Mar 27 2017 - 10-47 Am

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Practice, drawing featves : \ DRAWING THE EYE STEP BY STEP AAS Graph this eye out on your drawing _Not only do you need to see the eye a8, paper. just shapes, you need to see the shapes created with the graph lines. This is where you will use your circle tem- plate, or stendil. The iris and the pupil are perfect cifcles in nature. The reason many drawings of people don’t look right is because the eyes.aren't drawn ‘with good circles. ‘Add some #1 dark around the outside Blend out the iris until itis @ #3 half- tedge of the iris and around the pupil. tone, Don't lose your catchlight! Blend out the eyebrow. . Fill in the lash line #1 and #2. (bis The e Tighter in the middle above the iris) above the eye. Soften the lower lig thickness. Blend a little info the white of the eye to make the eye look round. Pull some light hairs out of the eye- rows. This eye doesn’t have many eye- lashes shoysing, just a few coming off the sides, | jnishing touches! Blend some tone Remove the graph. Lightly draw the circies in the eyes by hand. Then crisp up the circle with the stencil. If you are drawing two eyes, remember to use the ‘same circle for both eyes. The catchlight should be placed half in the pupil end half in the irs. Start to fill the eyebrow with pencit strokes and darken the pupil. Lift some light out of the iris with your kneaded eraser to make it look shiny and enlarge the catchlight. 1. Iris 2. Pupil 3. Catchlight (or flash) 4, & 5. White of the eye 6. Upper lash line 7. Lower lip thick- ness Upper eyelid 9. & 10. Corner eye membrane (tear duct) 11. Eyebrow 2 Alll of these shapes can be seen above in the line drawing of the eye. Try very hard not to look at the eye as one dif- ficult shape, but instead as eleven easy shapes. zy poe Must Haves! roy ). upper Wok wu ony Pronger tant (0 J rapt of aires Z. Nn are one ttt Siok Covtr ee cy tbat tr ae yee J. The won nese tae INS ee “ed Uae Syrpvtad or x ae opt c wh cat a 4 es onto the ye ean hrs ie ime opr | Yoo ike thay OM art poprr’y) | ovs 9 tht Soe raids *? 5 the "“spame™ im sep oo Be Moot oF ie Cressey al OP eke lo. Gb A nul 9 ood cent r 6 1 Boge toel- not pie, os SHADING THE NOSE STEP BY STEP VV r Let’s use this one for a study in shading Draw a1-inch graph (four boxes).Com- Erase your graph. a nose step by step. plete the line drawing. Make sure itis accurate, Blend out to create the #3 halftones. The #2 shadows are now softened. Apply your #1 darks in the nostril and ‘cast shadow on the left side. cated. won AHS Weneed tomaketheskinalitledarker, Blend again, Remember 10 sf\th Ifyou see little light areas, fill them in. If you so reapply your shadows. PLL see little dark areas, lift them out gently ‘with your kneaded eraser 30 DRAW REAL PEOPLE! #5 (once you are sure your line drawing Start by applying dark nd medium lending creates your halons (9 Se eect Show te tndlgt gy ane Beato erase your graph lines. aa raeberal wo match te five- bendaound the curves as you did with borvalue scl (ee page 23)? You must _ the sphere see the tones a shapes, too. Dark skin. The light is coming from the right. Pale skin. The light is coming from the left. ‘Medium skin. The light is coming from the front. DRAWING THE CLOSED Mi STEP BY STEP cae Itis easier to draw the mouth with the lips together so you don’t have to deal with the teeth. Fol- low this step-by-step guide to make these lips look real. Erase your graph. wer li Apply #3 halftone gray to the lower lip, leaving 2 spot for the highlight. Darken the right side of the lower lip to more of a #2 (refer to photo) #3 HS a1 2 Study the placement of this mouth in- side the boxes, Notice that the mouth is somewhat tufned, facing the right. This ‘means you g¢e less of the right side and more of thetlet. “Apply #1 dark to the line in between the lips and where the lips part inside the left corner. Blend until smooth! See how the lat line of the graph cu through the center of the upper lip? Your memory will want to draw the that in th ot off to the right. Always draw what you seein front of you, not what your mem wants you to draw! This is why ‘a graph is so important. It k shapes where they belong, mouth enter Apply #2 dark gra below the lower li tothe upperlip and Reflected Light Highlights Pull out highlights with the kneaded eraser. Add shading above and below the mouth. Notice the light edge around the lips? This is reflected light Topor —> ‘the head ‘Byes line, un > Seeet ‘Mouth line Portraits Although each person's face is different, there are several things they have in common. The sketch below shows basic divisions of the face. saree ‘Middle of the eye to comer of the mouth ‘Nose with is 1 The head is basically egg shaped, larger at the top than the bottom. The eyes are halfway between the chin and the top of the head. If the space between the eye and the chin is divided roughly in thirds, the nose will be on one third and the mouth on the other third. The space between the eyes is the width of an eye. The bottom of the nose is in line with the place where the bottom of the ear is attached. The eye is in line with the place where the top of the ear is attached. (The ear is BIG) The comers of the mouth are directly below the centers of the eyes. The edges of the nose are directly below the inner corners of the eyes. name. lightest (1) block value scales aes line SRR CORR SS Lay Pes OR Aes ‘ae ea darkest (6) cross hatching 1 hatching scribbles / squiggles zig zags invent your own technique Blending with the side of a pencil

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