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Tense Signal words Use Form Affirmative Negative Questions

I work. I dont Do I work?

every day something Infinitive work.
sometimes happens (except v He works. Where does
always repeatedly to be) He doesnt he work?
Simple often work.
Present usually habits/routines He/she/it: They go. Do they go?
seldom They dont
never facts/truths Infinitive + She goes. go. Where does
first then s she go?
timetables/progra She doesnt
ms go.

something is I am Im not Am I
happening at the am/are/is working. working. working?
now same time of +
Present at the speaking or V-ing He isnt
Continuous moment around He is working. Where is he
tomorrow working. working?
next week future meaning: They arent
plans/arrangemen They are working. Are they
ts working. working?

infinitive+ She worked She didnt Did she work
last ____ action began and ed in 2010. work in in 2010?
Simple Past _____ ago finished in the 2010.
yesterday past, often used irregular: They went Where did
in 1990 with an 2nd to the beach They didnt they go
expression of column in yesterday. go to the yesterday?
time table of beach
irregular yesterday

action happened
in the middle of She was She wasnt Was she
Past while another action was/were working. working. working?
Continuous when + V-ing
action in progress They were They Were they
was interrupted walking. werent walking?
by another action walking.
just action started in have/has You have You havent Have you
yet the past and + worked. worked. worked?
never continues in the participle
Present ever present * She has She hasnt Has she
Perfect already worked. worked. worked?
since action happened *ed ending
for at an not or 3rd They have They Where have
specified point in column of gone. havent they
the past table of worked. worked?
action finished verbs
very close to the
action started in You have Have you You havent
Present all day the past and been been been
Perfect all afternoon continues in the have/has working. working? working.
Continuous how long immediate + been +
since present V-ing She has How long She hasnt
for been has she been
emphasis on working. been working.
duration of action working?

They have Have they They

been going. been going? havent
been going.

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