Oral Reading Comprehension2

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Preschool- Grade 5
Great for Reading Specialists, Special Educa6on Teachers,
Language Specialists, ESL/ELL Teachers, and All Grade
Levels of Classroom Teachers!

Increase oral reading skills, while
fostering coopera6ve learning and
comprehension skills!
Oral Reading
Spinner Activity

I Read,
You Read

Page by Page
my Echo
Paragraph Read
by Paragraph &
Oral Reading
Spinner Activity

I Read,
You Read

Page by Page
my Echo

Paragraph Read
by Paragraph
Oral Reading
Spinner Activity

q I just read
q I just heard you read
q I liked the part when
q I did not like...
q I was confused when
q I would change the part when
q Our books are the same because
q I picture/imagine

Oral Reading Spinner Ac6vity and Printable

Grade Levels: Kindergarten- Fi3h Grade

How it works:
The Oral Reading Spinner is an interac3ve, self-monitoring devise to help build oral reading uency
and comprehension. While you are working on a specic skill in small group or working one-on-
one with a child, the rest of the class can read independently with a partner using various Oral
Reading Tasks.

This engaging spinner will help increase oral uency and comprehension and aligns with the new
Reading, Speaking and Listening Common Core Standards. It is very adaptable to numerous grade
levels. You are given an intermediate spinner. Students will build condence in reading, speaking,
and listening amidst a safe community of learners. The Intermediate Oral Reading Spinner is
available for purchase for your older students, as well as your higher readers.

Primary Oral Reading Tasks (I Read, You Read, Choral Reading, Page-by-Page, Paragraph-by-
Paragraph, and Echo, my Echo) and Intermediate Oral Reading Tasks (Page-by-Page, Paragraph-
by-Paragraph, Echo, my Echo, and Take on a Character) oer a variety of oral reading
opportuni3es to keep the partner reading session focused and longer in dura3on.

Reading, Speaking and Listening Common Core Connec6on:
Increase range of reading skills
Build background knowledge
Steadily increase text complexity
Enhance oral language and vocabulary
Recall details on a topic- speaking clearly at an understandable pace
Increase listening and social skills

If you like the flower spinner for primary grades, youll love the surfboard spinner for your older students. The
Oral Reading Spinner Package includes the Primary (flower) and Intermediate (surfboard) Oral Reading
Spinners. A black-line master is also included in the Oral Reading Spinner Package
for black and white printing.

Materials and Prepara<on:

1. Copy a class set of spinners. You may want to copy the two types (primary and
intermediate) to dieren6ate learning. Copy the spinners on card stock (two- sided).
One side has the direc6ons for reading with a partner (Fluency Tasks) and the
opposite side Checks for Understanding (comprehension).

2. Laminate the spinners, so that they can be reused again and again. Students may
use a white erase marker to check the boxes for accountability. You may also use a
paper clip or clothespin to track the Oral Reading Tasks. Ax a cute bumblebee or
buXery s6cker to the primary clothes spin. Ax a sh or shark s6cker to the
sur[oard clothes pin.

Lesson Plan:
1. Teach each Oral Reading Task on the spinner (see aXached poster). Model how
to do each task as a whole group. For this whole group lesson, use the same book,
ar6cle, or poem. Students will turn to a partner and prac6ce the Oral Reading
Task you taught in the lesson. Make sure that each Oral Reading Task is mastered
before teaching the next task on the spinner.

1. Teach comprehension strategies and vocabulary. Make sure that you model
how to answer the comprehension prompts as a whole group. This skill is
reinforced on the back of the spinner- Check for Understanding. Review the
reading skills-theme, point of view, and authors purpose for students in the
intermediate grades.

2. Selec6ng Texts: Students/teachers choose a book, ar6cle, or poem at the
correct level of text complexity. Check out this website (hXps://lexile.com and
hXp ://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_A.pdf ) to ensure that you and/
or the student are choosing appropriate books, ar6cles, and poems.

3. Selec6ng a Partner: Students and/or the teacher need to select a partner.
Partners can be at the same reading level or at two dierent levels. Studies have
shown that pairing two struggling readers together should be avoided because
they tend to get o task and are unable to correct one another eec6vely
(Meisinger, Schwanenugel, Bradley, & Stahl, 2004). When doing the Check for
Understanding prompts on the back of the spinner, they will report to each other
using the prompts.

4. Model how to read with a partner eec6vely. Students sit close to one
another- knee to knee. Designate an area in the classroom for partner reading.
Prac6ce partner reading as a whole group and reward students for staying on task,
working quietly, and comple6ng and marking (with a dry erase pen, paperclip, or
clothespin) tasks that are completed on the spinner. Avoid having students hide
behind shelves and under tables.

5. Students will use the spinner to monitor their reading. Using a paper clip or
clothespin, students will move the paperclip or clothespin next to each sec6on as
they complete each Oral Reading Task. Students may also check o the
comprehension prompts on the back of the spinner. The teacher will decide how
many tasks or prompts need to be completed.

Source: University of Georgia Development of Reading Fluency Project

Special Thanks:
Oral Reading
Spinner Activity

Choral Read
Read the same paragraph
or page at the same time
with a partner.

Page by Page
You read one page from your book.
Your partner reads the next page.
Take turns reading each page.

Paragraph by Paragraph
You read one paragraph from

I would like to thank my husband for

your book. Then your partner
reads one paragraph.

Take on a Character

his help with this new endeavor.

You choose to read the
dialogue of one character
and your partner reads the
dialogue of a different character.
Take turns reading the text.

Echo, my Echo
You read one paragraph
or page and your partner
reads the same paragraph
or page again.

If you like the flower spinner for primary grades, youll love the
surfboard spinner for your older students. The Oral Reading Spinner
Package includes the Primary (flower) and Intermediate (surfboard)
Oral Reading Spinners. A black-line master is also included in the Oral
Reading Spinner Package for black and white printing.

Common Core Aligned items also available from Apple4Adrey:


+ +

? ?

Literacy Card Game ELA Weekly Assignment Log

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