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Operation Blue Star

Operation Blue Star was an Indian military opera-

tion on 38 June 1984, ordered by Prime Minister
Indira Gandhi[10] in order to establish control[11] over the
Harmandir Sahib Complex in Amritsar, Punjab and re-
move Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and his armed follow-
ers from the complex buildings. Bhindranwale had ear-
lier taken residence in Harmandir Sahib and made it his
headquarters in April 1980.
The operation had two components: Operation Metal,
conned to the Harmandir Sahib complex, and Opera-
tion Shop, which raided the Punjabi countryside to cap-
ture any suspects.[12] Following it, Operation Woodrose
was launched in the Punjab countryside where devout Sri Harmandir Sahib at night
Sikhs, specically those carrying a kirpan or wearing a
saron turban,[13] were now targeted.[14][15] The opera-
tion was carried out by Indian Army troops with tanks, 1 Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale in
artillery, helicopters, and armored vehicles, and chemi-
cal weapons.[16][17][18] Casualty gures of Operation Blue Harmandir Sahib
Star given by Kuldip Singh Brar put the number of deaths
among the Indian army at 83 and injuries at 220.[19] The main political aim for Jarnail Singh Bhinderan-
According to the ocial estimate presented by the In- wale and the revolutionaries he was associated with
dian Government, 492 civilians were killed,[20][21] though during June 1984 was to pass the Anandpur Resolu-
some independent claims run to 5,000 or higher.[9] tion[26][27][28] and not explicitly or solely for a sepa-
In addition, the CBI is considered responsible for seiz- rate country of Khalistan[29][30] as Indian media often
ing historical artifacts and manuscripts in the Sikh Ref- heavily reported.[31][32] Throughout his career Jarnail
erence Library, before burning it down.[22] The military Singh Bhindranwale remained in contact with Indira
action led to an uproar amongst Sikhs worldwide and the Gandhi.[33][34] Bhindranwale had earlier taken residence
increased tension following the action led to assaults on in Harmandir Sahib and made it his headquarters in
members of the Sikh community within India. Many April 1980, when he was accused of the assassination
Sikh soldiers in the Indian army mutinied, many Sikhs of Nirankari Gurbachan Singh.[35] The Nirankari Baba,
resigned from armed and civil administrative oce and also known as Baba Gurbachan, had been the target of an
several returned awards and honours they had received attack by followers of Bhindranwale, outside Harmandir
from the Indian government.[23] Sahib. On 13 April 1978, Nirankaris Baba Gurbachan
is alleged to have ridiculed 10th Guru Gobind Singh in a
Four months after the operation, on 31 October 1984,
Nirankari Convention held in Amritsar. This prompted
Indira Gandhi was assassinated by Satwant Singh and
Akhand Kirtani Jatha to lead a protest against the Baba
Beant Singh, two of her Sikh bodyguards, in what is
Gurbachan. Both sides clashed with each other and in
viewed as an act of vengeance. Subsequently, more than
the ensuing violence, several people were killed: two of
3,000 Sikhs were killed in the ensuing anti-Sikh riots.[24]
Bhindranwale's followers, eleven members of the Akhand
Within the Sikh community itself, Operation Blue Star
Kirtani Jatha and three Nirankaris.[36]
has taken on considerable historical signicance and is
often compared to what Sikhs call 'the great massacre' by In 1982, Bhindranwale and approximately 600 armed fol-
the Afghan invader Ahmad Shah Durrani, the Sikh holo- lowers moved into a guest-house called the Guru Nanak
caust of 1762.[25] Niwas, in the precinct of Harmandir Sahib.[37] From here
he met and was interviewed by international television
By 1983, Harmandir Sahib became a fort for a large num-
ber of militants.[38] On 23 April 1983, the Punjab Police
Deputy Inspector General A. S. Atwal was shot dead as he
left the Harmandir Sahib compound. The following day,


after the murder, Harchand Singh Longowal (then presi- the Golden Temple.[44] Lt. Gen. Sinha advised against
dent of Shiromani Akali Dal) conrmed the involvement any such move, given its sacrilegious nature according to
of Bhindranwale in the murder.[39] Sikh tradition. He suggested the government adopt an
Harmandir Sahib compound and some of the surrounding alternative solution. A controversial decision was made
houses were fortied. The Statesman reported on 4 July to replace him with General Arun Shridhar Vaidya as the
that light machine-guns and semi-automatic ries were Chief of the Indian army. General Vaidya, assisted by Lt.
known to have been brought into the compound.[40] Faced Gen. K Sundarji as Vice-Chief,
planned and coordinated
with imminent army action and with the foremost Sikh Operation Blue Star.
political organisation, Shiromani Akali Dal (headed by On 3 June, a 36-hour curfew was imposed on the state
Harchand Singh Longowal), abandoning him, Bhindran- of Punjab with all methods of communication and public
wale declared This bird is alone. There are many hunters travel suspended.[45] Electricity supplies were also inter-
after it.[41] rupted, creating a total blackout and cutting o the state
Time magazine described Amritsar in November 1983: from the rest of India and the world. [46] Complete cen-
These days it more closely resembles a city of death. sorship was enforced on the news media.
Inside the temple compound, violent Sikh fanatics wield The Indian Army stormed Harmandir Sahib on the night
submachine guns, resisting arrest by government security of 5 June under the command of Kuldip Singh Brar. The
forces. Outside, the security men keep a nervous vigil, forces had full control of Harmandir Sahib by the morn-
all too aware that the bodies of murdered comrades often ing of 7 June. There were casualties among the army,
turn up in the warren of tiny streets around the shrine.[42] civilians, and militants. Sikh leaders Bhindranwale and
On 15 December 1983, Bhindranwale was forced to Shabeg Singh were killed in the operation.
move out of Guru Nanak Niwas house by members of
the Babbar Khalsa who acted with Harcharan Singh Lon-
gowal's support. Longowal by now feared for his own
2.1 June 1st 1984
At 1240 hrs the CRPF and BSF started ring at Guru
Ram Das Langar building. The Border Security Force
and the Central Reserve Police Force, under orders of the
2 The Operation Army, started ring upon the Complex, in which at least
8 people died.[48]

2.2 June 2nd 1984

The Indian army had already sealed the international bor-

der from Kashmir to Ganga Nagar, Rajasthan. At least
seven divisions of army were deployed in villages of Pun-
jab. By the nightfall media and the press were gagged;
the rail, road and air services in Punjab were suspended.
Foreigners and NRIs entry was also banned. General
Gauri Shankar was appointed as the Security Advisor to
the Governor of Punjab. The water and electricity supply
was cut o.[49][50][51]

The Indian Army used seven Vijayanta Tanks during the 2.3 June 3rd 1984
A complete curfew was observed with the army and para-
According to the Indian government, Operation Blue Star
military patrolling the whole Punjab. The army sealed o
was launched to eliminate Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale
all routes of ingress and exit around the temple complex.
and his followers who had sought cover in the Amritsar
Harmandir Sahib Complex. The armed Sikhs within the
Harmandir Sahib were led by Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale 2.4 June 4th 1984
and former Maj. Gen.Shabeg Singh. Lt. Gen. Kuldip
Singh Brar had command of the action, operating under The army started bombarding the historic Ramgarhia
Gen. Sundarji. Bungas, the water tank, and other fortied positions. The
Indira Gandhi rst asked Lt. Gen. S. K. Sinha, then Vice- army used Ordnance QF 25 pounder and destroyed the
Chief of Indian Army and selected to become the next outer defences laid by General Shabeg Singh. The army
Army chief, to prepare a position paper for assault on then placed tanks and APCs on the road separating the
2.6 June 6th 1984 3

Guru Nanak niwas building. About 100 died in pitched instructions not to re at Harmandir Sahib, the sanctum
battles.[52] sanctorum, and instead told to focus on Akal Takth.
The army helicopters spotted the massive movements, An initial attempt by the commandos to gain a foothold
and General K. Sunderji sent tanks and APCs to meet at Darshani Deori failed as they came under devastating
them. Hundreds or thousands of Sikhs were killed at the re, after which several further attempts were made with
rendezvous.[53] varying degrees of success. Eventually, other teams man-
aged to reach Darshani Deori, a building north of the Nis-
The artillery and small arms ring stopped for a while,
and Gurcharan Singh Tohra, former head of SGPC was han Sahib, and started to re at the Akal Takth and a red
sent to negotiate with Bindrawale, however, he was un- building towards its left, so that the SFF troops could get
successful. The ring resumed again. closer to the Darshani Deori and re gas canisters at Akal
Takth. The canisters bounced o the building and af-
fected the troops instead.
2.5 June 5th 1984 Meanwhile, 26 Madras and 9 Garhwal Ries (reserve
troops) had come under heavy re from the Langar
In the morning, shelling started on the building inside the rooftop, Guru Ramdas Serai and the buildings in the
Harmandir Sahib complex.[54] The 9th division launched vicinity. Moreover, they took a lot of time in forcing open
a frontal attack on the Akal Takht, although it was unable the heavy Southern Gate, which had to be shot open with
to secure the building. tank re. This delay caused a lot a of casualties among
the Indian troops ghting inside the complex. Three tanks
and an APC had entered the complex.
2.5.1 1900 hrs Crawling was impossible as Shabeg Singh had placed
light machine guns nine or ten inches above the ground.
The BSF and CRPF attacked Hotel Temple View and The attempt caused many casualties among the Indian
Brahm Boota Akhara respectively on the southwest troops. A third attempt to gain the Pool was made by
fringes of the complex. By 2200 hours both the struc- a squad of 200 troops from both the commandos and the
tures were under their control.[55] The Army simultane- Guards. On the southern side, the Madras and Garhwal
ously attacked various other gurdwaras. Sources mention battalions were not able to make it to the pavement around
either 42 or 74 locations.[52] the pool because they were engaged by positions on the
southern side.

2.5.2 22000730 hrs Despite the mounting casualties, General Sunderji or-
dered a fourth assault by the commandos. This time, the
Madras battalion was reinforced with two more compa-
Late in the evening, the generals decided to launch a si-
nies of the 7th Garhwal Ries under the command of
multaneous attack from three sides. 10 Guards, 1 Para
General K S Brar. However, the Madras and Garhwal
Commandos and Special Frontier Force (SFF) would at-
troops under Brigadier A K Diwan once again failed to
tack from the main entrance of the complex, and 26
move towards the parikarma (the pavement around the
Madras and 9 Kumaon battalions from the hostel com-
plex side entrance from the south. The objective of the
10 Guards was to secure the northern wing of the Temple Brigadier Diwan reported heavy casualties and requested
complex and draw attention away from SFF who were to more reinforcements. General Brar sent two companies
secure the western wing of the complex and 1 Para Com- of 15 Kumaon Regiment. This resulted in yet more heavy
mandos who were to gain a foothold in Akal Takht and in casualties, forcing Brigadier Diwan to request tank sup-
Harmandir Sahab, with the help of divers. 26 Madras was port. As the APC inched closer to the Akal Takth it was
tasked with securing the southern and the eastern com- hit with an anti tank RPG, which immediately immobi-
plexes, and the 9 Kumaon regiment with SGPC building lized it. Brar also requested tank support. The tanks re-
and Guru Ramdas Serai. 12 Bihar was charged with pro- ceived the clearance to re their main guns (105 mm high
viding a cordon and re support to the other regiments by explosive Squash Head shells) only at around 7.30 am.[57]
neutralising enemy positions under their observance.[56]
As the troops entered the temple from the Northern en-
trance, they were gunned down by light machine-gun re
from both sides of the steps. The few commandos who
did get down the steps were driven back by a barrage of
2.6 June 6th 1984
re from the building on the south side of the sacred pool,
and thus they failed to reach the pavement around the Vijayanta tanks shelled and destroyed the Akal Takhat.
Sacred Pool. The commandos and SFF inched pillar by A group trying to escape was mowed down by machine
pillar to reach the western wing where they came under gun re. The resistance continued from the neighbouring
re from Harmandir Sahib itself. They were under strict structures of the Akal Takhat.

2.7 June 7th 1984 national capital Delhi but also in other major cities in
North India, led to major divisions between the Sikh
The army gained eective control of the Harmandir Sahib community and the Indian Government. The army with-
complex. drew from Harmandir Sahib later in 1984 under pressure
from Sikh demands.[69]

2.8 June 810, 1984 General Arun Shridhar Vaidya, the Chief of Army Sta
at the time of Operation Blue Star, was assassinated in
The Army fought about four militant Sikhs holed up in 1986 in Pune by two Sikhs, Harjinder Singh Jinda and
basement of a tower. A colonel of the commandos was Sukhdev Singh Sukha. Both were sentenced to death, and
shot dead by an LMG burst while trying to force his way hanged on 7 October 1992.
into the basement. By the afternoon of 10 June, the entire Sikh revolutionaries continued to use and occupy the tem-
operation was completed. ple compound and on 1 May 1986, Indian paramilitary
police entered the temple and arrested 200 revolution-
aries that had occupied Harmandir Sahib for more than
3 Casualties three months.[70] On 2 May 1986 the paramilitary police
undertook a 12-hour operation to take control of Har-
mandir Sahib at Amritsar from several hundred revolu-
The Army placed total casualties at:[8]
tionaries, but almost all the major radical leaders man-
aged to escape.[71] In June 1990, the Indian government
Civilians: 493 dead ordered the area surrounding the temple to be vacated by
Military: 136 killed and 220 wounded. local residents in order to prevent revolutionaries activity
around the temple.[72]
Unocial casualty gures were much higher;[58] some
suggest that civilian casualties numbered 20,000.[59]
Mark Tully and Satish Jacob mention the use of tanks by
5 Criticisms
the army at the Sultanwind area over the civilian Sikhs
marching towards Amritsar.[60] The use of artillery in the congested inner city of Amritsar
proved deadly to many civilian bystanders living near
According to the independent sources, the number of
[61] Harmandir Sahib. The media blackout throughout the
military personnel was at least 700. In one of his
Punjab resulted in widespread doubt regarding the of-
speeches, Rajiv Gandhi, the former prime minister of In-
cial stories and aided the promotion of hearsay and
dia, admitted to have lost more than 700 soldiers in this
[62] rumour.[73] The operation is criticised on four main
operation. CNN-IBN, on the 25th death anniversary
grounds: the choice of time of attack by Government,
of Indira Gandhi, i.e. 31 October 2009, reported to have
[63] the heavy casualties, the loss of property, and allegations
lost 365 commandos. Apart from this, an unspecied
of human rights violations by Army personnel.
number of soldiers were reported killed during the ght-
ing at 38 other gurdwaras in Punjab. Strong resistance In addition, Indira Gandhi has been accused of using the
was reported at Muktsar and Moga.[64] On top of this, attack for political ends. Dr. Harjinder Singh Dilgeer
more Indian army personnel would have perished during stated that Indira Gandhi attacked the Harmandir Sahib
mutinies by Sikh soldiers at dierent military locations complex to present herself as a great hero in order to win
across India.[64] forthcoming elections.[74]

4 Aftermath 5.1 Last resort

S. K. Sinha, the GOC of the Indian Army who was sacked

Main articles: Assassination of Indira Gandhi and 1984 just before the attack, had advised the government against
anti-Sikh riots the operation.[75] He later criticized the Governments
claim that the attack represented a last resort.[76] He
At least 4000 Sikh soldiers mutinied at dierent lo- also stated that the operation would have been conducted
cations in India in protest, with some reports of large- in an entirely dierent manner if he had planned it.[77]
scale pitched battles being fought to bring mutineers un- He also pointed out that a few days before the operation,
der control.[66] the Home Minister had announced that the troops would
The operation also led to the assassination of Prime Min- not be sent to Harmandir Sahib.,[77] but the operation
ister Indira Gandhi on 31 October 1984 by two of her seems to have been in plans much earlier. The General
Sikh bodyguards,[67][68] triggering the 1984 anti-Sikh ri- has alleged that the army had been rehearsing the opera-
ots. The widespread killing of Sikhs, principally in the tion in a replica of Harmandir Sahib at a secret location
5.4 Human rights 5

near Chakrata Cantonment in the Doon Valley.[78][79] among security forces were attributed to the presence of
such sophisticated weapons as medium machine guns and
rockets in the militants arsenal.[88]
5.2 Timing Mr. Chellaney also reported that several suspected Sikh
militants had been shot with their hands tied.[89] The dis-
The timing of Operation Blue Star coincided with a Sikh patch, after its rst paragraph reference to several such
religious day, the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev, the deaths, specied later that eight to 10 men had been
founder of the Harmandir Sahib. Sikhs from all over shot in that fashion.[90] In that dispatch, Mr. Chellaney in-
the world visit the temple on this day. Many Sikhs view terviewed a doctor who said he was picked up by the army
the timing and attack by the Indian Army as an attempt and forced to conduct postmortems despite the fact he
to inict maximum casualties on Sikhs and demoralise had never done any postmortem examination before.[89]
them,[80] and the government is in turn blamed for the The number of casualties reported by Mr. Chellaney
inated number of civilian dead for choosing to attack were far more than government reports,[91] and the In-
on this day. The justication given by the Centre was dian government, which disputed his casualty gures,[92]
the announcement made by Longowal that a State-wide accused him of inammatory reporting.[93] The Associ-
civil disobedience movement would be launched on 3 ated Press stood by the reports and gures, the accuracy
June 1984, by refusing to pay land revenue, water and of which was also supported by Indian and other press
electricity bills, and blocking the ow of grain out of accounts and by reports in The Times and The New York
Punjab.[81][82] Times.[94]
The Sikh communitys anger and suering was further Similar accusations of highhandedness by the Indian
increased by comments from leading newspaper editors, Army and allegations of human rights violations by se-
such as Ramnath Goenka, terming the operation as A curity forces in Operation Blue Star and subsequent mil-
greater victory than the win over Bangladesh, this is the itary operations in Punjab have been levelled by Jus-
greatest victory of Mrs. Gandhi extquotedbl.[83] tice V. M. Tarkunde,[95] Mary Anne Weaver,[96] human
rights lawyer Ram Narayan Kumar,[97] and anthropolo-
gists Cynthia Mahmood and Joyce Pettigrew.[98][99][100]
5.3 Media blackout
The Indian Army responded to this criticism by stat-
Before the attack by army a media blackout was imposed ing that they answered the call of duty as disciplined,
in Punjab.[84] The Times reporter Michael Hamlyn re- loyal and dedicated members of the Armed Forces of In-
ported that journalists were picked up from their hotels dia...our loyalties are to the nation, the armed forces to
at 5 am in a military bus, taken to the adjoining border which we belong, the uniforms we wear and to the troops
of the state of Haryana and were abandoned there.[84] we command.[101]:156
The main towns in Punjab were put under curfew, trans- It was later pointed out that as the blockade approach
portation was banned, a news blackout was imposed, and taken by Rajiv Gandhi ve years later in Operation Black
Punjab was cut o from the outside world.[85] A group Thunder, when Sikh militants had again taken over the
of journalists who later tried to drive into Punjab were temple complex, was highly successful as they managed
stopped at the road block at Punjab border and were to resolve the stand-o peacefully and in hindsight, Oper-
threatened with shooting if they proceeded.[84] Indian ation Blue Star could have been averted by using similar
nationals who worked with the foreign media also were blockade tactics. The army responded by stating that no
banned from the area.[84] The press criticized these ac- comparison is possible between the two situations, as
tions by government as an obvious attempt to attack the there was no cult gure like Bhindranwale to idolise, and
temple without the eyes of the foreign press on them.[86] no professional military general like Shahbeg Singh to
provide military leadership and the condence of mili-
tants having been shattered by Operation Blue Star.[101]
5.4 Human rights Furthermore, it is pointed out that the separatists in the
temple were armed with machine guns, anti tank mis-
Brahma Chellaney, who was then the South Asia cor- siles and rocket launchers, and that they strongly resisted
respondent of the Associated Press, was the only for- the armys attempts to dislodge them from the shrine, ap-
eign reporter who managed to stay on in Amritsar de- pearing to have planned for a long stand-o, having ar-
spite the media blackout.[87] His dispatches, led by telex, ranged for water to be supplied from wells within the tem-
provided the rst non-governmental news reports on the ple compound and had stocked food provisions that could
bloody operation in Amritsar. His rst dispatch, front- have lasted months.[101]:153154
paged by the New York Times, The Times of London
The Hindustan Times correspondent Chand Joshi alleged
and The Guardian, reported a death toll about twice of
that the army units acted in total anger and shot down
what authorities had admitted. According to the dis-
all the suspects rounded up from the temple complex.[102]
patch, about 780 militants and civilians and 400 troops
Mark Tully and Satish Jacob, in Amritsar; Mrs. Gandhis
had perished in erce gunbattles. The high casualty rates

Last Battle, criticized the Army for burning down the Sikh [9] Kumar, Ram (2003). Reduced to Ashes: The Insurgency
Reference Library, stating that it did this to destroy the and Human Rights in Punjab : Final Report, Volume 1.
culture of the Sikhs. In The Sikhs of Punjab, Joyce Pet- Committee for Coordination on Disappearances in Pun-
tigrew alleges that the army conducted the operation to jab. p. 38. ISBN 9789993353577.
suppress the culture, and political will, of a people.[100] [10] Operation BlueStar, 20 Years On. Redi.com. 6 June
1984. Retrieved 9 August 2009.

5.5 Honours to the soldiers [11] Allegations of UK involvement in the Indian op-
eration at Sri Harmandir Sahib, Amritsar 1984
The soldiers and generals involved in the Operation were (Report). Cabinet Oce. February 2014. https:
presented with gallantry awards, honours, decoration //www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/
strips and promotions by the Sikh president Zail Singh attachment_data/file/277292/Cabinet_Secretary_
in a ceremony conducted on 10 July 1985. The act was report_to_PM_on_allegations_of_UK_involveme....pdf.
criticized by authors and activists such as Harjinder Singh [12] Sangat Singh, The History of Sikhs: 1995, p. 382.
Dilgeer, who accused the troops of human rights viola-
tions during the Operation.[74] [13] Singh Danewalia, Bhagwan (1997). Police and politics
in twentieth century Punjab. Ajanta. p. 430. ISBN

6 See also [14] Singh Dilgeer, Harjinder. The Sikh Reference Book. Den-
mark: Sikh Educational Trust for Sikh University Centre.
Anandpur Resolution p. 699. ISBN 9780969596424.

[15] Saini, R. C.; Gupta, R. K. (1994). Peoples Power, In-

Chemical warfare
dian Reality. Commonwealth Publishers. p. 117. ISBN
Grand Mosque Seizure
[16] Sangat Singh, The Sikhs in History.
Operation Woodrose
[17] Banerjee, Anjana (2007). Foucaults Analysis of Mental
Siege of Lal Masjid Illness: A Psycho-pathological Study. Global Vision Pub-
lishing Ho. p. 111. ISBN 9788182202269.
Waco Siege
[18] Cook, Bernard A. (2006). Women and War: A Historical
Encyclopedia from Antiquity to the Present. ABC-Clio. p.
218. ISBN 1851097708.
7 References
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was well known to ocials, enhanced Bhindranwales sta-
tus and made the Indian administration even more reluc- [52] Dr.Sangat Singh, The Sikhs in History, page = 377
tant to grapple with him. extquotedblTully, Mark; Satish
Jacob (1985). Amritsar; Mrs. Gandhis last Battle. New [53] History of Sikhs, Sangat Singh, pp=??
Delhi: Rupa & Co. p. 121. ISBN 81-291-0917-4. [54] Sangat Singh, page = 377
[34] Blank, Jonah (2000). Arrow of The Blue Skinned God: [55] Brar, K.S. (1992). Operation Blue Star: True Story. UBS
retracing the Ramayana through India. New York: Grove Publishers Distributors (P), Limited. pp. 8182. ISBN
Press. p. 354. ISBN 0-8021-3733-4. 81-7476-068-7.
[35] India in 1984: Confrontation, Assassination, and Succes- [56] Brar, K.S. (1992). Operation Blue Star: True Story. UBS
sion, by Robert L. Hardgrave, Jr. Asian Survey, 1985 Publishers Distributors (P), Limited. pp. 61. ISBN 81-
University of California Press 7476-068-7.
[36] http://www.satp.org/satporgtp/publication/ [57] Brar, K.S. (1992). Operation Blue Star: True Story. UBS
nightsoffalsehood/falsehood4.htm Publishers Distributors (P), Limited. pp. 81110. ISBN
[37] Singh, Tavleen. Prophet of Hate:J S Bhindranwale. In-
dia Today. Archived from the original on 20 June 2008. [58] Video of interview with an Indian Army Ocer who ex-
Retrieved 22 December 2009. plains details of how the Sikhs fought, and the number of
[38] Mark Tully and Satish Jacob, Amritsar Mrs. Gandhis
Last Battle (Calcutta: Rupa & Co. by arrangement with [59] Kaur, Gunisha (3 June 2013). Remembering The Mas-
Pan Books, London, 1985) sacre Of Sikhs In June Of 1984. Hungton Post.
[39] Longowal said Whenever the situation becomes ripe for [60] Tully and Jacbo, Amritsar: Mrs. Gandhis Last Battle,
settlement, some violent incident takes place. I know page 152
Bhindranwale is behind the murder of the DIG, extquot-
edbl(The person behind the murder is) The one who is [61] Chand Joshi, Bhindrawale: Myth and reality, page 161
afraid of losing his seat of powerIndian Express. 27 April
[62] Singh, Sangat, Sikhs in History
1983. interview with Longowal.
[63] CNN-IBN: Archives, the 25th Anniversary
[40] Kuldip Nayar and Khushwant Singh, Tragedy of Punjab,
Vision Books, New Delhi, 1984, page 79. [64] Sikhs in History
[41] Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale Life, Mission, and [65] Sangat Singh, Sikhs in history, page 383
Martydrom by Ranbir S. Sandhu, May 1997
[66] General promises to punish Sikh mutineers. The New
[42] City of Death, Time, 7 November 1983. York Times. 2 July 1984. Retrieved 9 August 2009.

[67] Operation Blue Star (1984) Information, Photos & [87] Hamlyn, Michael (12 June 1984). Amritsar witness puts
Videos. YouthTimes.in. YouthTimes.in. death toll at 1000. The Times. p. 7.

[68] 1984: Indian prime minister shot dead. BBC News. 31

[88] Eric Silver (7 June 1984), Golden Temple Sikhs Surrender,
October 1984. Retrieved 9 August 2009.
The Guardian
[69] Sikhs, in rally, press the army to quit temple, Sanjoy
Hazarika, The New York Times, 3 September 1984. [89] Chellaney, Brahma (14 June 1984). Sikhs in Amritsar
'tied up and shot' extquotedbl. The Times. p. 1.
[70] Indian policemen raid Sikh temple, Steven R. Weishan,
New York Times, 1 May 1986.
[90] Chellaney, Brahma (14 June 1984). Sikh rebels were
[71] New York Times, 2 May 1986. shot 'at point-blank range' extquotedbl. The Times. p. 3.

[72] India Uproots Thousands Living Near Sikh Temple, [91] Toll in assault on Sikh Temple termed vastly underesti-
Barbara Crossette, New York Times, 3 June 1990. mated. The Miami Herald. 11 June 1984.
[73] Anniversary Issue, India Today, 26 December 2005, p
136. [92] Indian Police Question Reporter on Amritsar. The New
York Times. Associated Press. 24 November 1984. Re-
[74] Indira Gandhi had since long been planning for an attack trieved 14 January 2009.
on Darbar Sahib... Harjinder Singh Dilgeer (2012). Sikh
History in 10 Volumes. vol 7, p. 168; 196-197.
[93] India is set to drop prosecution of AP reporter in Pun-
[75] Man Mohan Sharma (1998). What ails the Indian army: jab Case. The New York Times. Associated Press. 14
a report to the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed September 1985. p. 5. Retrieved 14 January 2009.
Forces. Trishul Publications. p. 273. ISBN 978-81-
85384-25-2. Retrieved 31 March 2013. [94] Stevens (30 October 1984). India is said to drop pros-
ecution of A. P. reporter in Punjab case = extquotedbl.
[76] Interview of Lt .Gen Sinha on Operation Blue Star The New York Times. p. 5. Mr. Chellaney reported a
death toll of 1,200 at a time when the Indian Government
[77] Shreenivas Kumar Sinha (1 September 1992). A soldier
said the gure was 576. He also reported that 8 to 10
recalls. Lancer Publishers. p. 392. ISBN 978-81-7062-
Sikhs had been tied up and shot by soldiers. The Govern-
161-4. Retrieved 31 March 2013.
ment called his dispatches false and inammatory. The
[78] Weaver, Mary Anne (1984). Sikhs vanish in Indian A. P. defended the accuracy of his reports, which were
crackdown. The Sunday Times.. supported by Indian and other press accounts.

[79] Mark Tully, Satish Jacob (1985). Amritsar; Mrs. Gandhis [95] Judge V M Tarkunde, et al., Oppression in Punjab: Report
Last Battle. London. pp. 589. to the Nation, New Delhi: Citizens for Democracy, 1985,
pp. 810, 1819
[80] Dhillon, Gurdashan Singh. Truth About Punjab (SGPC
White Paper). Amristar: Shiromani Gurudwara Praband-
hak Committee. [96] Mary Anne Weaver, The Christian Science Monitor, 15
October 1984)
[81] Khushwant Singh, A History of the Sikhs, Volume II:
1839-2004, New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2004, [97] Ram Narayan Kumar, et al., Reduced to Ashes (Volume
p. 341. One), Asia Forum for Human Rights, Kathmandu, Nepal,
[82] Brar, K.S. (1992). Operation Blue Star: True Story. UBS May 2003, pp. 75)
Publishers Distributors (P), Limited. p. 31. ISBN 81-
7476-068-7. [98] I.S. Jaijee. Politics of Genocide: 19841998. Ajanta Pub-
lishers, New Delhi, India.
[83] Singh, Patwant (1994). Alienation Is The Key. Sikh
Review. Sikhreview.org.
[99] Cynthia Mahmood. Fighting for Faith and Nation: Di-
[84] Hamlyn, Michael (6 June 1984). Journalists removed alogues with Sikh Militants. University of Pennsylvania
from Amritsar: Army prepares to enter Sikh shrine. The Press.
Times. p. 36.
[100] Pettigrew, Joyce (1995). The Sikhs of the Punjab: unheard
[85] Gun battle rages in Sikh holy shrine. The Times. 5 June voices of State and Guerilla violence. Zed Books. ISBN
1984. p. 1. 978-1-85649-355-0. Retrieved 14 July 2010.
[86] Hamlyn, Michael (6 June 1984). Journalists removed
from Amritsar: Army prepares to enter Sikh shrine. The [101] Brar, K.S. (1992). Operation Blue Star: True Story. UBS
Times. p. 36. Its is also apparent that the Indian au- Publishers Distributors (P), Limited. ISBN 81-7476-068-
thorities wish to invade the temple without the eyes of the 7.
foreign press upon them. No foreign correspondent is be-
ing allowed into Punjab now. [102] Chand Joshi, Bhindrawale: Myth and Reality, page 160

8 Further reading Sikh Times article on press coverage of Operation

Blue Star
Harjinder Singh Dilgeer (2012). Sikh History in 10
Sikhfauj.com Operation Bluestar and Indira link
volumes. Sikh University Press. ISBN 2-930247-
appears dead 2009 May
47-9.: presents comprehensive details of the inva-
sion of Indian Army (causes and events). Vols 7 to
10 also give precious information.

K. S. Brar (1993). Operation Blue Star: the true

story. UBS Publishers Distributors. ISBN 978-
81-85944-29-6.: presents the version of the Indian
Army general Kuldip Singh Brar, who led the oper-

Kirapal Singh and Anurag Singh, ed. (1999). Giani

Kirpal Singhs eye-witness account of Operation Blue
Star. B. Chattar Singh Jiwan Singh. ISBN 978-81-
7601-318-5.: presents the version of Giani Kirpal
Singh, the Jathedar of the Akal Takht.

Johncy Itty (1985). Operation Bluestar: the political


Man Singh Deora (1992). Aftermath of Operation

Bluestar. Anmol Publications. ISBN 978-81-7041-

Kuldip Nayar; Khushwant Singh (1984). Tragedy of

Punjab: Operation Bluestar & after. Vision Books.

Satyapal Dang; Ravi M. Bakaya (1 January 2000).

Terrorism in Punjab. Gyan Books. ISBN 978-81-

9 External links
Operation Blue Star Gallery

Operation Blue Star Photos

Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale

SikhMuseum.com Operation Blue Star Exhibit

Neverforget84.com Operation Bluestar page

Ensaaf.org 1984 Sikhs Kristallnacht PDF 28


Sikh.com Operation Blue Star page

BBC Operation Blue Star page

Redi.com Operation Bluestar 20 years on

BBC Reports and timeline

BBC Flashback

10 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

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