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Preliminary Examination 2015

Secondary Four Express & Five Normal




History Elective 1 September 2015
0800 0940hrs
Additional Materials: Writing paper


Write your name, class and index number on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid/tape.

Section A
You must answer all parts of Question 1.
Section B
Answer one question.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

Section A (Source-based Case Study)

Question 1 is compulsory for all candidates.

Study the sources carefully, and then answer all the questions.

You may use any of the sources to help you answer the questions, in addition to those
sources you are told to use. In answering the questions, you should use your knowledge
of the topic to help you interpret and evaluate the sources.

1 (a) Study Source A.

What can you learn about the Korean war from this source? Explain your
answer. [5]

(b) Study Source B and C.

How different are these sources? Explain your answer.

(c) Study Source D.

This poster was produced by the Chinese People Defending World Peace
and Against US Aggression Association, East China General Branch in
1951. Does this make it useless as evidence about the Korean War?
Explain your answer.

(d) Study Source E and F.

Does E make you surprised about F? Explain your answer, using details of
the sources and your knowledge.


(e) Study all the sources.

The Korean war was caused by the Americans. How far do these
sources support this view? Use the sources and your knowledge to
explain your answer.

Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective

Setter: Mr Don Eu

Who caused the Korean War?

Source A: A map of the Korean War from a History blog.

North Korean attack forces Chinese & North Korean offensive

Line of furthest advance, Sept 1950 Line of advance Jan 1951
UN offensive Final US offensive
Line of furthest advance, Nov 1950 Armsitice line

Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective

Setter: Mr Don Eu

Source B: An excerpt from an online article, Who do North Koreans think started the
Korean War? by International Institute of Korean Studies (South Korea),

Also, it might have been hard for them to think that North Korea would want to go
to war right after they were liberated from Japan. It was time for the people to
gather together and rebuild the nation. It simply did not make any sense for North
Korea to want to start a war at that point. Apparently, all the soldiers who fought in
the war had no doubt in their minds that the war was started because the joint
army of the U.S. and South Korea attacked North Korea first. It is only natural that
the international Communist brotherhood of Russia, China and North Korea would
form and bravely fight back against the invaders.

Source C: Adapted from an excerpt from an online article, How the Korean War
Started by TIME magazine, 2015

When North Korean tanks crossed the 38th parallel, the boundary with South
Korea, TIMEs reporting from the following week reveals it took several days for
the United States to realize the scope of what had happened. TIME reported,
North Korean radio broadcast war whoops as past terraced hills, green with
newly transplanted rice, rumbled tanks. As the tense White House conferences
stretched through Sunday night and Monday, TIME reported, that question
merged with another: Would the rapidly retreating South Koreans be able to hold
out long enough for the U.S. to act?

Source D: A Chinese poster produced by the Chinese People Defending World

Peace and Against US Aggression Association, East China General
Branch, 1951. It reads Resist US and Support Korea to Save Neighbors
and Ourselves.

Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective

Setter: Mr Don Eu

Source E: An online article, Soviet memories of the Korean War by A. Smirnov, a

Russian military history writer, 2013.

At the military garrison, they made him sign a pledge of secrecy, but according
to Melteshnikov, many already knew what was going on. Having received his
identification badge, he went to his mission by train. At the trans-shipment
point in the border town of Grodekovo, he changed his uniform from that of a
Soviet officer for a Chinese military tunic. At that time, the United States
accused the Soviet Union of providing military aid to Korea. Our diplomats
categorically rejected this accusation.

Source F: An American leaflet airdropped to Chinese troops during the Korean war.
It shows Joseph Stalin (far left), Mao Tse Tung (middle) and a Chinese
soldier. The caption on the left reads, Chinese soldiers are forced by Soviet
Union to wage war.

Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective

Setter: Mr Don Eu

Section B (Structured-Essay Questions)

Answer any one question

2. This question is on the Stalins rule of Communist Russia.

(a) Explain the economic impact of Stalins rule of Communist Russia.


(b) The main reason why Stalin rose to power was due to his position as
secretary-general. How far do you agree with the above statement?
Explain your answer. [12]

3. This question is on the Cold War.

(a) Explain the impact of the fall of the Berlin Wall.


(c) The main reason why the Cold war ended was due to the ascension of
Gorbachev. How far do you agree with the above statement? Explain
your answer.

- End of Paper -

Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective

Setter: Mr Don Eu

Source Based Question

1a) Study Source A. What can you learn about the Korean war from this
source? Explain your answer. [5]

Target Skill: Inference

Level Band descriptor Marks

L1 Answers based on provenance and/or contextual knowledge only with 1m

no reference to source

e.g. This source is about a map of the Korean War.

L2 Answers based on details in the source and/or message of the source 2-3m
but without support
Award 3m for additional details

e.g. Source A tells me that the Korean war was caused by North Korean

L3 Answers based on message of the source 4-5m

Award 4m for one supported message
Award 5m if well-explained

e.g. Source A tells me that the Korean war was caused by North Korean
aggression. Source A shows that in July-Sept 1950 the North Korean forces
swept from their territory past Seoul into Pusan. Then UN forces pushed back
from Sept-November 1950 past Pyongyang into the Yalu River. Therefore the
Korean war was caused by North Korean aggression as they attacked first
into South Korea and had to be pushed back by their territory by the UN
forces who were defending South Korea.

Source A also tells me that the Korean war was escalated by the UN forces.
Source A shows that the UN forces pushed back from Sept-November 1950
past Pyongyang into the Yalu River. Then from Nov 1950-Jan 1951, the North
Korean and Chinese forces pushed back the UN forces and the fighting
eventually ended at July 1953 at the Armistice line. Source A also tells me
that the Korean war was escalated by the UN forces as the original push by
the UN forces into North Korea was way beyond the 38 th parallel and
threatened Chinas safety. Therefore China was justified and forced into
linking up with its ally and pushing back the UN forces into a war with lasted
for 2 more years.

1b) Study Source B and C.

Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective

Setter: Mr Don Eu

How similar are these sources? Explain your answer. [6]

Target Skill: Comparison and Contrast

Level Band descriptor Marks

L1 Describes difference/similarity with no criteria, unsupported 1-2m

Award 2m for additional details.

Source B is from a an online article by the International Institute of Korean Studies

in 2015 but source C is from an excerpt from an online article by TIME magazine,

L2 Explains difference/similarity. 3m
E.g. Source B and C are similar in that North Korea had to contend with a joint
army. In source B, it is written that because the joint army of the U.S. and South
Korea attacked North Korean first. Thus source B states the North Korea had to
contend with the joint army of America and South Korea. In source C, it is written
that it took several days for the United States to realize the scope of what had
happenedAs the tense White House conferences stretched through Sunday
night and MondayWould the rapidly retreating South Koreans be able to hold
out long enough for the U.S. to act? Source C also states that North Korea had to
contend with the joint army of America and South Korea as America held important
political discussions involving decisions to intervene in the Korean war to help its
ally, South Korea.


E.g. Source B and C are different in who caused the Korean war. In source B, it is
written that Also, it might have been hard for them to think that North Korea would
want to go to war right after they were liberated from JapanIt simply did not
make any sense for North Korea to want to start a war at that pointEven the
veterans who took part in the Korean War talk about the bloodshed from the war
that America startedApparently, all the soldiers who fought in the war had no
doubt in their minds that the war was started because the joint army of the U.S.
and South Korea attacked North Korean first. Thus source B states that North
Koreans think that America caused the Korean war as North Korea had no reason
to start it as they were concerned with nation-building. In addition, first-hand
experiences support their assertion that it was America with help from South
Korea who struck the first blow (thus causing the Korean war). In source C, it is
written that North Korean radio broadcast war whoops as past terraced hills,
green with newly transplanted rice, rumbled tanks... it took several days for the
United States to realize the scope of what had happenedWould the rapidly
retreating South Koreans be able to hold out long enough for the U.S. to act?
Thus source C states that the North Korean army caused the Korean war as they
crossed the border with tanks with an aggressive intent unbeknownst to America.
Also the North Korean army caused the Korean war as they attacked the South
Korean army and caused them to suffer losses and retreat to the extent that they
needed to wait out for American intervention.

L3 Explains difference and similarity. 4m

L4 Explains difference in purpose 5-6m

Award up to 6m if well-explained

Source B and C are different in terms of purpose. Source B was produced by International
Institute of Korean Studies in 2015. The primary audience are the South Koreans. They will
feel angry at the North Korean government for brainwashing their citizens. They will then
support the International Institute of Korean Studies in the further liberation of the truth about
who caused the Korean war. Source C was produced by an online article by TIME magazine
in 2015. The primary audience are historians. They will feel angry at the North Korean army
for invading South Korean. They will then educate others about the truth that North Korea
caused the Korean war.

Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective

Setter: Mr Don Eu

1c) Study Source D.

This poster was produced by the Chinese People Defending World Peace and
Against US Aggression Association, East China General Branch in 1951. Does
this make it useless? Explain your answer. [6]

Target Skill: Inference

Level Band descriptor Marks

L1 Inference, unsupported 1-2m

Award 2m for additional details.

Even though this poster was produced by the Chinese People Defending
World Peace and Against US Aggression Association, East China General
Branch in 1951, Source D is useful in stating that America started the Korean

L2 Answers on Utility of content, supported 2-3m

Award 3m if well-explained.

Even though this poster was produced by the Chinese People Defending
World Peace and Against US Aggression Association, East China General
Branch in 1951, Source D is useful in stating that America started the Korean
war. Source D shows that the American soldier was trying to bomb China
and North Korea. The caption reads Resist US and Support Korea to Save
Neighbors and Ourselves. The American soldier was stopped in his attempt
by 2 soldiers from China and North Korea. Thus source D is useful in stating
that America started the Korean war because they are portrayed as evil and
aggressive in wanting to attack China and North Korea and had to be fought
off by 2 heroic soldiers.

L3 Answers on Utility via cross-referring OR examination of motive. 4-5m

Award 5m if well-explained.

After cross-referencing to source C, source D is not useful in stating that

America started the Korean war. In source C, it is written that North Korean
radio broadcast war whoops as past terraced hills, green with newly
transplanted rice, rumbled tanks... it took several days for the United States
to realize the scope of what had happenedWould the rapidly retreating
South Koreans be able to hold out long enough for the U.S. to act? Thus
source C states that the North Korean army caused the Korean war as they
crossed the border with tanks with an aggressive intent unbeknownst to
America. Also the North Korean army caused the Korean war as they
attacked the South Korean army and caused them to suffer losses and
retreat to the extent that they needed to wait out for American intervention.
Thus source C does not support source D so source D is unreliable and thus
not useful in stating that America started the Korean war.


After examining its motive, Source D is not useful in stating that America
started the Korean war. It is a Chinese propaganda poster produced by the
Chinese People Defending World Peace and Against US Aggression
Association, East China General Branch, 1951. Its audience are the Chinese
citizens. They will feel angry at the Americans for threatening the security of
their country and their neighbors. They will then support their government in
their military action to repel the Americans in the Korean war. Therefore
source D would want to exaggerate the evil nature of their American enemy
and push the blame of causing the war to the Americans. Thus source D has
Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective
Setter: Mr Don Eu

Level Band descriptor Marks

a suspicious motive and is unreliable and thus not useful in stating that
America started the Korean war.
L4 Answers on Utility via cross-referring AND examination of motive. 6m

1d) Study Source E and F.

Having read E, are you surprised by F? Explain your answer, using details of the sources
and your knowledge. [6]

Target Skill: Comparison and contrast + Surprised

Level Band descriptor Marks

L1 Inference for one source but does not answer question OR Inferences, 1-2m
Award up to 2m for more details.

Having read E, I am not surprised by F as they are similar in Soviet Unions

indirect involvement in the Korean war.

L2 Answers the question based on comparison of content 3m

Having read E, I am not surprised by F as they are similar in Soviet Unions

indirect involvement in the Korean war. In source E, it is written that At the
military garrison, they made him sign a pledge of secrecy he changed his
uniform from that of a Soviet officer for a Chinese military tunicthe United
States accused the Soviet Union of providing military aid to Korea. Our
diplomats categorically rejected this accusation. Thus source E states that
the Soviet Union was indirectly involved as their troops had to be disguised
and there was an official denial that the SU was involved in the Korean war.
Source F is an American leaflet airdropped to Chinese troops during the
Korean war. It shows Joseph Stalin pushing Mao Tse Tung who is pushing a
Chinese soldier into the flames of war. The caption reads Chinese soldiers
are forced by Soviet Union to wage war. Thus source E states that the
Soviet Union was indirectly involved in the Korean war as Stalin pushed Mao
from behind the scene and this in turn caused him to push his Chinese
soldier into danger.

L3 Cross-references to another source, supported 4m

Having read E, I am surprised by F after cross-referencing to source B.

It is written in source B, It is only natural that the international Communist
brotherhood of Soviet Union, China and North Korea would form and bravely
fight back against the invaders. Thus source B states that the Soviet Union
had a direct role in the Korean war as the North Koreans knew that they had
formed up with the Soviet Union and China and had fought together against
their enemies. This was not done in secret indirectly like how source E states
or from behind the scenes indirectly like how source F states. Therefore
Source B does not agree with source E and F that the Soviet Union was
indirectly involved in the Korean war and this makes source E and F
unexpected. Therefore I cannot understand why E and F are similar in
stating that the Soviet Union was indirectly involved in the Korean war. Thus
having read E, I am surprised by F after cross-referencing to source B.

Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective

Setter: Mr Don Eu

Level Band descriptor Marks

L4 Examines motive of source, supported 5m

Having read E, I am surprised by F after examining the motives of sources E

and F. The producer of source E is A. Smirnov, a Russian military history
writer. The audience of source E are the people who are interested in the
subject matter of the Korean war. They would feel angry at the Soviet Union
government for sending its soldiers secretly to help China and lying to the
international world. They would then condemn these actions and distrust the
Russian government more in the future. As a Russian military history writer,
he should be emphasising about his countrys rightful actions and covering
up for his countrys wrong actions with regard to the Korean war. However,
he is exposing evidence to show that his country had sent its soldiers
secretly to help China and had lied to the international world. This makes E
unexpected as according to its motive. The producer of source F is the
American military. The audience of source F are the Chinese soldiers who
were fighting in the Korean war. They would feel angry at the Soviet Union
government for forcing their leader to commit their country to war and in turn
jeopardising their lives. They would then desert and not fight in the Korean
war anymore as they do not wish to fulfil Stalins agenda. The American
military would want their enemies to lose confidence in their allies and thus
frame the Soviet Union for putting the Chinese soldiers in danger. The
Chinese soldiers would then not keep fighting so that America would be able
to win the Korean war easier. This makes F expected as according to its
motive. Therefore I cannot understand why E and F are similar in stating that
the Soviet Union was indirectly involved in the Korean war. Thus having read
E, I am surprised by F after examining the motives of sources E and F.

L5 Cross-references to another source AND examines motive of source, 6m


(e) Study all the sources.

The Korean war was caused by America. How far do these sources support this view? Use
the sources and your knowledge to explain your answer.
Target Skill: Assertion

Band descriptor Marks

Answers on but no valid use of source OR 1-2m
L1 Identifying sources which support and/or dont support
Award 1m for doing one, 2m for doing both

Source A, C and F does not support the statement and source B and D
supports the statement.

L2 Finds evidence in the sources to support OR not support the judgment 3-4m
Award 3m for explaining one source, 4m for explaining more than one

e.g. Source F does not support the view that The Korean war was caused
Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective
Setter: Mr Don Eu

Band descriptor Marks

by America. Source F is an American leaflet airdropped to Chinese troops
during the Korean war. It shows Joseph Stalin pushing Mao Tse Tung who is
pushing a Chinese soldier into the flames of war. The caption reads
Thus source F states that the Soviet Union caused the Korean war from
behind the scenes as Stalin pushed Mao from behind the scene and this in
turn caused him to push his Chinese soldier into danger.


e.g. Source D supports the view that The Korean war was caused by
America. Source D shows that the American soldier was trying to bomb
China and North Korea. The caption reads Resist US and Support Korea to
Save Neighbors and Ourselves. The American soldier was stopped in his
attempt by 2 soldiers from China and North Korea. Thus source D states that
America started the Korean war because they are portrayed as evil and
aggressive in wanting to attack China and North Korea and had to be fought
off by 2 heroic soldiers.

L3 Finds evidence in the sources to support AND not support the 5-6m
judgment statement
Award 5m for explaining one source on each side, an additional mark for
explaining another source, up to a maximum of 6m.

L4 Critical analysis of a source in it supporting/not supporting the 7m

judgment statement based on contextual knowledge

e.g. Source D supports the view that The Korean war was caused by
America. Source D shows that the American soldier was trying to bomb
China and North Korea. The caption reads Resist US and Support Korea to
Save Neighbors and Ourselves. The American soldier was stopped in his
attempt by 2 soldiers from China and North Korea. Thus source D states that
America started the Korean war because they are portrayed as evil and
aggressive in wanting to attack China and North Korea and had to be fought
off by 2 heroic soldiers. But upon further analysis, Source D is not reliable in
supporting the view that The Korean war was caused by America. Source
D is a Chinese poster produced by the Chinese People Defending World
Peace and Against US Aggression Association, East China General Branch,
1951. Its audience are the Chinese citizens. They will feel angry at the
Americans for threatening the security of their country and their neighbors.
They will then support their government in their military action to repel the
Americans in the Korean war. Therefore source D has a suspicious motive
as they would want to blame their enemy, America for causing the Korean
war. Thus they may exaggerate the evil nature of America. Source D is thus
not reliable in supporting the view that The Korean war was caused by

Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective

Setter: Mr Don Eu

Section B (Structured-Essay Questions)

2. This question is on the Stalins rule of Communist Russia.

(a) Explain the economic impact of Stalins rule of Communist Russia. [8]

Level Band Descriptor Marks

L1 Describes the Stalins rule of Communist Russia without focus on the 1 3m

Award one mark for each detail, up to a maximum of 3.

e.g. Stalins rule of Communist Russia had various economic impacts

through policies such as industrialisation and collectivisation.

L2 Explain one reason 4 6m

Award 4m for weak explanation, 5m for average explanation and 6m for good

Stalins rule of Communist Russia had positive economic impact because of

industrialisation. The main aim of the First Five-Year Plan (1928-1933) was to
rapidly industrialise the Soviet Union. The factories in the cities would produce
equipment for the mechanisation of farming, such as tractors. With such equipment,
fewer farm workers would be needed and could go into the cities to be factory
workers. More grain and other crops could also be produced. In turn, these larger,
more efficient and mechanised farms owned by the state would then be able to
produce more food to supply the cities and factories. As a result, hundreds of new
factories were built, and the industrial workforce expanded. The First Five-Year Plan
was seen as a great success. Thus the Soviet Union had achieved rapid
industrialisation and become a great industrial nation by the end of the 1930s. In
addition, the aims of the Second and Third Five-Year Plans allowed Russia to
develop its heavy industries like coal, steel, oil and electricity successfully.


Stalins rule of Communist Russia had negative economic impact because of

Collectivisation. Stalin sought to merge the small individual farms of the Soviet
Union into larger collective farms, or kolkhozy. It was a complete reversal from the
previous economic policy, Lenins New Economic Policy (NEP), in terms of its aims
and measures. By 1935, almost all the farms in the Soviet Union were kolkhozy.
High quotas were difficult to meet, resulted in a lack of incentive in farmers to work.
Many peasants, especially kulaks, killed their own animals and burnt their grain and
produce to prevent them from being taken over by the state. Others hid their crops
or buried them in the ground than hand them over to the state. Bad harvest even led
to the Great Famine of 1932-1933. Thus collectivisation greatly fell short of
expectations and Soviet agricultural sector was severely damaged as a result. It
was only in the 1950s that Soviet agricultural production regained levels it had
achieved in 1928 and this negatively impacted Russias economy.

L3 Explains two reason 7-8m

Award 8 marks if well-explained.

Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective

Setter: Mr Don Eu

(b) The main reason why Stalin rose to power was due to his position as
secretary-general. How far do you agree with the above statement? Explain
your answer. [12]

Level Band Descriptor Marks

L1 Describes Stalins rise to power without focus on the question 13

Award one mark for each detail, up to a maximum of two.

e.g. One reason why Stalin rose to power was due to his position as
secretary-general. Stalins position as Secretary-General gave him the
authority to appoint and re-assign Party members. He was thus able to
replace the allies of his opponents, especially Trotsky, with his own allies. As
a result, Trotskys support base shrank considerably. With his reputation
destroyed, his ideas discredited and his lack of support within the Party,
Trotsky was forced to resign as the head of the Red Army in 1925. Stalin
had Trotsky expelled from the Party in 1927.

L2 Explain the given factor OR explain other factors. 46

Award 4m for weak explanation, 5m for average explanation and 6m for
good explanation.

e.g. One reason why Stalin rose to power was due to his position as
secretary-general. Stalins position as Secretary-General gave him the
authority to appoint and re-assign Party members. He was thus able to
replace the allies of his opponents, especially Trotsky, with his own allies. As
a result, Trotskys support base shrank considerably. With his reputation
destroyed, his ideas discredited and his lack of support within the Party,
Trotsky was forced to resign as the head of the Red Army in 1925. Stalin
had Trotsky expelled from the Party in 1927 and thus he was able to rise to
power eventually with his biggest rival removed from the power struggle.


e.g. Another reason why Stalin rose to power was due to Trotskys
Unpopularity in the Politburo. Trotsky was regarded as Lenins right-hand
man and the most popular of the Bolsheviks. He was also head of the Red
Army. Trotsky had the support of the army as he had led them to victory
against the Whites in the civil war of 1918-1921. The support of the army
gave Trotsky a great deal of power, and he was thus seen as the biggest
threat by others in the Politburo. This made him very unpopular amongst the
other members of the Politburo. The troika alliance between Kamenev,
Zinoviev and Stalin aimed to remove Trotsky from power by discrediting him.
Trotsky had always been outspoken and had argued with Lenin and the
Party on several topics. As a result, there was plenty of material that his
enemies could use to attack him. For example, Trotsky criticised Lenins
New Economic Policy and the increasing control of the Party by the
Politburo and Central Executive Committee. These criticisms openly
challenged the organisation and policies of the Party and were thus seen as
acts of disloyalty to Lenin and to the Partys decisions. In addition, Trotsky
also believed in Permanent Revolution, and sought to promote and incite
revolutions all over the world. However, he failed to convince his fellow Party
members of his idea of world revolution. Stalin, on the other hand, argued
for Socialism in One Country. This called for the strengthening of the Soviet
Union first before spreading revolution to other countries. Stalin made sure
Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective
Setter: Mr Don Eu

that he had the support of his other Party members on this, and cleverly
made it seem like Trotsky was moving away from the Partys decisions and
ideas. Trotskys credibility within the Party was thus affected.
Trotsky also fell very ill in 1924, and was often too weak to organise his own
supporters. He was increasingly not able to deal with party politics as the
other Party members began to exclude him from their decision-making and
undermine his position within the Party. Therefore his unpopularity,
seemingly disloyalty to Lenin and the unpopularity of his ideas made it
conducive for Stalin to overtake him and rise to power.


The last reason why Stalin rose to power was due to the non-Disclosure of
Lenins Testament. During Lenins semi-retirement, Stalin visited him
often and acted as his connection to the rest of the world. However,
they often quarrelled, and Lenin became suspicious of Stalins character
and ambitions. He made his views known in his Testament. In it, he voiced
criticisms on his leading successors, but was especially clear in advising
that Stalin be removed from his position of Secretary-General. When Lenin
died in 1924, his Testament was read out at a meeting of the Central
Executive Committee, where all of Lenins potential successors were
present. However, the Party agreed that the Testament was not to be made
public, as Lenin had criticised all of them. No notes were to be made when it
was read out, and its mention was not to be made in future meetings. In
addition, some Party members felt that Trotsky was a greater threat due to
his powerful personality and close connection to the army. They therefore
decided to ignore Lenins warning. As a result, the Testament did not
achieve the effect that Lenin hoped for. Stalin retained his position as
Secretary-General, which he later used to great effect during his rise to

L3 Explains both aspects of L2 7 - 10

Award 7 marks for an explanation of the given factor and identify/describe
other factor(s). Award 8-10 marks for explanations of the given AND other
factor(s) with supporting details to a maximum of 10 marks if well-explained.

L4 Level 3 plus a conclusion with a comparison of the given factor to 11 - 12

other factors with an explicit consideration.
Award 12m if well-explained.

e.g. [L3 plus] In addition, the main reason why Stalin rose to power was due
to the non-Disclosure of Lenins Testament. If Lenins testament had been
disclosed, Stalin would not then be able to hold on to his position as
secretary-general and manipulate appointments and positions to aid him in
his rise to power. In addition if Lenins testament had been disclosed, Stalin
would then be viewed as a equal rival in the rise for power in the wake of
Lenins death. Stalin would have a harder time forming alliances against
Trotsky as the rest would have been equally focused on eliminating Stalin as
a rival. Thus he would not been so successful in exploiting Trotskys
unpopularity to rise to power.

Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective

Setter: Mr Don Eu

3. This question is on the Cold War.

(a) Explain the impact of the fall of the Berlin Wall. [8]

Level Band Descriptor Marks

L1 Describes the Cuban Missile Crisis without focus on the question 1 3m

Award one mark for each detail, up to a maximum of 3.

e.g. The Berlin Wall that was the physical division between West Berlin and
East Germany was built in 1961. It has traditionally been symbolic with the
division between democracy and communism in Europe. However, on 9
November 1989, the Berlin Wall collapsed, signifying the collapse of
communism as well, and this collapse can be attributed to a number of

L2 Explain one impact 4 6m

Award 4m for weak explanation, 5m for average explanation and 6m for
good explanation.

e.g. One impact of the fall of the Berlin Wall was that it allowed for German
Reunification. On 9 November 1989, Guenter Schabowski, an official of the
East German Communist Party, announced at a press conference that the
Berlin Wall would be open for 'private trips'. He did not intend to bring down
the wall, but rather wished to open the border with West Germany to orderly
and legal travel. However, the authority of the communist government was
collapsing. This emboldened East Germans to start protest and question
their authoritarian government. With increasing numbers of protestors, it
made the government give in to their requests to give East Germans
freedom to cross to the West by tearing down the wall. The physical wall
itself was eventually dismantled part by part from June 1990 to November
1991. Thus there was no longer a physical barrier preventing the two sides
from this process and Germany was now open for the process of German
Reunification both symbolically and practically in terms of politics and


e.g. Another impact of the fall of the Berlin Wall was its domino effect on
Eastern Europe. In Bulgaria, 10 Nov 1989, one day after the Berlin Wall fell,
communist leader Todor Zhivkov was removed from power by the Bulgarian
Politburo. Then on 11 Dec 1989: amidst growing street protests, new leader
Petar Mladenov announced that the Bulgarian Communist Party had
abandoned power, and free elections were held in 1990. In Romania, Dec
1989, Romanians revolted and overthrew communist leader Nicolae
Ceausescu's brutal and repressive government. His army turned against
him and Ceausescu and his wife were later tried and executed. Then in Apr
1990, free elections were announced. Thus another impact of the Fall of the
Berlin Wall was its domino effect on Eastern Europe as its fall clearly
symbolised the fall of the Eastern Bloc as well as the 'Iron Curtain'. With the
fall of the Iron Curtian, there was a resultant 'domino effect' as one Eastern
European communist regime collapsed after another under the pressure of
popular revolutions which were encouraged and emboldened by the fall of
the Berlin Wall and these revolutions then could take place.

Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective

Setter: Mr Don Eu

L3 Explains two reasons 7 8m

Award 8 marks if well-explained.

(b) The main reason why the Cold war ended was due to the ascension of
Gorbachev. How far do you agree with the above statement? Explain
your answer. [12]

Level Band Descriptor Marks

L1 Describes the rise of Gorbachev without focus on the question 13

Award one mark for each detail, up to a maximum of two.

e.g. The main reason why the Cold war ended was due to the ascension of
Gorbachev. The old generation of leaders, such as Yuri Andropov and
Konstantin Chernenko, who succeeded Brezhnev, were committed to the
ideology of the Russian Revolution and to maintaining a strong defence
against the threat of invasion. They had fought for the ideals of international
socialism, and were traumatised by the experience of the German invasion
during World War II. These experiences led them to take a hard line against
the USA, whom they saw as an ideological and security threat. However,
these leaders were gradually passing away. In contrast, the younger
generation of successors saw a need to reform the country's domestic and
foreign policies. They also believed that military force was no longer a viable
option for addressing social dissent. This was especially so for Mikhail
Gorbachev, who came to power in March 1985.

L2 Explain the given factor OR explain other factors. 46

Award 4m for weak explanation, 5m for average explanation and 6m for
good explanation.

e.g. One reason why the Cold war ended was due to the ascension of
Gorbachev. The old generation of leaders, such as Yuri Andropov and
Konstantin Chernenko, who succeeded Brezhnev, were committed to the
ideology of the Russian Revolution and to maintaining a strong defence
against the threat of invasion. They had fought for the ideals of international
socialism, and were traumatised by the experience of the German invasion
during World War II. These experiences led them to take a hard line against
the USA, whom they saw as an ideological and security threat. However,
these leaders were gradually passing away. In contrast, the younger
generation of successors saw a need to reform the country's domestic and
foreign policies. They also believed that military force was no longer a viable
option for addressing social dissent. This was especially so for Mikhail
Gorbachev, who came to power in March 1985. Gorbachev diagnosed that
inefficiencies of the command economy, as well as the crippling cost of
maintaining military competition with the USA, were the causes that
weakened the Soviet economy. He therefore believed that the solution
would be to reform the Soviet economy as well as to end military
competition with the USA which would in turn end the Cold War. To succeed
in his goal, Gorbachev knew that he would need to loosen the control of the
Communist Party and the military over the economy and foreign policy of
the Soviet Union. Hence, he replaced the old supporters of the Soviet
military-industrial complex with his own supporters which made the political

Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective

Setter: Mr Don Eu

environment more conducive for the end of the Cold war.


e.g. Another reason why the Cold war ended was 'De-ideologisation' of
Soviet foreign policy. Gorbachev's 'de-ideologisation of Soviet foreign policy
was arguably the most obvious example of the extension of his 'New
Thinking' to Soviet foreign policy. He intended to end the ideologically-driven
policies that had brought the Soviet Union into conflict with the USA. These
policies previously included intervention in other countries to support
communist revolutions or regimes. In demonstrating his commitment to his
new foreign policy, Gorbachev withdrew Soviet troops from Afghanistan from
May 1988 to February 1989. This marked the end of the Soviet war in
Afghanistan which had lasted for 10 years and also the less aggressive path
that the Soviet Union would now take which led to a more peaceful and
conducive international political environment to end the Cold War. In a major
Party speech in 1988, he emphasised each country's right to choose its
political and economic system. He repeated his emphasis in his address to
the UN on 7 December the same year. This marked the loosening up of the
Soviet control of its allies and also the less dominating role and
ideologically-rigid stance that the Soviet Union would now take which would
lead to increased communication and cooperation with the West and lead to
a more conducive political environment to end the Cold War.


e.g. One last reason why the Cold war ended was the Nuclear disarmament
talks with Reagan. In November 1985, Reagan and Gorbachev met for the
first time at the Geneva Summit in Geneva, Switzerland. This meeting was
notable for the friendly and personal relationship it established between the
two leaders, even though they did not come to a compromise on the issue of
the arms race. They met again in Reykjavik, Iceland in 1986 to discuss
disarmament issues. While an immediate agreement was not reached, both
sides were surprised by the sacrifices each was now willing to make
towards nuclear disarmament. Together, the meetings between the leaders
established goodwill and a newfound mutual understanding that had been
lacking after the abandonment of dtente and this bred a positive political
climate for the end of the Cold War. They also laid the groundwork for
successive treaties and discussions on disarmament. A significant example
would be the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty signed in
December 1987, where both leaders agreed to remove the mobile
intermediate-range nuclear missiles deployed in Europe. It was a milestone
as it was the first superpower agreement which actually led to arms
reduction and a decrease in tensions between the 2 superpowers which
would lead to increased cooperation and the eventual end of the Cold War.

L3 Explains both aspects of L2 7 - 10

Award 7 marks for an explanation of the given factor and identify/describe
other factor(s). Award 8-10 marks for explanations of the given AND other
factor(s) with supporting details to a maximum of 10 marks if well-explained.

L4 Level 3 plus a conclusion with a comparison of the given factor to 11 - 12

other factors with an explicit consideration.
Award 12m if well-explained.

Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective

Setter: Mr Don Eu

e.g. [L3 plus] The main reason why the Cold war ended was due to the
ascension of Gorbachev. It was Gorbachev who was unlike his hard line
predecessors who allowed for the Soviet Union to de-ideologise its foreign
policy stance which led to a less aggressive path that the Soviet Union
would now take which led to a more peaceful and conducive international
political environment to end the Cold War. Also, it was Gorbachev who was
unlike his hard line predecessors who allowed for the Soviet Union to de-
ideologise its foreign policy stance which led to a loosening up of the Soviet
control of its allies and also the less dominating role and ideologically-rigid
stance that the Soviet Union would now take which would lead to increased
communication and cooperation with the West and lead to a more
conducive political environment to end the Cold War. In addition, it was
Gorbachev who saw the need to reduce tensions with the US which allowed
for the Nuclear disarmament talks with Reagan to occur. With these talks,
the meetings between the leaders established goodwill and a newfound
mutual understanding that had been lacking after the abandonment of
dtente and this bred a positive political climate for the end of the Cold War.
A further treaty then served as a milestone as it was the first superpower
agreement which actually led to arms reduction and a decrease in tensions
between the 2 superpowers which would lead to increased cooperation and
the eventual end of the Cold War.

Anderson Secondary School Sec 4E/ 5NA History Elective

Setter: Mr Don Eu

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