Critic Angle Number 8

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Radiation Measurements 35 (2002) 189 193

Experimental determination of the critical angle for particle

registration and comparison with model predictions 
B. D&orschel , D. Hermsdorf, U. Reichelt
Physics Department, Institute of Radiation Protection Physics, Dresden University of Technology, D-01062 Dresden, Germany

Received 17 October 2001; received in revised form 23 January 2002; accepted 6 February 2002

The generation of visible etched tracks by charged particles is only possible if the angle of incidence is lower than a
critical angle c . This quantity has been calculated from the bulk etch rate and the track etch rate varying along the particle
trajectory. The results for c can be described as a function of the initial particle energy and the etching time. Surprisingly,
the energy dependence of c at a given etching time is characterised by splitting into two branches at higher particle energies.
For example for the alpha-particle-induced tracks in CR-39, the theoretical 9ndings were tested experimentally by measuring
the etch pit axis and the detector e:ciency as a function of the angle of incidence. This test con9rmed the model prediction
c 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
for the characteristic energy dependence of the critical angle. 

Keywords: Critical angle; Track axis; Detection e:ciency; Track etch rate; Alpha particles; CR-39

1. Introduction In etch track development theory, the critical angle is

de9ned frequently for the beginning of the etching process
The e:ciency of a solid state nuclear track detector taking into account the concept of critical layer removal
(SSNTD) depends on the angle of incidence of charged (Somogyi, 1980). In contrast, the model discussed here
particles. Above a critical angle, c , of particle incidence should predict whether a charged particle of a given energy
with respect to the normal on the detector surface no track and a given angle of incidence can be registered by produc-
can be made visible by the etching process and the detector ing a visible track. Therefore, the critical layer removal was
e:ciency drops to zero. For the practical use of SSNTDs incorporated into the de9nition of the critical angle of par-
in detector physics and dosimetry, the critical angle has ticle registration which is then dependent not only on the
to be known in dependence on the particle energy, W , particle energy but also on the etching time.
and the etching time, t. Recently, a model for theoret- The calculations resulted in two ranges for the angle of
ical description of this relationship has been developed incidence where visible tracks can be registered. These ar-
(D&orschel et al., 1999). The critical angle c (W; t) can be eas are separated by a forbidden range where the formation
predicted by this model for particles of any kind and en- of visible tracks is impossible. The splitting of the curve
ergy if the track etch rate along the particle trajectory is for c (W; t) into two branches has been surprising and was
known. never reported before. It results mathematically from the
solution of a transcendental equation on which the model is
 Presented at the 20th International Conference on Nuclear In order to test the theoretical results, experiments were
Tracks in Solids, Portoroz, 2000. performed for CR-39 of TASTRAK type irradiated with mo-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-351-463-32566; fax: +49- noenergetic alpha particles. The present paper describes the
351-463-37040. results for c (W; t) experimentally determined in compari-
E-mail D&orschel). son with the theoretical results.

1350-4487/02/$ - see front matter  c 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 5 0 - 4 4 8 7 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 5 0 - 1
190 B. D'orschel et al. / Radiation Measurements 35 (2002) 189 193

The delay time

xd cos 
td = (2)
is correlated with the distance xd which results from the
boundary condition
vT (W; xd ) cos  = vB : (3)
If the left term of Eq. (3) is smaller than vB , the track etching
is overtaken by the bulk etching and track formation does
not occur.
Etched tracks can be identi9ed if L exceeds a critical
depth, Lc , given by the spatial resolution of the optical eval-
uation equipment. From the boundary condition L = Lc the
critical angle c follows as a solution of the transcendental
Fig. 1. Longitudinal section of an etch pit (schematically). equation
Lc + vB [t td (W; c )]
cos c (W; t) =  t  =tt (W; ) : (4)
d c
vT (W  ; t  ) dt 
2. Fundamentals
For more oblique particle incidence, etched tracks cannot
The parameters describing the pro9le of an etched track be registered. When the particle trajectories are completely
can be taken from Fig. 1. It is assumed that the track etching etched, further etching proceeds with the bulk etch rate, vB ,
starts after a delay time td necessary for exceeding the dis- in all directions. In this case of track over-etching starting
tance xd , i.e. the starting point has the ordinates x = 0 and at the time te , the corresponding values of L and c have to
t  = 0. At this point the particle energy is lowered from the be calculated with the substitution t td = te .
initial energy, W , to W  . The latter was determined from the Whereas the distance of the starting point of track etching
stopping power function for CR-39 (D&orschel and Henniger, from the original detector surface is an increasing function
2000). The depth of the etch pit below the etched detector of the angle of incidence, the delay time determined after
surface is given by Eq. (2) shows a maximum. Its position shifts to larger
 t  =ttd angles of incidence with increasing particle energy. The
L(W; t) = cos  vT (W  ; t  ) dt  vB (t td ): (1) result of this behaviour is a characteristic curve for the
0 function c (W; t) shown in Fig. 2 for alpha particle tracks

Fig. 2. Critical angle, c , computed in dependence on the initial alpha energy, W , for an etching time of t = 6 h and a spatial resolution of
Lc = 0:4 m (D&orschel et al., 1999).
B. D'orschel et al. / Radiation Measurements 35 (2002) 189 193 191

Fig. 3. Track axis, dmin and dmax (a), and detection e:ciency,
(b), measured in dependence on the angle of incidence for an initial alpha
energy of W = 6:44 MeV.

after an etching time of 6 h and a resolution parameter In order to test the theoretical results, experiments were
Lc = 0:4 m. At energies above 5:8 MeV, two ranges for carried out using CR-39 detectors irradiated with alpha parti-
the angle of incidence are obtained where visible tracks cles at variable angles of incidence. Suitable quantities mea-
can be expected. Non-over-etched tracks correspond to the surable as a function of the angle of incidence are the minor
lower values whereas over-etched tracks are characterised and major axes of the etch pits, dmin and dmax , respectively,
by the upper values. Between both branches of the curve as well as the detector e:ciency,
, given as the number of
a forbidden range was found where the formation of visible tracks to the number of particles impinging on the
visible tracks was impossible. This curve encloses a re- detector surface. When the prediction of a forbidden range
gion for pairs of variables W and  within which visible at a higher energy is valid, these quantities have to drop to
tracks can be expected, whereas outside this area, track zero at a certain angle of incidence. However, on exceed-
registration is impossible. The computation of the function ing a gap they should become measurable once more with
c (W; t) was described in detail in a former paper (D&orschel increasing angle of incidence before a reduction to zero is
et al., 1999). observed again.
192 B. D'orschel et al. / Radiation Measurements 35 (2002) 189 193

Fig. 4. Critical angle, c , computed in dependence on the initial alpha energy, W , for an etching time of t = 6 h and spatial resolutions of
Lc = 0:4 and 0:7 m, respectively, compared with experimental results ().

3. Experimental basis tracks become visible again before they disappear at =76 .
A similar behaviour was found for W = 5:9 and 6:2 MeV. In
The detector material used was CR-39 of TASTRAK contrast to that at W =1:5 and 4:0 MeV as well as at W =8:0
type (Track Analysis Systems Ltd., UK) with a thick- and 10:0 MeV, visible tracks were observed only below a
ness of 1 mm. The etching was performed in 7:25 N de9ned angle without a second interval where tracks appear.
NaOH at 70 C for 6 h resulting in a bulk etch rate of Fig. 4 shows the experimental results of the critical angle
vB = 1:73 0:05 m h1 . The detectors were irradiated in comparison with the theoretical results. The spatial reso-
by monoenergetic alpha particles of 1.5, 4.0, 5.9, 6.2, 6.4, lution, Lc , for the optical evaluation equipment used could
8.0 and 10:0 MeV at the TANDEM accelerator of the be determined only with relatively large uncertainty. First
Rossendorf Research Centre. Reference measurements were studies of proton tracks yielded Lc = 0:4 m whereas a later
made by alpha spectrometry using an Si(Li) detector. The evaluation of alpha particle tracks resulted in Lc = 0:7 m
FWHM of the peak amounted to 180 keV at W = 1:5 MeV (D&orschel et al., 1997, 1998). The theoretical curves for
and decreased to 75 keV at 10 MeV. The oblique particle (W; t = 6 h) are given in Fig. 4 for both values of Lc . A
incidence on the surface was achieved by mounting the de- comparison with the experimental results does not allow an
tectors on wedges of de9nite sloping angles. The angle of unequivocal selection of one of the two curves. The diOer-
incidence was varied between  = 0 and 80 in steps of 2 . ences between them are, however, only small and compara-
The angular spread of the particles beam was of the order ble with the uncertainty of the experimental results.
of 1:5 . The detector evaluation was performed using a
NIKON microscope linked with the image analysing sys-
tem (LUCIA) (Laboratory Imaging Prague, CZ). In order
to determine the critical angle for alpha particle registration 5. Conclusions
the minor and major axes of the etch pits as well as the
detector e:ciency were measured as a function of the angle From Fig. 4 it follows that the agreement between theo-
of incidence. retical and experimental results for the critical angle is sat-
isfactory taking into account the experimental uncertainties
for W and . The critical depth of the etch pits, Lc , necessary
for identifying the tracks was assumed until now as a con-
4. Results stant only characterising the optical resolution of the evalu-
ation equipment. However, a small variation of Lc with the
Exemplary results for the etch pit axis and detector ef- particle energy could occur because the pro9le and, there-
9ciencies are given in Fig. 3a and b for the alpha energy fore, the perceptibility of the etch pits change with varying
W = 6:44 MeV. The track axis as well as the detector e:- particle energies. The adjustment of the relationship Lc (W )
ciency drop to zero at  = 56 . However, above  = 71:5 will be studied in further work.
B. D'orschel et al. / Radiation Measurements 35 (2002) 189 193 193

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can be determined for particles with any energy and angle in alpha-irradiated CR-39 detectors on the basis of the
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