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MorphoKit Software Development Kit


Customer features

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Morpho September 2010

No known incompatibility with previous MorphoKit 4.0.x versions.

New Integrated Package

Updated MorphoSmart drivers (

Updated MorphoSmart firmware (09.02.c)

New features

Compatibility with Windows 7 (32 & 64 bits platforms)

Live quality threshold
AcquisitionComponent displays final quality score before closing window
New parameter for finger positioning

Compatibility with Windows 7

MorphoKit 4.0.4 has been validated under Windows 7 Operating System (32 & 64 bits).
Note that this compatibility has been also confirmed for previous 4.0.3 release.

Live quality threshold

Unlike MorphoKit 3.x and since MorphoKit 4.0.0, live quality threshold setting was not available.
MorphoKit now provides a live quality threshold that can be adjusted (using a slider in the case
of the AcquisitionComponent) in order to allow the acquisition of difficult fingers. This feature is
dedicated to skilled operators who master the enrollment process.

AcquisitionComponent displays final quality score before closing

AcquisitionComponent now allows the developer to display the final quality score in the quality
bar-graph before closing the acquisition window.

New parameter for finger positioning

By default, MorphoKit asks the end-user to place his finger tip on top of the acquisition window.
With MorphoKit 4.0.4, a new parameter is introduced: it is now possible to keep this standard
behavior or be less strict in terms of placement. This is particularly useful when MorphoSmart
device is integrated to perform capture in two directions (e.g. case of a CBM module integrated in
a turnstile used to enter and get out).

Notable Improvements
German translation added (AcquisitionComponent)
Documentation improvements (especially Coders and native C++ interface
Sagem Scurit becomes Morpho.

Known problems

Previous versions :

MorphoKit 4.0.3 ----------- Release Version

Add consolidated acquisition support for standard formats;
Add conversion between standard formats;
Add CBEFF format support;
Improved documentation, particularly the first steps for MorphoKit use;
New documentation for ActiveMKit_Enroll.dll (ActiveX interface);
Corrected samples for compiling out-of-the-box after installation;
Bug fixes in acquisition and mfcacq samples;
Live image display can be disabled;
Bug fix in the MSO firmware version detection, firmware 09.00c is now accepted;
Provides Windows Vista .reg files for COM interop registration;
ActiveX interface has been completed to offer more of the native MorphoKit
Italian translation added.
MorphoKit 4.0.2 ----------- Release Version
Fix IDENT* licenses checking (identification against biometric database larger than 5000

MorphoKit 4.0.1 ----------- Release Version

Modified matching score after consolidated acquisition,
Fix composite quality calculation.

MorphoKit 4.0.0 ----------- Release Version

Dropped MSO100, MorphoTouch and Matrox scanners support,
Classification no more supported,
New C/C++ and native .NET interfaces,
Finger detection in MSO,
BioAPI 1.1 interface support,
Licence simplification and new license management with Sagem Scurit License
Thread safe.

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