Review Worksheet 1 Ninth Grade

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Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin

NAME:_______________________________________ GRADE: NINTH
TOPIC: Unit 3: Challenges Present Perfect Tense (for, since, just, already, yet), Present
Perfect Vs Simple Past. Work activities and academic subjects. Unit 4: Making Plans
Present Continuous, Be going to, infinitive pronouns, and review Simple tenses (present,
past and future). Feelings, adjectives ending in ED-ING, work and personal qualities.
TEACHER: Anne J. Patio Pez
GOALS: Linguistic, Pragmatic and Sociolinguistic.
DBA: LE: N 1 Explains the reasons behind plans and actions related to his/her personal,
school and community environment. The student structures explanations Appropriately,
uses connectors between ideas, checks for spelling, and employs proper pronunciation to
communicate ideas.
LE: N 3 Summarizes information s/he has read or listened to on academic and school
related topics through a structured written text.
LE: N 7 Identifies the type, purpose, and parts of a short written or oral text and shares
ideas from the text with classmates. To do so, the student uses the text structure, titles and
subtitles, sequence markers, connectors, and repeated vocabulary.
WRITING: Grammar & vocabulary
Simple Past Present Perfect
For actions that happened and finished For actions which started in the past and
in the past continue up to now
For actions that happened in the past For actions that happened in the past but
and we know exactly when we dont know the exact time
With yesterday, then, ago, last With for, since, ever, never, yet,
night/week, in 2001. already, so far, how long

Simple Past Present Perfect Simple

irregular verbs: see 2nd column of irregular verbs: form of 'have' + 3rd
irregular verbs column of irregular verbs
Example: Example:
I spoke I / you / we / they have spoken
he / she / it has spoken
regular verbs: infinitive + ed regular verbs: form of 'have' + infinitive +
Example: ed
I worked Example:
I / you / we / they have worked
he / she / it has worked

We use "ever" in interrogative sentences
Example: Have you ever been to the United States?

We use "never" in affirmative sentences: but the meaning is negative.
Example: I have never cheated in an exam.

We use "just" to express a recently completed action.
Example: The cat has just caught a bird.

We use "already" to express that something has happened sooner than expected.
Example: Don't forget to bring your book! Oh, I have already brought it.

We use "yet" in interrogative and negative sentences and it suggests a time later than
Example: Have you done your homework? No, I haven't done it yet.
Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin
Lets Practice!!!
Use simple Past or Present Perfect:
1. .Helen ever . (try) sushi?
2. you .. (go) to the wedding last night?
3. I .. never (be) to Paris.
4. This year I . (travel) to Athens 3 times so far.
5. Paul and Judith (be) married since 1998.
6. you .(finish) your homework yet?
7. Last night aunt Betty ..(come) by. She (tell) us
that this summer they are going to Hawaii.
8. I .(visit) many different countries so far. Last summer I
..(go) to Italy and 3 years ago I (be) in Spain. I
(not/visit) Germany yet.
9. When you (come) to Greece?
10. I(come) in 2007.
11. (watch) the film E.T. yesterday?
12. They already ..(leave) the train station.
13. How long .. you ..(know) Jonathan?
14. I ............................... (meet) him in 2009, so I (know) him for 3

Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin

Lets practice!!!
Write questions and negations as in the example.

1. Tom is living in England. Is Tom living in England? Tom isnt living in England.
2. Mr. Simpson is teaching Chemistry. _______________________________________
3. You are playing computer games. ________________________________________
4. John and Sue are working in a caf. ______________________________________
5. We are doing the shopping on Saturdays. __________________________________
6. The baby is crying all the time. ___________________________________________
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb to be

a) My sister ____________ (write) a letter. b) His brothers _____________(play) golf.

c) The mice _____________(eat)cheese. d) Tim and Tom _______________ (sleep).
e) Our friends _________________ (sing). f) Those women ______________ (dance).
h) My hamster ________________ (run). i) Her dogs ___________________ (bark).

Make negatives from the given sentences.

Sara and Tom are playing squash together now.


Jim is not going to school on Monday.


I am reading a book and listening to music.


Make questions from the given sentences.

My best friends are going to Spain next year.


I am thinking about you.


Toms sister is studying Japanese at the moment.

Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences in Present Continuous.

Sara / playing/ Tom/ ball / are/ ?/ the / ball/ with/

not / my / living / nice / friends / are/ flat / a / nice/ in/
having / party / Sunday / I / on / am / a /
? / Sandys / studying / brothers / French / at / are / university /

1) Read the story carefully
The Skeleton Key by Kelly Hashway Erik rang his grandparents doorbell and silently wished
the next four hours would go by quickly. He didnt want to give up his entire Saturday
afternoon at his grandparents house where there were no kids in the neighborhood. Youre
right on time, Grandma Bethany said, opening the door. Theres tea and cake in the dining
room. Cake? At least the first ten minutes would go by quickly. Erik hung his coat on the
rack by the door and saw a strange looking key hanging on a hook. Grandpa Bill, whats
this funny key for? Thats a skeleton key. It opens the best room in this house, Grandpa
Bill whispered so no one else could hear. Its the room I go to when your grandmother tries
to make me help with the dishes. Whats so special about the room? Erik asked. Its a
game room, Grandpa Bill said. Take the key and see if you can find the room by the time
I finish my tea. Erik grabbed the key and stared at it. A skeleton key? It looks old. Erik
decided the oldest things in the house were probably upstairs in the walk-up attic. He headed
past the dining room and to the stairs.
Grandpa Bill sipped his tea and shook his head. Erik knew that meant he was going the
wrong way. He headed back to the front door where hed found the key. Erik thought about
the oldest part of a house. The basement! Its the first part thats built. He rushed to the
basement door and looked at the lock. It was different from a normal lock. He slid the key
inside and turned it. With a click, the door opened. Erik switched on the light and walked
down the stairs. The basement was one giant room with a pool table in the middle and a
dartboard on the far wall. Awesome! Erik said. Ever learn to play pool? Grandpa Bill
asked, coming down the stairs. No, Erik said. Well then, grab a cue from the rack and Ill
teach you. Erik smiled. The next four hours were going to fly by.

2) Read the text again and answer the questions bellow

What is the setting of this story? (Tell where and when the story takes place.)

Why didn't Erik want to visit his grandparents' house at the beginning of the story?

Grandpa told Erik that the skeleton key opened...

a. a trunk with secrets
b. the basement door
c. the attic door
d. a game room
Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin
Why did Erik think the key would open the attic door?

WRITING: Propositive competence

1) Write in the calendar your future plans using present continuous

1) Listen to the audio and complete the text with the words in the box

luggage wonderful pleasant met visit

laughed sightseeing lovely each

Last year Mr and Mrs Bentley took a trip to Singapore. They went to (1)
some friends and to do some shopping.

The flight to Singapore was very (2). They arrived at 11 in the morning and
their friends (3) them at the airport. They were very happy to
see (4) other. After the Bentleys got their (5), their friends took
them back to their place. They talked and (6) all afternoon and had
a (7) dinner together that evening.

The next few days the Bentleys went (8) and shopping as well as
spending time with their friends. Soon they had to fly home.
Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin
They were sad to leave their friends. However, they had a (9) time in

1) Describe what you are going to do in vacations

Use of grammar Coherence Pronunciation Fluency

structures and




(96 100)
(86 95)
(75 85)
(10 74)

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