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Achieving what you want in life and business,
by loving yourself first

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M

Welcome dear reader. I am so happy and humbled to guide you into the
magical world of self-love.

Self-love is a journey of self-discovery. And the aim of this workbook is not

only to bring you closer to loving yourself, but also to make you see all your
amazing qualities, and to give you strategies for starting to live a different life.
One that is filled with love for yourself, a love that knows no boundaries, and
that has the power to make all your dreams come true.

I want you to know that this workbook is for you. You are free to use it as best
way you see fit. Go through it and do the exercises whatever way you like at
your own pace, alone or in a group setting, in one go or over a short or longer
period of time. Its all good. I know youve got this!

But whatever you do, give it your all. Step into this work with your heart wide
open, with compassion for what youll learn about who you really are (the work
can be hard sometimes), and dont judge yourself.

Before moving on, Id love for you to set an intention for yourself. Think about
what it is that you aim to achieve by doing this divine work, what it is that you
aim to conquer, or to understand about yourself and the world.

Intentions can be big or small. They can be about how you want to feel or be
now, tomorrow, or next week. But however they are, the have an element of
determination and action built into them. Thats why I love them so much. I set
an intention for myself every morning. I find that it grounds me, prepares me
for my day, and helps me remember that my life is a mystery... and that I should
be kind to myself while finding my way through it.

Use the space below to write down your intention for this journey towards
more self-love.

My intention on this journey to self-love is:

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M

Before taking action towards change, its important to know where you are
right now. This will serve as the starting point of your amazing adventure
into self-love. In order to make such an assessment, I find that writing and
journaling can be of great help. In this workbook, Ive chosen to introduce
you to the work with an exercise in free-flow writing. This type of writing, that
revolves around not thinking too much and mostly getting everything that
crosses your mind down onto paper, has helped me on many occasions when
Ive been in a rut, or unsure of what I really wanted. This exercise has offered
my clients great insights into their inner lives, and their souls, as well.

For all the exercises that follow as much as for this one, I want you to get
into the right state of mind first. Look for a quiet place, where you can be
with yourself, undisturbed. Make it your sacred space. Light a candle maybe,
or close the blinds. Do whatever that can help you to make this space, your
space. Soft, gentle, and safe.

Then, relax. Take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes for a few moments until
you feel ready. When you are, try to answer the following questions without
thinking about them too much. What I want you to achieve, is to open the door
to your subconscious. It holds so many amazing secrets, and will show you the
road to your most inner truth. So let it take over and write what emerges, right
where you are, as the answers come to you.

What do you like most about your life right now?

What does your inner critic like to tell you?

When are you the happiest?

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M
When are you the saddest?

When have you really felt love?

What do you feel when youre around other people?

If people really knew you, how would they be with you?

If you could, what would you tell everyone?

When do you love yourself?

When dont you love yourself?

If you loved yourself more, what would it look like?

What do you fear most?

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M
What do you love most?

What are your superpowers?

What is your dream for your life?

How wonderful! You deserve to be so proud of yourself Im sure youve done

that so well, and Im sure things emerged that even you didnt know were
inside of you! That is the power of free-flow writing. And of journaling for that
matter, something I highly recommend you to take on as a consistent practice.
It will really help you to get to know yourself better, as the exercise above has

Now, before we move on, I would like you to read what youve written above,
and from that distill what youve learned about yourself. The things you didnt
expect, and which brought new perspectives about an aspect of yourself
into the light, or answers that are filled with wisdom you didnt know you had.
Once youve done that, use the space below to summarise what new learning
emerged regarding your love for yourself.

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M

When I was on my journey towards self-love, I was confronted with a lot of

fears and limiting beliefs. I had been holding on to them so tight for so long
that it took me a while to even just realise I had them and then accept they
were there. Only after that was I able to start rewiring my heart.

So before we move on and take a deeper dive into how you could love
yourself more, and what self-love really looks like to you, I want you to listen to
your soul.

As you did with the first exercise, place yourself in your safe space again,
relax, and take a few deep breaths before answering the questions below.

When you think about love, what does that look like for you?

What would loving yourself (more) look like for you?

What do you think that loving yourself and happiness have in common?

Have you ever been truly loved before?

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M
What is the first feeling that comes into your heart when you think about self-

What kind of love is your soul really longing for?

Before moving on, I want you to take a break. Go for a walk, meditate, take
a few deep breaths, or drink a cup of tea or a refreshing glass of water.
Then, when youre ready, go back to your answers and contemplate them
without judging yourself.

With my clients, I absolutely always acknowledge the why of their situations

and their lives. Its important. But lingering on the reasons why something is
what it is, is not what Im about as a life coach. Moving past the whys into the
realms of action and change are the true miracles I help my clients seek. So,
take all that has emerged into your heart, acknowledge it for being part of your
history, and then, when you are ready, take action.

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M

Are you loving yourself?

It took me close to 35 years to realise that I didnt love myself. Then it took
me practice and perseverance to really enter into a relationship of love with
myself. For many years, I thought I knew what love was and how to give and
receive it, but I was wrong. It was pretense, a mask I was putting on a role I
was playing, thinking that was what was expected of me. When I finally realised
the state of my heart, I noticed I was doing and thinking many things that were
keeping self-love away: ignoring the voice inside, thinking about what I wanted
but never acting on it, starting something to stopping mid-way, trying to please
everyone around me, not feeling good enough, or clever enough, or ready
enough to do anything.

I designed the following exercise to help you get a clearer view of what might
be keeping self-love away in your life. It might be that you are trying to please
everyone, or that you know what you need but feel youre not good enough to
get it, or that you are ignoring who you really are, by refusing to listen to your
own desires, or simply waiting for something to happen that will finally make
you happy.

But whatever you uncover, know that you are not alone, and that many women
experience the same thing. I did, too. For a long time. But not anymore. Now
I live a full life, doing what I love, getting my voice heard, and taking care of
myself first. And that new life is there for you, too.

So again, relax. Take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes for a few
moments until you feel ready. Then, answer the following questions. I
want you to think about these questions very deeply, and to answer them
as truthfully as possible. There is no one around to judge you, and youve
promised not to judge yourself. So dont hold back, give it everything youve

To help you get in the right state of mind, use the following.

Think about a world where youve got it all your way. Whatever it is that
you desire, you can have it. Trouble-free, without effort. In that world, you
call the shots. Everyone loves you, nobody judges you, whatever you decide
always goes. In that world

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M
If you could do anything, what would you really want to do?

If you could have the life of your dreams, how would that life look like?

Then reflect on the life youre living right now.

When are you putting your needs before the needs of others?

Do you take care of yourself? If so, when was the last time you did so?

Do you listen to your needs? How does that manifest into your life?

Remember when you were last hard on yourself what did you tell yourself?

When are you being hard on yourself?

When are you stretching yourself too thin?

Before we move on, I would like you to look at what your answers, and distill
what you have learned about yourself.

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M
When it comes to self-love, its important to pay attention to things such as:
being hard on yourself
putting other people first
wanting to say something but not doing it out of fear someone will get
mad at you
not listening to your body
not listening to your intuition
thinking you have to do something
trying to please others
knowing what you want, but doing something else
thinking youre not good enough

Now, use the space below to summarise what new learning emerged in regard
to how you love yourself:

Congratulations! You did that so well. Its hard, I know, but youve done it. You
deserve to give yourself a big hug right now!

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M

Now that weve explored some deep and personal truths about your love
for you, I want to awaken the creative artist within you. The next exercise is
designed to let your heart speak up about what self-love really means to you.
In all its forms. Using all of your senses.

For this next exercise, you can use whatever way you like to answer the
questions. Your creativity knows no boundaries, so I dont want you to have
any boundaries either!

Perhaps theres a piece of music that you really love, or there is a drawing
that wants to come out. Perhaps you have a flower in mind, or the smell of
freshly brewed coffee. Anything goes. So, open the doors of your creative
mind wide, and see what flows out of it.

What does self-love look like for you?

What does self-love smell like?

What colours does it have?

How does it feel to the touch?

Is self-love warm or cold, or something in between?

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M
How big is self-love?

What kind of rhythm is there to self-love?

What does it sound like?

Where is self-love?

What does your heart feel like when its filled with love for yourself?

How does self-love taste?

Is there a picture
of self-love that
you can draw?

What song reminds you of self-love?

This is one of my favorite exercises. Dont you just love it? If you want more
of this, why not create a Pinterest board about self-love? I create boards for
projects, feelings, thoughts that I have. Looking at them once theyre done
gives me a new perspective on my thoughts and feelings. Every time.

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M

Youve just painted an amazing picture of self-love, Im sure. Youve listened

to your soul. Now its time to realise what an amazing person you are and give
yourself permission to truly, madly, and deeply fall in love with yourself.

Im sure you know the saying that we are our own best friend. We all know it.
Yet, in reality, the way we often treat ourselves is far from the way we treat our
friends. We can be so hard on ourselves, expect so much, and say such nasty
things to ourselves. To be honest, loving ourselves is not really something our
culture encourages us to do. On the contrary.

Were pushed into all kinds of directions, but none of them make us love
ourselves more.

The following questions are designed to help you do just this. This is the
moment where you are totally honest with yourself and where you give
yourself credit for the amazing person that you are, and all the awesome things
youve accomplished in your life so far. Whatever society tells you to do, or
whatever youve been thought to think about yourself. Tabula rasa!

When you go through these questions, I want you to really feel into your
answers and I want you to really be proud of yourself. There is no doubt you
deserve to be.

What are you really proud of about yourself?

What do you know people admire in you?

What are your superpowers?

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M
What are the things that you love to do, that come easy to you and that you do

What are your positive qualities?

What wonderful things have you done that most others have not?

What are you known for?

Who do you take care of?

What is the nicest compliment anyone has ever paid you?

It is truly fascinating to realise that all of these wonderful qualities are your
qualities, isnt it? Know that you are unique and worthy of love, that you are
enough as you are, and that you are beautiful and loved.

Take a minute to think about all the remarkable things that you are and have
done in your life. Try to remember them in as much depth as you can, as they
will help you on your journey.

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M

You are on the path to self-love. And I am so proud of you! But change and
action are a process, and sometimes old habits, beliefs, or people get in the
way. Before moving on to the final exercise of this workbook, I want you to
think of a few strategies that can help you stay on track. What can you do to
show yourself love when the world is trying to tell you otherwise?

Take a hot bath

Go for a meditation walk
Call a friend

Keep this list handy. As you know by now, loving yourself more is the first step
into getting what you want out of life. First you have to love and put yourself
first, then everything else becomes so much easier. I know, Ive been there.

But as I said above, its a process. And one that can take time. Thats why you
need this list. Youll stray and go off the path of self-love. I know you will, I did
to. But thats ok. Just get back on it. It will get better, that I promise. And if you
keep at it, you will get what you want out of life.

Theres really no greater gift than loving yourself. First.

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M

Youve done it! This is the last exercise of this workbook. And it is an important

As a final step towards self-love, I want you to write a love letter to yourself,
just as you would write to the person who you love most in this world. Tell
yourself why you love yourself, why you dont want to be anyone else but you,
and why youre so grateful to have you in your life. Write down all the things
that youre proud of about yourself and all the great things youve achieved.

This letter will help you along the way. Whenever you feel youre straying off
the path of self-love, go back to it and read it to yourself. Its a remedy that
never fails.

Dear me,

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M
Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.
W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M

Life and Business Coach, Do-Good

Mentor, Soulful entrepreneur.
Helping multi-passionate and creative
women overcome the mental blocks that
stop them from getting into action.
Specialized in getting personal goals,
creative projects, artistic careers and
world-changing businesses successfully
kick-started or re-ignited.
With a particular interest for compassion
and self-love, and a strong belief in the
benefits of putting yourself first.

Helping women shine bright through the practice of unconditional self-love.

W W W. M U R I E LLE M A R I E . C O M

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