Ability Can-Be Able To-Could: Possibility

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Can-be able to-could

Present tense
Can- am/is/are able to
I can swim.
I am able to swim.

I can push myself for LYS exam to go for better university.

She is able to / managed to show her vocabulary list from her book which they
are taught at the college.
She can show her vocabulary list from her book which they are taught at the
Can/ Am I able to I take away these coffees on the list ?
Yesterday, I watched a documentary about plants. I learnt a lot of things.One of
them is from one tree can be produced many pencils.( general truth-ability)
An earthquake can destroy everyones life. Do you remember 17th August
earthquake? Many people died.
If you do exercise one hour a day, you keep yourself fit.

I was able to swim when I was young but now I cant swim.
I could swim when I was young but now I am able to swim.

I will be able to speak English after B2 level.

Every personnel/staff can come at 12 oclock.(Present)
They are able to come at 12 oclock.(Present)

Every personnel could come at 12 oclock yesterday.(Past)

They were able to come at 12 oclock yesterday.(Past)

Aye is at home. %100
Aye must be at home now she told me on the phone.%90
Aye may/might/could be at home.%40
Aye cant be at home because she told me she might go to Spa.%90
Aye is not at home. %100

May I open the window?/May I have a glass of water?
Could you bring me my glasses?Could I have a glass of water?
Will/Shall you bring me my shoes?/Will you take me to school?
Would you plant trees in my garden?

Must-Have to- Need to-obliged to
We musnt use our mobile phones during the class.(School Rule)
We must stop at the red light in the traffic. (Traffic Rule)
We are obliged to wear uniform at school.

I have to/ need to take my umbrella with me because the rain is coming.
Aye has to/ needs to work more because her daughters are university students.
I dont need to work late,
I didnt need to work late when I was young.

Should ought to- must-had better
I should/ought to%40 /must %70 stay at home because plumber will come to fix
our tap.
I should not / I ought not to
You had better study , otherwise you will fail.

May-can-Could-be allowed to
You are allowed to be out till 12 oclock.
May/Could/Can I go out? I need to answer my phone.

Shall we-Why dont we- Lets
Shall we join the speaking Club at the college?
Why dont we join the speaking Club at the college?
Lets join the speaking Club at the college.

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