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Analysis of the given article : SINGLE-SEX SCHOOLS : AN OLD IDEA WHOSE TIME


In the article of Single-sex Schools : An Old Idea Whose Time Has Come, by Diane Urbana
comes up with the ideas and arguments of why we should implement this single sex school in
this new time. She uses the words such as well-off families (wealthy), shame, performed,
matured, abilities are to meant by saying that single-sex school are far more better than the
coed schools. This shows that the language she uses is biased only on the single-sex schools
and also argues on the coed type schools. She uses the word act stupid saying that by entering
coed schools lead to students act unnaturally such as they only react that way because of their
opposite sexs presence.
She started her stand by affirming that there are persuasive evidence that single-sex
education offers students-particularly girls-advantages that they cannot get in coed settings.
This can be confirmed as she states girls attending all-girl high schools are six times more
likely to major in math or science in college while girls engaged in coed settings are more
likely to be good at reading while bad in math. The author also put into research that has been
done in Australia measuring 270,000 students academic performance of over twenty years. It
has come to result that single-single sex schools performed 15-22 percentage points higher on
test than students in coed schools. Another study from Britain experimenting 979 elementary
schools and 2954 high schools come to result that girls in single-sex school achieve better
than coed schools. This as a result, we can clearly seethat the author are biased on single-sex
schools as she stating evidence from study around the world.
The author highlights the negative of entering coed schools in the terms of statistic
research and also professional research. The statistic researches are mentioned by the study
around the world and professional research are made from David Sadker and late Myra
Sadker, social scientists that spent most of their lives studying these relations. The Sadkers
study and findings are more relevance as they went to schools and videotaping the classroom
to find the real life occurrence that applies when teachers are teaching coed students. From
the video, it is just a professional guessing and may be and may not be applied with other
students around the country. That is one of the hole that differentiate other students from the
findings they have come up to. Whilst from their study, we can conclude that it may only
valid from one race or country and may differs from others. Other study research that the
author pick is Dr. Leonard Sax the author of Why Gender Matters, can be claimed to be
complete as his findings were mostly based on the brains that we can say is almost valid as
brains are the most complex part of the human body. Furthermore, a doctor should only study
and doing research merely based on the etiquette of doctoring in learning humans behaviour
and reflexes.
From the Authors tone, we can clearly see that he is very assertive with his stand
towards single-sex school from the text. The author is very bias towards his stand as he gave a
lot of negative comments about the coed school system. Along with that, the purpose of
writing this article merely to persuade the society to accept the single-sex school as once it
was illegal. She also intended to implement this type of school system. This article are
intended for the concerned people and government or the ministry of education.
We can make inference from this article about the different teaching and learning, the
development of the mind and character of boys and girls in single-sex school and coed school.
Learning ability between boys and girls are not the same and the appropriate approach can
help improve their weaknesses in learning. Boys and girls learn in single-sex school would
concentrate on learning and help them develop their potential and talent without any
obstacles. Students can take any responsibility and engage in a variety of areas without any
prohibition and condemnation of others.
The conclusion is single sex school is a good school for learning systems that only
collect the same gender whom may have the same potential in terms of learning. It can help
give equal attention to students without any gender discrimination in the process of teaching
and learning.

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