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IEEE INFOCOM 2014 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications

LiFi: Line-Of-Sight Identication with WiFi

Zimu Zhou , Zheng Yang , Chenshu Wu , Wei Sun and Yunhao Liu
CSE, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Schoolof Software and TNList, Tsinghua University
{zhouzimu, yang, wu, sunwei, yunhao}

AbstractWireless LANs, especially WiFi, have been perva- signal strength uctuations due to multipath superposition
sively deployed and have fostered myriad wireless communication still pose substantial challenges in producing recurring radio
services and ubiquitous computing applications. A primary con- ngerprints [13] [14]. The availability of a clear and short-
cern in designing each scenario-tailored application is to combat range LOS path also benets other novel applications such as
harsh indoor propagation environments, particularly Non-Line- wireless energy harvesting by ensuring tight electromagnetic
Of-Sight (NLOS) propagation. The ability to distinguish Line-
Of-Sight (LOS) path from NLOS paths acts as a key enabler
coupling and thus high charging efciency [15]. In a nutshell,
for adaptive communication, cognitive radios, robust localization, the awareness of LOS and NLOS conditions, and further
etc. Enabling such capability on commodity WiFi infrastructure, disentangling the LOS component, paves the way for and
however, is prohibitive due to the coarse multipath resolution enhances all these frameworks.
with mere MAC layer RSSI. In this work, we dive into the PHY
layer and strive to eliminate irrelevant noise and NLOS paths Achieving such capability with commodity WiFi infras-
with long delays from the multipath channel responses. To further tructure, however, entails a range of challenges. Although vast
break away from the intrinsic bandwidth limit of WiFi, we extend theoretical channel models have been proposed for LOS and
to the spatial domain and harness natural mobility to magnify NLOS propagation [16], a practical LOS identication scheme
the randomness of NLOS paths while retaining the deterministic either requires precise channel proles, which involves dedi-
nature of the LOS component. We prototype LiFi, a statistical cated channel sounders, or assumes abundant randomness to
LOS identication scheme for commodity WiFi infrastructure bring the statistical models in effect. Towards more pervasive
and evaluate it in typical indoor environments covering an area solutions, most existing approaches either employ extremely
of 1500m2 . Experimental results demonstrate an overall LOS wideband signals like UWB [17], or resort to relatively long-
identication rate of 90.4% with a false alarm rate of 9.3%.
range communications like cellular networks [18], and often
halt at simulations. Unfortunately, current WiFi operates with
I. I NTRODUCTION a bandwidth of only 20MHz, thus unable to resolve paths
with distance difference shorter than 15m, yet often targets
The ubiquitously deployed WiFi networks indoors serve at inbuilding services of meter-level accuracy. Such scale mis-
as more than a vehicle for communication. Fast emerging match of operating bandwidth and geographic space hampers
applications, e.g. indoor localization [1], through-wall tomog- direct adoption of either category of existing approaches to
raphy [2], human gesture recognition [3] etc., are continuously WiFi due to the coarse-grained channel measurements and
revolutionizing the horizon. For each innovative design to short-range indoor propagation environments. Pioneer works
excel in multipath-dense indoor scenarios, Non-Line-Of-Sight [11] [12] extend to the spatial dimension leveraging MIMO
(NLOS) propagation lurks as a primary threat that cannot techniques, but still require hardware modication, impeding
be snapped shut outside. The severe attenuation of NLOS immediate viability.
propagation deteriorates communication link quality and de-
grades theoretical propagation models. The past decade has In this work, we aim to design a pervasive primitive to
witnessed extensive research to combat such a phenomenon identify the availability of the LOS path under multipath
[4][7], where the ability to distinguish Line-Of-Sight (LOS) propagation with only commodity WiFi devices. Since the
and NLOS propagation acts as a fundamental primitive. presence and obstruction of the LOS path are mutually exclu-
sive, we harness the hypothesis test framework for statistical
According to the NLOS/LOS conditions, PHY layer set- LOS identication [18]. To capture the distinctions between
tings can be tuned for high throughput and reliable commu- LOS and NLOS conditions with merely off-the-shelf WiFi
nication. For instance, in case of LOS dominant propagation, infrastructure, we exploit two key observations. 1) The recently
transmitters can switch to denser modulation and thus higher exposed PHY layer information on commercial WiFi devices
data rates [8]. Under severe NLOS conditions, on the other reveals multipath channel characteristics at the granularity of
hand, particular receiver parameters (e.g. nger number of OFDM subcarriers [19], which is much ner-grained than
Raker receiver [9]) can be congured to remain effective with the traditional MAC layer RSSI. 2) The spatial disturbance
slightly higher complexity. induced by natural mobility tends to magnify the randomness
Besides adaptive wireless communication, numerous re- of NLOS paths, while retaining the deterministic nature of the
search domains also rely heavily on or even build upon the LOS path, thus facilitating LOS identication via the statistical
presence of the LOS path. For instance, NLOS propagation characteristics of the received signals.
induces positive bias in time and power based ranging [10] We prototype LiFi, a LOS identication scheme for com-
[6], and generates spurious angular peaks for angle estimation modity WiFi infrastructure. Leveraging the PHY layer channel
[11] [12]. Even for ngerprinting-based localization, the erce state information reported by the off-the-shelf Intel 5300
c 2014 IEEE Network Interface Card (NIC), we eliminate irrelevant noise

978-14799-3360-0/14/$31.00 2014 IEEE 2688

IEEE INFOCOM 2014 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications

and NLOS paths with large delays. On observing that mobility

magnies the discrepancies between LOS and NLOS paths
due to their intrinsic difference in spatial degree of freedom, W W
we involve natural receiver movement (e.g. walking with an >K^W >K^W
ultrabook at hand) to enhance LOS identication. Combined d Z d Z
with mobility, we extract representative features from the
envelope distribution of the ltered channel state information W W
to quantify its distinctions under LOS and NLOS conditions.
Through extensive evaluation, LiFi achieves an overall LOS t>K^W t>K^W
detection rate of 90.42% with a false alarm rate of 9.34%, and
proves to be robust to different propagation distances, channel Fig. 1. An illustration of multipath propagation and LOS/NLOS conditions.
attenuation and blockage diversity.
The main contributions of this work are summarized as
harshly attenuated to be perceivable against the noise oor
(Case 2). Hence the LOS identication problem is to discern
We exploit PHY layer channel state information to the availability of the LOS path under multipath propagation.
identify the availability of the LOS component in Mathematically, the identication procedure is formulated as
multipath-dense indoor scenarios. As far as we are a binary hypothesis test with LOS hypothesis (H0 ) and NLOS
aware of, this is the rst LOS identication scheme hypothesis (H1 ) [20]. Given a generic feature metric , the
built upon merely commodity WiFi infrastructure conditional Probability Density Function (PDF) under the two
without hardware modication leveraging PHY layer hypotheses p(|LOS) and p(|N LOS) are then applied to the
information, which allows pervasive adoption. classical decision theory with a likelihood ratio test:

We harness natural mobility to magnify the distinc- p(|LOS) H0 P (N LOS)

tions between LOS and NLOS conditions, and put p(|N LOS) H1 P (LOS)
LOS identication into mobile context, indicating vi-
ability with truly mobile devices. where P (LOS) and P (N LOS) denote the prior probabilities
of LOS and NLOS propagation, respectively.
We prototype LiFi, a pervasive LOS identication
scheme and validate its performance in various indoor A distinctive feature , therefore, lies in the core of ef-
ofce environments covering a total area of 1500m2 . fective LOS identication schemes. Intuitively, since the LOS
Experimental results demonstrate that LiFi outper- path, if present, always arrive ahead of NLOS paths, the delay
forms RSSI based approaches, achieving both LOS characteristics of received signals differ under LOS and NLOS
and NLOS detection rates of above 90%. conditions. For instance, received signals under LOS condition
normally experience smaller average delay, and this forms the
In summary, the existence of the LOS path can be regarded basis for most UWB based LOS identication schemes, where
as a primary characteristic of wireless channels. We envision high resolution channel information is available [21] [9]. In the
the primitive to identify LOS and NLOS dominant conditions time domain, the multipath channel is modeled as a temporal
as an enhancement for current 802.11 standards and future linear lter, known as Channel Impulse Response (CIR) [16]
communication protocols, and a synergy for myriad appli- h( ):
cations including AP association, network routing, topology N
maintenance, human-computer interaction, etc. h( ) = ai eji ( i ) (2)
In the rest of this paper, we rst provide preliminary back-
ground in Section II, introduce feature extraction in Section where ai , i and i are the amplitude, phase and time delay of
III, and detail our design in Section IV. Section V presents the ith path, respectively. N is the total number of paths and
the performance evaluation. We review the related work in ( ) is the Dirac delta function. Various statistics depicting
Section VI. Section VII concludes this work. the average delay (e.g. mean excess delay [21]) are then
utilized as indicators for LOS/NLOS conditions. Nevertheless,
II. P RELIMINARIES commodity wireless infrastructure often fails to support precise
CIR estimation [6] [7]. Theoretical analysis hence resorts to
In essence, LOS identication is tasked to infer the channel modeling the distributions of the received signal envelope. For
state via certain feature metrics of the received signals. In instance, received signal envelope exhibits Rician distribution
this section, we review the statistical decision framework of under LOS propagation yet Rayleigh distribution in case of
LOS identication, followed by candidate features from both NLOS condition [20]. In practice, due to the noisy readings of
theoretic analysis and commodity WiFi infrastructure. conventional signal strength indicators (e.g., MAC layer RSSI),
such frameworks generally halt at simulations or only partially
A. The LOS Identication Problem applicable to long-range outdoor communications like cellular
Twisty corridors, capsuled rooms and scattering furniture
indoors often create a labyrinth for radio signals, where they B. Channel State Information
have to propagate via multiple intricate NLOS paths. As
shown in Fig. 1, it is common for the LOS path to be Towards a practical LOS identication scheme with com-
mixed with multiple aliased NLOS paths (Case 1), or too modity WiFi infrastructure, we explore the recently available

IEEE INFOCOM 2014 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications






Fig. 2. Distributions of Mean Excess Delay Fig. 3. Distributions of Kurtosis of CIR Fig. 4. CIR under LOS/NLOS Conditions

PHY layer information. Leveraging the off-the-shelf Intel 5300 We extracted CSIs from 5000 packets measured under
NIC and a modied driver, a sampled version of Channel typical LOS and NLOS dominant conditions, and calculated
Frequency Response (CFR) within WiFi bandwidth is revealed the corresponding CIRs via IFFT. Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 illustrate
to upper layers in the format of Channel State Information the CDFs of the mean excess delay and kurtosis metrics,
(CSI) [19]. Each CSI depicts the amplitude and phase of a respectively. In general, LOS dominant conditions have shorter
subcarrier: mean excess delay (i.e., shorter average delay) and larger
kurtosis (i.e., a more sharply distributed power delay pro-
H(fk ) = H(fk )ej sin(H(fk )) (3) le). However, a threshold to discriminate LOS and NLOS
where H(fk ) is the CSI at the subcarrier with central frequency conditions would always lead to high false identication rate.
of fk , and H(fk ) denotes its phase. The primary hurdle lies in the crude CIR samples. Given an
operating bandwidth of 20MHz, commodity WiFi yields a time
Since CFR can be converted into CIR via Inverse Fourier resolution of 50ns. Therefore paths with length difference s-
Transform (IFT), an estimation of CIR with time resolution of maller than 15m might be mixed in one CIR sample. Moreover,
1/20M Hz = 50ns is exposed. Although its time resolution as shown in Fig. 4, there is an uncertain time lag at the start
remains capable of discriminating only clusters of multipath of measured CIR samples. In case of low time resolution and
components [6], CSI holds potential to eliminate the impact lack of synchronization, it is rather error-prone to align the
of irrelevant noise and NLOS paths with large delays when CIR samples with respect to the rst arriving path.
identifying the LOS path.
Although the CSI on current WiFi fails to estimate precise
Compared with the conventional MAC layer RSSI, CSI CIR, the emerging trend towards wider bandwidth WiFi (e.g.
portrays a ner-grained temporal and spectral structure of 802.11ac up to 160MHz) holds potential for practical LOS
wireless links. However, the insufcient bandwidth and time identication via delay characteristics. On the other hand, it
resolution of WiFi with respect to UWB pose a series of sufces to extract signals of the dominant paths and eliminate
challenges to codify the new information into effective fea- irrelevant noise [6]. The following subsection hence explore
tures. We strive to extract proper features from CSI for LOS the envelope distribution features of the dominant paths.
identication in the following section.
B. Envelope Distribution of Dominant Paths with Mobility
Unlike delay characteristics based LOS identication
Despite elegant theories underpinning delay characteristics which models the time domain distinctions between LOS and
based LOS identication, we demonstrate its limitations on NLOS conditions, envelope distribution based schemes explore
bandwidth-constrained WiFi infrastructure even with PHY the spatial domain. The intuition is that NLOS paths often
layer CSI. Combined with natural mobility, though, we observe involve large numbers of obstacles that reect, refract and
the potential feasibility of envelope distribution based features. diffract wireless signals. Consequently, signals travelling along
This section presents primary measurements from a typical NLOS paths tend to behave more randomly compared with
ofce building, and focuses on mobility-enhanced envelope those along a clear LOS path. Therefore, from a statistical
features for LOS identication. perspective, the distributions of received signal envelope differ
under LOS and NLOS conditions due to varied extent of
A. Crude Delay Characteristics of CSI spacial randomness. In the communications communities, the
The rationale for delay characteristics based LOS identi- envelope distribution is often modeled as Rayleigh fading for
cation is twofold. (1) For a particular wireless link, signals NLOS dominant conditions and Rician fading for LOS domi-
transmitted via the LOS path always arrive rst. (2) If the nant conditions [16], and this has been numerically veried via
LOS path is not obstructed, it usually experiences weaker simulation for long-range communication (e.g. cellular) [22].
attenuation compared with NLOS paths. Prevalent feature For indoor WiFi networks, though, two challenges remain.
metrics include mean excess delay [21] and kurtosis [9],
Conventional MAC layer RSSI usually contains enor-
which approximate the weighted average and peakedness of
mous noise, thus inducing irrelevant interference to
the received signal power delay prole, respectively. The
the LOS path, making it less deterministic.
limited bandwidth of current WiFi, however, yields insufcient
multipath resolution, thus impeding direct adoption of this Constrained by particular indoor oor plans and the
thread of features even with PHY layer CSI. relatively short transmission distances, the NLOS

IEEE INFOCOM 2014 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications

LOS Dominant LOS Dominant LOS Dominant

0.2 0.4 0.15
Empirical Empirical Empirical
Rician Rician 0.1 Rician


dy Zy 0.1 Rayleigh 0.2 Rayleigh Rayleigh

0 0 0
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 10 20 30 40
Amplitude Amplitude Amplitude
Zy NLOS Dominant NLOS Dominant NLOS Dominant
0.2 0.2
Empirical Empirical Empirical
Rician Rician 0.1 Rician


0.1 Rayleigh 0.1 Rayleigh Rayleigh

0 0 0
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Zy Zy Amplitude Amplitude Amplitude

(a) RSS under Static Links (b) CSI under Static Links (c) CSI under Mobile Links
Fig. 5. Impact of Mobility
on LOS/NLOS Propagation Fig. 6. Received Envelope Distribution under LOS/NLOS Conditions

paths may not be adequately random, which poten- To induce more randomness on NLOS paths, we explore to
tially degrades the viability of theoretical models. involve mobility into our scheme. The intuition is that, mobility
may induce notable spatial disturbance on NLOS paths. As
To wipe out unwanted interference when identifying the illustrated in Fig. 5, when Receiver1 moves from RX1 to RX1 ,
LOS path, we explore the PHY layer CSI instead of traditional the LOS path experiences only slight variation, while NLOS
MAC layer RSSI. As pointed out in [6], CSI provides a time paths suffer notable changes in transmission distances, arriving
resolution of multipath-clusters. We therefore exploit CSI to angles, channel attenuation, etc. Such mixture of a clear LOS
disentangle the dominant paths to mitigate the impact of NLOS path with randomly attenuated NLOS paths is well captured
paths with long delays as well as irrelevant noise to enhance by Rician fading. On the other hand, in case of undeceivable
the deterministic nature of the LOS path. LOS path, almost all paths would uctuate considerably during
Receiver2s movement from RX2 to RX2 , which would better
More specically, we lter the CIR samples obtained from t Rayleigh fading due to the abundant randomness. Fig. 6c
CSI as follows: plot the envelope distributions of ltered CSI for a mobile link
(by moving the receiver back and forth). As is shown, with
Although the CSI tool [19] provides an estimation
natural mobility, the received envelope under LOS condition
of the noise oor, which facilitates a threshold based
distributes almost symmetrically, while the distribution exhibits
signal arrival detection scheme, we nd it more reli-
a notable skew under NLOS conditions and better ts Rayleigh
able to detect signal arrival by nding the maximum
slope in a CIR sequence. The reason is that the slope
based detection better captures the energy switch from
noise to signals, even if the signal power is not strong C. Candidate Envelope Distribution Features
To codify the above observations into quantitative features,
Since typical indoor maximum excess delay is smaller an intuitive method is to measure the envelope distribution
than 500ns [23], given a time resolution of 50ns, only of ltered CSI for a mobile link, and compare it with the-
the rst 10 out of the 30 accessible CIR samples are oretical Rician and Rayleigh distribution. However, it often
relevant to multipath propagation. Accounting for the involves large amounts of measurement to obtain an accurate
alignment errors due to uncertain time lag, the CIR probability density estimation [20], which limits its realtime
sample next to the rst detected path may contain applicability. Towards a light-weight yet effective feature, we
the LOS path as well. We thus summate over the propose two candidates, Rician-K factor and skewness, for our
CIR sample with the maximum slope along with LOS identication scheme.
the next CIR sample for envelope distribution feature
extraction. 1) Rician-K Factor: Rician-K factor [8] is dened as the
ratio of the power in the LOS component to the power in
Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b plot the distributions of received the scattered NLOS paths. In theory, if the PDF of received
envelopes as well as Rician and Rayleigh tting of overall signal envelope r obeys Rician distribution, it is associated
RSS and ltered CSI for a static link. As is shown, the with Rician-K factor K as follows:
envelope of ltered CSI distributes more narrowly than that 
2(K + 1)r (K (K+1)r2 ) K(K + 1)
of overall RSS, indicating that weeding out irrelevant paths p(r) = e I0 (2r ) (4)
enhances the deterministic nature of the LOS path. However,
although the empirical distributions are well tted by Rician where I0 () is the zero order modied Bessel function of the
fading, Rayleigh tting almost fails even for NLOS conditions. rst kind, and denotes the total received power.
This seemingly counter-theoretical result indicates that it is
possible for NLOS paths to behave deterministically in static Although the concept of Rician-K factor is built upon
environments with relatively short propagation distances and Rician distribution, its calculation does not involve probability
insufcient scatters. Therefore, it is still infeasible to simply density estimation and tting. However, as demonstrated in Eq.
employ ltered CSI for LOS identication, since it also 4, it involves a function inverse operation when obtaining an
reduces the randomness of NLOS paths. accurate Rician-K factor estimation from the sampled received

IEEE INFOCOM 2014 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications

envelopes. In this paper we utilize a practical estimator for the shifts in the frequency domain is equivalent to delays in the
Rician-K factor [8] leveraging only the empirical moments. time domain, the random phase noise leads to unknown time
 lags when calculating CIR samples from raw CSI samples as
222 + 4 2 222 4 shown in Fig. 4. We hence utilize the linear revision as in [26]
K = (5) to mitigate the CIR aligning errors incurred by random phase
2 4 noise, where the revised phase r (f ) is equal to r (f )f
where 2 and 4 are the empirical second and fourth order and and denote the slope of the phase change and average
moments of the measured data, respectively. A large K indi- phase change over all the subcarriers, respectively.
cates strong LOS power and thus, a high probability of LOS The revised phase information is thereafter reassembled
dominant conditions. with the amplitude measurement as the complex CFR samples.
2) Skewness: Skewness is a general metric depicting the The corresponding CIR samples are obtained via a 32-point
the skewed shape of a distribution. Mathematically, skewness IFFT on the CFR samples. Envelope distribution features are
s is dened as: thereafter extracted from the dominant paths detected by the
E{x }3 maximum slope scheme as discussed in Section III-B.
s= (6)
where x, and denote the measurement, mean, and standard B. Normalization
deviation, respectively. A positive (negative) skewness indi-
cates that the measured data spread out more to the right (left) One advantage of the PHY layer CSI over the tradi-
of the sample mean. tional MAC layer RSSI is that CSI eliminates the unknown
transmission power and only characterizes the attenuation of
As the received envelope of ltered CSI distributes more the propagation channel. However, it is well-known that the
asymmetrically in NLOS conditions (Fig. 6c), we employ radiation power decreases with propagation distance in free
skewness as a candidate feature, which is agnostic to specic space. To make the LOS identication scheme independent of
distributions and is more computation-effective. The skewed the power attenuation of the channel, we normalize the CIR
distribution of received signal envelope for NLOS paths has samples measured at one time by dividing them by the average
also been observed in [24], and modeled as a skewed Laplace amplitude, i.e., setting the mean signal amplitude to 1, before
distribution with respect to fade level, but it involves the extracting envelope distribution features from the CIR samples.
prerequisite of transmitter-receiver distance between a static The rationale for normalizing the mean signal amplitude to 1
link. Conversely, we do not assume specic distribution and instead of 0 is that the received signal amplitude is always
only calculate the skewness from ltered CSI for mobile links, greater than 0 (not in dB).
which is irrespective of propagation distances, transmission
power, and channel attenuation.
C. Identication
In summary, both Rician-K factor and skewness quantify
the differences of the skewed envelope distribution under LOS Given a set of normalized and ltered CIR samples from N
and NLOS dominant conditions. In the next section we rst packets, the Rician-K factor K and skewness s are calculated
present a generic LOS identication framework and postpone as introduced in Section III-B. Then LOS identication is
the detailed performance comparison between the two features formulated as a classical binary hypothesis test with LOS
to Section V. condition H0 and NLOS condition H1 .

IV. LOS I DENTIFICATION For the Rician-K factor, the hypothesis test is:

In this section, we present our LiFi LOS identication H0 : K > Kth
scheme. The CSI samples reported from the receiver are H1 : K < Kth
rst preprocessed to mitigate random phase noise and are
normalized to eliminate the impact of transmitting power. The and for skewness based LOS identication,
reassembled CFRs are then converted into CIR via IFFT. The 
two candidate features are extracted from a set of ltered H0 : s < sth
CIR samples from N packets. The identication procedure is H1 : s > sth
formulated as a statistical hypothesis test with a pre-calibrated where Kth and sth represent the corresponding identication
threshold for each of the feature metrics. The following subsec- threshold for Rician-K factor and skewness, respectively. The
tions elaborate on the detailed operations for each processing thresholds are pre-calibrated and according to our measure-
stage. ments, a unied threshold for each feature metric would t
various scenarios including different propagation distances,
A. Preprocessing channel attenuation, and blockage diversity.
The lack of time and frequency synchronization induces
random phase noise when measuring the complex channel re- V. P ERFORMANCE
sponse at each subcarrier [25] [26]. Given the carrier frequency
f , initial phase of t (f ) and propagation time t, the ideal In this section, we rst interpret the experiment setup and
received phase r (f ) is equal to t + 2f t. However, the the methodology, followed by detailed performance evaluation
clock offset t and frequency difference f result in unknown of LiFi in various indoor scenarios, as well as comparative
phase shifts 2f t and 2f t, respectively [25]. Since phase studies against RSS based approaches.

IEEE INFOCOM 2014 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications




d> W>

Fig. 7. Floorplan of the Testing Building Fig. 8. Floorplan of the Testing Ofce

A. Methodology where Kth , fK (|H0 ) and fK (|H1 ) denote the identication

threshold and conditional probability densities under the two
We conduct the measurement campaign over one week hypothesesfor Rician-K factor, respectively, while for skew-
in typical ofce environments including corridors and rooms, ness:
covering an area of approximately 1500m2 . The corridors  sth
are enclosed with concrete bearing walls and hollow non- PD,s = fs (|H0 )d
bearing walls. The rooms are furnished with cubicle desks
partitioned by glass and metal boards, computers, and other
plastic, wooden and metallic furniture. The doors are kept open PF A,s = fs (|H1 )d

during the measurements and occasionally there are people
passing by. where sth , fs (|H0 ) and fs (|H1 ) represent the corresponding
identication threshold and conditional probability densities
The oor plan of the testing building is illustrated in Fig. 7. under the two hypotheses for skewness, respectively.
For the corridors, we collect CSIs for LOS, through-wall
and around-corner propagation with a maximum transmitter-
B. Overall Identication Performance
receiver distance of 30m. For the rooms, we select a grid of 23
testing locations separated by 2m and 2 AP locations (Fig. 8). Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 demonstrate the distributions of Rician-
The direct link between one transmitter and one receiver could K factor and skewness under LOS and NLOS dominant
be a clear LOS path, partially blocked by furniture and humans, conditions for (a) overall RSS1 of static links (b) ltered CSI
or through-wall propagation, as shown in Fig. 8. Different of static links (c) overall RSS of mobile links (d) ltered CSI
AP heights are also tested including 0m, 0.8m and 2m above of mobile links, respectively.
the oor. To simulate natural human mobility, the receiver is
placed on a wheeled desk of 0.8m in height, and is pushed by 2 Static Links vs. Mobile Links: In general, the histograms
different volunteers. For each measurement, the receiver moves of both Rician-K factor and skewness of static links span a
randomly for 1m to 2m. We collect 2000 packets for each larger range compared with mobile links, indicating mobility
measurement, and in total we conduct 1000 measurements. For decreases the variations of the feature estimation. The rationale
fair comparison, we also collect 1000 measurements for static is that static links occasionally suffer from environmental
links, with each measurement collected roughly along the user dynamics (e.g. pedestrians), whereas the locomotion of mobile
moving traces. Each category of measurements include 500 links tend to mask the impact of background instability. There-
LOS dominant conditions and 500 NLOS dominant conditions. fore, mobile links are more robust to accidental disturbance
since receiver motion dominates the changes of propagation
During the measurements, a TP-LINK TLWR741N wire- paths. The disadvantage of mobile links, though, is that the
less router is employed as the transmitter operating in IEEE LOS component also experiences uctuations, thus leading to
802.11n AP mode at 2.4GHz. A LENOVO laptop equipped potential ambiguity between LOS and NLOS conditions. As
with Intel 5300 NIC and modied rmware as in [19] is used as shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10, the distributions of Rician-K
the receiver pinging packets from the AP. A group of 30 CSIs factor under LOS conditions demonstrate a notable negative
are extracted from each packet and processed as in Section shift while those of skewness do a slight positive shift. The
IV-A. shifts under NLOS conditions, on the other hand, vary for the
two features. According to our measurements, the distributions
We mainly focus on the following metrics to evaluate our of Rician-K factor under NLOS conditions seem to experience
scheme. (1) LOS Detection Rate PD : The fraction of cases less shift compared with those under LOS conditions, leading
where the receiver correctly identies a LOS condition for to more ambiguity for LOS identication (Fig. 9a and Fig. 9c).
all LOS cases. (2) False Alarm Rate PF A : The fraction of In contrast, the distributions of skewness under NLOS con-
cases where the receiver mistakes a NLOS condition for LOS ditions are more sensitive to mobility induced path changes
condition for all NLOS cases. (Note that the NLOS detection compared with those under LOS conditions, and hence, result
rate is thus simply 1 PF A .) The LOS detection rate and false in more distinguishable feature distributions.
alarm rate for Rician-K factor are dened as:
 + 1 We summate over all the CIR samples to approximate the overall RSS.

PD,K = fK (|H0 )d Note that such approximation in decibel is proportional to the MAC layer
Kth RSSI. The difference is that the summation of CIR samples characterizes only
 + the overall channel attenuation, whereas RSS also contains unknown transition
PF A,K = fK (|H1 )d power. Therefore we believe that its relative performance would be at least
Kth comparable with RSS.

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0.2 0.1 0.1



0.1 0.1

0 0 0 0
100 200 300 400 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10
RicianK Factor RicianK Factor RicianK Factor RicianK Factor


0.2 0.1 0.1



0.1 0.1

0 0 0 0
100 200 300 400 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10
RicianK Factor RicianK Factor RicianK Factor RicianK Factor

(a) Overall RSS/Static (b) Filtered CSI/Static (c) Overall RSS/Mobile (d) Filtered CSI/Mobile
Fig. 9. Distribution of Rician-K Factor under LOS/NLOS Conditions

0.2 LOS LOS 0.2 LOS 0.2 LOS




0.1 0.1 0.1

0 0 0 0
2 0 2 4 0 1 2 3 4 1 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Skewness Skewness Skewness Skewness





0.1 0.1 0.1

0 0 0 0
2 0 2 4 0 1 2 3 4 1 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Skewness Skewness Skewness Skewness

(a) Overall RSS/Static (b) Filtered CSI/Static (c) Overall RSS/Mobile (d) Filtered CSI/Mobile
Fig. 10. Distribution of Skewness under LOS/NLOS Conditions

Overall RSS vs. Filtered CSI: As shown in Fig. 9 between an indoor AP and a laptop is still incomparable with
and Fig. 10, the feature distributions of ltered CSI are that within a base station and a mobile client at the center of
more consistent than those of overall RSS. This is because the densely-built Manhattan, where these theoretical models
the irrelevant noise and NLOS paths with long propagation cater for [27]. Conversely, skewness is applicable for any
distances are eliminated. Consequently, only the changes of distributions, depicting the extent of leans of a distribution
the LOS path (if present) and NLOS paths with short delays to one side of its mean. Therefore, skewness is a lightweight
are preserved. One exception, is that the distribution of Rician- and general metric, and when combined with natural human
K factor with overall RSS seems to span more concentratedly mobility, outperforms other schemes and achieves an overall
than that with ltered CSI under NLOS dominant conditions LOS identication accuracy of 90.42% and NLOS identica-
as shown in Fig. 9a and Fig. 9b. A partial explanation might tion accuracy of 90.66%, respectively.
be that Rician-K factor is more representative and effective
for NLOS conditions in case of sufcient scatters. For static In the following subsections, we only utilize skewness
and relatively short distance indoor propagation scenarios, the and evaluate the impact of distances, number of packets and
noise and other NLOS paths in the overall RSS potentially different obstacles on the identication performance using the
compensate for the insufcient randomness, which possibly optimal threshold of -0.205.
contributes to more consistent estimate of Rician-K factor.
C. Impact of Propagation Distance
Rician-K Factor vs. Skewness: To quantitatively eval-
uate the overall LOS identication performances of the two As LiFi aims to provide a generic LOS identication
features, we plot the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) scheme, it is envisioned that a single threshold would t a
curves of the two features in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 for the above 4 wide range of propagation distances. We collect data in the
combinations. ROC curves plot the LOS detection probability corridor with transmitter-receiver distances ranging from 5m
PD against the probability of false alarms PF A . It is a classical to 30m. The corresponding LOS detection rates and false alarm
graphical view of the tradeoff between false positives and false rates are shown in Fig. 13. There is no direct correlation
negatives of a detection algorithm by evaluating a wide range between the LOS identication performance and propagation
of thresholds. In general, the ROC curve closer to the upper distances, indicating a single pre-calibrated threshold tends to
left corner indicates better overall detection performance. be independent of propagation distances and is applicable to
most of the tested locations. Modest performance degradation,
As shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12, given a constant false however, is observed for both short distance (5m) and relatively
alarm rate of 10%, the LOS detection rates using Rician-K long distance (25m). The degeneration in short distance cases
factor are all below 60%, with the highest detection rate of is partially due to the lack of randomness as discussed before,
58.75% for mobile links with ltered CSI. With skewness since short distance between the transmitter and the receiv-
features, in contrast, the highest detection rate is 90.83%. er would constrain the potential paths that wireless signals
The reasons for such performance gap are as follows. The propagate, especially in the relatively narrow corridors. With
effectiveness of Rician-K factor implicitly relies on how the distant receivers, on the other hand, the low SNR would
data ts Rician (or Rayleigh) fading. Despite human mobility incur enormous noise when estimating CSI, and consequently,
compensated spatial disturbance, the abundance of scatters degenerated skewness features.

IEEE INFOCOM 2014 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications

1 1

0.8 0.8

True Positive Rate

True Positive Rate

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4
Static/RSS Static/RSS
Static/CIR Static/CIR
0.2 0.2
Motion/RSS Motion/RSS
Motion/CIR Motion/CIR
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
False Positive Rate False Positive Rate

Fig. 11. ROC Curve of Rician-K Factor Fig. 12. ROC Curve of Skewness







Fig. 13. Impact of Propagation Distances Fig. 14. Impact of Packet Number Fig. 15. Impact of Obstacle Diversity

D. Impact of Packet Quantity scenarios even with short propagation distances.

To evaluate the realtime performance of LiFi, we calculate
the LOS and NLOS detection rate with different number
of packets, ranging from 500 packets to 2000 packets per The design of LiFi is closely related to the following three
measurement. Since the receiver is downloading packets from categories of research areas.
the AP at the rate of 500 packets per second, this corresponds
to a time range of 1s to 4s. As shown in Fig. 14, both the Channel Statistics based LOS Identication: To distin-
LOS and NLOS detection rates retain around 90% with 3 guish NLOS and LOS propagation via channel characteristics,
to 4 seconds of measurements. Even with measurements of various features have been proposed [20]. Since signals travel-
only about 1s, LiFi demonstrates reasonable LOS and NLOS ling along LOS paths always arrive earlier than those travelling
detection rates of 77.65% and 82.5%, respectively. The reason along NLOS paths, delay characteristics such as mean excess
for the moderate performance degradation is that, although an delay [21] and kurtosis [9] are proposed. However they assume
effective skewness does not depend on a particular distribution, high resolution channel response and are thus primarily used in
a stable estimation of skewness relies on adequate received UWB systems. Narrowband and wideband systems often resort
envelope samples, especially with mobile links, unpredictable to analyzing the distributions of the more accessible signal
human behaviors and uncertain background dynamics. envelopes from multiple packets at the cost of longer latency
[22]. However, most of them mainly focused on analysis and
simulation, with few practical solutions available, especially
E. Impact of Obstacle Diversity for WiFi. The aim of our work is therefore to implement a per-
vasive LOS identication scheme on commercial bandwidth-
To evaluate the robustness of LiFi under different obstruc-
limited WiFi devices.
tion scenarios, we investigate the identication performance
with different blockage: (1) through wall (concrete bearing Leveraging MIMO and Mobility: Besides boosting wire-
walls and hollow non-bearing walls), (2) around the corners less capacity [19], [28], the ever-increasing numbers of an-
(could partially be trough wall propagation) and (3) ofce tennas on WiFi APs have also extended the context of LOS
(obstructed by metallic and wooden furniture). For each s- identication to the spatial dimension. The key insight is
cenario, we test two AP locations as shown in Fig. 7 and that a slight movement of the transmitting link induces little
Fig. 8, and plot the overall detection performances of the 3 change for the LOS path, yet usually signicant deviations
scenarios as in Fig. 15. As is shown, there is no clear per- for the NLOS paths. Xiong et al. [11] proposed a multipath
formance gap among the 3 scenarios with lowest LOS/NLOS suppression algorithm by removing peaks in the angle spectra
detection rate of 85.42% for the 6 tested cases. The two wall that experience signicant angular changes measured by two
cases slightly outperform the others partially because through adjacent antenna arrays. Joshi et al. [12] determined the exis-
wall propagation magnies the difference between LOS and tence of LOS component via clustering on the angle and delay
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the relatively open space in ofces compared with narrow angular changes at two distinct locations with the one extracted
corridors allows more freedom of the propagation paths. Hence by distance measurements. Our work also grounds upon the
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