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Harold Anderson

In 1325 the chichimecha tribe also known as the Aztecs migrated to mexicos central valley.
They settled in Tenochtitlan which would be their capital. The Aztec empire was divided into 500
city states. The Aztec civilization was ruled by a chief. The Aztec empire believed in multiple
gods such as Huitzilopochtli who the Aztecs believed was the sun god and the god of war and
Quetzalcoatl the feathered serpent. The Aztec also made human sacrifice. The Aztecs
developed a calendar based off of the cycle of 365 days with a ritual cycle of 260 days. The
Aztec empire had a market and on a good day 50,000 people would visit the market. The
market drove the Aztec economy. The Aztec social structure was a strict caste system. The top
was nobles and the lowest in the system were slaves or indentured servants.


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