Reading and Social Studies Teacher Feedback

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Peony (Muopyns) C * + FLION HISALS Cooperating Teacher Lesson Feedback Form: Note: A complete lesson plan should be provided by the teacher candidate prior to observation. ‘To be completed by the teacher candidate prior to observation ‘her: Roan \Yeeler Observer: (N\s SEG nder ES ALANS: 3 WT School: Worn gy Cam Grade: 5 1. What are your goals and objectives for this lesson? 5 oe ms TSPEGENTS wd OR WN TAG Hntiy Gwin NAYS Ond snape poem COS WOES Misty ~ eRe OS + ‘ohswer igniw lever Questions 2. What are some specific things you would like observed? AS “WLMaVIOY Man AGE ae = Qutstiea + A wy i Qt stiud + ANSWEVING Qorl hy , lone weeny ving cant mena AWE Studnr pyetery Jyaidane cucun. 4! Me) ; To be completed by the Observer: V W/E © iter ent [levels ¢ born Hyees 2 unte Oike Ves Pe; ere, 3. Strengths to continue to build on: v arnaney (sip vised y He ‘ E hare Funk" eause CUT oY Leintieirn expe V Greek avesnens (aetrer's pur pest, tone, mcd, ete ) V Creat lesson -réacting ter nfermeahion MEN Lents (e807 Le ed on ivterinwAe) learned Direzctens cn cecuel (Shiclest expretatre ns.) 4, Suggestions for future lessons: esi down! T. can #i you were nervous, byt you clicl Ane , just Slo down when dusussing, (enim lessen) on passage Ihe. [enucrage veading SHreckipe. OF URS bn tne. recut cur met “by prededy ~ventlrte, Wi -iwé tye nuts (seme Shitunts geané ma tnty ef me \ POI (LadAne iSStige) 31

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