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Ultrastructure of cells

All organisms can be divided into two groups according to their cell structure.
Eukaryotes have a comparement within the cell that contains the chromosomes. It
is called nucleus and is bounded by a nuclear envelope consisting of a double layer
membrane and prokaryotes which do not have a nucleus.

Prokaryotes were first organisms that envolve on Earth and they still have simplest
cell structure. They do not have a nuclus but have a membrane, and a cell wall
outside the cell membrane. It is stronger and thicker than a membrane and protects
the cell. As no nucleous is present in prokaryotic cells, its interior is entirelly filled
with cytoplasm which is not divided into comparements. Organelles are present here
in cytoplasm and are analogous to the organs of multi-cellular organisms in that
they are distinct structures with specialized funtions.

Cell division in prokaryotic cells: they divide by binary fission. All living organisms
need to produce new cells. They can only do this by division of pre-existing cells.
Cell divisioin in these organisms is called binary fission and is used for asexual
reproduction. The single circular chromosome is replicated and the two copies of the
shromosome move to opposite ends of the cell. Next is division of cytoplasm. Each
copy of the daughter cells contains one copy of the chromosome so they are
genetically identical.
Eukaryotes have a comparementalized cell structure and is much more complicated
than prokaryotic cells. The most important of these comparements is the nucleus. It
contains the cell's chromosomes. The comparements in the cytoplasm are known as
organelles. Each of organells have distinctive structure and function.

- Nucleus: contains chromosomes consisting DNA.

- rER: has attached ribosomes on it and it main function is to synthesize protein
for secretion from the cell
- Golgi apparatus:processes proteins brought in vesichles from rER.
- Lysosome:formed from golgi. They contain high concentrations of proteins
and diggestive enzymes.
- Mitochondrion: produces ATP
- Free ribosoms: synthesize the protein, releasing it to work in the cytoplasm as
enzymes or in other ways.
- Chloroplast: produce glucose and a wide variety of organic compounds by
- Vacuoles: consist fluids and are in plant cells.
- Vesicles: small vacuoles used to transport materials inside the cell.
- Microtubules and Centrioles: moves the chromosomes during cell division.
Animals have centrioles.
- Cillia and Flagella: used for locomotion.

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