Lci Lesson 9 Grade 11

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Lesson Title/ Focus: Nationalism as Violence

Grade Level: Grade 11

Unit: Related Issue 2 To What Extent Should National Interests Be
Date: March 20th, 2017
Time Duration: 8:00-9:12 (72 min)
Teacher: Mark Argyle

General Learning Outcomes:

1. 2 - Students will assess impacts of nationalism, ultranationalism and the

pursuit of national interest.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

1. 2.3 appreciate multiple perspectives related to the pursuit of national interest

2. 2.5 analyze how the pursuit of national interest shapes foreign policy

Learning Objectives:
Students will:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of how passion and nationalism can lead to

2. Demonstrate an understanding of how violence has been used to perpetuate
a cause.
3. Demonstrate and understanding that peoples passion can override their

Key Questions:

1. Are students participating in discussion respectfully and thoughtfully?

2. Do students understand the material being presented?
3. Can students understand the connection between passion and nationalism?


1. Formative: Class discussion and whole group questions.

2. Formative: Prompted questions from the video clips.
3. Exit Slip: Leader of the World


1. Social Studies Program of Studies.

2. SD51 Resource folder.
3. PowerPoint
4. YouTube Video: (2min
5. YouTube Video: (10min

1 Introduction (15min):
Direct Instruction:
Ask: So how was everyones weekend?
Ask: So current events? What happened in the world over the long weekend?
Do: Proceed with the Current Events activity.
Say: Ok so we finished chapters 3 and 4 and Ill hand back your tests and
bundles back near the end of class.
Say: We are moving into the concepts of violent nationalism and the term
ultranationalism. So we are going to start off by talking about how passion
can breed violence and hatred; and that overarching theme is what is going
to lead us through the upcoming chapters. But what we will be introducing
today is the idea of debates and debating a particular side; the examples I
have are extreme and at times violent but they hold the basic principle of
debating and argumentation, which sets us up for the rest of the week.

2 Body (50 min)

Learning Activity #1(35min):

Guided Instruction and discussion:
Ask: Is nationalism violent? What type of nationalism appears to be the most
violent in our world today?
Say: People always tell you, you need to be passionate about something. Ask:
Can you become too passionate? Ask: Where do you draw the line? Say:
Discuss with your table groups.
Ask: What did your group think?
Ask: Who has been in love? Who has ever gone through a breakup? When
would our passion become too much?
Do: Talk about my own passions. I.e. Teaching
Ask: What are you guys passionate about?
Say: Well we are going to look at sports, culture, religion, and war as
elements of nationalism.
Ask: Who has a favorite sports team. (Manaj - FC Barcelona) Ever seen
someone lose their minds as they watch sports? Do peoples passion for their
team override their sense of humanity? How much passion is TOO much
Ask: What about school sports rivalries. Are they bad?
Ask: Would you be willing to kill for your team? Is sport modern day warfare?
Say: Soccer or football has been notoriously violent. Ask: What about others?
Do: Play Vancouver Hockey Riot 2011 video.
Ask: So is that too much passion?
Say: We are going to discuss religion, please remember that religion is a
touchy subject as many people are protective of their religious beliefs, and so
be respectful in your comments.
Say: There have been many conflicts throughout history that have had a
religious cause in the modern day. Ireland (Catholic vs. Protestant) and
Yugoslavia (Christian vs. Muslim). In the UK there is animosity between the
English Defense League and an extremist Muslim group. When we watch this
clip from ABC news, I want you to be thinking; What loyalties are we
seeing? and Can these issues be resolved?.
Learning Activity #2(15min)
Group/ Table Discussions:
Say: As a group I want you guys to ask each other these questions.
Ask: Does sport and/or religion breed violence/opposition? How can these
issues be resolved?
Say: So now on your own but with those things in mind I want you to take out
a piece of paper and tell me, if you were in charge of the whole planet, what
you would propose as a possible solution.

Closure (7min):
Guided Instruction:
Do: Bring the attention to the whole group.
Ask: So does anyone want to share their possible solution?
Say: Ok so we started to look at violent nationalism and how passion can
beget violence. How sports, religion, and culture can lead to serious conflict.
Ask: Is there any questions regarding those topics?
Say: For tomorrow be thinking about groups and possible topics your guys
would like to perhaps debate each other on.
Do: Hand back tests and bundles.
Say: Alright have a good rest of your day.

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