Ratna Gamagee 8330 Cradle To Cradle Final Reading Assessment

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Final Reading Assessment: Selections from Cradle to

EAPP 8330: Critical Reading and Debate

Name: Ratna Gamage

Directions: Skim the Introduction of the book Cradle to Cradle: Remaking

the Way We Make Things (McDonough & Braungart, 2002) in order to answer
the questions below.

A. Determining the Authors Purpose (1 point each)

1. What problem are the authors identifying?

Industry and the Environment are being at odds with each other. However, the authors are
trying to approach to designing and producing the objects we use with the next industrial
revolution. As of now, the two systems cannot thrive in the current world. Over century
of human industry in full swing has brought decline in every eco system on the planet
nature does not have a design problem. People do.

2. What are the complexities of this issue?

Consumers have unwittingly become party to a process of waste and destruction even
with good intentions when we the consumer deliberately shop foe items from recycled
materials. Manufacturing process required much energy as well as much waste as
producing a new. Examining closely everything we use in healthy environment as much
as we think as peace, comfort and safety. In fact, hazardous except when sold to
customers, it is considered as acceptable to regulators. There lies the dilemma.

3. For whom is this topic important and why?

This topic is important to designers chemical researchers, architectures, urban designers,

industrial product and process designers to the project of transforming industry. And also
to manufacturers corporate and government both federal and local to implement the
design principle. This topic is important because it enables the human designed products
and systems to celebrate an abundance of human creativity, culture and productivity.

B. Interpreting the Evidence (2 points each)

Please answer each of the following questions in 2 3 complete sentences.

For each question, you must include specific evidence from the reading to
support your answer.

1. Read paragraphs 1 2 to answer the following questions. Do the

authors support the cradle-to-grave model? Why or why not?

The authors do not support the cradle-to-grave model. Life comforts in daily life find us

in peace, comfort and in safety. However, we have a closer look it is indeed a other way
around. The comfortable chair fabric contains mutagenic materials, heavy metals,
dangerous chemicals, and dyes. The computers contain thousands different kinds of
materials including toxic gases, toxic metals, acids, plastics, chlorinated and brominated
substances, and other additives. The dusts from printer toner cartridges contain nickel,
cobalt, and mercury and other substances harmful to humans.

2. Read paragraphs 3 5 to answer the following questions. According to

the authors, is the International Style a positive or negative product
design? What reasons do they give to support their claim?

According to the authors International style is a negative product design which advanced
during the early decades of the twentieth century as a reaction to Victoria era styles.
Today the international style has evolved in to something less ambitious: a bland, uniform
structure isolated from the particulars of place from local culture, nature, energy, and
material flows. Originators of international style intended to convey hope in the
brotherhood of human kind. However, the universal design solution does not work for
all parts. For example, soap manufacturers design one detergent for all parts of the United
States even though water qualities and community needs different.

C. Outlining the Argument Structure (6 points total)

Complete the argument outline for the sections From Cradle to Grave and
One Size Fits All. The main claim/thesis is listed below. Please add specific
warrants/reasons and evidence from the text that support the main claim.
A completed outline will include two reasons and 2 3 pieces of evidence for
each reason. The second reason has been done for you.

Main Claim / Thesis: Cradle-to-grave designs and one-size-fits-all solutions

are problematic

Reason 1: Cradle-to-grave designs wastes resources have recyclable value.

Evidence: Because 90 percent of materials extracted to make durable goods in the

United States become waste almost immediately. It is cheaper to buy a new version of
even the most expansive appliance than to repair the original items.

Evidence: Many products are designed with built-in-obsolescence. It is therefore

easier for consumers to buy a new replacement than to have the products repaired. And
some products are built to be used for only a short of time.

Evidence: On average only contain 5% of raw materials in the final product. 95% of
the other raw materials are wasted during the manufacturing process.

Reason 2: One-size-fits-all solutions do not work because one size fits all
solutions assume that needs are the same everywhere.

Evidence: To achieve their universal design solutions manufacturer

design for a worst case scenario, designing a product for the worst
possible circumstances so that it will always operate with the same
efficiency. This aim is guaranteeing the largest possible market for a product.

Evidence: The one-size-fits-all design itself is not consumers friendly. It can be

uninspiring and inhuman. Sealed windows constantly humming air conditioners, heating
systems, lack of day light and fresh air and uniform fluorescent lighting making a house
not for humans but to house like machines.

Directions: Read the section A Strategy of Tragedy, or a Strategy of Change

(pp. 42 44) to answer the questions below. For each question, circle (or
highlight) the best answer to the question.

D. Making Inferences (1 point each)

1. The authors attitude toward industrialists, engineers, designers, and

developers (p. 43) can best be described as:

a. resentful
b. empathetic
c. optimistic
d. critical
e. cheerful

2. The passage (pp. 42 44) is most likely intended to

a. describe the main problems of industrial infrastructure.

b. provide a definition of intergenerational remote tyranny.
c. place blame on designers for the problems we face today.
d. motivate people to change unintelligent design problems.
e. explain a strategy that can be used to implement change.

3. The final paragraph on page 44 is most likely intended to

a. ask the readers a question.

b. introduce new terminology.
c. present the subsequent topics.
d. define important movements.
e. describe a possible solution.

E. Analyzing the Argument (4 points total)

Please answer the following question in a well-structured paragraph. You

must include specific evidence from the reading to support your answer.

1. Is the reasoning and evidence convincing? Why or why not? (Consider:

How do the authors acknowledge the complexities of the issue? Do the
authors include a counterargument (concession + refutation)? What is
the tone of the counterargument? Do the authors rely on logos, pathos,
or ethos to persuade their readers? Have the authors chosen the
correct approach(es) for the intended audience? Is the evidence
credible and sufficient given the audience and the context of the

The authors used reasoning and evidence so convincingly to grab our attention. First by
showing the strategy of tragedy there after showing the strategy of change. Industrial
infrastructure design to chase economic growth at the expense of other vital concerns
particularly human ecological health, cultural and natural richness. The authors include a
counter argument by saying except for a few generally known positive side effects most
industrial methods and materials are unintentionally depletive. The tone of the counter
argument the authors do not blame the corporations or the consumers. In fact the authors
state Just as industrialist, engineers, designers, and developers of the past did not intend
to bring about such devastating effects, those who perpetuate these paradigms today
surely do not intend to damage the world. In fact the waste pollution and crude products
are not the result of corporations doing something morally wrong. Only as the
consequence of outdated and un-intelligent design. The authors have so effectively used
logos, pathos and ethos persuaded me and the authors chosen correct approach to bring to
the audience attention the whole world. The evidence the authors have brought in are so
effective that the next industrial revolution truly a visionary one. At first reading it was
intimidating, frustrating, confusing and could not figure out where it was going with it.
The authors Bill the architect and Michael the chemist, both made their mark in their own
fields, is as a great combination as Steve Jobs (marketing) Steve Wozniak (computer
expert) in the computer revolution. I regret in not reading this article before my career
goal essay, as in page 12 it says when I first met Bill, the environmentalists I knew
were looking ahead to upcoming 1992 Earth Summit. According to the authors at some
point a manufacturer or designer decides we cant keep doing this. We cant keep
supporting and manufacturing this system at some point they will decide that they would
prefer to live behind a positive design legacy. But when is that point? Even though the
authors say that that point is today I do disagree. Because now that president elect trump
is taking oath on January 20th we would have to wait till his term ends. Only there after a
newer administration will say enough is enough.

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