Project Conclusion

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In this project, the notion of authorized data deduplication was proposed to

protect the data security by including differential privileges of users in the
duplicate check. We also presented several new deduplication constructions
supporting authorized duplicate check in hybrid cloud architecture, in which the
duplicate-check tokens of files are generated by the private cloud server with
private keys. Security analysis demonstrates that our schemes are secure in terms
of insider and outsider attacks specified in the proposed security model. As a proof
of concept, we implemented a prototype of our proposed authorized duplicate
check scheme and conduct testbed experiments on our prototype. We showed
that our authorized duplicate check scheme incurs minimal overhead compared to
convergent encryption and network transfer.

The world of computing is moving away from the on premises IT model, where
you keep buying servers, PCs and software licenses as your business grows. Cloud
computing disrupts the conventional model and opens a new IT path for the small-
to mid size business: clouds of computing power, accessed over the Internet,
become your server and your data center. Among the clouds: inexpensive
applications that users can access on demand from any location and through a
variety of devices.Cloud computingor SaaS, if you preferfrees up budget for
companies hand-cuffed by IT expenses. Instead of purchasing additional software
licenses and hardware for new employees and new locations, businesses can
simply open new employee accounts with providers of their cloud based services
to expand computing capacity With the workload factoring technology in cloud
computing, the hybrid cloud computing model allows enterprise IT systems to
adopt a hybrid cloud computing model where a dedicated resource platform runs
for hosting application base loads, and a separate and shared resource platform
serves trespassing peak load. Given the elastic nature of the cloud infrastructure, it
creates a situation where cloud resources are used as an extension of existing
infrastructure. Its not an all or nothing decision; companies can ease into the cloud
without abandoning established infrastructure and applications. For the future
work, extending the hybrid cloud computing model scope to stateful applications
such as n-tier web services is a natural and challenging step. Many new problems
arise such as session maintenance, service time estimation, and data consistency.
We are working on a fast data on demand service and integrating the dynamic web
service scaling approach proposed in into our mechanism.


1. Infrastructure Dependency

In case of an outage, the organization has to rely on the internal IT for any support
to handle the outages in the hybrid environment. One of the ways to reduce it
would be to create redundancy across its data centers. In order to mitigate the risks,
the company may have to use multiple cloud services.

2. Security compliance

Ensuring that all the cloud services; both public and private, are compliant with the
companys security policies and more importantly, abiding the regulations set by
their respective governed bodies. The data transferred between any of the cloud
services are protected against any misdeeds. Any negligence on this part could
defeat the purpose of deploying the hybrid cloud model.
3. Networking

Having a network setup which ensures fluid and effortless transfer of data is the
key in Hybrid model. The involvement of public and private cloud would
invariably make networking in the organization quite complex, which needs to be
handled in the most effective manner possible.

4. Cost

Although a business can easily setup a public cloud for a low cost, the same cannot
be said for the private cloud model. Building the private cloud can increase the
cost, and the cost is bound to increase in future as the business keeps growing. A
clear strategy for the perfect combination of public and private clouds are required
to bring this cost to the minimum.

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