakso et al. 1996). N = 80 and d = 0.5 for both filters, and the proto-

Lehtonen et al. 47
type filter order for the truncated Thiran filter is must be used to ensure the maximum gain of the filter
M = 9N = 720. The magnitude response, which is to be unity (i.e., 0 dB). Then, the minimum gain of the
exactly flat in both cases, and the phase delays are filter, which occurs at the bottom of the notches at
displayed in Figures 4a and 4b, respectively. harmonic frequencies, is g0(1 rL), which we call A. We
Note from Figure 4b that the difference between can now solve for the required g0, and consequently
the fractional-delay approximations of the two the required r, when gain A is set to a given value. By
filters is microscopic below about 17 kHz, but the combining Equation 11 and the aforementioned defi-
relaxed accuracy allows for the truncated Thiran nition for A, we get a representation for the radius r,
filter to perform significantly better above 17 kHz. as shown in Vlimki, Lehtonen, and Laakso (2007):
A comparison of the two ICFs with Thiran and
r = L (1 A) (1 + A) (12)
truncated Thiran filters is shown in Figure 4c.
Again, the lengths of the additional delay-lines were The HEF transfer function can be written as
chosen to be L1 = L2 = 0. Note that below 17 kHz,
HHEF(z) = g1R(z)[1 r L Hfd(z)] (13)
the ICF with the truncated Thiran filter is worse
than the ICF using the standard Thiran filter, but Here, the scaling coefficient g1 that sets the maxi-
both are sufficiently good, because the attenuation mum gain at the bottom of the notches (without the
is more than 140 dB. Above 17 kHz, the perfor- resonator) to be unity is defined by
mance of the Thiran ICF collapses, but with the
g1 = 1 [ r(1 r L)] (14)
truncated version of the all-pass filter the ICF offers
an attenuation of 140 dB up to 20 kHz. and the transfer function of the resonant filter is
R(z) = b0 (1 + a1z 1 + a2 z 2) (15)
Extracting Harmonic Components with coefficients b0 = (1 r )sin(2fres / fs), which

scales the maximum gain of the resonant filter to be

Instead of canceling all the harmonic components, unity (Steiglitz 1996), a1 = 2rcos(2fres / fs), and a2 =
single harmonics can be selected and the rest can- r2, where fres is the resonant frequency that deter-
celed. This is achieved by cascading with an ICF a mines which harmonic component is retained. The
second-order all-pole filter that cancels a zero at a filter that has the transfer function of Equation 13
given harmonic frequency. This section describes with the given scaling coefficients has a maximum
the design of such a filter, which we call the gain of 0 dB at the peak of the passband.
harmonic-extraction filter (HEF). It should be pointed out that, because all the zeroes
It is not recommended to place a pole exactly on the are inside the unit circle, the overall magnitude
unit circle in the z plane, because the resulting second- never reaches zero exactly, as shown by Vlimki,
order filter is marginally stable and the hidden pole Lehtonen, and Laakso (2007). In practice, this is not
may cause numerical problems. A better approach is a problem, because the achieved attenuation at the
to move the zeroes of the ICF slightly inside the unit bottom of the notches is still very close to zero.
circle by defining the radius of all zeroes of the trans-
fer function to be 1 , where is a very small non-
negative constant. Consequently, the pole of the Design of Parameter Values
second-order filter can also have the same radius, so
that the stability of the recursive filter can be assured. For good attenuation, it is required that A is suffi-
To place all the zeroes at radius r, the coefficient ciently small and that the resonant filter R(z)
of an ICF with a delay-line of length L must have a accurately cancels one of the zeroes of the ICF.
filter coefficient rL (Orfanidis 1996). Consequently, a For example, when it is required that the inverse
scaling coefficient comb filter attenuate the harmonic frequencies by
100 dB, the value of A must be set to 10 5, because
g0 = 1 (1 + r L) (11)
20 log10(10 5) = 100 dB.

48 Computer Music Journal

Figure 5. (a) Attenuation of tude with (.) and without
harmonic partials using (x) the correction around
the single-harmonic can- the partial of interest.
celing filter when the reso- Magnitude response of the
nance frequency is the HEF (b) without and (c)
nominal mf0 (x), and with the correction of the
the corrected one (.). (c) resonance frequency of the
The difference in magni- all-pole part.

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

In practice, the high-order all-pass filter does not mf0, because the frequency of the mth zero is offset
provide a perfect phase approximation. Thus, it may by the inaccuracy of the phase approximation of the
be necessary to set A to a smaller value, such as all-pass filter. In practice, this mismatch produces a
10 6. However, when the filter structure for select- kink around the main lobe of the band-pass filter,
ing a single harmonic is used, the resonant filter and the gain at the resonance frequency becomes
provides additional attenuation at frequencies away larger than 0 dB. A correction to the pole frequency
from the resonance, which further improves the is required to reduce this error.
attenuation at the notches. One way to correct the resonance frequency of
It was reported by Vlimki, Ilmoniemi, and the all-pole filter is to search for the minimum of
Huotilainen (2004) that for some musical instru- the ICFs magnitude response around the mth
ment tones with strong low-indexed harmonics, the notch. For example, computing the magnitude
filtering of the signal with the transfer function response at 10,000 points between 0.999990mf0 and
HHEF(z) is insufficient. Listening to the filtered signal 1.000010mf0, and selecting fres as the frequency,
reveals that the fundamental is still perceived, where the minimum occurs, reduces the mismatch
although one of the high-frequency partials is sufficiently. To reduce the number of magnitude-
strongly emphasized. Filtering the signal twice with response evaluations, the local minimum can be
a transfer function according to Equation 13 ad- estimated by using interpolation, as suggested by
equately attenuates the rest of the harmonics in Vlimki, Lehtonen, and Laakso (2007).
this case, because it is then possible to obtain an Figure 5a gives an example of the attenuation
attenuation that is better than 100 dB. obtained without and with the proposed correction
There is a minor mismatch in the cancellation of of the resonance frequency when the fundamental
the mth transfer function zero with the pole of the frequency is 69.2957 Hz, the harmonic #285 at
resonant filter having the resonance frequency fres = 19749.2 Hz is selected, the all-pass filter orders used

Lehtonen et al. 49
are N = 80 and M = 720, and attenuation is A = 10 5. Table 1. Results of the Comparison Between the
In this case, the pole radius is r = 1 31.4 10 9 = Linear-Phase FIR Filter, the Truncated Lagrange
0.999999969. The difference between the nominal Filter, and the Truncated Thiran Filter in Terms of
(mf0) and the corrected resonance frequency is the Computational Complexity
0.0135 Hz, but the attenuation of the partial is 0.8 Prototype
dB without and 0.0045 dB with the correction. This Filter Order order Multiplications Additions
difference is illustrated in Figure 5c. The difference
in attenuation is enough to make the correction Linear-phase 4246 4247 4246
worth the effort, because it makes the analysis filter
an accurate tool for signal analysis. Figures 5b and Truncated 130 911 131 130
5d display the magnitude response of the two filters Lagrange
around selected harmonic. It is seen that without Truncated 65 585 131 130
correction, the gain of the filter fluctuates between Thiran
about 2 dB and +2 dB near the resonance frequency.
Using the correction, the fluctuation is negligible,
not exceeding 0.010 dB (not visible in Figure 5d odd harmonics can be separated using a single
owing to limited image resolution; the kink is very filtering operation, as suggested by Vlimki,
small and very narrow). Ilmoniemi, and Huotilainen (2004) and Vlimki,
For comparison, we designed two ICFs with the Lehtonen, and Laakso (2007). The odd and even
truncated Lagrange and truncated Thiran all-pass harmonics can be separated by first canceling the
filters, and a linear-phase FIR band-pass filter that even harmonics using the fractional-delay inverse
imitates the obtained magnitude response. The comb filter and then subtracting the resulting signal
linear-phase FIR filter was designed using the from the original.
Chebyshev window with a sidelobe level of 90 dB. The structure of Figure 1c or 1d can be used, but
The width of the pass-band was equal to f0, that is, the delay to be approximated is half of that used in
69.2957 Hz. It was required that the magnitude canceling all harmonics, namely, fs / 2f0 samples.
error at the frequency of the selected harmonic not With this delay, the notches are located at the
exceed 0.1 dB, and that the minimum attenuation at multiples of the second harmonic, and the filter
the frequencies of the canceled harmonics is 100 dB. now cancels the even harmonics and preserves the
Table 1 shows the results of the comparison in odd harmonics. The signal containing even harmon-
terms of the computational complexity when all ics is then obtained by subtracting the estimated
filters are realized in direct form. odd harmonics from the original signal, as shown in
As can be seen in Table 1, the number of multi- Figure 6:
plications needed when the truncated Lagrange or
seven(n) = sorig (n) sodd (n) (16)
truncated Thiran filter is used is only 3.1% of that
of the FIR filter. The computational complexities of
the truncated Lagrange and truncated Thiran filters
are the same, but the orders of the prototype filters Case Studies
This section presents how the proposed filtering
algorithms perform with synthetic signals and
Separation of Odd and Even Partials recorded instrument tones. In addition, the ICF
structure based on either windowed-sinc interpola-
Although it is possible to cancel the harmonic tion, truncated Lagrange, or truncated Thiran
components one by one by applying the above HEF interpolation are compared against sinusoidal
structure multiple times, alternatively, even and modeling (McAulay and Quatieri 1986; Serra 1989;

50 Computer Music Journal

Figure 6. Structure for
separating the even and
odd harmonics of a
musical signal using one
fractional-delay filter.

parison, the two components were also extracted

using sinusoidal modeling, where the short-time
FFT was computed using a Blackman window of
length 4fs / f0, and the FFT size was 2048. The hop
size was set to be one-fourth of the window length.
The results are presented in Figures 7 and 8. Fig-
ures 7a and 7b present the spectrum of the original
signal (Equation 17), and Figure 7c presents the
Serra and Smith 1990). The sampling frequency is spectrum of the partials #1 and #76 that are selected
44.1 kHz in all the test cases. with an ICF based on a windowed-sinc interpola-
tion. Figures 7d, 7e, and 7f present the correspond-
ing result obtained with sinusoidal modeling, the
Selecting a Harmonic from a Synthetic Test Signal truncated Lagrange FIR filter, and the truncated
Thiran method, respectively. All spectra were calcu-
The synthetic test signal is determined to be the lated from a 0.5-sec excerpt taken between 0.10.6
sum of sinusoids: sec of the signals. The Hamming window was used,
and the spectra were computed using the discrete-
K 2!nkf0 time Fourier transform at 851 equally spaced points
x(n) = Asc(n) sin + "k (17)
k =1 fs so that every 10th point matched one harmonic.
This choice of parameters yields a clear visual rep-
where Asc(n) is an envelope function, K is the num- resentation of the sharp spectral peaks.
ber of harmonics present in the signal, f0 is the As can be seen in Figures 7e and 7f, the truncated
fundamental frequency of the signal, and k is the Lagrange and truncated Thiran filters are able to
phase of the kth harmonic. In this case, the param- extract the first harmonic (thick line) efficiently, and
eters were chosen as follows: K = 84, f0 = 261.626 Hz the other harmonics are properly attenuated. In the
(C4), which corresponds to the cycle length of case of the 76th harmonic (thin line) component, the
168.562 samples. The initial phases k are uni- truncated Thiran filter seems to perform slightly
formly distributed random numbers in the range better, but the difference is insignificant. The FIR
[0, 2]. To examine the temporal smearing resulting filter obtained with windowed-sinc interpolation in
from the harmonic component extraction, the Figure 7c does well with the first harmonic, but the
envelope of the signal is chosen to be rectangular, error near the Nyquist limit is greater, and moreover,
containing sharp transitions. the low-pass nature of the magnitude response must
As an example, two components, the fundamen- be taken into account in the analysis to maintain
tal frequency component and the 76th overtone, the level of the original signal in high frequencies.
have been extracted from the signal (Equation 17). The sinusoidal-modeling technique depicted in
This is done with the HEF structure (Equation 13) Figure 7d suffers from spectral leakage caused by
using one of the three fractional-delay filters: an FIR the slightly inaccurate harmonic-frequency trajec-
filter obtained with sinc interpolation using the tory estimate. This problem could be facilitated
Hamming window, a truncated Lagrange FIR filter, with a longer window length in the signal-analysis
and a truncated Thiran IIR filter. The order of the phase, but this would cause more temporal smear-
FIR filters N was set to 160, and the prototype filter ing in the time domain. With this choice of window
order for the truncated Lagrange filter was set to M length, attenuation of neighboring harmonics is not
= 7N. The order of the truncated Thiran filter was as effective as with the other methods.
chosen to be N = 80, and the order of the prototype The effects of temporal smearing are illustrated in
filter was set to M = 9N. The attenuation coefficient Figure 8. The signals are zoomed to the window
A was determined to be 10 6 in all cases. For com- 0.981.06 sec. Figures 8a and 8b show the original

Lehtonen et al. 51
Figure 7. Results of com- #76 (near 20 kHz) obtained Figure 8. Effects of tempo- windowed-sinc interpola-
parison in the frequency with an ICF based on (c) ral smearing. Here, (a) and tion. Also shown are
domain. Here, (a) and (b) windowed-sinc interpola- (b) show an excerpt of the corresponding signals
represent the synthetic test tion, (d) sinusoidal model- original synthetic signal, obtained with (e)(f)
signal. Selected harmonic ing, (e) truncated Lagrange and (c) and (d) show sinusoidal modeling;
components #1 (thick line interpolation, and (f) trun- excerpts of the harmonics (g)(h) a truncated
near 0 kHz in (c)(f)) and cated Thiran interpolation. #1 and #76 obtained with Lagrange filter; and (i)(j) a
an ICF based on the truncated Thiran filter.

Figure 7

Figure 8

52 Computer Music Journal

Figure 9. Time- and
frequency-domain presen-
tations of (a)(b) the
bowed double bass tone;
(c)(d) the extracted
residual signal.

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

signal, and Figures 8c and 8d present the cases Thiran filter. In Figures 9a and 9b, the tone is
where the first harmonic and the 76th harmonic presented in the time and frequency domains,
have been extracted with the ICF based on respectively. The fundamental frequency of the
windowed-sinc interpolation. Temporal smearing tone was measured to be f0 = 58.2306 Hz using the
in the sinusoidal modeling technique is depicted in YIN algorithm (de Cheveign and Kawahara 2002).
Figures 8e and 8f. The performances of the trun- It is now desired to remove all the harmonics
cated Lagrange FIR filter (see Figures 8g and 8h) and instead of preserving one. Depending on the funda-
the truncated Thiran filter (see Figures 8i and 8j) are mental frequency, a modified form of the transfer
also shown. It can be seen that the truncated function (Equation 3) can be used:
Lagrange and truncated Thiran filters perform best
H(z) = g1 1 r L Hfd (z) (18)
in terms of temporal smearing.
where the coefficients g1 and r are computed with

Equations 14 and 12, respectively. Again, the

Residual Signal Extraction parameters were selected as follows: N = 80, M =
9N, and A = 10 6. The filtered residual signal is
To investigate how the ICF method works with presented in Figures 9c and 9d in time and fre-
recorded tones, a bowed double-bass tone was quency domains, respectively. When comparing
analyzed with an ICF based on the truncated Figures 9b and 9d, it can be seen that the harmonic

Lehtonen et al. 53
Figure 10. The structure of Figure 11. Envelopes of the
the kantele. The varras is first eight harmonics of a
magnified in order to kantele tone.
illustrate the termination
point. (Adapted from
Pakarinen, Vlimki, and
Karjalainen 2005.)

components are attenuated efficiently. Moreover, Figure 11 shows a 3-D time-frequency plot of the
the noise between the harmonics is preserved. envelopes of the first eight harmonics of a kantele
tone. The dominating fundamental frequency of the
tone was measured to be f0 = 413.445 Hz. The
Extraction of a Beating Harmonic truncated Thiran filter with parameters N = 80, M =
9N, and A = 10 6 was used. In this case, the resulting
Beating is a significant phenomenon present in attenuation is not quite 120 dB, owing to the two
many stringed instruments. It is characteristic to fundamental frequencies present in the signal. As
the piano and the kantele, for example. The kantele the notches of the inverse comb filter are very
is a plucked string instrument that usually has five sharp, part of the harmonic information does not hit
metal strings. The strings are terminated by metal the notch frequency but rather the slope of the
tuning pins at one end and wound once around a notch, where the attenuation is less than 120 dB.
horizontal metal bar called the varras at the other The obtained attenuation is still more than 75 dB,
end and then knotted (see Figure 10). The beating in which is sufficient for visualization, since the
the kantele sound is caused by the fact that the beating patterns are clear (see Figure 11). From these
vibrations in two polarization planes have different envelopes, it is easy to determine the frequency of
effective lengths, as the varras is the termination the beatingfor example, by fitting sinusoids to the
point for vibration in the horizontal plane and the envelopes and choosing the best match in the
knot is the termination point for the vibration in least-square sense (Erkut et al. 2002).
the vertical plane. This causes the tone to have two
slightly different fundamental frequencies, which
produces beating (Erkut et al. 2002). Conclusions and Future Work
Extraction of a beating harmonic is considered to
be somewhat problematic with sinusoidal model- Digital filtering techniques were proposed to obtain
ing, for example, because preservation of the useful decompositions of harmonic musical signals.
beating in the resynthesized deterministic signal The basic approach taken here is to subtract a
requires two or more spectral peaks to be extracted delayed copy of the signal from itself to cancel the
around a harmonic frequency (e.g., Tolonen 1999, harmonic components. A high-order fractional-
and Esquef, Karjalainen, and Vlimki 2003). The delay filter implements an accurate approximation
beating harmonics of the kantele can be easily of the required time delay. A truncated Lagrange
extracted from a recorded tone using the HEF and a truncated Thiran all-pass fractional-delay
structure (Equation 13). filter are well suited for this task. A harmonic-

54 Computer Music Journal

extraction filter is obtained by cascading a second- Acknowledgments
order all-pole filter with the inverse comb filter.
Division of a musical signal into two signalsone The work of Heidi-Maria Lehtonen has been sup-
containing the even and the other the odd harmon- ported by the GETA Graduate School, the Acadamy
icsand the extraction of the background noise or of Finland (project no. 122815), the Finnish Cultural
residual were also suggested as promising opera- Foundation, and the Nokia Foundation. The authors
tions that are easy to realize using the proposed are grateful to Minna Ilmoniemi and Minna Huoti-
filter structures. lainen for their collaboration in the early stages of this
Case studies were presented to show how the work. Special thanks go to Jyri Pakarinen for giving
techniques perform in feature analysis for musical us permission to use his fine drawing of the kantele.
tones. Single harmonic components were extracted
from a synthetic test tone. The neighboring har-
monics were attenuated more than 100 dB. The References
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56 Computer Music Journal

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