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I Complete the following newspaper article using Past Simple or Present Perfect

Despire the problems that the government__had_______(have) in the last two
years,it___somehow managed______(somehow manage)to stay in power.There____was___(he)a
number of scandals involving goverment ministers,including one rumor abou the Prime Minister
himself.It is said that the___promised____(promise)gifts to certain Members of Parliament in
government_____maintained_____(maintain)its position in Parliament
and_______claimed____(claim)that this _________was___(be)the most successful term of office
that a government_______ever had____(ever have).This is rather surprising as
they__came______(come)to power with only a small majority.
II Choose the correct tense(Past Simple or Past Continuous):
1.I worked/was working in Spain when I met/was meeting my boyfriend.
2.You talked/were talking to someone so I didnt want/was not wanting to say anything.
3.We got married while my wife did/was doing her degree at university.
4.Pauline and her boyfriend lived/were living in China in 2001.
5.The weather was good so we walked/were walking home together.
6.He was talking/talked on the phone when someone was knocking /knocked on the door.
7.She got out of the car when someone tapped/was tapping her on her shoulder.
III Make questions for the words in bold:
1.Robert has lived in London for 10 years. Where did he lived for 10 years?
2.Sue was finishing her Christmas cake right before we came. What was Sue doing before
we came?
3.We are making a good progress Who is making a good progress?
4.A demanding job needs a lot of time and energy. What does a demanding job need?
5.His family decided to open a restaurant in Spain in 2006. When did his family decided to
open a restaurant?
6.They both taught literature at the same university. What were two of them studying?
IV Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or Present Continuous:
Today is the second day of my trek around Mount Annapurna.I am exhausted and my
legs(shake)__are shaking______.I just hope I am able to complete the trek.My feet(kill)__are
killing ______me and my toes(bleed) are bleeding _____,but I(want,still)____still want____to
Nepal is a fascinating country,but I have a great deal to learn.Everything (be)__is_____so different
,and I (try)__Im trying____to adapt to the new way of life here.
I (learn)____Im learning__a little bit of the language to make communication
easier,unfortunately,I _____Im not learning___(learn,not)foreign languages quickly.Although
I(understand,not)_____I dont understand____much yet,I believe that I(improve)___Im
V Write the past simple and past participle of the following verbs:
VI Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions(by,for,on,to):
1.How much do you usually spend __on____ clothes?
2.How do you usually pay__for____ meals in a restaurant?
3.I was looking____for__my wallet.I couldnt find it anywhere.
4.Dr Pillinger and his team are talking____about__sending another robot to Mars.
5.I am going to fly to_____Moscow tomorrow.
6.He paid a lot of money __for___his new car.
7.Shes going __to____a trip to Amsterdam.
8.He travels ___to__London ___by___plane.
9.Look out_____the window!Its snowing.
VII Use the appropriate for of the adjective in the following sentences:
1.The walk to the hill was exhausting/exhausted.
2.I was amazing/amazed that your daughter did so well in her exam.
3.Stop talking!You are so annoying/annoyed.
4.He was frightening/frightened when he saw the spider.
5.Are you interesting/interested in politics?
6.I was shocking/shocked when I saw the bill.That is just too much!
7.I hate long flights ,Im always really boring/bored.
8.I thought her new idea was absolutely fascinated/fascinating.
VIII Complete the sentences using the opposities of the words in the box by means of
1.He is a very_______disagreeable___(agreeable)man,but the management is
_____disinclined___(inclined)to fire him.
2.Parkinsons disease is an____incurable_____(curable)disease of the nervous system.
3.Every____unauthorized__(authorized)access to our data base will be seriously condemned.
4.People who have____insufficient___(sufficient)work experience will find themselves
5.He had clearly given his presentation______inadequate___(adequate)preprarations.The points
he made were_____unreasonable__(reasonable) and__________inaccurate__(accurate).The only
person he managed to convince was himself.
IX You are going to read a magazine about a cruise ship.Seven sentences have been
removed from the article.Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each
gap(1-7).There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

The Oriana turnaround

When the cruise ship Oriana comes into port,it has just 12 hours to get everything
ready for the 1,800 passengers on its next cruise.Chris Mersea joined the team for
the day.

Its 6.00 a.m. still dark,and above the roof tops of the port city of Southampton a large orange
funnel suddenly appears.Its attached to the 69.000- tonne cruise ship Oriana ,the pride of P&O
Cruise Lines.
Oriana has been home ,for the past eleven days ,to some 1,800 passengers.It will soon be home
to 1,800 different passengers yet to arrive in Southampton,but who in twelve hours time will be
setting sail for the Atlantic islands of Madeira and Teerife.In most small hotels the staff complain
if they have to change more than ten beddroms in one day.On oriana,there are 900 cabins to be
cleaned in just a few hours.1__F

On board Oriana,however ,working practices are shaped not by the attitude of individual
members of the staff,but by time ,tide and a rigid cruise schedule.2____B___

The first aim of the day is to have the last passengers off the ship and away by 10.30 a.m.
3____G__Even so,passengers manage to drive off home having forgotten sunglasses ,souvenirs
and even pearl earrings.The staff often find jewellery that has fallen down the backs of beds and
chairs ,and at least one passenger always manages to arrive home without his house keys by
which time the ship could already be halfway back across the Atlantic.

While Orianas armies of cabin stewards are changing sheets and looking for lost property,an
enormous amount of activity is also taking place elsewhere on the ship.4___C

Everything from 10 tonners of fish ,to 108 new sun chairs ,to a vanload of scenery for the ships
Rio Dance Spectacular has to be carefully checked in.The biggest problems of the day are a set
of waiters uniforms that have disappeared and several thousand boiled sweets that dont seem
to have turned up.5____D_

While all this is going on, there is also a large number of people coming and going.Turnaround
day,according to the captain ,starts off with an end of-term feeling because a lot of the crew are

saying goodbye,but then others are arriving to make their places.6__ A ___

These include a replacement head waiter ,a new swimming pool attendant and a new piano act
called the Bibby Sisters ,who will contribute to the ships entertainment programme during the
cruise.For the moment,though,the priority is to meet and greet the new passengers ,who start
coming on board as early as 1.30 p.m.7____E_

Five hours later ,back on dry land,the band will be playing their own version of Sailing ,as Oriana
heads out towards the open sea .Its a thrilling moment for the 1,800 men.women and children
on board,who can look forward to eleven days of fun and relaxation.

A Its a leisurely process nobody is made to feel they have to rush their goodbyes or their

B Lorries full of supplied for the ships stores are waiting to be unloaded.

C Hopefully ,they havent been missed amongst the loads of cornflakes and crisps that keep on
coming, narrow corridors by dock workers in orange overalls.

D As for having to stock up on food for a fortnight ahead ,no hotel chef would hear of it.

E These are entertained in the Tiffany Lounge area by a small group of musicians ,playing pieces
vaguely connected with the sea.

F Every so often,however ,a loud crash announces the departure of another empty metal

G And today is no exception-in all,some 91 people are taking up or leaving their posts.

H It would take really extreme weather conditions to stop the ship departing and returning at the
stated times,wherever its sailing.

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