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Topic: Basic elementary functions and their graphs. Limit of a function.

Aim: recollecting the function concept, types of the functions.

Practical skills: a student should learn to draw correctly the function graph at the rectangular
coordinate system, to calculate the domain of functions, to find a limit of a function using the
different methods.

Motivation section: mustering of this material plays an impotent part in studying of the
following topics, because the concept the function, the concept the limit.

Brief outline of the topic

Concept of a function of a single variable

The connection between two variables is expressed by the statement that the dependent
variable is a function of the independent variable.
More generally, for definition of a function the concept of set is used. The concept of the
set is given without definition.
A rule (law) of a correspondence between a set X and a set Y, that for each value x from
the set X one and only one value y from the set Y can be found, is called a function and the
function is designated as y=f(x).
The set X is called domain of definition. The set Y is called range (codomain) of
There are three forms of representation of a function:
- Analytical form (as a formula)
- Table form (as a table)
- Graphic form (as a graph)
Analytical form is given by three methods:
- Explicit form: y=f(x). Example: y=x2
- Implicit form: F(x,y)=0. Example: y-x2=0
x (t ); x t 2 ;
- Parametric form: Example:
y (t ) y t 1.

Table form is given by the table:

x -2 -1 0 1 2
y 4 1 0 1 4
Graphic form is a set of points on coordinate plane with coordinates (x,f(x)). See Fig. 1 for
function y=x2.

Fig. 1
Basic elementary functions
The basic elementary functions are the following analytically represented functions:
1) power function: y=xn, where n is a real number;
2) general exponential function: y=ax , (a1, a>0);
3) logarithmic function y=logax, (a1, a>0);
4) trigonometric functions: y=sinx, y=cosx, y=tanx, y=cotx, y=secx, y=cscx;
5) inverse trigonometric functions: y=sin-1x, y=cos-1x, y=tan-1x, y=cot-1x.

Periodic function. A function f ( x ) is periodic, if such non-zero number T exists that for any x
from a function domain:
f ( x + T ) = f ( x ). The least such number is called a period of a function. All trigonometric
functions are periodic.

The function defined on the symmetric domain of the definition [-a;a] is called
- even function if for any x [-a;a] the following equality is true f(-x) = f(x);
- odd function if for any x [-a;a] the following equality is true f(-x) = - f(x);
- general function if for any x [-a;a] the following equalities both f(-x) = f(x) and f(-
x) = - f(x) isnt true;

A graph of an even function is symmetrical relatively y-axis, a graph of an odd function is

symmetrical relatively the origin of coordinates There are increasing, decreasing and constant

The function y=f (x) is called decrea sin g on the interval [a, b], if for any x1, x2 [a,
cons tan t

f x 2 f x1

b] such as x2 > x1 corresponding values of function f x 2 f x1 .
f x f x
2 1

y y=f (x)
f (x2) increasing
f (x1) function

0 x1 x2 X

A function, which only increases or only decreases, is called a monotone function.

Bounded and unbounded functions. A function is bounded, if such positive number M exists,
that | f ( x ) | M for all values of x . If such positive number does not exist, then this function is
E x a m p l e s.
A function, shown on Fig.3, is a bounded, but not monotone function. On Fig.4 quite the
opposite, we see a monotone, but unbounded function. ( Explain this, please ! ).

For any increasing or decreasing function there exists so-called inverse function.
Regarding the values of y as values of the argument and the values of x as values of the function
we get x as a function of y: x=f(y).
Function f(x) is called inverse function for y=g(x) if for any value y from a set Y value x
from a set X can be found in according with rule f(x) and equality y=f(x) is correct.
For example. y=ax exponential function. x=ay, from where according to the definition of
logarithm y=logax.
f ( x)
To find domain of the definition of the ratio of two functions y solve the
g ( x)

condition g ( x) 0 .
For example, lets find domain of the definition of the function y .
4x 1
We should solve the inequality 4x 1 0 .
Limit of a function.
Lets consider the function y=f(x) on a segment [a,b]. Take the point x0 in which the
function may not exist. What is the behavior of the function near x0?. The answer to the question
is given by the concept of a limit.
The interval (x0, x0+) is called the -neighborhood of point x0.
The number A is called a limit of function y=f(x) as x tends x0
A lim f ( x)
x x 0
if for any >0 one can find such a positive
number = (), depending on , that |xx0|<
implies that |f (x) A | <.

This definition means, that A is a limit of a

function y = f ( x ) , if the function value
approaches unrestrictedly to A , when the argument
value x approaches x0. Geometrically it means, that
for any > 0 it is possible to find such a number
, that if x is within an interval (x0 , x0 + ), then a function value is within an interval (A
, A + )

Note, that according to this definition, a function argument x only approaches a, not adopting
this value!

Main theorems of limits

Theorem 1
If lim f ( x) A , we can write f(x)=A + (x), where is an infinitesimal. It is a true converse
x x0

Lets consider sets of functions.
Theorem 2
The limit of an algebraic sum of any definite number of variables is equal to the algebraic sum
of the limits of these variables (if these limits exist):
n n
lim ki f i ( x) ki lim f i ( x) .
x x 0 i 1 i 1 x x0
Theorem 3
The limit of a product of any definite number of variables is equal to the product of the limits
of variables (if these limits exist):
n n
lim f i ( x) lim f i ( x) .
x x0 i 1 i 1 x x0
Theorem 4
The limit of a quotient of two variables is equal to the quotient of the limits of these variables if
the limit of the denominator is not zero:
lim f ( x)
f ( x ) x x0
lim , if lim g ( x) 0 .
x x0 g ( x ) lim g ( x) x x0
x x0
Theorem 5
The limit of composite functions:
in the domain of definition
lim f ( g ( x)) f ( lim g ( x))
x x0 x x0
i.e. the sign of function and the sign of limit can be replaced.

The methods of calculation of limits.

The simplest method of calculation of limit is a substitution: lim f ( x) f ( x0 ) .
x x0
There are several types of indeterminacies:0/0, 0*, 0, 0, 00. Let us consider some
methods of finding the limits.
1) factorization
x 2 3x 2 0
lim 2 .
x 1 x 4 x 5
Substituting x = 1 into the expression well receive a meaningless expression 0/0. Therefore
well solve in a different way.
x 2 3x 2 ( x 1)(x 2) x 2

x 2 4 x 5 ( x 1)(x 5) x 5
Here the fraction canceling is valid, because x 1 , it only approaches 1.
x2 1
lim .
x 1 x 5 6
because, if x approaches 1 , then approaches -1/6.
2) conjugated expression
x 1
x 1
Here, conjugated expression for x 3 2 is x 3 2 . So we should multiply both parts
of the fraction by x 3 2 to apply the formula ( a b)( a b) a 2 b 2

( x 1)( x 3 2) ( x 1)( x 3 2)
lim lim lim ( x 3 2) 4.
x 1
( x 3 2)( x 3 2) x 1 ( x 3 4) x 1

3) division by xn
3x 5 31 x 16 3 31 16
lim lim x4 x5

x 1 x x
3 5 x 1
lim 3 lim 31
4 lim 16
x5 3 31 0 16 0
lim x x x x
x lim 1
5 lim 1
2 lim 1 0 0 1
x x x x x
4) Some remarkable limits
sin x tan x
lim 1, lim 1
x x0 x x x0 x
lim 1 e 2.718281828459045...- the base of natural logarithm.

Questions for discussions

1. Concept of function. Domain of definition, the range of the function.

2. Power and exponent functions, domains of their definition and ranges of these
functions. Their graphs.
3. Logarithmic function. A domain of the definition and the range of the logarithmic
function. The graph.
4. Functions y=sinx and y=cosx. The domain of their definition and the range of the
function. The graphs.
5. the increasing, decreasing and constant functions.
6. The even function. The odd function.
7. The increasing, decreasing and constant functions.
8. The inverse function.
9. Concept of neighborhood of a point.
10. Concept of limit of a function, its geometrical meaning.
11. Conclusion of the formula of the limit of a product of any definite number of variables.
12. Conclusion of the formula of the limit of a product of any definite number of variables.
13. Conclusion of the formula of the limit of a quotient of two variables.
14. Conclusion of the formula of the limit of composite function.

Problems for considerations

Task 3
Determine the domain of definition D(x):
1. y 1 lg x 2. y lg x 3
3. y 5 2 x 4. y 3 x lg x
6. y 2 x
5. y 3 x

log x sin x sin x

7. y 8. y
5x 2 1 x 5x 4

9. y x 3 2
1 x2 2
10. y
x 4 x
11. y 2 3x 3 x
1 x2 x 5x
12. y 5 2 x 2
x 5x 4 2
x 9 2x 1
x5 1 cos 2 x 1 x 2 4x 2 5 x 15
13. y 14. y 2
x2 x9 3 3x 2 x x 4x 2x 5
Task 4
Determine the even, odd functions:
1. y x 3 1
2. y cos x x sin x
3. y 5 x

4. y x 2 x
5. y 3 4 x 3 4 x
2 2

2 x 2x
6. y
7. y
sin x

Task 5
Construct the inverse function to the given ones and draw their graphs:
1. y 2 x 3
2. y x 2 1 defined on interval 1;
3. y 3 1 x3

Task 6. Calculate limits using method of substituting

lim 2 x x3 , x 2 1
x 1 4. lim
x 1 x3
lim x lg x ,
x 10

3. lim 2 x
Task 7. Calculate limits using method of factorization
x 2 1 x2 4
1. lim
x 1 2 x x 1
, 4. lim x 2

3x 6 x 2 5x 6
2. lim x 3
, 5. lim ,
x 2
x2 x2
x 2 2x
3. lim
x2 x 4 x 4

Task 8. Calculate limits using method division by xn

3x 14 x 2 1 x 2
1. lim
x 7 x 2 x 1
, 6. lim
x 1 2 x

2x 2 1 x3 x2
2. lim
x 3x x 1
, 7. lim
x0 x 3x

10x 4 x 2 3x
3. lim
x x 1
, 8. lim
x 0 7 x 6 x

3x 3 4
4. lim
x x 5 x
2 3

5. lim x 1 ,

Task 9. Calculate limits using method conjugated expression

1. lim
x 0 1 x 1

x 1 2
2. lim
x 3 x3

1 x 1 x
3. lim
x 0 4x

x 2
4. lim
x 16 x 4

1 x 3
5. lim
x 4 2 x

Task 10. Calculate limits using formulas of remarkable limits

sin 5 x sin 2 x
1. lim
x 0 10 x
, 4. lim
x 0 x2

sin 2 x
2. lim , 5. lim xctg3x ,
x 0
x 0 x
x cos x cos 3 x
sin 6. lim
x 0 x2
3. lim 2,
x 0 x
sin 2 x sin x 5
7. lim x2
, 10. lim 1
x 0
x x 1
1 n 1
8. lim1 11. lim
x x 2
n n 1
x 2n 3
n 1
9. lim 12. lim
x 1 x
n 2n 1

Home tasks
1. Draw the graph of the function y= ex for the follow values of x: x= -2, x= -1, x=0, x=1, x=2,
2. Determine the domain of definition D(x):
a. f x x
2 x

b. f x x 5 2
1 x
x 25 2 x 3 x 1
2 x 1 x5
c. f x 2 2x
x 16 1 x 3x 2
3. Construct the inverse function to the given ones and draw their graphs:
a. y 3x 3 1
b. y 3x 2 9 defined on interval 9;

Suggested readings.
1. Lecture materials.
2. Materials of the guidelines.
3. The topic in the textbooks which a student can find himself.
Supplemental readings
The topic in the textbooks which a student can find himself.

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