Spectroscopy of Kool-Aid: UPTC - Tunja Facultad de Ciencias Escuela de Química Química

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UPTC - Tunja Facultad de Ciencias Escuela de Qumica Qumica

Spectroscopy of Kool-Aid

Colored solutions have interested chemists for a long time. Of particular interest has been the
fact that colored solutions, when irradiated with white light, will selectively absorb incident
light of some wavelengths but not of others. This is very useful for forensic and industrial
procedures because it is non-destructive to the sample and does not alter it in any way.
Visible spectroscopy requires only shining light on the sample and causes no change to the
We can determine the particular wavelength or group of wavelengths absorbed by exposing the
solution to monochromatic light of different wavelengths and recording the responses. If light
of a particular wavelength is passed through a sample and does not reach the detector, we will
see that the intensity of the transmitted light (I) is significantly less than the intensity of the
light incident on the sample (I0). The % transmittance is
then defined as the percent of the incident light that passes through the sample such that
%T = (I/I0)*100%.
The Beer-Lambert law shows that the molar solution concentration (c) is linearly
related to the log of the ratio of the transmitted and incident light as
log (I0/I) = cl Eqn. A
where l is the length of sample cell (usually 1 cm) and is the molar absorptivity, which
is a constant for each particular molecule.
This equation is often written in terms of Absorbance, where Absorbance = -log(I
/ I0) so that
A= cl. Eqn. B
Note that the Beer-Lambert law tells us that the concentration is directly proportional to the
absorbance (A). In this experiment, our spectrometer will display the percent transmittance
rather than the absorbance, so youll need to be able to mathematically translate the %T into A
values. To do this, well first recall the definition of A which is
A=log (I0/I) = log I0 - log I

Using the definition of the %T allows us to substitute as follows

A= log I0 - log (%T * I0/100)

Simplifying brings us to
A = - log %T + log 100 = - log %T + 2.00
Finally, it follows that
A = 2.00 log %T Eqn. C

In this experiment you will study the response of an aqueous Kool-Aid solution to visible light.
You will first determine its visible spectrum by exposing it to a broad range of visible light.
From this spectrum, you will determine the analytical wavelength of the

Guias de Laboratorio de Qumica Analtica II Prof. Efren Muoz

UPTC - Tunja Facultad de Ciencias Escuela de Qumica Qumica

dye. You will then prepare a sequence of solutions containing the dye in varying
concentrations. After determining the percent of light transmittance for each food dye, you
will calculate the equivalent absorbance and prepare a Beers law plot.
Finally, you will compare the food dyes used in Kool-Aid to those used in Skittles and M&Ms.

Experimental Procedure

Part 1
Determining the Analytical Wavelength of a Dye
Obtain an unknown dye solution. Record both the # of your unknown and the flavor of Kool-
Aid assigned to you. Fill a square cuvet 3/4 full with deionized water and another 3/4 full with
your unknown solution. Take both of them to the scanning spectrophotometer. Once there,
you will take a background scan using your water and then a sample run using your dye
solution. Brief instructions for use of the spectrometer:
1.Insert blank solution (with clear sides facing the fiber optic cable).
Click BLANK button.
2.Insert Kool-Aid solution. Type in your name and type of solution in the comments area.
Click SAMPLE button.
3.Pull the blue (or red) cursor to the top of your biggest peak. Click on RECORD BLUE
4.Print by hitting <ctrl> P (or by pulling down File > Print).
Use your graph to determine the wavelength of maximum absorption. This is your
analytical wavelength.

Part 2
Preparing Known Dye solutions
Obtain a packet of Kool-Aid the same flavor as your unknown solution. Use your weighing
boat to measure out the exact mass of your powdered Kool-Aid and add it to
the 1 L volumetric flask. [Note: some of the darker colored flavors tend to be too dark to work
with if the whole packet is used. Thus, if you happen to be assigned Black Cherry
or Grape flavors, use no more than 2.0 grams of powder.] Record the exact mass of powder
used. Add deionized water to about 2 cm below the inscribed mark on the neck of the flask.
Stopper, invert 10 times, allow to settle, and then fill to the mark by adding deionized water
by drops. Label as solution A.

Use a 10.0 mL pipet to transfer 10.0 mL of solution A to a clean, dry beaker. Use a different
pipet to add 10.0 mL of deionized water to the same beaker. Stir thoroughly. Label as solution
B. Rinse your pipets thoroughly before continuing to make the next solutions.

Repeat the procedure in the above paragraph to prepare solutions C through F: Solution C:
10.0 mL of solution B + 10.0 mL of deionized water
Solution D:

Guias de Laboratorio de Qumica Analtica II Prof. Efren Muoz

UPTC - Tunja Facultad de Ciencias Escuela de Qumica Qumica

10.0 mL of solution C + 10.0 mL of deionized water

Solution E:
10.0 mL of solution D + 10.0 mL of deionized water
Solution F:
10.0 mL of solution E + 10.0 mL of deionized water

Part 3
Preparing a Beers Law Plot for your Dye
Set the wavelength control knob on the portable Spec 20 spectrometer to the analytical
wavelength you determined earlier for your dye solution. Do not change this setting through
the rest of the experiment.
Set 0 % T by doing the following with NO cuvet in the machine: Adjust the lower left-
hand knob so that the needle on the meter points to zero on the % T scale.
Set 100 % T by doing the following quickly with a deionized water sample in the machine:
Adjust the lower right-hand knob so that the needle on the meter points to 100
% T on the scale. Immediately remove the cuvet to avoid burning out the phototube at this
high setting.
Rinse a round cuvet with a small portion of your most dilute solution (F). Discard the liquid.
Then fill the cuvet 2/3 full using solution F. Insert into the spectrometer,
close the lid, and record the %T of the solution. Remove the cuvet as soon as possible.
Proceed to measure the % T for each of your other standard solutions, too, progressing in order
from most dilute to most concentrated.

Part 4
Analyzing an Unknown Dye Solution
Fill a round cuvet 2/3 full with your unknown solution and record its % T in the
Spec 20 spectrometer.

Part 5
Analyzing the food dyes in Skittles and M&Ms
Based on your results in the first part of this lab, you have a good idea of what dye is present in
your Kool-Aid. Now well try to find:
a) a type of candy that likely uses the same dye and
b) a type of candy that likely uses a different dye
[For example, cherry Kool-Aid may very likely use the same red dye as red M&Ms, but probably uses a
different dye than yellow Skittles.]
After selecting the appropriate candies to use, follow this basic procedure. Put two of the selected
similar candies (for example, two orange M&Ms) into a 20 mL beaker
containing about 15 mL of deionized water. Stir using a stirring rod for 10 seconds, and then
immediately use tongs (or fingers, if necessary) to remove the two candies before the other layers
inside the candy start to dissolve. Fill a cuvet 2/3 full with the colored

Guias de Laboratorio de Qumica Analtica II Prof. Efren Muoz

UPTC - Tunja Facultad de Ciencias Escuela de Qumica Qumica

solution you prepared and obtain a spectrum of it in room 217. Use your graph to
determine the wavelength of maximum absorption.

Repeat with the non-similar candies.

Guias de Laboratorio de Qumica Analtica II Prof. Efren Muoz

UPTC - Tunja Facultad de Ciencias Escuela de Qumica Qumica

Post-lab Questions for Kool-Aid lab

Questions and Calculations: (Do the following steps in pen, or typed.)

1. Include your printout of your Kool-Aid visible spectrum taken on the spectrometer.
Label and identify the analytical wavelength you used for the remainder of the

2. Calculate the concentration (in grams per Liter) for each of your reference solutions
(A through F). Show at least one sample calculation.

3. From your %T values for each solution, calculate the value of A. Show at least one
sample calculation. ( A =2.00 log (%T))

4. Make a table showing your reference solution concentrations, % T values, and


5. Create a Beers Law plot (on a computer) and identify your unknown
concentration on the graph using a * to mark it. Be sure your x and y axes are

6. State your unknown number and the concentration you found for it from your

7. Attach the spectrum for each of the candies you analyzed. Label and identify
the analytical wavelengths on each spectrum.

8. Explain whether the M&M/Skittles candies you tested might use the same dye as
your Kool-Aid or not. Were you correct in your assumptions of what would be a
similar and non-similar dye? What features of your spectra did you use to come to that
conclusion? Be specific use wavelength and/or spectra shapes in your answer. (Write
a short paragraph explaining your conclusion.)

Guias de Laboratorio de Qumica Analtica II Prof. Efren Muoz

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