Cybersecurity Camp

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Cybersecurity Summer Academy at Norfolk State University from June 27 to July 1, 2016 from
9 am to 4 pm. The purpose of the academy was to provide a foundation of knowledge to
interested students about the very fast-moving industry of cybersecurity. The government was
even funding this camp because of the need for young students to get involved early because of
the numerous cyber threats the government receives every day. There is an emphasis to get
young students involved because our generation has been accustomed to using computers and we
already have great general computer skills.

With the professors of NSU we learned various programs and tools to use to decode any type of
computer evidence left on the scene of a crime.

Cryptography Caesar cipher was taught to us. Essentially when someone wants to
encrypt a message either via email, or anything that needs to be written out, they can have
a code shifting either left or right. Ex: hello tom with a right shift is khoor wrp.

Photography encryption softwares

A. WinHip you must create a file with notepad, open a picture in WinHip, the
program will hide a message in the picture, an added security that the other
software does not have is a password
B. QuickStego similar to WinHip, through this application, a picture must be
opened and type a message into the program so that it may hide it in the picture

Number system conversions this language of numbers is used to communicate what

you want the computer to do
From To Method
Decimal Binary Divide by 2
Decimal Hexadecimal Divide by 16
Binary Decimal Multiply 2x then add
Hexadecimal Decimal Multiple 162 then add

WinHex this activity made me familiar with the different file types, this software allows
you to put in any file and helps you really determine what type it is because sometimes
criminals will deliberately change the file name to disguise it from investigators
.jpg FF D8 FF E0
.pdf 25 50 44 46
.xlsx 50 4B 03 04 14
.xls D0 CF 11 E0 A1
.gif 47 49 46 38

Data Acquisition and Analysis using FTK will maintain the integrity of digital
evidence, creating an image allows you to create a whole other copy of the flash drive
therefore investigators can delve into and change that instead of manipulating the original
piece of evidence. It is essential to create a copy of each acquisition. The procedure of
computer forensics goes as follows: collect, preserve, analyze, and present.

Maintaining the Integrity of Digital Evidence using the MD5 function in FTK Imager
will obtain the digital signature of a file or an entire drive. Hash box is essential, every
time there is an evidence this must be recorded and you need to verify it yourself.

On the final day of camp we had a case of deleted grades and we had to use what we
learned all week to retrieve the grades and convict the correct criminals. (PowerPoint
presentation created)

I think this camp was such a great experience due to the abundance of information given and the
incredible professors teaching. I enjoyed talking to fellow students about cyber security and it
was a bit of a glimpse to college life. I think I got out a really good foundation of what those in
the cyber security industry do. I also think that with the information I have gained, I can really
build up and create a great product.

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