Week8 Theholyspiritatwork

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Week 8- The Holy Spirit at work

Part 1- The Lifegiver & Advocate (weeks 22 & 23 of Disciple)

Read: John 1:1-18; 3; 14-16 take notes as you go.

Physical death and physical life. Think of those two things for a minute. Now remember in
Genesis how the serpents mind only thought in the physical realm. But when Adam & Eve
died, they died inside. From guilt, shame, fear, loneliness and alienation.

When the Lifegiver comes, he brings life into the inside of a person, where meaninglessness
resides. Life is not a gift after death; life is a gift to the believer NOW.

1- In your own words, describe the life you have found in Jesus:

2- Suffering (yours or others) challenges the disciple to find opportunity. Opportunity to glorify
God. Where does such an opportunity exist for you right now?

The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, Counselor, Advocate. It is the Spirit of Truth, it helps us walk
the Way. In John 16:4-8 Jesus explains he must leave, but he will send the Advocate to them
(the disciples). Jesus tells them that the Advocate will prove the world wrong about sin,
righteousness and judgement. With the power of the Holy Spirit the disciples set out to spread
the Good NEws. With the Holy Spirit they have a confidence they didnt have before. They
sense the inner assurance of abundant, eternal life.

3- Do you have a sense of assurance? How would you describe this feeling?

4- Try to identify evidence of spiritual power in the life of another:

Part 2- Power of the Spirit
Read: Acts 1:1-11; 2; 5; & 9 take notes as you go.

In Acts 2 we see Peter, a man who had sworn he had never heard of Jesus during the trial, now
stand up in the main street of Jerusalem and preach. The power had come. The Holy Spirit was
working in Peter. Working in the disciples. People listened, gathered and were baptized. They
met daily in homes, studied, prayed and broke bread (Acts 2:42). Community, fellowship, caring,
kindness, sharing. The Spirit was workingday by day the Lord added to their numbers those
who were being saved (2:24).

5- How do you experience community and fellowship with other believers? (Inside & outside of

In Acts 5 Ananias & Sapphira were part of this new church. A new church that had literally and
personally experienced Christ. A church that was living out the Word. Ananias and Sapphira
knew Christ's teachings and still were not forthcoming. They lied and then they died. Pretty
shocking to our human minds.

6- Do you feel this was an extreme way to get a point across?

7- How does this demonstrate that ALL sin is offensive to a Holy God?

Acts 9 tells us the story of Saul-->Paul. His amazing conversion.

8- Why might Saul be the least likely candidate for mission work?

9- What negative characteristics in Paul became positives in his work as a missionary?

10-How are you using your negatives in a positive way for Christ?

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