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Week 7- Controversy, The Hidden Messiah and The Least, Last & Lost

Part 1- Controversy & The Hidden Messiah

Read: Matthew 26, 27, 28; Mark 5, 6, 11, 13 (Disciple weeks 19 & 20)

Jesus came precisely to bring sinners, outcasts and alienated people into fellowship. This offended the
people around him (the Jewish leaders and those that sought to silence Jesus). He was radical and it
was catching on. He was teaching & leading, taking action and changing people.

1-Imagine Jesus looking at your community. What would he weep over? What would he change?

2- In what areas of your life does Jesus continue to threaten your (worldly) values; your lifestyle?

Mark emphasizes Jesus power, his mystery and his action. Mark also shows that the people didnt
understand until after the Crucifixion and Resurrection that Jesus was the hidden Messiah. Even the
disciples were slow to understand. The disciples that saw everything first hand!

In Mark 5:1-20 the demon's understand who it was that was there to drive them out. They were afraid.

3- Why is the fear of God important in our lives?

4-Do you think that sin and guilt can cause physical pain or emotional illness?

5-How have you observed Jesus power to forgive sins? (In your life/life of others)

6-In regards to Mark 13:32-36, how are you remaining watchful?

Part 2- The Least, Last & Lost
Luke 9:51-10; 12; 15; & 17

Samaritans- descendants of Israelites who, across the centuries, had intermarried with Gentiles. They
were discriminated against because they werent of pure Jewish blood.

Jews and Samaritans despised each other. Jews avoided going near them or through their lands
because of the animosity. Jesus loved the Samaritans. He loves everyone. He loves all. He rebuked his
disciples (Luke 9:51-56) for speaking against Samaritans. In Luke 10:29 Jesus begins explaining who
our neighbors are, and tells the story of the Good Samaritan (10:25-37).

7-Who are the social outcasts of today?

8-What are you going to do to include them?

If one of your answers to #8 was to give more, think about how you will give. Think of why you save
your money. Is it to retire? To buy more stuff? To be secure?Jesus challenges us to think BEYOND that.
Beyond earthbound goals and use what you have been given for Gods kingdom. Faith, service, and
obedience are the way to become rich.

9-When have you felt like the outcast? How did you overcome it?

In Luke 15 we learn that one lost sheep is of tremendous value. Every person on the planet is of
tremendous value to Him. We need to recognize this and treat others with value and respect. Treat
yourself with value and respect.

Luke 17 teaches about forgiveness and faith. It also warns us about leading others astray.

10-How have you been led astray? (past or recently)

11-After realizing you were led astray; led to sin, were you able to forgive?

In Luke 17:4-6 the disciples are asking for Jesus to increase their faith so that they can forgive like
Jesus. But Jesus didnt directly answer them. Instead He tells them about faith the size of a mustard
seed. Hes trying to explain to them that the amount of faith is not as important as its genuineness. The
amount of faith isnt as important as the right kind of faith; faith in our all powerful God. This faith can
uproot and destroy competing loyalties. We dont need more faith ,a tiny seed of faith is enough, if its

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