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Tyler Sattler 2/1/2017

De Leon

For my student mentor field experience I was assigned my placement at De Leon

Independent School District (ISD) in De Leon Texas. De Leon ISD is located twenty-five miles

from Stephenville and only eighteen miles from my hometown of Comanche. This past week I

made the trip to De Leon to attend the orientation for student teachers and observe the town for

myself. Being raised not too far from here, I found many similarities in De Leon that resembled

my hometown.

De Leon is a rural community with a population of 2,173 residents living in the towns

city limits. While talking to a clerk at a local fast food restaurant she informed me that most the

people in the community are middle age adults with kids. According to, families

in De Leon have a medium income of about 34,000 per year. This medium income is far less

than the state average. Members of the community mostly consist of people who have dropped

out of high school or have only obtained a high school degree. De Leon is a republican

community with occupations such as truck driving, agriculture, and farming. While in town I

visited with a local real estate agent about the house options. Like most rural towns, De Leon

offers houses to buy or rent and apartment complexes that are either private or government

operated. The average housing mortgage is approximately $53,477.

De Leon has proven to be supportive in the importance of education based on information

from recent state testing results and graduation rates. I am excited to have the opportunity to

tutor students at De Leon ISD and look forward to building on the experience I gain from it.
Tyler Sattler 2/1/2017

Raw Data Form

Name of the school: De Leon ISD

Name of the principal: Liesa Nowlin

Phone number of the school: 254-893-8210

School level: Elementary, Intermediate, Junior High, High School, Other

DataSource Data
AccountabilityRating(basedonSTAARscores) MetStandard
Numberofstudents 672
EthnicDistribution AfricanAm3
Numbereconomicallydisadvantagedstudents 397
LimitedEnglishProficient(LEP) 31
AtRisk 258
Mobility 0
Numberofstudentsperteacher 12
Numberofteachers,professionalsupport& 57,16
Averageyearsexperienceofteachers 12
Averageannualsalaryofteachers $43,433.00
Typesofprograms(seeProgramInformation) Bilingual/ESLEducation,Career&

TitleIschool(asktheschoolclerk/secretary) Yes
Tyler Sattler 2/1/2017
Tyler Sattler 2/1/2017

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