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Lesson Title/ Focus: Fundamental Freedoms

Grade Level: Grade 9

Unit: Chapter 3
Date: March 24, 2017
Time Duration: 8:50-9:35 (45min)
Teacher: Mark Argyle

General Learning Outcomes:

1. GLO 9.1: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of

how Canadas political processes impact citizenship and identity in an
attempt to meet the needs of all Canadians.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

1. SLO - 9.1.1 appreciate the impact of the Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms on rights and governance in Canada
2. SLO 9.1. 6 assess, critically, the impact of the Canadian Charter of Rights
and Freedoms on the process in Canada by exploring and reflecting upon the
following questions and issues

Learning Objectives:
Students will:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the freedom of choice we have in Canada.

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental freedoms we have under
the law.

Key Questions:

1. Do students understand the rights we are granted under the Charter?

2. Do students understand the difference between fundamental rights and
granted rights?


1. Formative: Discussion
2. Formative: Team based Charter Questions and responses.


Social Studies 9 Program of Study

Social Studies 9 Textbook
SD51 Social Studies Resources


1. Introduction (7min):
Direct Instruction:
Do: Take attendance to bring attention to the class.
Do: Play the weekly wrap-up of Flowcabulary
Say: So weve been talking about the Charter and the finer details of it. Today
we are going to quickly talk about fundamental freedoms and then have a
competition in groups of two, about implementing the Charter in specific
situations. Sound good?
Ask: Any questions?

2. Body (35min):
Learning Activity #1 (10min):
Direct Instruction:
Say: Yesterday I could see a couple issues with the concept of fundamental
freedoms, so I thought wed take a few minutes to address what they actually
are before we start the competition.
Do: Start FF PowerPoint. Go through each of the larger freedoms and possible
Ask: Any questions about fundamental freedoms?
Say: Ok cool, I just wanted to go over these fundamental freedoms, to clear
up any issues from yesterday.

Learning Activity #2 (25min):

Self Guided instruction:
Do: Pair the students off and have them get their books out so they have a
copy of the charter.
Say: Each of the situations (1-17) and have students compete to find the
answer fastest and come and write it on the board.
Say: Ok great job guys, Im glad we are showing our understanding,
considering the test for this chapter is next Thursday.

Closure (3min):
Direct Instruction:
Say: Ok like I said the test for this chapter is on Thursday, and we will be
starting a writing assignment on Monday and working on it Monday and
Tuesday, then well have a review class and source analysis assignment on
Wednesday and the test is Thursday.
Ask: So we covered fundamental freedoms and the implementation of the
Charter in certain situations. Are there any questions regarding what was
covered today?
Say: Ok excellent work today, enjoy your weekends.

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