Electrical Impulses Faster Than Light

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,.... We have always been taught that

-. ~ nothing can exceed the speed of
~ light. Evidence exists, however, to
. ~~ the effect that this may not al-
ways be the case. Here's a de-
scrip tion of several ex-
. ... periments that seem to dis-
prove the theory of

relati vity, and an ex-
p lanat ion of what
. . . . may-or may not-
. " be taking place.


perimentation with transmission lines

and, in discu ssing my work with other
scientists, if I casu all y h app en to
mention-which is sort offun to do-that
I'm interested in electrical impu lses that
propagate faster than the speed of light,
I'm met with avariety of reactions.

The . most usual is derision-ranging
from skepticism or incredulity to outright
reject ion . On the other hand , there are a
few people who say that the phenomenon
is all old hat, and well known.
The word "well" might be disputed,

but it is true that in the first decad e of this
century it was already known that electric
waves do propagate in wires at velocities
in excess of c (the veloc ity of light in free
space, equal to 2. 998 x 1010 ern/sec) .
That fact seems to have been obscured by

our acceptance of Einstein ' s theories of
relativity so that \;'ery few peopl e-even Properties of electricity
senior gradu ate electrical engineers-are Maxwe ll's equations seem to describe
aware of it. .We are much more familiar the properties of electricity best. They

with idea that the velocity of light has c as predate the theories of relativity by 25
its upper limit and that the veloc ities of years , and were not the only set of equa-
both matter and energy are similarly li- tions proposed in the late nineteenth cen-
mited ; and that no intelligible information tury to explain the behavior of electricity .
can be propagated faster. But they were the ones supporte d by the
Sin ce there is some di spu te as to influential Cambridge schoo l, which was
whether the speed-limit postul ate of the predominant in science at the time .
relativity theories originated with Poin- Though Maxwe ll's equations are very
care or Einstein , we' ll avoid taking sides good where there is a continuous current-
and simply refer to it as the c-hypothes is. flow, they are known to be subject to unmodified equations, the velocity, v, of
It is reco gnized by relativism (the science certain errors , particularly in descri bing sinusoidal waves in transmission lines is
of rel ati vity) that the so-called wave phenome na involving moving isolated given by the following formula: v = 11
velocity of electricity-i-that is to say, the charges. It is precisely when treat ing the /IT. The values of Land C are not the >
velocity at which the crest of a sinusoidal, behavior of those discrete charges that it total inductance and capacitance of the z
continuously emitted , electrica l signa l is best to modify the equations to agree line , but represent its specific inductance >
moves through a conductor-s-can some- with relativity as we currently understand and capac itance-that is to say . its in- -<
times exceed the velocity of light. That it. heren t inductance and capacitance de-
forms an exception to the c-hypothsis. When derived directly from Maxwe ll's term ined on a per-centimeter basis-in
henri es and farads , respectively. exac tly where waves begi n and end. The experi ment shows one way to accomplish
If.L and C were both in the micro-m icro falling and rising edges of squarewave that. A very fine wire is selected, so as to
(10- 12 ) range, then v would be greater pul ses-particul arly the former-make keep the surface area , and, hence the in-
than c, and a co ndition would arise where goo d refere nce-poi nts that ca n be easily herent capac itance, small. Number 40
either the unm odi fied Maxwell equat ions traced thro ugh progressive stages of de- co pper wire is the finest genera lly ava il-
would fail, or the c-hypothesis would no forma tio n indu ced by line -distortion. able, but it is so fragile that I prefer use
longer apply, for the two are mutua lly Th at is illustrated in Fig . I-b , where a ' No . 35 steel sound-recording wire (ava il-
co ntradictory . It's not hard to find a con- and f3' are images of the falling and rising able from Fidelitone, 300 I Malmo Dr.,
ductor whose inhere nt capacitance is in edges a and 13 of the original wave, Arlington Heights, IL 60005) which is
the range of micro-mi cro fara ds (picofar- show n in Fig I-a. Thus , a squarewave qu ite satisfac tory, despite its high resis t-
ads) per ce ntimeter, to position it so that pulse is considered from one successive ance of one -ohm-per-em,
its inherent inductance is in the range of falling (or rising) poi nt to the nex t similar As shown in Fig . 3-a , a hundred notch-
micro-micro henries (picohenries) per poi nt, and waves that have been gener- es were cut , one em apart, in two insulat-
ce ntimeter, and then run a series of ex- ated from it as the waveform that exists ing boards, and the boards were separated
periment s to see whic h theor y hold s between the images of those points. The from one another by 99 ern. The wire was
water. That' s what I' ve been doing . mark ing points are nearly always acco m- strung tightly back and forth, forming a
panied in the output waveform by sharp se ries of 100 parallel lines, eac h one
Basis for experiments ove rshoo t spikes immed iately following meter long (when the turns at the end are
Th e ex peri me nts described bel ow them , as shown. taken into acco unt) . The total length was
sho w that there are a numb er of ways to exac tly 100 meters.
get the results needed to reach a co nclu- The value of L was kept quit e small
sion. They can be performed by anyone becau se the wires are noninducti vel y
with a little knowled ge of electronics, and wound, and the direction of current now
do not requ ire a large cash outlay-all in anyo ne line the reve rse of that in the
yo u need are an oscill osc op e and a two adjace nt lines.
squarewave generator. You will be able A second , similar, plane was co n-
to see for yourse lf that electric pulses do , __ structe d and placed beneath the first, but
indeed, prop agate in conductors at ve loc- with its wires running perpendicular to
ities faster than c, but you are also warned the first's. An air ga p of one em separated
that the results do not establish the valid- no---...... {3 ' the two planes . Then a third and fourth
ity of the equation v =-- \I j LC (though it plane were stacked benea th those , with
is more likel y to be true than would be the b the direction of the wires alternating . The
c-hy pothes is, if it were applied to the FIG. 1-0RIGINAL SaUAREWAVE (a) and its planes were co nnected to one another,
spee d of prop agation of electrical wave - image (b). Pulses are measured from one rising forming a co ntinuous transmission line
trains). In many cases I' ve observe d the (or falling) edge to the next. 400 meter s long .
speed of pr o pagati on of squarewave The capacitive effec t of the planes is
trains to be gre ater th an 100c- on e- The hookup for studyi ng the delay is illustrated in Fig. 3-c and depends on the
hundred times the speed of light. In most show n in Fig . 2. Resistor R is used to proxim ity of the wire surfaces to one an-
instances the spee ds have been beyond pro vid e a sig na l at B . A d ua l-trace other. I am awa re of no practical way to
the ca pabilities of my equipment to meas- osci llosco pe is not an abso lute necessity , measure inherent capaci tance, but a crude
ure. since the input and output point s can be upper estimate can be made by noting that
monit ored separately by transfe rring a the circ umference of No . 35 wire is .025
Requirements probe from one to the other. If the delay em , so that the total expose d surface of
In ex per iments relatin g to the veloc ity were I Y3 fJ-S, as a line 400 meters long the 400 -meter line is 1000 square em .
of electrica l signals , it is essenti al to use would imply under the c-hypothsis, and Two plates , each of area 500 square ern ,
squarewav e 'pulses or trains of pulses. the oscilloscope ' s maximum swe ep-rate separated by I em of air dielectri c, have a
Doin g so make s it ea sy to determine the was .1 fJ-s/cm , then you would obtain an ca pac itance of 4.425 x 10-11 farads; the
starting and end ing point s of a particul ar easily discern able displacement of I mm total inherent capacitance must be very
signa l, and to measure the time delay-if on the screen . much less than that. On a per-centi meter
any- introduce d . Also, a transm ission The delay circuit should be co nstructed basi s it is less th an 1.106 x 10- 15
line ca n distort the signal it carries . It is so that the values of L and C are qu ite farads-well below the picofara d range
possibl e , however , to avoid such difficul- sma ll. The procedure used in the first mentioned earlier. Obvio usly, the capaci -
ties by using a line long enough so that the
del a y pre d ic te d by th e c -hy po thesis
would exceed the time period of a sing le
cycle. O n the face of the osci lloscope, the
trace of the output signal from the line
would then be displace d at least one full
wave length with respect to the trace of the
input signal. For a I-MH z pulse , that CHANNEL CHANNEL
means using a wire at least 3 x 10 4 cm
long , which would give a delay (under the
c-hypo thesis) of at least one us; I use lines
o about 400 meters ( 1200 feet) long , which
allows for pulses somew hat longer than a DELAY CIRCUIT
oa: microsecond. Since too long a line ca n
o distort a wave form, the shorter a line you
W use, the better , ju st as long as you can get R
W measur able results.
6 Ifprecise measurements are to be made
(beyo nd ju st determining that something
a: is takin g place), it is necessary to define FIG. 2-DEVICE USED BY THE AUTHOR to compare a delayed signal with the original.
design of the wire array, I'll describe a
seco nd experiment I performed . In that, I
ran 480 meters (1600 feet) of No . 35 steel
wire in a gia nt loop once around the city
bloc k where I li ve . Th e spe cific in-
ducta nce of the loop can be co nsidered so
small as to be negligible . and the inherent
capac itance eve n less than that in the first
y_--------99 cm------~g
expe rime nt.
The results were esse ntially the same ,
and the waveform s are show n in Figs.
5-a-5-c for three different frequencies.Tn
that ex periment, the value of R was 3500
ohms, and th e resist ance of the lin e
48,000 ohms . The displacement of the

~5( .1.

--11- -



, I

.. A
1\ .......... :/
\ -,
\ I'\. -fV
FIG. 3-APPARATUS USED TO CONSTRUCT a 400-meter delay line is shown in a and b; equiva lent
capacitance is shown in c.

A ex - .
AI ex
il I
I il I \ { il If
1\ I I \, I i I I BI
... ' I , ..
",,} \ ,,, A r-,
~ :' II\. j ex f\, I'"i\ V ex'
I , I v "- ....,,/
I I I \J :\ ,.... ~ It
r "- ~ ~ IV I ~ il' B v-
il' I il'
a b

A ex I B1:.....-- ex il I ex
il \ B
\ r
i\ \ I' :.., (-- l a ' il' ,--.... ...... ..... /' A lil 1\
'I"' / ,..",l _ V
~ fY ' r ./.. . . . I/'" H" -1
, J lil'
-" 'f\. ex f\
/ I I
/ :,.."t;;7" /-. r-; -, /\'
fl. '\. I
:--1 v B4
I - / ,.! ~
f-.oo' B ~
il' i '''I ~ il' -- V

b d c
FIG. 5-SIGNALS, AND IMAGES, returned using
FIG. 4-0RIGINAL AND IMAGED signals for three different frequencies: 1 MHz (a), 0.8340 MHz (b) , and 480-meter conti nuous loo p. Frequenc ies used
0.3579545 MHz (e). Fig. 4-c shows images probed at 100, 200, 300, and 400-meter points. are the same as those ind icated for Fig. 4.

tance could be further reduced by separat- ferent frequencies. In case you feel that signals should have been at leas t 16 em if
ing the wires and the planes by more than the precise alignment of the curves is th e waves prop agat e d at ve loc ity c
one cm, but it is unnecessary to do so. somehow related to the length of the line, through the line . There was considerable
When a squarewave signal is fed to one in Fig. 4-d the traces are show n at 0, 100, difficu lty in obtaining clean signals be-
end of the device , the transit time to the 200,~300, and 400 meters from the input ca use of noise interfe rence; the line cou ld
other end is so brief that it is und etectable point ; the deformation is continuous in not be shielded or termin ated without
at the highest sweep-rate of a 15-MH z between . The value of R was set at 5000 altering its esse ntial L and C characteris-
o sc i llo scope. Accord ing to th e c- ohms and the total resistance of the device tics. Further more, shie lded cab les are
hypothesis, the output wave form should was 40, 000 ohms. well-known delay lines and their core s are
be displaced by at least 13 em with respect frequent ly coiled on them selves to en- >
to the input waveform, but the o ' and W A second experiment hance the delay effec t. depending on the z
point s match the (X and 13 point s to within The apparatus ju st described is the least design of various manufacturers. The line >
the precision that the instrument permits. cumbersome for laboratory use that I have picked up so much random noise from -<
Typical input and output wa veform s develop ed so far. In case you think that bro adc ast sig na ls th at even the input
are show n in Figs . 4- a-4-d for three dif- the observed effect is dependent on the squarewave was fuzzily indistinct on the
oscillosco pe . To obtain the clea n signals works says:
shown, I found that it was necessary to c:-r~ -~ ----~ .....the product LC is independent of
--- ---
- -- --
- --

perform the ex periment between 3 AM the size and separation of the con-
and 4 AM on a Sunday morning when the ductors and depends only on the di-

local TV stations and airpor t beacon were electric constant and permeability of
the insulating medium. The numerical

J; ,
off the air.
valu e 1//[C . for air-insulated con-
It was imp ossib le, of course , to lead the duct ors is approximately 3 x 108
output prob e along the loop as had been R meters/second, which checks with ex-
done in the previous experi ment. Howev- perime ntal det erm inations of t he
er , the fact that the input and output waves b velocity of light in free space."
corr esponded may be deduc ed by using What is free space? It is a mathem atic al
some eleme ntary arithmetic and from the FIG. 6-COLOR-TV delay line (a) and equivalent fiction, crea ted to suit the results of Max-
fact that no significant displacement oc- circuit (b ). well' s equatio ns.
curred at sev era l different , independent , At certain times, its properties con-
frequencie s. delay is prod uced, eve n if 15 of the units, venientl y simulate those of co nducting
Suppose that , under the c-hypothes is , involving some 405 meters ( 1300 feet) of media: at others , those of empty and in-
the transit time of the line were T = wire , are connected in series. terstellar space. If the first statement of
length/c. where length is the fixed length To obtain the results shown in Fig . 7, th e ab o ve e qua tio n we re tru e , th e n
of the line . In that time n = Tf waves only two delay lines were used , for a coax ial cable would not be a more effec -
would have entered the line, where f is delay of two fL S . Cur ve A shows the input tive delay line than any other wire sim-
equal to the signal-frequency. For an out- ilarly insulated; there would be no point in
put wave to appea r witho ut displacement coiling its core to produce a more effec-
with respect to the input wave, a freq uen- tive delay . And, if the velocity of electric-
cy would have to be chose n that would al pulses were unaffected by the distance
make n a whole number . se pa rati ng th e co nd uc to rs , not o nly
Let us assume , for instance , that that would the TV delay-device not work , but
was the case for one of the frequ encies, other delay devices that depend on an
say f). It co uld not occ ur at a different overlay of one substrate of a print ed-
frequ ency , f2, as well, unless n2 = Tf2 circ uit board upo n another would also be
wer e also an integer. Now , T = n / f , = ineffective . Inherent capac itance is dis-
n2/f2, so f 1/f2 = nl/n2' The numb er of tinctly depende nt on wire size and surface
waves, in who le or in part , in a 480-meter area. The assurance that all is well and
line would be either one or two, which checks with the velocity of light , c ; is ju st
means that f)/f2 would be equal to 1, 2, or that-an assurance , unfounded in fact.
Y2; that is , either f) = f2, f 1 = 2f 2, or f) = FIG. 7-0RIGINAL SIGNAL and images returned The very analysis that persuades us that
1/2f2. The test freq uenc ies used were: f) = using two TV delay-lines in series. See text for \' equals 1I/CL-a result that may be
I MHz, f2 = 0 .8340 MH z, and f.1 = explanation of curves. nearly correc t- has other conseq uences
0 .357 9545 MH z; none of them bears an that are rather surprising . They are: "the
integer relationship to the others, yet, as signal; curve 0 the output signal- with velocity of propagation is independent of
the correspondin g graphs show, none of the foil grounded to prod uce a delay. To frequency," and "a pulse can be pro-
them prod uced a measurable displace- get curve B, the foil was left floating and pagated down a line without distortio n. "
ment of the waves. it can be seen that the a ' and Wpoints In real life , the latter is obviously false, as
I regar d this experime nt as the most match the a and ~ points. If a one- my graphs illustrate . Nor is the former
critical one I have so far performed . It ca n mego hm poten tiomet er is inserted at true , for we can find current texts that
lead to only one conclusion : An electrical point " S" (in Fig . 6-b), betwe en the foil state " ... in matter, velocity depends on
signa l in a co nductor , under suitable con- and ground, and its setting varied from fre quency . " Exp erime nta l evi de nce
diti on s of very low L and C values, can be one megohm to zero , a co ntinuous gra da- agrees. but to what extent, my limited
made to pass through that co nductor at a tion of effec ts can be followe d . equipment cannot measure accurately.
velocity co nsiderably grea ter than that of The original signal beco mes more and Th e analyses of both Brillou in and
light. more def~rmed; so me of the peaks pre- Somm erfeld cla im to ex plain why Max-
dominate, as ca n be see n in curve C, and wellian and relativistic theories both sup-
Delay lines it is hard to decid e where the orig inal port the c-hypothes is, and the phenom -
Th e one-u s delay lines used in co lor- wave is, and where the delayed wave is. enon being discussed . They depe nd en-
TV receivers are prob ably fam iliar to The a' and Wpoints iden tifyin g the orig- tirely on the effect s of dispersion (the
most Radio- Electronics readers . One is inal wave remain evid ent for a long time d ep end en c y of th e v e l oc i ty of
shown in Fig . 6-a, along with its schema- but , in du e co ur se , the y are almos t e lectro mag netic waves on freq ue ncy)
tic rep resentation (Fig. 6-b). Of some 15 obliterated, although they always remain and, if dispersion is not assumed , they are
of the devices I' ve stud ied , no two have vestig ial, eve n in curve D . It really be- invalid . R-E
had precisely the same characteristics . co mes a matter of subjec tive opinion
Typically, though , they co nsist of a co il whether the new wave is merely so me
of fine wire, about 27 meters (80 feet) defo rma tio n of the old, or whether a delay
long , wound as a single layer on a form of the input signa l has take n place .
one ern (O.4-inch) in diameter. Beneath
(/) the windings lies a strip of foil covering
~ about a third of the tube . When that strip Facts VS . literature
o is c o nnec ted to ground, the in here nt The statements made in the literature
g: cap acitance of the line is increased to the relatin g to the veloc ity of electric signals
frl point that, when co mb ined with the small in cond uctors are cont radictory, mislead-
u:J inductance of the winding, a one-us de lay ing, and seem to ignore ex perimental evi-
o of the signal passed through the line re- dence . How is the \' = l/ jLC form ula
o suits. If the strip is simply left floatin g- recon ciled with the c-hypothesis? W.e. " Radio is ju st like TV-only the picture
C? unconn ected to gro und-no measurab le Johnson , in Transmiss ion Lines and Net- tube blew ."

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