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GenCyber Security Summer Camp at Norfolk State University from July 5 to July 15, 2016 from
9 am to 4 pm. This program was a much more general. It delved into the ideas of general
computer ideas and computer science. We learned about computer programming and coding in
general. This was also funded by the government again showing how important cybersecurity is
to them and to get many kids involved.

10 principles of Cyber Security
1. Resource Encapsulation combining elements to create a new entity
2. Layered Security combining multiple security controls to protect resources
3. Information Hiding hiding the implementation of data or functions to the users \
4. Abstraction explaining or summarizing in a way that can be easily understood
5. Simplicity keeping software as simple and as focused as possible
6. Minimization simplifying software in order to decrease the number of ways it
can be exploited
7. Domain Separation a way to separate data into logically-defined domains
8. Modularization degree to which a systems components may be separated and
9. Process Isolation segregation of different software
10. Least Privilege practice of limiting access to the minimal level that will allow
normal functioning

Computer Programming we used an online program called Code Academy to learn

coding in the language of Python.

Crime Solving the programs such as FTK Imager, WinHip, etc. was reiterated. An
actual computer forensic scientist visited and explained what he did in the FBI.

Cyber Forensics Digital forensics is an emerging discipline, yet to have standards, few
research. Investigation takes place as soon as incident occur. Types of investigations:
determine investigation, internal investigation, criminal investigation, and real world
investigation. Another speaker lectured us about working for a Norfolk shipping
company building up firewalls and working to protect the website.
Steganography hiding images in files in which a carrier (hidden in such as QuickStego
and WinHip) is sent to a receiver without anyone but the sender and the receiver
knowing. This is done to hide information, give secret information to friends, used by the
government and companies

Cryptography deals with how to disguise information so only authorized personnel may
see it, encryption by substitution such as Caesar cipher. Also combining substitution
(letter replaced by different letter) and permutation (letter moved to different position)
would be the best way to encrypt anything.

Cyber Security Awareness ten topics of cybersecurity are cybercrime, email security,
identity theft, copyrights, cyber ethics, E-commerce, digital photography, internet safety,
cyberbullying (PowerPoint presentation created), and online communication.

I think the first week of the program was very helpful especially learning coding and the
fundamentals of computer science and digital forensics. However, the second week essentially
repeated the previous camp. Although repetitive, it did help solidify my skills and I was able to
help out my peers a lot. This camp was for middle school and high school students so compared
to the other camp it was a lot less vigorous.

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