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Week 5- Prophecy of the Savior

Read: Daniel 7;12. Isaiah 9:1-7;42:1-9; 52:13-53; 55; 59; 65. Micah 5:2-4. Malachi 3-4
(This parallels Disciple week 16) Take notes as you go.

This weeks readings are sometimes hard to make sense of. We read about visions,
dreams prophecies, and revelations of end times. The descriptions given are of ancient
image, so its hard for us to relate to. We also read about the coming Savior, and light
that shines in the darkness.

Here are some terms that can help:

Apocalypse- Prophetic revelation of what is to come, especially end times. It literally

means to reveal, uncover.

Eschatology- concerned with ultimate or last things, such as judgement, heaven & hell.

Messiah- the anticipated deliverer, the anointed one who is to come.

Son of Man- Hebrew idiom for man, symbolizes the coming kingdom as a man.

Kingdom of God- different from earthly kingdoms; the time and place when/where God
will rule in justice, harmony & peace. This term doesnt appear in the OT, only the NT;
but the concept is implied in the OT.

Daniel for Jews, like Revelation for Christians, was written to help the faithful hang on
during persecution. We see a glimpse of the Messiah in the readings. Daniel, like
Revelation , is apocalyptic literature, which takes our thoughts beyond this world, into
Gods kingdom, & lays the groundwork for New Testament thought. Understanding
apocalyptic literature is necessary for understanding the early Christian community.

1- As a Christian, when you read the apocalyptic visions, they sound crazy. But what
spiritual truths do they help you understand or realize? Is there a message of hope
hidden here?
As Christians, we sense our unity with the historic people of God and live in hope with a
vision of Gods kingdom.

2-In Isaiah 53, who is being described?

In regards to Isaiah 59, we see that sin offends God & separates us from him. Because
God is holy, he cannot ignore, excuse or tolerate sin as though it didnt matter. Sin cuts
people off from him. People who die with their sins unforgiven separate themselves
eternally from God. God wants everyone to live with him forever, but he cannot take
them into his holy presence unless the sins are removed. Unless we repent (confess &
ask forgiveness).

3- Do you repent daily? Or only when caught?

In Isaiah 65, God talks about preserving the remnant. He always preserves a select few
to carry on, for Him. That is him showing love. That is how he keeps the message
going. We are those people. We are called to relay the message of Christ.

4-In Malachi 3:1 who do you think is the messenger that will prepare the way for the

5 In Malachi 3:16-18 we read that God will again spare a faithful few (remnant). Today
is no different. If Jesus comes today will you be one of those spared?

6- Think of people in your life who may not be spared. What are you going to do to help
change that?

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