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Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin


NAME: _______________________________________ GRADE: EIGTH

TOPIC: Unit 1: Get up and go: Present simple adverbs of frequency, present continuous
Unit 2: Questions and answers Modal verbs can / could / be able to
TEACHER: Anne J. Patio Pez
GOALS: Linguistic, Pragmatic and Sociolinguistic.
DBA: LE: N 1 Requests and provides information about experiences and plans in a clear
and brief manner using his/her own information or information about familiar situations.
Likewise, the student uses familiar vocabulary and may ask for assistance from classmates
and/or the teacher.
LE: N 3 Recognizes specific information in short oral and written texts on topics of general
interest. The student uses different reading strategies such as: previewing (images, titles,
subtitles, etc.), prediction, the underlining of key words and Spanish cognates, and the
identification of the general idea of the text (skimming).
LE: N 4 Exchanges information about academic and general interest topics, through simple
conversations, dialogues, and role-plays. In these conversations, the student may express
opinions in a simple manner using previously studied models.
1) Complete the text using present simple form

2) Write the 3rd person singular of the verbs:

1. I join - he joins 2. I like - he 3. I kiss - he .
4. I fly - he . 5. I watch - he 6. I enjoy - he .
7. I talk - he . 8. I go - he 9. I teach - he
10. I buy - she 11. I finish - she .. 12. I cry - she

3) Write questions and negations as in the example.

1. Tom lives in England. Does Tom live in England? Tom doesnt live in England.
2. Mr. Simpson teaches Chemistry. _________________________________________
3. You like playing computer games. ________________________________________
4. John and Sue work in a caf. ___________________________________________
5. We do the shopping on Saturdays. ______________________________________
Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin
6. The baby cries all the time. _____________________________________________
4) Fill in do / dont, does / doesnt.
1. Sam speaks French, but he _____________ Speak Russian.
2. Ann _____________ like jazz music but she likes pop music.
3. _________ she play the saxophone? No, she ___________.
4. Where ________________ you work?
5. He_____________ go to school on Sunday.
6. What _________ you have for dinner?

5) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb to be

a) My sister _______ writing a letter. b) His brothers ________playing golf.

c) The mice _______eating cheese. d) Tim and Tom ________ sleeping.
e) Our friends _______ singing. f) Those women ________ dancing.
h) My hamster _______ running. i) Her dogs _________ barking.

6) Make negatives from the given sentences.

Sara and Tom are playing squash together now.


Jim is not going to school on Monday.


I am reading a book and listening to music.


7) Make questions from the given sentences.

My best friends are going to Spain next year.


I am thinking about you.


Toms sister is studying Japanese at the moment.


8) Put the words in the correct order to make sentences in Present Continuous.

Sara / playing/ Tom/ ball / are/ ?/ the / ball/ with/

not / my / living / nice / friends / are/ flat / a / nice/ in/
having / party / Sunday / I / on / am / a /
? / Sandys / studying / brothers / French / at / are / university /
Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin
1) Read the story carefully
Becky was visiting Aunt Agatha at her house at
the beach. It was a beautiful summer day. Becky
had built a giant sand castle that morning. Aunt
Agatha took pictures of the castle to send to
Beckys parents. It was a great big sand castle.
Later that morning, Becky and Aunt Agatha went
swimming in the ocean. It was fun to jump with
the waves. Then, they went in the house and ate
sandwiches and strawberries for lunch.
Becky wanted to play on the beach that
afternoon. Aunt Agatha told her it was too hot to
go outside without a hat on. Becky didnt have a
hat. Aunt Agatha told her not to worry, she could
wear one of hers. Becky tried on four hats. The pink one was really pretty, but it
had a big bow in the back that was too long for Becky. The green hat was too fancy
for Becky. She did not like that hat at all. The blue hat was nice, but it had an ugly
bird on it. Then, Becky saw a big brown hat with a yellow ribbon on it. That hat was
made of straw. It was a perfect hat for the beach. It was too big for Beckys head
but she didnt care. It was a great hat.
2) Read the text again and choose the correct answer.

1. Where was Becky? 4. Why didnt Becky want to wear the

a. at the store pink hat?
b. at the beach a. the bow was too long
c. at school b. it had a flower
d. at home c. it had a bird on it
2. Who was Becky visiting? d. it was dirty
a. her Grandparents 5. Why did Aunt Agatha want Becky to
b. her friends wear a hat?
c. her sister a. it was raining
d. her Aunt Agatha b. it was too hot
3. Why didnt Becky like the blue hat? c. it was cold
a. it was too fancy d. it was snowing
b. it was new 6. Why did Becky like the brown hat?
c. it had an ugly bird on it a. it was ugly
d. it was old b. it was perfect
c. it was too big
d. it was cold

1) Write a brief description of yourself
Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin
1) Listen to the audio and complete the text with the words in the box

learning giving sitting doing enjoying shining

improving asking singing sitting looking

Dear Harry,

Hi! It's now 4 o'clock in the afternoon and I'm (1) in the living room writing this
letter. It's a lovely day outside. The weather is great. The sun's (2) and the birds
are (3). My dog, Paddles, is (4) beside me and (5) at me
with her big brown eyes. The eyes are (6) me for some food. But I'm
not (7) her anything because she's getting fat.

I'm (8) Spanish now at evening college. My Spanish is (9) slowly. I

like my teacher. She's (10) an excellent job. I'm really (11) my class.

I hope you are well and happy and that your family is also well. Please write to me soon.

Bye for now,


1) Description of a classmate
Use of grammar Coherence Pronunciation Fluency
structures and



(96 100)
(86 95)
(75 85)
(10 74)

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