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100 Farmland Ave

PO Box 2247
Merced, CA 95340
(209) 384-5500

February 6, 2017

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter of recommendation in regard to Julie Sin. Julie has worked as a
student mentor in El Capitan High Schools Link Crew program during the 2015-2016 and
2016-2017 school years. As the Link Adviser for our campus, I have had a chance to witness Julies
character and work ethic. She is an excellent example of character at our school and a fantastic
mentor/leader for our underclassmen.
Julies work ethic is effective and efficient. Most importantly (in my opinion), Julie is
willing to ask questions when she is unsure of the requirements being asked of her. In my
experience, the humility and wisdom to ask questions is a tell-tale sign of a wise individual. Julie is
also willing to help others around her who may not understand a particular detail or task. She is a
very intelligent young woman and valuable team member.
In my time with Julie, she has proven her character to be very responsible and reliable. She
is always prepared and ready to take on the days tasks. Thanks to her strong character, Julie is and
will be a hard-working, successful, problem solver. Her goals of medical school and pediatric work
are realistic and I look forward to seeing her match her ambitions with achievement.
An investment in Julies education is a worthy investment in the communities which will
benefit from her involvement in the future. I emphatically recommend Julie Sin for any scholarship
to which she may apply.


Derek Price
Social Science Teacher

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