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Goal 1: Ensure that all further finfish aquaculture development, including expansion of existing
operations, is done in a way that is consistent with the aims, intent, and wording of the provincial
Environmental Protection Act.


1. Ensure that the Placentia Bay project proposed by Grieg NL is subject to a transparent,
comprehensive, and participatory Environmental Impact Statement.
2. There will be no expansion of aquaculture operations into Placentia Bay until after an
Environmental Impact Review and the risk of adverse environmental effects are deemed
3. Ensure that all future finfish aquaculture undertakings are registered for Environmental
Assessment and that decisions are consistent with the aims, intent, and wording of the
Environment Protection Act and other relevant Acts.
4. Ensure that concerned individuals, groups, and communities have the knowledge and capacity
to participate effectively in environmental assessment process for proposed salmonid
aquaculture activities.

Goal 2: Reduce the environmental impacts of current open net pen operations through better
regulations, policies, and independent oversight and monitoring.


1. Conduct Independent, thorough, consultative, and evidence-based review of the environmental

impacts and regulatory framework of the NL finfish aquaculture industry (similar to the Doelle-
Lahey review recently conducted in Nova Scotia). The review should aim to develop a
comprehensive list of recommendations designed to strengthen policies and regulations that
govern the industry.
2. Review to include all aspects of aquaculture activities including but not limited to industry
wastes and fish mortalities, effluent from silage or fish meal plants and waste management
3. Use independent review findings and recommendations to modernize and strengthen the net
pen regulatory regime such that it meets or exceeds internationally accepted standards (such as
the Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certification).
4. Immediate establishment of Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Committee to provide input on all
issues related to aquaculture.
5. Develop and implement a comprehensive monitoring and reporting program to document the
impact of aquaculture operations on wild salmon stocks and surrounding environment in NL,
and disseminate information to the public in a transparent and timely manner. Develop and
implement a plan to address known impacts in a timely manner.
6. Ensure that relevant legislation such as the Marine Mammals Act and the Species At Risk Act
apply to all open net pen aquaculture operations.
7. Establish a scientific advisory committee on the environmental effects of aquaculture and
include the participation of stakeholders.

Goal 3: Explore more environmentally sustainable alternatives for future development of the finfish
aquaculture industry in NL.


1. Develop and implement a land-based and closed containment aquaculture pilot project
including its economic feasibility (as per provincial pre-election SCNL survey response by Liberal
Leader, Dwight Ball; and as supported by the Report of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and
Oceans - Wild Atlantic Salmon in Eastern Canada 2017 - Recommendation #16).
2. Develop and implement reasonable time lines for the industry to transition from open net pen
operations to closed containment operations (on land or other), and offer incentives for
industry to do so.

Goal 4: Ensure the aquaculture industry fully pays the environmental costs of their activities, and the
Province maximizes income through industry taxation and licence fees.


1. The province implement marine water lease fees on a scale with marine lease fees currently in place
in other jurisdictions such as Norway.
2. All companies, new and existing, are required to post bonds to be used for clean-up and
3. Freeze on government compensation for loss of fish that must be destroyed because of viral
infections, disease infestation, or death from natural causes (such as super chill, etc).
4. Implement stiff fines and penalties for all violators of regulations, including possibility of loss of
operating privileges for serious violations or repeat offenders.
5. Establish penalties for fish escapements
6. Mark all fish so that recaptured escapees can be identified to the site of origin.
7. The province should not enter into a conflict of interest by acting as regulator while holding
significant investment and/or ownership in aquaculture projects at the same time.

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