Hoagland Solution

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Recipe for Hoagland's Complete Nutrient Solution

This is made essentially according to the following reference: D.R. Hoagland and
D.I. Arnon. The water-culture method of growing plants without soil. Calif. Agr
. Expt. Sta. Circ. 347. 1950. There is one change and that is in the form of iro
n added.
Prepare the following stock solutions (1-6) and use the amounts indicated to pre
pare 1 liter ( final volume ) of nutrient solution:
1. 1.00 M NH4H2PO4 use 1 mL/L of nutrient solution
2. 1.00 M KNO3 use 6 mL/L of nutrient solution
3. 1.00 M Ca(NO3 )2 use 4 mL/L of nutrient solution
4. 1.00 M MgSO4 use 2 mL/L of nutrient solution
Micronutrient stocks: combine the following amount of salts in a total volume of
one liter of water, and then use 1 mL/L of this entire stock mixture (5) along
with the stocks above (1-4) and the iron stock (6) described below to make up a
total of 1 L of nutrient solution.
5. 2.86 gm H3BO3
1.81 gm MnCl2 .4H2O
0.22 gm ZnSO4 .7H2 O
0.08 gm CuSO4 . 5H2O
0.02 gm H2MoO4 . H2O
(Assaying 85% MoO3)
6. Iron stock: to the above 5 stocks add 0.25 ml of this iron stock for 1 liter
of nutrient solution.
To make up the iron stock, take 26.1 g EDTA and dissolve in 286 ml water that ha
s ~19 g KOH . Then dissolve 24.9 FeSO4.7H2O in ~ 500 ml water. Slowly add the ir
on sulfate solution to the potassium EDTA solution and aerate this solution over
night with stirring. The pH rises to about 7.1 and the solution is wine red and
very little precipitation occurs. Make to 1 liter final volume and store in a bo
ttle covered with foil (dark).
Note: Hoagland's recipe called for 1 ml of 0.5% iron tartrate stock per liter of
nutrient solution but we use the above substitution.

Here is a quick way to make nutrient stock solutions for hydroponic systems
Posted onMay 19, 2013
To make a nutrient stock solution, you need a minimum of two tanks. Nutrient Sto
ck solutions cannot be made in one tank.The reason is that above a certain concen
tration, calcium reacts with sulphates and phosphates to form insoluble calcium
sulphate () and calcium phosphate (). The two nutrient tanks will be called Tank
A and Tank B. The designation of A and B is universal and for a very good purpo
se, and that is to prevent any confusion as to what is in each nutrient tank. Th
e golden rule is that all nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and micro n
utrients , except iron, are added to Tank A and that all calcium and iron fertil
izers are added to Tank B.
The procedure in mixing nutrient stock solutions is extremely important. Followi
ng the correct procedures will prevent sediments accumulating at the bottom of t
he nutrient tanks and prevent the formation of insoluble compounds which are not
available to plants. The procedure is as follows:
1. Fill the two tanks 90 % with water
2. Measure the pH and correct with either an acid or base
3. Switch the irrigation pump on to agitate the water in the tank. The valve dir
ecting water to the plants should be switched off. Water is now circulating from
the tank to the pump and back tot the tank.
4. Dissolve small portions each fertilizer in a 20 L bucket before adding the co
ntents to the large stock tank. If some of the fertilizer did not dissolve in th
e small bucket, do not add the un-dissolved sludge in the main tank, rather add
more water and dissolve until there is not sludge at the bottom of the bucket.
5. Dissolve the macro nutrients first starting with the sulphates such as potass
ium sulphate and magnesium sulphate (if they are used), then proceed with the ni
trates and phosphates. Remember calcium nitrate cannot be added with potassium n
itrate or magnesium nitrate since they are added into a separate tank.
6. Calcium nitrates dissolves slowly so it is recommended that hot water is used
when mixing the fertilizer into the 20 L buckets.
7. Check the pH of both tanks and adjust only Tank A between 5.8 and 6.8.
A nutrient stock solution to control and adjust the water pH can also be made. Ag
ain use a small nutrient tank; 500 L or 1,000 L is quite sufficient, and fill 95
% with water. If phosphoric acid is used add any amount of acid into the stock
tank. Some acids come in 5 L bottles, so the whole bottle can be added into the
tank, don t worry.
When adjusting the pH of the main nutrient tank, small amounts of the pH tank ar
e used. Quite often the amount that is required to adjust the main nutrient tank
becomes predictable, for instance, every day the 5,000 L tank requires 10 L of
the stock pH solution. It is safer working with the stock pH solution than with
the concentrated phosphoric acid or nitric acid.

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Here are the density (assumed to be that of the pure solid) and the molecular we
ight (which we also need):
NaOCl Density: 1.11 g/cm^3 = 1.11 g/mL
NaOCl Molar mass: 74.442 g/mol
Now we do a bunch of conversions:
5% NaOCl v/v = 5 mL NaOCl/100 mL
(5 mL NaOCl/100 mL)*(1.11 g NaOCl/mL NaOCl)*(mol NaOCl/74.442 g NaOCl)*(1000 mL/
dm^3) = 0.730 mol/dm^3
Because 1 dm^3 - 1 L, this is also the molarity.
To do the conversion from M to %, just reverse the calculation.
How to convert ppm to percent
How to convert number inparts-per million (ppm)topercent (%).
ppm to percent conversion
1% = 1/100 How to convert ppm to percent
How to convert number in parts-per million (ppm) to percent (%).
ppm to percent conversion
1% = 1/100
1ppm = 1/1000000
So one parts-per million is equal to 0.0001 percent:
1ppm = 0.0001%
So to convert from ppm to percent, divide the ppm by 10000:
x(%) = x(ppm) / 10000
Convert 300ppm to percent:
x(%) = 300ppm / 10000 = 0.03%
1ppm = 1/1000000
So one parts-per million is equal to 0.0001 percent:
1ppm = 0.0001%
So to convert from ppm to percent, divide the ppm by 10000:
x(%)=x(ppm)/ 10000

Convert 300ppm to percent:
x(%)= 300ppm / 10000 = 0.03%

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