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Raising oenwally heslthy childcen requires & combination | of strong relationships, open comiunieation and clear ‘messages rogarding values and expectations between parent and child Ie may fee Ikea daunting tk for ‘many parents, however, if given the information, tools le and support they need, they can integrate this into theic daily lives with more comfort, confidence and courage and begin to fl_.t’s That Easy! Professionals and comraunity members who work with parents are in a unique position to support parents in their everchanging role as sexuality educators of their | infants, young children, pre-teens and teens. While the ‘questions and concerns change with age, the goal remains the same: to raise well-informiad young people who make | healthy decisions throughout their lives. IT'S THAT EASY! COLLABORATIVE es That Easy! was developed in response to aneed for ‘zained individuals who are comfortable and committed to ringing sexual and reproductive health topics into their work and conversations with parents wing group of community based partuers collaborated to create the That Easy! taining, resource manual and website. [etter Together Hennepin - Hennepin County Public Health Public Health; Health Stary 25; Healthy Youth Division of City of Bloomington Division ‘West Side Coramunity Health Development Prevention Research Cente! Goneral Pediatrics and Adolescent Health, University of ‘Minnesota; Minnesota Department of Health; MyHealth; ‘Neighborhood House; Saint Paul-Ramsey County Public lth; Tean Age Medical Service, Children's Hos and Clinies of Minnesota; and Teenwise Minnesota For more information about [t's That Pasy! contact: State Adolescent Health C IN Department of Health PO Pox 648 St Paul, MN 55164-0882 013652 dinator ‘Messages and Modeling: Shaving values and beliefs about aeruality (Cuddled and Connected: The parent-child relationship, ‘A foundation for raising sexually healthy children ‘Ages and Stagos: Sexual growth and development ‘Tech Talks: Helping kids navigate their online world Each topto area provides the following: Background: An overview of the topic aras including the theory end research guiding best practice. Rey Messages: Key concepts thst ca be used as talking points when working with parents, Activities: Ideas for ways to engage ‘parents inthe topie area. Parent Handouts: Additional msterials ‘0 share with parent, Parent handouts axe Ince after tha activity decxiption. Recommended Reading: Background resources and ational information forthe facilitator ‘The manual also includes: Lesson Plans: Outlines of suggested activitios for use with parents with children of different ‘ages and for sessions of varying length. ‘Rasouross: Books, web-based resources, articles and ‘background information for parents and facilitators, GUIDING PRINCIPLES Sexuality is anatoral and healthy part ofbeing human. People experience and express themselves as sexual beings ‘throughout thei lives Knowledges helpful not harmful, Learning about sexuality is an ongoing, lifelong process. Children of all ages whohave accurate, developmentally appropriate information bout sex, semulity and relationships ‘are more likely to mal heslthy decisions. Parents ara the prhiuary sexuality eduastors of thelr children. In the course of daily living, every family tesches their children about ser, sexuslity and relationships through ‘spoken and unspoken messages and behaviors. Parents ont always understand the power oftheir influence, “hut young people's sexual decision making tends to reflect what they eee and hear from their families. Every parent wants what fs best for their children, "Though parents come'to their role as “sexuskity educators” with different belief, values, nowledgg and skills, they all want their children to be safa and healthy. Cultural, faznily and individual values, histories and experiences impact beliafs and behaviors regarding sex, sexuality and relationships. Children ‘who understand their family’s values and expectations sogarding cenual health are more ilaly to make behavior choices consistent with those values. Families have unequal access to opportunities and supports. Many families face complicated often structural barriers related to race, class, income, gender, disability, ete. that can profoundly impact how they tak on their role as sexuality edseators. tis important to recognize and consider these barriers when working with families All children deserve to live free of sexual violence. Proventicn of seual violence requires a mult feceted approsch, including teaching children how to recognize fonn and marture healthy relationships e ‘The sexal mages, messages, and information in media ‘nd popular eultare impact our beliefs and beheviors regarding sex, sexuality and relationships. Itis vitally {important that responsible caring adults address the ressages their children receive by sharing their values with ther children end giviig them the accurate {information and toole they neod to make responsible decisions. Childhood experiences alfoct who we are as adults, averse childhood experiences can have & profound impact on sex, seruality and relationships, Parents ‘who have experienced childhood trauma require a safe space to explore these topies and may need additonal resources and support for themselves and thei children. AGE-SPECIFIC LESSON PLANS MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL (AGES 11-18) Overviow {ITE Lesaon Plana provide an outline of atvities to engage parents in conversation ahout how to raise sexually Iralthy children. Fecilitators should tailor loeeon plans and sctvities tobe appropriate for the parents coming tothe session the time available and applicable, the dynamics ofthe group (eg ie thie an ectablished group cr aone time aession). This lesson plan i structured to ft within 1. 6o-minute session with parents but can be expandod to allow for more activities and conversation. The sctivtios within this pla il work for parents of middle and high school aged children ao guided parent conversations and age-sppzopriate examples will sep the topics relevant. Objectives Dring tis session participants will 1. Experience a saée space to think about their role as semuality educators 2, Reflect on whet role they want to playin supporting their childs sexual health, 3. Askey questions they have rogarding thetrchild/teen's development. 4 Connect with other parents of similarly aged ids to share dees about raising sexually healthy teens, ‘5 Leam about good resouroes related to sex, semality and relationships. ‘Time Go minutes or 90 minutes with edaitionl activities Msteriale Introduction and Feabreaber: «White board or flip chart and mazkers + Blank peper and waiting utensils for each participant Parents Own Experience with Sexuality Fdveation (See _Meseages and Modeling Section) + No materials needed 165 | t's that easy! lesson plan. Healthy Sexual Dayelopment (See Ages and Stages Section) Flip chart and markers ‘+ Pons/pancils for each participant ‘+ Handout: Healthy Sexual Development (age ‘sppropriats) Defining our Task-Parene Messages (See Messoges and Modalra) + Blank paper for each participant + Marker foreach participant + Masking tape Adgltional Materials ‘© Copies of Resources for Families for each participant (See Resources Section) ‘+ Materials for additional activities as selected Preparation [Review the section inthe introduction to the manual titled [MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR TIME WITH PARENTS ‘to prepare youreelfto creste a safe and fun space for open and honest dialogue with parents inthis session Determine ‘fyou will establish ground ree asa group oroffera prepared eet of ground rules to which the group can agree Kay Messages Dining the course ofthe season be sure to share the following messages: Sexuality fa natural and healthy partofbelag human. People experience and express themselves a sexual beings ‘trooghout theives. nowledge is helpful mot harmful. Learning about semuality it an ongoing lifelong process. Children ofall, ages who have accurate, developmentally appropriate {information sbout sex, sexuality and relationships are more Weel to make healthy decisions, Parents are the primary sexuality educators of their children. In the course of dally living, every family teaches their children about ser, ceauality and relationships through, spoken end unspoken messages and behaviors. Parents dont always understand the power of thei influence, but ‘young people's sexual decision making tends to reflect what ‘they see sn hear from their families. ‘continued >

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