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English Grammar and Exercises for ESL learners.



To express a regret about the present, we use wish + the past simple :

I don't play the piano. I wish I played the piano.

Pedro doesn't speak English. Pedro wishes he spoke English.

When 'wish' if followed by the verb 'to be', 'were' is used instead of 'was':

I don't have a lot of money. I wish I were (not was) rich.

I'm not very tall. I wish I were taller.

To express a regret about the past, we use wish + the past perfect :

Julie lost her umbrella yesterday. Julie wishes she hadn't lost her

Alex didn't revise his grammar. Alex wishes he had revised his grammar.

To express a desire to change something, we use wish + would :

The children are making a lot of noise. I wish they would stop making

The weather is awful. I wish the weather would improve.

NOTE : I wish can be replaced with if only which carries more emphasis.
If only you had told me in time! = I wish you had told me in time.

IF :

After if, we often use were instead of was, especially in a formal style where it is
considered more correct.

If I were rich, I would travel all over the world.

If he were a better manager, the company would be more successful.

We use the structure "if I were you " + would to give advice

If I were you I would take English lessons.

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