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Ms. Freer
Room 202
Phone: (760) 888-8888 ext. 123

Welcome to 12th Grade English! This will be a great semester and I look forward to
learning with you.

Important Dates:
September 6th- First Paper Due
September 14th- Revisions of First Paper Due
October 10th- First Exam
October 27th- "Walden" Field Trip (See student page for information)
November 15th- Second Paper Due
November 20-24- No School, Happy Thanksgiving!
December 6th- Second Exam
December 15th- Online Creative Profile Due
December 25th- January 5th- Winter Break!

Field Trips
So far we have one planned field trip for October 27th. I will be adding one more based on an in
class vote conducted the 3rd week of class.

All assignments are due on the date stated. I will drop your grade half a letter grade each day that
the assignment is late. If there are circumstances that you foresee a turn it date being an issue
please talk to me as soon as possible so I can work with you to find a new date for submission.

Class Rules
I am a huge promoter of technology but please keep your phones in your backpack/purse or
pocket during class. There will be times when I allow you to use your phones or listen to music
during class but this is a privilege and if the technology rule cannot be followed I will take it

Cheating of any sort will not be tolerated. If I catch you cheating on an exam, quiz or assignment
you will be sent to the principle and you will be given a referral.

Please be on time to class! We will start each day with a 10 minute chat that will set up the
days activities. If you miss this you will be behind on subject matter. If you receive more than
10 truancies you will lose on campus privileges.

RESPECT EACHOTHER. This classroom will become open to discussions ranging from fun
and friendly to very serious and personal. If you disrespect a fellow classmate you will be
removed from class immediately and sent directly to the principles office.

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