Test Paper The Passive 7

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Form: the 7th (3rd year of study)

Date: March 2013

School: Andreesti
Teachers name: Wagner Sorina- Camelia
Pupils name:

I-Read the following text and underline the passives:

In the past, the hens were kept in the open farmyard during the day.
They were allowed to walk around freely and were given space to
scratch and to stretch their wings. At night they were put in hen houses.
Today most hens in Britain are locked up for twenty-four hours a day in
wire cages. (by Alan Marsh)
5x 0.2 puncte = 1 punct

II-Put the verbs in brackets into the passive form:

1) Olives__________in countries like Spain, Italy, Greece. (grow)
2) They____________to make olive oil and as a basic food. (use)
3) Grapes_____________in countries like Italy, Spain, Chile. (grow)
4) They______________to make wine and champagne. (use)
5) A lot of animals___________for their fur. (hunt)
6) Over thirty million hamburgers_______by the British each year.(eat)
6x 0,5 puncte= 3 puncte

III-Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice:

1) Everybody shocked/ was shocked by the terrible news.
2) A new book will publish/ will be published next year.
3) The prize will be given/ will give to whoever is the first.
4) That suit was bought/ bought by his wife.
4x 0,25 puncte= 1 punct

IV-Re-order the following sentences:

1) children/ brought/ The/ to/ bus/ by/ school/ are
2) in/ the/ written/ story/ English/ is
3) invited/ Susan/ to/ was/ talk/ gardening/ about
4) hens/ put/ are/ five/ cage/ one/ in
4x 0,25 puncte= 1 punct
V-Match the verbs on the left with the past participle:
Spend stung
Take won
Sell struck
Know taken
Sting forgotten
Choose spent
Forget seen
Strike chosen
See known
Win sold
10x 0,2 puncte= 2 puncte
VI-Choose the right form of the missing verb:
1) The rooms___________every morning.
a) are cleaned; b) clean; c) cleaned
2) Polar bears___________for their fur.
a) hunt; b) hunted; c) are hunted
3) In 1970 a huge avalanche_________by an earthquake.
a) started; b) is started; c) was started
4) Tomorrows meeting__________by an English teacher.
a) is going to be held; b) held; c) was held
4x 0,25 puncte= 1 punct

NOTA:*Se acorda 1 punct din oficiu.

Barem de corectare

I- were kept; were allowed; were given; were put; are locked
II- 1) are grown; 2) are used; 3) are grown; 4) are used; 5) are
hunted; 6) are eaten.
III- 1) was shocked; 2) will be published; 3)will be given; 4)was
IV- 1) The children are brought to school by bus.
2) The story is written in English.
3) Susan was invited to talk about gardening.
4) Five hens are put in one cage.
V- spend- spent; take- taken; sell- sold; know- known; sting-
Stung; choose- chosen; forget- forgotten; strike- struck; see-
Seen; win- won.
VI- 1)a; 2)c; 3)c; 4)a.


Elevii vor fi capabili:

O1: sa recunoasca verbele la diateza pasiva dintr-un text dat;
O2: sa completeze mesaje lacunare cu formele verbului la
O3: sa aleaga forma corecta a verbelor dintre mai multe
O4: sa ordoneze cuvintele intr-o propozitie pasiva;
O5: sa potriveasca verbele cu participial lor trecut.

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